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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:16 pm
by Sisyphus
Breaking News... Prefect puzzled and dismayed over false accusations of naval blockade of Deltarian ports by Vanuku and Istalia. She says economic and diplomatic sanctions and stepped up naval patrols are far different to preventing shipping reaching Deltaria, which would be an act of war.

More to follow.

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:11 am
by Rogue

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:16 pm
by Sisyphus
Vanuku Rubbishes Deltarian Propaganda Over Claims Of Naval Blockade
Prefect Says Some Nations Have Been 'Duped' Into Supporting Undemocratic, Totalitarian Regime.

Prefect Trmékez Who Is Encouraging Other Nations to Fact Check the Situation In Southern Jelbania Where Democratic Elections Have Been Suspended.

January 4453 - Vanuku's Prefect has reacted to some members of the international political community who, she says, have been "duped" by the Deltarian socialist dictatorship's propaganda machine.

Dr Ershébef Trmékez said neither Vanuku nor its ally Istalia had blockaded Deltarian ports or prevented any other nation trading with it.

She added that economic sanctions being imposed by the two nations on the Federal Socialist State would have a major impact in their own right and that a blockade of Deltaria's ports was absolutely unnecessary and never came into the equation.

Dr Trmékez said: "Deltaria's attempts to make itself seem like the victim is laughable. The real victims of this whole affair are the people of southern Jelbania, who, suddenly, and without warning find themselves under the yolk of an undemocratic regime and are now declared the citizens of a new puppet state, illegally cut off from their mother nation, with no rights to self determination.

"Both Istalia and Vanuku have issued warnings of sanctions and we have deployed naval and land force assets, in conjunction with the wishes of the Jelbek Confederation government, to ensure no other part of Jelbania falls to Deltarian expansionism.

"But no blockade is in place, there is no attempt to prevent international shipping from passing into and out of Deltaria. It is up to other nations to judge if they wish to continue trading, although we would advise they consider it very carefully.

"When I hear people claiming Vanuku is blockading Deltarian trade and commerce, I have to roll my eyes to the skies. Not once did any of these politicians call me to validate the situation nor can they have studied the sanctions bill passed by our Grand Council to see what the actual de jure situation is.

"Perhaps someone has evidence of Vanuku blocking Deltarian merchant ships leaving port or perhaps they have evidence that we have stopped and turned back a vessel entering Deltarian waters? I know for certain they do not because that is not the policy of my government and not the policy of the Istalian republic.

"So I can only assume they have been duped by the propaganda state press of Deltaria or red herring programmes like Operation Guardian Sun. Forgive me, but if you are basing your information on newspaper talk then you should be writing for the gossip columns not conducting international politics."

She added: "The timeline of facts are clear for all to see:

- The socialist dictatorship of Deltaria was established following a military coup.

- The socialist dictatorship in Deltaria removed the former head of government in a military coup and without a fair trial threw him in jail on charges of treason.

- Despite giving Vanuku reassurances of peaceful intent and non-expansionist policies, the socialist dictatorship breaks its word and prepares to set up a puppet state in southern Jelbania where no free or fair elections are allowed to take place and without consulting with the Jelbanian government.

- Receiving intelligence of this, and at the behest of the Jelbanian government, Vanuku deployed armed forces in four of the five Jelbanian provinces to attempt to ensure Jelbania remains safe from this expansionist policy. But it is too late for southern Jelbania.

- Vanuku and Istalia proposed economic and diplomatic sanctions on Deltaria until it allows the people of southern Jelbania to have a say over their future direction. Deltaria refuses claiming the people of southern Jelbania established the non-democratic regime themselves.

- Istalia and Vanuku agree naval deployment to Majatran Sea to defend against further expansion by Deltaria into Jelbania.

- Deltaria puts out false propaganda stating its commerce and trade is being blockaded by Vanukean and Istalian naval fleets; continues to ignore calls for free elections in southern Jelbania and tries to draw in several nations to spark a military conflict.

- World Congress General Assembly President Proposes a Joint Resolution Condemning Deltaria and the other pariah state Zardugal.

"These are indisputable facts - not based on newspaper propaganda - but on the actual ongoing situation in central Majatra. I urge all nations to study the situation throughly before attempting to get involved or before making soundbite comments simply because they know it will get them into the newspapers.

"Let me be clear, this is not a battle between capitalism and socialism or any other ideologies. This is a battle to ensure the people of southern Jelbania have the right to self determination and are not forced to abandon free and fair elections without the chance to have their say.

