North Dovani

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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 23, 2022 6:35 pm

March 3, 5061

3/1/61 brought an unprecedented wave of violence and anarchy in Jinppo following the death of prominent community leader Gu Pŏm Sŏk at the hands of local police forces during a legal raid on his house for suspected ties to the Kyo nationalist terrorist groups “Sinmintang” and “Kungmintang”. The Sinmintang and Kungmintang agitators are dangerous persons who want to overthrow the rule of the Communist League and re-incite ethnic war in Mpakoala; bringing back the centuries of humiliation the peoples of the land faced at the hands of a Kyo bourgeois dictatorship. Mr. Gu, a local labor and community leader known for his prominent role in leading dangerous activities such as strikes and protests, was suspected of harboring sympathy for Kyo terrorists following an anonymous tip to local party officials. These suspicions were proven true when plans for a conspiracy against Mpakoala and her people were discovered in his house. He was then killed in a struggle with the police later that morning after failing to cooperate with just law enforcement.

This appeared to draw the ire of most Kyo civil organizations; namely the Mpakoalan Association for Kyo Representation (MAKR), the Universal Kyo Improvement Confederation (UKIC), and even Jinppo City council itself; which issued a formal condemnation of the killing, maliciously labeling the accidental killing as a “murder”. The city does not actually have control over it’s own police force – Mpakoala has a unitary police system ordered and controlled by the Communist League at the national level exclusively - which has resultingly created some tensions between the police and local residents and politicians. Namely, many policemen in Jinppo are called in from provinces such as Faluna and Ndagwurugwu; which largely separates them from community values. A poll conducted by the Jinppo city municipal government revealed that only a dismal 112 of 500 personnel questioned made proficient use of the Kyo language; despite it being used by 99% of Jinppo’s population. This has made law enforcement in the west particularly notorious for accused “mismanagement of situations” and “excessive force and brutality”; as their contemptuous and riotous detractors claim.

Protests started at around 8 AM in the morning following a 7:30 announcement by the office of the prefect of Jinppo that Mr. Gu Pŏm Sŏk had been killed following unwarranted and excessive resistance against law enforcement. It appeared that the death was the metaphorical “last straw” for denizens of the city; whose demands shifted from accountability of the police to a host of grievances directed at the Mpakoalan state. Lawless criminals, terrorists, lowlifes, thugs, and foreign agents intent at destroying the Mpakoalan revolution then spilled onto the streets; led by the notorious critic and detractor of the revolution and head of the UKIC Mr. Rhee Chae Myŏng – a convicted criminal who has been held in contempt of court as well as interned numerous times for disturbing the peace and plotting to undermine authority.

The terrorist posse went through the streets shouting slogans in their hideous language such as “Tae Kyosŏn Tongnip Mansae” (“long live Kyo independence”); and producing the following list of ridiculous, outright treasonous demands of the national government:
“WE Here assembled in the city of Jinppo this March 1, 5061, do indeed declare autonomy and independence from the Mpakoalan state. We reaffirm the right of the 8 western provinces to seek their unity, happiness, and independence from Mpakoala on the basis of all nations to exist. We do not intend to go against the right of the Degalogesan peoples; but rather to reason in a universal social conscious the necessity of Kyo indendence; for the union of our peoples was not a happy nor desirable affair. When the 8 western provinces are dominated in supermajority by our people; and the rest of the nation devoid of them, we consider this effective isolation of our provinces, and the creation of a nation within a nation. We are outnumbered and outmatched in every possible way by Degalogesans in the current system and structure of governance, unable to voice our opinions despite the very real and distinct needs of our culture in separation from the rest. We do not think it noble nor amicable to hold on to the illusions of political union when the 8 western provinces are significantly less developed and over-exploited. Degalogesan leaders long for a half millennium have treated our civilized people as barbarians in their own land; subjugating us to the rule of a new ruling class no different from the colonial masters of our forefathers. The task set before us is not to trivialize others but to build up our own strength. The immediate matters of consideration are not made with resentment towards Degalogesan peoples, but in the spirit of brotherhood to promote the everlasting peace and prosperity of North Dovani. The enslavement of 8 million resentful Kyo people by force for the imperialist purposes of subjugation is a most shameful display. We resolve here to end it today. We demand the following of the current regime:

