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Re: Luthori

Postby TRA » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:06 pm

Equifund takes another step closer to fulfilling its vision
August 5357 - Defence executives from across the board have confirmed that an unprecedented supranational partnership between 4 states has been sealed in the development and co-production of 2 jet fighters led by KDC of Kundrati, paving the way for the Equifund to become a global platform for military partnerships
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:57 pm

Update on Luthorian intervention in Malivia

September 5357

Fort William - The Imperial Navy seizes various pirate ships and captured various pirates
The Imperial Navy has reported that they have captured various pirate ships and apprehended various pirates. The apprehended pirates have been securely delivered to the authorities. Though pirates did manage in the early stages to still seize some ships the number of pirate successes seem to dwindle the more experience the Navy gets in the theater.

Yesterday three pirate ships went after a ship sailing from Beiteynu to Luthori through the Migrant’s Pass. The ship was swiftly detected by the Luthorian Southern Fleet thanks in part to various intel and information that it could gather. The intel gathering seems to be aiding in the actions of the Luthorian Navy. The boats were quickly seized without loss of life and taken to Orange Port by the fleet.

Southern Fleet Command reports on progress
The Southern Fleet Command reports that the Malivian Naval Mission Command has reported back that the anti-piracy operation are going well above what was expected.
A report of the Imperial Navy to the Imperial Diet- approved by the Defence Department – on the operations in the Migrant’s Pass and South Ocean to stop piracy coming from the war-torn Malivia, states that the navy has performed better than itself initially thought. The Imperial Navy was confident in their training and capacity to carry out the assigned duties but feared that their operations would still be hampered by their unfamiliarity in the region. According to the report this has been proven to not be the case.

In an analyses from Luthorian naval experts the Imperial Navy is performing better due to the aid of advice and intel provided by regional and strategic partners. Naval expert and retired sailor Mark Narwal told us that: ‘’the intel provided by the allies and partners of the Empire clearly have worked, it should also be noted that the Imperial Navy has set the right people on the job to perform these duties and translate the advise and intel given to plans and protocols that fit the operation style of the Imperial Navy’’.

The report goes on to state that lessons are learned quick, such as seen in the drop of fatal casualties from the liberation of captured merchant ships and the decrease in overall pirate success in the places Luthorian presence is the greatest.

Imperial Army sends 5.000 more soldiers to Idhaghra
As of last week the Imperial Army announced it had increased the number of soldiers deployed in Malivia from 1.500 to 6.500 to assist in peacekeeping and training missions as well as assisting the MUA in pushing out the last remaining holdouts of the enemy. The army moved in swiftly into various towns along the southern part of the state and took the lead or in other parts aided in liberating parts of the still occupied province. The aim is to move north and liberate more of the province. With the population more compliant with the new government and the slave revolts the Imperial Army feels confident it can act more aggressively in pursuing the destruction of the Ordosocialists and other warlords.

The push however was not without losses. At least 21 soldiers were lost and 32 wounded to guerrilla tactics from the retreating forces and remaining fundamentalists who went down fighting causing chaos and using terrorist tactics. The soldiers were returned home with full military honours. The whole nation griefs for the incurred losses in this war, these were not the first and will probably not be the last. The tactics however have made the Luthorian Malivian Liberation Mission aware of such possibilities, they have stated that they will learn from this and that the fallen heroes aided a poor nation that hungers for freedom.

The Luthorian Army army used the new numbers to push towards Kutab, the last remaining urban center in Idgaghra still in slavers hands. The Luthorian army wishes to prevent the slave revolts to cause further chaos and death on the slavers side, citing that it has been proven now that the slavers will resort to unthinkable carnage and will not all give up without a fight.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:33 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:58 am

The Economic Inquirer
The newspaper focused on economy and finance, while respecting journalistic ethics.
Hexlon Imperial Mining announces an expansion of its mineral extraction operations.
13th November, 5360

