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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Sat May 12, 2012 3:47 am

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
July 3302

Deposed 2406 Foreign Affairs Minister named Knight of the Order of Belisarius despite moratorium on titles

HALION, ORAME - Alisa Kansar Harrison, former Solentian Minister of Foreign Affairs renowned for her work in forging closer ties with the Kingdom of Quanzar, has been made a Knight of the Order of Belisarius despite a Senatorial act passed in April calling for a moratorium on such titles until 3312.

The move was expected by some. Supreme President Rev. Tobias Clarke (Liberal Party)'s newly constituted executive Cabinet removed the experienced Harrison in favor of Marcus Arendt (Democratic-Republican Party), whose qualifications for the position have been called into question following the recent forged-document scandal that led to significant debate in the Senate as to DRP behaviors in the previous government.

The knighthood is seen by many as compensation for Harrison's loss in the politicking, though the move is controversial.

The commendation accompanying the knighthood read "For great service rendered to the Federal Republic of Solentia in solidifying amicable relations with the Southern Majatran Union and Kingdom of Quanzar." Her official title becomes Dame Alisa Kansar Harrison, KB. She is the first member of the 2406 Party in history to accept a social incentive title, and she is the first member of the Kansar family to be recognized officially in Solentia. It does not warrant any material value; it is merely a nominal title.

Experts are unsure as to the political repercussions of the knighthood. Technically, a moratorium on social incentive titles has been placed until 3312. But the 2406 Party contests the legality of such a moratorium. A spokeperson released the following statement during the knighting ceremony:

The 2406 Party appreciates and thanks Dame Alisa Kansar Harrison for the service that has earned her this honor. We are proud to congratulate her on her knighthood and feel it is deserved in full. We are aware that the "Social Incentive Act Review" claims the right to place a moratorium on the creation and use of legal titles until 3312, but we contest the legality of the aforementioned act. The Social Incentive Act 3300 is duly passed legislation of the Federal Republic and, until repealed, cannot be overriden by subsequent legislation, and certainly not without a 2/3rds vote supporting such an override. Indeed, even if the moratorium were issued as an executive order not subject to Senatorial approval, its ten year length passes the five year limit on executive order enforcement. As such we shall be ignoring the moratorium on social incentive titles and utilizing them as normal, when merit demands the recognition available under the law.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Sat May 12, 2012 5:28 pm

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
October 3302

Dame Harrison named 2406 Party Legislative Lead

HALION, ORAME - The recently knighted Dame Alisa Kansar Harrison, KB has been named by the executive Committee of Five as Legislative Lead for the party.

She replaces incumbent Moderate Conservative Darron Yates, who had served since 3292 and lead the party to moderate success in the Senate.

The Committee, however, was disappointed with Yate's inability to retain Cabinet positions for the 2406, and his failure to surpass the Liberal Party as the largest party in the Senate.

The placement is also seen as the 2406's buttertion that Dame Harrison ought not to have removed from the Solentian Cabinet. She was awarded her knighthood as compensation for that same slight.

Dame Harrison is most notable for her work on the Quanzar-Solentia Treaty of Amity at the Olinthus Conference. In those negotiations she secured peace between Solentia and its formerly hostile southern neighbor, the South Majatran Union and Kingdom of Quanzar. She is 37 years of age, and is the younger sister of 2406 Party Chair Michael Victor II Kansar.

Her role in her new position will be to set legislative policy for the 2406, and to represent the party in Senatorial debates.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby sotearchann » Sat May 12, 2012 9:07 pm

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The 2406 Party openly violates the law in the handing out of title to Alisa Harrison...

HALION, ORAME - The 2406 took a surprising step backward as they made an unprecedented move against the moratorium passed by the Senate in April of 3302 ( ... lid=347139). The Minister of Justice has already received a request from several Senators to review the act, but will not initiate any fact-finding until he has been commissioned by the Supreme President to do so. However, Senator Jeanne Chu (DRP) has made vocal her concerns:

It is surprising that the 2406 Party has taken such an unprecedented move. We are thankful for there service to the Restoration and to the Republic, but to brush aside an act of the Senate passed by a margin of 275 to 150 is appalling. It is un-democratic in nature and we call on the Supreme President to challenge the act and to state it as unlawful. If the 2406 will not reverse their course, then they have done so against the will of the Senate and of the People of Solentia.

