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Student Protests Erupt in Kincardine

Postby Sovak111 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:03 am

KINCARDINE - Around 200 students marched from Bishop University's Ross Hall past Sutton House and finally to Government House today with a list of demands. The students' demands include unionization for all graduate student workers and the establishment of a university in Sutton. "Why should I have to come across the Green Sea for college?" said Andrew Macalester, a Bishop University Economics Ph.D. candidate and president of the Student National Protest (SNP) - a student organization at the campus. "The fact that there is no major university in Sutton is a travesty. Look at all the economic development that Bishop and Uni-Roccato have brought to Kincardine! Suttonites deserve the same level of development and access to higher education as everyone else."

Andrew Macalester is the leader of the Student National Protest (SNP) and an Economics Ph.D. Candidate at Bishop University

A common theme of the protests was a growing discontentment with the government in Bekennial. "We're fed up with the national government," said Katie Cunningham, an MFA student in Drama at Bishop. "There is no reason the government shouldn't have been able to function over the past two years. The Republicans clearly aren't the answer to our woes." Macalester added, "Republicans can't get anything done, and the Royalists in Parliament are spending so much time defending the Monarchy that they've forgotten about real people like us. We have to focus our efforts on local and provincial government. We are thereby petitioning Premier Banfield for the creation of a new higher education institution in Sutton."

Premier Banfield meeting with student protesters at Government House.

The students, mostly Suttonites and other Roccatoans attending Kincardine-based universities, were surprised when Premier Banfield met them at the doors of Government House and offered an audience with them. The protesters presented him with the "Student National Protest (SNP)" Manifesto which included requests for the creation of a new Liberal Arts College or Research University in Sutton, Institutes of Ethics and Hutori Grand Strategy as part of that college or university, the right of students to unionize if employed by the new university. Banfield seemed impressed with the students and offered his support. "It is always a good day in Roccato when our youth stand up for their beliefs. I will take their full proposal under advisement, but I can tell you now that I already support the creation of a new higher education institution on Sutton."
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Free Democrat Leader Loses Seat - New Leader Sworn In

Postby thepromulgator » Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:46 am

BEKENIAL, 4452 - The Free Democrats suffered its biggest-ever loss since the 4442 elections, losing 7 seats overall and getting a reduced vote share of 12.49% from their record-high 15.29% share in 4450. 6 of the 7 seats were once held by high-ranking FD officials. More shockingly, however, was leader Alessandra Simmons losing her riding, Kincardine Flatrock. She was expected by pollsters and pundits to retain her seat, but she lost by a large margin, losing her seat to fresh-faced Progressive Royalist Martha McLean. After being defeated by McLean, she called a press conference to announce her immediate resignation as party leader.

Simmons speaking at a press conference

Said Simmons:
It is with a heavy heart that I announce my resignation as leader of the Free Democrats. We achieved our biggest-ever mandate in 4450 on a promise of a new, republican Hutori. However, we were not able to deliver on this promise due to inaction and intense gridlock, and we paid a price. For this I take full responsibility. I hope the next leader will be able to lead this party to greater heights, and perhaps even regain lost seats next election. Thank you and God bless.

She was later replaced by Deputy Leader and Simmons appointee Emilia Jackson, MP for Isle of Sutton Rankin Inlet.

Jackson at her office

At a young 35 years old, she is said to be one of the youngest party leaders in Hutori's history. She was elected to her riding in the 4442 elections, when the Free Democrats was still a relatively new, small party. She was one of the major proponents for the Revised Termination of Pregnancy Act, the Mayoral Reform Act, the Drug Policy Liberalization Act, and the abolition of the Monarchy, key policies of the Free Democrats in the past few years.

Asked whether she would continue pushing for republicanism in an ambush interview, she said:
No, I really don't have any plans at the moment. We were punished by the electorate for our failed attempt at republicanism; I think the Free Democrats have bigger issues to deal with right now.

Jackson later unveiled the Free Democrats' plans for this Parliament in a short speech given at a private function that evening
As members of the new Royalist government, we are committed to supporting their efforts to simplify taxation and the new budget. Aside from that, however, we will push for business-friendly policies, the continued protection of free speech, and devolution of certain powers to the provinces.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:56 am

Royalists Earn Huge Electoral Victory, Monarchy Lives On

Royalist Leader Dylan Jourdain shakes the hands of supporters after giving his victory speech.

The monarchy lives on! At least for the time being anyway. After an early election, the Royalist Party came out as the largest party and sent their leader to the First Minister's office. With this victory, the Republican movement is all but dead as there are no longer enough votes to pass a constitutional amendment. Royalist Leader, and new First Minister, Dylan Jourdain called it a victory for not only Hutori, but for the commonwealth as a whole.

Royalist Parliamentary Leader Tristan Shaw makes his way into the House of Parliament to deliver First Minister Jourdain's cabinet proposal. It would pass quickly and give Hutori its first government in nearly 3 years.

Just days after the election, the House of Parliament reconvened and the Royalist Parliamentary Leader, Tristan Shaw brought forward the First Minister's cabinet proposal. The Royalists made an agreement with both the Liberal National Party and Free Democrats to form a cabinet on the condition that those parties would not support a republican amendment this term. They worked quickly and showed real leadership in electing a cabinet within a month of the election, something the Hutorian Parliament lacked for the last 3 years.
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Student Protests Intensify

Postby Sovak111 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:21 pm

KINCARDINE - The Student National Protest movement today again marched from Bishop University to Sutton House to express support for the Roccato Premier's plan to build a new university in Sutton. "For far too long young Suttonites have had to spend money they don't have just to cross the Commonwealth Bridge to Kincardine for university," said Andrew Macalester, leader of the movement. "It would be one thing if there was affordable student housing in Kincardine, but there just isn't. We can't keep the status quo and expect anyone in Sutton to afford a decent higher education - That is why we support Premier Banfield's attempt to create a new university in Sutton."

