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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Axxell » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:31 pm

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:04 pm

"Sometimes the people you think you hate actually turn out to be alright."
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby sspb314 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:16 pm

SSPB Defends Religious Schools Ban after Mass Exodus of Almost 20,000 Yeudis


The Leader of the Secularist, Socialist Party of Baltusia, Jenessa Hawkins has defended her parties controversial ban of religious schools. This comes after reports of around 5,000 Yeudish families (almost 20,000 people) preparing to leave Baltusia for Beiteynu to escape the measures.

Madame Hawkins spoke today at a press conference and said that she "...urged all those planning to leave to remain..." and assured them that she "...was planning no further attempt to prevent the worship of any religion, or to withdraw the right of a parent to raise their child withing their religion." The official party website ( still lists one of the parties main priorities as "...a ban on the indoctrination of children into religion."

Despite some mutterings among the congressional party to reverse the change, the party leadership stands by the bill saying that "Taxpayer money should not be spent on anything which promotes any religious belief or other belief not grounded in science." And a recent poll of party members found that 87% support the bill, with 9% opposed to it.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby sspb314 » Thu Aug 03, 2017 2:19 pm

President Hawkins: "There is no Room for the Baltusian Left Wing Party in Government."


In her first post-election press conference the President and Commander-in-Chief, Jenessa Hawkins has disavowed the Baltusian Left Wing Party (BLWP), after a mounting controversy surrounding the Secularist, Socialist Party of Baltusia (which she leads) and the Revolutionary-anarcho Communist Party (RAC) who both supposedly u-turned on their support of the BLWP for the role of president. She said that, "... [the] social policies of the BLWP, for example their support of the death penalty and of torture make my party disinclined to support them for President and I can only assume that the RAC felt the same." When asked to clarify her position she said that she, "... [feels] very strongly that there is no room for the Baltusian Left Wing Party in Government, they will not sit in the cabinet, we will not support them for president and would call upon them to leave the Left, Moderate and Independent Bloc because of their rejection of the liberal values that we hold dear.

Surprisingly however Hawkins did not have entirely kind words for her allies in the Revolutionary-anarcho Communist Party, she said that she, "Disagreed with them on economic policies completely, the communist policies of entirely state run politics in which my party has unfortunately played a large part must end. We in the SSPB recognise the benefits of capitalism and its necessity in the luxuries of life, however it should be up to the state to provide things like transport and health, education and benefits, protection and punishment. With my party you get the best of both worlds, you get the safety net and the security of state support and the low prices and high quality which arises from a regulated free market. We will work with the RAC to create a liberal and open society and unofficially with the BWLP to create the kind of economy we both want."

Critics however are calling for the president to go, many say that she played too much of a role in creating the turbulent situation in Baltusia to help fix it, for example she was finance secretary when the deficit was created.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby sspb314 » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:18 pm

Hundreds Feared Dead Following Explosion in Town Hall in Llajita
Prime Minister Marek Adams among those Missing


Hundreds are feared to be dead after an explosion in the Terrarokka capital, Llajita. The attack occurred during a town hall featuring senior cabinet members from the Secularist, Socialist Party of Baltusia, the Prime Minister Marek Adams and the Finance Secretary Marva Read are both missing, assumed dead.

The attack has been claimed by the 'Hosian Future', a far-right terrorist group which trumpets conservitism and hosianism in a litteral interpritation. The group has released a statement saying that they: "... needed to show the communist government that it is not appreciated among real Baltusians and we will bring swift death to all those who support it. [and that] Baltusia is a capitalist republic, not a communist state!"

Tributes to the victims have been pouring in from around the country and a nationwide minutes silence will be held tomorrow to remember the victims.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby matthewleitch » Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:28 pm

Baltusian Republican Party relaunch!

The Baltusian Republican Party have relaunched following a 30 year absence from the Baltusian political sphere.

Brian Burgmuller, ancestor of the late 13-year Republican President Alexandra Burgmuller, has relaunched the party on an original platform, focusing on fiscal conservatism and capitalist values as well as social liberalism.

Their absence has been felt amongst the centrist and centre-right community, with a lack of parties to vote for which they feel represent them.

At the 4254 Presidential and General Election, the party had a landslide victory, becoming the 2nd largest party with 112 MP's and gaining 20.7% of the Presidential First Round vote.

They will now experience their first taste of governance in the state legislature of Albiland, alongside coalition partners - the Baltusian Green Alliance. In addition to this, the two parties have joined forces on the national stage, partnering in the 'Moderate Alliance'.

The BRP are now expected to hold their first convention, where the Republican Primary Presidential Candidates will announce their candidacy, Brian Burgmuller is the favourite to be candidate.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby matthewleitch » Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:32 pm

Republicans Hold Massive First Convention after relaunch

The Baltusian Republican Party have held their first Convention following their relaunch in 4254. Speakers included leader Brian Burgmuller, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson and Deputy Leader Stella DeGraz. Other major spokespeople also spoke.

