
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:58 am


Kalistani Students make their way to Liore
Aim to bring Kalistani Knowledge to help Liore in Strategic Mission

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 20, 4879

A groups of more than 50 engineering students travel to Liore in early July to study with the Liore Navy

An article appeared in the newspaper of the distant Republic of Liore a year ago which described the plans of the Government of Liore to begin reverse engineering Deltarian naval vessels for the purpose of using the plans to develop warships of their own.

"I was reading the copy of Mjumbe lent me by my friend," said Engineering Junior Kyle Sutcliffe-Edwardson, of Kaliburg, "and it said these guys were going to take apart these Deltarian ships piece by piece and use the designs to begin to build their own weaponry. I know that the Regular Navy had acquired a lot of valuable ship building knowledge through reverse engineering. My first thought was 'Cool' and my second thought was 'I bet we could learn something from this!'" Sutcliffe said he immediately began contacting everyone he knew to find a way to get in touch with the Liore Arch Ministry of Defense.

"Our goal, because we couldn't go over in any official capacity, was to arrange person to person visits between Kalistani Engineering students and those working in the Reverse Engineering project for their Defense Ministry," said Sutcliffe. "We met with a very welcoming response, and began to make arrangements to travel to Liore." Sutcliffe said he enlisted the brightest 50 engineering students from across the Republic, and also included a handful of professional naval engineers who work for the National Shipyards, and then worked out an informal year long study abroad program between Kalistan and Liore. "Yes, we'll get credit for it, but the knowledge we bring back from studying ship design and construction from the Comrades in Liore will be invaluable!"

Travel and Per Diem for the visitors have been subsidized by the Socialist Party and several small ship contractors from Kaliburg and Sulari. Additionally, sympathetic operators at the National Shipyards have supplied access to the blueprint archives maintained there, which detail, among other things, the reverse engineering done by Kalistan on Vanukean Ships more than four centuries ago. "These designs are so outdated," said Sutcliffe, "that Vanuku has probably completely discontinued them, but for what they were they were pretty good, and besides: reading a blueprint and building a ship from it which sails and actually serves as an asset to the Navy are two totally different things."

Sutcliffe said he plans on returning to the Republic eventually, and getting a job with the National Shipyards. "I started wanting to build bridges, but really, ship design seems so much more interesting to me, and I suppose it will be more important to the Republic as well."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:23 am


Socialists replace KDP in Government
Dismal Turnout in August General Elections point to work still to be done

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 12, 4879

The Face of the Unanticipated Leader, Speaker Marguerite Beloit

Marguerite Beloit always believed that she would have the opportunity to serve in the National Assembly as the leader of one of Terra's oldest and most storied Parties, the Socialist Party of Kalistan when she and student activists from all over the Republic reformed the Party two years ago. She had no idea that her time would come so soon, nor that when it did, she would be thrust into the single most powerful and influential position in all of Kalistan, thereby becoming one of the most powerful women in Terra. But that is precisely what happened last Tuesday as the Socialist Party was given an electoral mandate to reform the Government.

In the second General Election in 18 Months, voters overwhelmingly filled the seats in the National Assembly, recently reconvened in Kaliburg, with Deputies from the Socialist Party of Kalistan. The first act of the new Socialist dominated National Assembly was to name a government, with Comrade Marguerite Beloit nominated for Head of Government. She will not become Premier of the Republic for another 9 months, until the constitutional changes occur which will re-create the office. In the meantime, Beloit will be invested with all power necessary to perform caretaker functions, such as restoring the Constitution of the Republic, to include the readoption of the Presidential Prerogative, an ancient tradition which was sacrificed in Kalistan centuries ago and has not been observed recently.

In her extremely short acceptance speech before the new National Assembly, Speaker Beloit said "I humbly accept your nomination to this position. I had no idea that this would happen as quickly as it has, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve. The Socialist Party's agenda is clear, and the people expect us to carry it out." After these brief comments, the new leader of the Government of Kalistan descended the rostrum and returned to her office, leaving her deputy and incoming Foreign Minister Sharice Mosswell to conduct the proforma business of the afternoon.

What people the soon to be Premier of the Republic was referring to, though is not clear. Snap elections caught many people across the Republic off guard, and turnout was an incredibly low 15.5 percent of the total electorate- A shockingly low number however one spins it. "What can I say," said whip and Party campaign chair Val Armstrong. "There is no real alternative on the ballot, given the liquidation of the KDP electoral ticket. The urgency to get out and fight to ensure that socialists win the election is not there when the election is uncontested, for the most part." Some races were won by a mere handful of voters, and in some cases the vote was close.

