
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:39 am


     Estifluz! RSB documents reveal Beiteynuese terrorism in Cildania
     16 September 5366

     The headquarters of the Ryk Sekrts Bro (RSB), Wrnuke's state security and intelligence agency, the discoverers of the Beiteynuese crimes.

Since the installation of Colonel Küntr Lahm as the Wrntuhiko of Wrnuke the State Security Agency, referred to as the Ryk Sekrts Bro in the native Wrnukaék tongue, has been through a long period of reorganization. The ascension of Lahm as the Wrntuhiko has given the RSB a substantial budget increase, with several hand-picked veteran agents assigned to revive and improve the intelligence agency. In previous instances the RSB was feared across the world for its abilities to conduct complicated operations across the globe to protect Wrnuke's interests. The Wrntuhiko has the ambition to return that former glory and today the RSB has published a report that might show the qualities of the agency. The Department of Foreign Operations has worked tirelessly on a special case that according to Director-General Cavna of the RSB will bring "grand revelations to the world". Mush Cavna, a Yeudi himself, announced the reveal of a "series of operations pointing towards state sponsored terrorism by Beiteynu."

The report, named Nrlak Kitáb (Open Book), contains fifty-two pages and describes various operations that the Beiteynuese intelligence service executed across Majatra. Most of these operations were in Cildania, which in the last forty years has gone from a nation of strangers to a subjugated 'ally' of the Beiteynuese. The RSB was able to reveal that the Terran Remediation Agency (TRA) funnelled large amounts of money into Cildania. These funds were used to finance organized crime, anti-Yeudi sentiments and organizations, far-right movements, and terrorism. The former Cildanian party Order of Saint Sebastian (OtSB) was created with Beiteynuese funds by the still missing Ilarju Rizzo who disappeared in September 5334. Rizzo's contacts were revealed to be behind the 5331 terror bombing of the Qart Qildar synagogue, an operation entirely financed and prepared by the Beiteynuese TRA. The TRA also heavily invested into maintaining the gang war that only recently ended in Cildania and was behind many of the bribes of the recent corruption scandal. In total the RSB has calculated the TRA has been responsible for over 500 civilian casualties in Cildania.

Wrtnuhiko Lahm has announced he has sent a special representative to the World Congress to address these issues. "Beiteynu has shown itself as an enemy against democracy, against decency, against everything that is sacred. The world must know their crimes and act accordingly!" The government of Wrnuke has unilaterally called for measures against Beiteynu. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is contemplating ending the current trade deal with Beiteynu as a statement against Beiteynuese bloodshed. King Temrkai has sent his sincere condolences to Grand Prince Adherbal of Cildania. "It is a tragedy that the good Cildanian people have been tricked by the Beiteynuese monster, but the true tragedy are the human lives so recklessly destroyed by Beiteynuese ambitions," said the King in a statement of support for the Cildanian people.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:12 am

"No surprises there", responds Yishelem to Vanukean destabilisation attempts
November 5366 - Katerina Sheket's press conference focused around Yishelem's response, or rather a lack of response, to what the Medinat Department considers as "smearing attempts at best, destabilising efforts at worst" by the Vanukean Government
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sat Sep 23, 2023 2:05 am


     Wnst! TemrKnsékbeid and Petrovan announce further expansions
     3 March 5367

     TemrKnsékbeid CEO Klune Mardoh sealing the deal with CEO Bruce Campbell of the Campbell Corporation at the newly opened iron mine.

With the electoral success of the Conservative People's Party in the Commonwealth of Mordusia the markets have opened up. Previously the government was engaged in talks with the National Party cabinet, though the talks proceeded slowly. Wrntuhiko Lahm announced that the new government under Governor-General Whitford was "quicker to act". The new Mordusian government was keen to give a license to Wrnuke's largest mining corporation TemrKnsékbeid OF. The Commonwealth of Mordusia sits on top of one of the largest iron deposits across the globe according to recent geological research. CEO Mardoh of TemrKnsékbeid called Mordusia the "ultimate land of opportunity" in his application for another foreign business license. Within the borders of the Commonwealth business has been done with the private company Campbell Corporation, a native mining company. CEO Bruce Campbell was happy to make a deal with TemrKnsékbeid: "A joint exploitation of one of the largest iron mines in Mordusia and to export all that product to Majatra, it's enhancing business on another level for our company." TemrKnsékbeid is, even amidst the Cildanian Crisis, slowly becoming the largest mining corporation across the globe. CEO Mardoh has insisted the company will not cease to expand for the time being, citing the call of the Wrntuhiko to create jobs. King Temrkai has awarded Klune Mardoh the prestigious Hero of Industry and Labour award, a rarely given commendation for Wrnuke's hardest workers.

