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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:03 pm

June 17th 5204
SSA stages coup, installs house of Jrnmek-Strnil to the throne
The State Security Agency has staged a coup after over 200 years of consistent decline in Vanuku

Wiel: In the early morning of June the 17th a eerie silence could be heard in the capital of Wiel. Regular citizens walked down the streets on occasion while major intersections were suprisingly blocked by vehicles without insignia. Cars that normally drove the busy streets could not be seen for miles on end. At the government quarter, a swarm of agents without insignia as well could be seen marching in and out each ministry. The coup had succeeded, the nation was reborn. In a statement to the press the new interim government, led by SSA director Ynard, announced the deposition of the current monarch and the installment of our new Queen, Yrnmutai of the House of Jrnmek-Strnil. Yrnmutai's house is a minor house in the northern province of Skrovestes, so far of little significance in the country. One notable thing about Yrnmutai is that she is a registered member of the Velvet Movement, a alliance of over 150 minor noble houses in Vanuku that has strong support in the intelligence community, hence the likely reason for the succesfull coup by the SSA.

The Velvet Movement had been in power before, nearly 400 years ago, becoming embroiled in a power struggle that would see the major houses, led by the House of Banmek-Sntazed, retake the throne. But for the last 200 years their rule has seen a significant decline, with the Vanukean economy trashed and shrinking to record low proportions thanks in large part to both mismanagement by the then governments as well as their refusal to join the wider majatran economic bloc, shutting the Vanukean economy from much needed trade and revenue. In military circles, the Kingdom has seen further decline as a lack of funds caused a breakdown in equipment and, some 20 years ago, resulted in the nearly complete scrapping of all major hardware and expensive equipment. Vanuku's military, once the pride of the country, had been reduced to one of the smallest and weakest in Majatra and Terra. The SSA and other security agencies also saw a decline in funding and over 8 million Vanukeans either died or left the country due to the worsening economic situation and extreme decline in living standards.

The Velvet Movement, during all this time, operated in the shadows as its members were persecuted. But their support in intelligence circles remained strong and have, after all those years, now culminated into a succesfull coup. The new interim government of Director Ynard has so far announced that it will remain in place for at least the next 3 months and will consult with the new Queen of the Lion Throne on steps towards a more permanent form of government. The Queen is said to become a figure of extremely high importance in the country, likely to partly restore royal rule in Vanuku as part of the new form of government. Members of the Velvet Movement have already assumed several positions in the interim regime and the movement is expected to become a formal political party soon, paving the way for its rule with Queen Yrnmutai at its head.

The new young queen Yrnmutai, just 21 years of age
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:32 pm

August 15th 5204 (Pre-posted)
Queen Yrnmutai coronated, new constitution enacted
After 2 months of rule by the SSA interim government the new Queen has been formally coronated and a new constitution established

Wiel: Absolutist rule is at an end and a new constitutional order established. After 2 months of SSA rule the newly installed Queen Yrnmutai has finally been coronated in a grand ceremony in the old Velvet Palace, a estate used by many minor houses over the course of centuries just outside Wiel where the Queen has decided to seat her crown. The coronation was attended by hundreds of state functionaries from the SSA, government ministries, local governments and the military with the Queen deciding not to invite other royalty and making it a Vanukean affair only. At the same time of her coronation, the new constitution drafted by the queen and director Ynard has formally taken effect, moving away Vanuku from absolutist rule and instead establishing a semi-constitutional order. For the first time in 200 years Vanuku will have a formal constitution to which both monarch and government are bound. However, the Monarch will retain major powers and is expected to use those powers on a frequent basis, this preventing the country from becoming a true democratic state. The new constitution does however make great progress, with a Grand Council elected by anyone over 21, the first time even ordinary citizens may vote in elections in over 250 years. The Grand Council, though still largely bound to the Monarch's will, does posses full powers of the purse, the first time a element of government will be fully controlled by a elected body in that same 200 years. The Queen, in her adress, noted that:

In order for Vanuku to be reborn from its ashes we need all of its people to participate in that process. For that to occur, the absolutist rule of previous monarchs can and should not be allowed to continue. As your sovereign, i shall continue to govern and oversee, to protect and to serve, but i will do so with the help of all of you and the help of experts of all kinds. Together, we shall achieve a national rebirth!

