
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:38 am

Arslan Wins Presidency
November 4327

People’s Action Party leader Ahmet Arslan has been elected President of Jakania in a landslide victory. The 53 year old businessman is a prominent disciple of the prominent Ahmadi scholar Imam Yavuz founded the party with the Imam’s blessing a few months back. Yavuzism the eponymous Ahmadist school is popular in Jakania as one of the mainstream and moderate strands of Ahmadism. It supports democracy, protection of religious minority rights and is a fundamentally communitarian based thought. It was with the Imam’s blessing that the People’s Action Party was founded several months ago although he has taken care not to appear too involved with the party.

President-elect Ahmet Arslan

In his presidential campaign, Arslan focused on creating a big tent conservative movement whose Ahmadist influence is played down in the public. In his campaign, Arslan focused almost entirely on bread and butter issues and offered conventional solutions to the problems facing the south Majatran nation. He denied any intentions to install a Ahmadist government and kept the campaign messages focused on three things – infrastructure, tax cuts and anti-corruption . This ardent attempt at portraying himself and his movement as moderate appears to have convinced the electorate that they could trust him and so the first Ahmadist influenced government in six decades has been sworn in.

Stock Market Fires Up

The Jakanian stock market has responded to the Arslan election with record gains. The DSE (Dokuz Stock Exchange) registered a 14% gain on the first trading day following the election and has continued to grow strongly in the weeks that have followed. The phenomenal performance is thought to be influenced by several factors which all bode well for the middle economic power’s stability and economic prospects over the next five years. The first and most important is Arslan’s intent to strengthen the office of the President over that of the Prime Minister. This, according to Arslan and his party, is necessary in order to respond effectively and assertively in a region dominated by strong executives. Another key factor is the 10 billion Lira tax cuts which Arslan has promised along with a large scale privatization program, all music to the markets. Jakania has been under a number of unstable and weak governments over the past few years and most, while wary of Ahmadism, are very relieved to see some leadership restored at the top.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:07 am

Legislative Gamble Backfires For Arslan
January 4329

President Ahmet Arslan's decision to call an early legislative election on the issue of restoring a monarchy has led to a drubbing of epic proportions. Arslan's People's Action Party won just 17% of the vote while its fascist challengers won every other seat. Thus the people strongly preferred to keep a republic and many also objected to the government's radical economic reforms which included the institution of a flat tax and mass privatisation of various state owned enterprises. In the era of a fascist supermajority, the President's power will be greatly restricted and he will have to spend the rest of his term in a cohabitation of some sort

OAC Rising

Whiie the Government has failed at home, it has met more success in its attempts at organising Ahmadi nations on the global scale. The old Organisation for Ahmadi Cooperation has welcomed five new member parties, of these, two are the governing parties of Kalopia and Kafuristan. OAC Commissioner Hamid Artaturjak praised the Ahmadi nations for banding together and hoped to see more nations and parties join the organisation. He repeated his insistence that the OAC was not a religious organisation but rather a regional bloc aimed at advancing the interests of Ahmadi majority nations and championing those of Ahmadi minorities elsewhere.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:06 am

Early Election Breaks Deadlock In Karadag
July 4329

The political deadlock between a conservative President Ahmet Arslan and a fascist Grand National Assembly has been broken decisively in favour of the former. Following the adoption of a presidential constitution, early elections were called by the hubris ridden fascists. Coming just eight months after the last ones, the elections brought a surprise for everyone who had expected the fascists to triumph and capture the presidency. Counting on President Arslan's dismal campaigning skills proved a mistake as Arslan played up his strengths. The President focused on his role as a rising Majatran statesman. He refused to debate his opponent and instead focused on the paternal image that the position of head of state can project on one. He also apologised for his rash attempt at installing a monarchy and disavowed any future interest in the project. He also expressed the desire to revisit some his radical economic reforms and vowed not to privatise JakOil the country's largest enterprise and employer.

