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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Phillip DaPotty » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:13 pm

The Official PEP Newsletter
Meet Kalistan's Minister of Environmental Affairs: Wendell Archibald-Richardson

Richardson speaking at a fundraiser for environmental awareness in Kalistan.

Just a few years ago with the election of President Foster, the PEP's candidate for Environmental Affairs, Wendell Archibald-Richardson, once again took his place at the helm of environmental protection in Kalistan. Richardson had served for nearly a decade, from 4121-4130, before he was ousted after the One Kalistan Party, formerly known as the Neoconservatives, shocked the nation by winning the Presidency and implementing their own agenda into the National Cabinet. Richardson has since worked tirelessly to re-implement the successes that he had championed in Kalistan's Environmental Department since the One Kalistan Party undid the majority of his work.

Richardson's family has long been entangled in the web of politics. Richardson's political name, Archibald, is an heirloom of the family. The first Archibalds lived in Rutania, serving in numerous councils and local governmental positions. However, after centuries of service in Rutania, they decided to move to the Kalistani province of Ananto as they saw a unique opportunity to help make this newly-emerging nation prosper. Many Archibalds served in the National Assembly as part of the now-disbanded SOPK. Around the time of its collapse, Richardson was serving as a lower-level SOPK official in Ananto. As the party began its decline, many disillusioned members left the party and with the cooperation of many other individuals, formed what we know today as the Populist Environmental Party. Richardson was one of the chief members in the founding of the party and has been a major part of it ever since. However, he had served in politics for quite some time and wasn't prepared to take on a leadership position. Thus, the role of Party Chairman went to another founding father; Jacob Knapp, who still leads the party today. Currently, Richardson's wife of forty years, Lisa Archibald-Patterson, heads the PEP's Science Department and his son, Blake-Archibald Richardson, is the party's Secretary and was a competitor in the PEP's Presidential Primary.

Since his re-implementation as Kalistan's Environmental Minister in 4132, Richardson has championed major reform. In March of 4133, he sponsored a bill, the Environmental Protection Act of 4133, which passed the Assembly with 427 votes. The bill, which contained five articles, was one of the biggest pushes for environmental reform in Kalistan's history. In 4134, Richardson took a co-leadership position in Jacob Knapp's "Voters Against Big Oil" organization. Richardson helped one member of the organization, the Parti Progressiste Socialiste de Kanjor, champion a bill which implemented the largest amount of environmental reform in Kanjor's history. Since then, Richardson has helped to grow a government-sponsored solar company, Sunpower Co., into one of the largest alternative energy providers in Kalistan. During the rest of his tenure, Richardson has promised to protect and implement new environmental reform to provide a "brighter, cleaner future for Kalitan." However, Richardson has hinted at potential retirement plans and might be planning to appoint his son, Blake Archibald-Richardson, as the candidate for his currently held ministry.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:25 pm

The People's Press
Machado: Election Will Be Difficult
Labour's Presidential candidate gives an exclusive interview after he officially accepts nomination

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 4th 4136

Oscar Machado was nominated unanimously at a meeting of the Labour Party Congress

Former Kalistani ambassador to the Security Council Oscar Machado was confirmed as the Labour Party's Presidential nominee last month, now he has given an exclusive interview to The People's Press in which he remarks on a vast plethora of topics.

(Hermenegildo Silva, reporter): Good evening, Mr Machado. It is a pleasure to be able to have this discussion with you, thank you very much for coming.

(Oscar Machado, Labour Presidential Nominee): That's no problem, I'm happy to have been given the opportunity!

S: Okay, let's get down to it. Mr Machado, you resigned as a member of the Labour Party nearly twenty years ago yet you know find yourself as the de facto figurehead of the party, how?

M: As I am certain you are aware, I resigned so that my role as Security Council Ambassador would not be compromised by party allegiances. Since I have now stepped back from that role, I do not see why I shouldn't return to the domestic political game. It's no secret that my values align pretty closely with the values of the Labour Party, they have always been the natural fit in that sense. I spent a long time on the Security Council discussing toxic issues such as slavery, segregation and crimes against mankind and that reaffirmed to me the importance of parties like Labour in ensuring that the rights we are entitled to, those inalienable rights we are afforded as a result of our humanity, are never infringed. So when Franklin and Jean-Baptiste, who I often liaised with on the Security Council, asked me if I would consider contributing to the party in the form of a Presidential run, obviously I obliged.

S: How confident do you feel that you will be successful in your bid for the Presidency? and will the legacy of President Foster help or hinder your chances?

