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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:47 pm

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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:47 pm

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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby Aethan » Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:47 pm

Selucia calls Deltarian Ambassador regarding Deltarian ongoing crisis
The Selucian Head of Government held a meeting with the Deltarian representative in the Ministerial Building

Selucian Caesar Argos Loukas with Deltarian Ambassador to the nation.

Soon after the SU, the socialist party of Deltaria, won the elections in that nation by defeating the Blue Thallerist Alliance, the Foreign Minister of Selucia quickly congratulated the new government, wishing for a tighter collaboration between both nations. But the news of the Coup carried away by the Czar Nikolai and some Thallerists have leaded to the Selucian Government to react against it by calling for an audience with the Deltarian Ambassador in the island nation.

I have transmitted to the ambassador of Deltaria all the rejection of the government of Selucia to this coup that has taken place in the Majatran nation of Deltaria.
The Selucian Government only recognizes one official government in Deltaria, and it is the one formed by the SU, after the mandate from the elections was clear: an overwhelming majority of Deltarian citizens decided to give their confidence to the new party. For this reason, the Modrá Thalleristická Aliancia has to accept its role as an opposition party, or therefore they will be opposing the will of its own people. And how can someone trust a party to fairly represent them if they do not respect what their citizens have said in free and democratic elections? The coup seems to have no other function than to give the power back to the Thallerists, since there is no evidence of the SU working to oppress the Deltarian people.

If the Modrá Thalleristická Aliancia has any proof to accuse the Socialist Union of manipulating the election results, something that seems very difficult to believe taking into account that they were the ones that held all the control to celebrate the elections, they should show the proofs and not just accuse. But the actions that the Czar Nikolai has done against his own people are a disgrace and shows him ineligible to fairly and neutrally represent a nation, and more when the Socialist Union has given the Modrá Thalleristická Aliancia opportunities to engage in the political debate and they have refused them all.

For this reason, the Selucian Government recognizes the authority of the Socialistická Unie as the one and only government in Deltaria, rejects the actions of the Deltarian Head of State as they clearly show an unacceptable political meaning, condemns the actions against politicians fairly elected by the Deltarian citizens and calls the Modrá Thalleristická Aliancia to stop this madness.In the name of a free and democratic Majatra, and a free and democratic Deltaria, the MTA has to accept the result of the elections unless they can prove their accusations.
Have been the words of the Selucian Caesar, Mr. Argos Loukas.

Selucia is a nation with a long neutral trajectory, which has not been involved in any international conflict taking part in any of the sides except those in which democracy is at stake or to respond with medical help in those places in need. For this reason, the Prime Minister of Selucia has taken care of the language so as not to create misunderstandings in his declaration, and simply to defend democracy in Deltaria. It is unknown what position the Selucia government will take in case the conflict evolves beyond
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby Aethan » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:56 pm

Selucia warns about travels from Deltaria
The Selucian Government encourages the Deltarian turists to contact with the authorities

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Selucia in the press conference

The Selucian Government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrysa Contou, has warned the Selucian citizens about travelling to Deltaria

Following the recent events that are happening in Deltaria, the Selucian government advises its citizens to avoid travelling to Deltaria until a solution is found in the nation. The Selucian Government is in permanent contact with the Deltarian authorities, but until the coup is solved, we want our citizens to stay safe in the nation and not to travel to Deltaria, which will put in risk their lifes. For the same reason, we encourage any Deltarian citizen in our nation to keep in contact with local authorities,
in order to find a solution if they refuse to return to their nation once their holiday period ends.

The Deltarian Minister has also talked about the recent political position of some Majatran nations regarding the Deltarian coup.

We can't understand how any official Government can support a coup d'etat, no matter the political ideology of the official Government in power. A democratically elected government that respect the freedom of their citizens, cannot be overthrown by any foreign or local power that only wish to put in power their own policies. The result of the elections shall be respected. If not, they will be accepting as valid any coup d'etat, and this will lead to more conflicts being created in Majatra. We are deeply sad about the government of Jelbania accepting this coup in Deltaria and formally ask its government to retire the support they are giving to the coup.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby Aethan » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:57 pm

Selucia to increase spend in Education and Science and change taxes
Conference of Premiers also agreed on the neccesity of a solution for the Deltarian issue

Argos Loukas (left) with some Selucian Ambassadors prior to the meeting

The XII Conference of Premiers has taken part in Auroria, the Selucian capital. The five regional Praetors of the nation, with their respective Counselors of Defence and Internal Affairs, have met with the Caesar of the nation, Argos Loukas, to discuss the current issues the nation is facing.

First among the top, at a request of the Insularian Praetor Ares Zervas, the five members agreed to increase the spend on Education and Science (drastically decreased by Pars Militum Petulantia when the party was at charge of the Government, in order to invest in Defence) while also equilibrating the Defence budget into a more proportional one, after the previous conservative governments left aside Insularia and Oriensos because of the progressist regional governments.

