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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:17 pm

Interior Minister Calls for Revoking Recognition of Ahmadism
January 4038

Bernard Mandelbaum (VCRP), Valruzia's designated Interior Minister

Following the victory of far-right figurehead Janusz Gniewek in the election for Supreme Burgrave, a "Third Way" coalition uniting the centre, the right and the far-right (NIP, VCRP, NL), which is expected to be sworn in swiftly, has been formed. Even before the new administration could present a joint agenda, Interior Minister-designate Bernard Mandelbaum (VCRP), a wealthy Yeudi businessman and intellectual, has called for revoking the recognition of Ahmadism as a religion, which was only established in 4035 at the initiative of former Chairman of the Council of Ministers Ludwik Brobowski (PDSP). "Ahmadism is the main source of anti-Yeudi hatred and bigotry around the world, and it holds cultures back from achieving progress both social and economic, such as an industrialized economy, free speech or LGBT rights", Mandelbaum told reporters in his first press conference. "It must not be allowed to spread throughout Valruzia to corrupt our people with its disastrous influence."

The announcement comes as a surprise to many observers as Mandelbaum has widely been considered a liberal figure before. However, the Interior Minister-designate insisted that he was opposed to Ahmadism "precisely because I am in favor of personal freedom, which is not compatible with Ahmadism's political demand. Ahmadism is an ideology, not a religion. Its goals are of a worldly nature, it does not strive for salvation, but for combat and hegemony wherever it goes. We must oppose it in the name of democracy and pluralism." He added that he would push for a bill repealing the Ahmadi Recognition Act of 4035 once the government officially assumes office and expressed hope that his coalition partners would support the cause.

However, Mandelbaum also faced a backlash from the media over his anti-Ahmadi outburst, with some commentators accusing him of hypocrisy. Read one editorial:

"It's all very well that the Interior Minister is concerned about gay rights, pluralism and democracy, but why did he then agree to enter a coalition with the fascist National League? Is he unaware of the fact that Gniewek is just as anti-Yeudi, homophobic and anti-democratic as he accuses Ahmadis to be, or is he just a hypocrite?"

Mandelbaum hit back by slamming the "socialist, Green-aligned media" as "proponents of mass Ahmadi immigration" and criticized their "pseudo-liberal tolerance of religious fundamentalism." He also added that "the worst forms of anti-Yeudism, that much I can tell you, that I have encountered did not originate from the National League but from radical Ahmadi clerics and their followers. We cannot expect the regressive left to deal with this issue, so we decided that we have to reach a deal with the devil, so to speak. But I will still call out anti-Yeudi and anti-gay bigotry from the part of NL as well, you can trust me on that."
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:38 pm

KMS Dissolves Over Nationalist Infighting, Transformed into Conservatives

With the victory of right-wing nationalists in the most recent Valruzian elections, the Conservative Monarchists fell into party-civil war. The Nationalists demanded Eduard Hornik to step down from his post as party leader and chairman, urging the KMS to move further towards the nationalist camp. Traditionalists throughout the part balked at nationalist demands, seeing a move to nationalism as ultimately damaging to Valruzia's ethnic situation, especially to the wealthy and powerful Hulbarkan (Chulbarkan) minority. After weeks of bickering and party stagnation, Hornik dissolved the KMS, with himself retiring from politics.

In the KMS's aftermath, the nationalists largely defected to the National Legion, with a few headed to the National Imperial Legion. With nowhere left to go, the traditionalists founded a new party to represent real conservatism, the Conservative Party.

Flanderka attends a party meeting

The Conservative Party, led by Čeněk Flanderka, a friend of Eduard Hornik and close family friend of the House of Marek, is largely made up of the traditionalist faction of the old KMS. More emphasis has been placed on the different Valruzian ethnicities, with the party charter declaring that no single ethnic group will dominate a Conservative cabinet, nor will they ever run a Hulbarkan for Supreme Burgrave. Despite this change, all should expect a far more conservative party than before.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Reddy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:21 am

Pawlak: Alone But Not Lonely
May 10, 4039

SDWP leader Jan Pawlak has dismissed concerns that the Valruzian left is near cllapse following the disestablishment of several left and centre left parties in the past two years. The Social Democratic Workers Party has managed to dramatically increase its seat numbers from a low of 55 in 4034 to 94 seats now, just four years later. The ‘great recovery’ as party leader Jan Pawlak calls it, has been due to a number of factors – the collapse of the Greens who had dominated the left for the past four years and the ‘defection’ of the National Imperial Collective to the bourgeois side of the Sejm. Thus the Social Democrats are now the only party of the left remaining although a considerable swathe of their potential voters in the left corner are heavily attracted to the far right National Legion which is now the party’s top rival in the field.

