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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:54 am

reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Socialists Stupidly Vote Themselves Out of Power

"Clerical Election" leads to loss of Majority for first time in 28 Years

Kaliburg, Ananto
May 7, 4432

Premier of the Republic Watches the vote come in in March's "Clerical Election" with dread

Rightism is once more on the march in Kalistan as the New Liberal Alliance declares common cause with the Centrist Southwark Movement. The "Clerical Election of 4433" has turned into an utter disaster for the Socialist Party of Kalistan, and will likely lead to the Socialist Party being utterly removed from any office of power, consigned for the near term to the deep minority.

It all began with the Socialist Party deciding to hold an early election for March 4433 for the singular purpose of putting the Republic back onto its normal election calendar following a long period of stability and Prosperity, as well as a bit of scandal under Socialist Administration. The Socialists called for a snap election, 9 months early, and decided to continue its endorsement of the NLA's candidate for office, Dr. Adrian Maslow for the purpose of adherence to the Principle of Divided Government. Leaving aside that the President consistently refused to include any NLA shadow ministers in the Government, the SP looked for no significant change in the Assembly makeup during this election.

Following the announcement for the announcement of early elections, and the support of Socialist Deputies, against their better judgement, the SP sat back and waited for elections in 7 days. Instead of a reaffirmation of the Status Quo, a Center Right Party, the Southwark Movement, who had not even been organized before the proposal was made, declared their intention to run for office throughout the Republic, and ended up stripping the SP of more than half their seats. The NLA also picked up more than 60 seats from the SP, due to the ongoing scandal around former Premier Al-Khali.

The election disaster was compounded by a flat out slap in the face, as returning President Adrian Maslow then named a Government which entirely excluded the Socialist Party from any sort of voice. Despite the fact that is was the Socialist Party's endorsement which put him into office, this move by the NLA suggests that they see this election as their chance to move the Government Kalistan dramatically to the Right.

The Premier of the Republic was nonplussed by the gauche and ballsy proposal made by the NLA's President: "Que la chinga!" was her comment to IZQUIERDA staff reporter Heath Jones. "Maslow has some cojones. It seems that my path was not to preside over a Kalistan which kept the Right at Bay, but a Kalistan which has lost its pinche mente!"

While the election results were surprising, a more troubling fact is illustrated by the results of the "Clerical Election." Kalistan is swirling with rightist Parties, who have all inexplicably arrived in Kalistan with a firm and expressed commitment to capitalism. Said the Premier: "The Left has held power for nearly 3 decades in Kalistan. And we are rewarded for our excellent administration, for our rebuilding of the Nation's military from nothing but decades of neglect, for our placing Kalistan on a solid footing under the principles of the Dual Economy from more than a century of free floating capitalism and hardship for the People, and our restoration of Kalistan to a central role in International Affairs from its place in 4400 as a backwater which was made fun of or ignored by Great powers in the Region, we are rewarded for our effort by the rise of half a dozen right wing Parties, all fighting with one another to see who will undo Kalistan's success quickest, and a population of Kalistan who are more inexplicably attracted to shiny new things than they are to proven success and expertise."

The Premier declared that the Socialist Party will not forget Maslow gutpunch following the 4433 election.

"We understand why they refused to help the SP govern Kalistan for nearly 6 years. It was so they could kick the SP to the curb with no sentimentality. Understood, and message received. Despite our efforts to get them to join us, they now own the Government, and they will receive the same courtesy from us as we showed them. Though, given Maslow's attitude toward Government, it is unlikely that we will ever get their endorsement for the Presidency. We won't expect it. They can expect no votes from the Socialist Party, unless they move socialist bills. The Socialist Party now returns to the Opposition for the first time in an awful long time, and we will only, from this day work with Leftists. I am a member of the Brethren Faith, and will respectfully listen to them. And you shall not hear more foul language from me toward them. But I do not anticipate us working with the NLA, on anything."

