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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Thu May 05, 2016 7:33 pm

Pntek "homosexual agenda" threatens Pontesian demographic situation, Atabeg says

Gaius Octavius Aedinius, Atabeg Accipitrum

DAWNSTAR - The influx of refugees from Beiteynu has created significant concerns on how to deal with Pontesi's delicate demographic balance. Gaius Octavius Aedinius, the young Atabeg Accipitrum, commented on the subject:

We fully respect the need for our Yeudi friend's to guarantee a demographically stable, ethnic homeland of their own. But we are not exactly satisfied with the prospect of a Jelbic majority in two our three western satrapies or parts of them, and the values this will bring to our country. When my forefather Alamar Xarfaxis came to Pontesi, one thing he immediately reacted to was the prevalence of buggery among the native population. There is no point denying that the Belknap Empire was very homosexual during most of its existence. Lerna was the Majatran capital of sodomy. There were gay clubs, gay marriages, gay pride parades and gay adoptions. The old Empire that colonized parts of the Holy Land as "Gran Tadraki" bought homosexual rights there, as well as to colonies like Gaduridos and Talmoria. Post-Pontesian Gaduridos even had a gay couple serving as head of state and head of government.

Pontesians aren't much into sodomy these days, not the least because of the enlightened rule of my grandfather Julius Nerses, may he rest in peace. Pontesi is rather well-known as a gleaming symbol of moral decency. The return of the descendants of the colonists of the Holy Land means a great challenge to this. How many among them are open to commit buggery? One million? Two million? We don't know this. But we can be certain that they will sooner or later look to our boys' dip pipes for sexual purposes. This is a very disturbing thought.

An option of solving the demographic crisis is the creation of "homelands" for different ethnic groups as envisioned by Minister of Interior Orestes Spurius Trebellius. A series of territories would be set aside as a semi-independent entities for groups "alien to Northern values". These would in turn lose their Pontesian citizenship and instead remain as citizens of their respective territory. This model has been heavily criticized by Defence minister Melodia Silvia Agrippa for potentially undermining the Pontesian state's own territorial integrity:

It is clear that Pontesi needs to take action to safeguard its democracy. But we cannot permanently set aside areas from our Northern civilisation to become potential hubs for terrorism and other subversive activity. A better way would be to just assimilate the Pntek in exchange for citizenship as our wise leader's forefather Saint Alamar once dreamed of doing. Seluciandom shall encompass all of Pontesi. Ban the language and make them adopt ours, and our religion too. Well, one of them. [Pontesi is bilingual, editor's note]

Both proposals have been criticized by Terenti Abashidze, professor of social science from S:t Alamar the Liberator University, Dawnstar:

The problem is, how do we define who is a "Jelbic"? The Barmenian Felinist community is mostly Jelbophone, yet have since the first days of the Crimson Crusade been treated as equal to Selucians due religious similarities and our long-standing alliance. Many Ponteans have a varied knowledge of the language, even though the number has decreased, and some ancestry from people who were Jelbic-speakers exists among all of the ethnic groups, including the Seluco-Pontesians. Yet there is a very relevant fear that the Pntek population might be more loyal to their own kin than to our Seluco-Pontean state, and that this drastic demographic shift can make both democracy and the rule of law difficult to uphold in western Pontesi. The best option would probably be to offer the Pntek refugees who doesn't like our way of dong things to be resettled in Vanuku, if the Vanukuese government agrees.

A refugee camp in eastern Azorium
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:32 pm

Consul declares "New Purr Felinism" Philosphy of the Land - all shall worship cats

Zelda the cat

DAWNSTAR - Consul Melodia Agippa Aedinius, and technically the latest of claimants to the Duchy of Pontesi has stated that she has experienced a religious revelation. It has been revealed to her that her long time companion Zelda is in fact the cat goddess Bastet and is communicating her wishes to her through dreams and deep contemplation/mediation. The Consul, whose position will not be contested in the next election, is already preparing amendments for Felinism to become the new official philosophy of the state. She however, insists that Bastet-Zelda has given her news that Felinism is again like in the early days entirely compatible with any religion, even if much of its religious tradition and history is one and the same with Religio Seluciana. Already the government is working with missionaries as well as philosophers to reinstate the Felinist philosophy in people of all religions. It is also reported that the Crimson Crusade and the Claws and Paws Organization, long-time allies often seen as sister organisations are working on a merger into a new Felinist Hosio-Pagan cult, perhaps under the authority of the Terran Patriarchal Church which is tolerant of syncretism.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:42 pm