A poster of 'lonely Pawlak' printed in the rightwing daily the Valruzian Confessor

Pawlak, ambitious as ever, has moved to attract the bulk of ex-Greens and any aggrieved NLC supporters discontent with that party’s rightward shift. He is sticking to his ‘red claw’ path of strongly leftwing economics but will likely have to further liberalise the party’s policies on social and environmental issues, a process begun by his predecessor. He will still also need to appear to working class conservatives with strong policies on law and order, trade and social issues - a likely impossible balancing act. His most blatantly open move towards attracting ex-Green voters was organising the election of a new deputy leader, formerly a Green MP, Marzena Kucheda. Kucheda succeeds former Finance Minister Jerzy Czuma who is retiring to the backbenches. She is expected to strengthen the party's tepid but nascent green profile.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Alain Delors » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:28 pm

Czerniewicz Slams Pawlak's "Green" Policies: "What has he been smoking lately?"
June 4039

An unflattering picture of Jan Pawlak currently being depicted on VCRP leaflets warning of the PDSP's "green" shift

As the PDSP is shifting leftwards on its quest of winning over former Green voters, the VCRP is attempting to exploit Pawlak's newfound love for environmental issues by portraying his party as increasingly out of touch with its core base of conservative and rural blue-collar workers. "One does ocassionally wonder what Jan Pawlak has been smoking of lately", Miroslaw Czerniewicz quipped in a speech to a rural voters advocacy group in Krawiec. "By slapping regulations such as pollution standards on productive industry, he is destroying countless jobs in manufacturing, putting his own voters out of work. I would call that treason, perhaps not in a legal, but in a moral way."

Czerniewicz also hit Pawlak over his agricultural policy, calling his "land for all" redistribution scheme "a scam that would make us poorer. Breaking up large farms will destroy capital as we cannot divide the machines and equipment attached to them. So as a result everyone will sit on a small parcel of land barely enough for subsistence farming, let alone feeding a growing population. We need more industry, not less. Pawlak's medieval vision of small-scale farming would bring about an economic disaster."

The VCRP Chairman also said that "while Pawlak might give you farmland, he has shown to be willing to expropriate your family with the stroke of a pen. Thanks to the PDSP, many rural families had their woodlands stolen by state bureaucrats, depriving them of an important source of income which is now in the hands of organized crime aka labor unions, who control the national forestry agency. Under a VCRP-led administration, we would put an end to this by finally banning public sector unions and sending these militants off to jail, where they belong."

Lastly, Czerniewicz also spoke out against state protection of endangered animals that the PDSP also seeks to pass. "Pawlak wants to ban people from shooting the beasts that roam their property and feed on their farm animals. How else is someone supposed to defend himself against wolves and birds of prey if not by killing them? I frankly don't care if they're endangered or not, if they bother you, you should be allowed to make short work of them."
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Reddy » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:29 am

Thousands Protest POA
June 4039

Protesters in the capital Bialograd

Thousands of protesters have thronged into the city streets of Valruzia to oppose the passing the 'Party Organisation Act' which proposed to legalise paramilitaries. SWDP/PDPS leader Jan Pawlak has joined them in the capital and has naturally used the opportunity for political gain. He slammed the fascist NL and their 'little brother' the NIC for 'destroying national security' and 'seeking to Majatranise the country with private armies'. The bill seems likely to be passed and Pwlak has blamed the VCRP Ministers for 'enabling tyranny'. Despite showing considerable energy, only a few thousand protesters showed up, with most of them in the capital outside the Palace of the Sejm making the protest appear greater than it actually was.

The SDWP has warned all of the Valruzian parties not to associate with these dangerous parties. They are parties led by angry, bitter men and parties f violence. Well, it will soon happen. We will have fascist and God-knows-what-NIC-are thugs running around the streets and terrorising the populace. This of course is the nature of degenerated capitalism such as you see in Czerniewicz. He's a Minister in the most far right government Valruzia has ever seen. There's no way this proposal could have come to the Sejm without his approval or at least tolerance. He however takes much time to protest modest environmental protect programs instead of the fascist peril The fascist- vulture capitalist alliance is the most dangerous thing to Valruzian security and stability.

Pawlak was mum on whether the SDWP would organise its own brigades, refusing to rule it out but also calling for all parties to keep violence and coercion out of politics. Whatever happens, the SDWP, a party not normally associated with civil liberties, will continue in its mission to gain voters who consider such to be vital. This comes despite the intra-party controversy over Pawlak's decision to move the 'Defence of Family Act' which will tighten several marriage and adoption laws, to the detriment of gay people on adoption and likely women on stricter requirements for divorce.