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - Hexlon Imperial announced in a press release addressed to "all employees and partners of the Hexlon group", its intentions for the decade to follow, including its intentions to expand its operations in the mining sector, the group having announced the "abandonment of its research to enter the oil and gas field, leaving this subject to Luthori Petroleum (LP), which directly announced, via a private letter, which was divulged by an unknown source to the Hexlon Imperial Group, of its ' gratitude' to Hexlon Imperial and its desire to work with the group in the field of mineral or oil exploitation in the "near future", so the company's plan, at least for its mining branch is quite good detailed by the numerous enumerations thereof on the "necessity" to continue the expansion of the operations put in place during the last years and those, in other nations, where the expertise of the companies could be requested or its implementation negotiated with local governments. The BOD (Board of Directors) of Hexlon Imperial indicated that the company would continue to expand its operations on the extraction of other minerals, such as gold, silver, which could be used, with diamond, already extracted by the company, for the manufacture of jewelery in Luthori or in the countries where this exploitation takes place, or even may be subject to export to third countries. No hypothesis is excluded by the group, which also announced the establishment of a "project group" on the establishment of a branch specifically focused on the extraction of uranium and the division of the branches Mining and Uranium, this would be included in the future global government project for the introduction and development of nuclear energy, in order to lighten the burden on the coal mines operated by Hexlon Mining, which are beginning to become increasingly unsustainable in the long term due to their exploitation for centuries, the government should announce the details of this public-private plan on the establishment of a civilian nuclear program with the establishment of a committee within the Imperial Diet on the horizon 5341 ~ 5342 according to analysts. With the same aim of reducing coal mining in Luthori, Hexlon Imperial announced the implementation of a program which, according to the words of the press release, aims to reduce energy consumption, mainly from coal, by 71 .7% of the total energy produced in Luthori to only 61%, at the same time, it wants to reduce the share of coal extracted in Luthori from 75% to 60% by the end of the century, the company wanting to set up operations in other countries of the world to obtain a supply of coal, rather than continuing to exploit the already well-exploited mines of the imperial territory.

Several nations are in the sights for the beginning of this policy, the nations possessing a non-negligible quantity of coal, which would be ready to grant the exploitation of part of their reserves in exchange for guaranteeing good energy. market thanks to this same coal which will be exploited. So, even if the intention seems good on the part of Hexlon Imperial, to want to reduce the exploitation of Luthori soil, many specialists doubt the achievement of a significant reduction in the energy produced thanks to coal in Luthori, the one -this being a great economic booster for the nation, if the government will put in place, in the coming months or years, a road plan for public-private collaboration on the establishment of new forms of energy produced, then , this, after a potential success of this plan could be realized, but doubts about the real ecological ambitions of the company, several researchers and economists declaring that it is with the aim of reducing the budgetary costs of maintaining the mining in Luthori, and to set up mines in countries with coal to be able, ideally, to develop the sector in these countries and to be able to export coal to Luthori. So just move the mines and continue the policy that the company has put in place. On the other hand, the company's intention to expand beyond the activities it already carries out is taken very seriously, because already, Hexlon Imperial has started to exploit the diamond mines in Luthori, which are then resold. It remains to be seen whether this plan will be a success, or will, like most such plans, end in failure.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Sep 10, 2023 10:12 pm

Imperial Armed force stand down, focus on training Malivian soldiers


March 5361

Fort William – The Imperial Armed forces have on the request of the Malivian government stopped their operations against the ordosocialists and warlords. With the declared ceasefire and the upcoming talks between all parties the Luthorian government has announced a change in operations, focusing more on training the Malivian police and troops and keeping the peace.

For the last months the troops of the Imperial Army have mostly left the borderlands to the Malivian troops and retreated further to the cities, the ports and the Malivian training camps and military bases. The remaining troops are sent to special places to aid Malivian troops and police in keeping the peace and to protect against possible attacks by roque elements. The bulk of the armed forces have been deployed in protecting strategic points, including ‘Port Orange’ the military naval base Luthori has taken in its care. Through it vital ships with foreign aid enters the country on a weekly basis.

