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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:16 pm

July 4, 5493

WISE act adopted as the first stage of the Cyber Plan are enacted, construction of a megafactory underway in Pāytakht-e Aldegār: Steel over flesh?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Months have passed since the first draft of the Working Intelligence System Expansion, WISE Act, and it seems that it finally passed Congress with many new amendments added to it to ensure that future robots basic rights are protected and regulations are dissolved when it comes to the field of robotics especially when it comes to production of industrial scale automatons that will be deployed in the newly announced Cyber Plan that is part of a broader economic and social plan known as the Synthetics Project,

The Synthetics Project is a governmental endgoal of pushing the borders between humans and robots by focusing all efforts on developing them to achieve never-seen before levels of complexity that can nearly make them be considered as living beings while normalizing their use in every aspect of the economy from refineries to local orange plantations, robots that will be known as Silicone Humans will be present in every part of the average Aldegarian life including governance and the military with the possibility of handling diplomacy too. the Synthetics Project, according to the government, has no official deadline as the goals of it are set in the near to far future as they hope that robots will be able to handle all matters in Aldegar while the organic humans are busy focusing on art and entertainment.

In addition, the Cyber Plan will only handle matters related to the production and manufacturing sectors, with it being divided into three phases, those being,
Phase 1: Hands of steel in a jungle of metal
This phase consists of the construction of a megafactory near Pāytakht-e Aldegār known as the "Eternity Factory." This factory will be used to produce even more robots alongside being a test ground for the Ministry for Robotics and Technological Development for their future prototypes that will be deployed in other parts of the country.

Phase 2: Mother lovingly gazes on her children
This phase will be focused on building automated factories across Aldegar with the goals of eliminating human labor from the manufacturing sector alongside connecting those factories and the Eternity Factory to Gaia after adding new programs to her subprogram Hephaestus to also handle the wide scale production with human supervision throug the use of the pre-existing bunker communication web.

Phase 3: Share this blessing with the world
The final part of the plan will have Aldegar start help with the construction of automated factories all across Terra alongside selling partial copies of Gaia for other nations to use in their automation plans

The government also publicly announced that construction of the Eternity Factory have started near Pāytakht-e Aldegār, exactly 120km away from the Eternal Fortuna cosmodrome with investments provided by the Lourennai tech giants Asteria and Cielsoft, the investments helped kick-start the construction of Eternity Factory alongside allowing for the start of researches to create new robotic prototypes by the MoRTD.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:21 pm

November 30, 5493

Foreing Minister Rahnema visits Hutori to discuss diploamtic and economic cooperation, normalization started with ND: the artic meets the center?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. As Aldegar is busy pouring billions into the Cyber Plan and the eventual partial or total automatization of its economy, the Palace of Javaneh has announced that Amir Ali Rahnema will set course to Bekenial to meet with his Hutorian counterpart to discuss further diploamtic and economic cooperation between the kingdom of Hutori and the Aldegarian People's Free Federation, this visit takes part of Aldegar's "Diploamtic Renaissance" as the nation seeks to foster positive relations with every country in Terra be it dictatorial or not even if it means that they often end up on the short end of the deal, the Palace also stated that the main topic of the visit will the usual diplomatic and economic cooperation alongside the possibility of giving Hutori 10 seats in the Administrative Council of the Canal by chopping off from the Yingdalan Block given Yingdala's recent lack of response to diploamtic moves,

In addition, Javaneh also announced that normalization process has been started with the Narikaton and Darnussia Dual Republic following the arrival of their delegation to Ramsāhreza, the move comes after the DR foreing minister announced that a special delegation will be sent to Aldegar in order to normalize the relations between the two nations especially given how both used to be allies in the Bannderspakt before Aldegar left the alliance seeing that ND drafted a motion to internationally sanction Aldegar because the country allowed the Lourennai navy to pass through the canal which helped end the war quickly and deliver a massive blow to Beiteynu, but not only that, Aldegar also banned temporarily Beiteynu from using the canal temporarily and even seized their canal seats which caused the collapse of some Beiteynuese companies as a result of it. The Palace already approved all plans to normalize with the Dual Republic as now it's up for the ND delegation to normalize relations on their end with the Aldegarian team demand that the DR lifts all sanctions unilaterally imposed on Aldegar following the Lost Souls war or the normalization process will die immediately instead of going forward.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:42 pm

