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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:38 pm

OOC: Sorry, Hutori players, I totally forgot about this one, I'll backdate it a bit and then the matter is settled for me, hope you all agree.

Wiel opens southern airports for Hutorian aid
Aid to be transported into Northern Khanate by Bloodriders and local aid organization.

Skalkémak Airport, where the Hutorian planes have been redirected to, Wiel wishes to maintain the Jelbanian 'no fly zone'.

August 4047 - The government of the Principality has folded to the pressure of both humaniatarian aid organizations, local politicians and the Hutorian government. Yet they have only accepted the entry of Hutorian aid on their own terms. Wiel has made it clear that they wish to continue the 'no fly zone' above Jelbania, emphasizing on the fact that as the last occupier of the Khanate they have the responsibility and the right to keep Jelbania stable. The Hutorian aid, together with Vanukean aid, will be brought into the Northern Khanate through the Bloodrider militia and Jelbanian aid organizations, where countless volunteers work hard to assure food reaches starved out villages and cities. So far it seems the famine is winning but Wiel has expressed they hope for a swift end of the civil conflict so that the issue can be properly addressed in a "stable and safe Jelbania". For a while many expected Vanuku to intervene in the nation, but Prince Juhn IV seems wary of Barmenia, Deltaria and of Zardugal. The latter nation has been rising swiftly, greatly undermining the ambitions of the Principality within Majatra.

Northern Khanate stands alone after Wiel cuts all ties
Bloodriders are now held at the border, 'no fly zone' ended.

A snapshot of the destruction in Jelbania, just south of the border, where the troops of the Southern Khanate are sacking cities.

July 4051 - Wiel has announced it has seized the 'no fly zone' above Jelbania, sending all Vanukean Air Force units back to their native airspace. The 'no fly zone' was the Vanukean ploy to force the Southern Khanate to keep its outdated jets grounded with the sole goal to make it easier for the Northern Khanate to hold out against Khan Genzi II. Sometimes the Vanukean planes would even attack Southern Khanate supply dumps or convoys, but Wiel denies alle allegations regarding these interventions. Although the Principality never "officially" supported the Northern Khanate it did explicitly mention that Wiel has "zero intention to salvage the lost cause of the Khan Temrkai III". The Banmek-Sntazed dynasty started of as fierce rivals to the Temrkai-Mede dynasty but in the last centuries the two families grew quite close. Yet this friendship does not seem to carry on when the Temrkai-Mede's are facing serious hard times. It seems that the Prince has decided to focus on building Vanuku instead of his personal relations.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:51 pm

Iron-fisted Prince passes away
Cousin Pawl to be crowned as new Prince, surpassing Prince's brother.

Prince Pawl, personally announcing the passing of his uncle on national radio and a web broadcast.

November 4051 - After several days of silence regarding the royal family today a short message was released, stating that Crown Prince Pawl would personally address the nation regarding recent developments. To many it quickly became clear that Prince Juhn IV was either sick or that he had passed away. A live message was sent out on national radio and on a web broadcast feating Crown Prince Pawl. The heir spoke calmly and softly, stating that Prince Juhn IV had passed away at the age of 80 after battling for several years with Peterson's Disease (Parkinson's). In the end the complications got the upper hand. The Crown Prince insisted that "to his dying breath my uncle was steadfast and determined to bring Vanuku onto a path towards the future, a path I will proudly continue to build". Prince Juhn IV will be remembered as the monarch that ended the occupation of Jelbania, crushed the bloodless republican coup and transformed Vanuku into an absolute monarchy. His eccentric way of governing was known as uncompromising, but the Prince also had a reputation as an immensely driven man and a hard worker. The coronation of Prince Pawl will follow later today. Although his succession is widely accepted there is still a small controversy regarding the ascension of Pawl as the new Prince. Pawl's father Lazr is still alive and was the first in line to succeed, however Prince Juhn IV chose to hand the sceptre to Pawl, ending the seniority succession that was forced upon Vanuku for the last two princes, who both fathered no children of their own. There are substantial rumours that Lazr refused the throne himself, citing his old age and little interest in politics. Prince Pawl is 28 years old and has recently married Lín Kshi, a daughter from a long line of rather liberal Ahmadi Brméks. Pawl has been tutored by Prince Juhn IV in his final years and many expect him to continue the course towards further absolutism and taking up a hawkish and internationalist stance in foreign affairs to further assert the position of Vanuku.

Wiel opens lines to Petrovgrad
First executive act of Prince Pawl restores Vanukean-Trigunian relations.

