
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby NSDWP » Fri May 07, 2010 2:02 pm

Armed Jakanian National Front holds press conference in Nilaka

Secretary General Vidkun Lauritz Fuglesang announced that the party will endorse the progress partys candidate for HOS.

"After a narrow vote in our central committe the party Führer Marcus von Schenk signed a Führerbefehl that will be sent to the Jakanian election commission." Fuglesang told the press.

The decision has sent shockwaves througout the entire party organization but all regional boards had approved this decision.

"We face the less of two evils here, when this is said we will never support a cabinet without some kind of influence from our party, but we cannot and will not risk a head of state from one of the socialist, communist or liberal parties." Fuglesang continued.

This remark has sent a blow to the socialist block that is trying to seize power in Jakania in the upcoming election.

"As for cabinet negiotiations, we hope we gain 10%of the parliamentary seats in the next election, with 25 seats we might actually come in a kingmaker position. We are willing to enter negotiations with both sides of the political isle on issue of setting in a new cabinet, but we send both sides of the isle one ultimatum. This country needs an electoral reform, and we hope for a broad coalition among both conservatives and socialists to achieve that."

Several reporters asked Fuglesang if this ment that the Jakanian National Front is willing to govern with the progress party. Fuglesang replied "We think at least for now that our place is in the opposition, in the streets and in the army."
The Armed Jakanian National Front

Party führer: Marcus von Schenk
Secretary General:Lauritz Fuglesang
Speaker of the Parliament: Vidkun Stjern
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Tue May 11, 2010 2:21 pm

Supreme Governor: Radicalization "very real"
-Nilaka Chronicle reports

As the Supreme Governor recently held his State of the Union to an assembled Supreme Council, he didn't hold back when firing at the radical groups in our society.

For a long time, Jakania has been a fair, quiet, and calm place. The Progress Party has contributed to achieving exactly that goal. On the way, however, there's spawned new groups who seek nothing but radical and polarization intent. When we're living in a world filled with fears of foreign powers and international terrorism; we're now going to be fearful against domestic terrorism too? Who's causing these developments, and how do we stop them?

Patrick Fitzgerald keeps his foreign policy briefing papers close. He's known for shouting and being rough with his opponents when needed, and took several swings at radicalizing groups in his State of the Union. "...now even the Jakania Intelligence Agency (JIA) confirms it pretty clear: radicalization is very real." As Mr. Fitzgerald moved on in his speech, promising a broad government initative in the upcoming budget negotiations, he made it absolutely clear what action he would take against radicalization. "JIA confirms radicalization. There are certain nationalist groups who are starting to move. And I promise you, I will do anything within my powers to destroy this movement." "We simply can not, and will not, allow our government to be sieged by either of the extremist sides. Our nation can not afford a government that is either extremist or a government that doesn't manage extremism." With clear reference to the Labour party on the latter, as he scowled at their group of representatives.


The Armed Jakanian National Front (AJNF) were clearly uncomfortable in their seats as the Governor stridently attacked extremism and radical groups. The Nilaka Chronicle is absolutely clear that we want Jakania to become a more international nation. The Governor delivered here too: "We will take a firm stance on all terrorism. With our Axis friends, we will stand against these fanatical movements."

As the budget negotiations between the new coalition is starting, they will be put to test. We'll be able to see if these substantially different parties will be able to work together and post a proper compromise that makes Jakania a better place. The Governor made clear that he, and his party colleagues, would fight for "more spending in key areas, such as foreign affairs and defense...It's important to keep funding important programs for education and health care."
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:51 am

Jakania signs up to Majatran Union!

Miamo, Sonhata - In February, the UJDP finally ratified the Majatran Union following a massive election victory the previous year. The Party took 224 of the 251 seats avaialbe, giving them the numbers to secure passage of the Treaty. With only two other nations having ratified it [The Holy Selucian Empire and the Cildanian Republic] the Foreign Secretary will be writing to counterparts throughout the Continent in order to increase the Unions strength. The Republic of Cobura are set to ratify the Treaty in the coming year.