September 21, 5494

Construction of the Eternity Factory goes smoothly as the official deadline is 5497, Synthetics Project dropped: Regular robots it is?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Ever since the announcement of the creation of Gaia and the bunkers, Aldegar has been taking steady steps toward experimenting with the concept of an algocracy Also known as Government run by Algorithms is the idea of allowing an algorithm or AI run a country's economic or political structure to ensure a steamless and moneyless society is achieved with bureaucracy and the lack of proper communication between the different parts of the country evaporated especially if the government allows for the replacement of workers by robots that will eventually lead to the rise of unemployment but nonetheless the Ministry of Robotics and Technological Development has announced that automation of the Aldegarian economy will also include government sponsored field transfers for workers to offer them positions in other fields they can manage or enroll in courses that will help them supervise the robots and help in their maintenance. But the real question is, what will happen to Aldegar once the Cyber Plan is achieved? given how the country already suffers from declining childbirth rates and aging population, wouldn't it be wiser to rather focus on the looming demographic crisis instead of robotizing the economy?

And for that the government announced that the Maternal Organized Movement, MOM act will be submitted to congress shortly to handle the declining childbirth, the law includes the creation of tax exemptions for families that have up to 3 children with every child reducing the paid taxes by 5% alongside government covered expenses conceding education and Healthcare through already existing programs, the bill also introduces government mandated checks to all parents partaking in the Parental Assistance Mandatory Lessons that were already implemented a decade ago. The Ministry for Healthcare has also announced that maternity wards will be upgraded all across the country alongside an increase in the number of staff in hospitals through the creation of the Parental Assistance Preservation Agency, PAPA, to help new parents deal with their newborn child from kindergarten to High-school, the agency will help parents guide their child to a good life in Aldegar.

In addition, the MoRTD declared that the Synthetics Project will be scrapped for now due to its ultra utopian nature that would put a toll on the future administrations to try and achieve the goals of the project but they also stated that the automatization and normalization of robots into Aldegarian society will continue but instead of developing "silicone humans" they will instead be regular robots focused on helping humans in their daily lives that also means that the robot's right section of the WISE act will be put on hold as the law states that in order to enact it there must be sentient robots already.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:46 pm

August 12, 5495

Phase 2 of the Cyber Plan initiated as construction is set to finish early, Gaia officially connected to the EFADZ: birth of an algocracy?

Pāytakht-e Aldegār, Aldegar. To the suprise of many within the tech industry and even the Aldegarian government themselves, the Eternity Factory is set to inaugurate for as early as June 5496 with already the production and management builds of the factory already completed with the exception of the development and research division for the MoRTD with a completion rate of 87% alongside dorms and living facilities that still need their sewage completed coupled with thermic isolation and the instalation of solar panels on top of the dorms that are expected to hold up to 46,700 workers which includes the staff and their families. As a matter of fact, the creation of the Eternity Factory Automated Development Zone was completed alongside the creation of the Eternal Fortuna Space Administration that now make both the EFADZ and the EFSA the two new special autonomous administrations existing within Aldegar with the already existing ACAA that rules over the canal, other AAs are set to be created following the end of the Cyber Plan as the government announced that there are still 3 more plans to achieve full automatization in Aldegar.

In addition, President Zahra announced that phase 2
of the Cyber Plan has been officially launched with the
EFADZ is connected to the inter-bunkers
communications network with the installment of Gaia
onto the factory's digital network that has allowed her
subprogram Hephaestus to take over the production with
human supervision from the directors, of course. As a
result of it, the production of robots has already begun with the aim of manufacturing enough robots to send them to future automated factories that will be built across Aldegar by multiple companies and more notably Stellaris as they announced their goal of being the nation's leading tech company especially since they are already a member of the 5 star megacorps complex in Neon Ramsāhreza and dominate the telecommunications sector alongside being the ones behind the inter-bunkers communications network.

Furthermore, the construction of another megafactory on the somasi island near the dormant Baeha volcano have started, the megafactory will be known as the Helio Factory with its future role still unsure, surveyors have already defined its location and geologists confirming that there's a pocket of magma and water hidden under the volcano which could potentially be used for both geothermal and hydrothermal energy production but the government also stated the use of renewable energies as the main provider for the factory will be an important goal, (OOC: I'm gonna try to copy the same system that's used for Iceland's energy production but the factory will most definitely end up relying on oil and gas for energy).
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:27 pm

June 4, 5496

Eternity Factory inaugurated with robot production rate increasing by 300%, the Helio Factory 30% complet as 35 minor automated factories are built: robot workers?

