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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:08 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:18 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:04 pm

McClair Tea Company taking a new course


February 5393

Fort william - Tea, the most civilised drink in the world. Who doesn’t love it? The soothing taste of a proper brew made with fresh leaves from the Vascania. It is with right the most popular and most drunk beverage in the entire Empire. Truly there is no other beverage that deserves such a place in our great culture than tea.

And where do we drink this great brew of calmness, civilisation and high culture? In our homes, on our jobs. But we lack great places, like the Luthorian Tea Houses. A great new place to sit down, have tea with luncheon. These tea houses have long been a part of our culture, but have been lacking behind since the introduction of the weird addictive coffeebeans beverage. Luckily McClair Tea is offering the solution to this problem! Introducing the McClair’s Tea House.

The McClair Tea Company struggled with bringing our tea across the world, only having mild success in international marketing. Why you ask? We don’t know either, for some reason the other nations either wish to drink coffee – we know, quite uncivilised – or drink that Lourennian frogwater – sad. But with the partnership with the Luthorian Lucheon Company, a company owning and working with various coffeehouses and cafés, the McClair Tea Company will transform them into well and proper tea houses. Here you can drink the finest of teas.

Want some Prince of Orange tea with nice luncheon? Or just bring a date on a cultured date – for some nice Mordusian Blend tea? Or just want a nice cuppa with Luthorian Breakfast Tea in the morning before work? Or take it to go? You can find it all, in McClair Tea Shops all across Luthori.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:35 pm

Kaiser is dead, a beacon of stability, hope and tradition has passed. Prince of Orange attends the funeral

August 20, 5392 ((OOC: Backdate))

Haldor, Dorvik – The glorious King & Kaiser Florian II has died. This sad news has reached the people and government of the Empire. In a statement the Holy Luthorian Empress, Elizabeth, said in a statement that she is shocked by the passing of such a noble monarch and personal friend of the Empress. She stated that the people of Dorvik and the whole of Artania have lost a symbol of stability. Her Imperial Majesty continued with stating that the monarchies of Luthori and Dorvik where the two shining beacons of the constitutional monarchic tradition on this continent and that both nations and governments work for the stability of the region. She remarked to work closly together with the new Kaiser, Florian III.

On 22 August 5292 the new Kaiser will be crowned. Sadly due to her advanced age the Empress cannot attend and shall send forth her son and heir, William, Prince of Orange, to attend the crowning instead. His Imperial Highness, the Prince shall depart soon and will support the new monarch in a time of mixed feelings, hope for the future and the loss of a dear family member.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:03 pm

Imperial Forces stations troops in Likatonia and additional ships, not afraid of Dolgavan & Trigunian warmongering


March 5393

Fort William – Yesterday the Imperial Government announed, through a statement made by the Defence Secretary, that additional forces will be sent to Likatonia. This move comes after various nations took a hostile stance towards the legitimate and necessary cooperation between the Commonwealth allies, Liktonia and Luthori, working together for their common security.

The Holy Luthorian Empire had given Kindall Shipyards the task to upgrade the port that the Empire got from their Likatonian allies in 5386. The goal was to secure the Mad Dog Ocean and Artanian Sea for both nations. Especially since trade in these oceans increased thanks to Commonwealth economic ties. The Likatonian and Luthorian government stated that these areas where of vital interests.

Sadly, Trigunia was the first to respond irrationally against our glorious Empire. Seeing their feeble state they thought that making aggressive stances against the Empire would help. It only showcased the need for the Likatonian and Luthorian cooperation, protecting the Commonwealth’s safety, especially that of Likatonia is paramount. To that end the Imperial Navy announced the construction of a new Helicopter Carrier which will strengthen the Luthorian navy and exert more power in these areas. The goal will and shall remain, as per the words of the Defence Secretary: ‘’the safety, stability and prosperity of Luthori and its allies. The Empire will never look away from doing its part for stability in the region. Aggressors will never gain ground here!’’.

Another nation joined in later, the irrational Dolgavan warmongers joined in. The Luthorian Foreign Office stated that it is sadden to see that this nation spread lies and fearmongers to spread a false narrative. ‘’We do not occupy Likatonia or Lodamun, these are falsehoods. We work with various Commonwealth nations to a better world and a stable society. If Dolgava’s jealousy of this doesn’t aid them nor does it convince us to stop’’ as said by the Foreign Secretary.

Yesterday the Defence Secretary announced that 250 Luthorian troops will be send to Likatonia as well as more ships of the Northern Fleet will join the already stationed ships in Likatonia. The Ministery of Defence has said that it wishes to show force and that the protection of Likatonia is paramount for Luthori’s safety. The stationed troops will train alongside Likatonian troops whilst the navies will increase their patrols in the sea and ocean, showcasing Luthorian power in the region. According to the report the 1st Patrol Flottila, 3rd Flottila and 1st Submarine Squadron will be send, they will regularly come home for other missions and be replaced by other flottila's from the Northern Fleet.