The Queen was coronated as Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Faith, Allseeing Vanukean, Sacred Monarch, Daughter of the Lion, Yrnmutai the 1st of the House of Jrnmek-Strnil, Queen of Vanuku, creating a new title while remaining the legacy of the Lion Throne. The Queen also announced that she will commence on a royal tour, together with government ministers and advisors, to visit nations of vital importance, namely Deltaria, Istalia, Dorvik, Tropica, Ostland and Dolgava. This tour will commence over the course of half a year and will likely start close to home, in Deltaria and Istalia. It will be meant to reintroduce Vanuku to the world and reastablish formal basic ties to many nations after 200 years of isolation and despair.

As her first act as sovereign, the Queen has appointed Director Jnmal Ynard of the SSA as Prefect of the Council, with Ynard thus relinquishing his position as director and instead becoming head of government under the queen. Prefect Ynard has announced that he will reveal his Council of Ministers in the first session of the new to be elected Grand Council, which will likely be in 2 months time.

Queen Yrnmutai of the House of Jrnmek-Strnil during her coronation on the newly constructed Lion Throne, repositioned to the Velvet Palace outside of Wiel
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 01, 2022 2:36 pm

August 30th 5204 (Pre-posted)
The Majatran Tour, Queen visits Deltaria and Istalia
The queen, accompanied by Foreign Minister Jamfr Hjelm and Trade Minister Azi Genzi, visited Deltaria and Istalia in a one week tour

Wiel: In her efforts to rekindle ties with many nations in the world her majesty the queen has visited Deltaria and Istalia in her one week long Majatran Tour to discuss reestablishing diplomatic ties, the situation in majatra and economic cooperation. She was accompanied by the foreign minister as well as the trade minister of her majesty's government while Prefect Ynard remained in Wiel to oversee day to day bussiness. The delegation first visited the Deltarian capital of Cachtice, where she was welcomed by Prime Minister Dvornachek and a delegation of the Deltarian government. They were escorted to the presidential palace where the Queen also met with the new president Vajanska. The two discussed the awfull assasination of the previous president and discussed cooperation in the fields of security and intelligence to prevent a repeat of that situation. The Deltarian Prime Minister meanwhile led Trade Minister Azi Genzi to the coastal city of branovice where the two did several tours through the city and its harbor, discussing seaborn trade and increased economic traffic between the two nations. The Queen and Foreign Minister Hjelm then went to the Grand Museum in cachtice on the last day of the 3 day tour, where in its gardens they were joined by President Vajanska and talked to the press about the importance of good relations between the two country's following their checkered history together. When asked by a reporter whether Vanuku was considering joining the Majatran Association, the Queen responded by saying that she would consult with her government but that her first instinct was to say yes if the MA reforms and "doesnt intrude to much on the sovereignty of nations."

The delegation took one day to plan the next trip and fly to the capital of Istalia, Romula, where the Queen was greeted by Istalian Prime Minister Eros Monaldi who joined her in a limousine to be transported to the Imperial Palace. Her first visit on the agenda was a sour one, the funeral of the late Emperor Tommaso III, who died earlier in the year. The entire delegation went to the grand cathedral in Romula and attended the televized funeral, mourning the loss of a radient monarch on the Majatran continent. The entire day was completely focussed on the funeral with the Queen publicly giving her condolences to the Istalian people and royal family. The day after she met at the Imperial Palace with the new Emperor, 52 year old Alessandro IV, and they went to the private office of the emperor. According to a press release they discussed a number of topics including maintaining a strong bond between their houses and the role of monarchy in government adn public life, which is different in Vanuku then it is in Istalia. Then the Queen, holding herself to the traditions of Istalia, met with the Prime Minister and was joined by the entire Vanukean delegation to visits several sites in the capital where the Prime Minister explained Istalian history. It was followed by a parade in central Romula, where the Queen, Istalian Emperor, Prime Minister Monaldi and the rest of the Vanukean delegation could see soldiers parade combined with students, scholars and other walks of life to demonstrate Istalian diversity. On the last day, the delegation visited the government quarter and the prime ministers office, also ending the visit with a adress to the press outside the office where the Queen and Prime Minister Monaldi reaffirmed the new to be formed relation between the two nations and described the desire for increased trade and economic relations, which trade minister Genzi had reportedly discussed with his Istalian counterpart.

4 hours later the queen and the delegation returned to the international airport and started their travel back to Wiel. The Majatran Tour was at an end with restarted relations between Vanuku and Majatra's two biggest powers as a result. Many on social media praised the queen, with one user saying that "this is the first time i see one of our monarchs truly making an attempt at rekindling relations and actively working to better Vanuku, its refreshing!."

