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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:06 am

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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:35 am


- Spring - 53.48% (228,359 votes)
- Paisley - 46.52% (198,640 votes)

(Total votes 436,999, Turnout 93.97%)

Elijah Spring is the new leader of the Socialist Party

Elijah Spring, who ran on a campaign pledging to make the Socialists electable again and to explicitly campaign for a SP-Lib-GL coalition has beat veteran left-winger Jonathan Paisley, who led the Socialists to a landslide defeat.

“The party has spoken. I accept that they want to continue down a different path, and while a disagree with many of them, I concede defeat, and wish Mr. Spring good luck”

In his victory speech, Spring said

“This is a new start for the SP! I am here to make sure that we lead government, so that we can pursue progressive policies that will benefit all Mordusians and help ordinary working families!”

Spring's speech was followed by a standing ovation from the crowd.

The party conference passed resolutions stating their commitment to joining the Selayan Union, support for a 28 hour workweek, and the elimination of fossil fuel power in Mordusia

Leader of the Green Left, Sarah Glenn, said,
"I am happy to see the SP now has begun to move on from their leadership election, I am deeply pained to see my long time friend and socialist campaigner Paisley lose this election, but that's democracy and he was a gent as always."

When asked for her thoughts on Spring, she added,
"I wish him well in the future and look forward to working with him, but we are very different, but that could be our strength".

- Rechtenburg Post
Last edited by macmckeown on Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:07 am

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:46 pm


The Liberal Union, the Socialist Party, and the Green Left are cooperating closely with each other to win the 4381 General Election and to form a purple-green coalition with each other. In certain regions, they have decided to combine their party lists to effectively beat the Hosian Social Union into the opposition benches.

For example, in Port Alexander, the Liberal Union and the Socialist Party have formed an alliance to retain their control over the city council and to keep a majority of seats from there in Parliament. In Bayonne, the Socialists and the Greens are in an alliance to "stop splitting the left-wing vote" as Mayor Marissa Brown put it. In Rechtenburg, they are all in a cartel with each other, and have even included independents on their party list.

Elijah Spring, SP leader said

"This strategy will ensure a progressive majority in Parliament. We need to implement reforms to Mordusia, to make our country fairer for all Mordusians, not just those at the top

We have reached out to Sarah Glenn (GL Leader) and Henri Bachelot (LU Leader) for more information on this strategy

- Bayonne Times
Last edited by macmckeown on Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Bachelot » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:23 pm

October 4381

Manningham-Buller is not Mordusia, Bachelot tells Olympic critics

Liberal Union leader and Minister of Justice Henri Bachelot has hit out at critics of Mordusia both in the Valruzian National Olympic Committee and the Terran Olympic Committee, accusing them of "conflating Manningham-Buller and the Mordusian Olympic authorities as though they are somehow the same thing, when that could hardly be further from the truth". He went on:

Manningham-Buller is a racist extremist, a bigot who represents nobody but himself and his small gang of supporters. He does not represent the Mordusian government, he does not represent the Mordusian National Olympic Committee, he does not represent the City of Rechtenburg and he damn well doesn't represent the Mordusian people.

Whilst his behaviour and his comments are deplorable, they should not be construed as being anything more than they are. The Terran Olympic Committee and the Valruzian National Olympic Committee have both, in the government's view, misunderstood and over-reacted to this incident.

I hope we can all now focus on making the 4390 Winter Olympics in Rechtenburg the best show that it can possibly be. As a country, it is a great honour for us to be hosting this, and we are determined to make it an exciting and memorable occasion.

Responding to comments made by Jerzy Strzembosz, President of the Valruzian National Olympic Committee, about hosting the Winter Olympics in Trigunia instead of Mordusia, Finance Minister Sylvaine Linville commented:

I find this a deeply unhelpful comment to make. The decision to host the Winter Olympics in Rechtenburg has already been made. Rechtenburg is well-prepared for the event, and I've no doubt at all we are going to have a great Olympics. However, I should point out that if the Terran Olympic Committee was foolish enough to cancel this for no good reason, then we would have a responsibility to go down the legal avenue, and seek substantial financial compensation. A lot of investment - from the government, from the private sector, from the voluntary sector - has gone into preparing for Rechtenburg Olympics. A lot of investment, a lot of planning. You can't just cancel something like that without there being any consequences.

Bachelot bores MPs with 5 hour defence of republicanism

MPs listening to Henri Bachelot's expounding upon the the principles and merits of republicanism

Henri Bachelot has delivered a marathon 5 hour speech, attempting to talk out a bill to install Alexander Steuart-Carmichael as King of Mordusia. Many MPs could be visibly seen becoming bored, and others left the chamber altogether. One of his opponents accused him of "giving this House the most boring speech it has had to endure for the last 40 years" and of "trying to bore this bill to death".

Bachelot endorses electoral alliance with Socialists and Green Left

Henri Bachelot has thrown his support behind his party's electoral alliance with the Socialist Party and Green Left, declaring that "the progressive forces in this country need to work together and stand together" and that "we cannot risk this country sliding backwards again, we must not risk another Mordusia First-style takeover of our government and our democratic institutions".

