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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:19 pm

NEWS FLASH >> Communitarianist Alliance furious at Syndicalists

The CA is furious at the Syndicalist Alternative for proposing the withdrawal of the friendship-treaty with New Endralon. 'We see no valid reason to withdraw this treaty. This is just a matter of uncommon sense! We have been close friends with New Endralon for decades. Why would you just want to give this up over night ?' The Communitarianist Alliance begs the SA to reconsider or at least clarify their proposal.

Former minister of foreign affairs, Liam Geeroms, reveals fury at Syndicalists.
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:37 pm

BREAKING: 'Conservatives kick Communitarians out of the cabinet'
New centrist cabinet Syndicalists-Conservatives is 'big slap in the face' of the Communitarians' Alliance.

How does this make you feel ?

Disappointed of course. There was no warning, no talks, no communication about this. We thought we could succeed our own cabinet coalition together with the conservatives. But apparently the Syndicalists made an offer to the Conservatives they could not refuse ... or vice versa?

Does this mean the end of the 'Pro-Monarchy Coalition' ?

I most certainly hope not. I do not think the Conservatives are going to flipflop their opinions on the Monarchy just because they are in a cabinet coalition with the Syndicalists. I can assure you that we will never support the abolishment of the Monarchy. After all, the newly formed cabinet does not have the two third majority so our party will block every constitutional reform on that matter.

Amazing result during last elections. But this a big slap in the face ?

Yes it is. We are now the largest party of Endralon but we have been forced into the opposition.

You did the same with the Syndicalists after previous elections.

There were no ideological parallels with the Syndicalists to form a cabinet with them. This had nothing to do with playing nasty tricks or kicking someone out just because they're our political opponents. It is about forming a cabinet that has an ideological cohesion, similar goals and together wanting to serve the nation for the best.

Former Prime Minister Gustaaf Vandoncker gave a very cagey press conference this morning.
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Democracy in Crisis

Postby pavelpipovic » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:18 pm

How Legitimate is this Democracy? Time to reflect
A commentary by Jean-Paul Badiou

Quo vadis, Endralon? There has not been much cheering at the election parties, neither with the winners from the Communitarist Alliance, nor with the Conservatives or the Syndicalist Alternative. This coalition, it is a shotgun wedding, a coalition of of the needy. One positive outcome though seems to be that the myth of a deeply torn Endralon, where only conservative and progressive forces exists, has been uncovered. There is a quiet majority of non-voters as big as 66% of the people with suffrage that has decided to shed silence upon Endralon's political landscape. The second positive outcome seems to be that the newly formed and then dissolved Fascist Party did not get any attention.

However, for the rest, one can safely say that Endralon's democracy is in a deep crisis. How else can one explain that this coalition does not fit, and that this would not have been possible in any other country than in Endralon? Anarchists forming a coalition with Conservatives? If we look at the statistics, one cannot but wonder. Whereas the Communitarist Alliance and the Conservatives share 69% of their parliamentary voting preferences, this new coalition is at a poor 28%. The ideological divide is thus not deniable.

Let us look back: the disappointment with the Syndicalist Party, this once revolutionary force, has grown. Much to blame is the stalemate in the struggle for the abolition of the monarchy, and the dissolution of the Union of Libertarian Forces. A dream team with the Anarchists is and for the foreseeable future will not be possible. The goal of an anarchist party is to revolutionise society, however, this will not be possible as long as the SA does not take more than 3/4 of the seats in parliament. But let us not forget that the anarchist movement has always been sceptical about bringing societal change through the parliamentary system.

So what is next? The Communitarist Alliance is on its way to be the leading force in Endralon, as it has been for a long time. But either way, none of the parties can claim to have full societal backing, since a 34% suffrage is nothing than a minority rule. What we Endralonians need to do is to get ourselves together and decide where all this should lead towards. Let us create new parties that will fill the void between the extreme left progressive forces and the right-wing forces. Let us create a green party of the middle, a liberal party and more that will suck up the void and re-energise the sleeping political landscape of Endralon. This is a call for saving our democracy and the possibilities to shape our society that our forefathers fought for.
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Breaking News

Postby pavelpipovic » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:10 pm

Syndicalist Alternative about to Dissolve

It now official- the Syndicalist Alternative has announced its dissolution as a parliamentary party. "After so many years, we did not manage to bring forward a societal revolution by means of taking over the parliament. This was a lesson to all anarchists worldwide" can be read in the SA's final communiqué. In the later years, critique within Endralon's anarchist had increased, especially because of the coalition government with the Conservatives. "That really broke the SA's backbone and they lost credibility within their anarchist base" says a local anarchist in Endralons capital. And without even having reached out to all syndicalists, workers and intellectuals, it seems the SA's downward spiral also reflects the lack of political support during elections. "We still believe in our idea- and I believe that turning our back to parliament when looking at a participation rate of 30% in elections shows that our base is somewhere out there. So let the conservative, monarchist forces keep parliament, we will take the streets" said Tariq Said, secretary general and former Prime Minister of Endralon.

