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Re: Endralon

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:13 am

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:19 pm

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Seventh Step: Textile Industry

A Lodamese corporation called Workers' Textile opened several factories in the Directorial Republic of Endralon, especially in Hugamest or the Republican Capital with the help of some Endralonian investors, who was helped by the money of the 25 Steps Program. It is a very special business, because the new textile factories working based on non-profit, syndicalist principles. The Lodamese corporation expecting safety conditions and fair taxes on their products, what already have the best quality in Terra, this is why Endralon invited them to our country and why it accepted these conditions.

Funnily, the Workers' Textile offered a nice suit for His Excellency, the Honorable President of the Directorial Republic Króm Gyula, who of course accepted the offer. He said that his new suit is very comfortable and a good proof of the Lodamese quality. The direct democrat President former was the leader of his party's Communistic, socialistic and labor fraction, so he finds very interesting the newly opened, syndicalist, non-profit, worker-led factories. Furthermore he said, that it is a great pleasure to the Endralonian people that from now, they can wear the best quality clothes in Terra, and with further Workers' Textile factories under opening it'll can be a significant part of the intensifying Endralonian economy.

This happened in November, 4777 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:26 pm


After two terms of the rule of the Hosian fundamentalist New Patriarchal Integralist Party (first with 128 seats from 250, then with 140 seats from
250), the people say enough, and voted for the freedom. The newly formed Minarchist Party of Endralon received the most seats (67 ones from 250),
its popular vote was more than 16 000 000. The minarchists are a socially centrist (pro-life and pro-death penalty, but also pro-LGBTQ and fight for a
socially small government) and economically liberal formation, in an alliance with the socially left-wing and economically liberal Direct Democrats.

The latter got 47 seats from 250, with more than 12 000 000 popular vote what an incredible result for them, because the last time, when the DD got
more than 10 000 000 vote was in the elections at December, 4752. But sadly the direct democrat President of the Directorial Republic Króm Gyula
lost his office, because the people elected the Hosian fundamentalist Pius Lajos for the Presidency from the New Patriarchal Integralist Party. The
77 years old Króm said he will leaving politics, but he will never forget these years as the Head of State of our nation.

Together with the Ndrálon People's Party (what got 48 seats from 250) the Direct Democrat Party and the Minarchist Party of Endralon formed a cabinet
at January, 4778. The new government call itself the Centrist and Economic Liberal Cabinet, and see number one priority the ideology of Secularism,
Economic Liberalism and Centrism during the next term. In the new government, the Minarchists will give the Head of Government and other 7 Grand
Directors, while the People's Party will give 4 Grand Directors and the Direct Democrats will give 2 Grand Directors, including Magvas Mánuel, who will
stay as Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The age of the 6-years Hosian fundamentalist ruling is over. In the new Republican Senate of the Directorial Republic, the Secular, Economic Liberal and
Centrist forces will be in absolute majority, but if we not count the NPP (just the National Agrarian People's Party, the MPE and the DD) then in the new
Senate the progressive and liberal forces will be in majority. The Endralonian people showed that it need freedom, secular state and civil liberties, nothing
more, nothing less. And the new cabinet will give them this hopefully.


The new Grand Director of Ministry of Trade and Industry will be the direct democrat Nemes Bertalan, who personally believe in free trade and free
market. In the 4777 Want Street Conference in the III. District of Hugamest after a few days of the elections, he promised free trade and modern
industry to the CEOs and economic leaders in the Want Street. He asked their support for this, and - based on our reporter's word - all more important
corporate leader agreed with him, including Boros Norbert CEO from 3M, former President Króm Gyula from LTG and Krén Katalin CEO from M2CL.

Nemes Bertalan is the member of the Neo-republican and globalist fraction within the Direct Democrat Party, born in 4739, an economist and a true
fighter of our cause, a free and wise market and an Invisible Hand what will help everybody. The famous 25 Steps Program will also managed by Nemes
(because former President Króm Gyula who managed it before the elections, have to leave his office), what also a good news for us, economically liberals.
There is rumors about that Nemes' first action as the leader of 25 Steps Program will be cooperation with several Istalian companies.

