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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:33 am

Tokundi Votes for Independence
Tokundian paramilitary forces following declaration of independence.

June 8th, 4055—The results of the private Tokundi independence referendum have been announced, with the separatists winning the vote by a margin of 62 percent in favor versus 38 percent against. Turnout was estimated at approximately 82 percent. Voting was heavily split among regional, and therefore ethnic lines. The northeastern region of Tokundi was predominately against separating from the rest of Cobura, with approximately 70 percent of the population voting to stay united with Cobura. The southwestern region carried the day, with upwards of 90 percent voting for Tokundi to become an independent nation. Almost all commentators attribute the division between the two regions to differences in ethnic makeup. Northeast Tokundi became a major site of settlement for Irkawan and Mallan refugees from Zardugal, the majority of whom adhere to Arkhe or Apostolic Hosianism. These religious groups are typically most supportive of the monarchy, and the influx of these groups has generally made this region of Tokundi more integrated with the rest of Cobura. The southern portion of Tokundi remains dominated by ethnic Tokundians, who by and large are strongly in favor of independence.

Upon receiving the results of the referendum, the Tokundian Autonomous Assembly passed a declaration of independence, and changed the name of the body to the Tokundian Provisional Parliament. The chamber also called for the organization of a constitutional convention, with the goal of establishing a formalized constitution and holding elections for a new government within the next six months. Other topics discussed during the session included setting a timetable for Cobura to withdraw its military forces from the region. Not all were in favor of recognizing the referendum, and those 37 members who voted against recognition walked out of the chamber in protest upon the declaration of independence. All were members of the local chapter of ruling Royal Coalition.

Later in the day, various paramilitary groups, including banned groups that had been organizing underground before the referendum, took to the streets across Tokundi and pledged their loyalty to the Tokundian State and the Provisional Parliament, all swearing an oath to “die before we are conquered, and die before we are dishonored”. Sources report a total strength of around 80,000 light infantry troops. While the Royal Government continues to refuse to recognize the referendum, with a military force raised, Tokundi seems to be heading toward de facto, if not de jure independence. Although the Tokundi paramilitary forces would be no match for the Coburan military, the government would likely face international condemnation for going to war with a group of their own citizens who democratically declared their independence. Coburan military bases in Tokundi have been placed on high alert, but forces have not yet been mobilized. The Office of the Grand Vizier stated “we believe we can resolve this crisis without resorting to violence, and in time we will come to a mutually agreeable solution and maintain a united Cobura.”

After Attack on Protesters, Cobura Orders Provisional Government to Withdraw from Eastern Tokundi

June 27th, 4055—The Tokundi declaration of independence has fanned the flames of ethnic tensions in the region, especially in the less homogenous east. Today, pro-Coburan protesters in Mučenjegrad, the largest city in Eastern Tokundi, were attacked by supporters of the provisional government, leaving 90 dead and hundreds injured. Accounts vary, with some pro-Coburan accounts stating that the protesters were victims of an unprovoked attack from a Tokundian paramilitary force. The Tokundian Provisional Government condemned the attack, but claimed that the attackers amounted to an angry mob, not an affiliated paramilitary force, and that paramilitary forces later stepped in to stop the violence. Following word of the attack, the Royal Government, which has established a checkpoint on the Tokundi border, ordered the Tokundian Provisional Government to withdraw its paramilitary forces from the eastern region of Tokundi immediately, or face a full invasion. Vizier of Defense Demissie Gabra stated:

“Firstly, my heart goes out to the victims of this terrible tragedy. We do not believe that the entity calling itself the Tokundi Provisional Government attacked the protesters, but we cannot allow attacks on our citizens to take place within our borders. The entity calling itself the provisional government has shown either a lack of willingness or lack of ability to prevent these attacks, and it is a tragic showcase of their incompetence and inability to truly govern. His Exalted Majesty and the Council of Viziers shall continue to work toward a peaceful resolution of this crisis, but the forces of the entity calling itself the provisional government must withdraw from the east, who even in the sham referendum voted to remain a part of Cobura. If not, we will have no other option than to use the full force of the Coburan military to reassert control over our territory.”