The Queen is expected to make her Artanian Tour public next month, with the date of the tour yet unclear.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:07 pm

November 30th 5204
Royal Decree on political process and opposition takes effect ahead of Artanian Tour
As the queen prepares for her Artanian tour a royal decree on the political process takes effect

Wiel: Earlier this morning the first Royal Decree under the new constitution was laid bear in the state journal, officially marking its passage into law. The Royal Decrees act as legislation, drafted by the monarch, but must be countersigned by the Prefect to take effect and become law. The first decree with such a countersignature has thus now been confirmed as the State Journal reported the passage and implementation of Royal Decree 01. The decree focusses on the political process and opposition, describing fundamental principles and further restricting opossition power. The first act in the decree cements the Velvet Movement as a movement and organization "with royal preference", meaning that parties alligned with the movement automatically allign themselves with the crown. Furthermore the full involvement of the movement in the political process will be forbidden, thus disbanding the political wing of the Velvet Movement. Instead the movement will be a official alliance of political parties, bussinesses, media and other important sectors that symbolize their committment to the crown and the current ruler. Thus any party or organization officially registered as a VM member will gain preferential treatment by the crown.

Secondly the political opossition will be further restricted, with the decree announcing that any party not alligned to the Velvet Movement will not be receiving public funding. The decree also calls upon the Grand Council to forbid private fundraising, basically barring any opossition party from receiving much, if any funding. The decree, lastly, grants authorization to the SSA to conduct surveilance operations and "interventions" against anyone or anything suspected of conspiring against the crown, with the definition in the decree loosely based and thus allowing the SSA to use a broad interpretation for their operations in this field. This decree is largely seen by pundits as a attempt to consolidate the hold of her majesty on the political process, something the Grand Journal editors can only applaud.

The Grand Journal will henceforth be a registered member of the Velvet Movement.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:45 pm

December 8th 5204 (post-dated)
The Artanian Tour, Queen visits Dorvik, Kundrati and Narikaton
The second tour of the Queen has finished with outstanding results

Wiel: Queen Yrnmutai as well as the trade minister and foreign minister have concluded the second grand tour on the agenda 4 months after the concluding of the Majatran tour. The purpose of these tours is to reintroduce Vanuku to the outside world and possible establishing new relations with important nations in the different regions. This second tour is also one of the most important as the Queen her delegation is visiting Dorvik, a historic ally, as well as two emerging powers in the region, the Kundrati Union and Narikaton and Darnussia. The delegation first arrived in Haldor, Dorvik, on the official government plane and were received by Dorvish State Chancellor Katja Steinheil who greeted the Queen and proceeded to join her in a pre arranged convoy to the Chancellors office. There she was greeted by other ministers of state of the Dorvish government and attended a grand ceremony and state dinner which saw the Dorvish monarch, Leopold VIII, also join in on the occasion. The following day the Vanukean delegation split itself into three as Trade Minister Genzi accompanied his Dorvish counterpart to the island chain of Dorvan to discuss trade and economic cooperation while foreign minister Hjelm set course for the south where he would meet with Dorvish farmers and bussinesmen accompanied by the Dorvish minister of finance. Her majesty the Queen remained in Haldor where she first met with King Leopold, discussing closer relations between their two houses, after which she was picked up by State Chancellor Steinheil and was given a tour to the grand museum as well as a police bureau, where the two discussed security cooperation. The 3 day visit ended with a joint press conference after which the delegation returned to the airport, ready for their next trip to Kundrati. A official press release by the Crown stated that the visit was "fruitfull" and marked "the beginning of a renewed age in Vanukean and Dorvish relations."

The delegation immediately set course for Kundrati, arriving in the capital of Kasaema in the early afternoon. Kundrati Prime Minister Pilis Mishanen met the delegation and, similarly to the Dorvish visit, brought them to the office of the PM himself. No state dinner was arranged but instead the delegation attended a evening ceremony at the central square in the city, where fireworks and festivities were arranged. The Queen was visibly happy and was seated next to Kundrati President Damir Tomas during the endeavour. The day after the entire Vanukean delegation would travel to the Celania region where they visited a mall, several towns and a military base being accompanied by a variety of Kundrati ministers and PM Mishanen. The last day of the Kundrati visit trade delegations from both sides met and, as was revealed in the press conference after, struck a deal that will see regulations on bussinesses that would want to do bussiness in either nation drop, thus allowing Vanukean bussinesses to register more easily and do bussiness more easily in Kundrati and vice versa, stating that the two sides hope this will mark a "fruitfull beginning of lucrative economic cooperation."

