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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:37 am

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Shirana To Be Restored To The Peacock Throne
July 4319

In an unexpected development, Aldegar’s former monarch Shahbanu Shirana has been restored to the Peacock Throne. She moved back to the Old Palace today accompanied by several courtiers where she was blessed by the Mobedan Mobed (head of the Yazdean religion) The 50 year old queen was ousted by republicans six years ago but luckily for her, the all powerful Hyperion Company has invited her to assume the throne once again while forming a wider political alliance as well. Hyperion which has gained immense influence over the country’s economy and political order, sought the legitimacy that the still popular Shirana could offer them.

Gardezi Sirdar announcing the Hyperion-Restoration Agreement

Her former Foreign Minister Reza Gardezi Sirdar negotiated the agreement which will see the Restoration Party and Hyperion forming a political alliance and sharing public positions. The 66 year old Sirdar was rewarded with elevation to party leadership after the queen announced her retirement as Rahbar (leader) of the Restoration Party. He is also expected to be appointed Vice Court Minister, acting as a deputy to the Hyperion's Psy Scott. A powerful landowner and hereditary nobleman from northern Polran, Gardezi is a social conservative and ultra-monarchist.

The restoration however comes with some strings especially for the monarch. She will no longer be able to rule as an autocrat nor pick Ministers of her choosing. Indeed within her own party, she has been eclipsed by her own favourite the Sirdar. The new Cabinet comprises of several senior Hyperion executives in powerful economic positions. These will no doubt go after the country’s rich petrochemical resources, particularly the national energy company Aldegas which was nationalized in 4310. At the moment however, conservatives are just elated to have the monarchy restored and hope for an end to the radical and class-upsetting reforms of the past few years.
Last edited by Reddy on Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:01 am

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Aldegar: Fight Communism, Not Seleyan Brothers
January 4320

The Aldegarian Foreign Ministry building

Aldegarian Foreign Minister Reza Gardezi Sirdar has expressed strong opposition to the Seleyan Union's decision to suspend Rildanor. Gardezi-Sirdar said while Aldegar deeply regretted the May Day events in Rildanor, it thought that the fight against global communism must be prioritised over lecturing and punishing Rildanor. Aldegar cast the sole "Nay" vote against Rildanor's suspension and is believed to have reached out to the Victorieux regime in Rildanor. Gardezi-Sirdar expressed his views on the controversy in detail in a statement released by the Foreign Ministry to the press.

The May Day events in Rildanor are deeply regretful. Nonetheless, we must not be blinded to the true threat to Rildanor and Seleya - the dark godless ideology that is communism. Aldegar deeply opposed the punitive measures taken by the Seleyan Union which only have the effect of feeding the commie propaganda machine and weakening a brother nation that is already fighting this evil ideology. Aldegar is strongly committed to Seleyan integration and cooperation but we cannot follow the SU on this. We ask all responsible nations to unite and fight the scourge that is communism before its too late. One such fine movement is the Anti-Communist League (ACL)

Aldegar welcomed the fall of the communist regime in historical ally Kafuristan. It hopes that such was the beginning of a greater momentum against communism globally. The Aldegarian establishment's sensitivity to socialism will see the issue take centre ground in local politics and the Government has vowed to introduce several measures to fight communism at home and abroad. Political analysts believe that this might lead to a "Red Scare" in Aldegar soon in the current perfect storm where the old nobility are in a political alliance with one of Terra's foremost corporations Hyperion.

Mobedan Mobed: Communism Is A Tool of The King of Darkness

The Mobedan Mobed

His Brightest Holiness the Mobedan Mobed Javad Banisadr Mirza has joined other international religious heads in condemning communism. Taking the harsher line favoured by Papez Ludovit IV, he condemned communism as the "very face of darkness" and urged all loyal Yazdeans to stay away from it According to him, communism is a tool sent by the King of Darkness (one of the key demons in the Yazdean faith) to confuse the people and enslave the land for the demon's benefit. He also announced that the Yazdean faith would be starting education programs on communism in order to keep the faithful away from it. The Government welcomed the leader's move and promised to cooperate with the Yazdean faith on its anti-communist programs.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:25 am

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Defence Industry and Other "Champions" Receive Government Support
July 4320

Aldegarian Spahbod (Defence Minister) Mj. Col Feroz Namjoo has announced new regulations in the country's armament rules. A firman (decree) signed by the Shahbanu dictates that 80% of the country's arms have to be sourced locally by 4340 - a major coup for the country's defence industry. Prior to the firman, an average of just 38% of all of the country's armament needs were sourced locally. The Aldegarian defence industry is a sophisticated one but has never been able to grow in size due to favouring of foreign arms from former allies such as Trigunia. It should grow fairly rapidly now due to this firman and the R&D subsidies that were attached to it. A spokesman for Aldegar's largest defence company Khodro Heavy Industries welcomed this "enlightened decision" and pledged that it would lead to an increase in defence jobs and exports.