With that, the Premier awaits her fate, as presumptive Leader of the Opposition. "We still have work to do. Our Naval modernization program is kicking into high gear, we are supposed to still be working with the Non-Aligned Movement, and we are still working to expand ODEN. All of these programs are now in jeopardy as the Socialist Party will soon find itself jettisoned without so much as an attempt at a turn over. We will continue to attempt to work on those projects from the Minority, but without any sort of authority now, it is difficult for me to believe that those who have refused to this date to participate will suddenly start participating now that they have all the power. So it is likely that Kalistan is headed for yet another period of stagnation."

On news of the loss of the Socialist Party, National Industrial stocks took a significant hit. National stocks were down on average of 35% over the last couple months, with years of slow steady gains wiped out by uncertainty over what the new National policy will be. Particularly hard hit is KALNAFERCO and KALNAPECO, which have lost 40 percent off its high in February of 4433, down from 72.35 KRB and 65.03 KRB respectively to 39.72 KRB and 37.70 KRB respectively. KALNAMOCO and KALMILINCO have fared better, and the Republican Bank, the most conservative of all Nationalized Industries remained virtually unchanged since the election.

The Premier of the Republic just shook her head: "Sometimes I just don't understand the thought processes of these voters." The Socialist Party has begun to prepare to leave the Government, and focus now moves from the National Assembly to the ancient SP HQ in downtown Kaliburg.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby cb15 » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:46 am

Well known biotechnology inventor and CEO of the Southwark Group Ronald Southwark has ascended to the premiership of Kalistan, capping off an incredible rise in politics over the last year. After winning a majority of seats in the March election, President Dr. Adrian Maslow gave Southwark the responsibility of forming a government, which he did by forming a coalition with the NLA. Southwark is joined in the executive leadership of the cabinet by deputy premiers Zandra Arnold of the NLA and Luis Velasquez of the Southwark Movement. In his inaugural address to parliament, Southwark announced that his premiership would focused on a slow return towards what he called centrist economics, saying “We don’t need full on socialism or full on laissez-faire capitalism, we need a healthy mix of both! That is why I am committing to a return to a Kalistan populated with well-regulated private companies living side by side with national companies!” Southwark also took a strong stance against the Northern Council’s growth in Seleya, stating that Kalistan would never join the alliance under his leadership, and that he was even open to participating in a counterweight alliance. The question is whether his words will represent action.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:53 am

Socialists tentatively pick sides
Reina: "At least Southwark didn't stab us in the Eye"

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 8, 4433

Reina-Rodriguez, Leader of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, declares pragmatism

"The statements of the Premier have produced some cautious optimism among the Members," said former Premier Maria Reina-Rodriguez. "If the Premier stands by his word, there is a possibility that we may have common interests."

The Leader referred to recent statements made by Premier Southwark, whose party which bears his name, swept him into office. "The prerogative is that the President of the Republic names the Government, with the advice of the Leader of the Plurality. Fine. We expected that The President would remember who put him into office, because in the final analysis, the decision was his. The President quickly forgot about the Socialist Party's historical support. At least Southwark had no historical debts to repay; at least Southwark didn't stab us in the eye."

The Leader suggested that she welcomed the Premier's commitment to the Dual System. "Of course, a robust private sector is necessary for a healthy economy. We will not, however, turn our backs on the workers. Where the Government puts the workers first, we can pragmatically support their policies. If they attempt to put the wealthy and the owners first, and meanstest social welfare programs, we will fight them tooth and nail, and we will undo what they did as soon as we get the opportunity. You can believe it. Any pro-rich, sociopathic policies aimed at destroying the fabric of society and the gains and property of the people will not long outlast their administration, and we will bury not only that policy into the dust, but will bury its memory too.

"While we choose pragmatism, when appropriate and progressive to the society, we will not allow Rightism to remain the policy of Kalistan if we have the power to reverse it. So we ask the Premier, in exchange for our tentative support, that he take a measured, and non-ideologically motivated approach to Government, to ensure that Kalistani prosperity and society is not shocked into reverse when progress is speeding along at 75 miles an hour."

