
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby a kommunist » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:49 am

All news from the Federal Republic of Solentia can be posted here. The government channel will be called The Solentian Press, being the big government station, it is the most widely viewed station in Solentia. The media source is collective, so when posting something from it, try to keep it as unbiased as possible. Obviously each party can optionally have their own media source that can be as biased and unfair as your heart desires.

For my party, the PLAS, the media will be the Solentian Broadcasting Agency
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Re: Solentian News

Postby a kommunist » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:14 am

Jack Rumnov, The Solentian Press

Minister of Internal Affairs, Anton Sokolov, ordered the arrest of several Corporate Leaders and the investigations of numerous others today.

The MoIA giving a speech about the arrest and investigations

This action immediately follows the expected passing of an Executive Order that demanded the arrest of several corporate leaders on allegations of corruption. Eight corporate leaders (identities have yet to be released to the public) have been arrested on charges of corruption, treason, and by-passing many laws put in place to protect workers. Some of these laws include:

* Paying less than the 19% Corporate Tax
* Breaking legally-binding Union contracts
* Firing striking workers
* Threatening workers with unemployment if they unionize
* Paying less than minimum wage

Nearly a dozen other corporate officials are currently being investigated, and more arrests are expected to follow

One of the suspects being led out of his home, his identity is currently unknown

-Rumnov, The Solentian Press
Last edited by a kommunist on Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
a kommunist
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Re: Solentian News

Postby SenorNoPants » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:21 pm

Supreme President Jerillio Orders Nationwide Investigation

A Solvernment News Network! Report

1 November 2740

HALION - Supreme President Joseph Jerillio ordered a nationwide investigation earlier this morning of corruption and crime within corporations. The Supreme President announced that it was part of the continuing Rose Revolution unfolding across the nation and government.

This is not a surprise to some.

Supreme President Jerillio speaks to reporters about his decisions

Before he was even elected to the Supreme Presidency, Mr. Jerillio had campaigned on the subject of regulating corporations and shutting down corrupt ones. His determined attitude towards corporations won him the hearts of many union activists and regulators, but earned him an equally powerful string of enemies from the business sector. Corporations ran opposition commercials to his candidacy and heavily funded campaign organizations attempting to keep him out of the Supreme Presidential mansion. Some did not take Mr. Jerillio's hard stance against corporations with much weight as it is tradition for the leftist candidate in Solentia to appear more radical on the campaign trail than in office. However, many point to Mr. Jerillio's previous record in politics as proof of his determination to charge and convict corrupt corporations. As Governor of Fuwan, Mr. Jerillio ordered and initiated a statewide investigation of corruption within financial institutions. And as a Senator, Mr. Jerillio had plans to introduce legislation for an investigation across the country, but the outgoing Thatcher Administration had seemingly halted the process.

FIP Majority Leader Jack Metzenbaum speaks enthusiastically to a crowd about the Supreme President's actions

Federal Independent Party Majority Leader Jack Metzenbaum introduced legislation this morning as well and was swiftly passed into service. The Federal Independent Party and People's Liberation Army of Solentia, the co-leader in the Rose Revolution, pushed the bill into power as soon as Mr. Metzenbaum opened the bill to a vote. The Independent Party and Official Conservative Party have not voted on the bill as of yet, but their votes would not change the outcome as a 50% majority has already been attained. The bill gave sweeping powers to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Sokolov to police corporations and utilize the department's powers to their fullest extent. It also allocated new funding to the department provided by the over 30 billion SOL surplus in the treasury along with several other vague, but strong wordings of power expansion. The investigation would be overseen by Supreme President Jerillio and Senate Warden Jack Thyrenvall Jr. is expected to be given a role in the implementation of the service.