An Arslan election poster in central Karadag

Even more luckier, the controversy over the Turjak nationalist Vatan Partisi of Kalopia gave Arslan an opportunity to rile up nationalists in his favour. The President said on an address to the Grand Turjak Heritage Society, "the borders of the heart expand further than those of the land. We will not stand for mistreatment of our people in part of Terra." A note was sent to the Kalopian government insisting that the Turjak minority's right to political representation be protected and upheld. Later on, he announced that he was deploying an extra 2,000 troops to the Jakanian-Kalopian border, expressing concern for potential spillover of any potential instability in the (historically) notoriously unstable Kalopia.

After all this, the election was his for the taking and he won just under 62% of the vote while his People's Action Party regained its majority in the Grand National Assembly and secured control of four of the five Governorates. Thus political stability has been restored in Jakania and for the next four years, the country should prove able to pursue its most important goals.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:11 am

State Visit To Cobura
February 4330

President Ahmet Arslan has arrived in Sharba, Cobura on a four day state to the rising south west Majatran power. Accompanied by several Ministers, businesspeople and religious leaders, the President was met at the airport by Governor-General Valora Malako, Prime Minister Ismail el-Hamdan and several other senior officials. The President said he made relations with Cobura a top priority upon taking office and began negotiations for the state visit more than two years ago. The main items on the agenda are security cooperation, the negotiation of a possible free trade area and discussions on furthering regional cooperation.

President Arslan arriving in Cobura

Jakania Deploys More Border Troops

Jakania has deployed an extra 3,000 troops at its border with Kalopia as the central Majatran state continues to go through what Jakanian Defence Minister Fethi İnönü has called, a "worrying political meltdown" and the genocidal rhetoric between the governing party and the Turjak nationalist VAtan Partisi has kept up. Jakania has repeatedly expressed its interest in the crisis, viewing itself as the Turjak homeland and protector of Turjak peoples wherever they be located. Thus now around 5,000 extra troops have been deployed at the border and the Defence Ministry refused to rule out further deployments. Plans are in place to set up refugee camps as well should the situation escalate. Meanwhile the Foreign Ministry called for the leadership of Kalopian party to avoid inflaming ethnic passions in the country and to consider the grievances of minorities with care.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:19 am

Kalopian Diplomatic Dispute Continues
August 4330

The situation on the Jakanian-Kalopian border

Jakanian President Ahmet Arslan has asked the World Congress to intervene into the "alarming situation" in Kalopia. The President said that the actions of Kalopia's Reform Party and its attitude to the Turjak minority were a grave threat not only to the Turjaks, but the country itself and regional security. Jakania appears to have paused in its deployments to its border with Kalopia but has continued putting up several installations which suggest that the country might still be willing to intervene militarily in Kalopia if the situation there escalates. This option, Jakania has repeatedly refused to rule out. Aside from the fiery frontline rhetoric, Jakania has been quietly courting regional states for support on the issue and Ministry insiders point to some success with a handful of countries in the region.

Massive Increase In Religious Schools Expected

A Yavuzist high school in Bahçeleri, Sonat

The Yavuz Movement, the Ahmadist base of the ruling People's Action Party, has announced that it plans to build 300 religious schools annually. The popular Ahmadi sect has found the Government's new "Educational Revolution" which proposes to privatise education entirely while also funding both charter and religious schools a most helpful innovation. The movement's spiritual leader Ramiz Yavuz said he hoped to spread the word of a new Ahmadism which would shape young minds which would prove capable of uniting tradition with a respect for democracy and good governance. Naturally, it is not just Yavuzists who are taking advantage of this, the more hardline al-Ghandour movement is also looking to expand its educational network particularly in its stronghold of Bureniye. A number of other smaller movements have also announced their plans to do the same.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:06 am

Arslan: Jakania Will Stay On Course Following Re-election
August 4332

President Ahmet Arslan has been re-elected to a fourth term in office. The President won 55% of the vote in the runoff election. The election came a year early after he decided to bow to the growing reality of a multi-party state and thus now, there are four strong parties represented in the legislature. His own centre-right People's Action Party came second in the legislative elections and has teamed up in a "centrist" coalition with the third place and centre-left nationalists the MCP. The MCP will take the soon to be restored premiership and six other Ministries.