"Saira has done pretty good considering the fact that they have never voted or spoke in the rump Assembly of the old Administration," said Armstrong. "They did surprisingly well and almost took two deputies seats in Ananto and one in Vrassa." The low turnout points to the need for the Socialist Party to get busy immediately on a progressive agenda for the people. "Our main strength came from the activist segment of the society," said Armstrong. "These are the people who want to see change, these are the people who want the Socialist Party to undo a lot of the damage of the previous administrations and begin moving forward to a better future for all."

The Party wasted no time doing just that. In a comprehensive Omnibus, the Socialist Party proposed seven constitutional changes, three statutory changes dealing with citizenship, and withdrawal from 13 treaties which violate Kalistani traditions, primarily dealing with collective security, international law and national policy. "The previous government tied us to a treaty that rated movies?" said Armstrong in disbelief. "That, comrade is not Kalistan. Nor is it necessary to require us to adhere to an international censorship effort."

One treaty that the Republic will be withdrawing from is the Declaration of Human Rights. This treaty is an extensive treaty declaring a host of things to be "human rights," and Kalistan traditionally supports practically every plank of the declaration, as does the Socialist Party. But Armstrong's extensive argument for withdrawal deserves to be quoted in full:

"We are leaving the Human Right's treaty because, as the Speaker said when opposing the adoption, this treaty holds private property as inviolable. Not only do we not support the notion of the inviolability of private property as the Socialist Party, we also note that these provisions conflict with other treaty commitments we support, such as the one on slavery which obligates us to confiscate slaves from slave ships. No person reading those two treaties together would have a problem with them: Private Property is inviolable, and slaves can be confiscated. But the key to chattel slavery and just one of its many wicked features is that it involves owning another human as property. If they are not your property, requiring them to be confiscated by force if necessary, then they are not chattel slaves, and if they are not chattel, they cannot be seized. So either one [treaty] must be in force or the other one, but both cannot be at the same time. We choose to reserve our right as a nation to Nationalize property which is being used contrary to the interests of the Republic, as well as the right to confiscate human property which is being held contrary to the interests of humanity. The Declaration of Human rights will be fine without us, and we have other treaties that do not take such an uncompromising stand for private property, which we know liberals care about more than all other rights anyway."

Besides these major changes, the Republican Government has set for itself an ambitious agenda. Not only does it need to reverse decades of neglect and malice on the part of liberal and right-wing administrations, it also needs to restart other important institutions like the Kalistani Republic newspaper and the KRTVN, recharter the National Bank, reopen the National Stock Exchange, look into the status of the (former) national industries, establish peaceful and regular relationships with our neighbors, and pass a slew of socialist legislative proposals. Only then will the Party be able to stand for an election with a solid record of actually working for the people.

The New Speaker, inadvertently and perhaps prematurely thrust into the National Spotlight by the cataclysmic demise of the KDP, has a ton of work ahead of her. Her inexperience with government will certainly not work in her favor.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:08 am


Sharice Mosswell Dispatched from the Republic
Unofficial Visits and Initial Meetings planned for new Foreign Minister

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 25, 4879

New Foreign Minister Sharice Mosswell, 23, welcomes role as Chief Diplomat

Playing to her strengths, the new but skilled Foreign Minister of Kalistan, Sharice Mosswell, has been dispatched from the Capital on a fact finding mission to a number of countries in Terra soon after being granted interim credentials pending passage of the Government bill at the beginning of September. Mosswell has already represented the Government of Kalistan at Ramsāhreza Aldegar last month, as Kalistan signed onto a plan for greater cooperation in Seleya. After serving for several sessions as Speaker Protempore in her role as Deputy Party Leader, Mosswell will now continue her diplomatic overture to other nations in Seleya, Dovani and Parts west.

"Most of these visits are informal, of course. Introductions to undersecretaries of undersecretaries and assorted minions," said Provisional FM Mosswell, which is still technically her title.. "We are laying the ground work for a future of good relations between Kalistan and the World."

Mosswell, aged 23, and freshly graduated in a Masters' Program in Foreign Policy at Kaliburg Republican University, has limited travel experience. "It's really kind of scary, if you think about it," Mosswell said. "I am confident that I can shake the right hands and explain the position of the Government of Kalistan. But you know: each country has their weird protocols, and with some of these Emperors and Overlords you have to do the secret handshake, and to be honest, I don't think there is anyone in the Government right now who knows all that protocol, when to bow, when to look at the ruler straight in the eye, when to take your shoes off and all that. So this is a learning trip for me too. Lord knows I don't want to let one go at some huge formal dinner and you know, start a war or some sh..." The Foreign Minister edited herself. "Yeah, guess I gotta watch that too..."

