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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:19 am

The Deltarian automobile company "Prime" announced the expansion of their operations to Valruzia

The Prime logo

Following an intense period of growth for the Deltarian automobile company Prime they have announced the expansion of their operations to Valruzia.
The CEO of Prime Benedikt Fišer showed with Pride the numbers of last quarter showing a big profit for the company and showing a 10% increase in sales creating a total of $10 billion in sales last year.

The Deltarian auto industry has seen a massive growth following government reform and the balancing of the budget. This has caused the purchasing power of the Deltarian middle class to increase which also increased sales exponentially. Prime was by far the company that saw the biggest growth. Growing from a small Tractor company in Alazinder to a multi billion carcompany they quickly took over other smaller automobile company's in Deltaria. With their revenue growing and new models coming out they have decided to expand abroad and announced that they will first expand to the highly active Valruzian market.

The new "Saphire" model of Prime, one of the models that will be rolled out in Valruzia

We have been monitoring markets all accros Terra for some time and see great potential in the Valruzian market. Since we believe that the time is right for the company to expand we think Valruzia is the ideal market to expand first and use it to create a model that would work for all of Terra

Said CEO Benedikt Fišer during his press conference following the announcement of expansion.
Prime is expected to launch its first models and stores in Valruzia in June 4365

We of The Deltarian will keep you up to date on further developments.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:04 am

"Fascist government should not step a line"

The Deltarian government has issued a statement concerning the current situation in Aloria. Deltarian Prime Minister Novak underlines its concerns on the "failed democracy" in Aloria and the growing authoritarian way of governing by its fascist government.

We are always concerned when a fascist party takes power. Our government does not judge nations or party's up front but we always have our concern with extreme party's. The current situation in Aloria is dangerous. Not only does its governing party have absolute power and all seats in parliament, they also show more and more tendencies of authoritarian behaviour. Our government will keep a close eye on the situation in Aloria and will await the next elections to see if the fascist government can take their responsibility and organize fair elections for its people, if not our government will take immediate action and consider sanctions on Aloria.

Said Prime Minister Kamil Novak

Prime Minister Kamil Novak giving the government statement

The Grand Council of Deltaria calls for a harsher stance on Aloria if the situation persists

Following the statement of the Prime Minister the Grand Council has approved of the PM's decision to monitor and potentially sanction Aloria.

The Grand Council approves of the Prime Ministers decision but would like to see a harsher stance on Aloria then he currently proposes. Desperate situations call for decisive decisionmaking and we expect the government to do exactly that. The Grand Council would however like the government not to intervene if the situation in Aloria cools down

Said chairman of the council Augustin Thaller following the councils reaction to the government actions.

Deltaria is now effectively involving itself in world politics. We will keep you up to date on the situation

Augustin von Thaller during the weekly press conference held by the Grand Council
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:39 am

The SDLS once again leads the government with their new HDS partner

Following the election win of the SDLS the new deltarian president Alikskandr Masur stayed neutral and proposed a popular cabinet proposal including the SDLS and HDS.

The new government was given the trust by the People's Hall to govern the nation for the upcoming years. Immediately after the cabinet passed the 3rd term Prime Minister Kamil Novak announced yet another constitutional reform to "improve our democracy and giving our people a voice every 4 years instead of 6"

The Deltarian parliament just after the new MP's took office

The PM reffered to the proposed bill of the term duration of the legislative assembly and the government. In the current system a term of government and the Assembly lasts 6 years. According to Novak this is far to long and "Hinders the democratic progression we want to achieve in this country"

The main goal of every politician is to stand for the ideals of a group in society. We are there for the people not the other way around. 6 years is in our opinion far to long. You could see the election as a review of your work. If the people agree with your decisions and feel like you have represented them in the correct manner then they will reward you and give you a positive reaction on the elections. If they do not you will lose and have to revise and rethink your work. We think that removing that review period for 2 years was a mistake and we would like to give back the voice of the people so the people can give there opinions and vote more times then is currently the case

Said Prime Minister Novak. The new reform is expected to pass in a few months with all party's supporting it.

In addition to this the government also proposed a restructuring/reorganization of the navy including a expansion of the navy. A article on this will follow soon.