Supreme President Jerillio delivered a statement today warning corporations to offer no resistance to federal investigators and police and to hand over requested documents. The Supreme President had only one thing to say if corporations did not comply.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

More in the future, stay tuned.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby a kommunist » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:55 pm

Anton Sokolov Orders Use of Force to Obtain Information About SolCorp Inc.
The Solentian Broadcasting Agency, Dave Gurgat

Akra, Orame - Hello, I am Dave Gurgat coming to you live from the SolCorp HQ at Akra. Today, The Minister of Internal Affairs, using the newest powers granted to him by SR 121: EO-III, ordered police officers to escort federal investigators into the SolCorp HQ and to protect them from SolCorp Mercenaries.

The move comes after SolCorp, one of the largest Conglomerate in Solentia, reportedly barred Federal Investigators from entering the Headquarters. The investigators were there to gather information about a recent SolCorp venture into the province of Fuwan (the Corporation went there to begin a mining operation). While there, numerous workers died from poor conditions and faulty equipment. One worker was dead under "mysterious circumstances."

*Gunshots in background*

Wait, was that? Come on! *runs quickly to source of gunshots*

Ladies and gentlemen, it would appear that SolCorp mercenaries just opened fire on local policemen. It would appear that no one has been injured as of yet, but the police have been stopped dead in their tracks. Their equipment is not capable of taking on these mercs., who are armed with military-grade equipment. How they obtained this equipment is unknown.

More soon
a kommunist
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Re: Solentian News

Postby SenorNoPants » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:17 pm

Jerillio Administration Outraged by Events In Orame

A Solvernment News Network! Report

HALION - The Jerillio Administration released a breaking statement in reaction to events in Akra, Orame, where mercenaries from the titan corporation SolCorp opened fire on police.

The event sparked a heated response from the Jerillio Administration and led to the following statement.

What has taken place in the last few hours is a direct challenge of the state and federal government's power and jurisdiction over corporations and the private sector. When violence erupts as a result of governmental policy, mandated by the people, then it must be treated with the level of terrorism. Corporations are not entitled to a private militia or security force and this display of arms from the thugs issued by SolCorp will be met and overpowered by state guard and if necessary, federal soldiers. Those responsible for retaliation and violence will be arrested and tried - and they will receive the highest punishment.

Corporations have now shown the government and people they have something they are hiding and willing to kill to keep secret. This authorizes government force to retrieve what they hide from federal investigators and we will not stop at any level until we have shut down and prosecuted all organizations involved.

Jerillio Administration officials reported that a "total war" against corporations has been initiated by the corporations, and will be ended by the government. Under Administration oversight, Federal investigators and police are now to be heavily armed and use whatever force needed. A spokesperson for the administration said law enforcement officers have orders to retaliate when fired upon and, what's more, are now ordered to fire first at the discretion of the officer.

Federal Independent Senate leadership announced intentions to draft legislation addressing corporations' ability to utilize private security forces and other issues involved in the now total war situation with the private sector.

Updates in the future will come.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby a kommunist » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:58 pm

Police Battle SolCorp Inc. Mercenaries
Federal Investigators Sieze Information About SolCorp

The Solentian Broadcasting Agency, Dave Gurgat

Akra, Orame - Shortly after Jerillo Administration granted the Police access to stronger equipment, supplies arrived and the police, now numbered at nearly 250 strong, began to storm into the SolCorp Inc. Compound. I can hear repeated gunshots coming from the building

Police preparing to enter the compound

Latest reports put the SolCorp mercs at 50 - 75 strong. During the violence in the reception area, one mercenary was killed, and several others were wounded, one of them was captured. No deaths or injuries have yet to be reported on the side of the Solentian Law Enforcement.

Police recently ordered that all bank accounts and assets of SolCorp be frozen to prevent any important information from being destroyed. Federal investigators have also now entered the compound and searching for information regarding illegal activities performed by the massive business

Investigators searching for information on SolCorp. databases

Law enforcement agents have so far arrested a score of SolCorp workers who were destroying papers, computer hardrives, books, etc. An arrest warrant for the CEO of SolCorp has been issued, but his whereabouts are currently unknown.

