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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:08 pm


DNS Party Chair Matousek


Caahtica, July 29, 5440: Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS) Party Chair Otmar Matousek was asked by ZLATENICO OKO if there would be economic strain once FASEM is adopted as many have suggested, and Matousek responded:

We expect so. But if other nations insist on building up war machines what choice do we have. Universal disarmament would be nice. But on Terra that is not the way of humanity.

We do want to commend the efforts of Kundrati in the Security Council to make the ban on nuclear weapons stick. DNS supports this position which has been taken by Detaria since 4950 except for a brief secret aberrational effort that failed. A nuclear arms race would be won by nobody.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:37 pm

August 5440
The Balgrad Naval Shipyards

Balgrad: The DAPR (Defense Agency for Procurement and Research) has approved applications from three private naval design bureaus to modernize the designs on several ships and launch procurement efforts. Bălgrad Naval Development, Malić Sea Systems and Val Defense Group have all been awarded contracts to redesign existing Deltarian naval designs and work with the state owned Deltarian Defense Federation and the Ushalande Naval Shipyards in producing the ships. BND has been awarded a contract to specifically redesign the Voznak Class destroyers, with the aim of introducing new modern naval systems onto the ships. MoD has ordered around 10 of these newly designed Voznak class destroyers after the Admiralty had requested 8. Malić Sea Systems has been given a contract to design a new class of frigate, aimed at being less capable but more cost effective then the highly modern Gorshkov-class. The new class has yet to be given a name, but MoD has already ordered 15 of these new frigates to largely serve with Home Command in an effort to boost coastal and Majatran Sea defenses.

The biggest announcement however is that Val Defense Group and Bălgrad Naval Development are to joinly work on reintroducing the one Czar-class aircraft carrier currently in the Stefanisti drydock. The two companies will be responsible for all the design work and electronics on board, while the Ushalande Naval Shipyards and around 20 minor naval contractors are to work on everything from weaponry to engines and hydraulics. VDG and BND are also to work on the Nemec-class aircraft carrier, but it is expected that work on this (more sophisticated) AC class will be on the backburner until the DNS Barukčić (the Czar-class AC) is reintroduced and put back in service. MoD has invested nearly 200 million of its new budget into redesigning and refitting the DNS Barukčić alone, hoping to make the aircraft carrier the flagship of the navy and make the navy air capable again.

Defense minister Andreescu simultaniously announced the investment of over 10 billion into expanding and modernizing shipyard facilities, all in an effort to expand the capacity with which Deltaria can produce ships. He also indicated on the intend to merge DAPR and DODA (Deltarian Office for Defense Appropriations) into a new and professionalized "Department of Appropriations on Deltarian Defense" (DADD). DODA has long been a shell that has merely advised the government on potential defense investments, with DAPR being the main body for approving or denying approriations. By combining the two, MoD hopes to "focus investments and expertise in one new agency." While the proces on naval design and procurement has now launched, it is expected that the orders put in now are only to be fully in service within the next 6 to 8 years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:58 pm

August 5440
President Gundić during his speech

Cachtice: President Gundić has heavily criticized Beiteynu, the MSCO and the role of Beiteynu in regional security. In a speech to the national assembly, initially meant to comment on the FASM reforms, the President was asked in a rare occasion on his goals and ambitions with these reforms and why he believed them to be necessary. While officialy the President is only a "guest" in the assembly, with the First Minister speaking in name of government, he was allowed to speak upon invitation by a majority of the assembly. In a strong rebuke of the current regional order, President Gundić slammed Beiteynu and the MSCO and called "for discussions on a new balance of power."