A detachment of the Army has been sent as instructors to Malivian bases and training camps, conducting drills and sharing military tactics with them. Special police missions have also been conducted, helping police learn to shoot and to navigate in a hostile environment. The Imperial Mission in Malivia has declared in a statement that it is their intend to help the armed forces to fend for themselves in the coming conflict and that a final victory cannot be achieved by foreign forces alone.

Since the ceasefire was declared the nation has become calmer. This is also the case of the seas. Thanks to actions by the Imperial Navy and partners in the South Ocean and the Migrant’s Pass the seas have become quite safer for merchant vessels. This drop in piracy has according to analysts aided Malivia as more foreign ships seek its ports now. Though their economy and nation are still in tatters and has a long way to go, this is something on the bright side. The Imperial Navy and the Imperial Military mission in Malivia have stated to remain to protect this hard won peace.

Imperial Diplomats have also been sent to the capital of Malivia to be ready to aid the Malivian governmental diplomats in their talks with the other forces in Malivia. The Foreign Office has stated that they are open to be consulted and will give every aid necessary for Malivia to become a multi-party democracy.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Sep 10, 2023 10:28 pm

Imperial Government announces the creation of the Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations


March 5361

Fort William – The Foreign Office announces that high representatives of various nations with a cultural, historical and linguistic link to Luthori have come together and create a treaty to bring all these nations closer together, hoping to form and create the Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations.

At the presentation in Fort William the Foreign Secretary, Claire Dalton-Jones, announced that that Imperial Government will seek to bring various Luthorian nations together in harmony, brotherhood and to cooperate with them in a increasingly globalised world. She went on to say:

The Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations is not a call back to a long lost empire. It is a realisation that various countries once belonged to a family of which Luthori was its head. We realise that we have so much in common, so much to learn from each other and so much to gain from working together, but this time as equals. Some say Luthori seeks to rebuild an Empire, to them we say, you are wrong. We are a open and democratic country who are suckers for great culture and literature and the romantics of our past. But we are also smart and learned from the dark pages of our history. With this treaty we will bind our brothers and sisters to us in equal partnerships and forge a stronger future together.

The bill on the Commonwealth is now on the floor, it is likely to be passed in the Imperial Diet after which it will become active. Various countries such as Likatonia, Lodamun and Baltusia have preceded the Luthorian government in ratifying the treaty. If it passes the Imperial Diet it will be the biggest diplomatic victory for Luthori as it not only proves its new foreign policy to be true but also a shift towards creating a Luthorophone bloc.

The Foreign Office has invited various other Luthorian cultured or speaking countries to join the Commonwealth, such as Mordusia, Hutori and Beluzia.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:29 pm

The Imperial Economics
Luthori n°1 newspaper on economic, business and trade news.
MABC penetrates Dorvish, Kundrati, Dundorfian Markets.
24th, August 5331

View of the MABC's HQ in Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - As company policy announced, the company announced that three subsidiary companies to the Martwick-Alchester Banking Company were set up in Dorvik, Kundrati and Dundorf. This announcement is considered "unsurprising" by several financial analysts in Fort William, having seen the recent actions of the MABC to begin its economic expansion within the continent of Artania. The Martwick-Alchester Banking Corporation, one of the richest and most powerful financial enterprises in the Empire, possessing, surprisingly, a single base of operations for all the business done under the authority of the bank, this one located at 24, Northinbridge Road, Fort William, Luthori, it is the historic HQ of MABC, which was the first and only headquarters that was permanently used by the company and has seen many of its successes. Fort William (MABC) had announced its intention, "as soon as possible" to study the possibility of setting up a "narrow" network, therefore, in contrast to the so-called "spaced" network set up by National Credit , which had and still has a presence in various countries around the globe, so this close network is concentrated, initially, on Artania, the company seeking to secure its presence in the continent before moving towards the establishment, in the future, in other markets. Artania is a large continent, populated by more than a billion people, so for such a large market, the means were provided by MABC, for the choice of nations, let's be honest, only three countries have an economy stable enough to be able to welcome the company and that it does not risk, in its adventure, completely losing face both at a reputational level and at an economic level. These nations being Dundorf, which experiences relative economic stability, even several economic analysts are sounding the alarm on a possible "economic dominion" exercised over Dundorf due to their excessive links with the Königreich (Dundorfian = Kingdom - reference to the official name in Dundorfian of the Kingdom of Dorvik, Königreich Dorvik), but knows, not without taking away the merits of the Dundorfians, one of the most robust economies on the continent. Another nation and not the least, Kundrati, the Union is considered to have one of the most robust economies on the continent and in the world, enjoying relative economic stability, although claims coming from Fort William, Haldor (capital of Dorvik) or Yishelem (capital of Beiteynu) on the part of some economists call on "the excessive dominance of Beiteynu or other foreign partners of Kundrati on its economy, Luthori also being among the countries where fingers are pointed .