The mayor of Wiel welcomes the Trigunian ambassador back in Vanuku after over fifty years of absence.

November 4051 - Prince Pawl starts his reign with a diplomatic and peaceful gesture, he accepted the offer of Minister-President Vasilievich to restore the bond between the two nations. Trigunia and Vanuku worked closely together for many decades, but their rivalry got the better of each other. In the end the two powers faced off against each other in the Great War. The Prince however saw it fit to look beyond the past and signed the executive order with the following comment: "when our two nations cooperated they did so greatly and they accomplished many things, the abolishment of the monarchy in Trigunia is a shame but if it is for a more stable state then I will accept it, as I do with their offer to rekindle our former friendship, it benefits us both, it benefits the world". The Trigunian ambassador was personally welcomed in Wiel by the mayor, mr. Skronores. "I am glad to welcome mister Yakovich to Wiel and hope he will stay with us for many years" is what the mayor had to say about the return of the Trigunians to Vanukean soil.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:42 pm

The first five years, the next five years
First years of Prince Pawl's reign in review, Prince outlines future plans.

Prince Pawl of Vanuku, now 34, standing in his office for an official portrait. Five long years have visibily aged the energetic yet rational monarch.

July 4056 - It has been five years since Prince Pawl ascended the throne of the Principality of Vanuku, inheriting it from his uncle Prince Juhn IV. In the last five years the Prince has visibly aged, leaving many unaware of his identity to take him for a man in his mid to late forties. Yet the Prince is now 34 and even though he appears older he seems healthy as ever. The increased workload for the Prince is the result of his uncle's reforms, making the Principality an absolute monarchy. The Prince delegates many matters to his cabinet, and specifically the Prefect, but is still the full ruler of the nation. So far the change has been rather successful, as the Principality's economy is slowly rising and unemployment has been successfully battled. Underlying problems remain, especially the Tokundian affairs to the south have sparked regionalist movements in western Vanuku. On a private lever the Prince has just turned 34 and has become the father of one son five years ago and twins, Wrntukai, Féodr and Jesmín, four years prior. His marriage with Lín Kshi is one of love, having been settled before the Prince was even considered in Juhn IV's succession plan.

General Snahríb, serving as Prefect since the ascension of Juhn IV, has announced his retirement after dealing with the Barmenian question a few months prior. The elder general was ready to retire and may have been urged on by the Prince, who found his threats of nuclear war to be too rash. Rumours go the threat was unauthorized and while it got the required results it created an unfixable crevice between the Prince and Prefect. In his stead Laurens Mardoh has been named Prefect, the rest of the cabinet remains untouched for now but will likely be shaken up in the next year. Mardoh is a young and ambitious man, much like the Prince was upon his ascension, but finds his background in financial law and local politics. His political views greatly align with the Prince, making him a perfect fit.

To outline his plan for the next five years the Prince personally spoke to parliament with Prefect Mardoh at his side. His Majesty announced the intention to amend with the powers to the south, to rekindle old friendships and guarantee a Majatran peace based on "cooperation in diplomacy, faith and arms". The Prince spoke very enthusiastic about the monarchist sentiment in Zardugal, making it clear how much Vanuku respected the Augustan Empire of old. "The mythical founder of my dynasty fought the Augustans and claimed their northern territories as his own, a part of the land that we today call Vanuku, it was the great Merlkai that converted to Patriarchal Hosianism to protect his people and show the Emperor that he was good of heart." said the Prince. Furthermore, the Prince and Prefect issued a blank cheque to Jelbania, making sure that the Vanukean ambassador in Baofluz handed it to the Premier, a Vrn, to show that old loyalties are never forgotten. So far it seems the Prince wants to cooperate with Zardugal, Jelbania and Deltaria. Words about Barmenia were not spoken, only that the methods used by Snahríb were wrong but the results were satisfying. With the dynastic connection between Deltaria, Barmenia and Jelbania one can only guess how this will go. As a last statement the Prince personally denied that the Principality had any involvement with the assassination of H'an Genzi II.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:31 am

Firstborn son of Prince Pawl made Archduke of Banstill
Prince Pawl sways from tradition, creates new "heir-naming" system.

Archduke Wrntukai of Banstill, depicted here in an 18th century noble outfit.