"Of course, the Deltarian propaganda machine will, I am sure, issue a statement, denying this. But I have nothing to hide - any nation may send a representative to see what the actual situation is in the Majatran Sea or in southern Jelbania. Then they will be left in no doubt"

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:59 pm
by Rogue

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:22 pm
by Rogue

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:06 am
by Polites

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:03 pm
by Sisyphus
Vanuku To Closely Scrutinise 'Free Elections' in Occupied Southern Jelbania
Prefect Says Deltarian U-Turn On Democracy Came After Mounting Pressure On Totalitarian Regime.

Azi Nrljkaisrmko, whose party the Social Revolutionary Union will stand in the first election to be held in the PDJR.

July 4453 The Vanukean Prefect says she will keep an open mind over the announcement that democratic elections will be held in the so-called People's Democratic Republic of Jelbania (PDJR).

Dr Ershébef Trmékez said the u-turn decision to allow voters to go to the polls must be heavily scrutinised to ensure elections are free and fair and that she supported the need for independent observers to enter the southern Jelbanian province to make sure there were no irregularities. She also said that any decision on a unified Jelbania very much depended on the integrity and openness of the elections.

The Prefect said: "Due to mounting international pressure, spearheaded by the economic and diplomatic sanctions proposed by Vanuku and Istalia, the Federal Democratic Socialist Republic of Deltaria has now allowed the PDRJ to hold elections.

"It remains to be seen if this is just a delaying tactic or the real deal. This is why we have insisted that independent observers, including officials from Selucia and other Majatran nations are in place to closely observe proceedings and to ensure they are indeed free and fair.

"If the elections are genuine this will be the first step towards establishing a framework for a reunified Jelbania, free from outside influence. However, whatever the result, we must remember that the Southern Khanate, the province called the PDJR by Deltaria, legally remains a part of the Great Jelbek Confederation.

"There was no vote to allow it to secede at either the central or local level and no permission for this sundering of one of its confederal provinces was ever granted by the Central Jelbek government at the executive level. The decision to establish the PDRJ by Azi Nrljkaisrmko, backed by the Deltarian military, was and remains unconstitutional and totally illegal, which is why our sanctions remain in place.

"Therefore, we can only ever see the result of this election as a referendum on what the people living in this province want to see happen and that result will inform the central government of Jelbania on the next step on their journey.

"As for the structure of a reunified Jelbania, this will be for all the people of the five provinces of Jelbania to decide upon - not us, not Istalia, not Deltaria.

"We would expect national and regional elections to be held to elect a new government and local administrations. Both the Social Revolutionary Union and the Conservative Alliance parties could stand in these elections along with many other parties representing the broad spectrum of people in the country.

"It would be the outcome of these elections that would decide who would be the governing party, and help decide the political system under which the nation would operate."

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:57 am
by Sisyphus
Major Submarine Fleet Upgrading Begins
Joint Project With Dankuk to Develop Near-Silent Craft Included In Extensive Building Programme.

One of Vanuku's primary attack submarines which is being upgraded as part of the multi-billion VAN programme

October 4453 - Vanuku has announced a new 30 billion VAN naval programme to upgrade its attack and nuclear ballistic missile submarines. It follows a lengthy review of the current undersea fleet's capability, which was initially scheduled to be completed in 18 months but has taken six years due to research in the feasibility of using new technologies.

As a result, 25 new diesel electric powered primary attack submarines will be constructed over the next five years replacing more obsolete models.

In addition, 6 smaller reconnaissance submarines will be built featuring a near-silent running technology developed in Dankuk using a pioneering cyclic compression engine system.

Vanuku's renowned naval manufacturer Shipyard Havendam will construct all the craft in conjunction with Dankuk's Taeyang Electric Power Company, who will be responsible for fitting the engine systems onto the near silent recon-class models.

As part of the partnership, Vanuku will manufacture a further six of the stealth submarines for the Dranian Navy. Full training will be made available by Vanukean personnel stationed at the former MUN base in Reunni, which is now in the stewardship of Vanuku.

Plans regarding the nation's ballistic missile submarines, which have nuclear reactor engine systems and can deploy nuclear missile over thousands of miles are more secretive.

The Armed Forces High Command will only reveal that a significant chunk of the budget will be used to upgrade some units to ensure they are future proof while others will be completely replaced.