As to the the questions of law made by the 2406, many have found the statements laughable and error ridden. It is well known that the 2/3rd's legislative doctrine is reserved for overriding executive orders and for approving Constitutional Amendments, not for general legislation that is issued from regular legislative activities. Many law experts are outraged by such an interpretation of legislative procedure.

Everyone knows you only need 50% +1 to repeal or amend the general laws and bills passed by the legislature. The 2406 misapplies the 2/3 doctrine and does so dangerously. They have already lost upon legal grounds by ignoring the moratorium passed by the Senate. If they had a problem with it, they should have immediately brought it to the Courts or proposed a bill to repeal the Review Act. Instead they have violated the Rule of Law and of Due Process and can be found in contempt of the Democratic Tradition. Also, they haphazardly offer the weak interpretation that this is somehow an executive order, which is absurd because it was passed by the Senate.

The 2406 also made claims that the qualifications of Marcus Arendt to manage the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are lacking in the face of the Letters scandal. The 2406 here makes another error in the form of a confusion of names, since it was Marcus Domitia that was the Minister of Internal Affairs at the time. The integrity of the 2406 Party has been called into question in light of these circumstances. Word is waiting on whether the Supreme President will allow the Ministry of Justice to proceed with fact-finding and administrative hearing procedures.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby matty.berry » Sat May 12, 2012 11:25 pm

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Independent news group.jpg (13.47 KiB) Viewed 2511 times

Solentian news in brief, by THE INDEPENDENT
December 3302

Supreme President slams lawless 2406 and their so called 'Dame'...

President Clarke today broke his silence on the growing scandal surrounding the 2406 party’s decision to award Alisa Kansar Harrison a knighthood. The usually reserved statesman could barley hide his frustration and anger as he gave a speech at a private family super in the presidential palace,

Were it not for my daughter Madeleine I would have removed them from government months, if not years ago. However she tirelessly persevered with a bipartisan approach, ceaselessly trying to accommodate their increasingly bizarre demands. Now they think that they are somehow above the law of the land...let me tell you Ms Harrison, you are no Dame of this Republic and never shall you be...

It is understood that the President has ordered the go ahead for the Justice Ministry to investigate the situation urgently. The President is said to be amazed that 2406, who agonised over the legitimacy of the Social Incentive Awards, were now prepared to undermine, and likely possibly jeopardise the existence of the system. The President’s daughter made it clear that the government would ignore the 2406 decision, and forbade any government official to use apply the title. However she struck a more reconciliatory note than her father,

Liberals believe in the freedom of speech. If 2406 believe Ms Harrison to be some kind of hero figure then let them refer to her as 'Dame' for me, Ms Harrison is who she shall remain...

Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg
Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg (47.87 KiB) Viewed 2509 times

Latter Clarke spoke at an upbeat meeting of Liberal Senators, reporting in her role as leader of the Parties Campaign Group. Largely ignoring the events of recent months she focused on her agenda for government over the next 2 years and beyond. Senators were uplifted by news of the positive response received to the proposed Solentian Decennial Art Festival. With 2 international artists now signed up to the event Clarke pinned her credibility on delivering the Decennial and putting Solentia back on the global map for the right reasons. As an additional note we can also reveal that THE INDEPENDENT, along with our sister title the Fuwan Times have won the offical rights to cover the much anticipated event.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby sotearchann » Sun May 13, 2012 5:05 pm

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Supreme President gives the go ahead for Ministry of Justice to inquire into the legality of 2406 party to knight Harrison, despite Senatorial Moratorium...

HALION, ORAME - The Supreme President has granted the Ministry of Justice the writ of review to engage in a fact-finding investigation in terms of the legality of the 2406 Party's move to bestow a title to Alisa Harrison, despite a Senatorial moratorium passed by a 275-150 vote.

Minister of Justice Samuel Tido held a press conference today stating his approach to the investigation:

The first step in this investigation is to assess the legality of such a move by a political party to actively and unlawfully hand out a title against the will of the Senate, as expressed in the Social Incentive Review ( ... lid=347139). If the 2406 has a problem with an agreement passed by the Senate, then that is to be fought out in the Courts as prescribed by Due Process and Democratic Tradition, not openly violated. The 2406 has damaged its credibility and the credibility of the Senate. If any party is allowed to openly oppose the will of the Senate, i.e. the will of the People, in such an unlawful manner, then why should the people trust in the Senate as an institution to carry out their wishes?