The inaugural cabinet meeting of the coalition

The President, viewing his re-election as a personal mandate to continue with his foreign policy, has vowed to stay on course and continue the confrontation with Kalopia. His coalition partners are believed to share his views and might even be more extreme when it comes to Turjak non-nationalism. Following the Deltarian terror attack which has been blamed on senior members of the Kalopian cabinet, Jakania has hardened its position and is planning to quadruple its border force to 30,000 men. However at the same time, the country appears equally intent on projecting an image of reasonableness and sent a delegation to the Sharba (Cobura) talks on the crisis led by Deputy Foreign Minister Adnan Zolu.

On the domestic front, the coalition has agreed to focus on constitutional reform. The primary objective is to restore the traditional semi-presidential system which was presidentialised by the fascists a few years back.. On economic matters, a more centrist approach balancing public and private is expected. Arslan has agreed to partially renationalise some enterprises while advocating the privatisation of the stock exchange. Relatively little friction is expected in the coalition and with the President's eye on security matters, he will likely not push too much for any domestic initiatives of his own. The issue of secularism vs Ahmadism has also been ignored so far with President Arslan affirming his support for a "secular state of basic Ahmadi character" a vague concept that no one understands but is generally accepted as calling for co-existence of secular and religious values.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby TheCaliph » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:51 pm

New Un-Easy Coalition Government formed!
Following an unexpected early election after weeks of negotiations it has been announced that a new Un-Easy Coalition Government has been formed between the Religious Convervative JMP and the Secular Nationalist MCP.
Although together they amass enough MP's for a stable majority government their ideals along with principles are quite opposite and make for a dysfunctional team,so much so that the President of the MCP Mr.Attila Ozoguz was quoted as saying:
We are not doing this according to our best intentions however we hope that its the best for this country

The former coalition governments main players the People's Action Party have yet to comment on these developments following the devestating loss they suffered in the Presidential elections...
Although they are the Majority in the National Assembly,They have been left out of the new Coalition Government and what course they shall take is truly a mystery
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:41 pm

HEP Returns To Office
November 4333

Just five months after narrowly losing the presidential election while making impressive gains in the National Assembly, the People's Action Party (HEP) has returned to office in coalition with the Jakanian Nationalist Party. The return was brought about the collapse of the chaotic MCP-JMP coalition over the eternal controversy over de-secularisation of the Jakanian state which the MCP opposed fiercely. A decision by the HEP to support the de-secularisation bill inflamed tensions in the nationalist coalition and led the JMP to invite the HEP to team up together in a new coalition.

Foreign Minister Mehmet Cenani

Former President Ahmet Arslan has returned, this time taking the role of Prime Minister while his hard-nosed Foreign Minister Mehmet Cenani returned to his old role. Cenani is one of the more popular politicians in Jakania with a strong appeal to nationalists as well as the moderate Ahmadists within his party and others. The HEP's return to power will likely give Kalopians and other Majatrans a few ulcers given Arslan and Cenani's uncompromising policy towards Kalopia. It is believed that Jakania currently has around 28,000 troops stationed at the border with Kalopia. At home, Arslan hopes to achieve the privatisation of the stock exchange - a long deferred objective which will mark the last of his great objectives.

Surprise Move, Questionable Motives

Just weeks after taking office, the Defence Ministry has announced that it will reduce its Kalopian border force from 27,800 to 23,200 with a possible reduction to 15,000 by the end of the year. The ministry said that the move was meant to retrain the forces away at a base closer to home. This however has been received as the beginning of a "tacit withdrawal" from the confrontation with Kalopia over the latter's alleged genocidal intention towards Kalopian Turjaks. The reasons motivating the move have been much debated though.

