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Re: Kundrati

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:30 am

Anti-War Movement gain attraction as the risk of Kundrati becoming involved in war grows.


[April 3rd, 5473]

As is with any war, there will inevitably be opposition to it for a multitude of reasons. Be they moral, ethical or economic reasons, someone is bound to oppose war. In Kundrati, it is no different. However, while the nation has avoided being involved in the Hubris War, this hasn't stopped some protests from occuring and while they remained minor and didn't escalate, the anti-war movement was getting its voice out there. However, within recent weeks, this has changed drastically.

With tensions rising drastically between Kundrati and Beitenyu after an incident resulting in a Beitenyunese vessel being shot upon near Selucian by the Kundrati Navy, and sparking a domino effect of Dolgavan Condemnation and Luthorian Condemnation, alongside with a lack of confidence in the government sending the navy to Extra and as such, this has given the anti-war movement more momentum as war becomes an increasingly real possiblity for the nation. With that in mind, it's come as little surprise that the movement has tripled in size overnight, with many sharing the opinion that Kundrati should not involve itself in war whatsoever. Interestingly enough or rather unsurprisingly to others, the Socialist Labour Party has been supportive of the anti-war movement, being a notable pacifist party and has been a strong endorser of any and all anti-war protests that occur within the country. The SLP has been quick to endorse and even organize a few anti-war protests, believing that Kundrati should've never involved itself whatsoever in the conflict and focused on promoting a peaceful solution.

With the situation externally being tense, the anti-war movement has been steadily gaining attraction and many calls have been made for the government to approach a peaceful solution and ensure Kundrati isn't dragged into a war that never involved the nation in the first place. Regardless of whatever happens, the anti-war movement has certainly caused some public distrust in the current administration due to the ongoing conflict in the Sea of Lost Souls.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:17 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

President Petralanda: "We were wrong" as protests skyrocket all around Kundrati, the foreign minister resigns
[1 July 5473]

Protests have overtaken the country over the last few months, demanding Kasaema to stop participating in a war that never was Kundrati's business. The protests even took over the main square of Kasaema, with police struggling to disperse the protestors and being relegated to protect critical governmental buildings and pathways for people.

The protests also took an economic nature, as people protested the lack of Government response to the economy, which has now been fully turned into a war economy for the sake of economic growth. It is unlikely that the war economy will transition back into a peacetime economy anytime soon, as Luthori has made their intentions clear that they will seek revenge for Kundrati's actions in the Sea of Lost Souls.

The protests also took a violent turn when news broke of the Kundrati embassy being burnt in Beiteynu, a scene scarily similar to the one in Davostag long ago when the Kundrati embassy there was burnt down. At that time, Kundrati demanded war against Davostag as revenge; now, Kundrati wants to live. The protestors surrounding the Beiteynuese embassy have grown in number to surround the embassy area to the point a helicopter landed on the Beiteynuese embassy's lawn to pick up essential embassy staff. This continued until the embassy was empty except for the police, who guarded the empty building. This didn't stop protestors, like their Beiteynuese counterparts, from throwing burning items toward the embassy. Unfortunately, two people were caught on fire and died of burns.

The nation continues to prepare for war as Davostag and Kundrati build defenses, mining as many places as possible and preparing trenches, as well as other areas for Kundrati-Davostag soldiers to hide when war inevitably arrives. Equipment from Davostag, like radars and other essential gadgets, are also arriving slowly alongside preparing more than a million soldiers to fight until the end. Kundrati recently passed a law allowing the government to authorize guerilla warfare to save the country if the armed forces cannot do so - this may not be necessary depending on how a war with Luthori pans out. The Army, Navy, and Air Force continue to do wartime exercises every day, preparing for the inevitable, praying that it never comes, but hopefully ready to meet any challenges ahead; should they fail their task, they are also preparing defenses like the above. It is expected to see air defenses on top of buildings, at least in Kasaema and southern cities. Etxea is a fortress that uses various measures to keep invaders out alongside mines and other equipment.

However, the President noted that Kundrati was shameful for its actions and for "betraying" their once proud allies. In a speech televised nationwide, he said the following:
I will put no doubt whatsoever as to what I think today. We may have won a glorious victory, but it was a stained victory against our old allies. Whatever we may say about it, we were wrong. We were wrong to go after our old allies; we were wrong to go after our old allies. Whatever I say now may not change anything, but I wish this were the start of that.