We will keep you informed on The Deltarian
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:31 am

People all accros Deltaria celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Grand Republic

It has been 10 years since the creation of the Grand Republic and people all accros the nation celebrate the peace that came with it.
The Grand Republic came into existence after the Thaller monarchists and Republican Socialists came to an agreement during the Deltarian Civil war. This agreement created the Grand Republic, an uneasy compromise between a democracy and a thaller led dictatorship. While the socialists achieved their goal of a democratic Deltaria there was still a form of authoritarianism in the government with the creation of the Thaller Grand Council.

A crowd of young people in the capital celebrating the peace and republic that has kept them alive

Despite this many Deltarian's hail the creation of the Grand Republic because it ushered in a period of immense growth both politically as economicaly. The Deltarian economy was stabilized and began to grow exponentially even reaching a growth rate of 5% in 4357. The creation of the republic also ushered in the period of peace that Deltaria has enjoyed for the past 10 years and many citizens hope for this period to continue and for the bloody history of Deltaria to be put in the past.

With growth continuing and more military and economic reforms in the works the period of stability, peace and prosperity in Deltaria seems to continue while the people celebrate it like never before.

While an ultimate free democracy has not yet been reached in Deltaria its government is well on its way to changing that and at the same time increasing Deltarian influence with its massive growing economy and military. Deltaria in the past 10 years has evolved into a regional powerhouse and some expect it to become a great power if this path continues.

The Government celebrated the 10th year anniversary of the peace and the creation of the republic together with their families in the cabinet building next to the legislative assembly.

We of The Deltarian will keep you up to date on any developments in Deltaria
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:57 am

Deltarian Foreign Minister says that "the government is keeping an eye on the situation

The Deltarian government is keeping their eye on the increased instability in Zardugal. The Prime Minister said earlier that the situation in Zardugal is a possible threat to Majatran stability and that the MA should actively monitor the events happening there.

Today Foreign Minister Pravoslav Kozar also issued an official government statement on the situation in Zardugal and the concern coming with it.

The unrest in Zardugal is something of great importance for all of majatra. We have created a stability in Majatra that has lasted longer then any we have seen before and we as majatran nations have the possibility to finally end the cycle of constant violence and unrest that has plagued our continent. We call upon the Zardic government to look for a peacefull and above all democratic solution to this unrest and to not put the stability of its own nation and that of others at risk. We will consult with the MA and other majatran partners and if our government finds the situation in Zardugal to develop to a point of no return we will consider actions against eaither its government or the opposing side. We therefor hereby official protest against the unrest in Zardugal

Said Foreign Minister Kozar. It is clear that Deltaria is not willing to jeopardise the stability that currently resides in Majatra. We will await the response of Zardugal and Deltaria's majatran partners.

More on this at The Deltarian
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:19 pm

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:30 pm

"The Liberal Order Has Failed"
Has Deltaria Tired of Liberalism?
October 4375

Petr Baxa the leader of the new Sovereign Democratic Party (SDS) has proclaimed the liberal order to be "on its deathbed" Baxa's SDS shot out of nowhere to capture just under 40% of the vote in recent elections. The stunning result was more stunning as many believed that growing economy and domestic peace in Deltaria had cemented the grip over the re-empowered Thallerists. They didn't count on Baxa a 52 year old retired military colonel. Tapping into a growing sense of disconnection among those who have gained little from the recent economic growth, who view democracy as a tool for "clever lawyers to loot", Baxa took his message to the country and it found a great reception.