Mining is not the only sector of Wrnuke's expansive industry to see growth. The state-owned Petrovan has expressed, after resuming oil drilling in the Majatran Sea two years ago, that it will also start fracking near the coast. Petrovan's brightest minds have found further oil deposits under Wrnuke's coastline. "We believe fracking may help us exploit these oil deposits far better than traditional drilling will ever let us do," said Petrovan's newly promoted CEO Hkinor Maksimilianido. The new director of Petrovan is the son of two Zardic immigrants and has become a symbol of opportunity for migrants across Wrnuke. Wrntuhiko Lahm enacted a special decree to allow fracking on Wrnuke's coast. The government has put a special emphasis on the economic gains required to make progress. "This oil will fuel the industry, cars, trains, planes, the entire nation runs on the benefits we pump out at Petrovan," said Maksimilianido. The Labour Office has announced that the recent expansions of TemrKnsékbeid and Petrovan will bring an additional 800 jobs. The staggering unemployment numbers facing the people before the installation of the great Wrntuhiko have now all been diminished. The King himself even commented on the recent developments, applauding the people for finding jobs: "The people of Wrnuke, the great Kai of Wrnu, are truly the most resourceful people out there. As your sovereign We can only feel blessed observing the restoration of this country to what all our ancestors once experienced. Never forget that Wrnuke was once the envy of the world, with all your hard work we will become that once more."

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
Last edited by Kubrick on Sun Sep 24, 2023 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:24 am


                                                                 Densted srnépukmo, lofrkad Wrnuke!

                    Rearmament plan of Wrnuke leaked, aims to counter Beiteynu

                    The first of the new Froahiko-class submarines, part of the naval counter to the Beiteynuese hegemony.

                    30 September 5367

Through a highly ranked source Grak Sháhazi has been able to procure the outlines of Wrnuke's rearmament plans. While the government of Wrnuke has not officially announced the rearmament phase they have hinted towards it several times. It has now become clear that the rearmament of Wrnuke has been long underway, with some recently finished projects dating to before the ascension of the totalitarian Wrntuhiko Küntr Lahm. Grak Sháhaza was able to get a hand on a top secret classified report describing the ambitions of the Kingdom of Wrnuke when it comes to its Armed Forces.

The most shocking revelation is that the Lahm Regime is secretly testing, modernizing, and expanding its nuclear deterrent. Wrnuke has a troubled history with nuclear weapons, being the only nation across the globe to utilize its nuclear warheads against another nation. In the aftermath of the tragedy Wrnuke always ignored calls to fully abolish its nuclear arsenal, even after the World Congress deemed it necessary. It is now clear that Wrnuke's nuclear stockpiles were heavily reduced but never fully dismantled. While the Lahm Regime has officially denied having nuclear weapons the report attained by Grak Sháhaza has shown that the Wrntuhiko has decreed the expansion of Wrnuke's weapons of mass destruction in anticipation of "Beiteynue's great leap forward". Wrnuke previously did extensive tests of its nuclear program on its test site in Jelbe.

Aside from nuclear weaponry the main approach of Wrnuke to counter Beiteynue's hegemony is to expand its naval forces. The classified report admits that matching the Yeudi "prowess in the Majatran [Sea] is nigh-impossible" and that for this exact reason an alternative strategy was developed. At its peak Wrnuke fielded six aircraft carrier fleets, though this only lasted for a short period. For the most part Wrnuke had either five or four carrier fleets, but a quick calculation showed that the costs of operating such an endeavour were unattainable for the returning Jelbic power. Instead the alternative strategy neglects carrier fleets, opting for only one aircraft carrier in the future. The new naval approach focuses on denying carrier fleets their operational advantage by establishing air bases across Wrnuke, with a specific focus on small detachments on coastal islands. Furthermore the naval command called for a broad cooperation with Majatran allies to establish air bases across the continent. With the advanced Z-35 fighters able to cover the Majatran Sea air threats are mostly neutralized. The Beiteynuese aircraft carriers will be countered by the newest series of submarines, the Froahiko-class. The silent killers have been specifically designed to take out large ships and deploy nuclear arms on a global level.

