
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:47 am

[7 October 5245]

General Franjo Jukić killed!

Franjo Jukić, a renowned general within the Kundrati Armed Forces, and subsequently the National Salvation Government, has been responsible for the recent gains by the Junta. However, with his success comes daggers aimed at him.

Among those is an officer clique of 4 unknown members. These officers, who have had their names redacted by the Junta, had set a plot against Jukić following the recent sham trials against the UKM.

Only hours ago, this clique attempted and successfully, killed Jukić with a briefcase bomb in a war room, taking the lives of several officers, Jukić and one of the conspirators. The remaining conspirators were quickly apprehended and shot without trial. Whether these officers held a connection to any partisan group remains unknown but it is highly suspected. Whatever effect this has on the course of the Kundrati Emergency remains to be seen at the moment.

[Article written by OP (formerly NR and SLP) Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Mcc-14 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:46 pm

12th January 4246

Since the start of the conflict in Kundrati, the left-wing Kundrati Workers Party (KWP) has remained relatively quiet, only relaying that senior officials were in hiding or had fled the country and that one, Petar Gregorc, had been arrested and murdered alongside his family.

But, today a video message released on KWP social media channels showed the party chairman, Mitar Kladnik, and the KWP National Assembly leader, Jakov Jelen, urging able-bodied supporters of the KWP to rise up in support of the National Unity Government and to "protect the democracy and civil liberties Kundrati has come to know and cherish". At the end of the video, Jakov Jelen ended by quoting a Churchillian speech: "We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be."

Later this afternoon, a written statement was put out on KWP social media, with a black outline one could guess that the news was clearly not good. The statement read that shortly after the release of the video this morning, Party Chairman and founder, Mitar Kladnik, was killed when a bomb exploded near his position while he was defending the city of Venora in Celania from the advancing Junta. The statement also informed us that the National Assembly leader Jakov Jelen had also been caught in the blast and that his condition was critical and he had been evacuated to the Island of Extea. The statement ended by sharing that KWP founder and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ena Burja had been arrested and was due to stand a military trial. Rescue attempts were unsuccessful and it is believed she will be executed by firing squad.

Article written by Kundrati KWP
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:24 pm

[25 January 5246]

Lirnak has declared secession from our Kundrati Union!

The Governor of Lirnak declared independence from Kundrati and appealed to the National Unity Government to allow their independence "as long as the war is ongoing and the post-war consequences have not been solved or eliminated." This comes after massive gains by the Junta allowed it to occupy most of the state, alongside two of their major cities and use the state as a launching off point for an invasion of Celania.

The Junta has agreed to retreat and set up a truce with the new state, allowing it to keep some of the land in the state. Loyalist forces have also retreated towards Peghonai and Celania.

The President has been reached out for comment - he was unavailable. This comes after KWP's founder was killed as the Battle of Aethansk began. The city, which leads to Keita and towards the current NUG capital of Jildrathi City, is a major advantage to all who can claim it. Tanks and infantry were spotted both near Aethansk and near Venora as the country braces for devastating battles - both sides have placed major amounts of resources and a defensive line has been prepared though isn't complete between Keita and Galensk.

Already heavy bombardment on both sides claim numerous casualties and parts of Aethansk's suburbs are devastated. The advance is as speedy as The Push however the Government forces, now with foreign equipment and foreign air defences, allow for the slow reconquering of suburbs occupied by the Junta. Power outages across the city are now common alongside power outages in Venora and in Kadyn.

Humanitarian assistance across the country and from around Terra have also begun to arrive more and more and are being distributed.

Source 1: http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=683768
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:43 pm

[27 January 5246]

President Herasymchuk visited the front lines of the war today in an unannounced visit - offering his visit to the city of Aethansk which is currently undergoing heavy fighting. The war, which has claimed the lives of so many of Kundrati's people (a total of 170,000 citizens and producing 4.6 million refugees) continued around the President who directed orders to Loyalist soldiers himself.

Loyalist soldiers were able to reclaim two suburban towns however the Junta continues to advance past the outskirts of Aethansk. Artillery have begun to rain on the skies of downtown Aethansk as more buildings are damaged and more people dead - the Aethansk General Hospital itself was affected as one artillery missile hit the hospital's main building and forcing those receiving medical care to evacuate south.

He has stated that he will remain in Aethansk "until the situation is remediated". While he is being protected by guards he has chosen to fight himself, donning a green beret and even leading some soldiers in taking parts of a suburban house - this scene being reminiscent of historical kings leading their men into battle. When asked about succession, he has stated that if he dies, the Vice President Stefan MacKiernan will take over. The Vice President is reportedly in Jildrath City though this is unconfirmed.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Mcc-14 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:21 pm

[4th February 5246]

It is with great sadness that the KWP announces the death of the beloved founder and KWP National Assembly leader, Jakov Jelen. Jelen died this morning in hospital on the island of Extea of his injuries sustained during battle late last month. This follows the death of KWP Party Chairman, Mitar Kladnik, who died in the same blast that caused Jelen his injuries.

It is unclear yet who will replace both men as Party Chairman and as the KWP National Assembly leader, however, it is clear that they will go down in history as two of the greatest leaders Kundrati has ever seen.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Mcc-14 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:50 pm

[25th February 5246]

The KWP has announced that Ena Burja, Minister of Foreign Affairs and KWP founder, will take over the role of Party Chairman. They also announced that the KWP Leader in the National Assembly will be filled by Lucas Brumnec, MNA for Celania.

