
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:43 pm

reprinted from
The Revolutionary Socialist
The Voice of the Socialist Party of Kalistan

[Socialists to Withdraw from Keymon Conflict]
Ananto City, Kalistan
January 20, 3291

The following was a message delivered by radio from the new leader of the Socialist Party of Kalistan

The Socialist Party supports the efforts to rescue our brave partisans from certain doom at the hands of warcrimanals from Likatonia whose depravity knows no bounds. We encourage nations to join the Solentian effort to get the remainder of our forces off the island, and will do all we can to support the effort as long as is required to secure their return with dignity to Kalistan, eventually. I'll issue a full statement on the progress of this effort in the near future, including outlining our efforts to establish diplomatic isolation on Likatonia and her allies for this gross violation of human rights in Keymon. That is all.

Sincerely John P. Henry
Socialist Party of Kalistan
General Secretary
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:46 pm

reprinted from
The Revolutionary Socialist
The Voice of the Socialist Party of Kalistan

Kalistani Merchant Marines join cause to evacuate Partisans from islands
Five cargo ships, empty, sail from Kalistani ports today to pick up survivors
Ananto City, Kalistan
March 30, 3291

Ship donated by the CSL for use in rescuing stranded partisans in Keymon

Kalistani merchant Marines have chipped in to the Effort to rescue the remainder of the Socialist Party's Contingent, as well as any others who can make it out of Keymon. Mounted as a national campaign, and called for by the Socialist Party's General Secretary, the head of three private corporations in Kalistan donated the use of their container ships to join the evacuation of the island. The ships departed today to cheering fanfaire, and set out through Ananto Straits, to steam along the south Coast of the continents of Kerris and Makon before heading due south into Keymon Waters. Once south of Makon, the ships will don the white flag of the Solentian effort and will attempt to enter the waters around the northern point of Keymon controlled by Trigunia.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:47 pm

reprinted from
The Revolutionary Socialist
The Voice of the Socialist Party of Kalistan

Socialists clarify the Kalistani President's position on the Keymon War
Ananto City, Kalistan
October 3291

The General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Kalistan issued the following statement from Party Headquarters in the Capital today.
We support the President's Unilateral (as in, without any sort of consultation with his governing partners) declaration of the end of Kalistani hostilities. Fortunately for our President, who is apparently now issuing statements on the War, our military engagement ended officially more than half a year ago. We are in the process of evacuating our forces from Keymon and will have them home by the year's end. We also will refuse to authorize the sending of Kalistani regulars into this conflict. It is a wash for us: The Majority Party has not passed a bill to fund a modernization of the Kalistani military as the Defense Minister asked for at the start of this campaign, and a matter of fact, has not made any comment whatsoever within Kalistan on the Conflict except to commit us to it without consulting the Socialist Party, as required by law. Where was the Patriotic Rebellion when the SP's Partisans were being gassed to death in the fields and the forests of Keymon, in a war that he and his Party committed us to but refused to fund, supply or man? He didn't even issue a comment on it in our assembly when we asked for guidance on the matter. So of course we agree with his statement that Party militias will no longer be participating in Keymon's War: That has been our, as the only active Kalistani Party in this conflict, policy for more than a half a year.

As for the law he proposes which outlaws our militia, once more, our Country's Constitution expressly permits our Party to maintain the Militia, and any law passed to the contrary is expressly unconstitutional. Our Party's militia will remain activated when it returns to Kalistan, and we will step up our recruitment efforts if need be to protect our rights as a Party against unconstitutional and arbitrary authority. A simple majority in the Assembly does not give a Party the right to circumvent the Constitution of our country. We encourage the President of the country to familiarize himself with the Constitution and refrain in the future from passing laws which directly contravene its provisions. Thank you, that is all.

http://classic.particracy.net/viewtreat ... atyid=1412
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:52 pm

The Revolutionary Socialist
The Voice of the Socialist Party of Kalistan

Socialist Party and Foreign Ministry of Kalistan welcomes Gaduri Officials
Ananto City, Kalistan
September 27, 3293

Foreign Minister Jones spoke, in June on the Anti-Militarization bill in the Kalistani Assembly. He issued a statement welcoming Gaduri officials to Kalistan yesterday.