Pāytakht-e Aldegār, Aldegar. After years of construction and planning, the Eternity Factory alongside the Eternity Factory Automated Development Zone have been officially inaugurated by President Zahra and Premier Siavash alongside the Administrator of the EFADZ Soheila Nouzari, a renowned scientist and engineer that helped with the creation of the Cyber Plan and the realization of phase 1 of fhe plan by overseeing the construction of the factory and connection of Gaia with the digital system of the factory. Now the long-awaited phase 1 of the Cyber Plan finally achieved alongside phase 2 already launched early according to orders from the president, the Eternity Factory will now triple its production quota with the subprogram Hephaestus being ordered to produce even more robots as the Factory has now reach its full potential with all the workers, staff, and directors, as a matter of fact, the president herself oversaw the production of 33 robots that were made in the mere span of 5 hours alongside the shipping of 45 already built robots toward the Helio Factory where construction has already begun.

In addition, 35 approved minor automated factories that are set to be built all across Aldegar with their ownership varying depending the manufacturing goal such as Stellaris wanting to build 13 factories for their telecommunication and soon tech sector in which they hope to successfully make gain in, there's also a joint owned venture of Cake and Concord that want to buil 10 factories for their entertainment sector, then there's Stork Foods that wish to build 12 factories in order to double their production per month and help supply even more goods in Finnik supermarkets. But as of now, the government is focused on fully atuomatizing the manufacturing sector in Aldegar with the future phase 3 of the plan having the government allow for mass production of goods for foreing companies that wish to have good quality goods at an affordable cheap price.

Finally, the construction managers of the Helio Factory report a 30% completion rate of the construction with the main geothermal and hydrothermal energy generators done but seismic activity as reported near the volcano shortly after the completion of the geothermal unit, but the managers confirmed that it wasn't connected to the factory in any ways other than being a mere coincidence. Surprisingly, instead of only having Hephaestus planned to direct the factory, it was stated that both Ares, Gaia's subprogram for defense, and Hephaestus will jointly manage the future Helio Factory alongside being supervised by directors appointed by both the MoRTD and MoD, this has caused some rumors to spread that the helio factory is going to be the breeding ground for a military industrial complex, but those rumors must be confirmed first.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:03 am

March 8, 5498

Phase 3 of the Cyber Plan initated as Aldegar's manufacturing experiences a boom, Plan Kronos made public: Manifacturer and arms dealer of Terra?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Finally, after nearly a decade of planning and construction, the final phase of the Cyber Plan has officially started. The announcement was made by premier Siavash Dehghan with the company of the Minister of Robotics and Technological Development Shiva Soleymani after the inauguration of an automated industrial complex that included 7 automated factories all owned by Stellaris with the goals of producing tech products and potentially create their own robots independent from the MoRTD. As a result of the Cyber Plan, the Aldegarian manufacturing sector has experienced an impressive doubling in its market valeu as the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute reported a 180% valeu increase in industrial grade manufacturing with a rising company known as Elysian Innovations, founded by Hamideh Kardan in 5489, it barely managed to pick in the early years of the 90's before suddenly experiencing a boom as they took the offer Stellaris proposed to them about them being able to partially own 2 of the factories Stellaris ordered to produce cutting-edge products for both them and other companies, as a matter of fact, Hamideh announced that the company will seek to order 5 factories from the MoRTD.

In addition to the start of phase 3, the premier made public what is known as the Kronos Plan, an extensive military grade development plan focused on the Helio Factory coupled with the export and automated production of military tools, weapons, resources and other things used by professional armies around the world. The government justified its decision of making such an extensive military that will give birth to an Aldegarian military industrial complext by simply saying, "We believe that Terra even tho it has a military industry worth trillions it hasn't achieved its full potential yet so it would be best if Aldegar helps this sector perfect even more through the use of our newly acquired expertise in robotics and automation, tho it isn't something we don't master fully but we have gained an undeniable knowledge in the matter as we have became Terra's currently leading economy in the term of automation." The summarized version of the Kronos Plan is as follows:
Phase 1: We have used the trumpets..