The last visit in the Artanian tour saw the foreign minister return to Vanuku, leaving the Queen and trade minister to visit Narikaton and Darnussia, a union of nations that only recently has also started to build itself up again. The Queen would first meet with the head of the federal government, President Otto von Fritz, as well as Chancellor Elma Hasseldorf. The three would end up discussing a whole range of issues on the first day of arrival, with a state dinner to round off initial talks. The second day would see her majesty visit the heads of the Narik government and the Darnussian government. The queen would meet with several representatives of the two governments, reiterating what she discussed with the federal government and being given a small tour of both the Narik capital of Moet and the Darnussian capital of Doressa. Trade minister Genzi swapped with the Queen and continued discussions with the federal government which resulted in yet another economic deal being formalized. A free trade agreement between ND and Vanuku in which the Vanukean oil and gas, automobile and defense sectors are excluded as well as three important sectors of the ND economy. Furthermore while tarrifs and regulations are to be largely removed, periodic control on goods will still be allowed by the border agencies of both countries to combat criminals and ensure the proper quality of goods. This is likely to be the most lucrative deal for Vanuku during its Artanian Tour and thus ensures a major succes of this diplomatic endeavour by the Queen and her government.

Shortly after the ND visit the Vanukean delegation stepped on its plane to return to Vanuku, looking back on another great achievement that has reset and possibly influenced the relationship with Artania in the positive.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:20 pm

August 18th 5205

Prefect reveals major security operation, further targetting oppossition to the Queen
The SSA and Military Constabulary have been involved in a operation to clear out further oppossition to the Queen her ascension

Wiel: As part of a further effort to consolidate the hold of the Queen and ensure the legitimacy and permanent nature of her ascension to the lion throne Prefect Ynard has revealed that by his authorization the SSA and Military Constabulary (military police) have finished a security operation in Vanuku itself. The two agencies worked together during the operation codenamed "Operation Clearing Skies" with a total 272 raids on homes, bussinesses and clubs suspected of actively spreading anti monarch sentiment performed by the SSA. The Military Constabulary in turn aided by providing vital intelligence to the operations as well as performing 7 raids of its own on "high level" targets likely aiding "violent oppossition cells" in their operation.

Since the coronation of Queen Yrnmutai silent oppossition has lingered, largely from the major royal houses in the country which are angered over the return of the Velvet Movement and what they see as a "usurper" on the Lion throne. This oppossition was initialy a suprise for the intelligence community and the Queen, which had expected that the return of a constitutional order combined with a semi-liberal governmental system would have calmed or partially neutralized oppossition to her seat. When this did not prove to be the case Prefect Ynard authorized the Interior Ministry to organize operation clearing skies in a effort to at least neutralize cells that were deemed a immediate or potential future threat. While the reveal by the Prefect doesnt go into detail rumours suggest that even 2 palaces of the House of Banmek-Sntazed, the former ruling house, have been raided by the SSA. It is unclear what they were looking for and if anyone has been arrested. Meanwhile many figures within the Velvet Movement have praised the move, citing the "undeniable legitimacy and strength of our new monarch the Queen."
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:45 pm

August 25th 5205

New economic reforms to see emphasize on entrepeneurship and manufacturing
A proposed reform drafted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs is pushing the Vanukean economy into a new direction

Wiel: After two succesfull foreign tours that has in some ways increased Vanukean economic interests in both Majatra and Artania the Ministry of Economic Affairs, led by minister Hamkai Jmjil, has proposed the first major economic initiative of her majesty's government. The initiative, consisting of over 222 pages with reforms, proposed investments and restructuring packages, would see a significant part of the Vanukean economy be deregulated to allow for more small to medium sized bussinesses to form in important sectors such as retail, entertainment but with a heavy emphasize on manufacturing. These deregulations would primarily focus on cutting unnecesary administrative tasks as well as making it easier for companies to register and fill in their taxes or other regulatory requirements as well as cutting the actual regulations to be more in line with a free market economy. The reform package further includes a plan to reform and restructure state owned companies but keep them in state hands and further privatize the construction sector by selling the last state owned construction conglomorate. They will also be adding sensible regulations to the manufacturing and construction sectors to increase safety, efficiency and ensure that anything bussinesses need to thrive will be handled quickly by the central government through the formation of several new state agencies for these tasks and allocate more funding to the bureaucracy.

