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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Zanz » Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:00 pm

REPORT FROM THE GROUND: Inside Metzist Jelbania with Jelbék patriots
Jlén Mnmohiko spent three months with a group of proud Brmék citizens aiding Jelbék patriots on the harsh Baniray Steppe

The treacherous and wild Baniray Steppe is the permeable but inhospitable boundary between Jelbania and Vanuku

The scorched hills and endless expanses of the Baniray Steppe form the border between northern Jelbania and southern Vanuku, and remain one of the most geographically remote areas on Terra. It is here under the burning Majatran sun that much of Jelbic history has unfolded. Temrkai H'an has been here. During the great world war of the 3980s, it was here that H'an Intsrmor Azisrmko of Jelbania and Prince Juhn of Vanuku met in sacred trial, Sbtlshjogad, for the title of Jelb'koékaiék Mrjkai. Today, after nearly three months of preparation, I stood with seven men, each of them in traditional Jeztaghénml, "steppe clothing," overlooking the open and cracked Baniray to which we had hiked over the past week and a half.

"Hipylz grzy fitimojah (We're stopping here)," shouted our guide and leader, a grizzled ex-soldier from Ufne named Reshd, and the eight of us came to a blessed halt. Several of the men drank deeply from canteens made of a hardy steppe gourd slung around their necks. Mine had long since run dry, and I hoped in vain to find a creek or spring here soon. Four of Reshd's men set to unloading the two camels the party had brought. Each camel bore two wooden boxes filled with automatic weaponry and grenades of Vanukese and Beiteynuese make, which we had bought several weeks earlier through a remarkably shady Beiteynuese merchant in the remote town of Skalkémak, back on the Vanukese side of the border.

When I began this journey with Reshd and his men, I asked the man why he would make this trek, crossing borders illegally and braving the poisonous scorpions and arid hostility of the steppe. I'd long suspected that Reshd might be an agent of some Barmenistani or Vanukese intelligence agency with a vested interest in the collapse of the Metzist regime in Jelbania, but Reshd denied this so flatly and consistently that by now I almost believed him. "Prijmsrlji Jelbijékai grzy ajozuo. Mtzíaé Jelbényr wrzy Jelbestán drzy srhmojuo. Kez'i Jelbijékai orzy Jelbestán drzy grzmojetakjrnat (We are proud Jelbics. Metzist foreigners are ruling in Jelbania. We want strong Jelbics to prevail there)." Reshd was a true believer, a Jeztaghékai in the truest sense, a steppe-warrior. It sickened him and his men to know that herds could no longer roam on the Baniray as they had, that the Great Perimor was tamed and reaped for the benefit of the Metzist superstate, the Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics. He sought open rebellion against the Metzist oppressor, but not because he worked for Wiel or Juliana - Reshd yearned for the freedom of traditional Jelbic life.

So here I stood, a reporter from Juliana seeking an interesting story, on the precipice of one of the most important places in Jelbic history with a band of patriotic gunrunners intent on overthrowing the government of the state in which I stood.

Not long after we arrived, a cloud of dust rising in the distance signaled the arrival of our Jelbék counterparts, who I'd been told were Jeztri clansmen, descendents of that ancient royal line, who recently had become more active in taking up the struggle against Metzist oppression. As they approached on horseback, the hooves of their steeds rang through the dry air in a manner which evoked the historic immensity of Jelbic life on this steppe. Hot air blew across my face, bringing the stench of horse and camel and human sweat, and dust bounced off the scarf wrapped over my nose and mouth. Watching these horsemen ride toward me at breakneck speed across the endless red flatness, surrounded by armed men in traditional garb, ready to aid them in overthrowing an international superstate, I felt more Jelbic than I ever had.

The lead Jelbék rider, a tall man with lean arms and legs well suited to riding and a turquoise Baonazr around his neck dismounted and grasped Reshd's arm at the elbow, embracing him and giving the traditional greeting. His group, five men to our eight, dismounted after him and watered their horses, who had been ridden hard across a long distance. Arms deals are best done quickly and in remote locations.