About the elections. We all see that what this country want: the 46 percent of the voters (!) voted for neoliberal parties, for the Minarchists or the Direct
Democrats. They had enough from the religious protectionism and economically destroyer stuffs of the New Patriarchal Integralist Party, and with the help
of the vacillating Ndrálon People's Party the liberals can formed a government. Our time has come again, my fellow sovereign citizens: since January, 4778,
we will be the citizens of a free market, pro-choice and social progressive Endralon.

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:07 am


In January, 4778, Her Excellency, Márton Panna was elected (officially appointed) as Endralonian Representative to the Security Council of the
World Congress. In the international election, with 9 abstaining, 18 vote from the total 54 was enough for her to took the position and be the
first Endralonian citizen who became the part of the Security Council, the de jure largest intercontinental authority. In the same month,
she already confirmed her presence in the Council, so in the next years she will represent not just Endralon, but Artania in the World Congress.

In the huge international election, Márton Panna had the vote (so indirectly Endralon had the vote) of the Governments of Aloria, Davostan,
Rutania, Endralon, Malivia, Telamon, Likatonia, Lodamun, Baltusia, Kanjor, Yingdala, Trigunia, Egelion, Selucia, Cildania, Istalia, Kalopia and
Zardugal. After the results she said 'really thank you and the largest gratitude for that Governments who voted for me, this is also their success,
and I hope also their joy, now we can rebuild the SC with the spirit of full representation and freedom'.

At January, Márton and her party, the Direct Democrats took a huge party to celebrate the success. In the celebration, there was many Endralonian
and internationally known politician, such as Grand Director Magvas Mánuel or Grand Director Nemes, Rutanian Noble Elizabeth Tyne, Former Trigunian
President Perfilyev Tomas Antonovich and etcetera. In 1 February, 4778 she will starting her travelling to Whale Island, the centre and rvz of the Security
Council to represent us. We, the editorship of Independent Endralon wish good luck for her to do this!


When the Hutorian Private Military Contractors of the Phoenix Security International left the guarding of the 3M-facilities because the Makonic War in
the beginning of the decade, most of the 3M-facilities became unguarded, and only the individually Private Military Contractors saved it from looting.
To avoid that kind of omissions, with the support of the More Medicament Manufacture and other Endralonian transnational/multinational/national
companies, Bajnai Fülöp, an Endralonian Investor announced, that he will forming an Endralonian Private Military Company.

The name of the company is Incorporated Security Units and currently seduced 487 highly trained soldiers from the Armed Forces of the Directorial
Republic in January, 4778. The Chief Executive Officer of the company of course will be Bajnai Fülöp (who with it gained the de facto right to moving to
the Want Street), but he has a Chief Military Expert to know everything about militaristic affairs in the corporation. Based on the rumors, the 3M helped
the founding of the ISU with millions of Endrals. (Bajnai is the member of the Direct Democrat Party.)

The first contract of the ISU was with - of course - the More Medicament Manufacture, the 3M borrowed 285 PMCs from the Incorporated Security Units to
10 years. The most of the borrowed soldiers was Endralonian (Syldavian, Hugalonese or Zergonese), but as 3M-CEO Boros Norbert said it was not number one
priority for the world leading healthcare company. Boros Norbert continued with that when the former PMCs from the Phoenix came back to service for 3M,
this two private military company will be awesome and absolutely able to protect the 3M-facilities.

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Re: Endralon

Postby Balint » Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:19 pm

Szalay died!

We have to inform you, Szalay Bálint the previous Supreme Chariman has died. It is the worst thing what could happen for the conservatives. The Directorial Republic's first conservative head of state. He was a hero. He fought in the civil war. After the civil war he was a co-founder of the Ndrálon People's Party. He wanted to represent the conservative ideas in the republican directorate. He worked a lot in the county. He was a very popular people in the NPP.
I will work for you. Endralon will raise, but we need time. As Supreme chairman I will represent you. Together we will destroy the radicals. The far-right and far-left too. Or nation will me moderated. We will let the people what they want, we don't want censorship. Censorship is the fascits and communist weapon. For free Endralon. We will make Endralon Great again !