"He has too many balls in the air, he cannot possibly catch them all," said the Valruzian socialist daily the Alwerian Teller, comparing Pawlak to a juggler who has to attract back both the blue collar voters lost to the NL and the social liberal voters who for now appear to have settled with the NIC.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Alain Delors » Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:01 pm

Czerniewicz Challenged Over POA Toleration
January 4040

Ex-President Kraszweska: "POA out of line with liberal democracy"

Although he never expressed the notion publicly, it is believed that Miroslaw Czerniewicz intended to silently allow the controversial Party Organisation Act (POA), which aims to legalize paramilitaries, to pass in order to placate his far-right coalition partners. But now he is facing internal criticism over this strategy, with prominent figurs openly calling on him to abandon his tacitly supportive stance. Most prominently, former Valruzian President Karina Kraszweska, from the liberal wing of the VCRP, has demanded that the party vote against POA:

"We do not believe that it is wrong to work with the National League and its allies, but we must not allow them to drag ourselves to the far-right fringe. Miroslaw Czerniewicz rightly said at the beginning of this coalition that while we might have an NL-led government, the NL does not govern alone and that it is our role to slam the brakes on some of their more questionable demands. POA is a good example of that because it is so totally out of line with liberal democracy that any serious defender of basic civil rights must oppose it. I do not trust the NL, least of all Supreme Burgrave Gniewek, to handle this issue responsibly, and it is quite possible that they would utilize armed militias for shutting down the Sejm and declaring a dictatorship."

The Interior Minister, Bernard Mandelbaum, rushed to Kraszweska's support and said that "many of my fellow Yeudi citizens literally fear for their lives if armed thugs are allowed to parade through the streets, and possibly worse things than that might happen in the future. I cannot support the bill as it stands and will vote against it in the Sejm. Should it pass, I would have no choice other than resigning because I could not with good conscience enforce such a dreadful policy." Czerniewicz did not react to these signs of emerging internent dissent but assured that he would not bar VCRP deputies from voting against the bill. Nevertheless, he confirmed that he would personally abstain from the vote.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:42 pm

The Valruzian Morning Star
Voice of the Left, Voice of Reason


Democracy under threat?

An enraged Gniewek, probably after we uncovered his dirty scheme!

January 4040 - Controversial proposals and coalition struggles are holding Valruzian politics in a tight grip. But is this merely a coincidence or part of something bigger? At the VMS we always say that in Valruzian politics there are no coincidences and especially with men like Janusz Gniewek we simply know that coincidences are not a thing. Ever since grabbing the position of Supreme Burgrave the National Legion has been moving as a snake, solidifying a authoritarian-right coalition and proposing tons of proposals. Many are perfectly normal pieces of legislature, some are distinctively right-wing and some other proposals are even fit for the VMS to endorse. Yet there are also other proposals that strike us as odd. The biggest one here is the so-called Party Organisation Act. This deceptive piece of legislation is an attempt by Gniewek to legalize paramilitary groups, which would enable a lifelong dream of the far-right politician: a true Legion. Right now there is already a controversial underground group called the Legionnaires but with the passing of this Act they would become legal and a military wing of the party. A worrisome prospect to most of us to say the least. Of course there are other odd pieces of legislation too, like allowing prisoners to vote. But what is behind all of this?

At the VMS we do believe there is something behind this. Internally we have been calling it Gniewek's Grand Scheme and a leaked document we have recently acquired certainly shows us that this Grand Scheme could be truthful. You read it here first: Janusz Gniewek is planning to change Valruzia in an authoritarian dictatorship. And so far he is winning and we democrats are losing. En masse people are voting for the National Legion, most of the government positions are filled by National Legion members and the Imperialists are closely cooperating with the Legion. The end result of Gniewek's Grand Scheme is simple: the monarchy is abolished once more, Gniewek becomes the Leader of the Nation and Valruzia shall be known as the Valruzian State. Political opponents will be prosecuted and century old newspapers like ours will simply be illegal. The minorities in the nation will be oppressed, harsh laws will be enacted against Ahmadi's and Yeudi's and in the end Valruzia will end up in a state of despair. We must fight this future for it is not inevitable, let your voice be heard the next election and vote for the alternatives: the left is still there with strongman Jan Pawlak at the helm. Let us stop Gniewek's Grand Scheme before it is too late.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:47 am

February 4043

"There is an alternative," Zewocki tells Valruzians
by Eugenia Gostynska

Lech Zewocki

Retired headteacher and orchestra conductor Lech Zewocki is not the most charismatic politician to grace Valruzia's political stage, but bit by bit, he is succeeding in raising the profile of the Hosian Democratic Union (HDU), which he helped found in June last year. He is new to politics and still not quite comfortable when facing aggressive challenges from opponents and journalists, but he is coming across, as one observer put it, as "a dull, but competent and authentically honest old plodder". His catchphrase, "There is an alternative", is catching on - despite lacking originality.