United Jakania's Foreign Sec., Isaac Lawson
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby livenda » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:27 pm

Jakania on the Right Way!

The general elections of 2967 ended up with a massive victory for the center-right party the Jakanian People's Party. Winning in every province and taking 53% of the seats in the Supreme Council, the newly elected Supreme Governor Carl Fang has massive support behind him.
"I have to say that this feels fantastic, it truly shows that the people of Jakania has grown tired of socialistic rule and given the power to the party that truly represents them. I feel most honoured to stand here today, with the people's support behind me" Fang said to the JNN after the election.

Supreme Governor Carl Fang (JPP)

With simple majority in the Supreme Council the Cabinet election is mostly a formality and JPP chairwoman and Prime Minister candidate Matilda Richardson has already begun her work.
"United Jakania will see many changes in the future" she said during a press conference. "The socialistic governments have severely endangered our national economy, and we have to act swiftly and directly in order to save Jakania. I can however also promise the citizens of Jakania a healthy tax cut as a start"
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby livenda » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:34 am

JPP takes the elections again!

There had been lot of excitement surrounding the 2971 Jakanian general elections. Prime Minister Richardson and her Jakanian People's Party had done many massive changes during their three years in power, including a controversial mass privatization of the public sector, including the educational, health care and military sectors. Several prominent political scientist expected that this massive rush of reformations would scare back many voters to the United Jakania Democratic Party.

But in the 2971 elections not only did the voter turnout increase for the third election in a row, but an even higher percentage of people gave their trust to the JPP whom gained an additional 3 seats in the Supreme Council landing on 138 seats or almost 55% of the council. Another party whose support increased was the Union of Democratic Socialists whom managed to grab another 7 seats landing them at 49 seats or 19%. For the old ruling party of United Jakania Democratic party, the voter base decreased once again. In this election they lost 10 seats, which means they now have 64, or 25%.

These results clearly shows the major population's tiredness of the aged UJDP and their support for the fresh politics of the JPP. Upon for the second term taking the position of Supreme Governor, Carl Fang said to the gathered celebrators:
"What you are witnessing is the beginning of a new era of Jakania. I stand here proudly again, for the second time given this most prestigious position by the people of Jakania. And I can tell you that we have an interesting time before us. The New Age of Jakania will be a most glorious one, I can assure you, and you've already seen the beginning of it. So follow me now, my fellow Jakanians, Follow me to the future!

Carl Fang (JPP) surrounded by celebrating JPP members after the election results were announced.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby livenda » Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:33 pm

A State Church for Jakania

It was in September 2971 that the Jakanian People's Party announced their plans to create and organize a state church, namely the Islamic Church of Jakania. While was already the State Religion of Jakania, no organized State church existed.
"We felt that the traditions and values of Islam have been forgotten within Jakania" said Supreme Governor Carl Fang during a press conference. "Islam has for a very long time been the largest religion of Jakania and an important part of the national heritage and culture, however it has in many ways been pushed away and forgotten, not to mention that teachings differ between almost every mosque in the nation due to the lack of a unified church. That was what we wanted to change, by establishing a state chuch and thus organizing, renewing and spreading the word of God and his Prophet."

According to the new act the leader of Islam within Jakania will be the Sheikh ul-Islam appointed by the Supreme Governor. He will be responsible for governing the religion in Jakania and decides the interpretion of the Quran that shall be taught in the Mosques. The Sheikh shall also be responsible for appointing imams and other ministers of Islam within Jakania. He will however not have any political power and the Islamic Church will not have any authority over the laws of Jakania.

To help renewing the Islamic faith within Jakania the government sent out a formal invitation to Al'Badara, in which they invited Muslim scholars to move to Jakania and help the local ministers.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby livenda » Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:27 pm

Tragedy strikes Jakania!