Kovács Gyula the PPs leader, ask the coalitional government, and the President for state funeral.

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:49 pm


n the 86th year of his life, the former Supreme Chairman of the Council of Grand Directors of the Directorial Republic of Endralon Szalay Bálint has
passed. The beloved liberal conservative politician who was the Head of State of Endralon between December, 4740 and December, 4744. From the
Antall IV Cabinet to the beginning of the Monarchist Crisis. During his term, the most of the international community recognized the post-war republic
across the republican holidays called 10th Anniversary of the Republic in Endralon.

When an another former Head of State, the also former Supreme Chairman, direct democrat Antall Róbert got the news about the death of Szalay, he
cried - as he said. "We was not in the same party. We hadn't the same ideology, he was liberal conservative, I am a social democrat. But he was my
best political ally, more than ally, my best friend in politics. We lost a great man, a great Head of State
" - said Antall. The Direct Democrat Party
made an official statement about condolences and the greatness of Szalay.

Szalay was a true republican hero, fought in the Second Endralonian Civil War in the side of the Republican Federation as as lieutenant. Founding
member of the Ndrálon People's Party. And not just of his party, however together with Antall Róbert, Endrődi Sándor (the republican national hero),
Balogh Márkó and Kálnay Dávid, a Founding Father of the Directorial Republic. Our editorship expresses condolences to the family of the former Head
of State, to his party and to the entire country, what mourning our dead Founding Father. The second Founding Father who died after Endrődi Sándor,
who died during the Siege of Újmakon.


Before the article, our editorship wants to expresses condolences to the family of the former Supreme Chairman Szalay Bálint. Rest In Peace.

Third District of Hugamest. Want Street. The centre and rvz of the Endralonian company leaders and owners, especially that ones who are the members
of the Direct Democrat Party. The place of the headquarters of the Endralonian world leading healthcare company, the More Medicament Manufacture,
the Endralonian transnational investment company Lievenian Trade Group, the Endralonian transnational law firm Multinational Company for Civil Liberties,
the Endralonian private military company Incorporated Security Units and etc. But how it is founded?

After the Kizenian War for Independence and the separation of New Endralon and Kizenia from Endralonian Empire in 1948, the Endralonian owners and
businessmen and businesswomen disappointed in the colonialism and imperialism. This exercise was outdated, and the world market developed since the
18th century - but His Imperial Majesty, Rudolf IV from the House of Orsós, Emperor of Endralon does not saw that. The Empire continued its economic
strategy based on imperialism and Artanian superiority.

But in Hugamest, in the back then Sixth District of the Imperial Capital, a classical liberal economist (based on the Magistrate and the Interregnum of Endralon)
Mizesz Lajos and his corporation, the Free Market Association (FMA) opposed the colonialism and wanted to replace it with less state and free market to trade
with the former colonies (especially with Kizenia) as equal partners. With more supporters of his ideas, Mizesz was able to build the Casino of Nobles, the oldest
still existing economic place of Endralon.

First just businessmen, later Opposition Members, and at last Government Members visited the Casino of Nobles, later it became the rvz and centre of the rich
people of Endralon, centering in Hugamest, in that building. This was the base of the Third District and Want Street. The Third District (as we know it), developed
since 4735, when some, smaller private investors and companies built and bought headquarters next to the historical Casino to reform the Endralonian economy.
The first larger Endralonian corporation, the Public Air Endralon also choose the Third District as it headquarter in the beginning of the 4740s.

The Want Street gained popularity since the founding of the More Medicament Manufacture in 4748, when the newly formed healthcare company also moved to the
Third District. Since the 3M, all larger Endralonian national/transnational/multinational companies headquartering in the Want Street without exception yet.
The Want Street also related to the Direct Democrats, because the larger companies' leaders (3M, LTG, M2CL, ISU) are the members of the Direct Democrat Party.
This tradition started in 4748, when the Republican Directorate appointed Boros Gréta, direct democrat politician as the CEO of 3M.