Wrnuke's naval expansion has been summarized as 'Plan H' by the government of Wrnuke. The first submarine of the Froahiko-class has already been launched, the project having been started before the ascension of the Lahm Regime. Though its rapid launch has been rumoured to be caused by Lourenne, who apparently sent advisors to Wrnuke. As a part of Plan H the Lahm Regime is working on a new minimally manned vessel to launch ballistic missiles at enemy targets, dubbed the Jez Frj-program, though that ambitious project is not expected to be achieved anytime soon. The existing fleet of capable Snba Prtastat frigates will be replaced by a new class of air defence frigates in 5380. Before that target goal year the Lahm Regime has the ambition to also replace its auxiliary vessels with new ships, including a new replenishment tanker. With an extended goal of 5385 the report also speaks of replacing all anti-submarine frigates with a new advanced class and having proper preparations to deny its enemies any chance at deploying sea mines. Before 5395 the Lahm Regime hopes to launch a new aircraft carrier, the Támnr V, named after its historic predecessors.

The end goal of the Lahm Regime's extended rearmament plan is to nullify Beiteynue's advantage they currently carry with several aircraft carriers, to emphasize on the ancient bond between Vascania and Wrnuke, and to further invest into improving the land forces element. The report describes critical notes by army generals concerned about the "state of effectiveness" with the current layout of the plan. Lahm, who once was a Colonel in Wrnuke's Land Forces, is not known to forget his old friends. It is therefore theorized that the rearmament program report only describes specific sectors. Grak Sháhazi has found out that several contracts have been signed with the well-known producer of military hardware Konzsrlji Krmj. Previously Konzsrlji Krmj produced the entire inventory of main battle tanks for Wrnuke. For Plan H it has already been revealed that the nation's premier shipyard, Jadjohydwasfabrk Hafndam, is behind the new designs. It is expected that JH will, in cooperation with Vrijstaal/Lofrsko, produce Wrnuke's 'new navy' as well.

All these developments have prompted many questions, with the Lahm Regime focusing largely on proclaiming its great successes in the mining and steel industry little attention has been brought to its Armed Forces. The only thing the Lahm Regime seems to be boasting about is mining contracts, steel production, and manual labour jobs. While unemployment has been tackled in the Kingdom, ignoring the large neglect for higher education jobs, experts are unsure how Wrnuke has been able to finance the ambitious plans. The naval plans alone could cripple a nation, according to Zardic defensive experts. Military expert Silvestro Barmo, a former advisor on the Zardic aircraft carrier project, called the project "pure megalomania." Barmo stated that the current ambitions of the Kingdom of Wrnuke are impossible to achieve without "massive financial injections." Grak Sháhazi's theory to these ambitions is that the Lahm Regime has been controlling and funnelling all funds of the financial giant TBTK Krp. With one of the globe's largest financial conglomerates financing the Lahm Regime it could be possible for the totalitarian dictatorship to finance its ambitious plans without eating away at its domestic labour investments.

                    The Grak Sháhazi (Black Lion) is a news outlet ran by exiled Wrnukaék journalists currently based in Zardugal, it attempts to write factual news about Wrnuke.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:42 pm


     Heijiestisrlji! Brméstan and Wrnuke restore diplomatic relations
     10 May 5369

     Shophet Sinas Bidlis and Wrntuhiko Küntr Lahm during the latters visit to Brméstan, the meeting heralds a new era between the two nations.