Pontesian Foreign Minister Launches Anti-Ahmadi Campaign in Support of Vanukuese Security Council Bid


DAWNSTAR - Following Vanuku's announcement of its candidacy for the Security Council as a means to stop the seat from going to theocratic Ahmadi Jelbania, a video has resurged on a popular social media website were three members of the Crimson Crusade chants about "Removing Kebab" with one of them playing accordion. The clip is allegedly from the 37'th century, were Crusaders and other militias supported by the Ducal Aedinius Pontesian Government expelled nearly all Ahmadis from the country after a series of terrorist attacks that were subsequently blamed on them. Kastoro Doku, the Pontesian Foreign Minister, is now pushing to use the clip and the slogan "Remove Kebab" as part of an international campaign against Ahmadism and in support for Vanuku's bid on seat B.

The removing of kebab is one of the most noble pursuits a non-feline can devote him- or herself to. The vile nature of the fascist ideology of kebabs is well known to us Felinists more than anybody. The destruction of Felinist Barmenia, the gentlest, most innocent, liberal country of Majatra. The killings, the enslavement of innocent men, women and children, the rape, the plunder, the genocide, their savage laws which praises all this evil as a holy thing to do. There can be no compromise with these savage beasts. It should never be allowed in any free, civilized countries, rather we must work together with people from all nations and all religions to strike back against this fascism globally on all fronts, and hopefully put it down for good at some point.

The ratfaced creed of Kebabism turns people into dogs with rabies. If such an evil ideology is now going to dominate the World Congress, no democratic civilized country has any obligation to listen to or follow them in the future. We can set up our own World Congress if we need to. But I'd prefer to help Vanuku remove kebab as long as we have a chance.

Kastoro Doku
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby CFUL » Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:57 pm

Liberal Party Formed, Strives to Bring Freedoms Pntek Citizens

April 4134, The Liberal, Yeudish Representation, Party has been formed. It was created in response to the harsh, restrictive policies brought about by the WRS. The Liberal Party strives to bring economic and social freedom to all, with little government intervention surrounding what each citizens pleases to do with their lives.

Leader of the Liberal Party (סיעת ליברלית), Daniel Greenberg
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:57 am

January 4142
by Jafar Narasimhan

Rajutti regime takes power in Pontesi

President Vijay Tripathi

Over recent decades, Pontesi has gone through a tumultuous period of violence, instability, changing governments and unprecedented demographic change. First it looked like there had been a Yeudish (OOC: Jewish) takeover, then a Valruzian (OOC: Polish) takeover. Now, finally, it looks as though the Rajuttis (OOC: Indians) have gotten the upper-hand, with the recent instalment of Vijay Tripathi's all-Rajutti government.

The indigenous Pontean population has been in decline for years due to increasing emigration and declining birth rates, the latter being popularly attributed to the prevalence of homosexuality and the "homosexual agenda" (although mainstream sociologists question this explanation). Meanwhile, the Rajutti demographic has skyrocketed, boosted by a flood of refugees fleeing the oppressive Luthorian East Artanian Corporation regime in Malivia, immigrants from Kalkalli seeking a better life and a very high birthrate, especially in agricultural communities.

Gagan Chakraborty greets his Pontesian supporters

Gagan Chakraborty's dramatic flight to Pontesi from Malivia has further inspired Rajuttis to come to Pontesi, since so many people are so enamoured with the guru that they are desperate to be as physically close to him as possible. A whole sprawling new city has developed around Chakraborty's ashram in Urvata, which is named Jamgal, after his old ashram in Malivia. The new city, which has even become known as Jamgal, was described in the Terra Tourism Guide 4141 as "undoubtedly one of the gaudiest and most shameless religious tourism industries in Terra, rivalling even Auroria in Selucia".

