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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:11 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:55 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:18 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:34 pm

[10 July 5451]

Kundrati soldiers in Radkovice in 5450.

Kundrati sends carrier task force to Kirlawan waters, puts Northern Fleet on general alert

In a very surprising and stunning announcement, the Kirlawan junta announced the full closure of airspace and borders to all persons inside and outside of the country. This came after a grace period where all persons who wished to leave could do so. Unfortunately it has not been confirmed that the Kundrati foreign staff in Kirlawa were evacuated before this time was up, and it has seemingly been confirmed that nations like Deltaria were unable to get their staff to leave in time.

As of now Kundrati has been unusually silent on this matter in the public eye. However, rumors of backdeals regarding Kirlawa and the security of the continents of Majatra and Artania may have seemingly been the spark that set alight the camel's back, because today it was annouced that Kundrati's carrier strike group will be sent near Kirlawa's territorial waters.

The carrier strike force, comprised of the following ships:
KuNS Quintinus Vespacius, aircraft carrier
KuNS Kasaema, destroyer
KuNS Yanka Jelen and KuNS Iryna Kubitschek, frigates
KuNS Artania and KuNS Marinka Štemberg, corvettes
KuNS Radkovice, KuNS Papoc, KuNS Aethansk, and KuNS Marabaskue, missile ships

...will be sent to the extremities of the waters of Kirlawa as well as further air groups from Peghonai including multiple fighter squads in order to patrol the area the carrier force will be in. The force is expected to roam around the extremes of Kirlawa's territorial waters.

In addition, the Northern Fleet has been placed on general alert. The fleet, comprised of:
1 frigate
1 corvette
3 missile ships
2 minelayers/landing ships
20 patrol boats

...is expected to prepare for any potential conflict between the carrier fleet and any Kirlawan naval assets. In addition, the Kundrati Army in Peghonai has also been placed on general alert with mobilization orders also being called for in the western portion of Peghonai for citizens to assemble at recruitment points alongside soldiers being told to prepare for any potential conflict. As of now tanks are being prepared alongside the preparation of the latest Keita-class landing platform docks which can carry 33 main battle tanks and 530 troops. Only one is already commissioned with another to launch this August. The KuNS Keita is expected to be sent towards the Lievenian Sea to support her comrades.

The message that defense minister Admiral Mariamatias Landagaray wished to send was clear when she stated the following:
The Kirlawan junta has two options in which to resolve the crisis that they, unfortunately, placed themselves in. Either they open the borders to everyone for people to leave, or they fall to a civilian government. We are taking this threat very seriously as it is our neighbor whom has been attacked. Let democracy and freedom prevail in the dark spots of Artania and the world.

The Kirlawans only have a few days to consider their reply.

Preparations behind the scenes are also underway in order to prepare for any humanitarian crisis that occurs in Kirlawa with cities all around Peghonai and northern Lirnak preparing for an enlargement in homeless and refugee shelters. The Kundrati government will also provide funds in order to ensure this be done quickly.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:06 pm

[16 July 5451]

Announcement of measures regarding Kirlawa

In the wake of potential news that Kirlawa is developing chemical weapons in direct violation of the World Congress Resolution 73b on chemical weapons, and in response to mobilization efforts being observed by announcements by the Kirlawan junta, the Goverment has announced a quarantine on the state of Kirlawa.

The quarantine shall be enforced by the Northern Fleet and the carrier assets of the Kundrati Armed Forces alongside our air force reserves. We reserve the right to include other nations into this quarantine action like interested countries like Luthori. This will also apply on land as well.

All ships entering and leaving the Kirlawan EEZ will be subject to this qurantine and will be inspected. Ships containing weapons and products that may be used by the Junta in advancing their chemical weapons program will be turned back. Ships that contain humanitarian supplies like medicine, food, clothing and the like will be allowed to pass through. Any planes headed for Kirlawa will also be subject to the same measures and refusal for any ship or plane to comply with these measures will result in them being followed and, if necessary, those ships or planes being forced to comply through necessary measures.

The quarantine shall end when it is confirmed the chemical weapons program is ceased, the borders of Kirlawa open for all nations, and all measures taken to ensure that foreign and local persons are safe and allowed to leave with their supplies be taken.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Luis1p » Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:14 am

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:19 pm

[17 December 5451] | backdated.

Head of the Kundrati Army Gen. Mikuláš Stejskal giving an update on the situation at the border at a press conference earlier in the day. Daily meetings are held by the Kundrati Armed Forces as to their readiness and as to any other important events which may appear in a time like this.