More soon
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:41 pm

CMP condemnds both sides
A call for Common Sense

The Independant's John Bones reports

It's been about 15 years since the Conservative and Morality Party were last in Senate, shouting down Socialism and promoting the Upper classes. But now, under a new and somewhat different leadership, it would seem that they are once more, leaving their mark on Solentian politics.

The past few years have seen some troubling events in Solentian History. An "All out war" with major Corporations and the private sector has been called and businesses are preparing to defend what they have left. The CMP are just one more voice being heard in condemnation of large corporate profiteers. But how much do they really mean what they are saying?

Newly elected CMP Leader, Jayne Asher-Byrne, doesn't come from the traditional, elitist background of most former CMP leaders. In fact, this Lady is somethat different to the CMP's usual "Iron Maidens" who are sometimes elected to it's upper echelons. A former TV chef, mother's idol and dressmaker, Jayne Asher-Byrne was in fact, the typical behind-the-scenes wife of then-Shadow Foreign Secretary, William Asher. Fifteen years on and she has secured her place as a top administrator, spokeswoman and now leader. So what does someone who has no expirience of Trade and Industry or Finance, think of this situation? We listened to Jayne's speech to learn more.

Jayne Asher-Byrne
It is indeed my belief that the present situation has gone on long enough. What we are seeing is a general political consensus, both in Senate and out amongst the people, that big Business and Corporations need be kept under scrutiny and that the Free Market has damaged Morality and integrity. It's my job as CMP leader to ensure that we give our full support to those people who are working with the best interests of the Nation in mind and to those who act on the side of morality. I think that it's imperrative to see that all factions in this argument, see themselves as doing that. What we have here, is a situation whereby a debate has been taken out of context and has esculated to unacceptable levels. I do condemn the corporations, I believe that anyone who avoids or takes action to prevent accountability and transparency evidently has something to hide. However I would also condemn this attack on businesses in general, as I can see that it's not going to bennefit this nation's economy.

I think that both sides acted wrongly. I think that, obviously, an attack on police officers cannot be tolerated and I support the Home Office in it's arrest of these rebellious corporate leaders. However I believe that a "War on Enterprise" is a step too far. There are corporations that do abide by legislation and who do support the Government and I think that if we do not find a middle ground and end this trend of heavy, full-on Socialism, then further economic woes will ensue. We must remember that the more Government cracks down on Business, the less investment we will see in the Solentian economy. It is always the case when Governments become more Socialist in their outlook on the economy, and when heavy Nationalisation might follow as I believe it might well do now under the current Government, that factors such as employment, resouces and funding are not always taken into account. If we crack down on businesses too much, and we have to start intervening in the Market place, a Government cannot fiscally afford to maintain the level of productivity of those businesses it does crack down on and so a rise in unemployment could well follow.

The CMP shall be returning to Senate shortly, and when we do, it is my full aim and goal to achieve a moderate settlement, whereby the Government can maintain transparency and accountability lawfully within the market place and prevent needless and heafty profiteering from corporate elites, whilst simultaneously averting wide-scale nationalisation and even further damage to our economy.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby meritocracy » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:21 pm

A Quiet Return

The Meritocratic Caucus were stoic regarding their positive gains in this years Senatorial election. Though loosing to a coalition which party leader Octavian Belisarius called, "The same old gang offering fear and old ideas and a weak nation." the party did jump from 100 years of obscurity to the largest share of seats.

"Clearly it will be time for the current governmental structure to adapt." ViceExarch Oswiu Bloodaxe told reporters. "We expect, if the other parties wish to have relative tranqility, that negotions on a new cabinet begin henceforth. Hegemony is not going to help anyone."

The Meritocratic Caucus is based upon the framework of the former Solentian Radical Nationalist Party, many of the members of which emigrated to Quanzar over 100 years ago, and who started what would eventually become the Southern Solentia Movement and Quanzari Radical Nationalist Party.

