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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:18 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:11 am

President Lýdia Repková during a meeting with the heads of various universities inside Kundrati in Papoc, Celania

[9 April 5422] |

Kundrati President Lýdia Repková to visit Davostag and Tukarali, offers discounts to allies on military products
In other news:
Beiteynu leader keeps riding bikes
Artanian Union: Negotiations continue for pan-Artanian government
KunSoc proposes wide-sweeping security bill

President Lýdia Repková announced today in a speech to university heads in Papoc, Celania that "...in a post-Dorvik world, we must reaffirm our commitment to our allies..." and that Kundrati, as a result, will provide various discounts to certain allies like Tukarali and Davostag in order to help them advance militarily in a world of shifting alliances and geopolitics.

In this sense of cooperation, President Repkova further announced a state visit to Davostag and Tukarali to hammer the point home of Kundrati being there for her friends.

Tukarali would be the first stop. It has been a while since Kundrati and Tukarali met to discuss trade and the like - with fears and concerns that the friendship may have drifted apart as a result of potential inactivity on both sides of the aisle. President Repkova intends to visit Sangon alongside longtime foreign minister Hubert Matyáš Hulanevek in order to discuss a new trade agreement and a consulate in one of Tukarali's largest cities. The visit is also intended to promote tourism with Kundrati as the arctic ski destination and Tukarali as the tropical destination for sun-washed vacationers with the hope that a Tukarali community can grow in Kundrati and a Kundrati community can grow in Tukarali.

President Repkova intends to spend a week or two in Tukarali not just talking trade but touring their provinces and having a small vacation of her own, owing to the climate of Tukarali being perfect for a wonderful needed vacation after hard work on negotiations with fellow Kundrati party the Civil Libertarian Party. Curiously, some members of the Kundrati Democracy party will join the President to meet with a party in Tukarali called Mga Mamamayan, an up and coming liberal-conservative party in the Tukarali political sphere.

In contrast, Davostag will be another case entirely - ever since Kundrati troops left Davostag there was a period of neutrality as a result of the embassy burning. That period was during the rule of the National Samling party which has seen a massive defeat in the recent elections and a much more friendlier party grouping, the Popular Front, taking the mantle of the Davostag political sphere. President Repkova intends to talk to Davostager leaders about the rebuilding of the Kundrati embassy (with a lot more security features), restoring trade ties, and discussing Davostag's place in a growing cooperative Artania with rumors that Davostag could seek entry into the Artanian Union at some point.

The trip is expected to take place within the year with the hope that the Tukarali trip can occur in the summer months of 5422 before following with the Davostag trip.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:07 am

[9 April 5425] |

Kundrati and Dundorf succeed in joint military exercise
In other news:
Lourenne makes comment on current geopolitical situation
Artanian Union: Negotiations continue for pan-Artanian government
Kundrati Democracy and For Kundrati form up as National Coalition party

Five years ago it was agreed to do a military exercise between Kundrati and Dundorf after the situation in Ikradon spiralled out of control and the countries surrounding Ikradon helped remedy the situation through various means.

The military exercise is to simulate an attack from Kirlawa, the country bordering Kundrati to the northwest and bordering Dundorf from the north, through the plains and mountains that the two countries share. The Kundrati Navy will be involved in operations to help remedy the fictional invasion and to simulate an invasion from the northern coast of Kundrati. The Kundrati and Dundorf Air Forces will work together in Lirnak and Julstoch in order to deal with potential foreign bases and any incursion towards the middle of either Kundrati or Dundorf as well. The Kundrati Army intends to involve itself in the front lines by testing their armored equipment and the equipment of the soldiers in stopping simulated Kirlawan tanks and soldiers, alongside using intelligence services in order to help find their targets which will be available to the Dundorfians for joint operations.

The military exercise started very late due to ongoing commitments in Ikradon and potentially dealing with the ongoing situation in Endralon for which comments will be made later in the post.

Reports came from near the border with Peghonai that the Kirlawan army attempted an invasion to kick off the exercise. Similar reports came from the Dundorfian states of Oderveld and Julstoch, alongside naval movements alongside the Lievenian Sea. Assuming the Kirlawan Navy is small due to inaction over the last couple of decades, Kundrati forces began to meet their foes near the Kundrati-Kirlawa border and, with the Air Force, had major success in forcing the Kirlawan naval component to retreat. However, pirates were also spotted in the area who did cause damage to three patrol boats and forced one patrol boat to leave.