When asked about her itinerary, Mosswell said, "I am headed to, um... Gaduridos, and definitely will be visiting Liore. And I have other countries like Lourenne on the itinerary and Dolgava, and I think Deltaria, though I am not sure about that one. Hutori... And then on my way back, I will be swinging through Lodamun and Baltusia, and probably back down to Aldegar again, and then over to Indrala. Where else... um, I think that's it for this trip. These are people that the Government sees the greatest chance of building friendly relations with right out the gate. They want me to check out the new ODEN branch up in Hutori, definitely, so I am bringing along some ODEN-K folks. I don't know, that seems like a pretty full schedule."

The Provisional Foreign Minister intends to be away for four weeks, and her staff in Kalistan will be busy the entire time following the meetings and setting up new ones. "Well, I mean, if I get to a country, and there is nobody there who wants to talk to me, I guess I am a tourist for a few days. Its good to get out into the world and see how people are living their lives. But I also intend to go hound the Foreign Ministry in their capitals until they send someone down to say hello if I have to. I mean, what's the point of protocol if they ain't even gonna follow it themselves?"

Whatever happens on this trip, the Foreign Minister is certainly in for a rousing dash around the world. When asked if the young Minister looks forward to the trip, she gave a huge smile and took a deep breath, "Well, fu..... I mean, Hell Yeah! I mean, what kid my age wouldn't be excited to go around the world and see all these exotic lands and meet powerful people and also kick it with some chill folks in like a corner bar? Tell you what, they didn't have to ask me twice!"

We wish the new Provisional Foreign Minister Luck as she makes her way around the world and reintroduces the World to Kalistan.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:50 am


ARC to distribute FOMAT 9 Concert Album
Excellence in Talent leads many fans to demand Preservation of Event

Sulari, Suldanor
January 2, 4880

Album Cover Draws heavily on Selucian Festival Theme

FOMAT 9 might have been completed a couple of years ago, but due to exceptional performances at the contest and large scale demand among the listening population in Kalistan, ARC Records in Sulari has secured the publishing rights for the live performance of the show from FOMAT.

"It's a fairly cut and dried deal," said ARC spokesman Jacob Holly. "ARC accompanied Kalistan's entry Salgo to the show intending to make a recording of just their performance to use on later records as like a B-Side or something... You know when your star is on the rise, people start scrambling for any and all content. Well, Jan from Salgo asked the engineers if they would just record the whole show, and so ARC worked with the sound crew at the show to tap into the feed to the boards and pull off a direct recording of the show. It ended up turning out phenomenally."

The benefit of the direct feed recording instead of a side stage or pit recording is that in the non-direct recordings rely simply on a two track recording of the concert, and the crowd noises often drown out the performers. "Think of your own experience at huge concerts. The acoustics mess with the sound and there is invariably a superfan standing next to you losing their s--t keeping you from enjoying the concert. That is how every single fan heard the show," said Holly. "With the direct recording, we got to put an eight track recorder onto the sound board and individually mix all channels. We got crowd noises via the mics when the songs went down, but we didn't have to play with acoustics, we got to mix each channel to come out with a pristine recording, and we now get to deliver the songs not as the audience heard them, but as the artists played them. And that is a dramatically different show."

The Record, which contains the recorded live performance of all FOMAT 9 Contestants, without regard to where they eventually placed in the show, will be made available both in the Republic and internationally, and it will be available on all international streaming services, all after the debut of the record on January 20 of this year. "We have worked out deals with all the performers and the show promoters themselves. The FOMAT organization was paid an undisclosed, but significant amount of money for recording and publishing rights, and all revenue that sales of the record and streams of the record generates will be placed in escrow, to be paid out monthly in 13 equal shares, one for each artist or band, and one for the record Company, until costs of ARC are recouped, and then all revenues will be divided equally among all the artists."

This royalties escrow account is aimed to continue to generate residual revenues for artists who performed at FOMAT. "You might say it is the first licensing arrangement for music that I have heard of," said Holly, "to make sure Artists are paid a fair amount for a demanded product, while continuing to honor our commitment to free and open dissemination of music as far and as wide as possible." Holly said that ARC is looking into a way to create licensing deals like this with other artists as well, to ensure that residuals can be paid to artists without the need to enforce monopoly and copyright in the Republic and internationally.

"At ARC, our mission is to make sure those artists who record get the best deal possible. We were started by artists who were getting ripped off by major labels like KMI, and now that we are their chief rival, and operate over an equal market share in Kalistan, we are beginning to explore ways to expand our relationship with our artists while not fundamentally altering our core philosophies of putting Artists first and more importantly making sure they are paid for the things they do."