M: Undoubtedly, it will be difficult. People in Kalistan have always been difficult to accurately make predictions about! However, as you allude to, Franklin's legacy will certainly set me in good stead. As President, he oversaw perhaps the most difficult period in Kalistan's recent history yet we now find we have had successive stable and effective governments, an expanding economy and ever-strengthening relations with a number of countries across Terra. Who could argue, then, that he has not been successful! Consider too that a Labour candidate hasn't lost a Presidential election in over a decade.

S: One of the main reasons that the incumbent President was able to secure election two times was the unity of the left behind his candidacy, do you think you will be able to achieve this too?

M: I believe so. As soon as my nomination was approved by the Labour Party Congress, my immediate action was to contact all of the Labour Party's various allies. Each and every leader gave me the same response; we believe in our relationship with the Labour Party and we believe it is beneficial that we work together. My gratitude to all of those individuals is great because it is difficult to enthuse your party about a candidate from another but they do an excellent job. As such, if I am elected President then I will be looking to maintain the current cabinet, with the potential for a slight reshuffle depending on the seat distribution in the Assembly.

S: Away from the elections, you travelled to a selection of Seleyan nations to drum up support for Kalistan in the Security Council. Could you let us know how sucessful that was?

M: We had a relatively mixed reaction in all honesty. Obviously, there was an element of controversy with the Republic of Saridan, who remain one of the most repressive regimes in all Terra but I, personally, had a very prodcutive discourse with the Aldegarian government. The Supreme Leader expressed some of his reservations about endorsing Kalistan; he was concerned that it has acted as the 'global police' but he also noted the historic ties between our nations. Whether we will rediscover the relationship remains to be seen I suppose.

S: Last, it's been said that your focus as President would be on foreign policy. How do you plan to increase Kalistan's standing internationally?

M: Obviously, Jean-Baptiste has laid the foundations in this regard by exploring new relationships- chiefly with Zardugal. If Kalistan wants to be a force for good across Terra we have to embrace nations we have not considered before, while not neglecting our historic allies.

S: Thank you, Mr Machado. Have a good evening.

M: Good night, I hope you found this to be productive.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:03 am

The Rise of 'Bananti'
Innovative genre combining Kalkali folk music and contemporary ska is a hit across the country

Luxon, Ananto
July 19th, 4137

Jasanpreet Jhutti (better known as Bananti MC) was a pioneer of the genre which shares his name

In the past few years, a new musical genre known colloquially as 'Bananti' has taken the nation by storm. A typically Kalistani genre, it combines a number of different musical techniques and cultural influences into one, unique style. Although its exact origins are difficult to determine, the term Bananti reflects the contribution of the Ananti population. Lyrics are often sung in the traditional Ananti language and some even make reference to Akalism, the religion followed by the vast majority of Kalistani Anantis. Otherwise, however, Bananti music bears almost no resemblance to the traditional Kalkali folk music of centuries ago.

Although there are some exceptions (for example, the use of the Dhadd is common), the music itself is more similar to that of the reggae and ska artists which have dominated the Kalistani music charts for decades, prompting domestic festivals like GanJam and international movements of a similar nature. Despite its laid-back tempo and infectious sound, the unconventional marriage with classical Kalkali lyrics seems to have been mutually beneficial. When combined with the use of modern synthesisers and the like, an entirely new sub-culture is created.

One of the pioneers of the Bananti scene is twenty-nine-year-old Luxon native Jasanpreet 'Bananti MC' Jhutti. Jhutti began his musical career when, aged only fifteen, he would record and mix his own tracks- adding classical Ananti vocals to recent ska beats. Soon his listeners expanded from his schoolmates to thousands across Terra and an accompanying increase in production value followed. We asked him why the genre had seen such a surge in popularity;
The great thing about Bananti, the reason I think it has been so popular, is that it combines so many different aspects of Kalistan's history. No individual is ever left out because the overall message- of being united in diversity- is so all-embracing, so inescapable that it resonates with people. Certainly in Kalistan, that is something I think everybody feels. Who knows if we can take Bananti global? That remains to be seen!

As a result of the newfound prevalence in mainstream life, many experts are reporting that the number of Ananti speakers is on the rise. This has no doubt been encouraged further by the requirement for Kalistani students to study a second language, which is already beginning to yield results.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Aquinas » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:34 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JamesPeters » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:19 am

The Conservative Call
The National Assembly of Kalistan
Party Leader Malcolm Abbott, Furious in the Assembly today as he asks the president a question

As many Kalistanis know the Conservative Party's main agenda this term has been to ban recreational drugs in Kalistan as they want to put the health of there citizens first before the economy. The part has been ridiculed many times during this term when trying to propose a bill even when promising not to scrap medical cannabis.