Kirlawan units were also spotted approaching via land and air towards, once again, Peghonai, Oderveld and Julstoch. Dundorf's paratrooper corps were seen in this case going behind enemy lines to sabotage the invasion attempt by blowing up supply depots and attacking makeshift supply bases while Kundrati and Dundorf armored units and infantry met their foes head on. Kirlawan troops were simulated acting decisive and fierce as they attacked often with the Dundorfian and Kundrati troops meeting them and causing defeats on Kirlawan troops as time went on, though it was noted that Kundrati armored units had some confusion as to various methods on maintaining their tanks and ammo supply problems. The plains of Oderveld also saw a foreign paratrooper attack which was dealt with jointily with land troops having more success on the Kundrati side.

The Kirlawans were hampered as air units from their side were being shot down and harmed as they attempted to hit Kundrati and Dundorfian military bases and supply depots with the help of security air systems by Dundorf and Kundrati. It was noted, however, that Kundrati had less anti-air systems than Dundorf which resulted in the Kundrati side being hit more with attacks. This has hampered the Kundrati response as resources were being sent to ensure the security of supply depots and military bases. It was also noted that while the Soko and Aero planes worked admirably in their missions they were starting to show a bit of age and that it may be necessary to have newer planes to help with Kundrati's air defense and attack.

This resulted in Kirlawa having to retreat over the mountains for a final attack. This is where mountain troops from around Dundorf and western Kundrati shined with shock attacks and better technology which helped out in finding Kirlawan soldiers and units and forcing them to surrender.

The exercise was deemed a success for Kundrati and Dundorf though a couple of concerns were noted. Kundrati's current airpower, while great in defense and offense, was aging and it was suggested that there should be a new jet fighter and interceptor in order to help ensure Kundrati's air power remains good enough. It may also be be necessary, for similar reasons, for Kundrati to finally have their own tank line which could be named the Altay. Ammo supply and regular supply lines would also have to be reinforced and expanded better in order to deal with combat inside the country alongside naval security in ensuring that Kundrati fleets were unable to be penetrated especially by pirates.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:14 am

[10 April 5425] |
Foreign Ministry of Kundrati
Personal Statement on Endralon by Foreign Minister of Kundrati Hubert Matyáš Hulanevek

It is in the interest of the Kundrati Union to comment on the ongoing situation in the Visionary State of Endralon and to warn the military of Endralon that, in attempting to suppress legal and peaceful resistance to the system of power, they seek to undermine the ongoing stability efforts of the Artanian continent. Kundrati will ensure that the safety that every Artanian country has involved themselves in shall be maintained whenever and however possible.

We will be very interested in maintaining the calm and peace of Endralon's democratic culture. We therefore offer negotiations to be held in Kundrati in order to talk to both sides of this unfortunate situation in Endralon to help ensure that Artanian unity goes unimpeded. We strongly encourage that both sides understand this offer.

We will also like to ensure that countries that seek to undermine Artanian security by getting involved in Endralon will be harming the security and harmony of the Artanian continent, for it is in the interest of every Artanian nation that foreign powers respect the sovereignty of Artanian countries and the ties that Artanian countries have to each other.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:34 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:59 am

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Re: Kundrati

Postby jebjab » Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:42 am

The Kundrati Observer
Kaesama, Kundrati
September 9, 5426

Back to the Days of Tsankov?
Renewal of the Kundrati Infrastructure Project Outlined in Nikolic's Newest Formal Report to the Assembly

Millions of Kundrati citizens have faced delays, whether it be at the airport, on the railroad, getting a package shipped to their house, or on a highway. For Kundrati, following its recent revival and subsequent merger with Kundrati Democracy into the big-tent National Coalition, nominated Zivan Nikolić for the Presidency, running on a platform of economic and infrastructure development pioneered by FK over a century ago during its first golden era.

With each year that passes, Nikolic liked to say to his constituents at one of his many public appearances, Kundrati loses another billion Kunos due to crumbling bridges, roads, airports, and canals. But it was not yet irreparable. Nikolic’s infrastructure platform was built upon the fundamental idea that to develop into a true powerhouse economy and assert itself internationally, Kundrati would have to build itself physical and digital infrastructure capable of maintaining domestic and international trade networks for the next century.

For Kundrati would not be there forever, he joked.