The Provisional Government appears to have agreed to the request, although they have not revoked their claim on the region. Reports indicate that provisional paramilitary forces in the east have agreed to stand down, and have retreated west. Coburan forces have moved in to retake Kuracgrad and the surrounding regions.
Last edited by Akhenaten on Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:09 pm

Lord Anwar Pteroumes Assassinated; Terrorist Attacks Rock Sharba, Military Assumes Control of Government
Tokundian terrorist group appears to be responsible for assassination

May 27th, 4057—His Exalted Majesty, Lord Anwar Pteroumes, was mortally wounded yesterday at 2:00 P.M. by a sniper’s bullet shortly before he was to give a public speech in Sharba’s main square, reportedly regarding the state of the Tokundian Crisis. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead at 4:00 P.M. The Lord died without issue. The shot was fired from a building approximately 600 meters away while exiting his motorcade near the square. The assassin was seen fleeing from the building and reported to police, who were forced to shoot the suspect after he engaged the officers in a firefight. The assassin died at the scene. He was later identified as Zdravko Ateljevic, a wanted member of Фист оф Бог, also known as the Fist of Boh, a radical Tokundi Terran Patriarchal terrorist sect that Coburan intelligence believes to be funded by the Tokundian Provisional Government. Approximately 30 minutes later, an Apostolic Patriarchal Church and an Arkhean temple were destroyed in two separate car bomb attacks, leaving approximately 300 dead. The Fist of Boh is also believed to be responsible for these attacks.

Chaos near the scene of the assassination

The attacks left Cobura in state of anger and shock, especially given the identity of the perpetrators. Rumblings from the Royal Assembly indicated that the chamber had reached a tentative consensus toward withdrawal from occupied Eastern Tokundi after threats from Zardugal last month. It seemed the crisis was nearing an end, however negative the result for Cobura. But the attacks have galvanized the military, and the smoldering crisis seems to have been reignited. Shortly after the attacks, accompanied by a group of soldiers, Field Marshal Etshosh Banemes stormed an emergency session of the Council of Viziers in the Royal Assembly. Field Marshal Etshosh arrested the Council and addressed the nation on national television from the chamber. In the address, he blamed the Royal Assembly’s “cowardice and inaction [regarding Tokundi]” for the death of Lord Anwar, and announced the arrest of the government for their “gross incompetence.” The field marshal also declared himself acting head of state until a suitable successor could be found for the deceased lord. Finally, he placed Cobura under martial law, and vowed to avenge the Lord and never give in to “foreign imperialist forces.”

Field Marshal Etshosh Banemes

**Editor's note: this article incorrectly rended the Tokundian name of the "Fist of Boh" organization. The error has since been fixed.

OOC: Details on the perpetrators may be of, uh, questionable veracity. ;-)
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:32 pm

Cobura Declares War on Zardugal, Invades Tokundi

Coburan infantry engaging Tokundian forces

March 4058—In an effort to reestablish the Augustan Empire, the Zardic Federation has invaded the Kingdom of Cobura, marking the greatest threat to Cobura’s sovereignty in centuries. The Zardic invasion was immediately followed by a declaration of war from the Council for National Salvation. Field Marshal Etshosh Banemes and the military have immediately moved to protect Cobura from the imperialist threat. All reserve members of the army have been activated, and a significant number of troops have reinforced the northern frontier of Irkawa to protect the cities of Manshōpi and Refbēsh. The city of Aügusta has seen the majority of combat operations thus far due to its proximity to Zardugal and its strategic and symbolic importance as the namesake of the Augustan Empire. The Zards have already launched multiple airstrikes against military bases surrounding the city, and Augusta is likely to be under heavy fire for the duration of the war. The Zards are not only threatening from the north, however; the Tokundian Republic, a known enemy of Cobura and a puppet of Zardugal looms large in the west. With the Zardic invasion, the CNS has recognized that the time for lenience and negotiations with the Tokundians is over. Taking advantage of the Tokundian military’s lack of modern anti-aircraft equipment, airstrikes are making quick work of high-priority targets in the rebel capital of Ispljuvak. In addition, several tank and infantry regiments have crossed the boundary into Tokundian-controlled territory, making quick work of the poorly trained former paramilitary forces. Support for the war effort is astoundingly high among all groups, including Augustans, who are traditionally sympathetic to Zardic causes. The common threat to all of Cobura and the prospect of a war on the home front, something not seen in any Coburan's lifetime, has brought together even those traditionally divided along ethnic and religious lines.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:09 am

Coburan Sun, Zardugal Office

Coburan Atrocities Confirmed
Evidence presented by Coburan defectors for a death march to Irkawa.

September 4063—A group of Coburan defectors to Zardugal have published a series of documents that appear to confirm reports of atrocities committed by the Coburan government against Tokundians. The defectors were former Coburan military officers who fled the country over concerns of the brutality of the current regime. The most notable incident occurred in July of this year, when a group of 10,000 Tokundi prisoners of war were forced to march north into the Irkawan Desert toward a POW camp. According the document, the prisoners were subjected to extreme starvation and dehydration, and those who failed to keep pace with their captors were summarily executed. By the time the prisoners reached the camp, only 750 survived. One of the defectors, who had been ordered to escort the prisoners, claimed that the purpose of the death march was to break the will of the Tokundian paramilitary forces. The defectors also detailed numerous more minor atrocities, including intimidation against Tokundians residing in Cobura. Many have been forced from their homes, while others have been fired from their jobs. As a result, there is currently a strong wave of Tokundian refugees pouring out of Cobura to Zardugal and Deltaria. The Council for National Salvation denies the reports, and claims that the defectors are Zardic spies attempting to turn international opinion against Cobura.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:53 am

Tokundi Surrenders
Ispljuvak, the Tokundi capital, after capitulation.