But the real fire came when the leader of the Labor Party and President of Kalistan replied to a message from the leader of the Conservative Party of Kalistan saying "Fuck Off"

Today during question time Mr. Abbott asked the following question,
Speaker: I Call the Leader of the Conservative Party of Kalistan
Abbott: Mr Speaker, I rise to the power of the call today to ask my question to the president. Will the president apologise for his message Saying "Fuck Off" when I was just trying to do some peaceful lobbying.mdoes he understand that when saying that he is saying fuck off to the 76 elected members from the Conservative Party and the 233 from the Radical Front. Does he understand that he is saying that to 23,068,791 Kalistan citizens who voted for the CPK and the KRF. He says he is a man of the people but he shows no respect.

We hope to see more great leadership from the leader of the CPK.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:13 pm

The People's Press
Electoral Substitution
Machado forced to pull out of Presidential race following health concerns, Foster running for re-election

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 15th 4138

President Franklin will now, controversially, seek a third term

In a cruel twist of fate, Labour's Presidential nominee Oscar Machado has been forced to withdraw his candidacy with less than a month to go before the vote takes place. During an event in Kaliburg where he was speaking to supporters, it is believed Machado suffered cardiac arrest. Fortunately, a medical team was on hand and acted quickly to ensure the former diplomat survived. However, a spokesperson posted a message to his website the next morning confirming what many were beginning to suspect: he would not press on with his Presidential campaign. The incident is a cruel blow to Machado, who had been carefully planning the run for as long as three years only to stumble at the final hurdle.

Nonetheless, Labour leader Jean-Baptiste Fabian reassured the public that the party would still be fielding a candidate next month- incumbent President Franklin Foster. Foster announced he would fill the vacancy shortly after Machado's statement surfaced, saying he was 'deeply upset on behalf of a dear friend' but that he was now focused on the election. Foster had been a key supporter of Machado's campaign beforehand. The Labour Party's most prominent figures, including the two mentioned above, had been targeting a victory on the first ballot rather than increasing Labour's National Assembly seats; the view of the leadership being that they did not want to detract from the work that their allies in the PEP, RLF and Peoples Party were doing. This may prove more difficult due to the turbulent nature of the change.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JamesPeters » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:52 am

The Conservative Call
Power For the CPK
CPK Election Night

Leader of the CPK on Election Night

As the crowds are shouting CPK, CPK, CPK. The leader of the CPK approaches the stage and says
My Fellow Kalistanis there has never been a more exciting time to be a Kalistani. Tonight we have succeeded in 3 ways! Our largest Vote in the history of the party, our largest vote for president in history of the party and the smallest vote for our rivals the Labour Party!!!! (The crows screams CPK, CPK, CPK) laides and gentlemen I will continue to fight for Kalistan until I diemamd the party will never stop fighting for Kalistan because we are here to stay.

This Election Day was sure a suprise but a great victory for the CPK. Now it's time to get to buisness.
This term Mr. Abbott has said he will fight for a Stronger Economy, Stronger Military, Stronger Nation.

The Party hopes to pass there key bills through the assembly any day soon but the results are in the members hands.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:33 pm

Rebuilding The Special Relationship
Foreign Minister heads to Aldegar to re-establish a Kalistani presence in the country

Pāytakht-e Aldegār, Kemoku, Aldegar
June 20th, 4139

Foreign Minister Fabian arrives in the Aldegarian capital: Pāytakht-e Aldegār

Jean-Baptiste Fabian, Kalistan's Foreign Minister, has begun a trip to the Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar this week. In an attempt to prevent further deterioration of rapidly worsening relations with the nation, Fabian has been granted an opportunity to meet with with Court Minister Tutak Esfahani as well as Shahnam I himself. As a result of what the governing Aldegarian National Party sees as cosiness with the Organisation of Ahmadi Cooperation, Esfahani has been highly critical of the Kalistani government. Recently, he officially supported Lodamun in the Seat C election and Vanuku in Seat B; decisions which are said to have 'deeply hurt' the Foreign Minister.

Nevertheless, most analysists agree that Aldegar still retains strong ties with the United Republic. Kalistan's national culture has a definite Aldegarian influence and the two nations share that they are dominated by a near-unique religion, Brethrenism and Yazdism respectively. On top of that, both are members of the North Seleyan Economic Community and, until recently, the Kalistani-Aldegar Friendship Accord. Such entrenched and robust ties cannot be erased overnight.

