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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Zanz » Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:32 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:34 am

The Yishelem Post
Medinat Department slams Dorvish Foreign Minister
November 5408

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Newly appointed Head of the Medinat Department Sneakyeth Avodi (the Deputy Head has also gone missing along with the cold case of Tobias Ilam) responded to Von Gath's statements in reminding Dorvik of its irrelevancy in global and Artanian affairs for more than a century, now. "The internal crisis witnessed in Dorvik", he commented, "is an inevitable end result of decades and centuries of administrative totalitarianism that the world has bore witness to". He concluded his remarks by shrugging his shoulders in nonchalantness, "Haldor's sphere of influence has been hardly regional, much less global".

High-ranking officials within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have cited how Avodi and the continuous mandate of the Medinat Department under the Haviv Policy of 5353 still have anti-hegemonic deterrents center stage in their conduct, presumably meaning that Yishelem will continue to counter Haldor, undeterred.

Avodi added, in response to the recent statements, that "Dorvik has barely guaranteed any peace or stability anywhere", recalling a snapshot of the 2 Malivian crises and the topic of the Migrant's Pass across 2 different centuries; "Dorvik was absent from the first and retreated hastily from the second crisis in Malivia, while Beiteynu held the burden of securing one of the world's most busy maritime passages until the MSCO came along - yet still, Haldor expected us and our Luthorian allies, who are now present both in Malivia and Beiteynu in representing Artanian interests, that we would succumb to a gunboat interpretation of realpolitik".

When asked about bilateral relations following the collapse of the triumvirate between Eroncourt, Haldor and Yishelem in the first half of the 54th century, the Head of the Medinat Department responded "throwing our allies [Kundrati] under the bus to appease Haldor was a hint of a larger pattern present in Dorvish realpolitik in foreign affairs which had an inevitable effect of essentially Dorvik digging its own grave itself in the international arena".

"We can agree on 1 thing with Haldor: Terra has indeed been watching", he stated, adding "the age of Dorvik has been over for quite some time".

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References: Dorvik, Luthori, Kundrati, Malivia
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:51 am

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:54 am

The end of the Bloody Coup of Kafuristan
December 5408


Yishelem, Beiteynu - When Ba'athists overthrew the Kafuri government a decade ago and then killed off foreign nationals, little did they expect that the ensuing situation would enter a global playing field, changing the oil game in the process, in just a matter of months. What quickly kicked-off the domino effect was the issuance of 2 Azharas (warnings) by the Beiteynuese Government, which led to statements and condemnations of the the situation all across the board; and then Kafuristan cut its oil and gas supply to Majatra, which is essentially what brought the end to the whole story later on.

What ensued the following year was a shitshow: build up of intelligence, ballistic missiles, naval movements - the whole thing was about to blow into a full regional conflict with Kafuristan at the center, when in 5400, the Ba'athist Regime brought a moderate lead in place and the SC began talking about the issue.

As negotiations between Beiteynu and Kafuristan started appearing in the horizon, the MSCO counted more than 80 warships in the region, with Lourenne stepping up its game in a massive change of foreign policy with additional warships; counting 3 Beiteynuese CSGs and 1 Lourennais. That's more than 200 jet fighters.

In the background, Vascania stole the scene; Luthori, Lourenne and Beiteynu all brokered agreements that culminated with the Vamaj Network.

Then things became even weirder; just as negotiations had started in Kanjor between Kafuristan and Beiteynu and Hutori, Kundrati and Luthori had joined up with their own forces in the region, a ship was damaged, Alduria recalled its docking rights and Lourenne and Luthori kicked out everyone else. Beiteynu's only appearance in this entire roller coaster towards the end was Katerina Sheket's infamous Dorvish slamming and stuttering in the General Assembly.

Yet again, the Yeudis had meddled, apparently; somehow. Who knows.

Meanwhile, during this entire thing, Badara's support of the continent had its consequences; the country plunged into the Badaran Civil War. As the situation with Kafuristan continued to dial down, the MSCO and the continent remained in the region for an altogether different situation north of Kafuristan.

With the oil and gas leverage gone, domestic strife in Kafuristan building up and the continent's eyes switching just a bit to the north, the Medinat Department stopped pushing for Kafuristan to conclude negotiations and end the conflict.

And Kafuristan faded into the night of obscurity and irrelevance, with no oil and gas customers at sight.

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Arcs: Bloody Coup of Kafuristan, Badaran Civil War
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Zanz » Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:19 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:13 pm


New cabinet, no more HA and new appointments
Many changes, same Rosh Ha'memshala.
1 February 5408

in other news:
- woman claims her husband is Benjamin Benowitz in disguise, but investigators found it was a pretend-reason to get a divorce.
- TRA to pick up activity again?

