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Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:04 pm
by robmark0000
Legal Whaling Trade Starts In Northern-Zergon
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, after the Strengthen Endralon's Spirit Act passed, which is ensured that the state
won't regulate the market on the areas of whaling, not even on local level, big corporations entered the good
whaling market. Before the Act, the whaling trade was a traditionally ethnic Zergonese business, which was
protected by local laws, ensuring that Zergonese traders will have advantage during doing whaling trades. This
of course held back mass production and commodification, so with the enter of big Want Street companies such
as the Boros Oil Primary Association or the Buy and Use Corporation, an another part of Endralonian economy
will enter the 49th century.

The Buy and Use Corporation especially interested in the whales' meat, while the Boros Oil Primary Association is
most importantly there for the blubber, where they can have oil from. Both corporation was really humanist during
the takeover, they bought the former Zergonese small businesses and started to employ the ethnic Zergonese experts
who already did this job before them for good, internationally recognized payment and salary. Plus, the leading family
of the Buy and Use Corporation is Zergonese (the Cvijanovic family), so the Zergonese people does not had doubts
towards them, however they had some against the Boroses, but it looks like there was no larger problematic event
from their part in Zergon until the publication of this article.

Article written: 15 July, 4868

The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:12 pm
by robmark0000
Published In: 6 April, 4871

Looks like the dream couple of the singer Szőke Kinga and the rich businessman Edvard Cvijanovic is over with
great fights, family scandals and a blown up internet. One thing is sure in this story, that their breakup caused
strong emotions in many peoples, especially the fans and haters of Szőke. Also, the CEO of the Buy and Use
Corporation get involved, that is not surprising, considering that the B&U's owning family is Edvard's, too.

The whole thing started when Edvard asked for a month of break from Kinga, to 'settle his emotions and feelings.'
Szőke of course coded this thing as a call for total breakup, and she 'thrown out' Edvard from her great house at
the III. District. Later it turned out, that Edvard secretly dated with an another girl, and he asked for this month
to decide that he wants Kinga or he wants that other girl, who's identity still a secret.

Since this revealed, Kinga totally has no interest in dating with Edvard anymore, and as a reaction to the several
tries of the Cvijanovic boy, she wrote and published the song that became a hit, I'm Telling You, I'm Telling You
(OOC: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together), as a clear message to him, so Edvard finally understood and let
the offended girl alone. Still he said that he is really sorry the happenings and officially apologized.

The women rights warrior CEO of the B&U Corp, Tatjana Cvijanovic, the older sister of Edvard, officially sided with
Szőke, saying that Edvard was 'childish', 'patriarchal' and 'evil' with her, but complimented her little brother because
of the public apology. Kinga thanked the thing for Tatjana, stating that they will staying friends, of course. So, it looks
like Szőke won't be corporate first lady, or at least not in the B&U Corp, for a time being.


The adopted daughter of Boros Erik, CEO of 3M, owner of BOPA, and the richest man in Endralon, Boros Barbara
became a real teenager and proper Endralonian citizen since we first wrote about she. She will become sixteen
at 1 November, 4871, and with it she will become considered as an adult, could run own corporations or manage
her father's ones, or even could leave the business industry, if she is not interested in it.

Also, we cannot ignore her body development: she became real hot. So it is not a surprise that she conquering the
hearts of the boys (she is heterosexual, it is official), but we heard a rumor that made us to work with open mouth
all day. Based on leaked, secret information, Boros Barbi, the possible heir of the Boros corporate empire, and the
Unionite Nikolas Reinhardt, the heir of the Davostani-Kivonian rulership are one couple!

Based on our information, they met during the 4866 Cederstam-Boros negotiations on MEB and BOPA, when they were
only eleven and twelve. Since then, they became childhood friends and then in the past year they announced for
their parents that they are one couple. The Boros or Cederstam family do not reacted to the leaked news yet, but
I guess they do this because of formality, none of the young guys are adult officially.

To be honest, if this is true, they will be a very cute couple for our eyes. The blonde Endralonian girl, who embody
the Endralonian idea and richness, and the strong Unionite boy, who will bring stability for both the Union of Davostan
and Kivonia, and for their personal relationship too. We wish them the best, if these news are true, and of course
we wish them good luck if this is not true yet.

The Click Is Endralon's Number One Tabloid Newspaper, Focusing Specifically Only On Celebrities And Rumors

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:30 pm
by robmark0000
Referendum: People In Favor Of Banning Monarchists
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

There was a minor referendum in the Directorial Republic about whether Endralon shall allow the existence of
political parties that want to restore the monarchy, more precisely, about shall the FCA-proposed Protector Act
of the Constitutional Order of the Directorial Republic shall be adopted to the Constitution, that would prevent
the formation of such parties. The "Yes", so the anti-monarchist answer won with a landslide of 82.56%.