The Leader made these comments at a ceremony launching the first set of 16 new Indica-Class submarine (RL Equivalent [url-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_212_submarine]Type 212A Submarine[/url], begun in 4430, and prototype tested in 4432-early 4433) from the Kaliburg Naval Shipyards, a contract started under her administration, and which was continued through the transition. Of the lot, which is expected to be completed by mid 4435, half will go to Lodamun as repayment for their contribution to the research and development of the new submarines.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:47 am

Indica Class Submarines Testing Successful
2 Boats completed and commissioned in 4433

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 27, 4433

New Indica-Class submarines, built by the National Shipyards at Kaliburg represent a major step ahead for naval technology

Jointly designed and tested by Lodamese and Kalistani naval engineers, the new Indica Class submarines have been declared a complete success, and two boats have been built in 4433. The remaining 14 boats in this run will be built and put to sea over the next two years. Eight of them will be sent to Lodamun to fulfill Kalistan's agreement concluded as part of the joint development program.

The Indica Class (RLE: Type 212A/Todaro Submarine) features a new technology which represents a significant advance in naval propulsion technology. Utilizing Hydrogen fuel cells, the engine no longer needs oxygen to propel the ship as diesel engines do. In this, the ship acts like nuclear powered ship. Its fuel cells are located within the walls of the submarine, so there is no danger of ignition of hydrogen gas within the engine compartment. This advancement alone makes fuel cells much safer and more practical for submarine use. The fuel cells can allow the Indica to operate for 9 full weeks at sea on a single charge, without refueling, representing yet another advantage over standard diesel ships. Finally, the lack of a need to circulate massive amounts of water through the system as a coolant the way nuclear propelled submarines do and the smaller power plant give the Indica a large advantage over nuclear powered submarines in terms of maneuverability and silent running.

The ship is armed with six forward facing tubes for torpedo launches. The single screw propeller, which may run silently at speeds up to 13 Knots submerged and aft powerplant prevents the use of rear facing tubes. The ship also possess the ability to launch short range surface to surface missiles which may be fired while the ship is submerged and allow effective anti-ship defense, as well as limited ground and nearshore targeting. Additionally, the ship possess autocannon anti-air batteries which will allow planes to be effectively targeted and shot out of the sky without the exposure of a deck gun.

The ship's compliment is cut in half from the standard 50 person crew to 27, including 5 officers. The range of the ship is 9000 thousand miles, and it may remain at sea for a tour of 85 days total. The assigned theater of operations for the Kalistani Indicas will be the Anantonese Ocean north of Kalistan and the Ananto Strait to the Southern Limit. The ship's maximum submerged speed is 20 knots, while surfaced, it is reduced to 12 Knots.

In all, the Kalistani naval engineers are proud of their new boat, and look forward to showing it off, as Kalistan slowly returns to prominence in the Anantonese Ocean. Together with our close allies in Lodamun, the Northwestern Anantonese Ocean has experienced security and peace for more than a decade now.

The first two submarines will join the 1st Fleet at Bozo River CATC, and the next two will be sailed to Lodamun for commission, and so forth, alternatively until the entire order is filled by the end of 4435.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:56 pm

Selucian Foreign Minister Attempts to sway National Assembly
Act runs afoul of the Kalistani Espionage Act; Socialists call for Observance of the Law

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 5, 4434

Socialist Leader Reina-Rodriguez protests the speech of Selucian Foreign Minister Kondou,
who violated the Espionage Act in the National Assembly earlier this year.

The Selucian Foreign Minister, still in Kalistan while working on the Non-Aligned Movement Treaty violated the Kalistani Espionage Act in her speech before the National Assembly in March. The bill under discussion, concerning whether or not to switch Kalistan's vote for Seat B on the Security Council was already being voted on when the Foreign Minister arrived at the chambers to speak illegally on the bill.