The investment part of the deal will see at least 3 billion be invested into the expansion of the manufacturing industry through a mixed scheme in which part of the investment will be handed out through subsidies to starting and established companies while at least 1 billion will be allocated for targetted development, allowing local government to free up funding for the construction of new industrial grounds or the expansion of existing ones. Regulations on exporting manufactured goods will also be relaxed to allow for increased trade in this area although the defense sector is to become a "protected asset" meaning it is excluded from the relaxed rules. The last major reform in the proposed package is a proposed change in the taxcode, creating a proportional income tax code that taxes more the more you earn while cutting taxes for small to medium sized bussiness exponentially, from the current 41% tax for medium bussiness to just 25% in the reform and 30% for small bussiness to 15% in the reform, with the government hoping to encourage the growth of small to medium sized bussiness through this measure.

This is the first major economic package for Vanuku in 2 centuries, with Minister Jmjil stating that it will be "a significant step in the right direction which will need more pushes, also in terms of striking new trade deals and discovering new markets for our to be produced products and services." While the Queen hasnt publicly commented on whether or not she would sign the package if presented to her a advisor to the Crown has hinted that it is likely the Queen will sign as a signal of good faith to the Grand Council and with the sincere hope this would be the first step in revitalizing the Vanukean economy.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Wrnukai » Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:09 pm

Coup led by senior Armed Forces leadership removes Usurper


October 5206 - After the dictatorship installed by the Velvet Movement and the Usurper tried to further curtail any attempts at opening a democratic discourse by cutting party funding for all other parties the nation had enough. Senior officers in the Armed Forces conspired together and ousted the Usurper, restoring the rightful claimant Prince Pawl of the house of Banmek-Sntazed to the ancient Lion Throne. The subsequent folding of the Velvet Movement called for snap elections, which the traditionalist Krysogad Mouzijkai or Union of Mice Men won with full backing by the population. Party leader and new Prefect of the Council Otz Otzsrmko Merlékam has remarked that the current one party system is temporary. "We've taken this election with only our party on the ballot as a plebiscite whether we should restore order or not. We feel that with the current support we can further prepare the stage for democratization and restoring our nation to its former glory."

The Union of Mice Men is a fiercely Jelbic traditionalist party, named after the insult once hurled at the then heir of Vanuku by the Jelbic H'án. The Wrnukék Mouse has become a name of pride within traditionalist circles who yearn for a strong modernized state that values its Jelbic heritage and customs. King Pawl III has shown great interest in becoming a constitutional figurehead of the nation and shares the Union's desire for a more Jelbic state. "We live in the legacy of Merlkai, Temrkai and the great Wrntukai, all we can do is attempt to honour these forefathers of our nation," spoke the King at his inauguration.

Former Queen Yrnmai was granted a pardon by King Pawl III in the Jelbic tradition of mercy, it is expected she will relocate to another nation to avoid further persecution. On the contrary the SSA has been firmly purged of "foreign elements" and "moral decay".
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Aethan » Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:36 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:46 pm


     Wkal'tijogad! Küntr Lahm named Wrntuhiko of a resurgent Wrnuke
     10 June 5363

     Colonel Lahm giving the announcement speech on June 9 in the capital city of Wiel, in November he will be inaugurated as the first Wrntuhiko.

On the historic date of June 9 the good King Temrkai VI has accepted the proposal of Colonel Küntr Lahm and his Wise Council to hand over all executive powers and to suspend elections. To many within Jez Wrnuke this does not come as a surprise, the Wise Council has been steadily winning support during the last two elections. With the resignation of the last liberal Prefect after he succumbed to the pressure of leading the state one last election was called. With an overwhelming support the Wise Council managed to secure total dominance of the Grand Council. The King, in His great wisdom, then discussed the future of the Kingdom with Colonel Lahm and his followers.

Colonel Küntr Lahm is the charismatic, ambitious and skilled leader of the Wise Council who could no longer sit idly by as Jez Wrnuke collapsed upon itself. The Wise Council are like-minded men and women of stature that feel something must be done to restore Wrnuke to its former greatness. As such the movement has laid out ambitious plans to create new jobs, remove all foreign influences, restore the borders of Jez Wrnuke, establish an Armed Forces that will remind the world who Wrnuke truly is, invest into the Jelbic family, and firmly establish strong leadership against socialist or republican meddling.

King Temrkai VI will relinquish his last executive powers to the new Wrntuhiko (Leader) of Wrnuke during a formal session on November 11. In the meantime Wrntuhiko Lahm has taken up office and set out his first decrees to fix the nation. His main priority is assuring people have jobs, food, and entertainment. "Before the Grand Goals, first the Basic Needs," is what the great leader said before reminding everyone of the slogan of the Wise Council: "Gven, hnaznd, shlaj!"

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
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