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:43 am

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Eighth Step: Treaty with Kundrati

In behalf of the Directorial Republic of Endralon Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Magvas Mánuel signed the Endralon-Kundrati Treaty of Friendship, Free Trade and Mutual Defense in January, 4779. With it, Endralon ensured itself as the emerging power of Northeast-Artania, but this treaty not just containing geopolitical elements, but it containing economic elements too. Based on the Article 4 of the Treaty, the Directorial Republic of Endralon and the Union of Kundrati will trading each other, and with it the Endralonian multinational and transnational companies will operating in Kundrati to make benefits for both nations, and the money of the 25 Steps Program will financing their first steps to our neighbors.

Grand Director of Ministry of Trade and Industry Nemes Bertalan, manager of 25 Steps Program said that this treaty is a great open from the Union of Kundrati, what will help their weak economy to become better, and will help Endralon to achieve its main goal and become a strong economy. This cooperation between neighbors will create a Northeast-Artanian alliance in economics, just as in defense. As Mr. Nemes said, after the first meetings, the world leading healthcare company More Medicament Manufacture (abbreviation: 3M) and the Endralonian transnational investment company Lievenian Trade Group (abbreviation: LTG) interested in to move Kundrati as their new partner.

This happened in April, 4779 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:45 pm

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Ninth Step: Mining Industry

In October, 4779, the Istalian private mining company MINAZ agreed with the Republican Mining Corporation about building two new factories in Sziklafok, Republican Canton of Alt-Ginbár based on the money of the 25 Steps Program. In the Middle Ages, Sziklafok was the gold and silver background of the coins of the Interregnum of Endralon and the Endralonian Empire, and based on the believes of the scientists, there is still large gold and silver holdings underground the mining small town of Sziklafok in the Vörös Mountain. Further, also based on the scientist, there is a very large terrestrial carbon holdings underground the Vörös Mountain what also waiting for mining.

One of the new two mines will be in the southern part of the small town called Republican Gold and Silver Mine and (based on its name) will mining the gold and silver holdings, while the other will be in the eastern part of Sziklafok, called Republican Heating Mine and will mining the terrestrial carbon holdings. For the Endralonian economy it will be good in two way: the gold and silver will increase the value of the Endral, the official currency of Endralon, while the the mining of terrestrial carbon (together with the 3rd Step of this Program) will solve the heating problems of the Endralonian society.

Tenth Step: High Technology

In October, 4779, the Endralonian sport, entertainment and investment private company Lievenian Trade Group (abbreviation: LTG) agreed with the Istalian private technology company VerTech about further technological cooperation. Martina Verrati, current CEO of the VerTech, heir of the company founder Adriano Verrati (who founded the company in 4669) was traveled to Hugamest in the same month to negotiate with the Board of Directors of the LTG and create the exact plans for cooperation. Former President of the Directorial Republic and Founding CEO of LTG Króm Gyula said that the plans of the two company will bring the modern, high technology to Endralon.

Among others, the modernization of the railway lines of the Directorial Republic of Endralon and the creation of more modern, high-tech trains, especially for the capital of Endralon, for Hugamest. Further, there is secret cooperation in the computer industry and other electronic industry security commonly with the LTG, VerTech and Endralonian private military company Incorporated Security Units (abbreviation: ISU). Furthermore, there is many other larger or smaller common goals of VerTech and LTG to modernize Endralon and bring it to the world of high-tech across the beautiful tool of globalization.

This happened in September, 4779 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:18 am

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Eleventh Step: Mineral Sources

In May, 4780, the governments of the Directorial Republic of Endralon and the Socialist State of Liore got an agreement about the Liore Metal Refinement Company will be the number one supplier of Endralon in the case of mineral resources. The most important result of this contract will be the cobalt what will be good for the Endralonian high-tech industry what currently is the number one priority of the 25 Steps Program. As Grand Director of Ministry of Trade and Industry Nemes Bertalan said, the high-tech industry is both the scientific future and the key to a strong and stable economy. But of course, this agreement is not just about the cobalt.