The Foreign Minister of Kalistan, and member of the Socialist Party Frank Edward Jones issued the following statement today on the event of the successful conclusion of the Keymon Crisis

We welcome the news of the victory over the forces of totalitarianism on the Island of Keymon. It was a hard fought victory, and for now, the island of Keymon has been restored to freedom. Only the eternal vigilance of Keymon's allies, however, will ensure that: as a small island in the middle of an ocean, Keymon could easily become prey to another malevolent force. Those who fought so brilliantly on Keymon should realize an ongoing duty to her survival and security.

On the event of Gaduri official visits to Kalistan, we welcome you, as always. Our Party's militia has been re-legalized by a brilliant, and might I add, just vote in the Assembly, and we now reorganize under the light of the sun once more. We will organize a review in honor of their visit through the heart of the old Capital at Kaliburg, home of the Socialist Party, and will appreciate the fraternal visit from the heads of Gaduri State and Government.

We also welcome the news of the peace talks to get underway. Kalistan lost thousands in the conflict, and while we seek no role in the conference, having only participated a short time, we do hope that the settlement is one that promotes peace, understanding, but most importantly, reconciliation of the warring factions. The conflict was not ours: we were brought into it by the actions of our President, who committed Kalistan's military and then did not support the conflict at home. The Socialist Party stepped up to fulfill Kalistan's word to its friends in that event, and were badly wounded as a result. The long and the short of it is, Kalistan holds no malice toward anyone. The primary fault of the wounds to our militia and to our county was our own, for getting involved in the first place. Kalistan is a nation of peace: As long as the Socialist Party has been active, since 2591, Kalistan has only ever fought with itself. Our first international adventure in 702 years went awry. That mistake won't be soon repeated. We wish all Parties good luck in their peace talks, and hope for the best outcome, that considers everyone's interest, and does not punish the losers of the conflict more than justice demands.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:39 pm

Barajas Returns to Kalistan
Chief Negotiator is promptly elected President; Delivers blistering, but short inaugural address

Kaliburg, Ananto
October 17, 4417

Ana Barajas, Odfaray Governor and more recently Peace Negotiator, adds "President" to her list of titles

Blythe Johnson-Bennots, Who has served as President of the Republic for the last 11 years has stepped down from office and Handed the reigns over to popular Governor and Diplomat Ana Barajas.

In her farewell address, Johnson recounted a number of challenges and accomplishments of her Administration:

"Since taking office, this Administration has nationalized one half of the Kalistani Economy. We have concluded alliances with two major powers, Vanuku and Selucia. We have opened trade , and re-established the Kalistani Government's role in export of drugs, oil, steel, and to which we now add cars, civilian aircraft, fabrics and textiles, and a host of other products. We have rebuilt the Regular Standing Forces of Kalistan from nothing. We have successfully concluded peace in a conflict which was not of our choosing over the Ananto Strait. We defended Kalistani Sovereignty in a number of ways. I am a humble person, and have recently become a member of the Society of Brethren. But even I must say, this is impressive. We now turn the administration of our great nation over to a woman who will no doubt carry on this effort, but certainly expand upon it. A good Socialist, an accomplished Governor in her own right, a fantastic diplomat, and a good singer, I might add, Comrade President Ana Barajas."

After this introduction, the former President returned to her seat and Barajas took the podium. She was applauded for several minutes, and at one point needed to step back from the microphone while people cheered. When she was finally able to regain silence in the crowd, she delivered her innagural address, which was very short, compared to others in Kalistan's History.

