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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:48 pm

Interview with 3M-CEO Boros Norbert
Independent Endralon

And as I see, Boros Norbert, Chief Executive Officer of Endralonian megacorporation 3M is online. Good morning, Mr. Boros!
Good morning for you and for the viewers.
Where are you currently, if this is not corporate secret?
Oh this is not. I am in the Zahiri Republic of Medina, and I negotiating with the Medinian Government about modernizing their country's healthcare.
The rumors are true? A nation what invited 3M to get monopoly on the most of its healthcare?
Technically yes, but based on the Medinian Government, this will be just temporary until the Medinian Government cannot assure fair healthcare to its citizens.
Isn't this is a great power to a company? A life of an entire nation is in the hand of a foreign company?
Please, don't demonize us. 3M is a fair and social responsible company what never, I repeat never could play with the life of its customers. We are the world leading healthcare company at every level, we have a good reputation what based on the truth, that we are not anarcho-capitalist anti-state rebels, however a fair and social responsible company what's number one priority the health of its customers.
But you are libertarian, this is a public information.
I dunno why this is relevant. Yeah, I believe in liberty and companies, but I am pro-LGBTQ+, pro-abortion, basic income guarantee, so I am not a classical liberal exploiter, please, I must repeat, don't demonize us or me.
And another question: in Medina, are you used drugs?
This is my private life, Madam Reporter, and my private choices. I don't ask you what was the color of the last fuck you sucked, because this is a private thing and never relevant to public life.
Answered your question, that was green.
It is good that you were not offended and laugh on this joke, because many people live in false railings, called "decency" or "morality".
What is your opinion about the election of your fellow businessman, the also direct democrat Króm Gyula for the President of the Directorial Republic?
That was awesome. He is the most legitimate President and Head of State since the foundation of the current directorial republican regime. This is the proof that the Want Street in Hugamest is very popular, not as the bigots and rightists claiming. We, the 3M, LTG, M2CL and others are the bringers of future, a future of a just, rich and free Endralon at every level.
Thank you for the interview, Mr. Boros.
Thank you, and sorry if that joke was offense.
Nothing problem, sir. Dear viewers! This was the interview with Boros Norbert, successor of Boros Gréta, Founding Former CEO of 3M. We will continue with Endralon got a 'Middle Power' ranking in an international level. Stay attention!

3M-CEO Boros Norbert during the interview as Live Switching from Medina, Third World
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Re: Endralon

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:00 pm

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:55 pm

President Króm make a speech for his supporters, but more likely for his country
Independent Endralon

Fellow direct democrats, fellow Endralonians!

Endralon find itself in the middle of a war zone. In Keymon, the war destroying the people since a many years, in Makon, the massacre will just begin. Based on the rankings of an official, reliable agency, we are currently a Middle Power and the second or third largest power in the Northeast-Artanian and Makonic region. Dorvik, a Great Military Power and a Very Strong Economy will export its Defense Industry to our home, to prepare for the wars. We are not in war, we are just passive ally of Telamon in the Makonic Wars and just the passive ally of Queen Éva's forces in the Keymonite Wars. The Armed Forces of the Directorial Republic is in secondary readiness. We are preparing for a war. Is this what we wanted?
I see, after the facts what I listed, you wanted to clipping in the last moment. But I think, but it is my opinion, there is nothing what have to clipping in the latest information. The war is evil, war is always destroying democracy, war is always destroying wealth, war is murdering and murdering one of the worst human natures. Endralon will not be a place what have less democracy, less wealth, less people just because someone's allegedly fight for more democracy, more wealth, more alive people! This is the time of clipping.

Yes, Her Majesty Chosen Queen Éva is legally endorsed by the constitutional monarchist, democratic New Valois, and because of it, she worth of our trust; yes, Her Majesty Annalise I fight for more equality, more peace. Our allies fight for good causes. But this is not means that Endralonian lives is not matters, and for the good of other countries Endralonian soldiers cannot die. We are the passive allies of good causes, de jure support, economic help, sell of medicines or weapons - this is our fight for good causes in other states. This is the time of clipping.