The honourable representative asks me why this bill. Why do we need to spend so much on our security if we have a country like Beiteynu to watch our back? Well let me ask you this, do we have Beiteynu to watch our back? Or is it Beiteynu
that will stab us in that back as we assume their support and protection? The recent leaked memo that we all saw described the creation of ICBM's. We know the horrors of these weapons, and we know the goal that is achieved by developing them. Beiteynu does not need these weapons of mass destruction but yet they produce them. Why? Control. Control over us and control over Majatran security. Through the MSCO and their own network of intelligence and economic prowess Beiteynu has managed to keep us in a stranglehold of assumed protection. They have created a shell of opression so thick that it is impossible for us to wriggle out of it without drastic measures. This bill, although painfull for our economy in the short term, will strengthen and assure our ability to handle our own affairs and make our own decisions in the sphere of defense and foreign policy. Yes we should work with our regional partners, but we should also be able to stand on our own and break out of this shell.

When asked whether we should leave the MSCO, the president responded

No. We should however discuss the viability of a organization so dominated by one nation. We should discuss, reevaluate and reform the MSCO to be more inclusive of other majatran powers and be less of a tool to use, and more of a brotherhood to cherish.

The harsh comments fall in line with the Anti-beiteynu rhetoric that the KDL had preached during its electoral campaign but are still notable, as President Gundić seems to really push the idea of Deltarian Nationalism and militarism in a effort to redefine the regional power structure.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:35 am

June 5442
The Bešić manufacturing plant in Gradnica

Čahtica: CEO and founder of Bešić Manufacturing Damir Bešić has revealed the company its quarterly report, showing "highly promising growth in both revenue and gross profit." The report comes just days after a nationwide report from the Bureau of Federal Statistics which highlighted the growth of the manufacturing sector. While industry has long been the backbone of the Deltarian economy, the sector had been in decline ever since the 4500's. Now these reports and indications seem to suggest a return of its former prominence, with companies like Bešić Manufacturing, PokrivnaBaza, Plastični štit and Bočina Strojegradnja becoming bigger and more profitable by the day. This growth is largely spurred by investments from the federal government which, while largely aimed at military manufacturing, also allow companies like Bešić to produce more "common" goods also used in military appliances. Furthermore the regional governments, with their new relaxed rules and regulations, also invest into the manufacturing sector and bring with it new jobs and opportunities.

Bešić Manufacturing, largely specialized in manufacturing household appliances, is now quickly becoming a household name. With Bešić branding seen everywhere. CEO Damir Bešić did however warn that the company is also looking for opportunity outside of Deltaria, largely because of the lack of prospects for bigger companies to continue growing in the federation. This is a direct result of the current "military-first" policy of the Gundić administration, which is diverting funds from potential economic development. On the question where the company would expand to Bešić refused to comment, noting that "there are a few options on the table."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:50 am



Hadsingos, October 27, 5442: Minister of Environment and Tourism Dobroslav Urbanek was in Hadsingos at the Sovereign People Oil Corporation (SPOC) Headquarters to meet with executives of Alazindar Commercial Inns which for many years has been operating hotels in our larger areas for business travelers and owns the Treasure Chest Resort and Casino in Branovica, the home port of the Deltarian Navy’s Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Command.

In view of the opportunities springing up around Hadsingos, the center of SPOC oil extraction operations, Alazindar Commercial Inns plans to open a luxury resort and casino in Hadsingos and is looking for some start up funding. Ampheira Bank is lending the purchase price for buying the sit while Deltaria United Bank will be providing initial operating loan funds for constuction, hiring, furnishing and equiping a luxury hotel. Central Bank is guaranteeing the loans with revenue appropriated for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Loan closing instructions and documentation will be provided by Dvornachek, Braunschweiger, and Ptacek.