Some Jakanian troops driving home from the border

The official reason is dismissed by most while some speculate of an attempt to rob the Kalopian ruling party of a little appeal in the upcoming elections in the country while possibly helping detoxify the Turjak nationalist Vatan Partisi. Others see this as a cost-saving measure driven by the cynical realisation that Deltaria's own confrontation with Kalopia on their border puts on extra pressure on Kalopia and makes it weak enough to be pushed about with less effort on Jakania's side. Either way, the move has been greeted as a peace-oriented one and praise has flowed to Cobura and Istalia for achieving this partial de-escalation through relentless diplomacy.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:59 pm

Jakania: Glad That Kalopia's True Nature Is Now Obvious To Others
October 4334

Jakania has expressed its joy in the recent moves by Istalia to "face the truth" about Kalopia. In an unprecedentedly harsh tone, Jakanian Foreign Minister Mehmet Cenani attacked Kalopia in a bare knuckled statement issued to the press.

For the past five years or so, Jakania has with great foresight, pointed out that Kalopia was the key threat to regional security. Several regional powers rejected this and even ignored clear evidence of the Kalopian leadership's inclination towards racialism. We all recall how Kalopia picked a fight with Solentia over nothing. It had to take the tragic slaughter of Deltarian Imperial Family members for countries like Istalia to realise the danger that Kalopia. We hope that the region can come together to place immense pressure on Kalopia, change its aggressive and criminal behaviour or if that proves not enough, pursue further measures.

Jakania is currently considering a number of diplomatic measures to show our seriousness and refusal to allow a state sponsor of terror to thrive in this region. We will also co-ordinate our current military exercises with Deltaria and Istalla and have also consulted Solentia among other regional nations on this cancer of Majatra that is Reformist Kalopia

Jakania Denies Election Meddling

Jakania has rejected allegations that it meddled in the recent Kalopian elections. This followed a report in the Dokuz Times Chronicle which detailed the supposed account of a prominent Kalopian Turjak who ran for a local position in Kalopia. The candidate is supposed to have received funding from an offshore account and further investigations pointed to the Jakanian National Infrastructure Bank as a likely source of the funds. Foreign Minister Mehmet Cenani dismissed the report as "pro-Kalopian paranoid nonsense" Cenani said that the Government's official policy excluded any kind of illicit, direct or indirect intervention into any nation's internal political affairs. These Kalopian direct smears and fake news are aimed at distracting everyone from its terror activities.


If the report was true, Jakania's interference might have affected the election outcome considerably. The governing Reform Party lost its legislative majority and will have to rely on some kind of arrangement with the other parties while President Milo Minosasa was narrowly re-elected against a union candidate of the two opposition parties.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby Reddy » Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:49 am

President Proclaims Kalopia a "State Sponsor" of Terrorism
July 4335

President Ismail Tekin has proclaimed Kalopia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The action came after the Foreign Ministry certified Kalopia to be one of the countries sponsoring terrorism with regards to the attack of the Deltarian monarchy. Jakanian police also stopped a man outside the presidential palace who was later found to have been planning to attack the President and the Prime Minister - a man who the Government says is suspected to have "Kalopian links"

The Foreign Ministry took advantage of its new powers under the State Sponsors of Terrorism Act President Tekin urged Kalopia to clean up its act before it became a regional and global pariah, warning it that several of its neighbours were "heartily sick" of its instability and attempts at regional destabilisation. The President praised his country's current foreign policy as driven by compassion, humaneness and protection of dignity for all.

The Government has declined to say if or when sanctions will be imposed as is allowed by the Act. The President said that Jakania was still hoping for a reconciliation with Kalopia and though that it could still reform to a "humane and grown-up state" The Government did rule out increasing border troop deployment and perhaps more ominously, said it would concentrate on "enhanced cooperation with regional nations who are also on alert about the rise of a terror state in central Majatra." In addition to Kalopia, Deltaria and Istalia are both known to have taken steps towards military preparation for a confrontation with Kalopia while it is believed that relations between Kalopia and Solentia remain sour.
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