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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby ebarrantes » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:18 am

Today the Republican Party has been founded. It can be the alternative to finish with the Sultanate that is running Jakania or an example of how monarchist is Jakanian Society.
Today in 5 hours will start the election of the general executive that will run the party from the inside of itself.
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby Reddy » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:32 pm

Sultan Names Heir
January 3, 4105

Sultan Umar II has named his seven year old son Prince Yahya, heir to his throne maknig him the Crown Prince. Prince Yahya is the Sultan's son by Sultana Jesmin, daughter of Jelbania's former the recently departed Grand Imam Juhn Grakkrt. The decision marks a departure from the Razamid clan's traditional succession law which is seniority based. No protests were made with Prince Jamal the Katib heartily endorsing the measure.

Prince Yahya performing the Ardah dance

The 71 year old monarch pointed out during a princely council held by Razamid princes at al-Hadra, that he and his five surviving brothers were all well into the 60's and 70's and the nation could not afford 'decreipt leaders' while certain countries were fuelling anti-Ahmadism viciously across Terra. The Sultan slammed these countries in his annual address to the Shura.

Certain countries are preaching hate against our brothers in Jelbania and elsewhere in the Ahmadi world. Ours is a peace loving and social religion whose nature has been horribly distorted by some unscrupulous countries. One wonders - can such hateful nations play a constructive role in the Security Council? Electors should be wary of such wickedness as an indicator of corrupted souls. Jelbania has received votes from diverse nations, Jelbic, Majatran, Ahmadi, Hosian, Dovanian and Artanian nations.

There is no monolithic 'Ahmadi bloc' - Terra is too diverse for such narrow-mindedness...indeed there is no bloc of any kinds for such would be deviousness that we do not dwell in. The Jelbic campaign is the positive campaign and from only such can positive contributions be achieved.
Last edited by Reddy on Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby ebarrantes » Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:46 am

Yesterday, 5 millions of people manifestated for democratic local elections, and not for the appointment of the mayor by the Sultan. The leader of the movement was Marzooq Rahaman, secretary general of the Republican Party of Jakania.
We can't let these people decide over us, we want a representative democratic country, we don't want Sultans that don't care about people's problems! We will struggle until the end to achieve what people has been fighting for since a long time ago, their rights! Political rights! Economical rights! For the progress!
Said Mr. Rahaman.

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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby Reddy » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:46 am

U-Turn as Katib Is Named Crown Prince

Sultan Umar II has been forced into a humiliating u-turn by the family Shura. Just 16 months after breaking with tradition to name his son heir, the Sultan was made by a Shura of senior Razamid princes to reverse that decision and appoint his brother, the Katib (Prince Jamal), Crown Prince. The 70 year old Crown Prince has served as Katib since 4095 and is well regarded in the conservative factions of the ruling dynasty. He is also the father of the Brmek Queen Aisha, a controversial marriage , religious-wise but accepted by the majority of ulema

Crown Prince Jamal

The decision comes following a rise in disturbances with some opposition movements agitating for reform and liberal democracy. Many in the dynasty felt that the succession line had to strengthened with a tested leader being catapulted to the position of heir. The cunning old Katib is rumoured to have engineered his latest rise by restraining the state security apparatus' response to the rising protest movements in order to manufacture a crisis which would force his elder brother's hand.
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Citizens demand new elections

Postby ebarrantes » Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:23 pm

The members Democratic Jakanian Union have protested at the city of Greenlaw demanding three things:
We don't want a Sultan who doesn't care about the real problems of the people. We want elections, free ones.
We demand the sultanate and the government to respect the civil rights. We defend the minorities and their deserved rights.

The Republican Party of Jakania has also joined the protests in Greenlaw. The suggested candidate by the progressive, republican demanded that the Sultanate does not represent the people's rights, adding also that .
We don't want a Head of State who was not voted by anyone

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New elections proposal

Postby ebarrantes » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:33 am

The Republican Party of Jakania, has demanded the government to hold new elections so as to let the citizens decide. After saying that, they have shown their political campaign and the points their going to talk about during the electoral campaign.
Presidential candidate Marzooq Rahaman has shown his interest on improving worker's conditions so as to avoid corporations to control their lifes and to consecute the collective bargain between private and public workers.
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby Jaguar » Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:17 am

Aristocratic Youths Establish the Party of Jakanian Union and Progress
Jakanians and Turkjaks band together to start a political reform movement that will bring glory to Jakania

Jakania has always experienced periods of great financial hardships brought on by catastrophic political and economic disasters. As a result of years of misrule, ambitious aristocratic youths, dissatisfied with the way the country is being ruled, have initiated a political reform movement which has attracted the interests of many intellectuals and influential political figures. The movement seeks to bring about the return of centralization of power under the ruling monarch. It is not clear as to why these youths prefer absolute rule but many say that in these trying times the need for a strong leadership is a must and they believe that the Sultan can fulfill that role as he has the traits of a strong leader.
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby Jaguar » Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:14 am

Jakanian Youth Seize the University of Sultan Mehmed I But Later Quelled by Jakanian Imperial Guards
Jakanian Youths in Military Fatigue Retreating

In a bold move made by a certain faction within the Party of Jakanian Union and Progress, youths of the party armed themselves and seized the prestigious University of Sultan Mehmed I this morning. After seizing complete control of the university and forcing many of its students and personnel to renew their pledge of allegiance to the Sultan, they raised the flag of Turjakistan and Jakania and declared the Shura Council an enemy of the state, the country's legislative assembly. However, the Shura were quick to act and sent in the Imperial Guards to quell the unrest. The significance of this move made by the Shura is that it made it clear that the Imperial family of Jakania do not support the political reform movement instigated by the aristocratic youths. However, the Sultan has yet to make a public announcement concerning this popular movement.

The Party of Jakanian Union and Progress released a statement stating that they had no involvement in this disastrous event and that they do not support violence to achieve their aims.
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby Jaguar » Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:12 am

Party of Jakanian Union and Progress Obtains Victory Results in Election But Sultan Mehmed I Refuses to Accept Results
Jakanians and Turjaks celebrate their victory at the Palace of Perpetual Harmony of Mehmed I

The Party of Jakanian Union and Progress or PJUP has won a victory in the national parliament elections winning 206 seats.

However, the Sultan refuses to accept results and calls for a re-election.
Countries I play:
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Talmoria: Offline
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Re: Al-Ikhbariyah al-Jakaniayun [Jakanian News Channel]

Postby ebarrantes » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:30 pm

The new secretary general of the Ecosocialist Anti-theist Pacifist Party (EAPP) was elected yesterday in National Secretariat of the party. The elected Sham'a Sesay, with a past of feminist struggle, puts in charge the renewed EAPP.
Sham'a Sesay
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