The Helio Factory located [redacted] kilometers [redacted] to the city of Dindār in the Somasi state will play a focal point in this plan as its strategic position can be exploited to ensure a robust defense it is also remote yet close enough to ensure that the future Helio Factory Military Autonomous Administration can be easily connected to Gaia and the local electrical grid alongside ensuring no trespassers can easily break inside rhe Factory. It will not only be supervised by Hephaestus but Ares, Gaia's defense mechanism, with the cooperation of Apollo will jointly supervise the factory too, orders from the Ministry of Defense

Phase 2: Here came the 4 signs of the apocalypse
1)Ground forces: The land ablaze we saw the creatures weep
The terrestrial section of the Federal Armed Forces of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation have been neglected and overshadowed by their colleagues in both the Federal Navy and the Canal Protection Navy, as such we have decided that the Helio Factory will have its own dedicated section known as the Prithvi Division, it will massively produce all the necessary equipments and weapons necessary for the maintenance of a decently sized professional ground force but the factory will also produce equipments for other nations after they file a motion to the Ministry of Defense.

Airforce: The sky scarlet red with God's bloody tears
Aldegar severely lacks its aerial defense aspect as again the maritime regiments overshadow their colleagues because of the country's strategic position in international trade, and to remedy to the country's underdefended airforce we will erect the Nephele Division responsible for the automated mass construction of equipments necessary for airforce alongside hosting 3 runways wide and long enough to handle any plane wishing to enter the factory alongside 8 heliopads for the remaining aerial transportation methods.

3) Marine: The seas made from the tears of the wicked
The Aldegarian navy needs some serious modernization and overall expansion to ensure the security of the major trader route going through the canal, as such we will build an extensive military port that will ìnclude 4 dockyards alongside all the necessary facilities to run coupled with an automated section, this part of the Helio Factory will be known as the Achelous Division. The division will also export and produce everything a nation requests it to do after consulting with the MoD.

4)Missiles: Claws as bright as the stars reaping apart the nightsky
Just like other nations in Terra, Aldegar must catch up on its air land offensive and defensive capabilities by creating the Asteria Division responsible for the construction of much-needed missiles mainly for defense purposes alongside a minority of missiles for offensive ones. The Ministry of Defense believes that Aldegar doesn't need to extensively arm its missile branch rather it should use the Asteria Division to build and export missiles for others nations per their requests using the automated factories provided to them.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:13 pm

January 30, 5501

Golden Vein tunnel construction plan unveiled to the public, Helio Factory downsized citing "too much unnecessary parts": Somasi finally connected?

Ardeshīr-Khwarrah, Aldegar. From the freshly built hall of the new Somasi Federal Congress located in the financial district of Ardeshīr-Khwarrah, Premier Siavash and the governor of the state of somasi Grace Baeha announced the start of the construction for the Golden Vein tunnel that will connect the volcanic island to main homeland and more specifically the city of Ardeshīr-Khwarrah to the city of Pākize in the state of Xorena and passing through the small island of Behzad. The tunnel composed of two sections with the first section from Pākize to the island of Behzad will include 3 underground tubes with the one in the middle having a high-speed railway line run through it with the 3 tubes on each of its side hosting 2 one way lanes roads that will lead to te Behzad Transportation Hub where three other tubes all hosting railways lines in them will be used to Transport people back and forth between the hub and the Ardeshīr-Khwarrah Maritime Station in addition to one of the three tubes banned from ever being used by non Helio Factory trains.

Furthermore, the premier also announced that the Helio Factory will be downsized with the construction of only 1 runway and 1 dockyard with 4 heliopads but most of the canceled stuff will replaced by extensions of the automated factories which will allow for quicker and better production of weapons that will be sold on the international market. Finally, he also stated that both the Kronos Plan and the Golden Vein tunnel will be inaugurated at the same time given how both projects end around the same date which is September 21st 5508 for the Helio Factory and September 30, 5508 for the Golden Vein tunnel.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:56 pm

August 30, 5501

The Aldegarian government on their way to buy 431 billion LFR from the Beiteynuese debt, 20% of the economy already robotized says the CBA: the biggest gamble?
Other news: Detente with Baltusia is being voted on by Congress as some consider it "the dumbest move we have ever done," says anonymous Javaneh worker

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. As of recently, Beiteynu also known as the Homeland State has been under the international spotlight recently given the fact that Narikaton&Darnussia has trailblazed the way by buying some of the Beiteynuese debt and as such made a strategic economic decision that will surely benefit them on the long-run. Noticing that Beiteynu has become a very good and stable place following the Lost Souls war, as if it wasn't already stable enough given its defacto oneparty system, the Palace of Javaneh issued a special request to the Palace of Anahita where they demanded that the Aldegarian government and more specifically the president requests from the Central Bank of Aldegar to buy the equivalent of 431 billion LFR worth from the Beiteynuese debt.

