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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:45 pm

Democratic Alliance bring modernising agenda
Led by former filmmaker Yilma Bal, new political movement attempts to move Jakanian society forward from decades of struggle

27 February 4738

Following a landslide election victory at the end of last year, the Democratic Alliance has unveiled a range of measures to combat almost a century of economic stagnation. The new measures cover a variety of public policy areas but place a particular focus on public services and political institutions. The new Premier Yilma Bal has emphasised the role of the state in guiding the economy out of its current period of extended low growth while also seeking to develop ties with regional partners to strengthen Jakania's international position.
Above: Former construction magnate Aytolun Toker was one of several celebrity figures to support the new party in their debut election campaign last year

Democratic Alliance emerged prior to the previous general election as a broad political alliance uniting several broadly liberal or centre-left political parties and pressure groups. Existing political parties like the Progressives of the Left and the Greens met with major union leaders and figures from several liberal advocacy groups to explore the opportunity to unite the liberal democratic cause in Jakania around a single electoral vehicle for the first time in decades. The success of the Alliance has surprised many and has been put down primarily to the personal popularity of leader Yilma Bal, a respected documentary filmmaker prior to becoming a politician.

Bal and newly elected President Nuray Cevahir have both sought to shift the focus away from the election though. Since the new government formally entered office, they have begun to work steadily on their pre-election policy agenda. Throughout the campaign, party figures focused particularly on transforming the Jakanian economy. Over a period of several hundred years, successive governments have attempted to move away from the traditionally dominant oil and gas industries with limited effect. In contrast, Cevahir and Bal both spoke on the need to embrace oil and gas as a key export while using the revenues generated to invest in improving public services.

Legislation has already been introduced that would bring SharNaft, the country's largest oil and gas company, back into public ownership. At the same time a series of constitutional reforms are being implemented that aim to improve public trust in the democratic process, after successive elections saw record-low levels of turnout at polling stations. As part of these reforms, the national government will endeavour to further accommodate the country's two largest ethnic minority groups, Kalopians and Majatrans, by providing all public information in all three of the country's most spoken languages. Khaalid al-Hashmi, one of two Majatran ministers in the new government, said that Democratic Alliance could "bring hope to marginalised groups that government can work for all".

Linked closely to their plans for domestic policy, the government has also attempted to reach out to neighbours to repair some damaged international relationships. In recognition of their historic regional dominance, the new government has already suggested that they hope to strengthen the existing relationship with Vanuku. Foreign policy experts have noted the lack of reference to traditional rival Kalopia-Wantuni in speeches and materials, however, as a sign that the new government may remain hesitant to thaw relations between the two countries.
Dokuz Haberler is a broadsheet newspaper published in Jakania in the country's three major languages, the paper aims to cover current affairs from a non-partisan perspective Image
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:40 pm

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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:48 pm

Toker outlines industrial strategy to boost growth
Minister presents a host of new measures to kick start Jakanian economy following establishment of new government department

3 August 4738

Industry Minister Aytolun Toker has outlined a series of new proposals that will be brought into effect over the course of this legislative term in an attempt to radically improve the position of the Jakanian economy. In close collaboration with the Treasury, the measures are aimed at developing what the government is calling "the dual spheres of economic dynamism": the private and public sector. As part of overseeing the long term plans, Toker also announced the creation of a new department within the Ministry of Industry. The Department of Industrial Strategy, headed by Kalopia-born entrepreneur Dimitra Zorbidi, will be in charge of to coordinating progress towards key industrial and economic objectives.
Above: Successful entrepreneur Dimitra Zorbidi was born in Kalopia but made a personal fortune in the cosmetics industry after moving to Jakania as a teenager

Since a resounding election victory last November, the Democratic Alliance government have moved quickly on their policy agenda, with many of their key goals centred on economic development. Last month saw the introduction of legislation to reform the higher education system, including provisions to fully subsidise tuition for all university students. Though criticised as expensive and unnecessary by some, the government defended the plan as crucial to ensuring that the economy can take advantage of all citizens' academic potential. In addition, an experimental programme has been established that would susidise tuition for Jakanian students wishing to travel abroad to study. The programme includes interest-free loans that would be written off in cases where individuals return to Jakania once they have graduated.