May 4057 - For the first time since the start of his reign the Prince has begun reforming the system of government. The absolutist monarchy instated by his uncle will remain, yet the system of inheritance has undergone an adjustment. In Vanukean tradition the heir to the throne remains without titles until he ascends as Prince of Vanuku, where he receives a large sum of titles. The inheritance laws always stated that the firstborn son of the reigning Prince shall inherit, or the closest and eldest male relative. Now however Prince Pawl has decreed that the reigning Prince can decide his heir, although first preference always goes to the firstborn. The preference is made clear with the ancient title of Archduke of Banstill, the title of the sovereign of 'Vanuku' during the historical era where modern Vanuku was forged. Prince Pawl demonstrated the new system by granting the title to his firstborn son Wrntukai, the eldest of his three children. Archduke Wrntukai was named in honour of his great-uncle Prince Wrntukai II, who has attained a legendary status for winning the Sbtlshjogad for his father. The Prince stated he hopes to "forge a new tradition wherein the most capable ruler is chosen and granted this ancient and prestigious title".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:06 pm

Wiel warns Petrovgrad
"Majatra is not the concern of Trigunia"

Soldiers of the Constabulary (Vanuku's national guard and military police) are a common sight in most Vanukean cities after the Prince enacted a partial mobilization.

January 4061 - Wiel has not been pleased with the recent advancements of Trigunia in the Majatran continent. The Principality considers Western and Southern Majatra a part of its sphere of influence and had tight arrangements with the monarchist and republican Trigunian governments. The communists however leave Wiel in the dark, the Principality has never encountered communist Trigunians and has so far a hard time adapting to their rapid diplomatic expansion. A few months late however the Prince himself decided to act, passing the chance to try diplomacy. With an executive order the Prince enacted a partial mobilization across the Principality, citing the Zardic-Coburan conflict and "diplomatic incursions" as the main reasons. Large troop formations are building on the Northern and Southern borders and the First Fleet has set sail from Saridan to return to home waters. Yet many troops have also been spotted inside the nation, especially in major cities, giving fuel to the rumour that the Prince is pressing down on dissent from within.

To Petrovgrad however the Prince was clear. "Majatra is not the concern of Trigunia, the Principality has been the caring father of the Majatran nations for decades and will continue to serve that role. The Trigunian incursions in the Zardic-Coburan conflict, the Tokundian Crisis and the Jakanian state are bitter actions with only one intent: warmongering. The Trigunian state remembers the last war very well, the Great War, this is how that conflict started. Lest we forget", said the Prince regarding the recent activities. So far it seems the Principality is seeking closer ties with Zardugal, pressing the Zardic government to allow a Vanukean intervention to resolve the conflict.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:14 am

Volunteers sent to Zardugal
Vanukean help bolsters Zardic war effort.

'Imperial Cohort' volunteers near the front, Wiel has sent in volunteer veterans with mostly obsolete military hardware.

August 4063 - The government in Wiel has taken firm action against the increased Trigunian foreign 'expansion'. To combat the threat to the Vanukean hemisphere on Majatra the Prince and his council of ministers have decided to create a volunteer unit. The 'Imperial Cohort' is a full volunteer unit consisting of only veterans, all of them are reported to be either Terran Patriarchalists or from Augustan descend. The men and women have pledged to fight under the banner of the Zardic state with one goal: drive away the Coburans from the sacred Augustan heartland and defend the interests of Zardugal and Vanuku. The name of the newly formed unit is a clear reference to the Augustan Empire. The current Hosian monarchists in Zardugal have not yet restored the monarchy, but seem leaning towards making it happen. The Prince has already applauded the efforts and likely hopes the volunteers will give that extra boost to Zardic monarchism. So far the Zardic-Coburan conflict regarding the Tokundian situation has resulted in a stalemate, whether the five to tenthousand volunteers will make a large impact is unlikely. Wiel has opted to outfit the 'Imperial Cohort' with mostly outdated or obsolete hardware, opting to keep the good stuff at home, being more weary of the expanding Trigunian bear on their homesoil than in other states. Nonetheless, the fresh fighters are a welcome sight on the front and will surely bolster Zardic morale.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:39 pm

Terrorist attack strikes Wiel, Prince amongst wounded
At least 50 wounded and 10 dead after large blast in city centre.

A large deafening blast and then plumes of smoke; the attack as seen from a nearby apartment building.

June 4068 - A terrorist attack has shocked the nation today. Prince Pawl was on a charity tour, visiting the children's hospital in the northern part of Wiel. Outside the hospital the Prince spoke a few words to the crowd, yet not many words could be said before a man shouted a few words and a large blast erupted from the front of the crowd. The explosion has wounded at least fifty people, instantly killing perhaps ten onlookers. The Prince has been wounded and not much is known about his condition so far. The Prefect has invoked a state of emergency and both the Constabulary and the Royal Guard are keeping Wiel on a total lockdown.

