
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Sat Nov 05, 2022 2:04 am


Only hours ago, what seemed like a crisis that would never end has finally comed to a resolve. Special Forces from the military were deployed to the governours office to rescue him and other souls taken as hostage. The exact details of this unit remain highly classified.

Reports were initially of worrisome origin as gunfire and smoke was captured by several cellphones within the area and military helicopters flying overheard with videos of troops repelling down onto the rooftop. With local police seemingly not engaging and being just as confused as the populace was but holding back. Within 15 or so minutes after the last troops were repelled down, several troops emerged from the front of the building with hostages secured and BHM members as prisoners.

The details of the operation also remain classified but what was leaked was the death of the governour, Boris Modric.

An official response from the government has yet to be made but several BHM members were captured and await trial in Kasaema.

[Article written by SLP Kundrati.]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Sat Nov 05, 2022 2:20 am

When news came of the death of Governor Boris Modric in Jildrath City today, there were mass anger and protests sprang up majorly.

That night, reports came of hundreds of thousands of people who came out to protest the death of the Governor and the "fault of the Government" with regards to the death. Various protest signage chastised the national Government and the local police for delaying action for a long while, alongside demanding governmental and police reform. Main roads of Jildrath City were blocked by those hundreds of thousands, who chanted among other things "Murderers" and "Kill the BHM" - referring to the Black Hammer Movement which kidnapped and ultimately killed the Governor.

The protestors managed to get to the Governor's Office before they began to be repelled. Local police tried to stop the protestors with tear gas and blockades, using trucks and police cars to try to do so. The national military has also been sent in though their priority is securing the Governor''s Office, the Governmental Qaurter, and searching the island for BHM renmants. Many protestors have been injured, most of them in small crushes and stampedes.

The largest protest so far happened today, with a police estimate of 430,000 but with a organizer's estimate of 2.5 million, happened near the Governmental Quarter and lasted all day and night. Some protestors attacked violently the blockade defending the Quarter and were repelled, the police began to move the protestors away from the quarter shortly thereafter and it was reported 120 people were arrested - the majority of the arrested participated in the violent attack, though a minority were arrested for other means and are scheduled to be released later today.

The national government has responded by declaring a State of Siege for the entire island of Extea, providing the military with authorization to enter the island more and arrest those who have had potential participation with BHM - and do so for up to 7 days without charge. The declaration awaits final approval in the National Assembly, however. The Interior Minister has warned, however, that protests will be broken up if they pose "...a violent threat to national and local security...".

Protests are expected to continue past March 5206.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:30 am

The Dorvik ships sold from the Artenian Defence Group entered into service today in a graduation ceremony in Riverford.

The ships, which were bought and paid for were finished around 5209 and have been sent to Kundrati afterwards for the ship's crew to train on the vessel and it's functions. The Livenian Fleet Admiral Kunislev Malenev also trained in the ship to get acquiainted with the new ships he will command now. These ships are expected to provide aid in the defence and security of the Livenian Sea.

The ceremony went off without a hitch as Admiral Malenev popped a bottled of champagne on one of the two ships before being christened "KuNS Vespacius" after Quintinus Vespacius who led Kundrati against secessionist foes in the 48th century, and "KuNS Peghonai" after the state of Peghonai. As cheers went around a celebratory gun salute was fired from the ship's crew on the sea before the Kundrati Naval Jack was raised on the two ships.

The ships will be commisioned this year in 5212.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:07 am

Vanesa Krstić involved in corruption scandal

Being president of Kundrati comes with a responsible and devotion to the people, and not submitting to the ideals of personal want. Krstić has broken that today.

After head of government, Ivan Jagodić discovered funds towards the Kasæma Metro missing, investigation was called for, and occured, with shocking results. Krstić had been embezzling funds towards the Metro towards herself instead, stunting development of the Metro. This of course, has seen upset from both the party and opposition with many in the SLP pushing for her resignation.

With the news came the reaction, and the Democrats were the first to react, with the leader of the party making the following statement.

"We have tried to build Kundrati away from corruption and bribery yet when the President decides to reneg on potential anti corruption demands we're supposed to let them by. This is simply unacceptable and we will make sure the current Government is hold to account. If they refuse to commit to an investigation we will make several legislative measures as to potential removal of the President."

The CLP has also had made a comment on the recent scandal
"The CLP is strictly against corruption and we can not tolerate this. We wish for an immediate resignation of Krstiç, Vanesa. However we seek to maintain the current government and stability. Future will tell how this situation will affect the current government and the country. But we should all focus in fighting corruption and investigate the issue and try to pass laws to avoid similar cases in the future." With no spokesperson and being a general concessus from the party.

The UKM was unable to be reached for a comment.

With Krstićs own party and opposition being against her, resignation is not a if, but when, whether by impeachment or self resignation

[Article written by SLP Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:34 pm


Following leaks of the corruption scandal, Krstić has chosen to attempt to salvage her political career and resign from the office of President of Kundrati. With opposition demanding her resignation and even her own party, she has become a black stain on the SLPs history now.

At noon today, she announced her resignation citing that recent political changes have caused her to resign. While the resignation is well accepted by many, others point out her specific lack of mentioning the corruption scandal, perhaps in an attempt to save publicity and salvage what can be salvaged. Regardless of the case, the office of Presidency falls empty and snap elections are expected to be held soon.

[Article written by SLP Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:47 pm

President Topesevian Zabalbeascoa, in a speech to lawmakers in a Kasaema factory today stated his comments on the economy of Kundrati which has seen a slump recently.

He stated that the current GDP is not what he expected the country to reach after investment by national and foreign companies on various areas of the economy and that returns on investment have been forthcoming though not at a sustainable rate. The Central Bank of Kundrati, after being privatized, could also be returned to the Government by the President due to the potential for market failures.

"Kundrati is experiencing a bubble. We cannot let it pop too early and we must be ready for the consequences." the President said in the speech. He also commented that the country could be experiencing a recession if the Government didn't take action.

After the fall of the SLP as a result of the Kasaema Metro scandal KD has taken control of the country - however as of now the PM spot and various other ministries have been left empty as those were filled by the SLP. While the Financial Ministry was not affected the Prime Minister was and as a result the Government has lost control - now it is Zabalbeascoa who has to take control: he has promised that he will increase efforts to build university trust and provide proper education to allow for skilled workers to be maintained in the country, alongside providing for tens of thousands of more jobs.

For example, the tiny but growing uranium industry has begun to see more people join the industry. While the country has not developed enough ability to make much out of the uranium deposits in Kundrati - for example, the country still needs foreign backers if it wants to build a nuclear power plant - it could start to export uranium deposits to Dorvik, Luthori or other countries. The Government has stated that Kundrati will only export uranium to countries that will use the uranium for power plants and development of nuclear power technology; use of uranium for weapons or non-peaceful means would be rejected.

Another example is the services industry - said industry is growing at a rapid rate however it is predicted that the services industry will reach a peak very soon and then start to stagnate downwards as more and more people join said industry, eventually running out of people wishing to join. Stores and malls around the country have high employment rates and the national and local developers continue to build more markets and malls; retail is at a all time high and more stores continue to open for national and some foreign products.
Last edited by Hyrama on Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:08 pm

Foreign Ministry spokesperson's statement on Luthori-Beiteynu action offered to the Kundrati News Agency:

Our country is neutral in the affairs of the Luthori and Beiteynu peoples. We want to make sure that the investigation is dealt with swiftly but in a fair and honest manner away from the politics of the international community.

The Luthori Government must respond to these claims and defend their citizens, however Beitenyu should make sure that the investigation not be pressured by any group.

We await the investigation's full results, however if it is true a Luthori citizen committed this heinous act then this could jeopardize Kundrati-Luthori relations, especially travel service between the two countries.

A further statement can be found here: http://classic.particracy.net/viewnews.php?newsid=764471&nation=7
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:30 pm

With Kundrati Democracy storming to victory in the 5223 elections the country now faced a fully conservative government since the 5140 election - and grandson of Alexander Hulanevek, Miloslaw Hulanevek, aged 53 became President of Kundrati. The party recieved 250 seats to the Union of Kundrati Minorities' 200, so a majority of 50 seats was attained.

This allowed Finance Minister and native Extean Ukerdi Arietaleanizbeascoa to cut taxes across the board - reforming the tax rate so that instead of all economic sides getting 30% income taxes, it was divided evenly with the richest paying 50%. In addition, the corporate tax profit bill, the "Reformation on National and Provincial Corporate Profit Taxation and Finances Act 5223" which reduces corporate profit taxes to 5% is expected to pass - this allows companies to maintain more of their profits than even before.

This comes as the economy is showing signs of a popped bubble - companies, especially in services and logistics, are starting to fail and there is no central bank yet to bail them out (the Bank of Kundrati Act, or the "Central Bank Reconstitution Act 5222", has not been passed yet), thus relying entirely on national stock markets to protect the Kundrati economy. President Hulanevek warned that if the country approaches recession he will use presidential orders to protect the economy - with a Democratic-led National Assembly this could be more easier.

The government has also stated that they will begin to seek outside help in order to take advantage of the uranium deposits Kundrati now appears to have - the government isn't too sure if such claims are true however if this isn't the case the government will seek to explore building more wind farms especially in southern Pilgon and mainland Jildrath. The Extean government has also stated that the local government will invest a portion of the provincial budget into wind farms, especially in the southeastern portion of the island near Jildrath City.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:10 pm

The Kundrati economy is starting to show signs of stagnation even as foreign investors continue to pour into the country. Experts inside Kundrati state that even as investment into uranium deposits and agriculture continue to rise, more and more people are starting to buy less and save more money.

Income taxes have not been paid in a while from the rich - President Hulanevek stated that he will form a new task force with the national police to arrest and seize assets of those who do not pay their income taxes. Since a majority of those who do not pay their income taxes are rich htemselves it stands to reason that the task force will target the rich more. This is expected to contribute to the Kundrati treasury more as time goes on and investigations continue.

Service companies and logisitical companies, continuing to fail, have begun to be told by the Government to accept bailouts from banks and the Central Bank of Kundrati - the CBK and the Government has stated that they will also establish companies in these sectors to provide help and competition to these sectors as a new deal on said sectors is expected to be negotiated with Kundrati and four other Seleyan countries.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Hyrama » Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:21 pm

Foreign Ministry statement on Luthori-Beiteynu action offered to the Kundrati News Agency:

Kundrati firmly asks that the Luthori government accept a third-party investigation into what happened in the tragic death of the former Beityenu Prime Minister who was assassinated by, allegedly, a Luthori subject.

We also appeal to the World Congress to perform this investigation and to allow both parties' intelligence services and police services to partake in the investigation in order to cancel out potential investigatory biases.

A further statement can be found here: http://classic.particracy.net/viewnews. ... 8&nation=7
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