- An END to the national subordination of the Kyo people
- RECOGNITION of the right of the Kyo people to self determination and co-operation with local authorities on a respectful basis
- HOLDING of a referendum in the eight Kyo provinces of Pyŏnganto, Ramkyŏngto, Kwanghaeto, Hyungkito, Hangwŏnto, Hyungsangto, Chungchŏngto, and Ch’ŏlrato over union into an independent Kyo political state
- LEGALIZATION of the political activities of all Kyo nationalist groups; in name the Sinmin and Kungmin Tang.
- JUSTICE for the murder of Gu Pŏm Sŏk and other compatriots in the struggle for independence
- DISSOLUTION of the current police apportionment system and the granting of rights of self-governance in all fields to the Jinppo city council

We consecrate these as our inalienable rights and steadfast political goals. With history, justice, and faith on our side, we resolutely resolve to complete these historical tasks that shall be surely realized.

March I, Year 5389 of the Kyo Nation (5061 CE)

It is suspected that dangerous and insurrectionary terrorist groups such as the Sinmintang and the Kungmintang were firmly implicated in the rioting. Despite the apparently “peaceful” nature of the protests as attested to by low life criminals and terrorists; the clear fact that the demonstrations disturbed the peace was a most unwelcome slight against the Mpakoalan Republic and constituted a dangerous threat to people’s wellbeing.

The Mpakoalan Armed Forces were called in by President Harouna to quash rioting, looting, and other disorderly and terrorist behavior. Moving into the center of the city; hundreds of arrests were made as the military worked with police to end the unrest. The Jinppo city hall was surrounded and the politicians temporarily arrested as government fighters seeked to maintain order. Lockdown was announced; and joint military-police operations succeeded in securing the city without much destruction or bloodshed. Nonetheless; the protests raged on for a solid 2 days after March I.

Today the unrest finally appeared to be quashed as the last protestors were removed with tear gas and rubber bullets. The Central Committee of the Mpakoalan Communist League has formally resolved to temporarily dissolve the local government and city council of Jinppo for it’s “passive and insurrectionary nature during a time of deep disturbance and attempted destruction of the patriotic cause”; instating temporary martial law under the leadership of Comrade Governor General Ozoemena Nkechi; who was appointed by the Central Military Commission of the Mpkoalan Armed Forces and approved by the President just this morning. The military will temporarily rule Jinppo until civil order can be restored.

Comrade citizens, please keep an eye out for all possible Sinmintang or Kungmintang collaborators and other sowers of discord, disobedience, and disharmony in our Republic. They must be rooted out and destroyed with an unrelenting fervor of the people’s united front against labor aristocrats and bourgeois reactionaries.
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:33 pm

President Calls For Military Bolstering, Constitutional Convention, citing “Pitfalls of Metzism” and Kyosŏn Mansae Violent Public Disorder Incident
March 5, 5061

The dangerous Kyosŏn Manse Violent Public Disorder Incident that ended only 2 days ago called for the immediate declaration of a state of emergency in the republic. Comrade President Harouna convened an emergency meeting of the Central Committee of the Mpakoalan Communist League, and stated the following.

The events of the past week have been more dangerous for the stability, unity, and prosperity of the Socialist Federal Republic than ever. The immediate response of the party was disorganized and scattered. Furthermore; it is clear that the decentralized federal system of political governance in the provinces resulted in the mismanagement of the response, and the turning of our streets into breeding grounds for terrorists and insurrectionists. I also call on the military to reinforce order all around the nation.