President Frantzisko Bidanda and the Legebiltzarra declare a state of conflict (martial law) as the entire country prepares for a fight

President Frantzisko Bidanda announced today that, as a result of the worsening crisis in Kirlawa, martial law had been declared in all provinces and territories of the Kundrati Union. In his nationally televised speech announcing this declaration, he stated that he was calling up the entire Kundrati Armed Forces for this task and that, in a move not seen since the Emergency, the Territorial Defense would be activated. This is also in response to diplomatic requests by Kundrati to Kirlawa on attempting a negotiation which, so far, have been refused.

The Territorial Defense is a citizens' militia operated by the Kundrati Armed Forces allowing people aged 18-60 to, in a time of absolute crisis, volunteer as a home guard for the nation. The TD is set up like the armed forces and provides valuable military training to citizens who are tasked with the following:
- Protection of public authorities, local governments, critical facilities, important public enterprises and communications
- Deployment at checkpoints
- Combating sabotage and intelligence forces of the enemy and any illegal armed formations and looters
- Maintaining safety and security in any of the administrative divisions of Kundrati (provinces, cities, districts and townships)
- Organization of resistance and (or) guerrilla groups – in case of territory being captured by the enemy
- Providing search and rescue and disaster response and mitigation during cases of peacetime natural and man-made disasters

This was taken from this website.

However, should things get worse for the country during a potential war, the President warned that a draft will have to be instituted throughout the country and especially in Peghonai and Lirnak, the states that border Kirlawa. A draft would be introduced with the same age limits as the territorial defense in order to provide more manpower for the Armed Forces and the Territorial Defense.

As the country readies for conflict, the economy has begun transitioning into a wartime one with more tanks, more multirole aircraft, and more weapons being ordered and mass produced for the upcoming war. The Merkavas in storage have also been moved out and tested for their combat readiness alongside other items in storage for the Kundrati Armed Forces. The Askatasunera multirole plane has also been ordered in much higher quantities with the expectation that it should be available within the upcoming year given the war economy, instead of the initially promised time of 5455. The Keita-class landing platform dock has also been sped up with two already in service and the next two expected to be furnished within the upcoming year as well.

Lourenne has also provided Kundrati with the best in military equipment from personal care kits to Lexter's latest in air radar detection software and even the advanced Mistral 3rd-gen missile systems for use individually and on vehicles. Training for these new weapons are currently underway with the hope that they can be used in time for the upcoming conflict. Backroom deals with Deltaria have also resulted in Kundrati likely to get more artillery and weaponry like multiple rocket launcher systems, however this is yet to be confirmed.

Yet we must also consider the civilian aspect. After it was reported that Kirlawa was developing chemical weapons it was decided by the Kundrati government that gas masks and other personal protection equipment would have to be bought and made in the millions due to the potential real danger of chemical weapons being used in the conflict and spreading throughout the nation. The government is currently working with Lourenne and other partners in order to mass produce these equipment to be provided to civilians. Manuals are also being mass produced to train civilians as to how to operate a gas mask, how to do so very quickly after an alarm, and how to prepare for a chemical weapons' attack.

Speaking of alarms, they are also being tested throughout the country. More alarms are planned to be produced to be spread throughout the cities with some also being ordered in the rural portions of the country. The alarms will only go off if there is an air raid by another country and it is expected that people, upon hearing an alarm, will don their gas masks and other personal protective equipment and find their nearest shelter. Due to a law passed long ago it has been mandated that all new buildings come with some sort of civil defense provisions which includes shelters, as a result cities (especially those in Celania, Jildrath and the south of Pilgon) have an abundance of shelters to choose from to hide in during an emergency.

The western portion of Peghonai and the northwestern portion of Lirnak especially (the areas that border Kirlawa) are also practicing blackout restrictions. At night, all buildings will be mandated to turn off all lights in an effort to ensure that lights can't be used by the enemy in wartime. Internet restrictions are also in place with Internet only being offered from sunrise to sunset. Rationing cards are also being prepared for items from gasoline to foodstuffs should the need arise, most likely to be introduced in Lirnak and Peghonai. Travel restrictions are also being planned should rationing also begin.

Factories are also popping up throughout Kundrati to produce everything from Merkava tanks to pistols to other items needed for a war economy. President Bidanda has stated that these factories are meant to help stimulate the economy and provide a smooth transition from product to action, also allowing for more people to get employed and purge down the unemployment roster towards them getting a job.

To pay for all of this, new taxes will have to be implemented. It was announced that all persons will have to pay a higher tax in order to sustain a war effort. In addition, war bonds will become available for the Kundrati government to pay for all of these measures. The first war bond rally is expected for April of 5452.