Even more attention-grabbing than education reform was the nationalisation legislation passed this week. Initially intended to be voted on at the end of March, the legislation was delayed by the government due to fears that it was too broad in scope. In the form that eventually reached the Assembly, the legislation has the effect of taking several important industries into public ownership. The most significant case is that of SharNaft, the oil and gas company that dominates production in Jakania. SharNaft was originally established as a state-owned corporation several centuries ago but it was slowly privatised by previous governments seeking to reduce the government role in the economy. In its original form, the legislation would have allowed the Jakanian government to take full control of the country's oil and gas fields but the Premier stepped back from this in fears of frightening foreign firms with existing interests in the region.

Even in the short time since the Alliance entered government, initial indicators seem positive. The national economic statistics agency has forecasted an annual growth rate of between 3 and 5% for this year, revising their estimate up from the measly 1.5% previously projected. Internationally there are signs that Jakania is beginning to attract fresh investment too, with representatives of the Dorvish government among those meeting with the new government and the Premier expected to visit Lourenne and Vanuku in the coming months. The full effect of these reforms won't become clear for a long time yet but the early signs are positive.
Dokuz Haberler is a broadsheet newspaper published in Jakania in the country's three major languages, the paper aims to cover current affairs from a non-partisan perspective
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:28 pm

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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby jamescfm » Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:43 pm

Cevahir focuses on foreign policy as Alliance honeymoon ends
Government signs deals with Vanuku and Lourenne as emerging political parties apply pressure on domestic issues

18 March 4739

President Nuray Cevahir returned from a visit to the United Kingdom of Lourenne this week as his Democratic Alliance government begins to face its first serious domestic political test since winning a landslide election two years ago. The emergence of two new major political parties has brought fresh scrutiny upon the government, who had been experiencing comfortable polling numbers ever since entering office. At the moment the key signs still suggest that the government is on course to win the next election, however, with unemployment at a ten-year low and economic growth strong.
Above: President Cevahir has allowed the Premier to take the lead on policy up until now but seems to be stepping out to assert his foreign policy priorities now

The President's visit to Lourenne is part of a concerted effort to improve Jakania's links with major developed economies. During his five day stay, the President and his staff met with High Chancellor Xochitl Valferra as well as ministers from the Foreign Affairs and International Trade departments. Discussions are believed to have focused on securing access to Lourennais markets for Jakanian oil and gas, as well as expanding existing diplomatic channels between the two states. President Cevahir was also received by Queen Isabelle and the two are reported to have had a pleasant conversation that included sharing equestrianism anecdotes.

The two governments officially signed a new treaty recognising their friendship and mutual cooperation in Eroncourt on the final day of the President's visit. The ceremony marked the culmination of almost a year of negotiations between the two sides over what terms would be appropriate for such an agreement. Expected to be ratified by the respective national legislatures in due course, the treaty focuses on free trade and is being touted by the Jakanian government as a massive foreign policy success.

The Lourennais agreement follows the signing of a wide-ranging treaty with Vanuku last month. In the wake of a formal visit from the Vanukean Prefect at the end of last year, the government moved quickly to conclude a deal that's provisions include intelligence sharing, free trade and cooperation on research and development. Like with Lourenne, the Democratic Alliance government has celebrated the treaty, expected to be ratified in the coming months, as a victory for their foreign policy agenda. Ministers will hope that access to two significant new markets and fresh investment from foreign firms will allow them to continue to grow the Jakanian economy in the future.
Dokuz Haberler is a broadsheet newspaper published in Jakania in the country's three major languages, the paper aims to cover current affairs from a non-partisan perspective
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Wu Han » Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:58 pm


Dokuz: At a well-attended conference in downtown Dokuz, Ahmadist leaders, moderate politicians and their supporters gathered. Over a week of deliberation and power-brokering ensued, culminating in the formation of a new electoral party, known as the Birlik Movement (Luthorian: Unity Movement).

Birlik represents an alliance of multiple civic organizations, Ahmadist activists and clerics, as well as moderate legal associations. Pending further details on the various motions adopted during this conference, it is already possible to draw a few conclusions on Birlik.