The Leader of the Socialist Party noticed that the nobody in the Majority appeared to care about such a flagrant violation of Kalistani Sovereignty that she stood and reminded the Government of the text of the Act, as well as the penalty for violation of the Act. The text of the Kalistani Espionage Act, which has been in effect for more than a dozen centuries and is woven deeply into the fabric of Kalistan's National Assembly and concept of sovereignty, very clearly and unequivocally states:

The Government of Kalistan hereby declares that any and all Representatives of foreign governments, states, or peoples shall not be permitted to issue comment on legislation which is either in debate or in voting without explicit invitation by the Head of State, Head of Government, or Foreign Minister.

Only in such cases as permission is given will a representative from a foreign power be allowed to offer any comment. In such case, the comments will not be as an active participant in the debate, but only to provide such information or testimony as to help Kalistani legislators make a decision. If the representative advocates a position, he/she will be asked to leave the chambers.

Unsanctioned speech on the floor of the Assembly is interference by a foreign power with the legislative process of a sovereign state, and shall not be tolerated.

Any unsanctioned speech by foreign representatives on the floor of the Kalistani Assembly will be deemed "espionage" and will be subject to immediate arrest and detention, pending immediate deportation back to their home country, and the lodging of an official protest. Any member of the Assembly may, in the case of unsanctioned speech by a foreign representative, call the Sergeant At Arms of the Assembly to immediately remove the offender/s and sanction him/her/them in accord with the provisions of this law. The foreign minister shall, within the same month, lodge an official protest with the foreign agent's Government, and let it be known that their representative has been charged with espionage and will be immediately deported back to their country of origin. The foreign agent is then to be returned, without harm, to his/her/their country of origin.

Foreign Representatives will continue to be allowed to speak in the "Messages" section of the National Forum unmolested.

This act codifies longstanding Kalistani Tradition on foreign interference in Kalistani legislative debate.

The former Premier of the Republic sent a letter to the Foreign Minister, Luis Velasquez, insisting that he carry out the letter of the law. According the Reina, the Foreign Minister responded that he has no intention of deporting the Selucian, choosing to refrain from expelling diplomats due to Selucia's partnership on the NAM treaty.

Reina was not satisfied.

"I sent [Velasquez] a letter in response informing him that the letter of the law required it. How a Minister of the Government can simply ignore the requirements of our law, and in response to espionage is simply beyond me. I was under the impression that Kalistan was a nation of laws, not of whims and not of privilege. When [former Premier] Al-Khali was in office, he resigned at the mere appearance of impropriety. He has not, to this date, been found guilty or even charged with anything, by the way. And now our Foreign Minister has informed me, in black and white that he has no intention of observing one of our most basic laws?! This is outrageous! Kondou is not a diplomat. She surrendered that status when she spoke out on a matter before our Assembly from the Floor. She has violated our laws and is therefore a criminal. We call for the unbiased application of justice, and if the Government is not willing to observe Kalistani Law, we call for the President to convene the Constitutional Court so that we may try the notion that a Minister of the Government can simply ignore the law at will."

The Leader of the Opposition presented Velasquez' response to her letter to our Reporter at The Republic, and we can indeed verify that her characterization of it is as the Leader says, but we are obliged to not print it without permission from the Foreign Minister, as doing so would violate the confidentiality of Letters.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Aethan » Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:07 am

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:51 am

"Kalistan will be respected"
Leader of the Socialist Party of Kalistan takes a hard line on disrespect for Kalistani Institutions

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 8 3344

Leader of the Socialist Party Maria Reina-Rodriguez speaks at Symposium on Kalistani Politics in June

Just over a year following the "Clerical Election" of March 4433, which led to the dramatic downfall of Socialist Party and the rising turbulence that followed as the ancient Party struggles to deal with its unexpected position in the Minority, the former Premier of the Republic, Maria Reina-Rodriguez now takes an uncompromising stance for Kalistani Socialists and for Kalistani Sovereignty.

"Just because the Socialists are not in power," Reina began, "this does not mean that people can now feel free to walk all over Kalistan. This goes for foreign powers, friend and foe alike, as well as domestic actors. Kalistan will be respected, and if nobody else wants to look to it, it will be our job to do so."