Finally, another country, the one considered by most economic, military or even diplomatic analysts, to be the "Hegemon" of the Continent, the Kingdom of Dorvik, already a bank, considered one of the many rivals of MABC, National Credit, has a subsidiary company based in Haldor, so the strategy was modified a little to understand this state of affairs, analysts and economic observers are unanimous on a single question, Dorvik, is legitimately the most developed economy and the richest nation, whether at the economic, technological or military level of the continent, followed closely or distantly depending on the subjects concerned, by the Empire (reference to the official name of the Holy Luthori Empire, Luthori being nicknamed 'the Empire' by its detractors, in reference to its colonial past or by the Luthorians themselves as a sign of patriotism), Empire, which enjoys the seat of the second economic and military power on the continent. So, the financial policy is quite simple, with a view to starting to stay more sustainably in the countries where it extends, the MABC has decided to put in place two strategies, the first is the establishment of a financial company subsidiary to MABC which will be focused on the establishment of economic investments in the country, in different forms, whether with loans, better representation in the stock market, or many others, in another side , it will sign partnership agreements with other, more local companies so that it can take care of the basic financial services specific to a commercial bank. The check put into the success of this project, comes after years of petitions to shareholders, which means that the MABC, after advertising and raising funds for over a decade, has in its portfolio, 5.7 billion of books that can be invested in these three new adventures. The success, according to some analysts, of these companies, could change MABC's vision of their future expansion.
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Re: Luthori

Postby jamescfm » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:36 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:17 pm

McClair Tea Company out to make your tea bags make their tea!

Every Luthorian knows them, the Tea Folk of the McClair Tea Company, but did you know this isn’t the only campaign they launched? In other parts of the world they advertise with: ‘’Let’s have a proper brew!’’


August 5362

Fort William – Have you had your proper brew? No?! We’ll you soon might! The McClair Tea Company, one of the oldest tea companies of Luthori, has jumped on spreading the company’s wings across the world trying to sell their tea, hoping to bring their brew in your cup.

The McClair Tea company jumped at the opportunity a few years ago when the trade treaty with Vascania was signed, the Luthorian tea company used this to massively invest in aiding the tea production in the company and getting good contracts for shipping the tea to Luthori and other oversea branches to produce the McClair tea. Since obtaining the high quality tea leaves from Vascania the company has claimed that - in the words of CEO Sir Walter McClair – ‘’the best brew, proper Luthorian tea made with Vascanian tea leaves, not that Dolphin piss those easterners try to sell as tea’’.

With sales of the McClair Tea on the rise in Luthori the McClair Tea Company hopes to similarly increase its world wide reach, especially increasing their market share in Mordusia. For that nation they have brought to their market their famour Prince of Orange Tea, ‘’a proper royal brew!’’ and their Luthorian Breakfast Tea, ‘’For real black tea’’ and created the new Mordusian Blend, with a bit of citrus ‘’a proper morning brew’’.

Currently the most sold of all the Luthorian tea blends is the Luthorian Breakfast Tea, sold by various companies and known to all. With the other blends the McClair Tea Company hopes to bring more diversity to tea and hoping to go along with occurrences in various countries, such as the royalist fervour in Mordusia.