Prince Pawl being carried away by an unidentified Royal Guardsman, the condition of the Prince is unknown.

Bystanders have claimed the man shouted in the Vanukean Brmék dialect from the far west and supposedly said a religious Ahmadi line before detonating his suicide vest. On the internet a statement has gone out by an organization called the 'Ahmadi Front of Majatra' claiming to be responsible for the attack. As with most information given in this news statement there is currently no way to confirm the legitimacy of these claims. The government has given out a statement that the Prefect will address the nation tonight to clarify and address the ongoing situation. If this terrorist attack was a religiously fueled one, it would be the first in over a hundred years, marking an end to religious stability in the divided Principality.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:39 pm

Prince in stable condition
"Aid to the unfortunate, not to our nation."

Prefect Laurens Mardoh during the national TV and radio transmission, informing the nation about the terrorist attack and the well-being of the Prince.

June 4068 - The Prince is alive and well according to Prefect Mardoh during the nationwide announcement. The Prefect started his speech by informing the public the Prince had survived the blast. "His Majesty has survived and is recovering, in peace and quiet, yet twenty-four others were not as fortunate as our Prince and dozens more lay at risk every moment, every second, every minute, every hour" is what the Prefect said, confirming that the death toll has risen to 24 with many more wounded in critical condition. The Prefect also stated that the Prince gave out a personal message, thanking the friends of Vanuku across the world for their offers of help. "Our allies leaped forward, even old enemies rekindled to show their compassion. But I assure you, the Lion may be wounded but the Lion is still strong. I urge the nations of the world to divert their aid to the unfortunate and not to our nation, Vanuku stands strong and thanks everyone for their prayers." is the official message given by the Prince himself according to the royal press service.

Furthermore the Prefect talked about the details of the terrorist attack, stating that no definitive answer could be given to the claim of the Ahmadi Front of Majatra and that the investigation was still pending. Mardoh urged his fellow citizens to remain calm and not start any religious conflicts. However, the state of emergency will remain in effect. Curfew and soldiers will be the order of the day for many Vanukean citizens. Last but not least it was said that the Prince, even though he is recovering, will not appoint a Regent for now, being wel enough to be consulted for serious matters. However, the royal press service insisted on not showing the Prince, maintaining his need for rest and quietness in these difficult times.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:38 pm

Archduke Wrntukai to act as Regent
Prince Pawl unable to keep up with duties.

Archduke Wrntukai has reportedly been in a power struggle with Prefect Mardoh, all issues now seem resolved.

July 4074 - After several years of little news on the health of the Prince, it has been announced that the Prince has officially resigned from his duties, citing the need for more rest. Prince Pawl has not abdicated, with the royal press stating that the Prince did not want to abdicate. Further reasons are unclear, yet the Archduke will now fill in for the duties of the Prince. Prince Pawl has not appeared in public ever since the terrorist attack, sparking all sorts of rumours about his mental and physical state. Some are claiming the Prince died, others claim he has been terribly maimed but one very thorough rumour has it that the Prince has been comatose ever since the attack in 4068. The Prefect and Regent both maintain that the Prince is of sound health and mind, but just needs time to rest and recover. With the Archduke in full control of the nation many expect a vigorous revival of government activity. The Archduke is a renowned zealot with a growing hatred against Ahmadism ever since the attack on his father. With Ahmadists encompassing over thirty percent of the population once can only imagine what will happen.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:58 pm

For Seat B of the Security Council


Democratic, stable, diverse and progressive representation that Majatra deserves, for everyone and not just the Ahmadi nations.

The new Prefect of the Kingdom of Vanuku, Cornelius Ashur, is leading the campaign to get proper representation for Majatra.

After a long period of doubt Vanuku has announced it will actively campaign for Seat B, for long it seemed the Kingdom was unwilling to engage with nations for votes. Yet the appointment of the new Prefect by the King has sparked a renewed interest in attaining this seat. Cornelius Ashur believes that Majatra, as the most diverse continent of Terra, needs proper representation by a diverse and democratic nation and not a theocracy built on slavery, poverty and civil war. Vanuku is one fo the world's leading nations in development, military, economy and technology and has a diverse population consisting of Hosians, Ahmadi's, Jelbic shamanists, Yeudi's and other religions. Even culturally the nation is diverse, making it the perfect example of a true Majatran nation.

Say no to a theocracy that only cares about itself and its friends, say yes to a diverse free nation that cares about Majatra and that has successfully defended Majatra for decades.

Vote Vanuku.

This message has been paid for by the Banmek-Sntazed Holding Company.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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