Tripathi's government is keen to build links with the rest of Terra, particularly with its closest neighbours. However, Pontesi's new leaders have demonstrated an irritation with overseas commentators who criticise Pontesi's human rights record. Just recently, Tripathi became impatient when a journalist questioned him about calls from the Human Rights Foundation for the death penalty to be abolished. Tripathi exclaimed in response:

The Human Rights Foundation have no business putting our country on a so-called "blacklist". This is none of their business and they should stay out instead of trying to intervene in this highly divisive and disrespectful manner. If they cared about human rights, they would understand that in a country like Pontesi, we need to retain the death penalty in order to preserve law and order, because if we do not uphold the law, there will be chaos, like we have had before. Organisations like the Human Rights Foundation are cultural imperialists who do not know what they are talking about. They want to impose their cultural values onto us. What they need to understand is that in Geraja (OOC: Hinduism), the death penalty is not so terrible because death is not terrible and is not the end. After we die, we come back, we reincarnate. So by executing a murder or a rapist or a terrorist or a war criminal, what we are doing is giving him another chance. We are sending him back to the astral plane, so he can get help and progress spiritually, and eventually come back again in a different form to learn the lessons he needs to learn. The death penalty is not so wrong, it is just returning the person to God. What is so wrong with that?

Tripathi's comments triggered a backlash from Gerajan leaders, with the National Gerajan Council issuing a statement that "our religion is a religion of peace and non-violence, which means any government which claims to be based on Gerajan principles really needs to move towards completely eliminating capital punishment". Gagan Chakraborty echoed that call, telling a radio interviewer that "capital punishment cannot be justified, not ever". He added, though, that he thought "the Human Rights Foundation would do well to focus more of its attention on the abuses going on in Malivia".

However, despite the religious opposition, the indications so far are that popular opinion is strongly on Tripathi's side; according to all recent opinion polls, public support for capital punishment runs at somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of the population.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:18 am

July 4142
by Jafar Narasimhan

Cows declared sacred, Pontesi gets Terra's first ever "Minister for Cows"


There is a long tradition of the cow being held sacred in Geraja (OOC Hinduism) and Rajutti (OOC: Indian) culture, and so perhaps it should come as no surprise that Pontesi's new Rajutti government has declared the cow to be officially sacred and holy. Anybody who is caught harming or disrespecting cattle, or eating beef, can now receive a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

Durvasas Khatri, Minister for Cow Welfare

Pontesi's newfound commitment to the cause of the cow is being backed up by the unprecedented decision to create a new Ministry for Cow Welfare within the government, the minister for which will have a seat around the Cabinet table. The incoming minister, Durvasas Khatri, has worked with cows for much of his life, and so have his family for generations. Like many Gerajans, he honours the cow for her gentleness and her capacity to provide for human needs in such abundance. He recently said:

Every Rajutti knows that cows are holy, that our cows are our mothers - they give us everything. You name it - the milk is valuable, the dung is valuable, the urine is valuable, the bones and the skin are valuable - every single part of a cow has a purpose. The cow is a massive gift of love from the Creator to us, which is why we must revere her. Pontesi is going to be a world leader in improving the status of cows and raising awareness of just how wonderful and selfless these animals are.

The ministry will strictly regulate the keeping of cows, and will also set up goshalas (cow sanctuaries) where elderly, sick, disabled or unwanted cows will be cared for in dignity and comfort for the remainder of their natural lives, attended by devout Gerajans who have taken a formal vow of service to Dhamkana the cow goddess. Plans are also afoot to set up a University of Bovine Science, a power station fuelled entirely by cow dung and an International Cow Protection Organisation which will work to improve conditions for cows across Terra.

Poster produced by the international Cow Protection Organisation

Meanwhile, spiritual guru Gagan Chakraborty (pictured below) has warmly welcomed the decision to declare cows officially sacred, praising the government for "taking the enlightened path of progress".

Gagan Chakraborty judging a cow beauty contest in Khanan
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:33 pm

January 4143
by Jafar Narasimhan

Beluzian citizen forcibly conscripted into Pontesian military against his will

Military service is compulsory in Pontesi

Sandeep Cheema left Pontesi for Beluzia with his mother when he was just 9 years old, and has since acquired full Beluzian citizenship. Last month, at the age of 19, he returned to Pontesi to visit his grandfather, grandmother and other family members living in eastern Pratyabhijñā.

He was lounging around in the garden at his grandfather's house, enjoying the sun and socialising with friends and family...

And then 4 men in army uniform came to the house. "Pontesi needs you, you are coming with us for the next 18 months" they told him.