"Comrades, Greetings. In my travels, I have learned a couple things. First: Interests are not negotiable. If they are of fundamental importance to a side, that side will stick on them forever, and will never move. The way you make them stick to those interests is by mocking the legitimacy of those interests, and belittling the people who hold them. It is better, in my opinion, to show those people courtesy, to acknowledge the validity of those interests and even if you can't accommodate them all, don't inform them of this fact by dictating terms. The Second thing I learned is that interests can actually be talked about. We can talk about policy, we can talk about limits, this that and the other. We can settle grievances. That is a give and take process. But a slight: You cause a personal harm to another person, one that they take personally, even if you didn't intend it, or they are imagining it, they will NEVER forget that, and they will remember the slight, and the person who caused that slight forever.

"We are reaping the benefits of the previous Administration's policies. Kalistan is moving into a new age. And we will never, ever forgive those who gave offense to Kalistan's legitimate national interests. Just like we don't forget those who came to help Kalistan in the time of need, and just like we don't forget those who took every opportunity to make peace with us at the first opportunity, we also do not forget those who tried to kick us when we were down, and those who tried to pretend that Kalistan had no right to make any claims to anything. We will never forget the slights given to us. Kalistan has returned to its rightful position, and can stand up now. There will be no other power kicking us while we are in a ditch ever again."

After this particularly bellicose inaugural speech, Barajas let the podium. The first public announcement released from her office was about her intention to seek military exercises with the Vanuku 4th Fleet still stationed at Bozo River Combined Arms Training Facility. There is no wonder who the President of the Republic referred to in her speech.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:09 pm

KRTVN-4 Runs Cryptic Commercials
Makes Mysterious announcement during 6 popular afternoon shows

Python, Vrassa
April 7, 4418

This Cryptic Message was flashed over KRTVN Channel 4 yesterday afternoon

"The Beat Brothers are coming!" This slightly ominous message flashed no less than 9 times yesterday afternoon on Channel 4 during the afternoon shows. Teens and young adults who make up the vast majority of the afternoon demographic were treated to this "commercial" during the music and teen soaps. There was no further explanation fr the advertisement.

The ombudsman for the channel issued the following statement: "We are not sure what programmers are trying to do at Channel 4. But the official ruling from my office is that the advertisement does not violate the Republican law on truthful advertisement: We are not sure who the Beat Brothers are, when they are coming, or why they are coming, but as this is likely some gimmick for some future programming, there is no reason we have to rule that the advertisement has violated the law."

We at the Republic have done some research on who the Beat Brothers could possibly be. Our researchers discovered that the Beat Brothers are a band who scored a record deal with a Valruzian record label a couple years ago. This is all that is known about them. We approached Gary Kingston, a senior producer at Channel 4 for comment.

"I don't know anything about the Beat Brothers; I've never heard of them. Are they like a comic duo or something?" was his response. As to why the commercials are running on the Channel he is responsible for, he answered simply, "Well, that sounds like a marketing decision, and I run operations. I would suggest you speak with Loretta Khan. She is in charge of marketing and advertising."

So we did. "No- Each show has their own budget and their own creative staff. I only ensure that we run commercials on time. In fact, the only time I actually deal with creative aspects of the commercials is when they either make false claims or promises, or when they don't run the purchased amount of time each day. As a matter of fact, the content of commercials is decentralized to each show, but if you want to talk to our operations producer, the guy who runs the day to day of the station, his name is Gary Kingston."

We were getting nowhere.

At press time, the mysterious commercials had run again, this time on Radio, channel 3, during morning Drive. This time, just a voice, which simply said "The Beat Brothers are Coming." No other information.

Either this is a fairly elaborate Valruzian-led operation, which is entirely plausible given their embargo of Kalistan a few years ago, or some KRTVN producer is having some fun with the public. Or perhaps, the Beat Brothers actually are coming. We will continue to monitor and will report our findings, if we get to the bottom of this matter.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:36 am

Youth of Kalistan Eagerly Await Arrival of the Beat Brothers
Details of Arrival still scant

Sulari, Suldanor
May 28, 4418

Channel 4 reveals the identity of the Beat Brothers, ending nearly 2 months of speculation

We are, by now, all completely familiar with the ubiquitous commercials which announces "The Beat Brothers are Coming!". It started early last month, with a simple announcement that "The Beat Brothers Are Coming!" The identity of the group was unknown at the time, and it was believed that someone had hacked the signal of Channel 4. Instead, the commercials set off a veritable storm of interest and speculation, about the identity of this group, about the people behind the commercials. Within days, the imagination of a significant portion of the population, especially those who watch Channel 4, was captured.