This comes just after Kindall Shipyards - the company tasked with finishing the reconstruction of the port in Likatonia – reported that they were finished with their long overhaul and expansion of the port. The new port has been dubbed Port New Orange. It also houses the Northern Command of the Northern Fleet in Likatonia, who will coordinate naval forces in the region.
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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:49 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby TRA » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:01 am

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Re: The Times

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:10 pm

Prime Minister calls for “calm” from Dolgava and Luthorian press.
The Prime Minister has urged the diplomats and the press to calm down in an effort to decrease tensions between Luthori and Dolgava during the so-called "Dolgavan Crisis"
3rd, February 5394

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Prime Minister Sir Seward Asters spoke at a press conference organized on the theme of foreign policy on the current situation between Luthori and Dolgava on the subject of the Luthorian presence in Likatonia, via the presence of a military base, he declared in this conference with the Foreign Secretary, Brad McDouglas, that "...The primary objective of Luthori n is not to create tensions and ignite this area which has become relatively calm in recent decades, but to continue the patrolling policy which was put in place since the formation of the Northern Fleet and the acquisition of a base in Likatonia...", in the words of the tenant of 10 Crown Street, Luthori's place" to continue its mission of stabilizing the world's oceans and seas, especially in the northern hemisphere...", the Prime Minister added during the press conference the future of bilateral relations between Luthori and Dolgava, the latter declaring "...We have cordial relations to excellent with all the countries of the northern hemisphere, from Dorvik to Lourenne and from Hutori to Baltusia, we see no reason not to come to terms which would allow the groundwork of a diplomatic relationship to be put in place cordial relationship between Luthori and Dolgava, I would even add Trigunia to this lot, nothing, and I mean nothing, prevents the nations in this "crisis" from arriving at mutual common ground..." . This sign of easing tensions comes after a report in the Luthorian Daily stating that the Government would put 250 additional troops to guard the facilities, which put 10 Crown Street and Blackhall Palace in a difficult position in trying to resolve existing tensions between the two nations, but the Prime Minister tried to reassure by commending Dolgavane's response on Dolgava's embassy in Luthori remaining open in a sign of "calming tensions", the PM declared that" is good to know that some heads within the Dolgava government are of the same opinion as the Imperial Government on this issue, beginning to resolve the tensions between the two nations will be a long and perilous journey, but with goodwill on both sides, I I am certain that these differences could be overcome..."

Even if Crown Street wanted to be reassuring about the future of Luthori-Dolgavan relations, the headquarters of the government warned of any "malicious" response from the Dolgavan Government against the Luthori installations in Likatonia, the Prime Minister declared on this subject that "...Luthori will respond with the greatest force if any of its military infrastructure present in Likatonia is attacked in any way by an external nation..." and also reassured on the alliance between Luthori and Likatonia, made official within the Commonwealth, via the signing of an agreement between the two governments, on this subject, including Lodamun, the PM declared that "....Since the formation of the Commonwealth, Luthori has a privileged relationship with Likatonia and Lodamun, the first having decided to provide itself with Luthorian protection and the second being the spearhead of economic policies in discussions within the Commonwealth, we have this relationship that we let's not sacrifice for certain empty threats...", in short, even if the PM wanted to be conciliatory and understanding of Dolgava's fears, he also reassured about the relationship between Luthori, Likatonia and Lodamun, removing any rumors of withdrawal from the Luthorians. He also warned the press of any malicious intent to destroy or increase tensions between nations, stating that "...the press has a duty to peddle the truth to its public, not to attempt to increase diplomatic tensions..."
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Re: Fort-William Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:14 pm

Prime Minister looks to resign as PM and Leader of the CDU in "some years"
Several experts or confidants of the Prime Minister have indicated that he should resign from his functions as Prime Minister and Leader of the Constitutional Democratic Union in "the next four years"
14th, February 5394

The Prime Minister's Residence at the 10 Crown Street, where all politicians would love to live...