The overabundance of bureaucracy and failure to manage Mpakoala as a single, political unit has made clear the needs for new modes of organization. Firstly; Metzist orthodoxy must be seriously curbed; it has led to fantastical radical ideas invading and permeating the patriotic spirit; which must be to Mpakoala first and foremost – not ideology. The pitfalls of Metzism must be overcame; and the Communist League must place nationalism over socialism. Secondly; the Presidency must have strong and unquestioned powers in order to deal with threats to national stability. Thirdly, the Communist League must defer key powers and matters of governance to the Presidency. Fourth, the provinces must submit to a basic and universal standard of legal governance. Autnonomism is a dangerous drug that leads to the riots of this week. Fifth; the Military must be given a far more prominent and imposing role in the ruling of society. We must bolster defense and administration capabilities; unite the military with the people and the people with the military.

I formally declare a Constitutional Convention with selected delegates decided by the Committee on Legal Reform. We must reform Mpakoala quick and consolidate power in the public interest; or face the horrific division of the past few centuries.
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:43 pm

“Crimes Against Patriotic Duty” Deemed Worthy of Death Penalty as New Constitution Introduced
March 10, 5061

New PPF Personnel are Assembled In Front of a Portrait of Comrade President Harouna

The Presidency has been given unforeseen powers with the new constitution passed this March 10; designed to increase executive and military powers. We here report on some of the main reforms that were rushed through and finally signed into the supreme law of the land today:

Creation of the “Committee of Public Safety”
The 5-man Committee of Public Safety is a new institution created by article 13 of the new constitution. The Committee is tasked with the “immediate handling of the threats to national security”; and is vested with the powers to condemn any national of Mpakoala without trial in order to combat disorder. The CPS has legal supremacy over the Communist League; superseding all legislative and judicial precedent. The President is a member himself, and all 4 other members of the committee are appointed by the President and answer to and are recallable to him and him alone.

Crimes Against Patriotic Duty
One of the main charges the CPS can bring against a national is for having committed “Crimes Against Patriotic Duty”. These are never actually defined further in the Constitution; and are generally agreed upon to mean treasonous or borderline treasonous behavior.

Military-Police Duality
Henceforth the institutions of the Armed Forces and National Police are considered to be under “dual amalgamation”; to share interchangeable and common power structures. Police will receive military training and equipment; whilst military personnel shall have the powers to arrest and enforce the law “whenever stipulated as necessary”; as article 64 of the constitution states. The penal code of Mpakoala will additionally be reworked to be tougher on crime and give citizens less rights to combat terrorism. All law enforcement and military personnel shall additionally be required to sweat loyalty not to the state or party as in the past; but to the office of the Presidency.

Governor Generalships and Indefinite Suspension and Administration
The setting up of a Governor Generalship in Jinppo last week was unprecedented and had yet to be attempted in Mpakoalan history. There were no official establishments for the office; only the “other matters” clause which stipulated that the president had the power to “in good faith, devolve and conjoin military and civilian administration in other matters” in relationship to executive privilege and administration. Although interpreted mostly as a way to describe the relationship between the presidential cabinet, executive branch, and military administration; President Harouna used it to declared military rule. This institution has been formalized and codified in Article 34 of the Constitution; which grants the President authority to extend and create Governor Generalships “in perpetuity” and to dissolve them wherever in the nation “he so deems acceptable”. Said governorships dissolve and temporarily arrest the local government; institute military law and rule; and suspend usual civilian codes of rights.

Equality of the Law
Equality of the law 1. Makes all law enforcement appointed nationally; without local government interference; and 2. Makes all laws in Mpakoala universally applicable and prosecutable regardless of location in the Republic. These checks exist to assist law enforcement everywhere in ending disorderly dissent.

Executive Privilege and Powers of Purge
The President has been allocated powers to permanently and temporarily suspend any government official from their position; these is known as the Powers of Purge.

Presidential Protection Forces
The PPF are a special agency tasked with defense of the president. They have special and separate orders, stations, and equipment from the rest of the military.

The state of emergency declared March I was officially lifted at 12 AM today, signaling the end of a crisis period. Glory to comrade president Harouna for delivering the Mpakoalan people out of disorder and towards victory!
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:49 pm

More than 300,000 officials executed in the past two years as Harouna Government Declares Intent to Reconstitute Society Further
January 10, 5063

In what traitorous and treasonous critics smear as a so-called “reign of terror”; the political climate in Mpakoala has necessitated the use of government force in the past 2 years to eliminate threats to the national glory and stability.