The Jelbék rider was introduced to me as Azi Azisrmko, and he was a swift speaking, serious man, all business. As he discussed his group's trip across the steppe, and our group's trip over the mountains of the border and into Jelbania, he snapped his fingers to his men and pointed to the wooden crates. They quickly set to work, quietly, loading their own camels with the payload. He reached deep into his Jeztaghénml and pulled Lodamese Dollars, which seemed bizarrely out of place here, beshbrj Tanhriék Baotaghe, under Tahnri's sky (as the saying goes, in the middle of nowhere), and pressed them into Reshd's outstretched and calloused hand.

With as much swiftness as they had approached, the Jelbéks departed just as swiftly, thundering away, thousands of LOD poorer but much richer in firepower and explosives, ready to do damage to whoever impeded the will of the Jeztri clan. Reshd turned to me, raised his eyebrows in satisfaction at a patriotic duty done and a job completed, and mounted his horse. I did the same, and we began the long trek northward back to Vanuku.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:42 am

Murad Imam's Downfall
Speaker of Sultan removed in corruption scandal

Táhirih Sirghastané was appointed to succeed Murad Imam as Wrntusrljikai

August 4277 - In the midst of rising tensions with the Metzist government of Jelbania and the developing conflict with Badara, a corruption scandal has struck Barmenistan. Speaker of the Sultan Murad Imam was discovered in an independent investigation to have been involved in a corruption and bribery scheme involving the sale of arms to the government of the People's Republic of Jelbania. As part of the official sponsorship by Barmenistan of the Jeztri Clan's claims in Jelbania, the Sultanate had cut all ties to the Jelbanian and Badaran governments. However the independent corruption investigation has discovered that Murad Imam and several government officials within the Defense Ministry have received bribes from Badaran and Jelbanian sources in order to facilitate the sale of Barmenian weaponry to the Jelbanian government, at a much reduced price.

Following the scandal Murad Imam was dismissed from his office and is currently awaiting trial for treason and corruption. In the meantime the Sultan has appointed an interim coalition to govern Barmenistan and restore public confidence in the government. Táhirih Sirghastané, the chairwoman of the Felinist political movement known as the Lion and Sun Alliance, was appointed the new Forward-souled Person, forming a Lionist-Ahmadist governing coalition and returning political Felinism to power. The new government will have to disassociate itself from the previous administration, a difficult task given that several Wazírs have maintained their positions. Regardless, the appointment of a leading Felinist as head of government may restore some measure of trust in the government and ease the rising religious tensions that had crippled Barmenistan in the past.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Zanz » Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:02 pm

Murad Imam guilty of treason, sentenced to death by isolation

Murad Imam, once the second most powerful man in the Sultanate, who served as Wrntusrljikai trzy Sltnék Utrmokai (Forward-souled person and Speaker of the Sultan), has been found guilty of treason and sentenced to die by isolation in the mountains of northern Murdhe.

Imam, long the closest confidant of the Sultan before his ascendancy, was found during an investigation to be arranging and approving the discounted sale of weaponry to anti-Jelbic Metzists from Badara and Jelbania. Those nations have of late become actively hostile to Barmenistan and the Union of Jelbic Peoples, and Imam's transgression was described as an "unforgivable sin against the Thallerid Sultanate" by the Sultan himself.

Murad Imam has been transported high into the remote mountainous region of Murdhe near the border with Pontesi and left alone beshbrj Tanhriék Baotaghe. He was given neither food nor water, and shall perish there to be feasted upon by vultures and return to Akim.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:45 am

Prophecy brings Fame to Messiah Claimant
Predicting Murad Imam's downfall made Ismail Rabban famous