Some of his more right-wing MPs are known to be uncomfortable with the strategy, with one telling us privately:

We risk losing out distinctiveness by being a part of this. People vote liberal for old-fashioned liberalism. I don't want my voters thinking if they vote for me, what they'll get is socialism.

National Movement "may endorse Unity and Hosian Social Union candidates in certain contests"

The controversial far-right organisation, the National Movement, has released a statement saying that at the election, it "may endorse candidates for Unity and the Hosian Social Union, in cases where we feel those candidates are closely aligned with nationalist values and aspiration". Although the National Movement is not expected to field candidates of its own at the next election, it does have significant support in some parts of the country, where it could potentially exert influence on the results.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:50 pm

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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Bachelot » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:53 pm

December 4381

National Movement starts its own investigation in order to prove that the conduct of the Nowogard Olympics was corrupt

Frederick Manningham-Buller

The outspoken and controversial Frederick Manningham-Buller, chairman of the far-right National Movement, has announced the formation of what he calls "an independent committee of experts" who he says "will prove definitively that the Nowogard Olympics was the most corrupt major sporting event in living memory" and that "the Valruzians are a bunch of f**king criminals who should never be allowed to run anything again, ever".

HateWatch, a group which monitors extremist right-wing groups, has published profiles of Manningham-Buller's 9 "experts", revealing that none of them have any connection to the Olympics or Olympic sports, 2 have convictions for tax evasion, 2 have convictions for benefit fraud, 3 have convictions for racially-aggravated assault, 1 has served a prison sentence for armed robbery and another recently received a suspended sentence for illegal possession of firearms.

Manningham-Buller has also alleged "only the medals of the Valruzian athletes are made of real gold, real silver and real bronze" and that "the medal-winners from other countries have all been given medals from inferior qualities of metal".
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Bachelot » Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:10 pm

April 4382

Liberal Union conference votes not to oppose monarchy

Following Parliament's vote to introduce a monarchy by a two-thirds constitutional majority, the Liberal Union's annual conference has voted by 304 to 196 to "not seek to remove the monarchy during the term of the next Parliament".

Pary leader Henri Bachelot said:

As a liberal party we are committed to republican principles, but nevertheless, we recognise and respect the reality. The people's representatives have voted to bring in a constitutional monarchy, with the House of Steuart-Carmichael on the throne. Public opinion is strongly in favour of that as well. This is not what we wanted, not what we campaigned for, but nevertheless - it's happened. The monarchy is here.

Pressed as to why his party felt the need to rule our restoring the republic in the near future, Bachelot replied:

We want the next election to be about the core values we as liberals care about. That means civil liberties, social justice, building a better society, making Mordusia a better place to live, giving Mordusia a voice on the world stage, working for international this point in time, there are bigger issues for us to focus on than the monarchy. Very few people want to talk about the whole republicanism versus monarchism thing right now. Politics has moved on from that for now.

However, a significant minority within the party seem less than enthusiastic about giving the Steuart-Carmichaels an easy ride for the next few years. Outside the conference centre, a number of liberal activists took part in anti-monarchy demonstrations, as can be seen from the pictures below.



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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:32 pm


The Socialist Party is celebrating after a triumphant election where they gained 19.7% of the vote, up from 9.8% last election and their candidate become the first governor-general of Mordusia in centuries
results of the election

Socialist supporters after the final results come in

Elijah Spring said, after the results came in;
Thank you Mordusia! This election was a choice between the progressive left and the regressive right, and I am proud to say that we have won! We might have done as good as expacted, but, with the Liberal Union, the Green Left, and Spirit, we have the numbers to throw the Hosian Social Union out of government, hopefully for a long time while they learn to grow up!

The most shocking outcome of the election was the entry of the One Love Party into Parliament, where they gained 8 seats and have pledged their support for a Socialist government.

The polls also overestimated the results of the Liberal Union, which only got 8% of the vote, despite some polls putting them as high as 16%, and underestimated the results of the Green Left, who even managed to unseat Elise Rosemann, a key figure on the HSU's right-wing, who used to represent the suburban constituency of Carsdale North in Central Hosamia.

Results of the states

- Rechtenburg Post

OOC: Mordusia has multi-member constituencies, like Spain, so top party figures can lose their seats
Last edited by macmckeown on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:14 am


Refugees from Bianjie arriving at Mordusia

The Mordusian Government has decided to take in at least 500,000 refugees from Bianjie who have been affected by the ongoing genocide in their home country. They have also decided to provide the Northern Council with support and haven't ruled out participating in airstrikes, a sharp divergence from the traditional non-interventionism that has been practiced for centuries in Mordusia.

Prime Minister, Elijah Spring said;
This genocide is a crime against humanity. We can't just sit on the sidelines anymore, like we used to do. It is time to take action against this terrorist regime. We will support the Northern Council's airstrikes and provide them with arms to fight Bianjie

The government has also pledged to loosen up Mordusia's asylum laws, which are some of the strictest in Selaya, by eliminating the refugee cap, and have also offered free jobs training and adult apprenticeships to these asylum seekers

- Bayonne Times
Last edited by macmckeown on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
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