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Re: Liore

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:46 pm

Sárközy Hotels To Expand In Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Nov 26, 2020 12:39 am

Government Implements Subsidies for Tourist Firms, Invites Foreign Companies
December 4851
Liori Beaches Prove Promising Destination for Foreign Tourists

In continuation of Liore's new emphasis on creating a strong tourism industry as a source of national wealth, the People's Assembly passed today an amendment to the current Five Year Plan to divert more funds to the Tourism Ministry at the expense of the Industry and Natural Resources Ministries, with representatives of these two ministries protesting the choice to redirect funds from their coffers but ultimately endorsing the economic goals of the People's Assembly. With the new funds, the Tourism Ministry has been instructed to use them in subsidizing domestic firms in their construction of hotels and resorts in Liore's special economic zones, specifically the Nzurchanga SEZ which has been Liore's focal point for tourism industry and tertiary sector, with some commentators labeling it (both as commendation and as scorn) as "Liore's western city." These new funds will also be used to increase ever more Liore's advertisement campaigns in consumer economies.

So far, few noteworthy domestic companies have received the new subsidies, and only two companies that already operate hotels and resorts in Liore have received government assistance. These two companies are the titans of Liori tourism, Nzurizuri and Savanna Resorts, the former operating primarily lower to middle quality resorts in Nzurchanga for domestic use and the latter being contracted by the government to operate hotels and resorts in savanna cities such as Jarha (outside of Liore's SEZs). However, the Tourism Ministry is looking to increase Liore's number of luxury beach resorts on the Caltropic coast, and as such has been looking for less established companies to support. The Tourism Ministry has also been in talks with a number of well-established foreign companies, and from these companies has contracted the Endralonian firm Sárközy Hotels to build multiple hotels and other services throughout Nzurchanga.

The Tourism Ministry also aims to support Nzurchanga's entertainment industry as another incentive to call tourists to Liore. Already, Nzurchanga is Liore's entertainment and nightlife capital, with numerous privately owned companies thriving within the SEZ. These already established companies have also been marked by the People's Assembly as valid recipients of subsidies from the Tourism Ministry, with many gambling, disco, and other types of entertainment firms already applying for subsidies. Among these though, firms dealing in music have been the most successful in receiving subsidies, as the music industry has been a lucrative one in Liore since its participation in the previous three FOMATs. These firms are primarily those responsible for the operation of Liore's music clubs and bars, an important aspect of Liori nightlife and one of the top sectors in drawing in tourist customers, though other benefactors have included operators of music stadiums and even a select few recording companies.

Advertisement Apart of the Tourism Ministry's Campaign
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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:03 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:15 pm

Defense Arch Ministry Launches Joint Mission With Deltarian Forces
September 4852
LNPA Troops Dispatched to Nefa City, Suspected Hotbed for DLO Activity

Following the April 10 terrorist attacks on Cahtice in which Dovani-based terrorists killed over 300 Deltarian and Istalian civilians and injured more than a thousand more, Deltaria and her western allies have been hot on the trail searching for the main base of operations of the Dovani Liberation Organization (the terrorist group claiming responsibility for the barbaric acts) and the elusive ringleaders of the attacks. Striking Liore with great surprise, the DLO has been discovered to be operating secretly within Liore and surrounding countries, with their primary base of operations being within Nefa Department and the Liore-Mina borderlands, a region of the world still lacking in total stability. It is unknown just how prevalent the DLO is within Nefa or Liore's other Departments, however spokesmen for the Defense Arch-Ministry have expressed the belief that the DLO's presence outside of Nefa is miniscule yet existent, and assures civilians that they have nothing to fear from the anti-western terrorists.

The Party and the government have no plans to allow the DLO's continued operation within Liore, and since the discovery of the group's existence within Liore the Defense Arch-Ministry has been instructed to "bring the full force of the military upon those thugs." To assist with the operations, all active-duty military units have been put on alert and instructed to increase patrols within their areas of operation, and elements of the Fifth LNPA Division have once again been repositioned into Nefa. Most notably, after a meeting between the Politburo Standing Council, the Cabinet, and President Kheri Bello, Deltaria has been permitted to dispatch military and intelligence assets to Liore to assist in the rooting out of the terrorists, marking the first time since 4807 that Deltarian or any other foreign military has been permitted to operate within Liore. In this so-called "Operation Striking Defeat," the Liori LNPA and PRV will work hand in hand with their Deltarian counterparts in combating the mutual threat of the DLO, while Deltarian and Liori intelligence agencies (the ZNZS and the Maarifa respectively) work as one to uncover the ringleaders of the DLO and the Cahtice attacks.