This means that the people empowered the Directoire to decide about this question on its own (it could do that
even without a referendum, but the legislators don't risked democracy), what will most probably ADOPT the good
Protector Act of the Constitutional Order of the Directorial Republic to the Constitution of the Directorial Republic
somewhere around the July, 4871, that will officially prohibit monarchist parties to form.

Article written: 23 November, 4870 (postdated)

The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:47 pm
by robmark0000
Consumers: 'Endralonian Fast Food Is The Best'
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, the Endralonian fast food industry, especially in major cities of our great Directorial
Republic, always blooming, but the unification of several minor fast food companies into the newly formed and
influential Want Street corporation Nyugati Gyorsételhálózat (Network of Western Fast Food, NWFF) made it more
stronger and more safer for consumers to have. Mrs. Balla Renáta, the owner of the NWFF, a direct democrat and
a Hugamester from the III. District, made her company already stabile and well-working.

The NWFF fast food restaurants have many good contracts on supply, including the Buy and Use Corporation on
basic primary commodity, like hamburger buns, potato, tomato, coke and others; with the Lievenian Trade Group
on desserts, like cakes from the Vorona Cake Company, special ice creams or coffee; and with many other, minor
or greater already existing Endralonian enterprises. Anyways, this was a reform that Endralonian fast food industry
really needed and we show our gratitude for the Balla family to fulfill these desires of our peoples.

Article written: 15 April, 4871

The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:18 pm
by robmark0000
AEFNS Hijacked An ECA-Plane, Navy Shoot It
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

Terrible and horrific news following, warning. The "Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignty", a terrorist
group, that formerly created terrorist attacks in Davostan and Kundrati, now tried to eliminate its main enemy:
us. Earlier this day, two ethnic Davostani AEFNS-member entered the 487 Pilgrim Flight of the Eight Continents
Airlines, that travelled people from Hugamest to Jilolus, Jildrati in Kundrati the holy place of the Anluanists.
At 11:02 PM, they eliminated the pilots and made a takeover on the plane, heading towards Hugamest, with the
possible goal to drive the plane into one of the most popular places there: Field of Choice, Want Street towers,
Citadel, and others. For some minutes, everything happened as they planned, but their end was their ignorance:
they let some travelers to use their phones, and they warned the Endralonian authorities.

Around 11:10 PM, somewhere above the Artanian Sea near to the Endralonian international waters, two military
fighters started to following the 487 Pilgrim Flight. The President of the Directorial Republic, the Council of the
Grand Directors, the Grand Admiralty and even the Northeast-Artanian Military Committee were involved in the
decision, that they must shoot the flight before it reaching not just Hugamest, but any other populated territories
in the Directorial Republic. So at 11:16 PM, right above the Endralonian international waters, the military fighters
shoot the airplane that fell into the Artanian Sea, causing the death of 3 AEFNS-terrorists, and 112 Endralonian and
Kundrati citizens. Our deepest condolences for the Endralonian and Kundrati citizens, and we wish the AEFNS-
barbarians the deepest hole of hell.

The falling 487 Pilgrim Flight of the ECA, later fell into the Artanian Sea, article written: 16 May, 4871

The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:20 pm
by robmark0000
The Fashion Company Releases New Female Shoes
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, the Directorial Republic's number one clothing company, the famous Divatvállalat
(The Fashion Company, TFC), that it is in strong cooperation with the entertainment conglomerate Lievenian
Trade Group, especially regarding on the primary commodities, announced the releasing of its new, popular,
modern female shoe called the TFC Pinkmistress Conqueror™, as the part of the corporation's largest achievement
regarding female clothing TFC Pinkmistress Brand; a brand that literally was and is the best-seller shoe set during
the history of the Directorial Republic since 4734.

The openly gay Dudás Levente, the chief designer and chief executive officer of The Fashion Company, personally
designed the new products, and based on his hopes, this one will become one of the most influential members of
this brand and franchise. Furthermore, he announced progress on the new international presence of the corporate
interests of The Fashion Company, announcing new products both for males and females, not just countrywide, but
worldwide. Will the Endralonian fashion conquer the world, just like the Pinkmistress Conqueror the hearts of us?

The TFC Pinkmistress Conqueror™, article written: 1 June, 4871

The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:08 pm
by robmark0000
Grand Admiral Trón Heading The "AEFNS" Operation
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

After the Endralonian declaration of war and the Unionite declaration on the elimination of their rebellious
terrorist groups, with a common agreement in the Northeast-Artanian Military Committee, the Endralonian
Grand Admiralty, the council of the seven Grand Admirals of the Navy of the Directorial Republic, had the
right to appoint the leader of the operation on terrorism. And the Grand Admirals with a 4-3 vote nominated
one of their own, Grand Admiral Trón Valentin, who is considered to be the most talented Endralonian
soldiers of the history of the Directorial Republic.