The former Premier of the Republic delivered this strong statement during a June symposium on the state of Kalistani Politics under Rightist rule. "Yes, of course we have confidence in the Government. We have not called for new elections, and we voted against the Government Bill last year, it was because we were not included." But Reina had more strong words for the Government:

"What some do not realize yet is that Kalistan is a socialist Republic which merely tolerates capitalism. The more they push Kalistan to the right and towards vampire capitalism, the stronger the response will be when they finally leave office. And they will, eventually. They will get tired of bouncing their heads off the Mountain that is Institutionalized Kalistan. The history of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, and for the most part the history of Modern Kalistan, is the history of revisionist Parties making ephemeral changes, only to either conform to Kalistani reality, or to lose their constituency and fade into oblivion. This was the lesson the Socialist Party learned in 2591, and it has been the lesson countless Parties have learned since then. Some have been successful. We think of our friends and Legislative Partners, the old Revolutionary Freedom Party, and the Labour Party of Kalistan more recently, who learned that there is plenty of room for improvement all the time, but the Institutions of Kalistan triumph over attempts to liquidate them. Our institutions are what make Kalistan strong. The Parties which make it into Kalistan's History books are the ones which conform to the Institutional State, rather than ones who attempt to radically alter it."

The former Premier was circumspect about the recent comments from Selucia:

"The comments from the Selucian Foreign Minister were unfortunate. It was not the intention of myself or my Party to see Kondou resign. Nor was it our intention to end Selucia's participation in the conference of the NAM. Pero Coño! Where else in the world is attempting to interfere with a Legislature's deliberative process tolerated? Would Selucia accept a foreign National bursting on the floor of their Senate to interject on one of their bills? Where else is something like that acceptable? The fact that Comrade Kondou thought that this action was in anyway acceptable is just so beyond me, and the fact that our Foreign Minister was prepared to do nothing just floored me. The Selucian Foreign Minister's actions showed a complete disregard for our Legislature, and demonstrated what she really thought of Kalistan. She says expulsion for violating our national law was not how friendly nations treat one another, but her violation of our national law and disregard for the sanctity and integrity of our legislative process, and her successor's remorseless comments on the affair really show us what Selucia thinks of Kalistani Sovereignty. I wonder precisely what Selucia thinks they will get out of the NAM. Do they think Kalistan will become their colony? Because they sure treat us as something less than their equal by blaming us for the departure of Selucia from the talks. No tengo palabras. Es típico, por desgracia of how other nations have long treated our Republic. I just wish our Government would have the spine to stand up for our Republic."

The Leader of the Opposition vowed to remain in the defiant but loyal Opposition, and agreed that the Party would work with the Government, where the Government proposed Socialist policies.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:12 pm

GanJam 4434 reflects a more sober sound
Music is more complex and introspective compared to previous years

Kluptoon, Odufaray
September 5, 4434

This year's Ganjam, held at at Kluptoon Pavillion in Odufaray, was a modest success, reported concert organizer Phillip Shankar. "The lineup reflected an alternative mood which seems to hold sway in Kalistan's music scene this year. As we scouted for bands, the sort of raucous acts which have graced our stages over the past few decades were either on hiatus or had split up. It seems that the Valruzian invasion and Szarybeat bands are all things of the past as well. So we returned this year to fundamentals. The result was a festival with more complex and introspective music provided by bands designed for mature audiences. I suppose the kids got the message and stayed home, which depressed sales. So we finished in the black, but barely." More than 95,000 fans attended the show during the 4 day festival , which is a lower attendance than usual.

Day 1 Highlights

Petrovna meets the Walnut Gendarme, who comes to life in Vladovich's "Walnut Suite" performed at the Ganjam this year

The 4434 Ganjam was the first Jam in a while to not have an International Music day as Day 1 for the Show. Instead, international acts were featured throughout the program. Day 1 of this Jam also brought the artistic installations into focus. As music played throughout the day from local and international bands, festival goers were also treated to dance exhibitions, modern art installations, and demonstrations of creative art performance. An entire pavilion adjacent to the festival grounds allowed people to view the artistic works of Kalistani artists without getting too far from the music. Featured in the pavilion was the recently formed Kaliburg Ballet, who performed the classic piece "The Walnut Suite" from notable Trigunian composer Vladovich. The Troupe repeated the performance on Day 2.