Approximately 300,000 persons in the last 2 years have been executed for Crimes against Civic Duty and other treasonous activities. Prominent people on the list include the criminals former labor minister Okonkwo Nnamdi, who questioned the infallible policies of Comrade President Harouna, vice chaiman of the Communist League Zikoranaudodimma Jaja, who dared to raise his voice at the Preisdent, and former minister of interior Chioma Uche, who was caught making a joke about our glorious President at the expense of the people.

Now Comrade President Harouna has declared his intent to reconstitute society further. He has stated the intent to declare himself president for life; to create a state without the Communist League; and to officially remove Socialism from the constitution. Although he himself embraced Metzism for a decade of rule; Comrade President has changed course and stated the following:

The age of socialism has ended. It is time to cease infatuation with old, dead theories of class war and instead to recognize that history has moved on. Metzism is a failure; for the only remedy for division is not class war but national unity. Nationalism must be the supreme ideological law of our nation.

Governor General Nkechi to Remain in “Indefinite Administration” Over Eight Western Provinces

Whilst his mandate originally exclusively extended to jurisdiction over Jinppo Municipal City; the Governor Generalship of Ozoemena Nkechi has been temporarily granted indefinite powers and extended to the 8 Kyo provinces of the west. Whilst locals complain that the Governor Generalship is harsh and that they have been deprived of all basic human rights; they fail to realize that it is only by the grace of comrades Harouna and Nkechi that the Kyo barbarism was defeated. The people of the area should be elated at the prospect of honoring our glorious president and being under the red banner of Great Mpakoala; for it was Mpakoala that showed them the light and ended the gross, uncivilized ways of the Kyo. The ungrateful separatists must be destroyed; and the people in the west should not complain even if their stability is bought with the accidental deaths of civilians. Whilst the administration obviously does not consider Kyo sub-humans, their filthy culture is certainly worthy of that disgusting title. “Kyo-ism must be eradicated completely”, as our great President Harouna said last week.
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:51 pm

June 15, 5063

Glory to the People’s Union of Mpakoala! Long live the immortal thought of Supreme Leader Ibeamaka Harouna! The victory of Mpakoala is inevitable!

Today, the new flag, emblem, and anthem of Mpakoala was introduced to the public at a massive rally to commemorate the final plenary session of the Mpakoalan Communist League. The MCL over the next day will dissolve itself and approve the new constitution; which will formally dissolve the Socialist Federal Republic of Mpakoala and replace it with the glorious People’s Union of Mpakoala.

To ensure a stable transition, our infallible Supreme Leader ordered Armed Forces into the streets of Komunismobodo to protect the order. Soldiers and tanks now guard every street to answer to our glorious Supreme Leader. Portraits of the marvelous Ibeamaka Harouna are now hung in the streets, homes, and public buildings, and are to be hung there and cleaned immaculately.

The new Mpakoala will have no need for the old, divisive, outdated socialist and metzist concepts. It will be a nation united in nationalism; under the guise of Supreme Leader Harouna! The constitution has been organized to make Mpakoala a 0-party state; all delegates to the unicameral legislature – the National Gathering – will be personally appointed by the Supreme Leader himself. The MCL is to die and the positions of President, General Secretary, and Supreme Commander are all to be reformed into one office – the office of Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader shall have power over all, and will not be bound by national law – rather, he is above it. Truly; how glorious of a day this is. May Ibeamaka Harouna’s reign last for all eternity; for he is the saviour of humanity and the bringer of light and salvation to the immortal Mpakoalan nation!
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:50 pm

June 15, 5071


BREAKING - Grand Marshal and Supreme Leader of the People's Union of Mpakoala Ibeamaka Harouna was brutally assassinated by terrorists yesterday whilst attending the 5071 Foundation and Unity Day Julibee in the capital of Sabon Iko (formerly Komunismobodo under the old Socialist regime). Ironically at a celebration meant to immortalize the 4766 Enomoto Accords that laid the groundwork for what would become our great nation, Mpakoalans instead found themselves more divided than ever over the questions of national unity. Harouna did not live to greet the adoring masses, instead the only footage captured was that of an abrupt stop in his motorcade procession followed by screams. It appears as if he was assassinated in his car by a terrorist infiltrator

The suspect, a man later identified as one "Yi Ku", was found to directly work for the Kungmintang ultraseparatist extremist group that operates among Kyo ethnic nationals in the Governor Generalship of Dutsen Yama (directing administering the 8 provinces of Pyŏnganto, Ramkyŏngto, Kwanghaeto, Hyungkito, Hangwŏnto, Hyungsangto, Chungchŏngto, and Ch’ŏlrato). Ironically, Dutsen Yama's Governor Generaliship was first set up in 5061 to neutralize the exact Kyo separatist threat. The Kungmintang are a dangerous, armed Metzist-Separatist group that are conspiring to overthrow the People's Union and install a brutal dictatorship in Dutsen Yama, to butcher Mpakoala and separate her western from eastern territories.

Succeeding our dear departed comrade will be his son, Attahiru Harouna. Attahiru has already assumed the Supreme Leadership and Grand Marshalship, and will attend the funeral of the founder of the People's Union when the time arrives. At this time a curfew has been declared all across the nation and local regulations have tightened on visitation and firearm use and purchase. All visitors to public, state institutions will be heavily screened and detained if found suspicious. Law enforcement have been granted permission to shoot on site if a potential threat to national security is attempting to evade justice and prosecution. COMRADE CITIZENS, DO NOT RESIST
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:13 pm

August 15, 4972


The city of Jinppo has fallen to a vicious rebel coup, and loyal Mpakoalan citizens fear for their lives as a contigation spreads all throughout Dutsen Yama. The coup began this morning when Kungmintang insurrectionists came down from the mountains and infiltrated the city garrisons. Brainwashing the mostly ethnic Kyo soldiers into a spirit of rabid nationalism, the Kungmintang insurgents proceeded to lead a mutiny and murdered comrade Governor General Nkechi. The rabid mob then moved rapidly throughout the city, breaking into jails, freeing convicts, terrorists, and thugs to do their dirty work. A congress of separatist leaders was then convened at Taep'yŏnggung palace, where they announced the formation of a "Kyo People's Republic".

Dutsen Yama military officials are working constantly to ensure the rebellion is contained and properly quashed, nipped in the bud. However, fighting is already raging in many major cities of Dutsen Yama. Whilst the Mpakoalan Armed Forces are immediately being sent in and martial law has been declared nationwide, the terrorists nonetheless pose a significant threat. Supreme Leader Attihiru Harouna has nonetheless declared that the People's Union will crush the rebels and restore faith in the nation. His father's funeral, scheduled for September 1 this year, is planned to go on as planned.
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:23 pm


August 15, 4972

Today the Kyo people's revolution began as the city of Jinppo was finally seized after the long struggle of the Party of Nationals (ᠺᠦᠶᠢᠨ ᠮᠢᠩ ᠳᠠᠩ, 국민당) for racial sovereignty and secession. The great independence of Kyoland and the 8 provinces of Pyŏnganto, Ramkyŏngto, Kwanghaeto, Hyungkito, Hangwŏnto, Hyungsangto, Chungchŏngto, and Ch’ŏlrato was proclaimed and a national government of the Kyo people gathered in Taep'yŏnggung.

A provisional cabinet and Taehoe was established; based on the composition of local National Party cells and existing bureaucracy in the region. Han Paek-Pŏm, chairman of the party, was unilaterally elected by the Taehoe as provisional Taewŏnsu, and the revolutionary Minzok Hyŏngmyŏng Chŏnsŏn has been reorganized as the Kyo People's Revolutionary Army. Mass support and cells have begun to organize all over the 8 provinces, and it is only a matter of time before the entire Kyo nation finally upheaves and destroys corrupt Huhoa/Keobi rule. The Kyo people, united behind the Party, will surely be victorious.
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:55 pm


Jinppo Revolution Great Stride for Kyo National Progress, but Gungmindang Methods and Motives Concerning
August 15, 4972

Today a massive development in struggle against Mpakoalan oppression was made when Gungmindang forces managed to seize the capital of the Dutsen Yama Governor Generalship, Jinppo, and proclaimed a sovereign and independent government of the Kyo race. Shinmindang Ae Oneul gladly and warmly applauds this welcome development as a step in progress for revolution and national liberation against minority foreign rule. However, several deep concerns cannot be overlooked as the new government is being set up.

Namely, it is a de facto one party, communist regime. The Gungmindang and Han Baekbeom are openly Metzist and have historically put ideological and foreign ideals above action for the Kyo race, and concerns are mounting that it will not change course as it assumes power. Whilst the Shinmindang is currently in the midst of sending representatives to Jinppo in hope of striking a joint government, as of present whilst the vast majority of Kyo revolutionary fighters and groups are non-Metzist, their supposed representative government is most definitely of that mentality. This sits deeply uncomfortable with the nationalist, anti-communist Shinmindang as it does with a majority of the Kyo populace. Whilst we wish for independence, we do not wish for that effort to be spearheaded by a group of foreign-influenced radicals hellbent on destroying various traditions and ways of life nearly as much as the Degalogesan oppressors are.

Before fully recognizing and supporting the Jinppo government, the Shinmindang has listed 3 conditions of support:

I - Guarantee of national, multi-party elections following general cessation of hosilities

II - Impartial and non-partisan national leadership with no political party having a majority of government positions during the phase of revolution

III - Removal of Han Baekbeom as provisional Daewonsu and instatement of a neutral leader
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Re: North Dovani

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:14 pm


January 23, 4973

After months of rapidly escalating armed struggle, Mpakoalan forces have been near completely expunged from the 8 Kyo provinces. However, severe divide in our newly free nation has caused the resumption of hostilities among free and authoritarian nationals as the Coalition Government collapses. The Coalition Government of Democratic Kyoland was formed in late August of last year after a series of agreements amongst Shinmindang and Gungmindang representatives over the balance of power. Whilst neutral arbitration and leadership was initially put forward by Shinmindang representatives, the Gungmindang preferred the holding of wartime elections in "stable regions" under revolutionary control. Despite initial Shinmindang objections, this plan was ultimately accepted as Kyo control of provinces and cities rapidly increased.

However, the committee that decided what regions were deemed "stable" was partisan and suspiciously gerrymandered revolutionary areas in a way that unfairly favored the Gungmindang at the polls. When election day came in December 20, the Gungmindang won a landslide victory with 62% of the vote, the Shinmindang receiving just under 31%. Remaining independents formed a government with the Gungmindang, which did not invite the Shinmindang into it. In addition, Han Baekbeom was nominated and re-elected as Daeweonsu despite continuous Shinmindang request that he be ejected from leadership due to his radical and Metzist politics that would destroy the new nation. Following the conundrum of December 20, the Shinmindang refused to accept the process nor results of the election and threatened to withdraw from recognizing the government if a new solution was not found. Today, January 23, the Shinmindang formerly withdrew recognition of North Kyoland, withdrawing to it's southern powerbase of Sudo and declaring the Kyo Federation as the representative state of the people.

The Federation, under Premier Yi Daejung, roughly controls Cheolla, Hyeongsang, Hangweon, and southern Jungjeong province from its capital in Sudo. The federation will protect and uphold market freedom, civil liberties, and democracy against the communist regime taking hold in the north and deep south. Parts of the Revolutionary Army and Shinmindang militias loyal to the Federation have resumed activity as the Federal Armed Forces, and conscription has been announced for the greater good of the country.

In response, the Kyo "People's Democratic" Republic has declared itself a one-party Metzist-Leonidist socialist state. Left-leaning dissident sections of the Shinmindang, the "Preservationist" faction, have apparently decided to form the "Revolutionary Committee of the Kyo Shinmindang" and have joined the government of the KPRD.
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