As Holly said, the ARC recording of FOMAT 9 in Selucia will be released on January 20. Physical media (Vinyl and CD) will hit stores that day both locally and internationally, and streaming will be available as well. In Kalistan, physical media will come with an individual code for electronic download of the album to compliment the physical copy. The full electronic download will also be available for purchase on the Label's website.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:09 am


KMI makes move to court Gaduri and Egelian-Language Musicians
"Massive Market for Egelian Speaking Population is underserved in Kalistan" says A&R executive

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 30, 4880

Maria "La Mas Mala" Castro releases her debut "La Mala" on KMI this month

As ARC releases the FOMAT IX album which features predominantly music of an international flavor, their chief competitors in the Kalistani Music Industry, KMI seemed to miss a trick. Usually, a deal like FOMAT would go to KMI, given their long history in the Republic and reputation for making music that tends to be more pop and electronic. But late this month, KMI fired back with an LP release "La Mala" by new artist La Mas Mala, which is the name of singer/songwriter Maria Castro, of Yoshimi Suldanor. Her debut record is exclusively in Egelian, making it the first major album in Kalistan to be recorded entirely in Egelian, and the choice to record and release this record with significant industry and promotional support in the Republic points at a marketing switch made in KMI late last year.

"We realize that the massive Egelian speaking market is dramatically underserved," said A&R representative Jose Funtes. "KMI is taking steps to begin to remedy this, and with luck, we may start to see some diversity in Kalistan's music scene."

Fuentes stated that the release of "La Mala" is part of a multi year, multi-million Ruble effort to attract Egelian-speaking artists to the Label. "Included in our strategy is a desire to work with musicians from the booming music scene in Gaduridos," said Fuentes, who noted that Gaduridos sent Los Angeles Rojos to FOMAT IX and is now also promoting pop singer Chaparra across Gaduridos. "Here are two great artists there who are incredibly popular among Gaduri music lovers, and we think that if either or both of these acts even toured up here, they would sell out every single show they put together. Who can imagine who else Gaduridos is going to come out with next?"

Los Angeles Rojos and Chaparra are just the "tip of the ice berg" said Fuentes when it comes to Egelian language music. "We have hundreds of musicians right now who are doing flemenco-influenced hip hop, reggae en Egelian, dance music and so forth, and there is a massive demand for this type of music. KMI wants to be in on the ground floor of this growing scene in Kalistan, and make it possible and attractive for Gaduri Artists to tour Kalistan and vice versa."

So far, La Mas Mala is at the vanguard of the nascent Kalistani Musica Egeliana scene, though without a doubt, commercial success for La Mas Mala will lead to the opening of doors for other artists who perform in Egelian. "All I know is that at the end of the day, 85% of the population speaks Egelian as either a first or second language, and right now there are no Egelian Language songs in the top 10. From a industry standpoint, the math isn't that hard," said Fuentes.

"La Mala" was released yesterday, January 29, on KMI Records, and her album's first single "El Trato" debuted at number 5 on the Kalistani Hot 100 this week.
Last edited by Doc on Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:05 am


Speaker of the Assembly Begins Legislative Reforms
Sweeping Omnibus aims at beginning to redraw line between Public and Private

Kaliburg, Ananto
February 12, 4880

Speaker Beloit announces major changes to the Government's Role in Society

[Editor's Note: The Kalistani Republic has begun publication once more. We thank IZQUIERDA for carrying the role of Journal of Public Affairs as the Republic reorganized. They will now return to their traditional role of "Organ of the Socialist Party of Kalistan". -ed]

Speaker of the Assembly Marguerite Beloit continued moving ahead with strong reforms of the National Government with more sweeping legislation.

"This Reorganization Act," said Speaker Beloit, "Aims at redrawing the lines between the Public and Private Sectors in Kalistan. For too long, and to be clear, one year is too long, the Government has interfered where they do not belong and have held their hands off in places where their input is absolutely necessary. We aim to change that today."

The Bill, called the Public/Private Spheres Delineation Act I aims at laying the foundation for the Dual Economy, said Beloit. "We take the Government out of people's Bedrooms and their churches, and put the Government back into essential infrastructure like Airports, energy production, and housing and provision of other needs. "At the end of the say, our Administration will restore the State's Role in guaranteeing prosperity and plenty for the people of this Republic, while protecting, to the utmost degree, vital civil liberty and social freedoms within the Republic. It is a balancing act, and it requires time, but if we stay the course, we will accomplish this, most important task."