Nikolic, a new politician fresh out of academia, was viewed by many as the rational, educated, and ambitious leader that Kundrati needed going into the 55th century. As such, he won the presidency by a landslide, beating the KunSoc candidate by nearly 20% of the vote. Nikolic’s ambitious and progressive economic policies contrasted deeply with his conservative and nationalist rhetoric on social policy, catering to fears of the Artanian Union, loss of Kundrati sovereignty, and traditionalist morality.

Once asked on the campaign trail to summarize himself and his campaign in 3 words, he stated, “family, fatherland, and the future.” A month into his Presidency, with the ministries set to change to a National Coalition-dominated cabinet, he announced the release of, over the 5 year term, the remaining $9,436,224,000.00 from the original Kundrati Infrastructure Initiative to further infrastructure developments.

In the week following the election, Nikolic’s economic advisors officially released a lengthy infrastructure development platform, involving transportation networks, energy, telecommunications, water and sanitation, education facilities, healthcare, industry, agriculture, and the environment.

In the report, transportation was highlighted as a primary goal. The cliche of the crumbling bridge, the pothole in the road, and the delayed train remain cliches, but in Kundrati, they are an insight into reality. Engineering organizations have called for reform of transportation infrastructure for the last 50 years. Kundrati Democracy had attempted piecemeal attempts at infrastructure development, which made significant progress, but nonetheless the party remained focused on foreign affairs, which they remain leading under the presidency of Nikolic.

The plan authorized an investment of 1,342,200,000 KUN into roads, bridges and major transportation infrastructure projects. Specifically, the development and modernization of road and highway networks, primarily to mend and connect previously disconnected regions, particularly due to the Kundrati north-south split that has been causing significant economic dislocation and inefficiency since the nation’s brutal civil war centuries ago. In particular, ground began to be laid on an integrated interregional highway system connecting Galensk to Riverford, routing through Kaesama.

Existing road and highway systems are slated to be integrated into one route, slated to be named N-1, the first route of a newly reorganized national highway system. Previous systems had been largely funded and maintained at a local or regional level and not subject to national highway regulations, but the new National Highway Project would draw from a specifically allocated National Highway Fund, funded by national taxes on gasoline and car purchases. Unlike the construction of a brand new highway system, the expected costs of the National Highway Project would be low due to previously constructed roads connecting Galensk, Kaesama, and Peghonai. The majority of the costs would lie in the reorganization of national funding and maintenance systems, as well as the expansion, standardization, and improvement of existing motorway systems. A second route, slated to be named N-2, is planned to join the existing Kaesama-Aethansk highway route with a planned route connecting Tomasadyn, Kadyn, and Kaesama.

$2,001,560,000 was set aside from previous funds for the expansion of passenger and freight rail, a topic that many criticized previous FK infrastructure initiatives on. The Kundrati Infrastructure Project of a century ago was often described by critics as car-centric or otherwise lacking enough provisions to mitigate the environmental impacts of travel by car and by air. Nikolic’s proposal involves a much larger commitment to rail development, considered not only to be highly important as an environmental token by the government’s left-wing economic advisors, but also as a matter of economic growth. Kundrati, a peninsular nation, relies on rail to transport goods from southern ports to northern ports, northern ports to southern ports, or simply to distribute machined goods throughout the country. Further, rail links constitute important trade links particularly as a hedge against potentially volatile sea shipping lines, an opinion partially informed by recent developments in the Migrant’s Pass, but also by increasingly strong continental ties to nations such as Dundorf and Luthori as the AU continues to develop.

More specifically, expansion, repair, and retrofitting projects were to be prioritized. Existing rail lines exist between nearly every major city in Kundrati, especially the industrial hubs of the Kundrati north and center. The issue, however, lies in their lack of modernity and relative states of disrepair in parts of the country, especially amongst rail lines linking the industrial center of the nation to important southern ports, such as those in Etxea and Jildrath. The President promised to reform the regulatory framework regarding rail development, approving several backlogged maintenance projects to be provided funding by previously ignored sources of funding, namely the billions remaining in the various KIP funds.

With Kundrati’s transition into an increasingly industrial economy, energy infrastructure has become increasingly important. In fact, it was a significant topic of debate throughout the Nikolic campaign. While blackouts and brownouts are not prevalent in Kundrati, energy consumption is increasing, and national sentiment generally tilts against increased fossil fuel consumption. Kundrati made strides toward green energy with the creation of its large wind farm in southern Celania. While that wind farm opened after nearly a decade under construction, and provides for a large portion of southern Celania’s electric generation, further strides have been seen as necessary.