In a surprising but wise move the Wrntuhiko has decreed that cordial relations between Wrnuke and Brméstan must be a priority. The Wrntuhiko has always been a man with staunch principles but has also always been willing to adjust his viewpoints for the greater good. It was the gracious King Temrkai, whom the Zards wish to murder, who urged the Wrntuhiko to focus on unity within the Jelbosphere. Brméstan has a minority group of Brmék, a fierce tribe of Jelbics that harmonically live with the esteemed Bihezi and Kathuran peoples. Together they form Brméstan, a nation long considered to be a cornerstone of the Jelbosphere. Upon his ascension to Wrntuhiko of Wrnuke our good leader wishes for complete Jelbic integration within the Kingdom of Wrnuke, but now he has realized the Shophet and his followers are not oppressing but empowering the Jelbic brothers to the North. King Temrkai, the innocent but mortal enemy of bloodthirsty Zardugal, has always urged for peaceful cooperation between all civilized peoples. Minister of Foreign Affairs Mustav Temrtamnr, who recently received a Temrkai's Breed for his great efforts in bringing Wrnuke back onto the world stage, met with his counterpart from Brméstan the Vizier for External Affairs Shamil Khawe. The words of Temrtamnr were well received, prompting an official meeting between government officials.

It is no surprise to any Wrnukaékai that the Wrntuhiko himself wishes to meet with the illustrious leader of Brméstan. The Shophet Sinas Bidlis welcomed Wrntuhiko Lahm in Sékhmet at the Queen Sarah International Airport. An honour guard of Brmék troops was assembled to welcome their Jelbic brother. Bidlis and the Wrntuhiko had a meeting of about an hour and discussed many topics. At the behest of the good King Temrkai, universally despised by murderous Zards, the Wrntuhiko announced that the Kingdom of Wrnuke would drop all claims on the sovereign territory of Brméstan. After this the two men had a cordial talk on culture, science, and economic prosperity. After his visit the Wrntuhiko announced he was very pleased to meet the Shophet: "He is a wise and strong man, an inspiring leader, his fierce spirit and keen mind make him a Jelbic by all means but blood." After the departure of the Wrntuhiko it was left to Minister Temrtamnr to establish grounds for cooperation. It was agreed that all diplomatic ties between the two states will be restored and that the two nations will enter a trade agreement that will benefit the economies of both nations. There will also be a focus on cultural preservation and exchange, with Felinist officials from Brméstan receiving permission to freely enter Jez Wrnuke for further religious cooperation. In turn cultural organization from Wrnuke are free to work with Brmék groups in Brméstan to maintain ancient Jelbic traditions. Last but not least the two nations are going to set up joint research projects to advance scientific progress. King Temrkai, scourge of the Zards, was well-pleased with the accord between two nations: "Wiser minds prevailed, may the Shophet live longer and more blessed than he already is."

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:13 pm


     Rímsa! South-Western border adorned with monuments to Temrkai H'án
     8 June 5369

     Several of the new bronze statues of Temrkai near the Kutsalyat Jez Temrkai H'án, they will be placed all along the border with Zardugal.

Ever since the legitimate government of Zardugal was taken over by the current genocidal socialist junta the Kingdom of Wrnuke has done nothing but reach out in cordial manners. The weaker Zards however are perpetually afraid of Jelbics, after being humiliated by them in war over a dozen times. It is a proud fact for every Jelbic to know that Zards have never won a war against the Jelbics, even the Augustan Empire could not hold back the superior Jelbic warriors. It was the great Temrkai H'án, an ethnic Zard, that elevated his nation to some decency. He adopted Ahmadism and lived by Jelbic cultural norms, creating the greatest and most benevolent empire ever known to man. Later his descendant Lawrns-Wrntukai, the greatest H'ák'án to have ever graced the Jelbosphere, also humiliated Zardugal. It is for these reasons, and their weak-willed nature, that the Zards hold a grudge against the noble Kingdom of Wrnuke. After the great rider of the Temrkai's Breed Minister Temrtamnr, reached out to establish treaties of non-aggression and trade he was insulted by the socialist junta of the Zards. Instead the government of Zardugal issued an ultimatum, demanding the complete removal of every mention of Temrkai H'án, for our gracious King to be deposed and murdered, for the title of King to never be used in Wrnuke ever again, and for Wrnuke to dismiss its entire Armed Forces and hand over the border regions to Zardugal. These demands were immediately rejected, after which Zardugal has started a campaign to build up a war machine to invade Wrnuke and murder our good King Temrkai. An invasion is no fear for the Wrntuhiko, as he mentioned in a recent television broadcast: "The socialist warmongers have sold most of their equipment to keep their failing apparatus of state afloat, now they are rebuilding a deformed excuse of an army made up of old men and scared women. Our proud warriors will stand vigilant on the border and kill every Zard that tries to invade."