Kundrati citizens and my government must take responsibility for this wrong. We must correct it and do it unconditionally. We will accept sanctions, embargoes, and the like. I imagine my colleagues in Luthori would agree to that. But we do not want more war.

He also commented on the sacrifices being made by the governments of Davostag and New Endralon & Kizenia:
We do not want any war. But if warmongers prevail in my old friends, we must look to our new friends. These new friends had helped us when we were down when we had self-doubt that we as a nation would survive. Only with their help did we think we could live, even as a zombie or a husk. I believe those in Davostag and NEK are willing to sacrifice everything for us, and I think we're willing to sacrifice everything for them. Their sacrifices shall not go unrewarded. They are true heroes of the Kundrati Union.

As for measures he will take to correct the wrongs of Kundrati:
I have told the Foreign Minister that I will take his resignation, and he has agreed. I do so by appointing Francois Herasymchuk as the temporary Foreign Minister. As for myself, I will be going to nations that have been affected by our actions. Badara. Beiteynu. Luthori. They will be frank with me and tell me about everything we have done to them. I will listen. I will do what I can to try and regain some of their trust, even if it means going down and begging. As for our foreign policy, we will try to make sure that we correct our wrongs however we can. Perhaps we may forbid war as an option to solve disputes. That is something up in the air.

Until then, and until our nation is safe from fear of invasion, Glory to Kundrati.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:30 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Kundrati President Vespaniano Petralanda to visit Beiteynu with caretaker Prime Minister Mikulas Stejskal
[1 July 5474]

President Vespasiano Petralanda has announced he will be visiting Beiteynu within the week to accept Luthorian demands to apologize and provide reparations to Beiteynu despite the country winning against the country.

In the visit, he is expected to speak to the Beiteynuese Knesset with a speech that apologizes for Kundrati's diplomatic actions during the Hubris War, which resulted in a Kundrati-Lourenne fleet destroying a Beiteynuese fleet in the Sea of Lost Souls. He also intends to visit war veterans and hear from them about the Hubris War and Kundrati's actions there alongside providing wreaths to the war memorials established in the wake of the war.

The Beiteynuese attacked the retreating Kundrati fleet as it was heading home, killing several sailors but not causing major damage to either fleet that got involved in that action. A funeral was held for the dead sailors of the so-called "Murder" today attended by the President as the fallen sailors were given military honors for the action. The President commended the bravery of the Kundrati while they were attacked during their retreat and condemned the military action as unnecessary.

The President made the following comments to the Kasaema Guardian:
We will go to Yishelem not to beg for forgiveness but to explain ourselves and to allow them to think. We will apologize and make it clear that we did not do this out of necessity or whatever you call it. We will honor our obligations and rebuild the trust so that we can be in our rightful place in the world. But we don't do our apology and obligations out of pride or out of fear. We do this because we must do this. We have to try and help others, even our enemies, so that they can rebuild anew. We destroyed them, now they destroyed us. Let us now rebuild each other.

He also made some comments on nations that, according to him, "...just want to pick on a downed nation." when he was asked if he had any honest feelings about the contents of his visit.
I say this as my personal feeling. I am a head of state but I say this personally and I do not say this as government policy. But I think this has to be said.

There will always be countries that will hate us. These countries don't like us and don't like the existence of a nation of Kundrati peoples. We don't speak the language they speak, we don't act the way they act. So they believe that they can try and pick on us and throw us down and feast on our remains when we, according to them, inevitably die off. They want to pick on a downed nation. We were humbled. We did horrible things, yes, things no nation should do. But if that is an excuse to kill off a people then let us eliminate the rest of the world.

It's not Luthori or Beiteynu even, or their syncofancts, because I understand their anger. They don't want us to die. They want to punish us. That is fine. I actually commend them because that is how those nations should react, even if they are angry, with a calm measured response that makes sure we don't try to do that again.

Unfortunately though I cannot say the same for their allies. I may be throwing rocks on a glass house or whatever you people call it, but shame those people. I overreact but so what? I have nothing else to lose. [He chuckles.] I'm not going to be in government anymore.