A huge demonstration has been called out for next month when the Coalition Against Monarchism in Endralon will bring together the anti-monarchist forces. This will be the SAs last action as a party. The police is expecting high tensions and has prepared for the worst. It is to hope that no second civil war breaks out over the position of the monarchy in Endralon.
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'Communitarians needs to be a centrist party'

Postby RodeSnor » Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:23 pm

''Communitarians' Alliance needs to be a centrist party''

Former Prime Minister, founder and former party leader of the Communitarians' Alliance, Mrs. Valentine Martinez, has made a remarkable statement in press today. The now 91-year old 'lady of the public' stated that her party has become too conservative and no longer represents the res publica. 'A true communitarian is a centrist who strives to create a perfect balance between the different opinions in our beloved society of Endralon, they need to be the 'inner-diplomats', for the national good. The depressing 33% of the people who go to vote is the perfect proof that our citizens no longer believe in the politicians who represent them.' She urges the CA's party management to reconsider the current party statutes and ideology.

Former Prime Minister, former party president and founder of the Communitarians' Alliance, Mrs. Valentine Martinez.
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:02 pm

Radical nationalists request cultural protocol Old Endralon

The fact that the Communitarians' Alliance has a radical nationalist wing is a well kept secret ... or it WAS a well kept secret ...
Today their spokesman, Ismar Moestache, held a very remarkable speech for the House of Commons :


Moestache wants the Endralonian government to lower the electoral threshold , establish a 'reactionary' cultural protocol (including an official Endralonian language and the active use of it in any way possible), a very active participation on the international stage and a review of the current treaties.

Moestache: "Especially the relationship with New Endralon, that is made out of thin air. They have no right in claiming the Endralonian name. This friendship treaty is a sham and it should be voted against! We are no radical nationalists, we are patriots of Endralon!'', he said, before being shouted at from some members of the traditional communitarians faction. Mister Moestach also stated that he is running for party president of the Communitarians' Alliance.

Gustaaf Vandoncker, Prime Minister and President of the CA, is now researching if the party statutes does not allow the party council to revoke the membership Ismar Moestache.
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:51 pm

Crisis within the Communitarians' Alliance

'40% of the Communitarians faction vote against Endralonian friendship treaty.'
'Communitarians' Alliance's nationalist faction divides own party.'
'Treaty pre-vote approved but Minister of Foreign Affairs postpones final voting until after elections.'

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Liam Geeroms has postponed the voting of the Endralonian-treaty until after the elections. 'At this very moment, there is no consensus within the government party cabinet to approve this treaty.' What followed was complete chaos in the House of Commons. It looks like the CA, who used to be a big supporter of this treaty, has become a divided party. This has nothing to do with this treaty, but it sure was the trigger for something that has been stirring for a longer time. The first clue was the press interview with the party founder, Valentine Martinez, earlier this week. She said she doesn't like the way the CA has changed its policy. Today, before a full-packed House of Commons, Ismar Moustache translated these frustrations among many party members into a sensational speech concerning the party's stance on an Endralon cultural protocol and its international relationships. 'The Communitarians have denied their own cultural protocol for Endralon, the one they wanted to instate half a century ago. I hold the current party council responsible for this!' It seems that the CA is experiencing a crisis at large. We curiously await outcome of the elections.

Chaos at the House of Commons
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:35 pm

Endralon votes orange.

Despite the crisis, the Communitarians' Alliance seems to have the most faithful supporters.

A disappointing 36% of the Endralon voters turned up for these elections. 64% of them voted for the CA. The party who suffers from an identity crisis has not taken any damage during these elections. The Communitarians strengthen their absolute majority to 48 of the 75 seats in the House of Commons. The single party government cabinet remains unchanged.

Party rocking @ CA headquarters
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby RodeSnor » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:30 pm

NEWSFLASH >> Treaty only with cultural protocol

The Communitarians’ Alliance stated that a friendship treaty with New Endralon is only possible when the House of Commons accepts the integration of a cultural protocol for the Endralonian civilization.
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Re: Endralon Herald

Postby Maxington » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:22 pm

The Federal Department of Intelligence and Security in Halkikötő, Efínia.
2nd September 3807.

Today the Government of Endralon and Zergon had released a sigh of relief as the building of the newly installed Federal Department of Intelligence and Security. The Federal Department of Intelligence and Security is believed to be created from the idea of Minister of Internal Affairs, Andor Benedek and Minister of Defense, Pali Peterke. Today Szövetségi Kancellár a Endralon És Zergon Federation, János Imre stated that he was please with the idea. The Federal Department of Intelligence and Security is also told to be the main domestic security and intelligence agency of Endralon and Zergon and will be the parent organization of all other Government Security and Intelligence agencies. Director of this organization, Abel Uzsoki, Former Chief Intelligence Officer of the Endralon Air-Force. He stated yesterday at a press conference with the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Internal Affairs that he will be leading the agency in the right direction. Szövetség Elnöke, Rudolph Ferenc stated that he had given the (FDIS) an agenda or task to carry out. This was the gather intelligence on the Zardic-Jelbic War.
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