Revolution Road, the top band on Kalistan's Alternative charts right now, headlined Night 1 of the Jam

At the Music Festival Day 1 featured music of an alternative flair. The lineup included Kalistani alternative newcomers Revolution Road, who closed the night with their mix of hard rock and complex harmonies. The foursome from Vrassa City had recently scored a number 1 on the Triple A charts in Kalistan, and because they were already booked, they were moved back in the Night's lineup to close the night out. Leader singer Delores Butterfield said, "Wow, it is a real honor to play the Jam this year. We tried to really kick out our rocking tunes, but had to also kinda keep it mellow. It was a pretty neat balance to keep these Heads entertained. But it was a great experience, and it really illuminated some ways we can grow as artists in the coming years." Butterfield added, "I've never been asked out on so many dates. Haha. Sorry guys, and ladies: I'm married to the band."

Day 2 Highlights

Individual Messiah brings alt-electronica back to the stage at this year's GanJam

Night 2 returned to normal form as the Legacy acts took the stage. Acts which had not been heard of in 15 or 20 years made their way back to the stage. Many of the bands were underground hits while the Szarybeat phenomenon was sweeping Kalistan and the rest of Seleya. The night's concert was headlined by Alorian electronic rockers "Individual Messiah", who last toured Kalistan in 4416 and were just wrapping up a comeback tour of Seleya and Keris. Lead singer Zeke Featherworth said, "It's always enjoyable to play Kalistan. Most countries are not so liberal with their-- ahem--drug laws. We try to come back here as often as we can, even if it's just as tourists. But yeah, man, we'd love to play Kalistan more too, you know, if you know any booking agents. When we come back, we'll do the rest of the cocaine... hahaha..."
An older, and wiser Syndicate plays one final set for the Fans on Night 2 of the Jam

Night 2 was closed by Kalistani pop legends "The Syndicate" who reformed specifically for the Jam. The Syndicate was the first Kalistani response to Szarybeat and broke the Valruzian monopoly over the Kalistani charts in 4419. They haven't been active since 4423, when music tastes had left their sound behind, but lead singer Timmy Grafton said: "When the Organizers of the Jam asked us to Headline this year, we jumped at the chance. Most of us stayed in music, though we broke up in 23. Bobby, Chip, and Walt have all become producers with 14 gold albums between them. I moved on to movie scores, and Donny and Futterman both put out a couple of solo records in the late 20s." The only original member who was not able to join the band on stage was founding member William Torqelson. "Willy, well, I mean, I guess its public news so I can repeat it, but, he... When we broke up, he sort of lost his mind. He went into prostitution, and in 4430, he murdered 14 cops while he was dusted to the eyeballs. He's at King's Rock now. I visited him a couple years ago and he's working the grounds. He has no intention of leaving. So, its just us six now." The Syndicate drew audience appreciation and critical acclaim for their performance at the Jam. "Will we be getting back together? I doubt it. This was fun, but playing this show reminded us all why we split up. I'm glad we could get back together for the fans." Grafton said following the set.

Day 3 Highlights

L-Night continued a recent trajectory of less elaborate stage performances, and quieter softer music. This year's L-Night featured atmospheric music throughout the day, with alternative acid bands like Club Hits, Bison Rider and Friendship. Many bands playing Day 3 adopted political protest messages throughout the day, with Steven Olaf of Bison Rider stopping one of the songs and saying "Hold up, hold up. Man, goddamn, I gotta say, man. What the hell were we thinking, putting these rightists into power? I can't, nah, hold it brother, I just can't... you know... I can't believe that..." As Olaf stepped away from the mic, the band picked the song up where it was left off and Olaf finished the set. A visibly distraught Olaf was interviewed after the set: "Yeah, the acid got a hold of me there." he said of the interruption. "What a f--kin bummer, man. This whole year has just been a real bummer..." He continued walking on without another word.