This major legislation follows on the heels of major constitutional reforms which are expected to take effect in a month and a half, and important government bills which filled the seats and created a functioning cabinet for the first time in years. The Socialist Party has also had some important early diplomatic successes, as Kalistan took the first steps toward joining a more united Seleyan Community, sent its first cultural exchanges to Selucia and Liore, where more than 50 Kalistanis are currently learning shipbuilding and naval engineering as Liori engineers deconstruct warships from Deltaria, and has sent the New Foreign Minister on a tour of several important countries, including Baltusia, where she created a minor stir by inquiring into the foreign Affairs of that country. In the end all was well, however: Th Foreign Minister's Youthful inquisitiveness was forgiven by the gracious hosts, and she received a sword to present to the Speaker as a sign of friendship.

As Public Policy slowly rights itself through the determined effort of a unified Assembly, and The Socialist Party is able to address the years of neglect, economic activity, both domestically and internationally is expected to pick up once more. "When the Dual Economy is finally restarted," said Speaker Beloit, "We can begin to explore more formal trade and investment arrangements, as well as formal diplomatic exchanges which will tie Kalistan into a larger world. We still maintain our cultural edge, and have a great reputation for this abroad, but the other sectors now require our attention. It is a slow, painstaking process, but I have every confidence that the Kalistan at the next election will be one on solid footing. We just have to avoid missteps now, which is why are are working so attentively on the questions of public and economic policy."

Across Kalistan, voters and various organized interests seem to be taking a cautiously optimistic, if tentative approach to the Administration of Speaker Beloit. Said Public Transportation Operator Denise Gordo, "We'll have to see how these things work out. I understand from history that the Dual Economy was supposed to be this great thing, but then again, all that history was written by generations of Socialists, so I would like to see how it works for myself." When asked if she would ever vote Socialist, she was less direct, "Let's just see how they do."

As soon as the New Delineation Act passes, the Speaker has said she will proceed directly to re-establish the dual economy, renationalize the Work Force, the Oil Industry and the Iron and Steel Industries, and begin regular investment in ODEN and various infrastructure projects across the Republic. In the meanwhile, it is expected that the SP will begin to rebuild KRTVN, which has been left in place in law, but in practice, due to neglect, has devolved back to complete private control and management. This move will likely be very popular with Kalistani citizens who routinely complain about the quality of programming on television and the overwhelming amount of the commercial advertisement.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:19 pm


Pop singer La Sol performs for Premier at SpringFest
Young Singer joins wave of Egelian Language performers in Kalistan

Kaliburg, Ananto
May 18, 4880

Soledad Valdes, known to fans as La Sol, performed at this year's SpringFest, attended by Premier of the Republic Beloit

As Kalistani musicians Salgo return with Second Place honors from the International Festival of Music in Terra, the Kalistani Musica Egelian movement has gained steam among fans. Spearheaded by the smashing release of La Mala by KMI artist La Mas Mala in late January, more and more musicians who are interested in putting out music in the Egelian Language have been gaining attention in Kalistan. Much is of this interest is also fueled by the results of FOMAT IX, where Gaduri quintet Los Angeles Rojos, took home top honors.

The new interest in Egelian Language music has benefited one young artist especially. Soledad Valdes, known to her growing army of fans as La Sol, has recorded in Vrassan for years. Her music certainly falls into the dance and pop categories, and as she has grown up, her themes have become more mature, exploring a range of human emotion that typifies the pop music genre. She has also begun recently to explore RF, with the standalone single "Good to You". But the sudden willingness of record companies in Kalistan, including KMI, to record Egelian Language singers has provided her the opportunity to make a name for herself in a Market which is still new and fresh in the Republic.

La Sol has recently inked a record deal with La Tienda Discos, a new Record Company built specifically to release and promote Egelian Language music in Kalistan. Independently owned and managed, LTD signed La Sol as their first artist, but has a number of other musicians that they are scouting right now, as singers make a switch to a more Egelian sound. Her deal includes not only recording and mastering, of which she owns the rights, but also licensing escrow along the lines set up by ARC with the FOMAT record, and all publishing rights. LTD does all promotion and takes a fixed cut of all record sales to recoup costs and provides a nominal profit on the record. A deal along these terms seems to be seen more often for new musicians in Kalistan, and given the degree of talent, what LTD has called an "Associate Deal" may quickly be the norm, while the old style "Affiliate deals" may be more reserved for exploratory, developmental or vanity projects.