Aldegar's pivot away from Kalistan seems more like an anomaly than a trend, though, as Fabian recently signed a Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship with Baltusia. Similar deals are in varying stages of negotiation with Vorona, Indrala, Hawu Mumenhes and (reportedly) Dankuk. Following decades of turbulence, instability and uncertainty in the Celestial Empire- which the Aldegarian Shah now claims to rule- it appears that Kalistan is striving to establish its own influence in the region. Whether its neighbours will appreciate this new-found appetite for global leadership remains to be seen.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 24, 2016 1:50 pm

The People's Press
Changing of the Guard
Machado nominated for President once again; Fabian to step down after election

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 10th 4140

Oscar Machado will run for the Presidency once again in 4141

At the Labour Party Congress last month, Oscar Machado was nominated to run as the Labour Party's Presidential candidate. Machado had been nominated before the last election however he was forced to drop out after he suffered cardiac arrest at the last minute. Fortunately, incumbent President Franklin Foster was able to step in and win a resounding re-election. Nonetheless, Machado has vowed to fight on and put his previous health concerns behind him and the Labour Party has responded by showing faith in the former World Congress ambassador. It is understood that the parties which ensured Foster was able to win over half of the votes on the first ballot in 4138 (the Populist Environmental Party, the Peoples Party, and the Revolutionary Liberation Front) will also back Machado.

As well as Machado's nomination, the Party Congress also accepted the resignation of General Secretary and current Foreign Minister Jean-Baptiste Fabian, who cited his age and commitment to his family as the main reasons for his resignation. Fabian will continue as General Secretary until after the elections and his successor will be decided (by a vote of the Labour Party membership) in the meantime but he's said he will not be seeking re-election to the National Assembly.

Taking over following Sophia Conti's resignation, Fabian was the first Labour leader born on the Kalistani mainland. For the early part of his term, he was Kalistan's Premier although he moved into the Foreign Affairs brief when Franklin Foster was elected President- out of respect for the historic 'separation of powers'. In his role as Foreign Minister, Fabian has overseen both a difficult and productive period for Kalistan. While he was forced to contend with the international backlash against the controversial Human Rights Foundation, he has also established positive relations with a host of nations from Indrala to Hawu Mumenhes. His most recent outing, to Aldegar, is said to have restored ties with the Shahdom.

Presently, Franklin Foster is the favourite to succeed Jean-Baptiste Fabian. As a sitting President and Deputy Leader, he certainly has the experience. Several prominent figures have already offered their support, including former Justice Minister Mauro Curti and the current Defence Minister Laura Michelakakis. Nominations for the General Secretary election will close in two weeks time, with the voting closing at the end of May- when the final result will be announced.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Buccismo » Sat Dec 24, 2016 7:15 pm

Activation of the Peoples Party Guard
PPG is deployed to Regional Party Headquarters
Vrassa City, Vrassa
May 28th, 4140

By: Kal Groggi

As anticipated seven years ago, the Peoples Party Guard (PPG) has been activated at a ceremony in Vrassa City. Buccismo Genesis - instrumental in the creation of the Party - joined Lola Corie, current Spokeswoman, on stage. The formation of the PPG began under the leadership of then-Lieutenant Joshua Chambers. At the ceremony, Chambers was promoted to a Major, in charge of the entire PPG. Chambers acted as the commanding officer of 1st Platoon, Company A. As more units were trained, Chambers worked his way up the chain of command. Now a Major, Chambers will act as a paramilitary attache and adviser for the Peoples Party.

Each Company has been given an area of operations. 1st Platoon, Company A will continue to serve as a guard for the Spokesperson and Cabinet Ministers. Major Chambers has announced that several support units may be formed to provide further support for the protection of members of the Peoples Party. He anticipates a Scout Platoon, a CSC Company consisting of transportation, maintenance, and engineers platoons, and a mortar platoon will be developed.

Major Chambers accepts accolades during the PPG's Activation Ceremony

In addition to the formation of the PPG, Lola Corie announced she would be stepping down as Spokeswoman of the Peoples Party and taking on a role in Premier's Office. The new Spokesperson is yet to be announced, but the Peoples Party went into Executive Session immediately following the ceremony. It is expected that Quinn Poe will take on the roll, after he was nominated as the assistant spokesperson. With many initial Party members aging, new blood is entering the party. The experienced individuals have been moving into new positions in the Premier's Office, as well as abroad, to speak for the Kalistini People.
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