Lirnak is relatively sparsely populated out of its 3 urban areas, leaving the majority of its inner counties fairly rural. Much of this land is government-owned but underutilized, providing an interesting opportunity for a second renewable power station. Construction is set to commence within 2 months at the site of the new Sekundino Carriquiriberry Erauncetamurguil Solar Plant in central Lirnak. The plant, expected to have a power capacity of 300 MW, at an estimated cost of $430,000,000, will be funded by a cartel of joint national government and private investment sources. At least $200,000,000 will be sourced from the electric grid improvement fund legislated into the Kundrati Infrastructure Project.

In order to meet increasing electrical demand and prevent the aforementioned brownouts and blackouts, thorough feasibility studies will be undertaken to identify critical locations for electric grid expansion. It is expected that once these studies are undertaken, the government will partner with local and regional governments and private investors to provide subsidies for national electric grid improvements.

Kundrati has a relative lack of redundant local and regional power grid connection, creating a heightened risk of electrical grid failure, considered an intolerable risk by many involved in the growth of the country’s burgeoning urban and industrialized economy. Already planned is a project, allocated a flexible budget limited to $20,000,000 to put in place long-distance transmission lines connecting urban areas in Lirnak to the its center in preparation for the country’s soon-to-be second largest renewable energy plant, as well as to put in place long-distance transmission lines connecting the 600 MW wind power plant in southern Celania to high-volume electricity users in the region, particularly Keita and Galensk.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:21 am

[16 October 5427] |

Alexej Jeřábek, who is the Commander of the Kundrati Northern Fleet, speaking here to officers in 5426.

Kundrati responds to the Endralon Civil War

In a press conference with the media, the Defense Minister Leonida Rufrius Mendico Kafuricus Badirican stated that the Government was looking at Endralon's current situation with major concern and that, any threat of spillover into Kundrati would be a major problem as Endralon's only land neighbor is with Kundrati.

Of note, the ongoing civil war in Endralon started due to protesters calling for government reform and then the military being ordered to fire upon protesters. The ongoing civil war, as a result, has spread around eastern Endralon with full likelihood it could spread to the western part of the country. As of now western Endralon is still under the government forces of the Visionary State and the eastern coastal areas are under the control of the Free Endralon forces.

In order to make sure that the Kundrati Union could be able to weather the storm in Endralon, Defense Minister Mendico announced that the entire eastern border will see extensive patrols by military units that will now be stationed all around the eastern border, with the likelihood that humanitarian traffic will be seen more across the border. A fighter/bomber wing will be sent to Leuansk with another air wing being sent to Aethansk which, with a brigade being sent to Jildrath and another brigade being sent to Peghonai alongside the 1st Mechanized Division "Kasaema" being sent to Pilgon, will ensure that any chance of a spillover to Kundrati will be met with the appropiate response.

In addition, the area between Etxea and Jildrath will be seeing more increased patrols from the Southern Fleet and other various coast guard boats with the purpose of ensuring that pirates do not take this opportunity to strike in the area alongside ensuring trade is not impacted as much by the ongoing civil war. The Northern Fleet, with their one destroyer and multiple patrol boats and various corvettes and frigates, will be sent to eastern Peghonai with a similar task.

Kundrati Defense Contractors announces new UAV and light fighter program

However, such a force needs a way to find any leaks through the border, otherwise the force will merely be reactive. That is why, in an announcement by representatives of Kundrati Defense Contractors, they will work on developing their first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) line called "Celania" with potential room for assistance from foreign countries/companies. With a range of 100 km and a maximum speed of 110 mph, it is Kundrati's response to the growing UAV market which, at least in Artania, seems to be dominated by the Dorvish and Luthorians. Work on the Celania UAV is ramping up with the expectation that it will be released for market by 5435. The Kundrati Air Force has stated they plan to order around 300 of these drones.

In addition, the KDC has announced that they will develop a new product to slowly replace the Soko J-30 and Aero L-139 as their new premier light combat aircraft. The KDC Zab-2 is subsonic and, with a combat load of 3,000 kg and 2,600 kg worth of fuel (due to two internal fuel tanks) alongside various other features, this is an advancement of Kundrati's light combat aircraft line. Production will begin around January 5428 with the expectation that the first Zabs will be rolling off of production also by 5435.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby jebjab » Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:18 pm

The Kundrati Observer
Kaesama, Kundrati
August 30, 5428

Nikolic's project continues -- second biannual report issued to the National Assembly

Kundrati’s infrastructure project was already in full swing, claimed not only the new, surprisingly ambitious and economically progressive administration, but also Kundrati stocks, shooting up following the President’s report to the National Assembly announcing various degrees of national infrastructure consolidation and development. He had promised another yearly report to the Assembly in 5428, and as February rolled around, the President hinted at further large-scale projects, as well as updates on projects that had begun as the new administration was just coming into power. It had been widely expected by political pundits that the President would also speak to address concerns relating to domestic and international policy, namely the unstable situation on the nation’s eastern border and the increasingly loud grumbling about inflation from economically conservative elements of the National Coalition.