The signing with LTD has made La Sol a hot ticket this spring. A lot of her older music is beginning to be heard on commercial radio in Kalistan, and she was recently interviewed for Radio Kaliburg, where she was asked why she wants to make the switch to Egelian Language music. "Well," answered the young Singer, "I mean, it's what people want these days. It's the future of pop in Kalistan. Obviously I can speak both Egelian and Vrassan fluently, and I think you get a lot of different patterns and rhyme schemes with Egelian that you can't really do in Vrassan, because the most of the verbs have standard endings. For example, I can put Tengo, Como, Quiero and Hablo in a verse where in Vrassan, you know, those words wouldn't rhyme at all. It's a new way to express myself in Music, that's how I see it."

Due to the growing promotional push of El Sol by her label, the Singer was recently added to SpringFest in downtown Kaliburg, where she joined a host of other pop singers and musicians in welcoming the Spring back to Ananto. While La Sol was on stage, the newly Restored Premier of the Republic, Marguerite Beloit was in the crowd, taking a short break from her unending work of leading the Government of Kalistan. When asked what she thought of the singer, Beloit was more like a young music fan than the Premier of the Republic: "Oh yeah, Sol and me, we go back. She's from Zappa too [the Zappa City neighborhood of Kaliburg], and we used to canvass together back when we were in High School. She was a good hard worker, and a real champion at getting signatures. I am really happy for her that she is finally getting some recognition for her music now too."

With that ringing endorsement, La Sol begins her assent into the constellation of Kalistani musical stars. Her first all Egelian Language record on LTD is due out in August, and meanwhile, her most recent song, Una Vez Mas is in heavy rotation on Kalistani radios everywhere. Meanwhile, it appears that she will be working with ARC to release an EP of her standalone singles soon thereafter, so that those who are not familiar with her work in the Republic have a chance to listen to her in both Egelian and Vrassan.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:47 pm

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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:53 am


A Legislative Agenda for a New Year
Premier Beloit Addresses The National Assembly to lay out Goals

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 8, 4881

Premier Beloit continues efforts to realign Kalistan with Socialism in new Agenda

The Premier of the Republic, who was fully instituted in that role last fall, has continued working non-stop now for a year to ensure that Kalistan is more correctly aligned with its institutional traditions. She made this effort explicit in the address she delivered before the National Assembly this week. The Kalistani Republic has printed the text of her speech below:

Comrades, this place is a much different place than when I arrived here just a year ago. We have seen so many changes already, even with our admittedly slow legislative pace. But it is a matter to be proud of, something that we should certainly continue to support and work for.

I was asked by the Deputy Premier and several members of my government to address you today to lay out thIs Government's legislative priorities. I can start with saying "Thank you" to the Comrades who will be leaving us at the beginning of February to return to the Districts and continue our Party's work there among the people. You have had a year's worth of Legislative Experience and it is my sincerest hope that you take that knowledge and the skills you have learned as you take up a new role in the District and Local Governments.

I would also like to prematurely welcome the incoming President of the Republic, who will take office for the first time on February 1, Comrade Reynaldo Carrangus, who has been so instrumental in leading the youth Cadres on the Mainland in our effort to build Socialism in Kalistan. We are still a youth Party, and our Comrade President is younger than even a lot of you all, but his experience and his skill outshine most of those of us, myself included, sitting in this Assembly. We have asked him to leave his studies to serve as the Nation's President, the first President of the Republic in nearly 10 years. We welcome him and I do not envy the Comrade his Task.

Domestically, Kalistan is headed back toward fiscal stability and zero growth. It is our intention to fully restore the National Service Program and reauthorization of the National Industries Charters. We also ask that the Finance Ministry re-capitalized the National Bank and the Kalsie and restore Kalistan to high place that we were accustomed to for so long. I also would lie to see this Assembly vote on healthy subsidies to our aircraft, automobile, and electronics industries to make them competitive once more with a world that has left Kalistan behind. We will continue to build upon our social legislation successes and will deepen the trust among the people that this society will not let them fall if they stumble, will allow them to live comfortably when they succeed, and will not allow wealth interfere with human equality, access to government or justice, or rights and liberty. I hope to pass a budget this year which reflects these priorities and allows for budgetary surplus as well.

On the foreign side, I must take a moment to address a number of points that was recently brought to my attention by the Capable Foreign Minister Sharice Mosswell. Comrade Mosswell reports that a number of events occurred on her voyage around the world which have tested the patience of our neighbors and fellow Nations of Terra. One such event was the Comrade's request for clarification with regard to the role played by Baltusia in the ongoing conflict in Ntoto. This request for clarification raised eyebrows in Baltusia, but apparently the visit itself was objected to by the Dovani State of Tropica, who has since declared Baltusia a "state sponsor of terrorism".