L-Night Headliner Donald Horowitz continues playing with a broken guitar during one of the many Highlights of the evening

L-Night was headlined by Acid Rocker Donald Horowitz who took the stage at 10:03 pm, and played for two hours. Most of his music was new, and consisted of complex instrumentation that in many ways reached out to RF styles. Horowitz actually broke his guitar half way through the set, but when it began making a feedback sound, he messed with dials and pedals until he was able to modulate the guitar and improvised a solo that lasted 3 and a half minutes. Most of the fans were completely unaware that anything unintended had happened during the song, and gave Horowitz a standing ovation. Horowitz now holds the record for most songs played in a single set at the Ganjam: Over the course of his set this year, Horowitz played 62 distinct songs, ranging from alternative to acid rock, to blues, with some acid soul thrown in for good measure. With this performance, Horowitz has solidified his position in the top 20 for the foreseeable future.

Day 4 Highlights

Sweater Set (formerly known as "Assflayer") closes the Jam on Night 4 and receives a standing ovation

The Show was closed on Day 4 with a broad mix of Kalistani and foreign acts. Bands from Valruzia, Lourenne, Sekowo, and Egelion all appeared on stage with Kalistani bands interspersed throughtout the day. The Night closed with the biggest Alternative Rock band in Kalistan right now, rock candy veterans Sweater Set. he Headliners performed a mix of their older music and newer stuff, all to the delight of the crowd. Said lead singer Bette Svingson: "We try to keep it sweet, but the lyrics themselves are actually more bittersweet. There is a lot of songs about lost love. Some of our poppiest songs are about domestic violence, if you listen to the lyrics. Most people don't get past the saccharine of my voice though. They think it is all about flowers and butterflies and sh-t like that." Svingson said with a laugh. "Most people don't know that Paco's [the lead guitarist and primary songwriter of the group] influence is speed metal and death metal. When we were teenagers, Paco and I were in a death metal band called Assflayer. That clearly didn't go anywhere." The band had a great time closing the Jam this year, and the crowd loved the live set.

Overall the Jam was enjoyed by all and marks anther success in the Festival's long history.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JackWilfred » Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:10 am

Zandra Arnold Interview
Arnold defends performance in Government, understanding of Socialist attitude

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 1, 4434

Deputy Premier Arnold spoke to the Republic directly for the first time

Speaking to the Republic directly in an interview for the first time, Deputy Premier and Leader of the New Liberal Alliance Zandra Arnold defended the NLA's performance in a coalition government with the Southwark Movement. "Our parties are working together harmoniously, managing the finances and defending our place in the world's markets, we did everything we said we'd do when the coalition agreement was signed," Arnold told the Republic, "What was more important to me however was that this was a template, a 3 year test run of a coalition of like-minded free market liberals, and I think the voters will judge it to be a success."

Asked about the Socialists, Arnold was understanding of the attitude of the opposition. "I think Kalistan's political climate and system is changing, it's no longer shared government and cushy ministerial jobs. The Socialists just have to realise this, and use opposition as a process to refine their message, like we did. We didn't refuse coalitions with the Socialists out of disrespect, but out of a need to provide an opposition and work out what we wanted to do in government." Arnold was not worried about the comments made by Socialist leaders after the coalition had been formed. "I said they were arrogant at the time, but it was coming from a party used to 20 years of almost unchallenged power. The al-Khali scandal humbled them, as did our decision not to work with them in government. They'll recover."