The Wrntuhiko has handed out a decree wherein some of the newly formed brigades will be deployed on the border with Zardugal. This is to keep marauding criminals at bay and to welcome any refugees from the corrupt dictatorship. The decree has also given an order to place statues of Temrkai H'án along the border. Local artists were commissioned to design the statues, people in the border region were allowed to vote on the designs. The winners mostly relied on a classical portrayal of the Jelbic warrior with Temrkai H'án's signature moustache. A small festival was organized for the artists and any interested citizen near the Kutsalyat Jez Temrkai H'án, a massive memorial near the city of Krlmék. The memorial was built a long time ago on order of the first King Temrkai to honour his ancestor, it is a massive metal statue that reaches up to 40 metres in height. The memorial is surrounded with columns that are each dedicated to a great figure from the Jelbosphere, from the ancient warrior Merlkai H'án to the illustrious writer Jlekai Idjoz to more recent figures such as Queen Mrjmai. At this great sacred site dedicated to the Jelbic way of life the many statues of the good Temrkai H'án were displayed for all to see. Over the course of the following weeks the statues will be placed along the border, after which many Zard will be trembling in his boots at the sight of our saviour.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:43 am

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Polites » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:45 am

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:07 am


     Ort! Provocations from Zardugal prompt large military exercise
     29 September 5370

     A refurbished Avlamajolépar 2W4 tank during an exercise in Southern Wrnuke, the tank is supported by prototypes of the Fers 8-wheeled APC.

After scandalous Zardic provocations the Kingdom of Wrnuke has responded in force. Minister of National Defence, Omr Obbéz, cooperated with the General Staff of the Kingdom to organize a special domestic exercise. Obbéz, who served in the military in his youth, has been an able administrator within the Ministry of National Defence for the last two decades. The Wrntuhiko himself praised his endeavours and accredits Wrnuke's rise as a regional power to the strategic planning of Minister Obbéz. The Minister is known to work miracles with a limited budget, having decided on the great defensive plans of the Kingdom. Just before the commencement of the military exercise the Minister had a special press conference. "Our Kingdom is limited, limited in reach, resources, wealth. We are a strong nation, yes, but we are not the global power we used to be. This honesty can only propel us to greatness as we learn to adapt. Wrnuke will strike hard in places the arrogant powers will not expect us." The Ministry of National Defence only recently released pictures of Wrnuke's new submarine, the great Froahiko-class. The design of these new submarines were drawn up thirteen years before the Wrntuhiko safeguarded the nation yet the strategic implementation of the new submarines is entirely by the design of Minister Obbéz. "These submarines are capable to strike fast, silent, and hard. No imperialist vessel will be safe."

The exercise, dubbed 'Ort' or 'Sword', focused largely on mechanized movements. The navy of the Kingdom is currently busy executing top secret movements to protect the nation. However the mechanized movements saw the deployments of refurbished Avlamajolépar 2W4 tanks, these armoured titans are considered some of the finest across the globe. The Konzsrlji Krmj factory has been working around the clock to modernize the armoured fleet of the Kingdom. The Avlamajolépar 2W4, known in export circles as the Cheetah 2M4, lacks the advanced protection modules and refined electronics found in the Avlamajolépar 2W7 model but this is done on purpose: "The 2W7 models are for frontal assault brigades, the 2W4 models are for the mainstay of the Kingdom's land forces," said Minister Obbéz. The Ort exercise also saw the first active use of the new Fers APC. These 8-wheeled APC's build on existing designs, with seats for up to seven passengers aside from the three crewmen and a 25mm chain gun to protect any advance the platform is considered both deadly and mobile. "These machines are fast, well-protected, well-armed, and comfortable. Only the best for the King's soldiers." The current Fers APC is considered a prototype, after exercises the military hopes to adopt the more protected Fers II which will also be equiped with an anti-tank capability.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:03 am

The Terran Times
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