Finally, if this wasn't all enough, the Armed Forces announced today the Office of Management. The Office of Management (OM) shall help handle with rationing, awarding contracts, allocation of materials, establishing priorities in production and distribution of materiel and services, and providing assistance for companies to transition from peacetime to wartime efforts. The OM shall become, by order of the President, a ministerial-level agency of the Kundrati government.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby starfruit » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:22 pm

[23 July 5452]

CLP holds emotional Anti-War speech

In a stunning speech that occured at noon infront of the parliament the president of the CLP Alize Gurregui called up for nationwide protests against the authoritarian rule of the Kundrati Democracy.
She said the following: "[...], how could you do this Mr. Frantzisko Bidanda, we are a country that has defended its democracies for centuries and you just toss it away with such a proposal. What do
you want the world to think about this? We had enough of your rule, we had enough of your warmongering, we had enough of your restrictive policies! DEMOCRACY AND LIBERTY FOREVER, MAY KUNDRATI

The stunned and emotional crowd accepted this speech with enthusiasm and optimism and wishes for the war to end. The media has also brought up this speech countless time and it caused a spark
in the kundratian youth. It is still unknown how this speech will affect the following weeks and how the war will play out, the president however has to watch out for public criticism.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:26 pm

Socialist Labour Party reformed amidst dissolution of KunSoc; SLP calls for peace and opposition to the threat of war.

The Kundrati Left has always been an interesting case and the Socialist Labour Party has always been a relic of a bygone era. However, this has not stopped many from reforming the SLP and today, the latest incarnation of the SLP has been restored. Led by Asis Arielz, Arielz has looked to reignite the power of the Kundrat Left with the dissolution of Kundrati Socialism. However, this new incarnation of the SLP has suffered from past forms, rejecting Populism, and focusing more on Reformism and appealing to youth voters.

The first thing the recently formed party has done is look to gain national attraction, by promoting itself as a party for left wing voters and youth voters who have been abandoned by previous and current ruling parties. One of the more controversial methods to gaining national attraction has been to join in on the anti-war movement that was spearheaded by the Civil Libertarian Party.
The current administration has betrayed the people of Kundrati. They advocate for a war that is not ours, and look to force the poorest amongst us, the hungry, the crippled and the ones with nothing to fight a war that is not ours. They even have the audacity to threaten the democratic status quo with enacting Emergency Measures! No one in Kundrati should stand for this! The sick, the elderly, the young, the poor, the left behind.

Placing the SLP on the Left in Kundrati politics already, the SLP has espoused strong support for various progressive ideals, such as social progress, feminism, economic progressivism and LGBTQ+ rights. Economically, the SLP has placed full support for Democratic Socialism,looking to create a moderate mixed economy for Kundrati to thrive. However, the SLP currently has a long way to go to even getting into the National Legislature. Whether the SLP can capture new voters disillusioned with the establishment or not is yet to be seen.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:48 pm

[1 June 5453]

President Frantzisko Bidanda announces immediate evacuation of all persons from Kirlawa border to 50 miles inland after mustard gas worry

It has been announced today that, after a major Dundorfian newspaper reported potential movement of mustard gas to the Kirlawan arsenal alongside observances of major unusual activity on the Kirlawan side of the border per the Kundrati division of the Allink, that the threat of warfare was too severe and that all persons shall be evacuated from the border to 50 miles inland of the Kundrati side.

The evacuation comes as tensions in Kirlawa and in Artania generally have become severely geared towards a war in the area. The Kirlawan junta has been observed vioating the quarantine imposed on Kundrati and reinforced by Luthori with the help of Narikaton and Darnussia and other countries containing weapons. While most civilian ships have managed to follow the conditions of the quarantine the quarantine forces have not fired on ships in an effort to not anger other nations more.

The World Congress Security Council is voting on a resolution that establishes humanitarian corridors and mandates JASA members to investigate the ongoing situation and confirm or deny that Kirlawa has developed chemical weapons.

However, the head of Kundrati's intelligence community Aleksandr Valentine has stated that Kundrati has detected Kirlawan military movement in the border that was described as concerning and has amped up fears that Kirlawa could attempt an incursion into either Dundorf or Kundrati and that unusually looking vehicles have been observed approaching the border areas.

Thus the evacuations begin. Soldiers have moved back to 25 miles inland while civilians have been ordered to move 50 miles inland if they live in the area or were in the area before the announcement today. Buses will be provided for civilians to move fast and civilians will be allowed to carry two bags which will be in the cargo compartments. The nearby city of Elvomesto which is barely outside the evacuation zone will be the primary spot for people to be evacuated towards and shelters are being constructed alongside clinics and the like in order to ensure that the evacuation can go smoothly.

Those that violate the evacuation order after the grace period of 15 days will be subject to arrest for trespass and will be moved to Elvomesto if it is the first time, and jailed if it is their second time.

The evacuation order shall cease at the end of the year should tensions stagnate.
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