This comes just a month after the terrible terrorist attack on their Costa-De-Oro Headquarters were 52 people, including civil servants, receptionists and other staff, were killed. However, policy appeared to the key theme of the convention.

The main issues raised were the economic mismanagement by the left wing parties and the authoritarianism with regards to regulations.

In addition to policy discussion, 3 MP's announced their candidacy for the 4257 Presidential Election. They were:

- Brian Burgmuller, Leader and 4254 candidate (Very Centrist and Broad-Tent)

- Sanderson Brown, Financial Spokesperson (Centre-Right)

- Mary Gray, Judicial Spokesperson (Free-Market Centrist)

The trio held a debate and then a vote was held amongst the parliamentary party, the results were:

- Brian Burgmuller 91 Votes

- Sanderson Brown 10 Votes

- Mary Gray 11 Votes

Meaning Brian Burgmuller will be the Republican Presidential Candidate for the 4257 election.

Approximately 70,000 supporters turned out alongside approximately 5,000 staff and candidate.

This was a very successful convention for the Republicans.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby buoy101 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:11 pm

How does a party go from the fringes of the political spectrum, to presidency and 34% in under 5 years?

Just 5 years ago, BGA chairman, President Karl Hare (Image) and his brother vice-chairman Albert got fed up with left domination

The Baltusian Greeen Alliance has seen an absolutely remarkable victory, stunning everyone, even themselves. In the last elections, the BGA surprisingly won, but now they have extended their lead, gaining almost 35% of the electorate and the presidency after a very close race. Their slogan:
The right is GREEN!
has been proclaimed all over the streets and the momentum even carried them to absolute majority in Albiland. The BGA is now the fastest growing party by membership in all of Baltusia, and a recently established youth wing is quickly gaining traction as well, however lets not forget that Karl and Albert are still only 35 years young, with lots of potential and a long upcoming political career.

What is the secret behind such a success story? We were lucky enough to get some insight by the man himself, Founder and first BGA Chairman, President Karl Hare!

Interviewer (I): So tell us, from the beginning, who are you now and who were you before politics?
President Karl Hare (P): So, as you know, my name is Karl Hare, I am 35 years old, born in our beautiful capital Villita, Albiland, in our beloved homeland Baltusia. I have lived and studied economics here, and when I left university I took a year long trip around the world, have been in Majatra, visited where I could in the Socialist Federation, I believe that is when I became disillusioned from socialism, visited Zardugal with its magnificent port, Vanuku on Armed Forces Day, a rather spectacular show of strength, Istalia with its highly liberal customs, economically and socially. Have been in Artania, where I learned Dundorfian, still cannot pronounce the 'R' *laughs*. I could keep going about those glorious days, but I believe you are more interested in recent history. In the past 5 years I have built a company based around green energy. Before I went into politics, we were reaching the 50% mark of the market share of all solar panels in the homeland, we have to thank the left government for that, which placed such heavy restrictions on industry, so we could thrive, despite the ridiculous tax.

I: Sorry for interrupting, but did you evade tax?
P: Even if I did, I would not tell you *laughs*! However what I can tell you is that we had factories all around the globe in allied nations, and we employed thousands of people. I can also tell you that the 70% income taxes and similarly high corporate taxes really were a knife in the back every single year!

I: Is that why you went into politcs?
P: It wasn't strictly speaking me who went into politics, it was my brother. He is the political brain after graduating and receiving a doctorate in politcal science. Yet he told me that after everything that he has learnt, there were two things that stood out to him. The necessity of personality, ie. charisma, public speaking and public reputation, and the necessity of financing, that was my role. Yet after lowkey campaigning and small activity, I grew out of that role. I noticed that I could and had to change something, I was disgusted by the socialist direction our country was taking and the absence of a right wing party did not make things better. I noticed that there is a right wing electorate in Baltusia, and I could appeal to it. The fact that we are environmentalist does not help in a conservative electorate, but they can still follow you if you persuade them that caring for plants and animals is in no way different than caring for the sanctity of private property and morality.

I: You overtook me on this point, how do you manage to combine your green agenda with right wing politics, almost all green parties I heard of are left...
P: Well, I am a very well known green energy entrepreneur, so my REPUTATION helped, my brother Albert was the genius behind both of our election campaigns, and the slogan "The right is GREEN" was an absolute masterpiece of his,
memorable and delivers the message. Lastly, and that is rather cheeky, when we entered the political stage, what common political areas were "vacant"?

I: Green and Conservative...
P: Exactly, however we would have never thought to win the election, we didn't think we would even win a state! But we even had enough for a coalition in Albiland!