First, we can conclude that the party is adopting a moderate political line and that the radical movement represented by some of the young activists attending was ultimately unable to impose its preferred direction for the party. As one clear example, Mr. Moustafa Moghadam signalled his intent to join party. For a while Moghadam, a charismatic young Ahmadi cleric, was tempted to create his own party to tow a more radical line. Additionally, the party's political bureau has already contacted and welcomed high-profile politicians from minor parties such as the Governor of Akadası Dr. Arin Aldemir of the Akadası Development Party, or independents such as the mayor of Bahçeleri, Ms. Ayleen Basri. In another example of moderation, those at the conference selected the politically independent and widely popular cleric Aziz Gunes as interim General-Secretary and Leader of Birlik until a leadership contest can be held.

Second, the Birlik Movement's leadership have displayed a broad desire for openness with regards to other political forces not necessarily sharing in their ideology but with whom they have enough in common to form a coalition broader than currently exists under the one-party government of the centre-left Demokratik Ittifak. Aziz Gunes is probably aware that his movement will not be able to achieve a parliamentary majority and needs to posture in such a way as to have maximal input over governing affairs. As a party formed in direct opposition to the government's secularist ideology and its "socialistic" tendencies, it is difficult to determine whether Birlik will be able to remain as open as it is now. Indeed, we will judge the degree of the movement's openness by the campaign it runs in 4742.

Through this convention, Birlik undoubtedly wanted to give off the impression that Ahmadi and conservative cadres and activists have reached the necessary level of maturity to govern the country. The gathering of political forces of the center and to the left of the political spectrum certainly has something to do with this. Some rumours have circulated that the political bureau has approached sitting Deputies of the governing Demokratik Ittifak (Luthorian: Democratic Alliance), though whether discipline will break among the ruling party's ranks has not yet been demonstrated.

"It's a beautiful day for the country," said 71-year-old Beren Yeşilçay who attended the founding conference, "finally we can reach a governing consensus in Dokuz which combines our Ahmadi principals with our desire for prosperity and modernization."

Nabız is a centre-right news organization owned by the Nabız Media Group of Jakania.
The organization aims to provide incisive analysis and commentary on issues and events across Southern Majatra.

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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Wu Han » Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:01 pm


Dokuz: Mayor Ayleen Basri has won the Birlik leadership contest with more than 53% of the vote, bringing an end to the interim leadership of Aziz Gunez, who had led the party since it was founded exactly a year ago. Accordingly, Basri will become the first female leader of the moderate Ahmadist political force.

Mayor Basri won in the first round as the top choice of Birlik Movement members, with 190,337 votes cast overall. Her nearest rival, Mr. Temir Taylan, got 29% of the vote, while Dr. Fatma Basaran finished with 18% in the final leg of the race.

Basri's victory was largely fuelled by two electorates which first propelled her to the mayoralty of the Bahçeleri, Sonat four years ago: women, working-class labourers. "I want to dedicate this victory tonight to the steadfast people of Jakania," Basri opened her remarks, "and to the women of our Movement!"

As mayor of Bahçeleri, Basri earned a reputation as a firebrand populist whose political support has been aided by her aggressive advocacy for working-class job creation, her tough-on-crime policies and her devout commitment to Ahmadism. Within the conservative stronghold of Bahçeleri, Basri's administration has been overwhelmingly popular. It is for these reasons that she was recruited by the political bureau of Birlik in 4738, with Basri joining the party shortly thereafter.

Basri is not without her detractors, however, having earned the nickname "Bulldog of Bahçeleri" among the opposition for her combative political style. Basri initially rejected the pejorative title, asserting it was "another example of gendered hypocrisy in politics." Today, Basri and her supporters embrace the title as evidence of her assertive leadership skills. For many young female Jakanians, Basri has become a role model as a strong leader in the country's male-dominated political and electoral system.

Birlik General-Secretary Aziz Gunes wrote a message on WEILAI following the announcement, thanking Birlik activists for their work during the contest and congratulating Basri on her strong victory, writing that "Ayleen Basri, the treasured daughter of Bahçeleri, is an exemplary leader for the movement and for all Jakanians."

Nabız is a centre-right news organization owned by the Nabız Media Group of Jakania.
The organization aims to provide incisive analysis and commentary on issues and events across Southern Majatra.

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Re: Jakanian International News

Postby Wu Han » Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:25 pm


Three Deputies from Demokratik Ittifak defect to Birlik
24 March 4739


DOKUZ, JAKANIA: Three deputies from the ruling centre-left Demokratik Ittifak (Democratic Alliance) party have defected to the centre-right Ahmadist Birlik Hareketi (Unity Movement), becoming the latter party's first legislators in the Cumhuriyet Meclisi.