A week later, it was confirmed that The Beat Brothers was indeed a Valruzian band that is currently gaining popularity in the rock scene in Valruzia. Their music was next to impossible to find in Kalistan, however, due to the embargo that Valruzia placed on our country at the beginning of the Straits affair. A few tracks were released anonymously, and picked up by Radio Channel 3: These tracks have been attributed to The Beat Brothers, but it has proven impossible to authenticate the source of these tracks.

Nonetheless, these unauthenticated tracks became number 1 requests for a solid week on the Radio Channel 3, and on the TV Channel 4 afternoon show called "Complete Music". This program normally attracts an impressive following of 7.5 million teenagers and young adults every afternoon. But as of late last week, it was reported that since the beginning of this "Beatmania" which is sweeping Kalistan, Complete Music's viewership had tripled, and captured every demographic under the age of 35. Meanwhile, the controversy surrounding the music was resolved. Of the 5 tracks attributed to the Beat Brothers, 4 of the 5 were misattributed. Two of them were made by Kalistani teenagers called the "Bash Bros" trying to capitalize off the mania, and two of them were covers of Lodamese folk music pirated from the Internet. The one which still remained unattributed remains highly demanded on tv and the Radio, but the other four have all but disappeared from the airwaves.

Early this week, the commercial changed to a picture of the four Valruzians but it kept the same message. The one remaining unattributed track was playing in the background of the 15 second long commercial. "Complete Music" producer Josephine Guerrero confirmed that the music of this unattributed song was indeed an early and pirated demo from the Beat Brothers, which had been smuggled out of Valruzia by a Valruzian DJ, trying to cash in on the growing fame of the Beat Brothers. Complete Music expected to be in talks with the Beat Brothers management to pay appropriate royalties to the band for the use of their music.

Meanwhile, the backlash has already begun. Felicia Banton, the influential columnist turned TV opinion personality, has lashed out at the corrosive effects of the Beat Brothers' music on the "minds of the youth" on TV Channel 1 last night. This incredibly reactionary opinion is characteristic of Comrade Banton is a bit on the extreme side, even for her. But she appears to have struck a nerve with Kalistan's "Over 40" demographic. This morning, the Republic ran a number of "Letters to the Editor" calling for KRTVN to stop running ads saying that the Beat Brothers are coming, and others suggesting that the Beat Brothers are going to warp the minds of the youth. Granted, this is the minority view: Most of the letters to the Editor about the Beat Brothers were calls for them to come (already!). People, especially the youth have already scoured the Internet looking for more information: They are the most highly searched term on various search engines. A number of Beat Brothers fan clubs have already started up in all Districts, and both girls and boys are showing up to "Complete Music" in "We love You, Beat Brothers" T-shirts that some enterprising scalpers are selling outside of the show.

There is still no information about when the Beat Brothers will finally arrive in Kalistan, and we are still at a loss as to who is responsible for the hype campaign. But if it is indeed just hype, one young lady we interviewed in the audience line for Complete Music yesterday said, "Well, I'm just going to have to find some way to go to Valruzia and see them there." She was immediately cheered by 250 kids in earshot of our interview.

The Beat Brothers may still be coming, someday, but the Cult of the Beat Brothers is already here, and millions of screaming girls are awaiting the arrival of their new Gods.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:48 am

Beatmania spreads to all corners of Kalistan as Valruzian Band plays Ananto

Kaliburg Ananto
July 2, 4418

Valruzian Quartet The Beat Brothers arrive in Kaliburg on July 1 to thousands of crazed teenaged fanatics

It finally happened. History has been made in Kalistan, and music tastes in the Republic will likely be altered for the foreseeable future.