The Ministry of Justice has announced that it will release its conclusions next month, which will decide of the Minister of Justice will bring the 2406 to the Courts to challenge the legality of their actions.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby matty.berry » Sun May 13, 2012 11:09 pm

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Independent news group.jpg (13.47 KiB) Viewed 2452 times

Solentian culture in brief, by THE INDEPENDENT
June 3303

Mordusian Bard of humble origins confirmed as exhibitor for the Decennial...

Issy Brown, Curator for the Decennial International Art Festival of Solentia has confirmed Roberta Teri Thema, 55 as the first international artist to be signed up to the Decennial event. She will perform in the art pavilion in Clezomene, Tesuhen State. The prolific Bard, born in Anna's Ogen, Sayoon, in the north of Mordusia to fishermen parents at age 16 won a rare public scholarship to the Academy for Advanced Art and Theatre, a prestigious private art school in Port Saint-John, where she soon mastered the art of storytelling, bardery and oral history. She now makes her living as a member of the AAAT faculty, and tours the country giving performances as part of various privately endowed national festivals here in Mordusia.

Roberta Teri Thema.jpg
Roberta Teri Thema.jpg (9.03 KiB) Viewed 2452 times

It is believed that her appearance at the Decennial is her first venture onto the international stage. What makes her work unique is her mastery of so called 'aural lighting', which is used, rather than photos, to illustrate her stories about National History. The technique involves the setting and movement of various shades of light carefully choreographed to induce a more limited but carefully controlled set of emotions in the audience.

On receiving the news as a confirmed artist at the event the bard commented,

The opportunity to serve as a goodwill ambassador and representative for Mordusian culture and History in the Solentian Festival is one that I genuinely look forward to. Given that I am as well known as I am, and have enjoyed so much success here at home, the chance to go outside Mordusia and share our Republic's great culture with the world is one that I would never pass up

The bard’s appearance at the event was strongly back by the Mordusian leader The Advocate General of Mordusia, Fr. Joseph Bennots,

We look forward to Thema's participation in the Festival...She serves not only herself and her art with this visit, but also fulfils Mordusia's long held goal of peaceful interactions with our neighbours. And as Mordusians make the visit to Solentia to see the festival, it is also our hope that they bring some part of the world back to Mordusia

It is understood that Issy Brown is finalising arrangements with other international artist to attend the event from nations as diverse as United Jakania, the Kingdom of Dranland, and Federal Majatran States of Badara. The decennial is not entirely without controversy however as the legislators in the Sovereign County of Beluzia passed a resolution boycotting the event alleging 'ignorant cultural biases' and citing the President’s daughter, the Senate Warden, Madeleine Clarke as the culprit. Clarke however brushed aside the criticism and stressed her governments international agenda,

I will be working very closely with Marcus Arendt ( the Minister of Foreign Affairs) in the coming months to ensure we maintain and strengthen our peaceful and prosperous relationships with our neighbours, the Decennial is one small part of that process

With the domestic political stakes still high for the Senate Warden it will be interesting to follow this story...
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Re: Solentian News

Postby sotearchann » Tue May 15, 2012 5:58 pm

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Foreign Affairs Minister Marcus Arendt returns after attending Joint Economic Summits in Watuni and Delataria; massive Continental Highway Initiative underway...

HALION, ORAME - The Foreign Affairs Ministry Office was bustling today as Minister Marcus Arendt returned from a tour of Watuni and Deltaria that lasted several months. He attended Joint Economic Summits in both countries pushing for a cooperative effort on building a Continental Highway, which would increase the flow of goods between the three democratic nations and to build a stronger tie. The CHI will also open up Solentian businesses to a larger market and this is expected to increase GDP tremendously. (Press release: ... &nation=42 ) (Watuni Press Release: ... sid=336532)

Continental Highway (2).jpg
Red line shows the extent of the CHI
Continental Highway (2).jpg (59.85 KiB) Viewed 2425 times

"I am grateful for the Supreme Presidents support in terms of the Continental Highway Initiative... I had a wonderful time discussing the matter with Watuni Foreign Minister Venus Pacada and meeting with the countries President and Prime Minister. Deltaria also proves to be a fruitful visit and the details from that Summit are still in the finalizing stage, once we hear word from the Deltarian administration, then our mission is complete!" -- Marcus Arendt

The CHI will build a massive highway connecting the capital cities of each nation and extend from one end of each country to the other, as depicted by the graphic.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby matty.berry » Wed May 16, 2012 11:06 pm

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Independent news group.jpg (13.47 KiB) Viewed 2386 times

the i ~ Solentian politics in brief, by THE INDEPENDENT
December 3304

Liberals respond to losses with huge legislative program...