President Króm in a direct democrat hustings
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Re: Endralon

Postby Balint » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:04 pm

Endralonian satellite
Daily Endralon

Abo Hachiro , the Endralonian financial minister(NPP) held a press conference about the new space program. He announced a new co-operation with the LTG(Lievenian Trade Group), who bought the 20% of the shares. They agreed in a a co-operation and the ESR will send to the space a satellite, which will be the LTGs TV satellite. Abo told that they had started the construction, and they will send the rocket in the near future. Króm Gyula, the LTGs leader, and the current president of the Directorial Republic said the following:
I am not speaking now as the President of the Directorial Republic, but as the CEO of the Lievenian Trade Group. So not a businessman, however as a politician.
The Endralonian Space Researching one of the oldest companies in the Directorial Republic, it deserve a restarting. Endralon must conquer the Space.
The Lievenian Trade Group supports the creation of TV or Internet satellites in the Space. We are an entertainment company, as the LTG, so these satellites are good for us.
Because of it, the LTG will buy the 20% of the shares of the ESR.

Some weeks before, the NPP proposed a bill in the parliament. This bill contained the increased spending to the science. Every senator voted in favor. Kovács Gyula and Abo Hachiro was happy after the voting. They said they want to launch the satellite before the elections, and they announced they want to co-operate with the private organizations, as they agreed with the LTG.

Abo Hachiro

Króm Gyula
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Re: Endralon

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:04 pm

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:24 pm

Annalise I in the Republican Senate of the Directorial Republic of Endralon
Independent Endralon

In June, 4773, Her Majesty, Annalise I Ashé-Rivières, High Queen of Davostan, Kivonia, Telamon, and the Doyingars, Noble Princeps, First Consul, and Savior of Makon was visiting His Excellency, the Honorable President of the Directorial Republic Króm Gyula, because of the Kivonian-Telamonese War what near to the Northwest Coasts of Endralon. By security reasons, Her Majesty landed on a plane in her country; that plane bring her to Malivia across the Mad Dog Ocean and from Malivia it bring her to the Nagyházi Pál Republican Airport in Hugamest, the Republican Capital of Endralon. She arrived in 2 June, 4773 and in the same day he moved to the Presidential Apartment of the Citadel in the Thirteenth Floor.

In 4 June, she visited the III. District of Hugamest, or the Want Street of Hugamest, the home place of the largest Endralonian businessmen and businesswomen. She met with the Chief Executive Officer of More Medicament Manufacture, Boros Norbert about the agreements between the 3M and the Telamonese Government, and about the future agreements between these two sides. She visited the famous Skyscraper of the Lievenian Trade Group, the home of the company of the President, what interested in entertainment and sport industry. She said funnily, "that would be a pleasure, if I can nationalize these companies", so she acting like a socialist in the Want Street, too.

In 6 June, she met with the war heroes of the Republican Federation in the Second Endralonian Civil, with the social democrat, former Head of State Antall Róbert, and with the communist, former Minister of Defense Balogh Márkó. Antall said that the "Davostani situation is clearly a coup committed by right-wing extremists, and what cannot be tolerated by liberal democracies or any free nation", Balogh Márkó said that "it is a great pleasure to met with Her Majesty, the leading person of the worldwide revolution", he referred to that the Kivonian-Telamonese is also the part of the theory of the Communist Worldwide Revolution.

In 8 June, she spoke in front of the Republican Senate of the Directorial Republic of Endralon.
Representatives of the Endralonian people! I know, you have misconceptions about me, and about the ideology what I represent, and this is OK, because yours and ours is a free country, free for the opinions. Now, I stay here, not as a socialist woman who asks for your help; but a legitimate Queen who're the victim of a coup. Are you, in the right side of this Glorious House, NPIP Senators, who left monarchism, but one time you wanted to restore monarchy, are you don't want to help a Queen who being coup? And are you, NPP Senators, the right-wing republicans, national or liberal conservatives, are you don't want to help to invade a chauvinistic leadership of the peaceful Davostani nation, are you don't want to invade a leadership what always was a possible threat to your sovereignty, a leadership, what represents the chauvinistic Revolutionary Nationalism, what stands for the superiority of the Davostag nation? Or you, in the left side of this Senate, the Direct Democrats and NAPP Senators, progressive, agrarian greens, aren't you want to help democracy, to stop the far right dictatorship next to your state? Let be honest: you all have a reasonable cause to support my fight. And common causes make consensus. Use this consensus to do the right thing, and support the rightful, non-chauvinistic and democratic High Queen, Noble Princeps and First Consul to take over Kivonia!