The Palace of Javaneh also added that said purchase must not be 100% from the Federation own cash reserves that are wroth around 640 billion LFR so being directly would ruin all chances of Aldegar buying even more debt from Beiteynu as the Palace stated the highly likely possibility of the Federation purchasing even more debt to ensure that Beiteynu doesn't default to a single nation, rather they instead have multiple options with the Aldegarian market benefiting from the purchase as it opens greater cooperation with the neset and all other affiliated entities given how Aldegar is currently undergoing a full-on automatization of its economy.

Speaking of the economy, the president of the central bank, Mazyar Rayegan, has published a report about the current advancements regarding the Cyber Plan, and let's say that the automatization process is going far better than expected. In fact, the Eternity Factory has been overachieving its monthly quotas with countless small and medium sized automated factories sprouting all over the Federation and in the Champagne District too as the 3 major automated factories jointly owned by Cake and Concord have had expansions that were mainly made of new casinos and brothels that have direct supply chains to the factory and its leisure productions. The past 5 years have concluded in the transformation of 20% of the economy into the automatized methods which also caused unemployment to increase slightly from 9nto 12% before collapsing to 5% following the creation of many new jobs in the automated factories.

Finally, concerning the debt purchase, the Palace of Anahita approved of Javaneh's request alongside the central bank announcing that the companies currently present in the Aldegarian Corporate Council, expect the Yingdalan ones, have all announced their participation in the bid with 120 billion LFR on their name, surprisingly the Administrative Council of the ACAA and more specifically its Administrator Niloofar Tahmasb declared the participation of the ACAA in the bid with 142 billion LFR. Now, the Central Bank has stated, "we will move forward with the purchase as we have now all the requirements and necessary fail-safe funds for our future venture."
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Re: Aldegar

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:38 am

Central Bank notes a slight upturn for the first time in 3 decades
November 5501
The Terran Times
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:09 am

September 14, 5502

Aldegar open to host multiple foreign bases says the MoD as a military pact with Lodamun is being ratified, defense budget increased by 7%: Trigunia could never!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Aldegar has recently witnessed the inauguration of the first foreing bases in its own sovereign territory since the days of the old republic, as a matter of fact, a new foreing military base is being built by Lodamun following the ratification of a military pact between the Aldegarian People's Free Federation and the Commonwealth of Lodamun. The move comes after both nations deepened their diplomatic and economic relations and the inauguration of the lourennai military bass near Kasād on the western entrance of the Canal in addition to the ratification of the Golden Lion Pact which guaranteed Aldegar's everlasting safety in the hands of the Lourennai army.

As a result of these new developments, the Ministry of Defense and National Preservation, Hassan Manesh, held a press conference in which he stated, "Aldegar used to be a poor isolated country that used to play a minor role in international affairs, but now the lion has fully opened its wings and sharpened its claws to defend itself from foreing attacks. Furthermore, the construction of the Lodamunese base has allowed to safely declare that Aldegar is now open to host the military bases of all nations wishing to establish one alongside ensuring that said interested nations must respect our military laws and customs just like how the base built by Lourenne in Kasād has been excellent when it comes to this field, and we hope our Lodamunese partners will do the same."

Finally, the Minister also said, "Given how the Kronos plan will give us, the Aldegarian Federal Army, brand-new and modern equipments which we really need, we announce that the defense budget has gone from 3% to 10%. This new budget will allow us to maintain at least a professional army decently sized to protect mostly the canal and all the ships wishing to use it." When asked about whether or not the new budget increase would negatively affect the annual budget, he replied with "Even tho we have been granted a 7% increase in our budget, the Ministry of finance still managed to maintain the large surplus budget that has been started ever since the completion of the Riches plan. And if the government wants to decrease our budget again to ensure Aldegar's economic prosperity, we will happily ablige with their decision."
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