President Bello released the following statement after his joint meeting with the Cabinet and the Politburo Standing Council
Liori brothers, the revelation of the Dovani Liberation Organization's operation within Liore brings us great shame. Their cruelty and barbarity does them, Liore, and Dovani no justice, no matter how righteous the cause of Dovani independence may be. Great men of history have taught us not to embrace violence as a means to an end, no they have taught us that peace to the true road to victory and to only do harm in retaliation to harm done to you. This DLO is nothing but a shred from the past, a venomous shred that must be destroyed before it can endanger others. Almost fifty years ago, Deltaria came to Liore's aid when imperialists in Vascania and Yingdala sought to butcher the mighty gorilla, but in solidarity Liore and Deltaria staved off their fleets. It would cost us our honor if we were not to return the favor. I, along with my comrades within the Cabinet and the Party, have decided to commit to the destruction of the DLO as they exist within Liore, and we will do so with the help of Deltaria, who will be sending military assets to assist in this righteous endeavor. We will not rest until this scourge is dealt with, and until that day comes we plead for the misguided men who dedicate themselves to the DLO to abandon the ways of terror and return to their normal lives. The Gods willing, this mission will end swiftly. Tunasimama Kidete!
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:03 am

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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:53 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:33 pm

Jahi Buhari Killed in Maarifa Raid; Protests Grip Liore
March 4853
Striking Mineral Processing Plant Workers Dispersed in Kipini, Pwanuu Department

With the revelation of Financial Minister Jahi Buhari's treasonous act of siphoning funds from the Liori treasury to funnel along with valuable information to the Dovani Liberation Organization, the treasonous official was immediately removed from his position in the Cabinet and indicted for treason. Buhari was quick to attempt to flee Yamabiro when his acts were uncovered by the Deltarian SDI and his arrest for war crimes requested by the Deltarian embassy, however the rogue Minister was intercepted by Maarifa agents less than ten kilometers north of the capital, on direction for Nefa Department. A short skirmished then ensued between the Maarifa agents and the defiant Buhari and his driver, resulting in the killing of both Buhari and his driver as well as the wounding of a Maarifa agent, who is currently recovering in Yamabiro National Hospital. Buhari has since been posthumously found guilty for treason, corrupt, conspiracy to commit terror, and several other criminal charges.

In the wake of the killing of Jahi Buhari and the continued controversy over Deltarian military presence in Liore, protests have broken out and escalated in several cities across Liore. Calling for national sovereignty and reaffirment of Liore's commitment to Pan-Dovanianism and in some radical cases the abdication of ranking state officials, including Premier Okapi Ngige and President Kheri Bello, protesters can be found crowding the streets outside of the Mtaji (ooc Liore's legislative/capital building) and leaving their places of work in cities like Ndardhi to march in opposition to the recent actions of the government. While most of these demonstrations have been reluctantly tolerated by the government, in Kipini striking workers from the cities mineral processing plants were dispersed by police with tear gas and rubber bullets after a line of police were pelted with stones and bricks.

These recent events and anti government sentiments have again renewed traction for other political parties, after eight decades of Liore effectively being ruled by a single-party regime. The National Movement leads the way in this wave of opposition to the government, with polls indicating interest in the party skyrocketing from around seven percent in 4851 to more than thirty percent this month. The National Movement has been one of the few parties to be allowed to continue operations in Liore following the victory of the socialist revolution, likely due to its history of unpopularity and the desire of the People's Front to maintain a veil of a variety of democratic choices. However, the National Movement's adoption of a more Pan-Dovanian and non-aligned platform in recent decades has struck a chord among voters, who fear that they are losing Liore to the neo-colonialist West. The National Movement has also with it the skilled and charismatic leadership of Thimba Hami, a sitting member of the People's Assembly who won more than 90% of the vote in his Arami electoral district in the last general elections. With elections approaching next January, it is expected that the National Movement and their electric leader will stir up the People's Front's hold on power.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:14 am

Election Analysis
January 4854

Election Map by People's Assembly District

People's Assembly Results
People's Front - 151 / 50.33%
National Movement - 104 / 34.67%
Free Liore - 30 / 10.00%
Independent - 15 / 5.00%