The luxury resort will be called the Jolly Roger and will replicate the pirate motif in place at the Treasure Chest in Branovica. The pirate theme will be reflected in waitresses and waiters wearing garb suggesting piracy as will reception and casino staff, porters and bartenders as well as decorations suggesting the same. Royal Oasis will operate the hotel itself including its restaurants, pools, shuttles for shopping, tours and access from oil facilities and the airport. Amalgamated Consolidated Gaming, an international casino operator, will be handling the slot machines and gambling tables. As at the Treasure Chest there will be a very overpriced restaurant with Canraillaise cuisine and wine but in the main customers are expected to be more interested in gambling, drinking, partying and the buffet.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:19 pm

February 8th 5443
President Gundić

Čahtica: President of the Federation Adam Gundić adressed a crowd of supporters earlier today, announcing that the new "Union" would compete in the upcoming federal elections and that he himself would run for a second term as President. The KDL has merged into the new "Union - For the Fatherland!" which is describing itself as a big-tent party, with Gundić being the orchestrator of the new party as he seeks to create a broader coalition of voters and supporters. The new party also includes smaller and conservative regional parties, further bolstering the broad base that the KDL used to have. The new Union will run on a ticket of national unity and a continuation of the militarization policies. Gundić, who is expected to be supported by both the National Party and the Union, pledged that if he were to be reelected, his party and he himself would continue to support a national unity cabinet with the National Party. The new government would, if led by the Union, "continue to put Deltaria first and rebuild its proud image."

The elections, scheduled for august, will determine the next president, the composition of the new Congress of Deputies and the winner of at least two gubernational offices.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:23 pm

February 19th 5443
A Deltarian T-64

Naban: Private military vehicle manufacturer Naban Heavy Industries is to partner with the state owned Deltarian Defense Federation to develop and produce nearly 400 T-64 tanks of the new D variant developed by NHI. The tank, a modernized variant of the original T-64, will feature modern night-sights, a new autoloader, a new satellite navigation system and improved reactive armour units. While developing the modernization was costly, it was seen as a cheaper alternative to developing a completely new tank. The new T-64D is to serve alongside the existing line of T-84 tanks in service, including the modern T-84 Zeca. The T-64D is seen by the Ministry of Defense as a good and cheaper way to produce more tanks, opting for the T-64D instead of additional Zeca's in order to produce more tanks and still ensure enough funding for other projects. The Ministry is also to order 100 additional Zeca tanks and discontinue the current 200 original T-84 tanks in service. This would mean that while currently the army has 500 tanks at its disposal, at the end of procurement of these orders it will have 800 tanks at its disposal, 400 of which will be the new T-64D variant.

Naban Heavy Industries will primarily provide technical support and offer its expertise on design, as well as providing two of their factories for the production of the T-64D. The Deltarian Defense Federation will be primarily responsible for production, with the plan to construct a dedicated T-64D plant in the coming year which can start producing the tank at a faster pace. The DDF will also expand its T-84 Zeca production plant to accomodate for the new order placed for the renowned tank. Defense minister Andreescu called the partnership and the expansion of the Deltarian tank fleet a "important step into further maturing and expanding our defense industry as well as better protect our country."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:58 pm

June 10th 5443
President Gundić during the ceremony

Čahtica: During a official ceremony President Gundić inaugurated three new Motor Rifle Brigades as part of the major reorganization and expansion of the ground forces. The new brigades are organized under the Tactical Battle Brigade system in which every TBB consists of a artillery batallion, a reconnaisence batallion, a logistics batallion and two mechanized combat batallions. These mechanized combat batallions sometimes feature tanks and other heavy vehicles, while at other times featuring more mobile IFV's amongst other types of vehicles. The three new brigades are the first of a vast amount of new Motor Rifle Brigades. In total, including the MRB's, the Ministry of Defense hopes to expand and reorganize into 80 full batallions, to be organized under three theater commands and a total of two field armies. The new theater commands will be the "Deltarian Central Command" or DCC responsible for Deltaria and Majatra. The Deltarian Army Artanian Command or DAAC and the Expeditionary Command for the Deltarian Army (or ECDA).

The DAAC has been specifically created as military command views Artania as of "vital importance" to the security of Majatra. All military units operating in or around Artania are to be organized under this command. The ECDA will be responsible for other parts of terra, with forces outside of the majatran continent to fall under the ECDA. The Chief of the General Staff is to be responsible for appointing the generals at the helm of these new commands. The two field armies under which the brigades are to fall are the First Federal Army and the Second Federal Army. These will also have a Chief appointed commander. The field armies will however have less influence and operational importance, with the General Staff noting that it will be primarily using the seperate brigades on a operational level as well, with the army structure only meant to allow for more centralization of command if the situation requires them to.

The 1st Motor Rifle Brigade, 30th Motor Rifle Brigade and 18th Seperate Motor Rifle Brigade have now been officialy sworn into service by President Gundić, who during the ceremony also underlined his admiration for the military and the: "determination with which we will be able to protect the country if the need arises."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:52 pm

August 11th 5443
New President of the Union party Damir Dudaš

Čahtica: Demissionary Chairman of the Federal Cabinet and Union party leader Petar Drašković has resigned from his post as party leader following the electoral defeat of his party. The results saw the Union dwindle to become the second largest party and lose over 8 million votes and 148 seats compared to the last election. The defeat, not expected by party officials, immediately got blamed on party leader Drašković who was once seen as the star of the party. Despite the loss of the Union in the election they still celebrated one win, the reelection of President Gundić in a landslide, winning over 80% of the vote and a total of 41 million votes. This result shows the immense popularity of Gundić, who is seen by many Deltarians as a uniting figure not affraid to stand up to foreign country's and spearheading the remilitarization of the country. Gundić his succes did not translate into party succes however, with voters overwhelmingly supporting the National Party seeking to balance out government policy. According to observers, the result can be described as "the general public liking the unity government of DNS and Union, but seeking a more balanced approach in policy that doesnt tilt into one clear direction." The result has created a situation of cohabitation, as President Gundić is facing a absolute DNS majority and thus does not only rely on his own party to maintain the intergrity of government.

In a extraordinary meeting of the Union its executive board, party leaders have unanimously supported Gundić as the new party leader, leaving open the spot of Party President. This spot has been given to rising star and Deputy in congress Damir Dudaš, who was elected 4 years ago to serve in congress and has worked on his portfolio as a centrist within the party. He is seen as more moderate then Gundić, balancing out the party its agenda and power base. President Gundić has announced that under this new result he will appoint a DNS politician to become head of government, as well as handing out a variety of high profile cabinet positions to the DNS. DNS and Union leaders have already agreed to continue the unity government, seeking to continue remilitarization and also preparing to attempt a revival of the MA, a economic bloc that once helped Deltaria expand its economy further.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:00 pm



Cernovar, January 29, 5444: First Minister Otmar Matousek and Science and Technology Minister Dimitry Petrescu met with Disuva Regija officials, the Mayor of the Disuva city now called Cernovar and communications industry executives to discuss WiFi coverage. Since the Civil War there has never been 100% WiFi access and Matousek wanted to address the problem.

Service providers indicated expansion of existing service would conceivably break even and more likely generate loss. The recognized pockets of low to no coverage are Southern Disuva, Southeastern Alazindar, Central Daralija, Northwestern Doron Akigo and Western Usania. The First Minister wants to start with Disuva and Alazidar.

The Finance Ministry has found three banks, Federal Creditors Bank, Cooperative Bank and Karav Bank, that will be happy to lend funds to service providers to build high powered mast towers in carefully selected locations to reach every community. In order to bring interest rates down to where they are truly attractive Central Bank will be guaranteeing the loans with funds appropriated to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Recognizing that some areas might be still unserved, Federal People’s Bank and Union Bank of Deltaria are willing to act as investment bankers in a joint venture with either tower constructors or service providers to build and operate towers in areas hardest to reach. Again, guarantees from Central Bank for construction loans will be available. The First Minister emphasized that while government had identified the problem, the solution, to the extent possible should be private capital.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO if he had expected to be first Minister again, Matousek replied:

Honestly no. We thought the vote would split into thirds.

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