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Sir Seward Asters, Prime Minister of the Holy Luthori Empire since his appointment as head of a national government in 5375, consisting of the Constitutional Democratic Union and the Social Liberals, a government having been reshuffled with the inclusion of the Luthorian Rally within the government in 5384. Seward Asters' reign was long (19 years) as Prime Minister, having surpassed the record held by Richard Harrington as Prime Minister of the Constitutional Democratic Union having remained in office the longest, but according to several analysts, the Prime Minister seems to be preparing his departure from 10 Crown Street around 5396 or 5400, the Prime Minister seeming to want to implement places its desired objectives such as the establishment of several laws on the functioning of parliamentary institutions, a reform of the electoral system to officially fix it towards a First-Past-the-Post system, a reduction in the seats of the Imperial Diet, going from 650 to a number between 450 and 300, the traditional number of seats within the Diet, which could attract the wrath of more liberal figures in the Union, in favor of maintaining the seats at 650. With these policies still not established, It is unlikely that the Prime Minister will resign before the desired set of policies are adopted, but there is always a chance that this could happen. Indeed, we must take into account the advanced age of the Prime Minister, he will celebrate his 75th birthday in a few years (5397) and many influential members of the "Young Guard" or "Millerist" Clubists, named after leader of this trend, Raymond Miller, have openly questioned the Prime Minister's leadership abilities, with some calling him "too old" for the task and calling for his replacement with "someone younger, energetic..." At this time, no leadership challenge has been received by the Committee within the Constitutional Democratic Union, so, at this time, Asters' position as Leader is still secure. But the threat still hangs over the PM, even if he can benefit from a large base of support within the CDU, being seen as the man who returned the party to the "Constitutional Bloc" which he had left with the alliance with the Front. Thanks to this base composed of Defense Secretary Hooligan, Orange Opposition Leader Carter or Minister-President of Shipleyriding Malvers, a large base was formed, dedicated to protecting the Prime Minister from the attempts of the "New Guard" to overthrow him. But, what is certain for the media, politicians and journalists is that as soon as Asters resigns from his functions, a war of succession should take place within the CDU, to find out who would replace Asters. For the moment, the main interested party indicated "that he would serve until he decides that the time has come to leave" and "that he would watch the electoral results with great enthusiasm", for this time, the CDU remains united before arriving at the final rush before the elections, will it remain so afterwards?
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Re: The Royals

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:56 pm

The Luthorian Monarchy: bulwark and harbinger of stability within the Empire.
In this special article commemorating the long years of reign of Her Majesty, the Empress, we will look at all the monarchical institutions, their role within the state apparatus, their role in helping to establish political stability in Luthori and finally His Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, organized in a few years.
3rd May, 5394

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Empress Elizabeth, has been on the throne for almost 60 years, between 5338 and 5398, a lot of things have changed within the organization and The financing of the Imperial Monarchy changed significantly during his reign. At the beginning of his reign, wishing to renew with the pomp that the monarchy had during its "golden era", Her Majesty, added ceremonies during his coronation, such as the swearing-in ceremony on behalf of the whole of Lords and Ladies of the Empire towards the Empress and a more choreographed procession on the part of the Imperial Guard of Honor during the funeral of Maximillan V and during his coronation, from that day on, a form of pomp was restored to the monarchy, with the reinstatement of the Changing of the Guard during the day having been decided by the Empress restoring a certain form of typical Luthorian charm to the monarchy. Over the past 60 years, Her Majesty has collaborated closely with the Imperial Government on restoring relations with emerging and established monarchies around the world, with a series of state visits to countries such as Dorvik, Lourenne, Kazulia and Others, through the interaction of the Imperial Government, in countries such as Hutori, where the Empress herself did not make an official visit, but one was taken by the Prince of Orange, who took in charge of his mother's visit for "health reasons" according to the Orange Palace. The monarchy, through the program of the CDU dominated by Asters, saw its official power increase, with the establishment of an imperial interim government, giving more influence within politics to the imperial family. The Grand Dukes during the reign of the Empress have seen their power solidified and codified within the Duchies, and are now representatives of the monarch in those duchies, performing official functions on behalf of the Luthorian monarch in their respective duchies. The government would also attempt to implement a constitutional reform recognizing this state of affairs, by renaming all the duchies as Grand Duchies with the exception of the Duchy of Orange which would become a Principality.

The financing system of the Imperial Family has also changed, before the reign of Her Majesty, the previous Emperors and Empress set the amount of government subsidies to the Imperial Family for its operation at 85% of the entire Imperial Family funds, but During the reign of Elizabeth, under the influence of the Lourennais system where the royal family is independent of the government and receives little or no funds directly from the government system, the Orange Wealth Fund was founded by the efforts of the imperial family, the support of the government and the help of certain wealthy families, seeing here an optical interest in helping the imperial family become less dependent on government funds to continue functioning. Since the founding of the OWF, the government's share of the operation of the imperial apparatus has declined significantly in recent decades, with the investment fund earning a lot of money through investments in certain companies or listings on the stock exchange. . For this celebration of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, celebrating Elizabeth's 60 years of reign over Luthori, almost all of the funds for the celebration are expected to be covered by the OWF, with the government always having a right of oversight over all celebrations and managing the security of the event. Her Majesty released a statement thanking the people for their "total loyalty to the institutions of democracy in the darkest hours and their loyalty to the monarchy even in hard times", in this statement the monarch reassured " wanting to continue to serve the people with all of their abilities, until her death."
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