If you hadn't heard that the Beat Brothers were coming to Kalistan, you must have been living under a rock since early April. But every kid between the ages of 13 and 19 know they'd be here, and sure enough they have arrived.

In late May, The Republic confirmed that the "Beat Brothers" referred to by the commercials was in fact the Valruzian Pop-Rock band of that name, and it was released a couple weeks later that the Valruzian government had agreed to allow the foursome to visit the Republic, which is still technically under embargo. A deal was concluded between the Beat Brothers' Management and the extremely popular KRTVN-4 program "Complete Music" to bring the Beat Brothers to Kalistan in June or July.

All of these arrangements were kept secret from the general population: The goal of the whisper campaign was to generate interest in this band which nobody in Kalistan had ever heard of before April. "Of course, we owe the Beat Brothers royalties," said "Complete Music" producer Josephine Guerrero. "We intend to hand them a fairly sizeable fee at the first opportunity."

The gambit payed off. By the time the Beat Brothers touched down in Kaliburg yesterday, they had already captured the hearts of the Nation.

The Beat Brothers arrived at Kaliburg International airport at precisely 13:35 on a Valruzian charter flight. Everyone there knew, without a doubt, that history was being made. When the four musicians stepped out the door of their plane, the assembled crowd went wild. Local security reported a crowd of more than 9,000 people were there to greet the Beat Brothers. As the band moved from the plane toward the waiting bus which was to take them into the city, the crowd beat the barricades down and mobbed the band. Local security forces sprung into action and immediately surrounded the band to keep them safe from the crazed teenagers. Slowly the scrum made their way to the City Bus, chartered for this event, and the band slowly left the airport, followed by the mob.

As the bus made its way through the city, the main streets were lined with screaming fans hoping to catch a glimpse of their idols. The bus slowly wound its way toward the Kalistan National Opera House. It turns out that "Complete Music" had organized a special show for that day, and announced that the goal was to fill the National Opera for the show. But they did not tell the fans who were in the Opera that the day's live band would be the Beat Brothers. The Host of Complete Music, Gregory Guerwitz got the word that the Beat Brothers were ready about 15 minutes into the live show.

"Friends, I've just got word that we're ready... alright. Now, I know we've had some great acts on this show, but I think... well, I think you're in for a treat." At this point, a rumor began to spread around the room, via text, from outside the Opera, that the Beat Brothers were in the house. The word slowly spread, and here and there, groups of audience members started yelling hysterically.

"Friends, here we go. Ladies and Gentlemen..." Before Guerwitz could complete his introduction, the curtains opened and there were the Beat Brothers, and the assembled crowd of 12,500 screaming teenagers lost their minds. Though Guerwitz said "The Beat Brothers", nobody heard him, because of the deafening roar from the crowd.

The Beat Brothers played a total of 5 songs, each about 3 minutes, of perfect pop rock: Songs like "Here to Please", "Darling, It's Me", "Shackles of Love", "Shake and Shout", and "Ezbieta, You Deserve Him" are all certain, in their own time, to become number 1 hits on the Pop and the National Charts in short order. The best song of the set, "Shake and Shout" has been playing on constant rotation on several private Radio stations since yesterday.

Unfortunately, the only people who heard most of it in the Operahouse were the sound operator and the members of the Band themselves, who had monitors in their ears. The television audience at home only really heard a few minutes here and there of the whole performance over the crowd noise. Nonetheless, rest assured, early reports demonstrate that the concert reached nearly every livingroom and Dorm Room in the entire country. The cameras spent the concert butting between the band and young women, and men, appearing to lose control.

The Beat Brothers play to a standing room only crowd at the National Opera

The concert lasted less than 20 minutes in total, but many of the youngsters present described the event as timeless. Following the concert, Guerwitz asked one of the band's Lead Singers, Hanuszek Leminski what his impressions of Kalistan were. He smiled and said, "It's... very loud." and the crowd went wild once more, as if to prove him correct.

"And what do you think of our young people?" Guerwitz said with a smile.

Liminski smiled, nodded at the crowd and said, "They're my favorite in all of Kalistan." And the crowd let out a massive, deafening roar again.