Madeleine Clarke the Senate Warden unveiled a brave Liberal program for the new session of the senate following this year’s June election in which the party suffered large setbacks. The proposals were given the go ahead by the parties all powerful 'Campaign Group' which is chaired by Clarke. It is thought that the proposals are a response to the gains made by the Tea Party Patriots. Reports from within the usually highly secretive and loyal party suggest that some members believe Miss Clarke's handling of recent government business is to blame for of the losses. Clarke also made a statement that she would remain in the senate Wardens position for some time yet,
I am still the Senate Warden and the President has full confidence in me to deliver a progressive program of government business...

Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg
Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg (47.87 KiB) Viewed 2387 times

Behind the scenes, the i understands that President Clarke has been in contact with the TPP and SA regarding a new government but as of yet a deal has not been agreed
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Re: Solentian News

Postby matty.berry » Thu May 17, 2012 9:16 pm

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Solentian culture in brief
May 3305

Solentia gains international praise for the planned Decennial Art Festival...

Government officials in the Kingdom of Dranland have today released detailed information about their nation’s contribution the event to be held in Solentia in December. The culture spokeswoman of the ruling Grand National Party, Jennifer Howard, has presented the popular artist Francois de Beaufort as representative at the festival. Mr de Beaufort is best known for his artistic activism which often has a political message. Mr de Beaufort, who was born in Iglesia Mayor in 3257, studied Arts at the famous First Private Dranian University.

In a joint press conference with Mrs. Howards, Mr. Beaufort thanked the organizers of the festival and also praised the Solentian government

they have provided a formidable platform for international artists to present their works...I feel honoured to be among the first to exhibit my works there.

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In a first for Solentia both the Dranish Prime Minister Eric Crawford, and the Lord Chancellor Harold de Burgh stated that they very much appreciated the Festival and its message of tolerance and diversity, and would personally attend the opening ceremony.

Zane Jackson, Solentian Culture Minister revealed that Beauforts work was to be exhibited at the pavilion in Thespiae, Shinatawa State. Beaufort is the second confirmed international artist attending the event after the Mordusian bard Roberta Teri Thema was named in 3303. It is thought that Issy Brown, Curator for the event is still in talks with a number of international artists regarding the final space available during the planed 6 month long festival.

With only a few months to go the pressure is on the for the nation to deliver this extraordinary event and place Solentia firmly on the cultural map of Terra...
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Re: Solentian News

Postby matty.berry » Fri May 18, 2012 8:44 am

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Solentian.politics ~ culture ~ news
August 3305

Liberals bounce back...
the Presidential Palace.jpg
the Presidential Palace.jpg (9.82 KiB) Viewed 2167 times

The liberal Party led by Madeleine Clarke was last night celebrating their 4th Presidential victory in 5 years in an unexpected snap election as the Supreme President Rev Tobias Clarke increased his share of the vote to over 60% in the second round. In spite of orders from officials within the Unionist Party and Tea Party Patriots’, their supports flocked to Clarke in the second round giving him a sensational victory over Michael Victor II Kansar of the 2406 Party. At a private super held within the Presidential Palace, Clarke's words were broadcast outside to the celebrating gathered masses who shouted 'four more years...'

The people of the great nation were once again forced early to the polls, and once again they have spoken out in favour of freedom, democracy and progress. I would like to thank the Senate Warden for the way in which she has led this Party over the past the year and the courage she has shown in facing down her opponents

Madeleine Clarke who was considered by some to be on shaky ground in the Senate Wardens position now looks certain to hold on to the post and form the governments strategy going forwards into the next term after the Liberals also made massive gains in the Senate restoring them to the position of largest party. In a further blow to the newly formed Tea Party Patriots’ the Liberals also swept to victory in their former stronghold of Fuwan.

Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg
Madeleine Clarke, Senate Warden.jpg (47.87 KiB) Viewed 2162 times

With the opposition parties energised in their opposition and hostility to the Senate Warden it will be interesting to see what the future holds in the next 4 years...
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