Petr Baxa

One of the key issues he exploited was the recent takeover of the trucking company by a Valruzian firm. Baxa slammed this takeover as an ""economic invasion" and pledged to reverse it if he ever won power. A vocal enemy of "demonic free trade", Baxa has also blamed it for the economic woes witnessed in several small towns which are struggling to keep up with the rapidly globalising economy. He has however taken care not to call for tariffs or other punitive measures of protection, promising only to "rig the economy in our favour"

This spirit of confrontation and defiance characterises the party's proclaimed foreign policy. Baxa has vowed to the "bears' roar mean something once again". He links the general success of political liberalism in Majatra and Terra to the invasive globalisation economically, arguing that liberalism's simply a cynical vehicle for multi-national corporations to "rape local economies". All this, Baxa argues, can be cured by "sovereign democracy" This, according ot Baxa, is a political system where democracy is reconfigured to save the national interest first under a strong and activist government.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:02 am

Sovereign-Thallerist Alliance
Rival Nationalist Movements Unite In Power
January 4377

Following early elections, Pextr Baxa the leader of the Sovereign Democratic Party was elevated to the presidency unopposed. The early nature of election however saw his party lose several seats as it had not had much time to organise for it. This did not matter however as the Deltarian Thallerists have taken a shine to Baxa and his band of nationalists and proposed a political alliance. No doubt th Thallerists sought to harness some of the new movement's energy. As a result of the alliance, 3 Sovereign Democrats will join the new Cabinet, holding the security positions of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Interior and the non-security post of Science and Technology. The controversial Grand Council will remain its advisory role on foreign policy, a concession to the Thallers who retain permanent seats on it.

President Petr Baxa

On the domestic front, Baxa has vowed a "final push" to turn the country into a full industrial giant. Much progress has been noted in this area already but Baxa's plans appear more ambitious including a pledge to double exports by 4390 with a strong emphasis on the defence industry. Deltaria has historically been one of the dominant actors in the arms exports industry. Its automotive sector has also grown rapidly in recent years. Both, according to the new President, will find a friend in him and laws introducing special subsidies and tax advantages for exporters are already been drafted.

Deltarian arms industry

The new President has announced his intention to "make the Deltarian bear roar once again in international affairs." His first actions were all security related and aimed at flexing Deltaria's foreign policy muscles. He declared Deltaria's support for its ex-colony Utembo in its ongoing war Medina. The Foreign Ministry hinted that aid to Utembo might soon be forthcoming. A second move was an "expression of interest" in the Bianjin civil war. Declaring himself a champion of stability, Baxa declared that Deltaria would support "the national forces" over rebels. In the Bianjin civil ear however, this is less than clear and Deltaria has been mum on who its "guy in Bianjie" is, with the Foreign Ministry claiming that it is still making determinations on that front. These moves mark a departure from Deltaria's recent stance of focusing almost entirely on her domestic region of central Majatra which has included confrontation with her neighbours Jelbania and Kalopia.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:40 am

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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:46 pm

Baxa: Deltaria "Moving Aggressively" In R&D
April 4379

President Petr Baxa has proclaimed Deltaria to be "the next global leader" in research and development. The President stated this while signing the country's new budget at a ceremony at Cachtice Castle. In a dramatic boost, the budget increased the R&D budget by 900% from 10 billion to 100 billion Telars. The change is funded by a tax reform which saw the flattening of the tax code to 15% and the instigation of new measures to tackle tax evasion.

Ludmělník Industrial Park, Darali

President Baxa asked for a 105 billion R&D budget (equivalent to the 2% of GDP he was aiming for) Baxa said he aimed to push total R&D spending to 3.5% of GDP, taking the estimated 0.9% of GDP spent by the private sector already. This, the Government hopes to nudge up to 1.5% over the next decade through a number of specialised tax credits and subsidies. The defence sector will get the lion share of the new budgetary boost, taking about 42% of the increase. The other sectors were not neglected however, the automotive sector is getting a healthy increase of some 22% while the machine building and engineering sectors get around 18% of the total increase. The sectors particularly the automotive and machine-building one are aiming at producing low cost equipment and products aimed at the Third World and other less developed markets.

President Calls Jelbek Khagan

President Petr Baxa revealed that he had a "long and productive" telephone conversation with his Jelbek counterpart Khagan Wrntukai Nrljkai Vrn. The two spoke of the need for closer cooperation in trade and defence and of the military alliance which Deltaria has finally ratified, joining six other nations in the multi-continental Trilateral alliance. This buries the chapter of hostility which was quite atypical of the relations between the two nations, having been longtime allies as part of the old Tripartite Alliance with Vanuku. The President said he hoped for a return to strong friendship between the two nations and closer integration of their economies as well.
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