Presidential Results
Round I
Kheri Bello - 44.69%
Thimba Hami - 39.76%
Hasani Okonjo - 13.42%
Other - 2.13%
Round II
Thimba Hami - 51.53%
Kheri Bello - 48.47%

The 4854 Elections are certainly ones for the history books, as the 85-year hegemony of the People's Front has seemingly given its death rattle, with big-tent leftist party losing more than 100 seats in the People's Assembly as well as the Presidency. In the freest elections since 4769, a majority of the People's Assembly will just narrowly be retained by the ruling People's Front who won exactly 50%+1 seats in the legislature, though this does lose them their constitutional majority. The People's Front's ability to narrowly maintain their majority is largely thanks to a decision by the Politburo to suspend elections in Nefa Department (whose population largely polls in favor of the National Movement) and reward its Representatives to the People's Front because of the ongoing instability in the region. In the race for the Presidency, round one looked promising for People's Front incumbent Kheri Bello, who had a comfortable five-point lead over runner-up Thimba Hami of the National Movement. However, when the second round results came in, a majority of the 15.55% of voters who chose Free Liore's Hasani Okonjo or another candidate came out in support of Thimba Hami, pushing him to 51.53% of the vote and electing the first non-People's Front President in nearly a century.
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Re: Liore

Postby Auditorii » Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:30 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:00 am

Dorvik Comes to Yamabiro, Several Trade/Cooperation Deals Signed
July 4854
People's Revolutionary Vanguard Welcomes Dorvish Officials

Last month, an important state visit between the Liori and Dorvish governments was held in Yamabiro, with a Dorvish delegation headed by Foreign Minister Klaus Straussler meeting with a Liori group headed by President Thimba Hami and Foreign and Trade Ministers Chuma Jang and Tendaji Nnamani. The main topic of this high-level meeting was a mutual interest of the two governments to seek closer trade relations between Liore and Dorvik, with both delegations arriving at the meeting prepared with a number of proposals, and quite a few deals were agreed upon by the delegations. At the top of this list of deals pertained to Dorvish entry into the Liori mineral industry. In this deal, Liore will allow Dorvish companies to invest in rare earth exploration in a number of underdeveloped areas in Liore's northern Caltropic Highlands, a region already known to be rich in rare earths and other minerals, and most importantly outside of the areas deemed to be culturally and environmentally protected. In addition to bolstering the mineral extraction industry as well as human capital in these new special economic zones, Dorvik will also be generously investing in Liori infrastructure networks (particularly railroads) in the areas important to mineral development. Liore also negotiated the purchase of a number of small arms and military and utility vehicles from the Foreign Defense Office to modernize the equipment of segments of Liori Armed Forces, though the definitive details of the purchase have been kept classified by both the Dorvish and Liori governments.

One of the more noteworthy developments of the negotiations was the formation of a new medical conglomerate with the aim of providing low-cost pharmaceuticals to low-income nations in Dovani. This new company, aptly named Liore Dorvik Pharmaceuticals, or Lidor Pharmaceuticals for short, will be headed by top Liori and Dorvish scientists in the field of medicine, and will be funded in part from Liori government subsidies. The formations of Lidor Pharmaceuticals gives Liore and Dorvik an opportunity to further build their relations with the underprivileged nations of Dovani, and also offers Liore and invaluable opportunity to expel from the eastern hemisphere a number of exploitative and predatorial western pharmaceutical companies that use their positions as pharmaceutical providers to gain a dangerous level of influence over desperate Dovanian nations. The construction of the first pharmaceutical production plant is already underway in the city of Ndardhi, within one of Liore Caltropic special economic zones and near to Dorvish infrastructure projects, and is planned to be finished by the end of the year and with new facilities already being planned and provided for.

This monumental trade deal marks the first major development of Thimba Hami's Presidency and offers a glimpse into the pragmatic but Dovani-centric foreign policy to be pursued by a National Movement/People's Front administration. Though President Hami has received criticism from many in his own party for allowing Western companies to join the monopolized mineral extraction industry and from environmentalist figures (especially from the Jamii Party) for expanding mineral extraction, many in the political sphere have come out in support for the deals because of the economic and infrastructure development coming from the deals, as well as a step in the direction of again bolstering the Liori military. There is near unanimous support for the creation of Lidor Pharmaceuticals to serve as an alternative to more profit-based western companies in the Third World, as well as its creation of a chance for Liore to further build its standing and influence in Dovani.
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