The tea has been featured in various of the movies produced by Humperdinck Films who have quite the share of at least 15% in the McClair Tea Company. The tea was featured as the favourite drink of head spy Malcom Fletcher in the Luthorian film ‘’In the Empire’s Service’’. The Yeudi Ambassador in Fort William was cordially invited to watch the movie with Foreign Secretary Sir Borris Taylor along side Mr. Humperdinck, the producer of the movie. The Yeudi Ambassador was reported to have said: ‘’Of course there was tea’’, it reportedly made the Foreign Secretary laugh, especially after Mr. Humperdinck jokingly said: ‘’Well of course, Luthorian tea is the most civilised drink of all! You should try it more!’’.

It seems the company is out to play the market, will their strategy work? Time will tell.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:51 pm

The Weekly Luthorian Defence
Weekly newspaper on the state of defence and the successes or failures of the Imperial Armed Forces.
Defence Staff and Defence Office to look into the government's involvement into the military's developments
16th, January 5363

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - With the appointment by the Empress of the former general, former Chief of the Defence Staff, Clinton Maguire, as Minister of Defence, he and the Defence Staff announced in a joint statement that they had found a date for the establishment of a "joint" process of discussion on the next modifications at the structural level, and more importantly, a "long" discussion on the policy put in place by the Defence Staff and the Defense Office on modernization and expansion of the capabilities of the Imperial Armed Forces, recent policy on the part of the Imperial government on the expansion of the armed forces, according to several reports, helped in the formation of a rivalry between the Army and the Imperial Navy on certain policies, this rivalry, according to the monthly military magazine, the 'Imperial News', would be the cause of a "disorganization" after the semi-failure of the operations carried out by the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy in Malivia, the latter being busier to manage to influence political decisions to be able to acquire a naval base in Malivia, and the Imperial Army being more busy holding the ground and destroying any opposition to the government recognized by Fort William and trying to gain "harmful influence for Luthori" according to some military reports which were commissioned by the Defence Staff after the appointment of the new CoDS. The Prime Minister, Emily Harrington, after remodeling her cabinet to be one of "action" and not words, tasked the DefenCe Secretary with finding a plan to strengthen the armed forces, traditionally known as used by the government to describe its plans for the armed forces, containing the words "reorganization" or "modernization" have disappeared from the vocabulary used by 10 Crown Street. This, according to the first interested parties, demonstrates "the end of a process and the beginning of a new one", for many analysts and specialists of the armed forces, this demonstrates, according to them, an awareness of the government on its own armed forces. Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation columnist John Rodgars's article on the monthly 'Imperial News' wrote: "It seems that Her Majesty's Government has finally understood, after decades of change and transformation of the armed forces, that they no longer need to be "supported" by the Imperial Government, but to be helped to continue their momentum and remain at a good level and remain one of the most competent armies in the world"

It is with a view to finding a way to strengthen the armed forces that the Secretary of State for Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff will meet, these two men have already worked together during Secretary Maguire's time as Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen. (Air Force) George Martins, who is the current Chief of the Defence Staff and had to oversee the Empire's participation in the War in Malivia, the result of which resulted in the withdrawal of the Luthorian Armed Forces from country, after certain difficulties on the ground, seeing a certain nonchalance of the Navy to go help the poor comrades of the Army being stuck in Malivia, but also saw a certain victory, if certain far-right newspapers can call this, the fact that Luthori won, with a view to continuing its mission of consolidating and stabilizing the waters of the Migrants' Pass, in the face of repeated incursions of pirates, even if some voices in Luthori have criticized this agreement for being "neo-imperialism". The Prime Minister indicated that the two men have already worked on some preliminary details and that the Chief of Defence Staff and the Defence Secretary intend to work towards a long-term solution, which aims to establish equality on the priority given to each branch of the armed forces, because in recent years, a tendency has been seen to favor the agenda of the naval armed forces over other agendas, this time, it is declared that "no priority will be given to one of the branches and that their requests will be studied with the greatest care and impartiality by the Defense Office", several international analysts give a 50/50 chance that Luthori's program will succeed, with several other programs having been canceled serving as an example of what can go wrong.
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