In February 5428, he took to the podium in front of a coalition-dominated National Assembly.

He began by detailing the Kundrati response to the situation unfolding in Endralon, easing concerns about border security. Kundrati had relocated a mechanized division from Kaesama to the eastern city of Leuansk, its outskirts mere miles from the border with the Visionary State. A further two battalions were relocated to Jildrath and eastern Peghonai, respectively, mainly in order to supplement active border security measures, ensure the safe passage of humanitarian aid, and quickly respond to potential spillover into Kundrati territory.

Nikolic promised, with the typical nationalist fervor of a For Kundrati leader, that if the situation in Endralon were to jeopardize the safety of a single Kundrati citizen, the Kundrati military would not hesitate to intervene. Nonetheless, he took a deliberately vague stance on the conflict, noting that Kundrati supported stability, peace, democracy, and freedom in Artania, and would be willing to mediate peace negotiations between the two parties in the civil war if requested. He promised, perhaps more as a foreign policy instrument than a true statement as to government policy, that no humanitarian aid would be prevented from entering Endralon, but that it would be thoroughly screened to ensure that Kundrati would not be an unwilling vehicle for outside intervention into the conflict.

He quickly addressed concerns about inflation, likely in order to ease the concerns of the markets more than the dissidents in his own party. He promised responsible spending and reminded Kundrati of the diligent and successful track record of their central bank.

He spoke briefly to diminish what he perceived as an overly negative connotation of inflation, noting that the government had failed to meet inflation targets for the last several years, controversially suggesting that inflation was good for Kundrati citizens who wished to purchase homes, and retrospectively restating his campaign promise that the projections of future economic growth relating to development projects would be even greater than some had anticipated – many didn’t believe that Nikolic would be able to muster the political will or the parliamentary majority to follow through on his slew of ambitious campaign promises.

He began the speech by showing a printed-out map of the nation’s hypothetical National Highway, labeled N-1 through N-6, which appears to be a consolidation of various national and regional roadways into a unified national interstate highway system, a system which Nikolic has been a proponent of. The National Highway Fund was created at the start of his term, and a board of trustees was appointed to oversee distribution of funds. The project would not be some kind of grand road building initiative, but rather an incremental consolidation, standardization, and repair of an increasingly piecemeal and damaged system of separate routes.

Nikolic began by addressing the issue of telecommunications. Many areas of Kundrati have inconsistent or poor broadband infrastructure, and improvement of broadband infrastructure has been being pursued, with limited success, in Kundrati for decades. Nikolic had once said on the campaign trail that he was tired of Kundrati’s self-described powerhouse economy being hindered by a lack of proper internet access. Broadband, he said, was a vital economic resource connecting children to education, workers to employment and patients to healthcare.

Unlike previous initiatives pioneered by Kundrati administrations, the new Broadband Access Fund will issue at least $40,000,000 to each Kundrati province, based on cost estimates issued by a recent study by researchers centered at the University of Kundrati’s newest Papoc campus, as well as provide direct technical assistance and oversight to allow each locale to provide broadband infrastructure in a way that they deem fit. Unfortunately, Nikolic noted, mapping of broadband infrastructure has not yet reached a granular level but instead lies at the census block level, making it difficult to exactly quantify small areas where broadband infrastructure is not yet widespread. He insisted that in this regard local and provincial governments could serve specific needs better than the federal government could. Kundrati, he described, had a long, successful history of devolution, and local governments had proven their ability to succeed in pioneering government initiatives with limited federal government oversight, acting in a more cooperative position.

Kundrati, as a peninsular nation, has been faced with the potential of increasing sea levels, water-based catastrophic weather events, and flooding. As well, equitable distribution of clean water supplies and sanitation systems has been a contentious issue among the nation’s two main ethnic groups, with the Delic minority, of whom Nikolic is a member, consistently claiming that the country’s traditionally dominant majority has failed to provide Delic regions in north-central Kundrati with equitable water treatment facilities, clean water production, and other water management and sanitation infrastructure.