Grand Admiral Dytrík Wrnuszkus: "The primary aim is to ensure that Vanukean naval forces remain unsurpassed in their ability to defend our shores and project their capability wherever and whenever it is required for security operations.

"We have looked at all aspects of the submarines in our fleets from depth capability, hull integrity, weapons system, speed, stealth and detection systems. Safe to say a full upgrade and replacement programme is now underway.

"It has also been a very satisfactory experience working in conjunction with the scientists and technicians from Dankuk, We have been able to share best practice and I am very pleased to say the joint near-silent-running submarine will be a welcome addition to both of our naval fleets."

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:02 am
by Sisyphus
Princess Eun-kyung Continues to Charm Vanuku
Dranian Royal Draws Thousands Wherever She Goes... Requests For Interviews Flooding In.

Premier Recording Artist FatMan Vrzkel who wants to record a track with the charismatic Princess Katsura Eun-Kyung

November 4453 - Dranian Princess Katsura Eun-kyung has been a real crowd pleaser during her trip to Vanuku.

Acting as an informal cultural ambassador for her country she toured many of the sites of the capital, drawing big crowds wherever she went.

She was invited to speak at the Students' Union at the University of Wiel, attracting such a huge audience that large screens had to be erected outside the presentation hall to allow people to see and hear her.

She spoke about the growing relationship between Vanuku and Dankuk, and her country's plans to bury the hatchet on old feuds - which started with peace with Kazulia and now seems set to be extending to Indrala.

The Princess became the highest trending mention on social media in Vanuku with the tag #katsuralove! doing the rounds as she toured the country.

Katsura has also been invited to perform on the latest track being recorded by Vanuku's premier music artist FatMan Vrzkel and has received many requests for newspaper, TV and radio interviews.

Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:18 pm
by Sisyphus
Badaran Visit Aims To Boost Trade and Diplomatic Ties
But Assurances On Human Rights Issues Sought Before Any Deal Can Be Done, Foreign Office Insists.

Deputy Foreign Minister Kspar Zhtál who has flown out to Badara to seek assurances from the Sultan's government.

January 4454 - The Vanukean Foreign Ministry has confirmed reports that a delegation has travelled to Badara to explore closer diplomatic and economic ties.

But the team, headed up by Deputy Foreign Minister Kspar Nohsrmko Zhtál, will first aim to seek assurances from the new Sultan and his government that human rights will remain paramount in the newly-established realm.

"Any relationship with Vanuku going forward will depend on certain guarantees being received from His Excellency Faisal III and Ministers from the United Badaran Front Party," said Minister Zhtál, who is the son of former Prefect Duke Noh Zhtál.

"Fundamentally, these include guarantees on human rights, and the implementation of non-discriminatory or segregationist policies."

"We see that the new administration has already looked to improve the conditions for foreign workers, which is a really positive step, and has given us an indication that further reforms are on the way. We are also satisfied that this regime has peaceful intent and is focussed on economic modernity and reform while modernising its military for defence and security purposes.

"In essence Badara is keen to negotiate a robust trade deal with Vanuku and we are keen to help stimulate their markets and invest in infrastructure, similar to the way we have in Dankuk and Kafuristan recently. This visit will explore all these topics, but those reassurances must be in place before any progress can be made"

Prefect Welcomes Possibility of 'Peace Talks' Involving Dankuk and Indrala

February 4454 - Vanukean Prefect Dr Ershébef Trmékez has said she genuinely hopes that Indrala chooses to sit down with Dankuk to end hostilities between the two old adversaries.

Asked about the possibility during this morning's press conference The Prefect said that the olive branch being offered by the Dranian government should be "seriously considered" by the Imperial Government in Tian'an. She also welcomed the offer of the administration in Lourenne to broker talks.

She said: "It is our belief that one cannot dwell in the past. If we did, it is likely all nations would remain in a state of perpetual isolation given the number of conflicts that have befallen Terra. We are very encouraged by the efforts put into obtaining peace and stability over the last few years by the Dranian administration. Their work with Kazulia was a watershed moment and now there is the opportunity to end the ongoing feud with Indrala.

"We wish them the very best of success with this endeavour and call on the Indralan Government to seriously consider what is being offered and take the opportunity to agree an historic end to hostilities.

"Despite a recent difference of opinion with Lourenne over the Deltarian affair, we are glad to see that they have admirably stepped up to attempt to mediate this matter and offered to host a summit. As Crown Représentative Marie-Louise Lachance has said this could be a great moment for stability and peace in North Dovani. "