Over recent months Zewocki has been touring the country, addressing public meetings and rallying supporters. Last week, he announced the HDU is ready to contest the next General Election due in just over 2 years time.

Zewocki does not look or sound like a rabble-rouser, but he is promising nothing less than "a revolution in how we do things in this country", pledging to "combine compassion with commonsense". He is fiercely critical of Valruzia's current political class, accusing them of "pandering to the worst fears of the people" and blasting the inclusion of far-right National Legion ministers in the government as "a national travesty". He has pledged to "fight the fascists with every ounce of political strength that we have" and "work to build a more stable and responsible society where people from all backgrounds can feel included".

So what do Zewocki and the HDU stand for? From what one can tell so far, it is a fairly loose alliance of Hosians who, for one reason or other, feel alienated from the existing political parties and are disturbed by the rise of the far-right. On social issues, opinions can range from the reactionary conservative to fairly progressive, and on economic issues, there is also a wide spread of opinion - some are ardent free marketeers, some self-professed socialists. Judging by the party's official policy documents and the statements made by Zewocki, their chairman, it would seem the party's formal platform is centre-left on economics, and moderately conservative on social issues. At least for now, the party's leaders seem able to paper over the cracks, but it remains to be seen whether the broad coalition that is the HDU at the moment will be able to hold together in the long-term.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jun 15, 2016 1:50 am

February 4044

Valruzian government denies funnelling cash to Dundorfian terrorists
by Eugenia Gostynska

Newly-elected chief minister Lech Zewocki has rejected allegations circulating on the internet that his government has funded Hosian insurrectionists fighting against the anti-religious government in Dundorf. "We have never made any secret of the fact we are deeply concerned about the situation in Dundorf, and we are in touch with Hosian groups there and we are providing support where necessary, but I can absolutely confirm we are not funding violent individual groups," he said. "Our sole concern is to support the victims of the government's repressive policies as much as we can".

However, Helmut von Neurath from the independent International Investigative Journalist Bureau counters:

The new Valruzian government has fine intentions, but our investigations reveal that quite frankly, they don't know what they are doing. They are handing over cash and other forms of support to individuals and organisations in Dundorf who they do not know very much about, and yes - some of them are waging a violent campaign against the government. Last week, for example, I interviewed a member of a group that is attacking abortion clinics, and he showed me letters he had received from Valruzian intelligence agents, offering to hand over money.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:30 am

February 4046

Valruzia DID support Dundorfian terrorists, admits government
by Eugenia Gostynska

Leon Konarski (front centre) facing gruelling questions from the Foreign Affairs Select Committee

In a day of mounting drama at the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Foreign Minister Leon Konarski was forced to reluctantly admit that "mistakes had been made" in his department's supplying of aid to Hosian groups in Dundorf, and in particular, that the government had given funds to illegal armed opposition groups, including a group with a record of carrying out attacks against abortion clinics.

Konarski was slow to make the admission, but after witness after witness came forward to give evidence to the committee, the case against the government became more and more apparent.

However, crucially, the government has insisted its policy "is and always has been to support peaceful and constructive movements in Dundorf", and that "the fact it has emerged we supported violent groups is extremely regrettable, but was never deliberate - we had been assured these groups were peaceful". The committee accepted this defence, but insisted there should be senior resignations "in order to reflect the gravity of the failure that has taken place here".

Anton Majeski, the Valruzian Ambassador to Dunforf, who was involved with the scheme, was first to announce his resignation, saying he "accepts personal responsibility for us not making the checks that, in retrospect, ought to have been made". The government clearly hoped this would be enough to head off demands for ministerial resignations, but it was not. As the day continued, parliamentarian after parliamentarian appeared in front of the television cameras, demanding the resignation of the Foreign Minister. By the evening - realising he could no longer hang on - Leon Konarski issued a short statement, saying it was "in the best interests of the government and the country for somebody else to take over my role".

At the close of the day, Chief Minister Lech Zewocki renewed his call for "religious freedom for all in Dundorf", and urged Dundorf's lawmakers to pass the Freedom of Religion Act which is currently under consideration.
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