One of the latest products from Khodro - the UAV Potros

The approach evident here has been applied to key industries as well. Aldegar's top carmaker, Ald Simurgh Corporation has also received generous tax breaks with a view to encourage an increase in output and capacity. Aldegar's conservative dominant government, true to its corporatist roots, is still intent on creating and nurturing "national champions" in each field of industry as the main engines of economic growth in the nation.

Pardis, a popular product from Ald Simurgh

Currently of course the greatest national champion possibly in Terra is Hyperion. The mammoth company has extraordinary influence in Aldegarian and other nation's public affairs and has received several sweetheart deals from the Aldegarian government. It is a case of mutual exploitation, political analysts claim. The Government is eager to share some of Hyperion's market strength and jobs while Hyperion of course is simply up to its old tricks of seeking such influence in order to serve its corporate interests.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:07 pm

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Restoration-Hyperion Agreement Dissolved
Conservatives Now in Full Control

May 4322

The uneasy political alliance between the centre-right Restoration Party and the Hyperion Corporation has come to an end. The three year coalition government between the two was dissolved when the Restoration Party decided to withdraw from the agreement, attacking its coalition partners as "greedy wolves" The spark may have been proposals by Hyperion to privatise Aldegas and sell a majority of its shares to the corporation. Hyperion has gained numerous privileges in the past few years and there's no clarity on whether these will be amended by the next government.

Following the collapse, the Shahbanu has asked the Vice Court Minister (and Foreign Minister) Reza Gardezi Sirdar to form a new ministry. Gardezi Sirdar has accepted the task and will likely form a Restoration only government. Among the next government's priorities is passing new legislation to govern the royal succession The Shahbanu is said to have asked for such legislation as the current customary rules and previous pieces of legislation do not address the issue satisfactorily enough for her. Such talk has raised speculation that she might be considering retiring as monarch and will seek to insert a specific clause governing abdication. The Old Palace declined to comment on this matter.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Tue Dec 26, 2017 5:49 am

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Shahbanu Appoints New Heir
July 4323

Shahbanu Shirana formally installed a new Crown Prince at a ceremony held at the Great Fire Temple in Aldegaria. She capped him with her own crown and he was blessed by the Mobedan Mobed and other senior Dasturs. After that, his two young sons, other Vaez princes and the wuzurgan (nobility) formally swore to defend his right when he ascended to the throne someday. The 54 year old monarch picked her 36 year old nephew Prince Javad as the new Shahzade (Crown Prince) The new Crown Prince succeeds his father Prince Shahnam, the Shahbanu's brother who died earlier this year of lung cancer. He is married to a Vaez cousin Princess Yasmine and the couple have 4 children - two sons and two daughters. He is also currently a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Aldegarian Navy.

Crown Prince Javad

The new Crown Prince was also named Satrap of Kemoku and perhaps more importantly, he will serve as the presiding officer of the new upper house, the House of Notables. The presiding officer is expected to play only the most passive of roles but it is hoped that exposure to the inner workings of deliberative democracy will help prepare the heir for his future role at the head of the Aldegarian state.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Tue Dec 26, 2017 5:27 pm

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Shahbanu Steps In Following Tragic "Cabinet Crash"
October 4323

Shahbanu Shirana I has announced that she has appointed a new government headed by herself in a bid to calm down the country. This comes following the tragic plane crash which saw her Court Minister and two other members of the Cabinet killed while flying to a regional ceremony in Somasi. The plane crashed into the sea and nothing has been recovered yet. The departure of the domineering Court Minister Reza Gardezi-Sirdar opens up an opportunity for a very marginalised monarch who had been progressively limited to only the most ceremonial of duties. The new Court Minister is Shapur Nejad, a retired corporate lawyer without any significant political connections. He served as Vice Court Minister since the collapse of the Hyperion-Restoration political alliance last year.