PM Yoffey reading the Sholemberg Post.

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The past few weeks have been very busy in the front of internal politics here in the Capital, firstly an election, held in December, which saw the MH retain a strong majority of the votes but with some increases for BPA and HA too, which prompted Meleh Elias Ishmael IV to entrust Paz Yoffey, MH Leader, with the formation of a new red-led cabinet. PM Yoffey decided to include in her cabinet the BPA too, giving them key positions such as Defence, Justice and Internal Affairs.
Then, a news that shocked the political world: the disbandment of the historical HA, the pro-business party. HA was the heir of Hevrat Hashmal, and their politics have always been more or less opposed to the ones carried by the Labour-BPA Administrations, and lately, the party suffered by major issues on the front of votes and organization, prompting its leader, Mr. Nefariouem Aristocrat, to encourage a merge into the Beiteynuese People's Alliance, which now will have a pro-business wing composed by former HA politicians.
Last but not least, the new rounds of appointments decided by the Yoffey Administration: according to pundits, there might be renewed activity at the T.R.A., Beiteynu's infamous intelligence agency, at the Geography Agency, at the Olami Trade Association and finally, at the Health Agency; the policies chosen by the new Heads and Directors? Only time will tell us.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:25 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:27 am

The Yishelem Post
Kohav in talks with Kasaema on forming northern CSG
May 5409

- Reshout (Authority) Carrier Strike Group positioned in Etxea; military command to coordinate with Kasaema on defence strategies as situation in Ikradon worsens


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The geopolitical climate in Artania over the last decade has been strife with tension across the board; the Dorvish transition, the Luthorian attempts at ascension and Kundrati's involvement in not 1, but 3 international conflicts have increased the complexity of regional security in Artania tenfold. Talks on the revival of cooperative platforms such as the AU have been delayed even more than the release of The Meddling Affairs.

The decision to discuss the formation of a northern CSG with Kundrati seems foolhardy; making analysts and experts alike speculate that Yishelem is once again playing multiple sides in achieving its goal. Both the Medinat Department and the Kohav have declined to comment on the talks.

By all counts, there's no Beiteynuese commerce or interests in the northern seas; everything concerns the Artanian Sea to the southeast of the continent. In terms of strategy, Yishelem's naval movements have always revolved around Kundrati; its dominant presence to the southwest and the Migrant's Pass is arguably one with slight contest from an obscure strategy set by Haldor, which has thus far excluded everyone else - even the Luthorians - from its deployments and patrols.

Curiously dubbed the Tafsik (Deterring) Carrier Strike Group, it remains unclear where Yishelem is actually pressuring. Mind you, the Beiteynuese Naval Command already maintains a Zaar Fleet deployment in Kundrati - and never does it maintain more than one in any country.

So, what is the actual game that Beiteynu is playing?

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References: Kundrati, Luthori, Dorvik, Hutori, Davostag, Ikradon
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:40 am

The Yishelem Post
"The time is now"; Sneakyeth delegation tours Artania
June 5409

Yishelem, Beiteynu - A diplomatic delegation led by the Ministry of Foreign Affair's Head of the Medinat Department Sneakyeth Avodi has embarked on a pan-Artanian tour including most states in the continent, as the obscurity around the situations in Ikradon and Dorvik continues to increase.

The Medinat Department has been highly observant of both affairs, noting how the "power vacuum" sparked by Haldor's preoccupation in its internal troubles and Fort William's difficulty in replacing the sentiment with a "collective demeanour" have both been amplified by Luthori's track in becoming "Dorvik 2.0" and Kundrati's seeming indecisiveness in taking the mantle of leadership in a continent that has been, for the most part, dominated by Dorvish totalitarianism; which in turned seems to have negated Artania's ability to contemplate agreements of joint cooperation and equal leadership.

In par with Yishelem's now centuries old policies of introducing deterrents under the context of protecting the Yeudi Heritage across the world, the delegation will visit Beiteynuese embassies and meet with diplomatic counterparts in Dundorf, Rutania, Kundrati, Endralon, Luthori, Beluzia, Hobrazia, Narikaton & Darnussia and Malivia. "The time is now", Avodi commented from the tarmac in Bei Elion International Airport in Yishelem, "for Artania to turn this vacuum into cooperation".

Distaste for the overbearing figure of "my way or the highway" attitude of Dorvik, as Avodi put it, has always been "in the air" for most of Beiteynu's rise since 5199, as Yeudish deterrents continued to clash with a Dorvish hegemony that "acted by its own as it pleased" and a lack of "a collective spirit" by the rest of Artania.

"Vehicles like the AU will always fail", Avodi stated, "until Artania first understands that security is a continental matter, not a Dorvish one".

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References: Artania
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Zanz » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:08 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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