To Baltusia: it is important that Kalistan stand opposed to International Intervention around the world. Spreading War does not alleviate war, and the Republic of Kalistan will therefore look forward to the day when the intervention of your nation in the Conflict of Ntoto, as well as the PERCEPTION of your nation's intervention there, is ended. While this Government gracefully accepts the token gift you presented our Foreign Minister, even after her indelicately broaching the subject of the Intervention, it is not in our interest at this moment to normalize relations with your Republic. We will look for opportunities to cooperate with Baltusia in the future, following the conclusion of the conflict. But there must be a diplomatic cost to overseas intervention, as Kalistan knows very well. And therefore, as far as your closest neighbors are concerned, it is indeed unfortunate that because of this intervention, we are both bearing that cost.

To Tropica: While we appreciate the concern you have raised, and share it, Kalistan will not be dictated to with regard to whom we may treat with and under what circumstances. The Government of Tropica shall hear from our Foreign Ministry with an official Response, as is correct procedure, contrary to the course chosen by Tropica in their efforts to characterize our Foreign Minister's visit to another sovereign state in their National Press!

Ahem. Another matter which I hope can be resolved which was discovered by our Foreign Minister: The united Crown of Lourenne and Alduria still refers to its Monarch as the "Protecteur du Kalistan". We absolutely and unequivocably reject this baseless and hateful claim to a portion of our National Sovereignty, and a formal diplomatic complain is currently being drawn up. I have advised the staff to fully apprise the incoming President of the Republic on the matter so that he may be able to determine appropriate next steps, but Comrades, this is a faux pas, to use the Canrillaise term, at best... an oversight from the land of my own ancestors,, whom I am prepared, personally to offer the benefit of the doubt, but nonetheless a diminishment and infantilization of the Republic, and I assure you, we will not let this matter rest until it is resolved to Kalistan's satisfaction.

In our foreign affairs, Kalistan aims to begin rebuilding our Naval force, along the last order of march ever devised by the Republican Government. Many of the ships and our own submarine designs we can build ourselves, but the capital ships remain outside of our ability to build which means we will need to seek, once more, purchases from foreign Nations. Over the last 100 years, the zenith of our naval strength was more than 80 years ago. Technology changes. The rotting rust buckets that sit in dry dock or at anchor north of the Shipyards here are more suitable for building reefs than for defending our coasts. It is incumbent upon our Regular Military and our Ministry of Defense to take steps to resolve this deficit immediately.

I will direct the Defense Ministry to call up enough regulars to generate a Garrison Quota of land forces. This includes the commissioning of new officers and the appointment of new Non Commissioned Officers. The Garrison Quota of the Regular Army will serve as a jumpstart to the restoration of the Kalistani Regular Army. Additionally, civilian pilots will be offered commissions to serve as instructors at flight school, and we aim to get Kalistan's airforce off the tarmac once more. And most importantly, the Socialist Party of Kalistan will reform the RSMoK, for the purposes of training and refitting Most of the Small arms in the Militia's armory will need to be replaced, as will reacquisition of heavy arms, artillery and uniforms. It is a massive undertaking and this year merely represents the start of the process which will not be finished for a very long time.

Financially, the Republic will seek to acquire and send Foreign Direct Investment to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to put their capital to work, both at home and abroad. A special focus will be in the exporting of food and clothing, as well as recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, and the importation or Substitution Industrialization of consumer electronics, automobiles, and the sorts of finished materials demanded by consumers. We maintain the right to nationalize foreign investments which do not comply with Kalistani Law, but at the same time, we also wish the world to know that Kalistani Investments are never bad ones, expecially because of the low degree of competition in the Republic and the high degree of education and adaptability of the Kalistani Workforce

Kalistan also seeks once more to set its currency up as if not THE single convertible currency, at least A convertible currency which is desired overseas, and therefore generates our nation benefits by being held and traded internationally. To this end, the National Bank will establish strict currency rules which will prevent wild inflationary trends, while at the same time buttressing up the value of trade denominated in Rubles. We do not intend to prevent the acquisition of rubles overseas, but these measures are designed to give investors faith that purchase of Kalistani Rubles is a safe and profitable decision, and we will gain as a result of increased demand for our rubles.