The President made significant controversy with these comments as on social media Kundrati citizens seem to be divided over them and what he meant; Kundrati society has already been divided over the consequences of the war as most people support Luthori's demands while similarly reacting against Beiteynu and Yeudis in general. Police in Kasaema, Papoc, and Etxea Island have cracked down on anti-Yeudi riots that have caused 10 deaths and numerous other injuries. Yeudi heritage centers were also attacked; however, only one was burnt down in Jildrathi City, while similar attempts to do so in other cities have failed. Police have warned that any attempt to intimidate or harm Yeudis or their cultural centers will be met by arrests and prosecutions under the Human Security Act.

The President commented on those attacks too:
The people are angry. But this is not good anger. We are all fired up and it is all going nowhere but down and to a harmful path. We don't want to harm our own brothers and citizens because these citizens don't represent the governments or the homelands their ancestors built. I warn those who think this is a good idea, to attack others and their institutions, that we will arrest you and we will prosecute you under the fullest extent of the law.

It is to that effect that the old General Tiberius who stoked anti-Davostager fear long ago will be hanged on live television. The date is to be determined; however, he was found and prosecuted during the Hubris War as he attempted to escape from Kundrati to another nation. He has been charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism. The caretaker government intends for this to be a warning for others who wish to follow in General Tiberius' footsteps.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:59 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Could the government of Vespasiano Petralanda have overreacted to the Kasaema Stock Exchange fall?
[2 July 5472]

The Kasaema Stock Exchange, back two years ago, lost 56% of its value due to the ongoing conflict in the Hubris War. The economy had transitioned into a wartime economy by that point because of the then-ongoing Hubris War. In addition, the Vandam economic report captured that the Kundrati GDP fell to 1.48 trillion Lourennaise Franc due to disconnection with the Beiteynuese-aligned trade bloc that for long sustained Kundrati.

Now that war seems highly unlikely, the economy has slowly transitioned back into a peacetime one. Thus, unemployment has gradually risen, and Kundrati now focuses on building buildings instead of warming wars. International trade slowly returns; however, it will never return to the way it was before. Relations with Beiteynu are at best lukewarm, similar to Luthori, alongside Beiteynu and MSCO's ban on Kundrati military ships, which has skyrocketed insurance premiums for Majatra-bound trade.

However, perhaps the economic fears were overblown. While Kasaema's Stock Exchange took a beating and the Vandam painted a picture of a corrupted economy, production has not slowed. Thanks to the war economy, it skyrocketed as there was a national sense of urgency. Unemployment hit record lows during that time, and wages were aplenty. One of Kundrati's primary economic producers, the shipbuilding industry rapidly increased due to their wartime activities. They may likely be hit the least as they transition to making anything from jet skis to substantial oil tankers that may head for Aldegar soon.

The President stated that the national banks (Tomasadyn National, the chief of them alongside Etxea Bank and Lirnak Investment Bank) were hurt majorly due to the closure of access and the inability to pay back debts owed to them. The President has warned that the government could do a bailout, but it may require cooperation from Beiteynu and other nations tied to these banks to get them back up and running.

Agriculture may also be hit, though, to a lesser degree, as Kundratijans seek to buy local and away from foreign food markets. Chocohummus has declined majorly in popularity; however, offerings from Etxean chefs and other chefs have taken the market, which may revolutionize Kundrati's pintxos (small bite-size foods) in a new way.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:55 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Exclusive: Kundrati President Vespasiano Petralanda apologizes to Knesset, former allies, in historic speech
[1 February 5475]

Esteemed representatives in the Knesset. Esteemed international guests and guests of the Knesset.

I do not come seeking forgiveness. Neither do I come because of our international obligations. I come because it is the right thing to do.

I come not with an offer of demands but with an offer of hope.

I come not with a sense of irredentism or nationalism but with a sense of unity and cooperation.

I come as a man representing the true thoughts of forty million people of various ethnicities, languages, religions, et cetera.

What is best for humanity is a world without war. Without the senseless slaughter of thousands, millions, billions. Without being forced to pick up arms against brothers and sisters, without being forced to do things that we wouldn't dare cross in everyday, rational situations. Kundrati and I failed in that mission. We failed humanity.

We failed to uphold the basic tenets of friendship. We were unable to build a world where people don't need to attack each other, where people can be friends and enjoy life together. We needlessly slaughtered Badarans, whom we saved long ago in their civil war, and Beiteynuese, who were our friends. We tried to do this to preserve a world of justice and freedom, but we failed. We won the military fight at the cost of everything else.