Rabban teaching his followers to forgive their persecutors

February 4278 - The seeming fulfilment of Ismail Rabban's prophecy of the downfall of Murad Imam, the second most powerful man in the Sultanate, has massively increased the heretic's popularity. If until now his teaching attracted the dregs of society, Yeudis and Oseans seeking a new community or apostate Ahmadis and Felinists, his successful prediction has led to interest from Barmenians of all walks of life. Capitalizing on this popularity the heretic has decided to formalize his teachings and clarify his claims. Showing unbelievable audacity, he dedicated his most recent book, his first writing in the Brmek language and titled Drkjogadék Kitáb ("the Book of Knowledge") to the Sultan himself, which one of his disciples presented to the sovereign. In this recent piece of writing the Kathuran moved far beyond his earlier claim of being the Mundadhir, which in Ahmadi thought signifies the End Times reformer of Ahmadism and the pinnacle of human justice, battling against the dark forces of the False Caliph, and assumed the title of "God's Anointed" (Məšîḥā in his native Kathuran), announcing a new religious dispensation. Earlier Ismail had formally announced the abolition of the Ahmadi dispensation and the beginning of a new prophetic era, with himself as the prophet, interpreting the rise of the Muntadhir and the Day of Judgement in metaphorical terms. In his exegesis of the scriptures of the Yeudis, Hosians, Ahmadis, and Felinists, he identified the prophecies regarding the eschatological meeting with God at the Day of Judgement as foretelling the arrival of new Messiahs at the end of each dispensation, which is the time when the followers of the previous religion are judged whether they recognized the new Messiah or not. In his book the heretic claims himself as the fulfillment of not only Ahmadi End Times prophecies, but also the return of Eliyahu (whose Exile to Hell he likens to his own imprisonment in Camp Number 3, colloquially known as "Hell"), as well as the fulfillment of the eschatologies of the Yeudish and Felinist faiths. In his heretical writing he claims to show that just like how Yeudis of old failed to see the clear signs of the arrival of Eliyahu, and the Hosians reading the Annunciation failed to find clear prophecies of the arrival of Prophet Ahmad by stubbornly clinging to a literal interpretation of passages showing that Eliyahu's revelation is eternal, so too Ahmadis have failed to see that behind the metaphors relating to the Eschaton lies the announcement of the arrival of a new Messiah. Apart from these eschatological interpretations, the Book of Knowledge also contains passages proclaiming the equality of all humans, the abolition of all signs of religious or social discrimination, the liberation of women, the rejection of all forms of violence, and the striving for peace and forgiveness. The throne has not yet responded to this unprecedented audacity, but there are legitimate concerns that some in the court may now be more favorable towards this eccentric teacher. If that is indeed the case, the social stability of the Sultanate may suffer irredeemable damage.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Zanz » Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:57 pm

Osean preacher named adviser to the Sultan

In an unprecedented turn of events, the increasingly popular messianic figure who predicted the downfall of Murad Imam, Ismail Rabban, has been named adviser to the Sultan. Sltn Jens I, who so brashly sent the Sultan a copy of his Drkjogadék Kitáb despite many Ahmadi preachers' warnings that it is entirely heretical in nature and content.

The Sultan is said to have been "moved" by the messages of radical religious tolerance and pacifism espoused by Rabban and taught in his book. Though the Sultan has made no statement as to whether or not he agrees with Rabban's assessment that organized Ahmadism failed to read the signs of the Prophet Ahmad which pointed to the impending coming of a Messiah, the elevation of Rabban to power seems to indicate that the Sultan is a believer in the self-proclaimed Mundadhir. More cynical experts state that perhaps the Sultan is merely seeking to sooth the frayed religious relations of Barmenistan, where even after years of his rule Felinist and Ahmadist animosity looms large, to say nothing of relations with other persecuted religions.

Relatedly, the Sultan announced that his two twin grandsons by his daughter Shba Jezklune and her husband Shlajkai Banmek-Sntazed of Vanuku, Shb Intrsmor Thaller-Banmek-Sntazed and Shb Jemrjkai Thaller-Banmek-Sntazed, would be raised in the Felinist and Ahmadist traditions, respectively, in order to prepare them to rule (as seems likely, given that the Sultan's heir Shb Jens has borne no male heirs) with tolerance and goodness. Experts are unclear as to why Sltn Jens I announced regarding both these twins at once, as Shb Intrsmor is second in line to the Sultanate, and Shb Jemrjkai is unexpected to rule.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:22 am

New Religion Formalized
Rabban issues book of laws

Footage of Ismail Rabban instituting rituals for the new faith

December 4279 - Following repeated requests from his followers to establish a book of laws for the new religion, given the claimed abolition of the Ahmadi dispensation, Messiah-claimant Ismail Rabban has recently written a book he calls the "Spiritual Covenant" (ܕܝܲܐܬܝܼܩܝܼ ܪܘܼܚܵܢܵܝܬܵܐ Dīatēqē Rūḥānētā in Kathuran). The short (less than 50 pages) "Covenant" is written in a style reminiscent of that of monotheistic holy writings, particularly the Book of Bliss, with no apparent order in the sequence of commands, exhortations, and warnings. In his book Rabban lays the organization and ritual of the emerging faith, formalizing three obligatory prayers, introducing a new 19-month calendar (with Nwrz as the first day of the year), and banning congregational prayers, with the exception of prayers for the dead. The Dīatēqē also requires the future establishment of "spiritual temples" (Bayt Maqdaš Rūḥān) as houses of worship for the new faith, and introduces table fellowship and the washing of feet as central rituals, while abolishing priesthood and the institution of the ulema. In his new book Rabban also prohibits slavery, asceticism, mendicancy, monasticism, polygamy, cruelty to animals, carrying arms except when strictly necessary, backbiting, calumny, and gossip, wine and other intoxicating drinks, mandates the education of one's children, particularly of daughters, obeying one's government, and establishing a testament, and exhorts believers to behave with amity towards followers of all religions, while warning against fanaticism, superstition, sedition, and strife. Perhaps more dangerously, the Dīatēqē Rūḥānētā establishes a governing system for the new messianic faith, which following the death of Rabban is to be led by a Caliph (Successor) of the Messiah, elected by the worldwide community of believers and with the authority of interpreting Rabban's writings and determining which portions of the Dīatēqē are to be applied.

It appears that the book of laws was "revealed" with a sense of urgency, as, in spite of the temporary security granted to the false prophet by the Sultan's favor, the leadership of the Felinist and Ahmadi faiths remains thoroughly critical of the Kathuran's iconoclastic and unorthodox ideas. And indeed Rabban has also foreseen his own eventual martyrdom, perhaps sensing that the political favor he has earned cannot last forever. If that is the case one cannot be faulted in suspecting the heretic of deliberate provocation in order to secure a martyr's death for himself and the consequent prestige for his teachings. The generous forgiveness from his exile must have thus come as a great shock to the cult leader, whose plans have no doubt been foiled. Regardless, even with his expectations unfulfilled, the new heresy continues to spread like wildfire, owing in part to the earlier routinization of his charismatic authority with the establishment of an organizational structure for Rabban's cult. During his exile in Murdhe the false prophet had chosen from among his closest disciples 19 individuals whom he named his "apostles", and whom he directed to run the activities of the cult and spread the new faith. Among these disciples is a certain Nasiba Shábaz, the daughter of a prominent Ahmadi scholar and qadi, who apostatized from her religion to follow the vagrant heretic against her father's wishes, and who recently became the heretic's wife, showing the deep penetration of Barmenian society by the new heresy. If the Sultanate does not act quickly by restricting the organizational activities of this cult, it may soon move far beyond a collection of extravagant heretical claims and become a full-fledged religion, the consequences of which would be disastrous for Barmenistan and the entire Jelbosphere.

Ismail and his wife and "apostle", Nasiba Shábaz
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:12 am

Kutsyl Hzsrlji Krsyjogad denounces new religion

Today the recently formed Sacred Hosian Union, denounced the "False-Prophet" Ismail Rabban and his new religion. The leader of the Union, Quddus Buh, said in his speech today:

This book, and these teachings are a blashphemy in the face of god! They are a disgraceful endorsement of false beliefs. This party and the Apostilistic Army in Majarta will do everything we can to supress this disgusting faith and bring Hosianism to Barmenia. For too long our nation has revelled in sin and un-faithfulness and we are going to change that! We will eradicate the false teachings of Ismail Rabban, and then cleanse the nation of other false religions. The only true teacher is Eliyahu, and his word should be law!

Quddús Buh, leader of the SHU

The SHU is closely affiliated with the terrorist organisation, the Apolisitic Army in Majarta however it is believe they are trying to change the image of the AA into a paramilitary force rather than terrorist group. As of now their Religious Spokesperson, Jusuv Frj, and he is attempting to gain power in the AA, which lost its leader in a police raid in Cobura several years ago.