While researchers have generally found these claims to be apocryphal, Nikolic nonetheless promised all Kundrati citizens that water and sanitation access, especially with the potential for an increasingly volatile coastal climate, would be equally distributed. In Papoc, Riverford, Jildrati City, and southern Jildrath, the government announced a total of about $215,000,000 in grants to municipalities, renewable up to $315,000,000 total over the remainder of his term, to invest in water management infrastructure. The Papoc water management system had been flooded in several instances due to high rainfall, credited in large part to the major expansion of the city over the last 100 years, from a small coastal town to a major educational and industrial hub of Kundrati.

Papoc received the largest grant of any city in Kundrati, receiving $75,000,000. The majority of this money is expected to be put into initiatives to recycle and reuse treated wastewater, namely an estimated $25,000,000 renovation of the city’s wastewater treatment infrastructure to allow for reuse and recycling of treated wastewater in limited capacities.

Research has shown that the volume of storage capacity for rainwater – even where these kinds of high-volume storms are infrequent – can be quadrupled in certain drought-vulnerable areas. $18,000,000 has been invested in Papoc into the research and development of rainwater storage capacity and utilization. Much of the remainder of the money has been delegated to a large variety of minor upgrades and improvements of water supply, sanitation, and water management systems. The municipal drain system has, for decades, been slated for improvement to prevent flooding and offload stormwater into the ocean instead of city streets.

Many similar programs, Nikolic noted, are being undertaken in a variety of coastal cities, and the federal government is in partnership with a coalition of municipal governments and researchers across the University of Kundrati system to gain insight into the viability of desalination, which is currently seen as a cost-inefficient system but may be implemented depending on water demand expected to be mitigated by water-use reduction programs across the country.

An additional $31,000,000 from the Fund was allocated to agricultural water efficiency programs, which will both provide grants to researchers for investigating water-efficiency technology such as drip irrigation, as well as provide direct incentives to water-efficient agricultural corporations for staying below newly-issued national standards, issued by the Department of Agriculture in conjunction with a panel of the nation’s controversial but generally successful environmental research and activist organizations which have, over the years, clashed extensively with the conservative and growth-oriented governments of For Kundrati and Kundrati Democracy.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:00 pm

[1 August 5429] |
Foreign Ministry of Kundrati
Joint Statement by the Kundrati and Luthorian Foreign Offices on the situation in Endralon

The Kundrati Union and the Holy Luthori Empire are ashamed at the ongoing situation in Endralon and of the awful actions done in the name of the Visionary State by military forces acting on orders which can be considered war crimes.

To this effect, the Kundrati Union and the Holy Luthori Empire must ensure that such violence shall cease and that the rest of Artania no longer be at risk of violence done in the name of harming the brotherhood and unity of Endralon's neighbors, the Artanian continent, and the whole world.

The motives of Free Endralon are those that are beneficial to the future of Endralon. They stand for freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and good order and governance.

Therefore, on behalf of the National Assembly of Kundrati, the Imperial Diet of Luthori, and the countries' respective leaders, we shall recognize the Free Endralon people as the only legitimate government of Endralon. All appropiate measures shall be taken in order to ensure that Free Endralon survives and wins the ongoing civil conflict, including arms shipments and access to intelligence services necessary for the conflict.

The Kundrati Union and the Holy Luthori Empire demands that the Visionary State begin negotiations for a ceasefire and surrender to the leaders of Free Endralon.

To ensure this message is heard, a quarantine shall be enforced by the Imperial Luthori Armed Forces and the Kundrati Armed Forces. Only humanitarian ships and passenger ships leaving Endralon shall pass, and all ships shall be subject to inspection following regulations in the World Congress. Ships who do not pass inspection shall be turned back and, if refused, shall be seized and their contents captured. The quarantine shall be enforced inside the Endralonian EEZ, defined as 200 nautical miles from the coast per the Laws of the Sea.

The Imperial Luthori Armed Forces and the Kundrati Armed Forces shall also take measures to surgically eliminate any and all military targets in support of the Visionary State, using ground, air, and naval forces where necessary.

The Imperial Luthori Armed Forces and the Kundrati Armed Forces shall also protect all humanitarian shipments to Endralon and will provide humanitarian aid in Endralon pursuant to regulations and bills by the Artanian Union. We support all measures by the Artanian Union to this effect.
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