I set foot in Beiteynu to try to repair that. I want to be here to listen to what we did and how it impacted you all. I want to hear, be there, and try to do what I can to comfort those people and say we will not do this again. I want to sit down and face these men and women who gave up their lives for their country.

I cannot do this alone.

Forty million people support me in this task. We have needlessly destroyed the lives of others. We bear the brunt of the shame and guilt that naturally come with what we did.

I understand your anger. Truly. We betrayed you. We should have been there. I, and many of my brothers and sisters, will be damned knowing this.

I know you will not clap at the end. Neither will you cheer. You will probably stare in silence, shout a few words in anger, or even throw stuff at me. If I were in your shoes, I would do the same. I am here to let you do that. You have bottled up your emotions for so long, and now you must let them out. There will be tears in my eyes and sorrow, but it is the only way we can try and move on to a better society.

Not only will I do this, and not only will I remain in Beiteynu to listen and pay respect to the fallen of every side, but we will also ensure that Beiteynu continues to get humanitarian aid from us. This aid will help to rebuild buildings and the like that may have been damaged in the course of the war; it will go to families of the lost souls so that they can recover and grieve, and it will go to orphaned children who become so because of the war, it will go to many places in Beiteynu and Badara.

I will send people from humanitarian aid groups based in Kundrati to help the Beiteynuese and Badarans recover. They will be there for as long as you need them. I plan to visit Badara, partake in any memorial ceremonies, and do my best to show Badarans that we understand and that we're sorry. Again, I will remain here in Beiteynu as your humble servant, grieving with you and honoring you in whatever way I can.

My words may not mean much now, but I hope we can start doing what we can to rectify this stain upon our relationship.

Until then, I will repeat this:

I'm sorry.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:47 am

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Breaking: Kundrati Democracy PARTY DISSOLVES
[1 October 5476]

The day many thought would never come to pass for a while has already appeared. In a speech published live on Kundrati television and seen by tens of thousands in the packed Venora International Conference Centre, former President Vespasiano Petralanda has made the announcement that the Kundrati Democracy political party which has ruled Kundrati politics for three centuries would dissolve at the end of the year.

He cited that his party and he personally have failed Kundrati by going to war against Beiteynu, an ally of 200 years. He stated that the party internally had fought over how to respond and how to work through this crisis but could never find compromise and that those arguments exploded more and more into petty politics which broke the KD caucus. As a result, the party leadership has decided that the party, and Kundrati itself, needs better and newer leadership and that the current existence of the party was a hindrance to Kundrati. Here are some excerpts of his speech:
We have failed this Union and it shall be the Union that must move on from us. We have built thee with the help of many peoples from other parties. Now, however, it is time for Kundrati to stand up for itself. Kundrati itelf must determine her future far from anyone else's thoughts.

The future of this nation is not bleak. Far from it, it is prosperous. Dare I say this is a future that is optimistic and wonderful, more so now than ever. But it must forge these dreams of the future in a way that does not involve us. We have held your hand Kundrati while you crawled and slowly learnt how to walk. Now you must run and walk on your own two feet.

I want to personally thank, and on behalf of the Union, many people. But there is one person I must thank personally, the new leader of Badara Ms. Saif al-Ghanem. She is a person who can forge great things for Majatra, not just Badara. She is one person but her will, her iron will, is one entire nation. Badara has forged her and it is because of our intervention long ago that saved Badara, alongside many other peoples and thoughts, that today make her the woman she is. I will do what I can in support of her, for she will be a great Majatran leader.

The party produced numerous diplomats for Kundrati over the last 300 years and was generally seen as the party that dictated Kundrati's foreign policy. It was even rumored that the Foreign Office itself was an organ of the party. It will take decades to judge the extent of the party's influence in the Foreign Office and the party's influence in Kundrati itself however it seems to be, as of current judgment, instrumental amongst other parties in forming Kundrati of today.

Vespasiano Petralanda stated that he will move to a foreign country perhaps in a few weeks though it is unknown which country he is looking towards. Perhaps he could be looking towards Luthori or towards somewhere far away like Jakania or Selucia.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:45 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Kundrati

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:37 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Fri May 31, 2024 5:16 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Op-Ed: Today's Kundrati must meet the challenges of the 56th century
[2 January 5492]

This op-ed was written by former President of the Kundrati Union Vespasiano Petralanda. Any opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of the Kasaema Guardian or the Kundrati government and are solely the views of the former President.