I: Yes indeed, yet what or who would you give credit to after the recent election success, where you gained almost 35%, becoming the by far largest party, winning over 80 seats in Albiland, and a coalition in another region and obviously you sir becoming the president of our great nation?
P: I hope this is the last question, I still have an appointment with my fanclub *laughs* seriously though, it was a united effort of the whole party, the leading members in particular who stood their ground as our well informed, vibrant speakers in congress. I am obliged to give credit to our glorious whip, minority speaker, vice-chairman, my brother Dr. Albert Hare, I love his title so much - adds a little bit of grandeur to our family, as his genius brought me into politcs, established this party, managed our campaign and represents the BGA in congress, especially after my recent promotion. Credit has to be given to the left bloc, which created a political void for us to fill, in essentially everything right off center.
Credit has to be given to the Republicans, which empowered us sincerely and greatly by establishing the moderate alliance and inviting us in, allowing us to grow and thrive knowing their support and the fact that we are not alone in this battle against the immorality of socialism definitely helps. A lot of credit has to be given to the passed tax reform, as without it we would be the party of big mouths but no real action, even though we constantly try to pass bills, they rarely do due to our radical free market stance. The electorate is really only affected by what passes, not by what fails, and the fact that our largest reform, namely the tax reform, passed and lifted a great burden off the shoulders of our people, helped a lot in this election, and prevented the creation of disappointed BGA voters, which think that their vote has no value. Obviously my money and face also help *laughs*.

I: Last question, do you think you are lucky and privileged to be here?
P: The only time I got lucky, was just over 35 years ago, when I was born, healthy, in the capital with a wonderful brother and hardworking and healthy mother and father, who loved us very much. Everything else I like to attribute to my own sleepless nights and rough days. At the end of the day, I did nothing special and whatever I achieved, can be achieved and outdone by anyone with a little dedication.

I: Thank you, Mr. President!
P: The pleasure was all mine, thank you.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby sspb314 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:12 pm



The Leader of the Secularist, Socialist Party of Baltusia Penny Sargent has announced today that following a vote of party members, the SSPB will officially leave the Left, Moderate and Independent Bloc. While the SSPB have always been a very outspoken party and always willing to criticise political allies, this move comes a shock to all political commentators and in the prospects of a looming potential early election this could spell doom for any hope of the Moderate Party candidate winning the Presidency on behalf of the Left Bloc.

The reasoning was explained today by Sargent: "The Left Bloc has become too wide a tent, if it were not in existence then there is no way that parties from across the political spectrum, from Communists to Moderates to Socialists would decide to form an alliance. This move will be seen as controversial to some however it is clear to me that the future of left wing politics doesn't lie in an outdated alliance. The Secularist, Socialist Party of Baltusia will form a new political alliance for only grass roots funded parties which champion socialism, liberalism and secularism. Membership of this will be mutually exclusive to membership of the Left Bloc and we would ask that our allies in the Liberal, Socialist Party of Baltusia strongly consider joining us to champion the issues they hold dear rather than tying themselves to centrist candidate for President and further loosing faith among voters. In regards to the next election, I can say this, we will run in the first round and will not endorse the Moderate Party."

When questioned on the future of inter-party cooperation Sargent had this to say: "Or two excellent cabinet secretaries Pierce Battle and Flossie Hambleton will not be resigning unless the Left Bloc can pass another cabinet to replace them however that is unlikely before an election. In the future we would be open to going into coalition with the Left Bloc to prevent a right wing government however if certain conditions are not met then we would not do so. We will work across the house wherever we find allies on individual issues to help pass our agenda."
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby matthewleitch » Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:47 pm

Leftists loose long-term control in huge split as Moderate Alliance announced

The latest elections have caused tumultuous results, seeing the Green Alliance Leader taking the Presidency, along with a huge proportion of the seats. The Republicans also performed well, removing doubt that Brian Burgmuller could continue as leader. An incredibly strong leftist force has also been swept off the floor, flipping the political landscape for years to come. Secularist, Socialist Leader, Penny Sargeant announced that her party would be leaving the left-bloc, the longest-surviving political alliance in Baltusian history, citing that: "The Left Bloc has become too wide a tent". She also noted that the SSPB would be forming a new alliance which will: "champion socialism, liberalism and secularism". Allies of the SSPB, the Liberal, Socialist Party, endorsed the SSPB over the Moderate candidate for President in a major development for the new alliance. The Liberal, Socialists, however, have yet to officially join. This has now caused a split between the 4 parties in the old left-bloc, with far-left wing allying with moderates and left-wingers working together. Albert Hare, President and Leader of the Baltusian Green Alliance said that this division was "music to his hears". It is yet to be seen if this tactical miscalculation will come back to haunt the left-wing of Baltusia.

In other news, the result of the election has shown that there will now be a Moderate Coalition. Officially, the Leader of the Republicans, Congressman Brian Burgmuller, and President and Leader of the Green Alliance Albert Hare have announced that they will be founding a brand new political alliance known as the 'Moderate Alliance'. It is thought that they will ideologically centre-right on most issues, however, Burgmuller confirmed that liberal social views are ' fundamental to the Republican Party'.

As it appears a spectre will be haunting the Left-Bloc, not Baltusia, It seems thatthe centre-right parties are back in business after an extremely long time out... The question in everyone's mind : "How long will this be for?"
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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