Duke Octavian Belisarius sits to speak with reporters after the elections.

Now a return immigration, plus a dedication to a neo-mercantilism has the Meritocrats in good standing. Primarily bankrolled by the South Majatran noble houses Belisarius and Bloodaxe, members with noble titles established in Quanzar have been careful to avoid use of the titles within Solentia due to legal concerns. They do however intend to establish peerage within Solentia, over time.

Octavian Belisarius, a descendant of famed solentian hero Harold Belisarius, placed second in the runoff voting for supreme president.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby SenorNoPants » Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:50 am

Jerillio Administration Cracks Down on Corporations
Supporters and Critics call it the "Final Blow"

A Solvernment News Network! Report

HALION - The Jerillio Administration pushed the total war against corporations and executives one step further today in a move that has sparked a great deal of controversy.

Under authorization from a series of resolutions in the Senate and oversight of the Jerillio Administration, the federal government today finalized a series of orders and carried them out as instructed. The orders were to arrest and imprison 121 corporate leaders and executives and to formally shut down 34 companies throughout the country. And as reports show, the orders were conducted successfully.

Federal agents seize documents from corporate offices in downtown Halion

The orders were finalized at 8:00 AM by the Jerillio Administration and federal agents carried them out, ending the crack down by 6:00 PM. Corporations and executives had not been expecting such brazen action by the government and business in most organizations was undertaken as usual. That is, until federal agents arrived at their front door steps. Following the raids, federal agents seized thousands of documents from corporations and notably escorted over a hundred executives from their offices. As of tonight, the country has 34 less corporations than it previously did this morning.

The explanation is simple, says Minister of Finance Frederick Viscerain.

"This really shouldn't be given such hype. It was expected that when the government declared total war against corrupt corporations something of this nature would occur. This is in accordance to recently passed laws from the Rose Revolution, in which certain sectors in the country's economic system are now run by the government under nationalized public corporations. This was done for the well-being of our citizens, and subsequently they approve of such action. The sectors now nationalized were overrun by corruption, scandal, and abuse by the private entities."

Some wanted further examples.

"Well, if you would care for an example, here is one. First Energy of Orame was using its monopoly over the state to shut off power of buildings and offices of of rival companies, organized labor, and political opponents. So we shut them down. We have nationalized energy now and the system will be free of this tomfoolery from now on, for a cheaper rate too. There are many more examples, some worse. Many corporations have been using strong-arm tactics to scare employees belonging to unions and even minorities and we have an alarming number of corporations that used murder to establish their agenda. Look, if there wasn't a good reason behind this overhaul, it wouldn't be happening right now."

A list of the corporations and executives can be obtained from our online website.

Members of the business community showed a great deal of anger from the move, with many calling it "a step towards communism" and a "police state". However, proponents of regulation and supporters of the Rose Revolution voiced strong approval in the actions taken, with even some calling it "delayed for too long".

The Jerillio Administration has made it known that employees in the corporations shut down today will be offered work within other companies, nationalized sectors, government services agencies, and retraining programs if desired. For executives and convicted corporate leadership, however, prison will be the only offer on the table.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby SenorNoPants » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:16 pm

Total War on Corporations Ended
Supreme President says regulation and investigations will continue

A Solvernment News Network! Report

HALION - The Jerillio Administration delivered a report today stating that the total war on corporations has ended for the time being. However, regulations and investigations will still continue though under less intensive measures as conducted before.

The announcement comes as a relief to many in the business community and as a disappointment to some supporters who felt the war needed to go further. The Supreme President made remarks saying the overhaul was only meant to rid the country of its most intricate corruption and financial crime rings in the nation.

Despite the total war ending, Jerillio Administration officials were reluctant to say it would not return in the future for usage. Also, regulations put in place during the war are expected to stay in full force and investigations of unfinished and new cases have orders to be completed.

Stay tuned for our evening report on the total war's ending.
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