I would also like to announce bank reform policies which will encourage spending in the economy, without the corresponding inflation that often walks hand in hand. Beginning with the Passage of the Bank Reform Act later this year, personal accounts with the National Bank will not earn interest, and nor will the National Bank collect interest on loans it provides to individuals and small businesses. Instead, it will reserve a portion of its initial capitalization to create a profitable foundation, which once fully endowed, will invest in the market, and will then pay annual dividends to its account holders and to make loans to those that seek them. In essence the National Bank will become a credit union, which is owned by those who deposit with it. As our goal is zero growth, interest undermines that effort. Other selection criteria will be imposed at the bank to make it easier to obtain loans for personal matters or to start a new business, but ability to repay will merely serve as an early screen in the process, and more weight will be placed on the social good that will be done with the loan.

All of these policies sit atop the Government's agenda, but none as high as police reform. I am thrilled to announce that the Police are to return to a correct relationship to society, to serve the people and ensure that crime is prosecuted in society. To this end, we will also be reintroducing the prison abolition bill and relegalizing a number of activities, including prostitution and gambling which previous administrations have outlawed.

These are the priorities of this Republic's government this year. We look forward to serving the people of Kalistan and we must now get to work.

With that, the Premier of the Republic left the podium to rousing applause
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:00 am


Dustup with Lourenne Possible
New Tensions build over Lourenne and Alduria's use of the title "Protector of Kalistan

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 30 4881

The following Notice was flashed over public news wires and diplomatic information cables today, which shows the President of the Republic, Reynaldo Carrangus, requesting that the reigning Monarch of Lourenne and Alduria, Catherine III remove the title "Protector of Kalistan" from her official Stile.

Most newsworthy is the information that diplomatic relations between Kalistan and Lourenne, which have been peaceful for more than 100 years, appear to be suspended, as the Government of Kalistan has directed the Foreign Ministry to recall all diplomatic staff and personnel for consultation, and suspend consular activity until the matter is resolved.

The Premier has said, and the President agrees that the view of the Government of Kalistan, at this point, is that the title remains in the stile as a matter of oversight, and no preparations appear to be being made for any more intensified activity, at the moment. It appears that Kalistan seems to be willing to overlook this very serious matter for the sake of peace and continued good relationship with the Kingdom to our East.

As an historical note, the last time a country claimed a part of Kalistani sovereignty was 900 years ago in the events leading to the Ananto War between Kalistan and Indrala. That war, which was part of a larger global conflict began with Kalistan closing the Ananto Straits and launching pirate attacks against the shipping of Indrala, followed by by a devastating invasion by Indrala, and finally a peace treaty which removed the title and granted Kalistan and Indrala peace ever since

Below is the full text of the official protest by the Government of Kalistan:



Comrade Queen, Catherine,

Hello and Well Met.

It is unfortunate that a representative of your government did not have the opportunity to meet our Foreign Minister when she visited your country late last summer, but a matter has been brought to my attention which I think I need to raise with your government

It is concerning the title of "Protector of Kalistan" that you hold onto. I am not sure if this was a relic from the time when your Government secured Kalistan during our times of difficulty, but you should know: the generation which promoted that intervention on our behalf, the same generation that traveled to Kalistan and became the ancestors of our Premier, have all but passed away. And yet, you still hold onto this title.

The Government of Kalistan has requested that I contact you and ask you to take the necessary steps to remove that title once and for all. They feel, and I agree, that it is a diminishment of the Sovereignty of Kalistan and an infantilization of our Republic. Of all the titles held by monarchs across the Globe, Kalistan is the only Republic which is claimed to have a protector.

There are a number of benefits to removing the title: it will allow for normalization of relations between our two countries once more. In diplomatic protest, the Foreign Minister has begun to issue consultation orders to our diplomatic and consular staff in Lourenne and Alduria over the matter. She has informed me that the Government will put a stop to this effort if that title is removed from your official title. Removing the title will prevent yet another escallation of tensions which is sure to follow if our very reasonable and substantiated request is denied. Our Premier is a young Kalistani, and she is currently still building out a strategy that extends beyond Kalistan Obviously we would prefer that this international strategy includes peace and excellent relations with the Government and the Crown of Lourenne and Alduria. But her feelings on the matter were made quite explicit in her recent address to the National Assembly:

"We absolutely and unequivocably reject this baseless and hateful claim to a portion of our National Sovereignty"

I stand by our Premier in this matter.

The Premier has publicly stated that Kalistan currently sees this matter as a mere oversight on the part of the Crowns of Lourenne and Alduria.

It is my sincerest hope that indeed it is the case and the matter is easily remediated within Lourenne and Alduria, so we can move on with life, putting this small but not insignificant matter behind us, and build on a foundation of friendship, comity and equality which has characterized Kalistani-Lourennais relations for a century

Many thanks for your patience and your indulgence.

We look forward to your response.
Reynaldo Carrangus
Socialist Party of Kalistan
Incoming President of the Republic, United Republic of Kalistan

Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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