Her Majesty, Annalise I in the Republican Senate of the Directorial Republic of Endralon

In 9 June, she was negotiated privately and secretly with Króm Gyula, the President of the Directorial Republic. In 10 June, her plane left Endralon behind and in the same journey the High Queen, Noble Princeps and First Consul landed on Telamonese land. This visit was historical, first time in the Directorial Republic, the nation celebrated a monarch for 10 days (a socialist monarch, but this is not matters). The popularity index of Annalise I in Endralon was 42% before the speech in the Senate, and it changed to 65% after the speech. The Endralonian nation love the High Queen. There is only one question: what will the politicians do?
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:29 pm

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:12 pm

Endralon running for Seat A of the Security Council of the World Congress
Independent Endralon

The Directorial Republic of Endralon running for Seat A of the Security Council of the World Congress - stated His Excellency, the Honorable President of the Directorial Republic Króm Gyula. Endralon never was the member of the Security Council since the starting of the World Congress. As the President said, with the running, Endralon want to prove that they're an existing entity in the Terran politics, what ready to represent other nations led by goodwill and honesty. At the time of the runing Endralon have the vote of itself, the Federal Republic of Kanjor and the Trigunian Federated Free States, but it negotiating with several nations of Terra, including Aloria, Likatonia, Lourenne, Keymon or Istalia and so much more.

The Endralonian Nominee for Ambassador to the World Congress is Márton Panna, former Grand Director of Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Party Vice Chairman of the Direct Democrats in the Directorial Republic of Endralon. Ms. Márton is a classical feminist, progressive politician, who promising fully representation and freedom for every nations, if she elected to the Security Council. In fully representation she means that she will stand for the silent majority, and always will asking her represented ones who she would vote, before make a decision. In freedom, she means the centrist or liberal freedom, the true freedom. She promising fight against absolutes, especially far-right extremists.

The official campaign poster of Endralonian Nominee for Ambassador, Ms. Márton Panna
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:35 pm

War On Two Front: Endralonian Cruisers In Unholy Sea
Independent Endralon

After the visit of Her Majesty, Annalise I Ashé-Rivières, High Queen of Davostan, Kivonia, Telamon, and the Doyingars, Noble Princeps, First Consul, and Savior of Makon, who made a speech in the Republican Senate of the Directorial Republic of Endralon, the Endralonian people want to help her, this is the interests of every side in Endralonian politics. Because of it, two battleships, the DRS (Directorial Republic Ship) Köztársaság Gyöngye and the DRS Nép, and one cruiser, the DRS Erény made a blockade under Davostan, to secure Endralon. Declaration of War against Davostan and statement of support Telamon not created yet.

There is completely chaos in Davostag. Augustin Volkhardt, Head of Nation of the Third Kivonian Republic, Representative of Statocracy has passed, the half of the country under Telamonic occupation and Hutori always ready to join to the party and destroy both sides. The Davostani National Military Commission wants to continue the war and bring their nation to clear death. Let be honest: just the matter of time that one of the neighbors of Davostan will invade it. However, the Endralonian Government very quiet about the three battleships. Grand Director of Ministry of Defense, Fekete Tibor does not say nothing until the publishing, and Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Magvas Mánuel also was short and argue.

Two of the three Endralonian, Blockader battleships and cruisers, the DRS Nép and the DRS Erény

Grand Director Magvas Mánuel said the next.
Soon, I will be more specific, but now, I can say that the three Endralonian ships is there to ensure the Endralonian Home Liberty and Independence and secure our country from foreign attacks, especially from Davostag terrorists just because we entered Her Majesty, Annalise I to our nation. These ships are there because same reasons when we sent ships to Mad Dog Ocean in the beginning of the Keymonite Civil War.
Last edited by robmark0000 on Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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