They both say that they are looking forward to leading the KWP and Kundrati to a brighter future.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:51 am

[5 April 5246]

Aethansk was no longer recognizable. Bombardments on both sides have left the city, after 3 months, with almost all buildings being burnt or destroyed or with damage. President Herasymchuk, being in the front himself for those months, have had to retreat his forces as slowly the city was devoured by Junta forces.

Missiles have also rained onto the city's water supply systems and power plant, resulting in virtually no power for most of the city for essentially all day. The cold of Kundrati has also struck with many dying, though this city was a stalemate for months as both sides couldn't rally mother nature onto the will of either side. The city is also under threat from the southeast as forces from Celania have begun to approach, threatening to encircle the city and the President - as a result reports have claimed that the President has had to retreat to lead his men (three brigades) to attempt to stop the Celania Junta-led soldiers.

This comes as Likatonian soldiers have made an appearance in the battle though too late as the city continues to be bombarded and is likely to be virtually destroyed by the middle of the month. Some heroic Likatonian brigades attempted to attack Junta supply routes leading to Aethansk with some success with the cooperation of resistance fighters and the KSSU. The air defenses were put to very hard work as constant air raids from the Junta attempted to turn the tide - this failed. This was the routine for the last few weeks.

In Celania, however, things were more successful for the Junta. After major fighting near Venora the city fell on 14 March and soldiers retreated towards Aethansk and the Southern Defence Line (Galensk-Keita). It was in this engagement that Beiteynuese soldiers were killed in an attempt to defend retreating Loyalist soldiers. President Herasymchuk has stated that his Government will provide compensation to the families of the affected, while the Vice President Stefan MacKiernan has promised to visit some of the affected families.

In addition to the Junta gaining Venora the Loyalists were forced to retreat after what turned out to be a rout. The Junta soldiers were able to take the various fields and farms of the state north of Galensk. Galensk faced some bombardment by the Air Force however it was here that they faced stiff air-based resistance alongsdie anti-air reinforcements. All focus was thus on Aethansk which the numerous thousands of Junta foes from Celania started to move east - they started to arrive at southwestern and western Aethansk by 17 March but it is expected that this week would be when the Celanian troops would be in full effect. Likatonian soldiers have, however, shown their strength as the Junta's advance were slowed by late March and early April. This is likely to cease as the attempt at an encirclement begins.

There are also reports coming out that Junta foes are attempting to conscript the people under their lands - prisoners were seen with some Junta soldiers signing pieces of paper which could be seen as contracts, alongside some Junta persons approaching people at the street and at their homes asking them to join the Armed Forces and forcing those who refuse into vans. It is unknown how many will be sent to the front lines.

Image: Likatonian and Loyalist soldiers attempting to defend a farm near the Celania-Pligon border
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:15 am

[12 April 5246]

Retreat! The soldiers had been given this order for Aethansk troops to retreat. The city was virtually destroyed, countless lives were lost and it was decided that Loyalist and Likatonian troops under Kundrati command would retreat to the Southern Defence Line, composed of major defense works from Galensk to Keita.

The city was looted by the Junta and it was recorded on phone cameras that various war crimes were committed by the Junta soldiers, including those unspeakable even by our reporters. These rumors and reports have spread around Kundrati and what protests were in the Junta controlled territory protesting this are reportedly being struck down violently. The city of Venora, which surrendered, was spared the looting and even some of these war crimes.

The Loyalist government has also stated that they will use combat UAVs - this is illegal per various laws which only allow for their use in recon, however with desperate times call for desperate measures. These UAVs have seen a lot of success, causing chaos behind the Junta front lines - one reportedly even made it to Junta soldiers near Kasaema and caused the destruction of the main supply building in that base, however the UAV was shot down.

The President has stated that he will send his units to the Southern Defence Line and set up safer positions there. Most of the resources are now working on the fortification of the SDL. He has also stated that the #AintzaKundrati and #Homerati organizations, which are Government-funded, will be set up soon and will take donations from around the world - the #AintzaKundrati campaign will provide fundraisers for getting Kundrati's loyalist troops to get modern equipment and tanks, while the #Homerati organization will allow for fundraisers and donations for humanitarian supplies like medical equipment and food. They are expected to launch on 15 April and will be under the control of the Interior Ministry.

Image: Aftermath of the Battle of Aethansk
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:31 pm

July 3rd, 5246.
Keita, state of Jildrath, Kundrati Union.
Our reporters sent to document the ongoing battle for the City of Keita has reported the use of reflective surfaces attached on civilian helicopters to blind the Junta's troops near Keita. Our journalists also said that the NUG installed speakers everywhere in Keita, those speakers playing 24/7 the Harmonist People's Radio to boost up the moral of the resistance's soldiers while breaking down the moral of the enemy. The speakers aired from 6am to 8am, the program called "Wake up! It's time tk defend our democracy" consisting of calm classical music wich aimes to gently wake up civilians and soldiers from their sleep and loud and rock music to disturb the enemy and interrupt them, from 9 to 12am they played "Stay aware of the danger" consisting of warning the listener from cooperating with the Junta and report them about the latest atrocities that the NUS did, from 12am to 6pm, they aired "Your daily news from the resistance" reporting the resistance latest achievements by focusing only on the positive achievement, from 6 to 11pm, they aired "May the night heal your scars" consisting of different programs at once, mixing comedy, music, news, etc to bring hope to the people and from 11pm to 6am, they air "Nighty nighty everyone" consisting of classical and calm music for the resistance and loud, rock music to disturb the enemy's sleep and break their sanity.
Is their new strategy gonna work?

[Article written by PHP Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby XanderOne » Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:27 pm

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