Mr. Baran Batuk led the defection, supported by fellow moderates Ms. Şafak Zana and Ms. Leyla Araslı, on the basis of the governing party's secularist politics. It is expected that the new Birlik caucus will soon introduce legislation in collaboration with, and in opposition to, the one-party government of Prime Minister Yilma Bal.

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Re: Jakanian International News

Postby jamescfm » Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:41 pm

Our party cannot abandon faith in an attempt to win elections
Minister of Defence Khaalid al-Hashmi says it is crucial to the future of the Alliance that it remembers the values that birthed it

30 August 4740

The following piece was written by Khaalid al-Hashmi, a former manufacturing worker and infantryman currently serving as Minister of Defence.

The Democratic Alliance was officially founded in May 4737 as a way of bringing together progressive, liberal and socialist organisations in Jakania to work in the national interest. Since then we have won an electoral landslide and formed a government that has revitalised our national economy through a programme of limited and targeted state intervention. In doing so, not only have we regained credibility on the international stage but we have improved the lives of millions of working people across the nation and restored faith in the democratic system.

The incredible (almost miraculous) nature of our achievements should not be understated. When our party entered government, Jakania was in the middle of an extended period of widespread unemployment and political instability. The future of the Republic was not guaranteed. The Alliance was able to combine existing party infrastructure with grassroots political movement to generate an unprecedented democratic mandate for government. In the wake of our success, we've seen movements from other parts of the political spectrum attempt to emulate this mode. Their effectiveness will only be revealed when voters head to the polling station in 4742.

Reflecting on this recent political history should not distract us from the challenges that we currently face, instead it should provide us with lessons about how we proceed. Winning the next Presidential and legislative election will mean adapting to a new political environment. On the right, the Unity Movement presents a vision of the Republic that is deeply tied to our shared Ahmadi faith. On the left, Hope would see us abandon our faith, give up our sovereignty and trash our economy in the name of an international communist order. It shouldn't take a political genius to realise which of these two movements we should fear the most.

If we attempt to ignore the legitimate concerns of the Jakanian working class about whether our government shares their commitment to the Ahmadi faith then I have no doubt we will condemn ourselves to electoral irrelevance. Not only that but if we cling to a dogmatic socialist ideology then we risk alienating the moderate and liberal voters who carried us to our landslide three years ago. Speaking quite frankly, an Alliance that panders to the kind of people that support Hope is not an Alliance that has a place for individuals like me.

What does this all mean moving forward then? Our government will not be attempting to move leftwards in order to outflank the socialists, as some have suggested we should, rather we will double down on our core principles of justice, order, faith and freedom. At times in the future that might mean that we have to make difficult compromises with opposition politicians in order to preserve and protect our democratic institutions. Politics is not easy and we cannot avoid these decisions.
ittifak is an online publication run by members of the Democratic Alliance in Jakania, it serves as a platform for discussion on policy and theory within the party
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Re: Jakanian International News

Postby jamescfm » Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:17 am


Premier reshuffles cabinet before district elections
3 September 4740


DOKUZ, JAKANIA: Jakanian Premier Yilma Bal has announced the details of his first cabinet reshuffle since taking office almost three years ago. The changes follow an internal struggle within the party over how to respond to the rise of opposition parties hoping to undercut the electoral base of the Premier's Demokratik Ittifak (Democratic Alliance) party. Last year the government lost a handful of Deputies to the Ahmadist Birlik Hareketi (Unity Movement).

The reshuffle seems to suggest the Premier is attempting to reassure Ahmadi voters that the government has their best interests at heart, while leaving little room for the party's most committed left-wing voices. In this spirit, the Premier has promoted outspoken anti-communist Defence Minister Khaalid al-Hashmi to be his new Minister of Foreign Affairs and brought in former cleric Karakalpak Altun to lead the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In contrast, the committed socialist and architect of the government's nationalisation programme Korina Palaioti was removed from her post as Industry Minister while the only Hosian member of the government Stefanos Chontoglou resigned from the cabinet after being offered a smaller role than his current post as Minister for Internal Affairs. The government may find out soon how successful the changes have been, with a set of crucial gubernatorial and district legislative elections due in November.

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