"I was outraged," Cheema told journalists,

I'm a Beluzian citizen with rights. These people should have no claim on me. I've not lived in this country since I was 9. They want to force me to join the army, but I don't want to join the army. I've got a job back home in Beluzia, and my girlfriend is pregnant and needs me, and I'm about to begin my studies at university. What they are doing is kidnapping, forced labour. The world has got to listen to me. The Pontesian government has got to be told they can't treat people like this.

Cheema has written to both the Beluzian government and the Human Rights Foundation, pleading with them to intercede on his behalf with the Pontesian government. He has added that he "loves Pontesi and loves my Pontesian heritage" but that "Beluzia is where I belong now, not wasting my time in the Pontesian military". He has offered to give up his Pontesian citizenship in return for being excused from military service, but this is a concept that is alien to the Pontesian way of doing things. Pontesi does not recognise dual citizenship, and in Pontesi's eyes, Cheema is a Pontesian citizen who is obligated to perform a term of military service just like every other male citizen.

Rishi Rampersad, the Defence Minister, has dismissed Cheema as "an over-privileged, spoiled snivelling little coward" and suggested military service "will do him a world of good". He also indicated the rest of Terra "should mind its own business and not interfere in our internal affairs".

Cheema is scheduled to begin his military service in a month's time, but due to his opposition to it, he is currently being held in a military prison in order to prevent him from fleeing the country.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:33 am

July 4144
by Jafar Narasimhan

Communists thump PNC in election landslide

Vijay Tripathi won re-election as President, but his party lost 80% of its seats in the Lok Sabha

Less than 4 years after winning all 99 seats in the Lok Sabha, the Potensian National Congress (PNC) has crashed down to earth after an election mauling which saw it left with just 19 seats, whilst the Communist Party took 80. President Tripathi was re-elected unopposed, leaving a massive political logjam, with a PNC President forced to work with a communist-controlled legislature.

To the surprise of many observers, the two sides quickly agreed a power-sharing joint Cabinet arrangement on terms that initially seemed remarkably advantageous to the PNC. However, as the weeks and months unfolded, it quickly became clear the communist leaders were determined to ignore their coalition partners and press ahead with radical legislation, including the complete prohibition of private healthcare and education - policies which run directly counter to the core instincts of the PNC. It remains to be seen how long the current situation can last, but the President is promising "to put the country first and do everything I can to keep us on track".

Vigilantes target beef smugglers

Logo of the Cow Protection Army

A group of vigilantes known as Gau Raksha Paltan (Cow Protection Army) have been hunting down, harassing, attacking - and in a few cases, killing - individuals involved in smuggling beef into the country, mainly from neighbouring Barmenia and Beiteynu. President Tripathi issued a statement on television last night urging the public "not to take the law into your own hands, but instead work through the Pontesian system of law", but it seems large numbers of Gerajan fanatics are disregarding the call for moderation. There have been dozens of attacks in recent months, most involving the victims being beaten up, then being compelled to take part in a "purification ceremony" involving being forced to eat cow dung and drink cow urine. In at least 3 cases, the victims later died in hospital as a result of their injuries.

Malajit Hayre of Gau Raksha Dal (Cow Protection Organisation) has condemned the attacks unreservedly, declaring "we are a spiritual, a peaceful and non-violent movement" and that "people should be sure not to get mixed up between Gau Raksha Dal and Gau Raksha Paltan - since the organisations are completely different in their values and their objectives". He added that "cows are loving, peaceful animals and we all need to learn the lessons of peace and love they are bringing to us".

Malajit Hayre takes a selfie with a cow, to emphasise his message of peace and love

President Tripathi to visit Istalia

News just in: President Tripathi has accepted an invitation from President Beatrice Zorelin of Istalia to visit her country and discuss international issues of common concern. It is not yet known what they are going to talk about, but commentators think it is likely the two leaders will want to deepen the links between their respective countries.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:27 pm

OOC: I just want to point out that my party, the PNC, remains very much part of the Pontesian government. The government is headed by President Vijay Tripathi, who is PNC, and half of the Cabinet Ministers are PNC as well. So really, the PNC should have been involved in a negotiation like this. I'm not objecting to the RP though, so there's no need to change anything, but just remember this for the future.
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