Great freighters (across the Midway Gulf -> Sovereign Sea -> Vascanian Sea -> New World Strait -> South Indrala Sea -> Anantonese Ocean -> Mad Dog Ocean -> Artanian Sea route) and more larger cargo planes will supply the mineral resources from the Socialist State of Liore to our home, to the Directorial Republic of Endralon. The Endralonian government can cover the costs of the contract because the money of the 25 Steps Program, and because Liore give discounts to Endralon because it recognized the Liori resources as a priority status supplier of the Endralon economy and high-tech industry.

Twelfth Step: Lourennais High Technology

The Lourennais private, very successful high-tech company Cielsoft got a contract with the Endralonian private high-tech company Hugamest Tech Group about future cooperation; and the Cielsoft opened five new company stores in several points of the Directorial Republic of Endralon. Two shop opened in Hugamest in the Republican Canton of Hugalon, one shop in Régiházikó, in the Republican Canton of Efínia, one shop in the Zaošuma, in the Republican Canton of Zergon and one shop in Kundarváros, in the Republican Canton of Kundár-Nova Zergonska, all five is very profitable both for Endralonian economy and Cielsoft at the moment.

The other contracting part, the Hugamest Tech Group (abbreviation: HTG) was founded in 4779 based the money of the 25 Steps Program, by Kosár József (who also the CEO and President of the company at the moment), who is the member of the Direct Democrat Party and the Want Street, the III. District of Hugamest. Based on the contract, the Hugamest Tech Group and Cielsoft will working closely with each other to create Endralon's own high-tech sector. The HTG currently have more than five hundreds employee in fifty or more tech shops what the company inherited from former Endralonian or other tech corporations.

This happened in September, 4780 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:00 pm

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Thirteenth Step: Supermarkets

The old-New Endralonian private supermarket chain Buy and Use Corporation (abbreviation: B&U Corp. or just B&U) opened 250 new supermarket, superstore, stores and shops across the Directorial Republic of Endralon with the help of the money of the 25 Steps Program. With it, there will be 950 B&U-stores in the Directorial Republic, what will be great for their consumers and for every Endralonians. The Buy and Use Corporation selling everything, from the foods to the toys and alcohols. With this governmental help (25 Steps Program) the Endralonian company is the largest supermarket chain in the area of Endralon, ahead other, foreign corporations.

The Buy and Use Corporation founded in 4771, as a subsidiary of the Endralonian private sport and entertainment investment company Lievenian Trade Group, and it also nowadays partially owned by the Group. Exactly, the investment company of the former President of the Directorial Republic Króm Gyula owning the 52% of the shares of the B&U Corp., the others are owned by home or foreign investments. The Chief Executive Officer of the supermarket chain is the Zergonese businesswoman Tina Cvijanović, who was personally appointed by Króm Gyula to be the CEO of the B&U and also Króm invited her to the Want Street, the III. District of Hugamest, the home of Endralonian corporate leaders.

Fourteenth Step: Cars

The Jakanian automobile manufacturer, Sonsuzluk and the government of the Directorial Republic of Endralon agreed in further cooperation within the 25 Steps Program. The Jakanian company will open three new factories in Endralon, one in the city of Crndvorac, in the Republican Canton of Zergon, one in Homokváros, in the Republican Canton of Hugalon, and one in Kobolmocs, in the Republican Canton of Efínia. The factories will apply Endralonian workers, so this project between the Jakanian Sonsuzluk and the Government of Endralon will decreasing unemployment and bring more safer, more cheaper and more better cars for Endralon society.

Chief Executive Officer of Sonsuzluk, Mutlu Hacioglu said that this is a great opportunity for both her corporation and Endralon, to make economic development and better cars. Grand Director of Ministry of Trade and Industry Nemes Bertalan who're the manager of the 25 Steps Program at the moment said that the old cars from the Valruzian Automotive Group (Endralon signed with that company a contract in 4762) was too old and Endralonians deserve the most modern and reliable ones. Furthermore, the Grand Director said that the 25 Steps Program achieved the half of its goals, what incredible and incentive, to continue the project.

This happened in May, 4781 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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