Today tragedy struck as Prime Minister and JPP chairwoman Matilda Richardson during a private trip to Lalaka had a frontal collison with a bus. Matilda and her husband Richard, who was driving the car, both died instantly, as well as the driver of the bus. Two passangers were taken to hospital for moderate wounds.

Supreme Governor Carl Fang adressed the media after being informed of the incident. He mentioned that it was "a terrible loss [...] Matilda Richardson was a good chairwoman, a good Prime Minister but most importantly a good friend" He further informed that the Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Benjamin Ahmad would take over the Prime Minister post, at least temporarily.

Internal party elections to appoint a new Chairman are scheduled to take place next month, after the state funeral.

Melati Lau - JNN
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:09 pm

Gillespie Snatches Close Victory In Supreme Gubernatorial Race!

Miamo, Sonhata - Francis Gillespie, 45, has became the first UJDP Supreme Governor in fifteen years. In a tight race, Mr Gillespie managed to win by 1.6% over his predecessor Carl Fang with the endorsement of the UDS. The new Supreme Governor has shown his appreciation to the Union of Democratic Socialists by offering them six positions in his first Cabinet. As the result was called, Party members gave a sigh of relief as the thoughts of returning to political wilderness haunted them. The last time a UJDP leader lost the election they were not returned to the post for 25 years and with the rise of the JPP many thought it would take many more attempts to oust the right-wing Government. Gillespie was only recently elected UJDP leader following the resignation of James Davidson on health grounds.

In the coinciding General Election, the JPP lost 20 seats [7 to the UJDP and 13 to the UDS] thus losing overall control of the legislature. It is believed the UJDP and the UDS will work together to repeal the JJPs rightwing agenda.

In related news, the new Supreme Governor has offered his condolences to the family of Matilda Richardson...

New Supreme Governor and UJDP Leader Francis Gillespie
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:31 pm

Jakanian Foreign Minister Condemns Holy Luthori Empire!

Miamo, Sonhata - Rebecca Lloyd, recently appoint Minister for Foreign Affairs, has condemned the diplomatic stance taken by her Luthorian counterpart The Duke of Halifax. The Foreign Office has sworn to sign the 'Recognition of Beiteynu' Treaty acknowledging the independence and sovereignty of the State; prompting a crisis between Jakania and the Holy Luthori Empire. Speaking earlier today the Foreign Minister commented on the issue:

'I have received word from The Duke of Halifax that should our nation recognise the people of Beiteynus right of self-determination the Holy Luthori Empire will no longer recognise our own nation. This is an attack on our own sovereignty and I demand The Duke of Halifax to visit our Nation and apologise to our people. Since 2117 our Nation has had to defend ourselves from external foes on the battlefield but now we shall do so in our Parliament; we will not back down on this matter and I shall await a response from the Duke of Halifax.'

Rebecca Lloyd, Jakanian Foreign Minister
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:10 pm

Supreme Governor Guarantees Beiteynu Independence; Announces Luthori Trade Embargo

Miamo, Sonhata - Following the expulsion of Jakanian and Cildanian diplomats from the Holy Luthori Empire Supreme Governor William Davidson has announced that our nation has guaranteed the independence of The People's Republic of Beiteynu. Speaking to gathered reporters Mr Davidson had this to say:

'The Holy Luthori Empires current policy toward Beitenyu is nothing short of political bullying and out-dated imperialism. It is high time that the people of Beiteynu receive full international support and I, for one, am happy to say they have that of our nation. I call on other leaders to join the condemnation of the Holy Luthori Empire and urge them to see sense. I have spoken with Harold Douglas, my Trade and Industry Minister, and we have agreed that until The People's Republic of Beiteynu is acknowledged as its own nation United Jakania will impose a trade embargo on the Holy Luthori Empire. Thank you.'

Supreme Governor William Davidson, speaking earlier today.
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