Following the show, the Beat Brothers were returned to the airport. This of course was a sign of the still existing tensions between the Governments of Valruzia and Kalistan. But the fans of the Beat Brothers didn't care about international relations yesterday. As the bus departed from the National Opera, the audience departed out the front way and formed an impromptu parade behind the bus, walking the 3 miles between the Opera House and the Airport. The bus obliged, at the Band's request, and slowly crept through the streets of the town, allowing the fans to see the band. The Beat Brothers hung out the windows and touched the hands of their fans who flanked both sides of the bus as it moved along.

Once at the airport, the Beat Brothers gave one final press conference, to a throng of reporters. Here they displayed incredible wit and confidence before a foreign press, even if they spoke Luthori in a heavy accent.

Q: How did you find Kalistan?
A: Turned Right at Lodamun.

Q: Will you come back to Kalistan?
A: We have not left.

Q: Did you know you were this popular in Kalistan?
A: Did you know you were so popular in Valruzia?

Q: What's your favorite song?
A: (from Drummer Rysiek Starewski) The one I did not write.

And so forth. The press conference, which was broadcast live on all television and radio channels of KRTVN, lasted for more than 10 minutes where the band also discussed their their new record, "Here to Please", which has just has been released in Valruzia, but which cannot be legally sold in Kalistan at the moment. "We will be sure to send a couple of copies to Kalistan," joked bassist Pawlik Mareczek. After taking pictures and waving, they were escorted out to the Charter flight, where they climbed the stairs to the flight and waved at the crowd, who was still screaming at the sight of the departing band.

At 16:45, the Charter flight lifted off and disappeared into the clear blue sky. All told, the Beat Brothers had been in Kalistan for 3 and a half hours, sung 5 songs, and given two interviews. They had been seen by more than 25,000 fans, and countless more at home. The Kalistani fans who watched the plane until it was out of sight hung around the airport for nearly an hour, discussing their experiences. Most interviewed said the same thing:

"This changed my entire life," said one young fan. She summed up the afternoon for millions.

By 17:15, Online sales of "Here To Please" began through third Parties, and it is alleged, though not confirmed, that more that 650,000 copies of the record had been sold to Kalistani consumers by Press time this morning.

Penny Georges, Age 15, who claimed that she stood less than 5 feet away as the Beat Brothers passed, was overwhelmed with emotion
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:24 pm

Kalistani Government Strongly condemns Jelbic Nuclear Attack
Premier to withdraw from Vanuku Treaty

Kaliburg, Ananto
September 8, 4418

Premier of the Republic Carrangus to end relations with Vanuku over nuclear detonation

Very few details exist concerning the dramatic escalation this week to nuclear warfare in the Jelbic Conflict. However, what we do know is that an ally of Kalistan has detonated a 100 kiloton nuclear blast, which has, according to Vanukean sources, killed tens of thousands already and will destroy the lives of untold numbers in months and years to come.

The Government of Kalistan, which strongly opposes nuclear weaponry and considers them to be monstrous terror devices, is now reconsidering its relationship to the offending nation. The Government of Kalistan strongly condemned the act in a tersely worded statement issued by Premier of the Republic.

Kalistan condemns, in no uncertain terms, both the use of nuclear weapons, and the policy makers who made the decision to use them. We strongly condemn the Vanukean choice to utilize a nuclear arsenal in a conventional war. We cannot be concerned about the politics that may perhaps mitigate this mass destruction of human life. As the Vanukean Government knows full well, it is not the politicians who die in war. It is their poor, their enlistees and draftees. And it is the poor of the other side that they have killed by the scores of thousands. While the war was conventional, Kalistan remained neutral. Now that The Kingdom of Vanuku has chosen to make the war something quite different, The United Republic of Kalistan must respond.