The 25 years old man, who is the youngest one to achieve the title of Grand Admiral (főadmirális), have a
really interesting life. As a son of an Endralonian Hosian fundamentalist, former noble family in northern-Hugalon,
no one suggested that he will achieve successes, however he proved his loyalty to the Directorial Republic several
times and throughout his great tactical senses. And now, it is his turn to fairly revenge, together with our friends,
the attack on the pride of the Directorial Republic and the assassination attempt on the soul of it, Hugamest.

Grand Admiral Trón Valentin, article written: 8 June, 4872

The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:56 am
by robmark0000
Strengthened Economic Positions In The Union
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, proving that such anti-globalist rebellious scum like the "Anti-Endralon Front for
National Sovereignty", can't compromise the eternal friendship between the Directorial Republic and the Union
of Davostan and Kivonia, the Endralonian corporations strengthened their economic positions in the Union.
First and most important, the Endralonian transnational oil tycoon corporation Boros Oil Primary Association
or BOPA, will be the primary supplier of the Unionite military, providing 80m barrels for them per annum -
achieving of course great profits. Owner of the company Boros Erik marked this business as BOPA's largest first
success in trading with national governments, while CEO Heidi Lorenèiè thought that this business will put
- among others - BOPA onto the international oil map.

The Endralonian famous fashion firm Divatvállalat (The Fashion Company, TFC), also announced the expand of
the Pinkmistress, Endralo-Elegant and other everyday and sport brands to Davostan; especially because the
Endralonian fashions and dress became really popular in the western world lately. Many Davostan and Kivonian,
with one word, Unionite designer and critical experts regarding fashion, praised this step, calling it a 'step from
the Union that will result in winning the younger population'. And a third company will profitiing from the first
two too: the Unionite-Endralonian commonly owned Unholy Sea Enterprise (with the majority shares in the DRE),
that got official errand for transporting both the BOPA's and TFC's barrels and products into the area of the Union,
throughout the Unholy Sea.

The Endralonian corporations that strengthened their position in the Union of Davostan and Kivonia,
article written: 30 September, 4872

The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:59 pm
by robmark0000
Babits Reelected; Direct Dems Lost In All Cantons
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

The elections in August, 4872 was not the best for the Direct Democrat Party - to be totally honest, it was
really not good for the oldest party of the Directorial Republic. They loosed 18 seats in the Directoire with
just the 27.16% of the popular vote, while both the centrist-liberal Liberális Polgárpárt and the centre-right
conservative Ndrálon People's Party successfully increased the number of their seats. Furthermore, the
Direct Democrats lost their two regional Mayor Directorship, Zergon and Alt-Ginbár, the Zergonese Canton
became centrist-liberal, while Alt-Ginbár returned to the grabs of the NPP.

However Babits András saved this election for the Direct Democrats: with the support of the Ndrálon People's
Party, he successfully preserved his Presidency of the Directorial Republic, with the 57.72% of the popular votes
over his centrist-liberal challenger. The lack of private, personal scandals, the honest admit of defeat at the
4869 Security Council elections, the strong reaction on AEFNS, and the founding of the Northeast-Artanian
Economic Fund - these things are all played their part on the successful image of President Babits, who is the
first President getting reelection since Székely Petra in 4848.

President of the Directorial Republic Babits András receives congratulations in the Directoire after getting
reelected to his position on the popular elections, article written: 14 October, 4872

The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

Re: Endralon

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:51 pm
by robmark0000
Hutorian Markets Opening - DRE Companies In
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, after the constant declining of the Hutorian markets in the 49th century because
of the economic inactivity, with the returning of the former political and economic elite, the north-Makonic
trade is expected to be blooming again - this time with the participation of the Directorial Republic companies,
that already entering and entering the economy of Hutori. First and foremost, the Endralonian transnational
entertainment media conglomerate Lievenian Trade Group started to seriously invest in the Hutorian Premier
League, Hutori's number one professional soccer league, with buying (usually minority) shares in many teams,
including sponsoring their transactions, efforts and commercials. Negotiations between the corporate leaders
of the Lievenian Trade Group and the Hutorian Lexington Entertainment also took place.

The newly featured Divatvállalat (The Fashion Company, TFC) announced cooperation with Hutorian fashion
firms Cooper, Morrison and Probert, working on new, common projects. The Pinkmistress, Endralo-Elegant and
Cosmopolitan Obsession styles and brands are going to be popularized in Hutori by the company; these styles and
brands are usually really popular all among the world, started in the Directorial Republic. The other major news
is about the Eight Continents Airlines, Inc., that got an important and profitable contract with the Hutori-based
airplane-building association Jetstream Aerospace, that will constructs and products airplanes for the Endralonian
transnational, that's number one constructing partner was the Likatonian Aerospace Corporation beforehand.

The Endralonian corporations that entered Hutori, article written: 9 July, 4873

The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics