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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:32 am

Former King Juhn X Dies of Radiation Poisoning
He Has Spent the Last Three Years Helping Victims in the Nuclear Blast Zone

The late Prince Juhn, formerly Juhn X of Vanuku.

January 4425 - The former King of Vanuku, Juhn X, has died of illnesses related to radiation sickness after spending three years tending to people in the contaminated wastelands of Jelbania which had been affected by the nuclear strike.

Prince Juhn, as he has been known since abdicating, suffered multiple organ failure and died in the small medical complex and volunteer base that has become his home in the western tribal areas. He was 63.

His daughter - Queen Mrjmai, said in a statement, that she was "utterly devastated" adding: "There is now a hole in my soul that will never again be filled. My father always knew this was a one-way mission but he wanted to give something back to the people he felt so responsible for. Like many of the brave volunteers who entered the blast zone, my beloved father has now paid the ultimate sacrifice to do his duty for his country."

Juhn X abdicated shortly after Vanuku's now infamous nuclear strike on Deltarian troops in Jelbania. He did not use his Royal Veto to attempt to overturn the government's decision to carry out the attack, which killed 50,000 troops. His last act was to order a vote of no confidence in the then Prefect Duke Brnó Zhtál after he refused to stand down and attempted to escalate the war to secure victory.

It led to a new coalition government being installed which immediately looked for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Duke Brnó is now under house arrest after attempting to flee the country. He is expected to stand trial for crimes against humanity in the very near future.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:59 am

Grand Council Debating Majatran Alliance and Majatran Union of Nations Membership
Multi-Billion VAN Naval Deal to Supply Cildania Could Have A Major Bearing On the Decision

A Pro-Majatran Alliance Grand Councillor spells out the advantages of remaining a member.

February 4425 - A Grand Council Debate is underway to look at continued membership of the Majatran Alliance (MA) and the possibility of joining the Majatran Union of Nations (MUN)

Vanuku is a member of the MA and has an established relationship with the founding members Istalia and Zardugal. However, there have been calls by some MA members for Vanuku to carry out unilateral nuclear disarmament following the strike in Jelbania, something the Kingdom is adamantly against.

The new MUN entity offers an economic free trade zone but also commits members to a defensive pact; however, a nation can instead opt to become an MUN observer state, meaning they can access the economic zone but are not part of the defensive pact and do not vote on MUN legislation.

A factor that certainly has to be taken into account is that the founder of the MUN, The Federal Kingdom of Cildania, has just struck a significant deal to buy cruisers, destroyers and frigates from Vanuku. The order worth at least 15 billion VAN will see the Federal Kingdom take delivery of frontline ASW, AAW and command and control ships to bolster its relatively small navy. Vanuku's famous Shipyard Havendam is building the craft, which should be ready over a three year period. Cildanian Prime Minister Dom Troisi personally visited Vanuku to broker the deal and to discuss future relations.

Naval Reputation Has Led to Multi-Billion VAN Deals

A Wiel-Class Anti-Submarine Warfare Destroyer

The Kingdom has a pedigree for producing top-range frigates, destroyers and cruisers dating back to its peacekeeping role as the part of the Council of Majatra.

Vanuku's PONAC fleet consisted of a number of State-Class and Verhamelen-Class Destroyers and Frigates to accompany its then Dorvik Class Aircraft Carrier, the VSS Wrnuke.

The Tekmak-class Guided-Missile Cruiser and Wiel-class Destroyer are the modern-day equivalents and now escort the four Támnr-class Aircraft carriers that spearhead the four naval battle groups of the Vanukean Navy. Investment in multi-purpose and air defence and command frigates has also been high on the agenda, with two significant investments taking place in 4356 and 4385.

A five year upgrade is currently taking place to the Anti-Aircraft Warfare, Anti-Submarine Warfare and Anti-Surface Warfare systems on these frontline ships. the aim is to improve on the existing Vanutech-developed advanced command, control and weapons system that uses powerful computers and radars to track and guide ordnance to destroy enemy targets or defend again incoming missiles and planes.

The deal with Cildania follows a similar one struck with Kalistan earlier in the century which saw 7 Wiel-class (dubbed Kaliburg-class in Kalistan) and 2 Tekmak-class (Luxon-class in Kalistan) combat ships sold as part of a large military order.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:18 pm

Market Uncertainty Over Shock Istalian Decision to Push for MUN Membership
Many Financiers Sell Stock In Majatran Alliance-based Companies As Wiel Asks Romula to Clarify the Situation

The Wiel Stock Market floor saw some frenetic trading this morning.

August 4425 - Share prices in companies with links to Majatran Alliance (MA) countries have taken a hit on the Vanukean stock market over uncertainty sparked by the possibility of Istalia joining a rival supranational organisation.

Istalia, is a founding member of the MA and its strongest supporter but its government has now taken steps to attempt to become a member of the Majatran Union of Nations (MUN).

The MUN which was formed by the Federal Kingdom of Cildania is similar to the MA as it offer members access to a free trade economic zone and commits nations to a common defensive pact. As a result many see the two bodies as rivals, while others believe it is counter-productive to have two similar continental-wide organisations operating at once.

The potential decision by Istalia to jump ship, which could see the collapse of the MA, led to frenetic trading on the stock exchange in Wiel. Many speculators began selling their interests in Istalian-based corporations and other major companies in MA-committed countries like neighbouring Zardugal and began moving their money into domestic Vanukean companies instead.

Vanuku itself, which is one of the two biggest economies in the Alliance, has opened up a debate over the merits of being an MA or MUN member, which has added to the cloud of uncertainty.

Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur has made contact with his Istalian government counterpart in an attempt to clarify the position while the matter has been raised by the Vanukean Ambassador to the MA; meanwhile, Finance Minister Dr Ershébef Trmékez called for "calm and level heads" in regards to the markets.

One financier told Forwards Vanuku!: "Whether the ratification bill passes or not this time is not the issue. Its very proposal shows a lack of confidence by the Istalian government in the Majatran Alliance. If Istalia leaves it will have a major trading impact on remaining nations and that has caused the uncertainty on the market. We have been moving stock to Vanukean companies or buying into stable commodities like precious metals until we can see which way the wind is blowing."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:27 am

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:49 pm

Vanuku Re-establishes Large-Scale Mining Operations in Northern Jelbania
Kingdom Looking To Extract Metals and Minerals and To Prospect for Uranium Ore.

On the look out for mining opportunities on the vast Jelbek steppe.

March 4426 - Vanuku has rekindled its multi-billion interest in mining operations in Jelbania as a part of its special economic and political role in the northern part of the nation.

Many metal and mineral extraction sites in the Jelbek (Northern) Khaganate are being re-opened and more money is being pumped into Termrort Ltd, a Jelbanian mining company that Vanuku originally bought a 35 per cent share in back in 4361.

New mining equipment is being manufactured or being transported in from Vanuku to assist with the extraction. A further 500 million VAN is being pumped into the country to upgrade highway and rail links between the Khaganate and Vanuku to transport mined resources back to the Kingdom for sale to a variety of industrial sectors.

Vanuku has also stated its intention to prospect for new uranium ore sites in the far south west of the Khaganate. Although the main exisiting uranium mines are located in the Western Tribal Area, many geologists believe there is a rich deposit of the ore stretching further north.

Vanuku was granted special economic and political influence over the Jelbek Khaganate region as part of the Rklemjistad Summit agreement. Deltaria has a similar remit in the Southern - formerly Katonid - Khanate. Vanuku has already pumped hundreds of millions into Jelbania as part of the country's rebuilding process and to help with the clear up around the site of the nuclear strike.

Meanwhile, the Vanukean Ministry of Defence has announced that its expeditionary force in the Western Tribal areas has made good ground, in conjunction with Jelbanian troops, in quelling local overlords who have resisted the unification of the country.

Lieutenant-General Esk'r Vrmjk, who is leading the Expeditionary Force, spearheaded by the 8th Mountain Division and 16th Mechanised Division, said the objective was to push on to the centre of the region and meet Deltarian forces moving in from the south and undertaking a similar mission.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:39 pm

Vanuku Votes For Full Membership of the MUN
However, the Kingdom Will Still Honour Commitments to Majatran Alliance During Transitionary Time for Continent

Foreign Minister Ashur outlines Vanuku's position in regards to the MA and MUN.

September 4426 - Vanuku has voted to join the newly-formed Majatran Union of Nations (MUN)... but has pledged to continue to honour its existing trade and security agreements under the Majatran Alliance as long as that body remains active.

The Kingdom has signed up to full membership of the MUN to take advantage of the free trade zone opportunities with countries like Cildania and Jelbania. However, it will retain a role in the MA in order to work with nations who are not looking to switch, like neighbouring Zardugal.

Foreign Minister, Baron Rnúf Ashur, who helped to broker the MUN treaty ratification said: "It is a transitionary time. Like many countries we have joined this new body because there are tangible financial benefits, but it will take time for all nations on the continent to consider taking the same step. I think it is only natural and prudent that we continue to work with nations remaining in the MA during this period.

And, afterwards, if there are some nations that decide to remain outside the supranational set up, we will look to establish bilateral trade deals to ensure the free flow of goods and commodities.

"We also remain committed to our security requirements as part of the MA treaty as well as the the mutual defence pact that now exists within the MUN. We will continue to defend to the hilt all of Majatra against outside forces."

Among nations who have joined the new MUN as full members are Istalia, Cildania, Jelbania and Barmenistan. Two others - Deltaria and Cobura - are signing up as observer states.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:17 pm

Queen Mrjmai: the most desired bachelorette
Majatran monarch openly seeking future husband, admits difficulties.

The now 27 year old Queen is searching for a suitable partner in order to honour her father's last wish to find love and marry.

November 4426 - For more than five years Queen Mrjmai has now been the reigning monarch of the world's most powerful monarchy. Yet at age twenty-seven she still remains unmarried. This however is soon set to change if the wishes of Her Majesty are granted. The Queen, in a surprisingly open interview, stated that she did not see her father during the three years he was in Jelbania. The late Prince Juhn was at the radioactive blast site to help clean up the mess and assist survivors and other stragglers. The radioactivity however took its toll on the former monarch, last year Prince Juhn died of organ failure. Queen Mrjmai expressed severe sadness at the fact she was never able to truly say "goodbye" to her father. "When news came that he was terminally ill I immediately wanted to fly over to say goodbye, but he refused it, he wanted my memories of him to be untarnished. I spoke to him on the phone and while he sounded weak I will forever remember him as the strong man that raised me."

Upon the death of Prince Juhn a letter was presented to the Queen, written by him in preparation of his death. The letter ended, according to the Queen, with an express wish of the former King. "Find love and marry, that would bring me eternal joy, that is what he wrote" said a visibly emotional Queen on the evening program In Depth with R. Hyeon, a popular talk show hosted by Rnárd Hyeon.

A year into her journey to find 'true love' the Queen has yet to succeed. "It's tougher than I imagined," she said "I have little time to actively meet people in an informal setting in my capacity as monarch, it makes it all rather difficult." The Queen expressed disdain for arranged marriages. "That would go inherently against what my father wrote, at least that is how I feel." The Queen also stated she has no express desire to marry into prestigious nobility. "It is about finding the right person, not the right dynasty." With the interview it is expected that many potential suitors will write to the Queen in an attempt to become Prince Consort. A few diplomats in the capital already aptly commented that any nation wishing to strengthen its ties with Vanuku should now bring out the proverbial 'show pony'.

Duke Zhtál, four generals and six bureaucrats to appear before Supreme Court
Lord Justice Sagzi Merlékam ready to trial "all involved" in nuclear strike.

The late Prince Juhn was set to appear as well for not using his Royal Veto, but he received an informal post mortem pardon from the Queen.

November 4426 - Eight years after the deadly nuclear strike in Jelbania the courts of the Kingdom of Vanuku seem ready to bring justice to those responsible. Lord Justice Sagzi Merlékam, the head of the Supreme Court, has announced that all involved in the process around the nuclear strike would have to stand trial. "While the act of the nuclear strike was legal according to our constitution and binding laws the Supreme Court has still found the action, in the political climate of that period, as well as the humanitarian consequences and the manner in which it was decided to be inherently flawed. It is for this reason that those involved will stand trial, I do however wish to implore to the press here that a trial does not affirm guilt, none are guilty until they are proven guilty" said Lord Justice Merlékam.

The case, rumoured to be the largest in Vanukean history, took seven years to prepare according to a spokesperson of the Supreme Court. "No case was ever this complicated, in the end around a hundred people were directly and indirectly involved in the process that led to the strike, plus the Supreme Court also found it vital that international tensions decreased before this case was presented, with the political climate stable we can now proceed to show the world that justice reigns supreme in the Kingdom."

Duke Brnó Zhtal, the Prefect that greenlit the nuclear strike, is the prime suspect at the trial. The Duke has been under house arrest since 4422, when he attempted to flee the Kingdom. The Duke was also the first to appear at a preliminary hearing but witnesses described him as "gaunt, shaggy, a shell of his former self".

The other ten to stand trial are four generals, including former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Commander-General Nubajrka, and six government officials, of which three are SSA agents. Current Prefect Nasir was investigated for a short time before being cleared of all charges for rejecting the nuclear strike proposal two times during his tenure as Prefect before Duke Zhtál.

One notable name on the list that was scrapped upon his death was the late Prince Juhn. The former King received an informal pardon after his death by Queen Mrjmai and the Supreme Court chose to abide to it, even though they have full legal authority to ignore it as the Queen's pardons are not binding. Lord Justice Merlékam stated that "the former King Juhn openly admitted his mistake and repented for it in a far severe way than the court system of Vanuku could ever have asked of him."

Prefect Nasir announces upcoming retirement
Titanic struggle for party leadership has erupted.

December 4426 - With winter fully set in and elections right around the corner Prefect Nasir has announced that the current term will be his last as Prefect. The Count took up this term after Duke Zhtál was removed from office with a Motion of No Confidence submitted by the then King Juhn X. Before that Nasir had also served two terms as Prefect.

"Three are quite enough," he said at a GNP conference, "peace has been restored, Vanuku is growing once more, several diplomatic ties have been re-established, to fully place Vanuku back into the sun will be the task for another capable man or woman." The Count expressed no preference for his successor, something not often done in the leadership of the GNP.

While many respect the wishes of Nasir to step down and announce that before the elections to not misguide voters critics have also expressed it to be tactless. "A leadership battle mere weeks before the elections, it's a campaigning nightmare." said one senior member of the Greater Nationalists. It is expected that the GNP will take a beating at the next elections though many senior members remain hopeful that the cooperation with the Zhtál party can continue. "We've seen what happened the last time the GNP and Zhtál seperated." said another senior member.

After the conference a fierce leadership struggle erupted, with no apparent leader stepping up to take the reigns. Instead the reigns have been taken by the board of the party leadership, with senior figures Ráhklarz and Kez'i taking the reigns of the campaign trail. Aldrkai Ráhklarz is the current chairman of the GNP, and at 66 has stated he does not wish to stand for any position but is "campaigning for the party and the people". Baroness Wrntumai Kez'i, the deputy chair, is only 40 and has dodged questions about taking positions. "Let us await the leadership and general elections" she said to prying reporters. It is expected that a new leader will emerge within a week.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:17 pm

New Prefect Pledges To Continue To Strengthen Vanuku's International Reputation
Duke Noh Zhtál Heads Up Seasoned Coalition Government After Long-Serving Jlekai Nasir Stands Down.

Duke Noh Zhtál will continue with the work started under the Nasir administration of the last six years.

March 4428 - Duke Noh Zhtál has been named the new Prefect of Vanuku, heading up a now-familiar two-party coalition government. The leader of the Z-MJP replaces veteran politician Jlekai Nasir as head of government, following the latter's decision to stand down as both Prefect and leader of the Greater Nationalists (GNP).

In a balanced cabinet, new GNP leader and seasoned diplomat, Countess Wrntumai Kez'i, has been named as Deputy Prefect and Minister of Foreign Affairs. It means long-serving Baron Rnúf Ashur switches portfolio after years as the country's top diplomat to become the new Minister for Internal Affairs. The GNP retain the Defence Portfolio and gain Justice, while the Z-MJP retain Finance and gain Trade and Industry.

Noh Zhtál is the cousin of the notorious Brno Zhtál who is standing trial for his primary role in the nuclear strike in the Jelbanian conflict against Deltarian troops. He has held the role of Deputy Prefect for the last six years after being instrumental in securing enough Grand Council votes to oust Brno as Prefect when he refused to step down.

Formerly a viscount of the Kingdom, the title Duke of Vrzkel was conferred upon him by Queen Mrjmai for his role in helping bring stability and peace back to Vanuku.

The new Prefect said: "It is indeed a honour to serve this nation as Prefect and it is my key objective to continue in the footsteps of my predecessor Jlekai Nasir, who has spent the last six years restoring Vanuku's reputation while ensuring, economically and militarily, it remains as the preeminent nation on Terra.

"I will be working with all my ministers to ensure this happens and particularly closely with Countess Kez'i on our foreign policy to build relations with all nations around Terra.

"I will also be looking for sit-down talks with the Northern Council over what it sees as its priorities and motivations and how these overlap with Vanuku and its role at the forefront of Majatran affairs and as protector of the Jelbic peoples. We cannot have a return to the frosty situation of 4419 and 4420 when all-out war loomed on the horizon.

"I also wish to work with those members of the Seleyan Union who feel sanctions remain necessary despite the fact lack of access to our goods and services is damaging their various economies. We want to show them what efforts have been made to heavily compensate for the tragic events of the old regime."

He added: "We will also continue to build on our strengths - our burgeoning free trade import and export economy at the centre of the Majatran Alliance and the Majatran Union of Nations; our multi-billion VAN defence and manufacturing industry, which is the envy of the world; our military, which in all areas is advancing in terms of personnel, equipment and technological development; and our commitment to nationwide infrastructure and transport links that benefit all our citizens in so many areas of their lives.

"Finally, we also continue to pledge our commitment to Jelbania where our role as an economic and political influencer is bearing fruit for that nation - and where our continued efforts are helping that nation recover from the terrible conflict that once consumed it."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:31 am

Vanuku Takes Steps To Shore Up Finances Following Istalian Black Thursday
Major Economic Fallout Expected Across the Continent After Stock Market Crash In Romula

Finance Minister Dr Ershébef Trmékez has warned other nations to follow Vanuku in putting preventative measures in place.

August 4428 - The Vanukean government has moved quickly to attempt to offset the effects of the Black Thursday stock market crash in Istalia.

There are fears that the scenes in Romula, which saw billions wiped off stock and a major downturn in the value of LIS, will be replicated across Majatra and beyond as financial uncertainty spreads.

As a result, the Vanukean Grand Council is set to approve a series of measures which will shore up the nation's currency, increase the size and stability of its reserve and regulate fluctuations on the stock market in Wiel.

Under proposals put forward in the Stock Market and Currency Regulation Bill, Vanuku is also taking steps to acquire stable overseas currencies and traditionally stable commodities - such as gold and other precious metals.

Finance Minister Dr Ershébef Trmékez said: "We are putting in place a series of stabilising measures to prevent dramatic fluctuations in the value of the VAN and stock prices. Vanuku is also transferring a portion of its reserve to buy stable, high value overseas currencies and precious metals and commodities that should maintain their value.

"It is our belief that while other nations are still only waking up to the financial storm that is sweeping Majatra, Vanuku has put in place the barriers to weather it. We now call on all responsible nations to take the necessary and prudent steps to ensure their finances are in order so they too are prepared."

There has been market uncertainty ever since Istalia made the decision to join the Majatran Union of Nations (MUN), declaring the long-standing Majatran Alliance (MA) fatally wounded after the Jelbanian Conflict. It effectively sounded the death knell for the supranational organisation and saw a rush to join the MUN among many other countries.

An initial financial ripple of uncertainty hit stock markets continent-wide over fears that free trade opportunities would be hampered; but the early enthusiasm for the MUN offset that. However, as some nations demonstrated reluctance to join and others dithered over full membership, new fears of a fragmented Majatra started to appear.

As the storm of uncertainty grew again, Istalia found itsself at the centre of the new financial maelstrom leading to the dramatic events of Black Thursday. Given the colossal size of the Istalian economy no company and no nation doing business with the Majatran super power can escape the effects completely.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:28 pm

The GNP reshuffled: Countess Kez'i takes reigns
Controversial Baron von Bismarck to lead GNP in Grand Council.

Countess Wrntumai Kez'i (centre) in an embrace with Baron Jebr-Heinz von Bismarck (left) as Minister Kshklarz (right) looks on.

January 4427 - With the elections over many were surprised. Former Prefect Nasir left the Greater Nationalists without clear leadership and even the temporary campaign leaders that took over expected a heavy hit in the polls. The opposite however has happened, though not a rise in seats as the most optimistic members wanted the GNP still sits at a steady 104 seats, the exact same as the last elections. Many attributed this to the charismatic and heavy-handed campaign work of Countess Kez'i. The Countess, a former diplomat, swayed public opinion back to favour the GNP somewhat after many declared the GNP had betrayed their trust by swapping leadership so close to the elections.

Countess Wrntumai Kez'i is from the Western coast of Vanuku, a rather remote area. Nonetheless the seasoned diplomat has seen much of the world, she even served in Kalistan at the Vanukean embassy before all diplomatic staff was expelled. "That was truly a shame," she stated, "because I loved it there! Great climate, friendly people and they always had a very laid-back attitude" she said with a wink at a press conference. Kez'i is known for her progressive views, despite her rural background, and has called for a liberalization of the social scene of Vanuku. She further wishes for the full reconcilliation of Vanuku on the global scene. "After the nuclear strike we went into this hermit mode to protect ourselves and it worked very well, but now we are a giant with very few friends, that is something that has to change."

The new parliamentary leader will be the controversial Baron Jebr-Heinz von Bismarck. The Baron is a direct descendant of Heinz von Bismarck, a former influential Dorvish politician from the 31st Century. His great-great-grandfather settled in Vanuku. His grandfather was enobled for the continued service of his family to the crown. The Baron, who has been a member of the Grand Council for a decade, already has a colourful reputation. Progressive in many matters he also holds very nationalistic and sometimes even conservative views. Charismatic but eccentric he has friends and enemies within parliament.

Minister Kez'i jumps to defend Kalistan over ODEN controversy
Former regional director of ODEN William P. Bennots seen with Queen Mrjmai as Kingdom approaches Kalistan.

Queen Mrjmai (right) with William P. Bennots (left) and director Shlajkai Vrn (centre) on the set of 'The Crown', a historical movie set during the reign of King Temrkai.

February 4429 - Minister of Foreign Affairs Countess Kez'i has lashed out at Queen Isabelle of Lourenne over her "short-sighted and discriminating" statements regarding Kalistan. Minister Kez'i has previously stated her ambitions to reverse the hermit state of the Kingdom and after previously having worked in Kalistan at the Vanukean embassy she is well-versed in the Kalistani political scene. As a hardcore progressive she is also known to support legalization of marijuana and decriminalization of hard drugs. Through her previous work she was familiar with many ODEN directors. She criticized Lourenne, and Queen Isabelle in particular, for her statements on Kalistan. "Kalistan is a sovereign nation with a right to self-determination, the Anantonese Strait are their national waters, their navy has every right to roam the international waters, for a tiny non-influential nation as Lourenne to come out and state they ought to dominate those seas is ridiculous."

She further scoffed at the perceived discrimination of Kalistani citizens in Lourenne. "If Lourenne does not wish drugs to be imported into their nation then bind it by law that businesses can not import drugs. Instead of that simple solution which can easily be sustained by good law enforcement they have turned to closing Kalistani businesses, expelling Kalistani citizens, and all other kinds of xenophobic measures." The Minister called it "pure discrimination against the Kalistani people". She openly stated that Vanuku would be willing to help Kalistan "if you let us help you once more".

Former regional director of ODEN William P. Bennots has been spotted in Vanuku as well. Currently companies of the Kingdom still hold major shares in Kalistani industry and Kalistani business leaders often visit Vanuku. In the case of Bennots however reporters noticed a different kind of visit. Bennots, now 37 and yet unmarried, did not visit any company linked to Kalistani investments but instead visited the set of Shlajkai Vrn's 'The Crown' on the exact same day as Queen Mrjmai. 'The Crown' is a multi-million production about the life of King Temrkai, the great-great grandfather of the Queen. Temrkai was born as Prince Pawl and is cited by most to be the most eccentric monarch Vanuku ever had. After his ascension to monarch he was never agains een in public, he was the first monarch to utilize regnal names and often had troubles with the Grand Council over his personal investments as absolute monarch. Nonetheless modern economists cite him as a "great investor", with most of his investments causing considerable growth. However most of the profit harvested by the King was spent on lavish statues, paintings and mansions as well as philantropist causes for the poorest of the poor.

The meeting of Queen Mrjmai and Bennots was cited as "non-diplomatic and friendly" with some suggesting that bachelor Bennots heeded the call to meet the Queen in her search of a suitable husband. The two however stand much apart, one the reigning monarch at the head of an ancient noble dynasty with social liberal and traditional views, the other a scion of a socialist political dynasty with a broad education and ultimately loyal to the socialist ideology. Time will tell what the truth shall be.

King Temrkai Think-Tank introduces new doctrines for Armed Forces
DFN set to develop special fortress buster missiles after experiences from the Jelbanian Conflict.

The board of the King Temrkai Think-Tank, the strategic research group has over 1,000 members, today they presented their response to the Jelbanian Conflict.

February 4429 - The King Temrkai Think-Tank is the Kingdom of Vanuku's strategic research organization founded in 4337 on the command of Commander-General Intrsmor von Bismarck. The then Commander of the Armed Forces called for the founding of the research group to maintain the most advanced doctrines within service. The think-tank is also tasked with finding improvements on all fronts in the Armed Forces and making sure that the wishes of all troops, from recruit to general, are heard by the Chiefs of Staff. For the past decade the think-tank has been busy analyzing the performance of Vanuku's Armed Forces in the Jelbanian Conflict. The conclusion was that the common soldier on the battlefield served extremely well but that Vanuku's mobile mechanized doctrine was unfit for fighting large fortifications.

Admiral Pecnek, the chairman of the board of the King Temrkai Think-Tank, stated that "the equipment of the troops in the field is top notch, the technology provided to NCO's and officers to communicate and coordinate is excellent, the material that the tankers use is of good quality but should see new armoured vehicles in the next three decades, the air support was of great quality and well-coordinated, naval efforts were without a doubt the best in the world, the only thing that was lacking was numerical superiority and strategy."

With this statement Pecnek has blamed both political limitations and the current doctrine for the failure of a swift end to the conflict. "For a part arrogance was a cause as well, nobody expected the Deltarian troops to be adequately trained, which also begs the question if our intelligence agency needs further improvement. Apart from that the lack of numerical superiority was caused by political limitations, the Chiefs of Staff never had the freedom to further deploy divisions, this all had to be approved by the cabinet and Grand Council, for their excuse it was easier to propose that disastreous nuclear plan. The biggest problem was that the Armed Forces of Vanuku are coordinated in such a manner that everything is on swift and broad mechanized action. Reserves are held back while mechanized units push hard equally on all parts of the front, paratroopers and specialists together with heavy armoured units then find breakthrough points. All of this is based on mobility, air superiority and small gaps. But in layered defence lines like the Deltarians constructed in Southern Jelbania you can not properly utilize this strategy."

A new doctrine has been developed by the think-tank to counter these issues. "In the future we will be prepared for every scenario" said Admiral Pecnek. The new doctrine, dubbed the Doorknocker Doctrine, is aimed at broad chokepoints with specialized anti-bunker missiles. Firearms specialist DFN, who has been eagerly awaiting contracts, is set to develop these highly sophisticated missiles. The current plan is to develop one large version to mount on the next generation Vanukean fighter jet, already dubbed Fortress Buster by developers, and a smaller version to be mounted on UAV's. The smaller missile was jokingly referred to as Buster Junior by a DFN spokesperson. With the new doctrine in place and with the think-tank calling for more large scale exercises and investments in armoured vehicles it is no doubt that within a decade or three the Kingdom will once more be ready for any conflict.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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