As of this morning, I will be in consultation with my foreign policy and defense teams, as well as in consultation with the President of the Republic, concerning this matter. Effective immediately, the Vanuku Navy must suspend all shore leave for sailors and soldiers who are attached to the 4th Fleet stationed at the Bozo River Combined Arms Training Facility in Ananto, and recall those men and women to their ships. Within 24 hours, police and militia who find Vanukean military personnel in Ananto will detain those individuals and escort them back to Bozo River to hand them over to their commanders. In addition, all Vanukean Embassy personnel are to return to their missions and await further word from their Government. As per our agreement with Vanuku, which terms we still honor, we are officially providing notice of Kalistan's intent to abrogate the Kaliburg Trilateral Accord of 4413, specifically Articles 3 and 5 with regard to Vanuku, and expect to move a bill to fully withdraw from that Treaty and our relationship with Vanuku within a week. Meanwhile, all Vanukean Nationals in any way associated with the Government of The Kingdom of Vanuku are asked to please report to Vanuku's nearest Embassy or consulate, so that Vanuku may get you safely out of the country.

It is with great sorrow that the Government takes these steps. Our relationship with Vanuku has been a profitable one for Kalistan. We will however, no, we can not tolerate this great affront to humanity. And we would rather be poor and weak than side with those who will use nuclear weaponry in war. We will take the hit. But we can not, in good conscience, remain associated with the Government of Vanuku any longer.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Commie16 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:09 pm


Today in Kaliburg a new political party was formed. Religious leaders and Hosian faithful from the Terran Patriarchal Church, The Society of Brethren, and Reformed Kalistani Church gathered in the nation's capital to discuss the state of the nation. Leaders from around all of Kalistani raised concerns with the growing number of adherents to Ahmadism as well as what they expressed as the "moral decay of society within Kalistani." Leaders in attendance pointed directly to the platform of the ruling SPoK as a leading cause of this problem. Article 11 of the SPoK Manifesto reads "A radical separation of church and state, and a radical separation of social and private spheres. Religion is inherently a private matter, and does not belong anywhere in the public sphere."

The newly formed Hosian Democratic Party quickly elected a slate of party leaders and unveiled it's offical party leader and candidate for the President of the Republic, Jean-Luc Warquiez. Warquiez took the stage and addressed his new party members for the first time in a firey speech concerning the state of the nation in which he tore into the SPoK.

Newly elected Hosian Democratic Party leader Jean-Luc Warquiez addressing party members

The time has come for the Hosian faithful in our nation to rise up! For far too long have we sat idly by, sat on the sidelines, sat quietly and held our tongues as we watched our nation go down a path that we knew we was wrong. For far too long have sat passively. For far too long have we sat out of elections. But no longer! Today marks a brand new day in our nation's history! Today marks a brand new chapter in the history of our Republic! Today will be the day that future generations will remember as the day that people of faith of character gathered together in our nations capitol to say no longer! No longer will we sit by idly! No longer will we sit quietly! No longer will we watch our nation's moral fabric be ripped apart at the seams!

This government, this ruling party made up entirely of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, has waged war on the Hosian faithful. It has ruthlessly chased all signs of religious practice, adherence, and observance from the public sphere. It has made it taboo! Today we have, all of us together, said not anymore! Today we are here to say to the Socialist Party, we're not going to take it on the chin any longer! We are here today to say to the Socialist Party that your declaration that " Religion is inherently a private matter, and does not belong anywhere in the public sphere." is unacceptable! We will not stand for it any longer! Under their leadership our religious institutions have been banned, yes BANNED, from advertising our spreading our sincerely held religious beliefs! Today we say not any more!

Under the leadership of the Socialist Party abortion has been made legal, anywhere, at any time, on demand! Not only that but they have forced us, conscientious and moral objectors to this vile and evil practice, pay for it with our tax dollars! Today we say not any more! Today we say to the government, to the Socialist Party of Kalistan, that you won't get any more money from our Churches to pay for state sanctioned murder of the unborn! We won't sit back any longer to watch, silently, as this government wages all out war on the sacred institution of marriage! We're not taking it any more! We're standing up! We're fighting back!

Today marks the first day of a bright new future for our people and for our country. Today marks the first day of our fight to take our country back!
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Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:20 pm


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