Shahbanu Shirana I

The monarch's quick decision making has been praised as having stabilised the economy, particularly the stock market which had been shut down just hours after the plane crash. Her very intervention should restore her to her formerly preeminent political position. Many choose to be optimistic about this noting how the crash robbed the country of its foremost political leaders from its foremost political party. It is expected that the country will largely continue along the political lines set by the deceased Court Minister - frugality and resistance to reliance on oil revenues, state sponsored industrialisation and a conservative foreign policy characterised with a strong anti-communist stance.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:40 am

Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
Government Resists Pressure On Oil&Gas Revenues
July 4324

The Aldegarian government has been criticised by several public figures in the country for resisting pressure to splurge on revenues from the country's petrochemical wealth. The current government has imposed a strict cap on the amount of oil&gas revenue that it can spend. Last year It spent only 40% of the 55 billion Crowns it collected from its 60% share of Aldegas' revenues. The revenues account for 41% of its total tax revenue. As a result the government has a large 34.5 billion Crown budget surplus which is equivalent to about 9% of GDP.

The Vajesta Oil Refinery in Tābestān, Kemoku

The Government has to refused to spend any more or lower taxes. Infact, it has introduced a stringent means-testing regimen to limit social spending and has announced that it will limit future spending increases to the rates of population growth and inflation. In its view, such prudence is necessary to avoid the dreaded "Majatran disease" that traditionally comes with mismanagement of abundant natural resources. The Government has employed a number of other measures aimed at protecting its industrialisation and economic diversification programs which are threatened by a large influx of forex. Such influx would strength the Aldegarian Crown and reduce its exports' competitiveness. Thus currency controls are in place and the country's sovereign wealth fund the National Development Fund has been driven to invest some of its 93 billion Crown wealth in other nations. The government's own mountain of surpluses is being applied to pay down foreign debt, with a target of relieving the country of all public-owned foreign debt by 4350. The remainder is deposited in the National Development Fund.

This approach, naturally, has created a great deal of controversy. It has been praised by a number of conservative economists in the country as the only sensible approach to managing such wild and unpredictable revenues. Even some pro-democracy scholars and activists have praised this approach, noting that these revenues, when misspent, often lead to increased authoritarianism and corruption. However several others including disappointed citizens believe otherwise. The oil&gas wealth should be invested in the people fully, consequences be damned. All sorts of ideas have been put up including the most popular one of a citizen's dividend. Under this idea, every Aldegarian citizen from the Shahbanu to the vilest beggar would receive an annual payment of 500 Crowns. Other ideas include abolition of several taxes and various spending projects.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby EdmundS » Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:21 pm

Abbasi's Yazdean Republic overthrown
A government tank in a town in southern Polran

PAYTAKHT-E ALDEGAR - Last night, after two weeks of fighting across Aldegar, pro-restoration forces entered Paytakht-e Aldegar to cheering crowds, declaring an end to the Yazdean Republic. The whereabouts of Ahmad Abbasi and other senior figures in the Hezb Mujāhid are at this time unknown.

The formerly underground Unionist Party has formed a provisional government with the support of the armed forces, and has invited claimant Azita Bahramid, in exile in Hutori, to take the throne. In their programme for government, the Unionist Party declared they would seek social and economic liberalisation, work with foreign businesses to bring prosperity to Aldegar, and build a parliamentary democracy along the lines of Hutori.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby EdmundS » Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:49 pm

No support for warmongers, says Golzar
Residence of the Chancellor

PAYTAKHT-E ALDEGAR - Aldegarian Chancellor Esfandiyar Golzar has announced that, effective immediately, the Aldegarian Canal will be closed to all traffic from Malivia, following their recent declaration of war on Narikaton-Darnussia. He accused Malivia of "stirring up needless violence in Artania", saying "[Malivia's] heavy-handed response to statements and troop manoeuvres only demonstrate [Malivia's] irresponsibility to the world".

Aldegarian Canal

In addition, Golzar accused Valruzia of supporting the actions of Malivia, and said that, along with the ban on Malivian traffic, all Valruzian military traffic would be banned from the canal and tolls on civilian traffic raised by 200%. He has promised to impose similar sanctions on Istalia if the government there goes ahead with their plans to support the Malivian war effort.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Qovena » Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:31 am

New Progressive Party becomes Official Opposition in Aldegêr's Divān-e Keshvari

With the recent October 4346 elections, The Powerful112 Party has gained the right to form the Government. Our Party has passed the Military Reform Act, that gives our people some choices on whether doing Military Service or Civilian Job.

Our party intends to abolish the monarchy as it is needlessly snatching our money. The monarchy is outdated anyways.

In one survey done by the People's Mandate, a polling website, revealed that 71% of the people dislike the monarchy.
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