"An educated nation is a nation with future" has said the Caesar of Selucia after the meeting.
It is unbelievable that we used to spend 5 times more in Defence than in Education or in Science. We all know it is important to protect our nation, but it is even more important to teach the generations of the future about the world they live in. For this reason, the budget will be changed, and we will also change the current tax system. The lower-class taxes won't be touched though. We will only do a little readjustment for the upper-class taxes, that will not affect them for bad, but that will give our nation a great surplus. With the current system, everyone above 15,000 SEN is taxed with a 44%, and everyone above 8,000 with a 42%. With our proposal, everyone above 20,000 will now be taxed with a 47%, but everyone between 10,000 and 20,000 with be taxed with 43% instead of 44%.

The meeting also had time to discuss the current Deltarian coup, with the five regional leaders supporting the actions of the central government in the current issue.

Democracy shall be respected. Citizens voted, and the democratically elected government has done nothing to make us think about a possible break of the human rights, with gives the coup no legitimacy and only shows the craving for power of the Deltarian Czar. This does not go about political ideologies, it goes about democracy or tiranny, and the Selucian government will stand always against the second.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby Aethan » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:27 pm

Selucia will supervise Deltarian elections
The Selucian Government has accepted the proposal made by the Deltarian authorities, but advises to ask more nations to join it

Magda Estera, Chief of Democratia Absque Terminis

The Selucian Government, through its Minister of Foreign Affairs, has announced the intentions of sending a team of observers for the upcoming Deltarian elections, called by the Deltarian official Government after the accusations of election rigging and the consequent coup d'etat.

Chrysa Contou, the Selucian Foreign Affairs Minister, has presented Magda Estera, the Chief of Democratia Absque Terminis (DAT, Democracy Without Borders) a Selucian international non gubernamental body that supervises democratic process all around Terra, to move to Deltaria and overwatch the Deltarian elections.

When talking to the media, Mrs. Estera has been very clear on her intentions:

the final objective of my NGO will be to check that everything runs smoothly in the upcoming elections and to certify the results for the international community.
We will do all that is in our hands to protect the rights of the Deltarian citizens to freely express their opinion through this election, and we will denounce any single atempt of manipulation, no matter if it comes from the government or from the opposition. And I will not let anyone to accuse me or my team of manipulation or lies,
as we have alway worked professionally to assure the best for democracy in any Terran nation, without caring about the ideology of the winning party or the elected government. And this will be no exception.

However, we would like to request the Deltarian authorities to contact more Majatran governments, in order to have more representatives observing the elections and to avoid any future problems.

Magda Estera, former member of the High Court of Insularia, is a very well known judge in Selucia and with a good reputation inside and outside the nation.

Selucian Government threatens with Selexit
The national government is not happy with the attitude of some members of the organisation

With the Deltarian elections on the horizon, and a designated NGO to supervise it, the Selucian government has expressed its disagreement with some of the Majatran Alliance members opinions on the Deltarian issue.

To express support for a coup d'etat, no matter the ideology, is a hard hit for democracy. While we can agree on election rigging if proofs are shown, no democratic nation shall accept a coup as a valid way to overthrow a government, or we will be showing the wrong path for the rest of Majatran nations. I'm also concerned about the rise of fear against the left that is starting to appear in most Majatran nations, and I don't understand why since here, in Selucia, the left has ruled many years and still we have develop a lot of sane and constructive relationships with the rest of Majatran nations. Why can't it be accepted in other nations?

Selucia, as a member of the Majatran Alliance, has suggested the election of a General Secretary that can lead and give voice to the final decision of the organization, but until then, it is a matter of the national governments to decide. For this reason,we will respect the final decision agreed by the Majatran Alliance, but if the Majatran Alliance decides to remain neutral, Selucia will provide medical aid to the Deltarian nation, using its function as a medical and neutral state. But, if the Majatran Alliance decides to intervene on behalf of the Czar that has leaded a coup d'etat, Selucia will accept the decision and will not send any militar aid to the Deltarian SU, but will start the negotiations to leave the organization as soon as possible, after understanding than the Majatran Alliance is respecting a coup d'etat we cannot respect or support without proofs.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby Aethan » Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:05 pm

Selucia stays firm and refuse the stance of some nations regarding political views

With tensions arising all around the continent and reaching even nations outside Majatra, the Selucian Government has refused to take part for any side in the ongoing Deltarian conflict until the report from Democratia Absque Terminis is done, regarding the last Deltarian elections.

The official position of the Selucian Government is very clear. We support and will always support the democratic elected governments of any nation. If riggins is proven, we will support the claims of the opposite side. That's what everyone should do in democracies. Sadly, now nations all around Terra are taking sides in this conflict not thinking about the legitimacy of the election results and the elected governments, but just thinking if they are supporting the right or the left. And that's disgusting and shows a total lack of political and democratic thinking. We refuse such thinking in many nations around the planet, and will stay firm in our own beliefs. We have already advises the Majatran Alliance of our position, and until the NGO Democratia Absque Terminis does not give us their report, we will not do any more declarations. Thanks.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Imperium de Selucia Daily

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:45 am

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