When Kundrati won the Hubris War, it did so against a nation that had restricted it from acting within Majatra. In fact, it was Beiteynu who ordered Selucia, through pressures not seen since ancient times, to kick Kundrati (their ally) out of Selucia. The war was won even though various nations tried to act like vultures upon the country.

The malaise that followed was not a result of any government's actions. It was a result of misguided shame that, though deserved from a foreign affairs perspective, destroyed the idea that Kundrati would be welcomed back to the international stage. The government that followed mine, the government of the CLP, did the best thing they could—do nothing. It allowed our country to lick our wounds and slow down to take in what we still had.

Unfortunately, the world changes faster than we can keep up. The Dorvish eagle rises again, potentially intent on reclaiming their position as commander of Artania. Their government will deny this and throw mean words upon us, yet it will be true. This is not to mention the growth of nations like Luthori and Beiteynu, who, though we have been allies before and have the potential to be allies once more, misunderstood us and tried to take advantage of our weakness.

Our economy has stagnated for a decade now. It is better than being in constant decline, though it is declining in the ranks like the Vandam Economic Report, however if Kundrati were to be one of the leading players of Artania it must rebuild it's economy and rebuild it's connections. Already we are talking with Dundorf and Lourenne, who have never let us down and helped us in our finest hour - we must also look to our great allies in Selucia and in New Endralon & Kizenia and to nations like Dolgava, Lodamun, Gaduridos, Tukarali and many others.

The aim must be to work wth Seleya and help them however we can. Nations who work with others to help others are able to do well within Terra. Kundrati must return to this past, after all we have helped in Valruzia, with Badara, with Malivia. Now we must return o that age and make sure that the nations we help are helped to our fullest extent.

Our military is in decline becauwse it has not done much. There must be training and preparation to help others wherever they may be. We must also build strength to ensure that nobody will threaten us and nobody will try and intimidate us. We almost were invaded by Luthori because of a command from Yishelem. We must make sure that our country will never be caught off guard again, and through this we must cooperate with nations who are powerful yet willing to respect us and our people. Only through this can we be confident of helping others and being safe within home.

The Kundrati Union must be vigorous enough to resist the idea that our country can be destroyed, our culture can be wiped out by bararians, and the people who live in our lands can be intimidated into silence. At the same time, we must be confident enough so that when we go to other countries they will let us in and allow us to help them.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Fri May 31, 2024 5:32 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Defense Minister Admiral Alarabi Gamarriola announces "Homeland Defense 5492" strategic exercises
[7 January 5492]

Defense Minister Gamarriola announced today that the Kundrati Armed Forces will conduct major exercises involving the Army, Navy and Air Force who have been inactive throughout the last two decades. The Armed Forces will perform exercises in major cities to deal with potential invasions from land, sea and the air in order to ensure that the Armed Forces can be ready in any event of invasion.

Etxea will also be the setting of a major exercise involved with the "Homeland Defense 5492" exercise as most expectations will be that the island will either be cut off or be subject to the first round of any invasion from the south. The islad will see naval, air, and army movements in order to set up fortifications and observe their readiness. The Jildrath City Naval Base will also perform similar exercises as well as one of the most important bases of the nation.

The navy's fleets in the Lievenian Sea and the Artanian Sea will also perform major exercises designed at deterring piracy and dealing with other navies. The exercises are also meant to test the capabilities of the Kundrati Navy and to see where upgrades can be placed. The KuNS Quintinus Vespasian aircraft carrier will also be exercising as well to see what can be done about the aircraft carrier and to see where upgrades there can be placed alongside testing seaworthiness of the crew and the like.

The mainland will see more conventional exercises observing the readiness of the Army and the Air Force. Officers will also be observing to see and learn about the readiness and the like in a similar way to the exercises in Etxea, including working on fortifications and more.

The exercises have been planned for the rest of the year as a way to help get the Armed Forces in order, though it is likely it will take years before the KAF can be near it's strength that it had before the Hubris War. Neighboring and affected nations have been informed in advance that exercises are underway with the appropiate protocols being advised and met. There are no plans to invite other nations to this current exercise as the exercise is meant to observe and improve the Kundrati Armed Forces, however the Kundrati government said that they would work with allied nations like Dundorf on other exercises where necessary.
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