9 May 4072—The Republic of Tokundi surrendered to Coburan forces yesterday after their long-besieged capital city of Ispljuvak capitulated. Today, the president of the defeated republic, Veljko Ciritović, signed a formal treaty of unconditional surrender, mandating the complete dissolution of the Tokundian state and its institutions. He was subsequently arrested on charges of treason. His arrest sets the tone for the Coburan treatment of postwar Tokundi, which is expected to be occupied by the military for a significant period of time. The success of the siege and subsequent can be attributed to an operation three years ago that worked to end the stalemate in Tokundi in Cobura's favor.

President Ciritović, seen here announcing the imminent Tokundian surrender shortly before the fall of Ispljuvak.

That operation was Hamse's Wrath; a series of airstrikes undertaken by the Coburan Royal Air Force during October of 4068. The intention was to cripple Tokundian naval shipping. Tokundi was especially dependent on naval shipment for food supply, as the start of the war cut off Tokundian access to Domale, a major breadbasket for Cobura. Tokundi, being heavily industrialized, had depended on the region's food supply and was forced to turn to importation for almost half its total food consumption. The operation struck Tokundi's two major ports: the Port of Ispljuvak in the east and the Port of Kuracgrad in the south. Both ports were significantly damaged and were continously kept under fire to prevent repair. The mission was highly successful in its intentions. Tokundian supply lines were significantly impacted, and their people and military performance suffered. Tokundians, whose rations had already been affected by attrition-style warfare, had now been forced into near-starvation.

In March of last year, the army launched a major offensive along the north coast, hoping to take advantage of Tokundi's weakened state, capture Ispljuvak, and end the war. After several victories over the course of three months, the army had the city surrounded and placed under siege. The government had not yet accepted defeat and refused to surrender, attempting to break the siege utilizing forces to the south, but all attempts were unsuccessful. While the Tokundian forces failed to beat back the Coburans, their people suffered immensely, and early reports have indicated that up to 2 million civilians may have perished as a result of disease and starvation since October of 4068. Famine continues to affect Tokundi, and to many Tokundians, peace is of little solace. The region has been devastated and may never truly recover, and many fear the potential of retaliation during a Coburan occupation.

A Tokundi militiaman defends civilians during the final days of the siege of Ispljuvak. Tokundi civilians suffered immensely during the war.

The defeat of Tokundi has allowed the bulk of Cobura's military to now focus on Zardic forces occupying northern Egato and the city of Augusta. Popular and state opinion in Zardugal has turned against the war, and Tokundi's fall has removed Zardugal's major reason for continuing the fight. Due to these factors, peace talks have been rumored, but imperial revivalists would be expected to make the status of the city of Augusta a contentious issue. Until any formal announcements of peace talks, Cobura's forces appear to be marching toward Egato and Augusta.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby CanFly » Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:19 pm

War is Over!

January 17th, 4074 - Fourteen years of war and conflict finally come to an end as the Kingdom and Cobura and the Federation of Zardugal sign the Treaty of Cezareo. While Zardic televison is lombasting the treaty as a "Coburan diplomatic victory," Coburan media has largely denounced the treaty. Article IV of the treaty cedes territories in the ancient city of Augusta to a restored Augustan imperial state and grants rights and privilleges to Zardic citizens. Average Coburans view this as an infringement of soverign Coburan territiory and as a major concession to Zardugal, whom many resent as a result of the conflict. Hours after the treaty was made public, angry rioters filled the streets of Sharba.

Rioters in Sharba

What's Next?
December 3rd, 4080 - After the Treaty of Cezareo was signed public opinion turned against the military leaders who led the country through the entirety of the war and for the seven years since. Last month Sharba University released a citizen poll that revealed support for the current administration to be at just 19%. As a result of their shrinking support both Aphe Alasōt (Field Marshal) Etshosh Banemes and Nishti Entjati (Grand Vizier) Afewerek Zewedu have announced their resignations. The previously cancelled elections has been reinstated for 4081 in which a new civilian government will take power. The new Dēmokirasīyawī Līgi (Democratic League/DL) is expected to sweep the parliamentary elections and win the premiership. DL chairwoman Lady Berhane Beselot Susnios will assume the regency if her party wins the elections. Susnios has stated that she would like to commision a new committee to choose a new monarch for Cobura as well as closer ties to Hawu Mumenhes.

Lady Susnios meeting with foreign dignitaries and international election observers
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby CanFly » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:27 pm

Democratic League Landslide!


-Report brought to you by the Terran Global News Wire
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby CCP » Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:06 am


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