The logo of the AA
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Zanz » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:50 pm

Crown Prince Jens dead at 44

Shb Jens, the eldest son and heir to the Sultanate, is dead after a tragic automobile accident near the Vanukese border, today.

Shb Jens, only 44, was due to inherit the Sultanate and the Sultan's family is said to be in deep mourning. The Crown Prince was driving a Vanukese JJP supercar in the steppe border region when, officials say, he lost control and sped into a roadside ditch. He was ejected from the vehicle and was dead when paramedics reached the scene. Rumors that the Crown Prince was inebriated are unfounded, said a spokesperson for the Sultan.

Shb Jens had no male issue and the line of succession now falls to his twin 15 year old nephews, the grandchildren of the Sultan, Intrsmor and Jemrjkai Thaller-Banmek-Sntazed, born to Shba Jezklune and Shlajkai Banmek-Sntazed of Vanuku. Intrsmor and Jemrjkai gained some fame in previous years when the Sultan announced that they would be raised in the Ahmadi and Felinist traditions, respectively. Though Intrsmor is marginally older than Jemrjkai, experts state that perhaps something unexpected is in the offing.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:32 am

Medes in Barmenistan
Selucian Medes relocate to Sultanate

Juliana Meda, High Priestess of the Temple of Lions

February 4282 - As a result of the Strengthening Brmek Piety Act initiated by the Lion and Sun Alliance, Barmenistan has adopted a policy of simplified immigration procedures for missionaries of the Ahmadi and Felinist faiths into the Sultanate. After lobbying from Speaker of the Sultan Táhirih Sirghastané, herself a Lionist priestess, the College of Pontiffs of Religio Seluciana agreed to allow for the relocation of the Selucian Medes to Barmenistan. The Selucian branch of the old Felinist dynasty had been living in Selucia since the 39th century, when the two Mede claimants to the Barmenian throne, siblings Elagabalus Medus and Aurelia Meda, were recognized as the official High Priests of the Temple of Lions within Religio Seluciana, at the height of the Barmenian Refugee Crisis. The official return of the Temple of Lions to Barmenistan has been promoted as a means of reversing the disastrous consequences of the genocide of Felinists at the hands of the Genzid Caliphate that ruled Barmenistan at the time, and is being portrayed as a return to the religious harmony that characterized the nation before the Edict of Expulsion tore down the peaceful fabric of Barmenian religious life. However the fact that the Selucian Medes continue to maintain their claim on the Barmenian throne, even being recognized as such by the College of Pontiffs, may have negative consequences on the Sultanate's political stability, especially after the unexpected death of Crown Prince Jens has led some within Barmenistan to openly question the legitimacy of the Thaller Dynasty on the Barmenian throne. Regardless, this privilege granted to the Felinist faith may provide a measure of confidence in the Barmenian religious settlement and remove some of the incentives that have driven countless Barmenians into the arms of the Rabbanite cult. In that case a modicum of instability may be a small price to pay if the end result is the final elimination of the "Ruhi" heresy, as the so-called Messiah's followers have come to call themselves.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Zanz » Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:27 pm

Sultan Jens I dead, twin grandsons to rule "Twin Sultanates" according to will

The Sultan has passed away, according to a brief statement from the Sultanate.

Sultan Jens I of Barmenistan (Jens V of the House Von Thaller) died overnight at the age of 68. His health had deteriorated since the death of his son and heir, Shb Jens, last year. The crown family is in the depths of mourning and is expected to observe a period of seclusion for the requisite time. The Will of Sultan Jens named both his twin grandsons, Shb Intrsmor and Shb Jemrjkai as 'coequal heirs.' It was the desire of Sultan Jens that his grandsons, raised in the traditions of Ahmadism and Felinism, and with Vanukese blood, should rule as Twin Sultans in Barmenistan and work to heal the wounds caused by bygone religious animosity, and perpetuate the existence and prosperity of the Jelbic race in a time of anti-Jelbicism.

The twin princes are 16 years old and have not been seen in the period since the announcement. The Sultanate is making preparations for a dual coronation when the twins finish mourning.
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