Arnold declined to talk about the 4436 election, stating it was "too early". Arnold however did comment on rumours conservative leader Sunitha Medina-Rue would run for the Presidency. "What makes President Maslow such a good President is that he's NLA through and through but he treats all parties on equal footing. Can a person who thinks the opposition party will lead Kalistan to ruin be trusted to hand them the keys to power if they win them? That's the question she needs to ask herself."
New Liberal Alliance, Kalistan
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:38 am

Talliaferro-Bennots named new ODEN-K Head
Tass retires after successful ODEN career

Kaliburg, Ananto
June 1, 4435

Jack Talliaferro-Bennots of Kaliburg set to replace Georgia Tass at ODEN-Kalistan

ODEN-Kalistan Chief Georgia Tass retired from her long time job as Director of ODEN-Kalistan at the end of May. Tass began her tenure at the Kalistani subsidiary branch of ODEN in 4421, and her first mission was Lourenne, in an attempt to negotiate an opportunity for Lourenne to host the GanJam. A trade war, a dramatic extension of ODEN, and several steps deemed controversial by foreign governments, and now Tass has decided to retire.

She will be replaced by Anantonese chemist and Superion Pharma representative Jack Talliafero-Bennots. The 45 year old Talliaferro has set as his agenda further expansion of ODEN, as well a legitimizing of ODEN in the world. "We totally welcome the developments of a new, non addictive cocaine substitute in Telamon, first of all. Enercaine represents a great advancement in the recreational drug field, and also provides a great opportunity for pain medication advances. The possibilities are endless."

Talliaferro signaled a new direction for ODEN. "Look: I'm on the same page as Tass. The policy of ODEN in Kalistan is the same regardless of who is in charge. But I think new blood in ODEN and new ideas will also help ODEN continue to grow. I mean: I'm a pharmaceuticals guy. I know pills. I know therapy and I know about addiction. I'm not going to go out and promote drug addiction. I don't think my predecessor did either. But she is unfortunately associated with some policy decisions that even some of our friends don't like, and so I'm going to bring a new perspective on this."

Talliaferro declared an end to preferential pricing from ODEN-Kalistan stocks to Lourenne smugglers. "No: there's no reason why our producers, and the whole Cartel for that matter, needs to take a hit to try to hurt Lourenne. We should be trying to make friends with them. There is a market for ODEN products that even Lourenne can import without needing to flood their country with stuff that they declared illegal. We have plenty of pharmaceuticals that have therapeutic purposes which are not recreational drugs, and I think many of my predecessors focused on the recreational side, and not so much on the fact that therapeutic drugs are made by ODEN which can actually also help people."

Talliaferro stated that ODEN countries have been shut completely out of many places in the world, and it should not be this way. "When they [countries like Louernne] completely cut out ODEN, it not only hurts Kalistan, but all ODEN members. And several of them have at least some focus in medicine. We note that Vanuku expressly told us that they did not want drugs which they saw as deleterious to human health and well being. This is fine. Let's have ODEN export drugs that countries around the world want. They don't have to take everything: why not just focus on the things they want? ODEN is in an excellent position to supply most of the world's pharmaceutical demands as well, and we invite pharmaceutical producing countries to consider joining ODEN because cooperation is better in many ways than competition."

Talliaferro had a message for those countries who had completely blocked ODEN. "Look: the best way to control drug imports from ODEN is to join ODEN. We, as member states, are forbidden from competing with your own local industries. If you want to keep out ODEN products, join us and set drug policy with ODEN at your side, rather than behind your back. There are 20 nations that are eligible to join. Let's work together."

Talliaferro's rise signals a potential shift in direction for the Cartel, and it is hoped that these first steps represent a new coordinated effort to legitimize the Cartel abroad. Talliaferro stated that he hopes to consult with ODEN Nations soon to develop a new export strategy for the Cartel. Talliaferro's first act of ending the dumping policy toward Lourenne was followed by the policy of ODEN purchasing the therapeutic pharmaceutical stocks of several major companies in Kalistan, including Talliaferro's previous employer, Supereon Pharma, in Eshar. "There is no conflict of interest. I'm fully divested, and do not stand to gain materially from these purchases. And besides: We've bought everyone out, not just Supereon." Talliaferro expects to complete a new Drug Survey for Kalistan by the end of the year.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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