The Student National Protest has been mostly located in Kincardine as many students from Sutton attend Bishop University and the University of Roccato. Students have also protested for a greater level of affordable housing, and a reduction in the essential goods tax. "We must lower taxes on food and clothing, and we must do that now," said Macalester. "Students are crumbling under the high cost of living. Many think it is best to drop out of college instead - any economist will tell you that is a bad idea for the student and a bad idea for the country. We must make higher education as attainable as possible."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:28 pm


Younger Brother of Emperor now Top Defence Commander

In a subdued ceremony, newly minted Minister of Defence, Emily Steuart, has announced the promotion of Prince Christopher Steuart-Carmichael, the youngest brother of His Imperial Majesty Emperor William VII, to full General and his appointment as Chief of the Defence Staff of the Hutorian Commonwealth's Armed Forces.

Minister of Defence Emily Steuart

Lieutenant General Steuart-Carmichael has lead a long and storied career. He has worked his way tirelessly up through the ranks, served on the frontlines with our top soldiers in Dovani and in other theatres of combat, worked closely with our allies, and has shown time and time again his dedication and loyalty to this nation. On behalf of His Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty, Emperor William VII as Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth it is my distinct pleasure and honour to promote Lieutenant General Christopher Steuart-Carmichael to the rank of full General and appoint him Chief of the Defence Staff of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Hutori!

The newly minted General, aside from being the Emperor's youngest brother, has lead a long, storied, and ironically, deeply classified career within the Armed Forces. Having joined at the age of 16 as is tradition for members of the Royal Family, and being minted a Second Lieutenant upon graduation from the Bekenial Military College, the youngest son of Empress Mary IV, immediately joined the deeply secretive Special Parachute Assault Detachment, the Hutorian Royal Army's special forces, and remained there for the entirety of his career, steadily climbing the ranks, until the Dovani War, when he lead numerous classifed operations against the Dovani Union. By the end of the war he was promoted to Brigadier General, as overall Commander of the Army's special forces branch and most acknowledged his career was destined for the very top. At 54, he isn't the youngest to take the top rank, but it's expected he'll likely serve as long as some of his famous ancestors, including the longest serving CDS in history, his ancestor Admiral Erik Steuart, who served as Chief of the Defence Staff for 18 years.

Many observers did have the irony of the situation lost on them, as the Minister of Defence placed the stars on his shoulder tabs; Minister of Defence Steuart, aside from being the former Deputy Leader of the now de-funct New Liberal Party is a distant cousin of the Royal Family, apart of the Steuart branch of the family, with which with the Emperor as Commander in Chief, effectively puts the Royal Family in complete control of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth.

General Steuart-Carmichael has stated the beginning of his mandate will be to deepen the ties between the member nations of the Northern Council, reassert Hutorian influence over the Arctic which has been put on the backburner since the Northern Council turned it's attention south, amongst other longer term goals.
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Response to 'Storm of a Lifetime' Controversial in Sutton

Postby Sovak111 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:06 pm

SUTTON - Officials in the potential path of Winter Storm Joseph had a stern, clear message for people still in Sutton: Leave Now.

"Your life is at risk if you stay on the island," said Independent MLA and Chair of the Emergency Evacuation Committee Randall Ross. "Don't plan to leave once the wind and snow starts, cross the Commonwealth bridge to Kincardine now."

At a Press Conference Wednesday, Ross and Roccato Premier Richard Banfield told the more than 1 million people who have been told to leave that if they don't, they are on their own. "Even the rescuers cannot stay there," said Banfield. Joseph is forecast to slowly make its way up the coast of Roccato before making landfall in Sutton late this week where it is not expected to dissipate for at least a week. The storm is likely to deliver between 2 and 4 meters of snow, likely keeping vulnerable populations (children and the elderly) inside their houses for the duration of the storm.

Snow will fall on Sutton as early as Thursday. Residents are advised to leave town for the week on the Commonwealth Bridge.

While Banfield has generally received praise for his approach to evacuating people from the storm, detractors say that the all-but-forced evacuation is a cynical way to increase government revenue. "So they force people to cross the Commonwealth bridge, but they keep dynamic pricing in place during the evacuation," questioned Andrew Macalester, referring to the practice of increasing tolls across the Commonwealth bridge during times of high congestion. Macalester a native of Sutton and Economics PhD Candidate at Bishop University widely considered to be the de facto leader of the Student National Protest movement argues that Suttonites, not politicians in Kincardine, should decide whether they should evacuate. "Suttonites know what it means to be cold. We've dealt with snow storms in the past, we will deal with this one," said Macalester. "At the very least, the Premier should have eliminated the toll. To force people to move then charge them for the pleasure is absurd."
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Protests at Independent MP's Office After Recording Released

Postby Sovak111 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:28 am

BEKENNIAL - Independent MP Richard Sloane is in hot water after making comments disparaging the Student National Protest movement in Roccato and Sutton. The first-time MP was caught on tape calling the student movement "a bunch of stupid socialist twits who need to get a job" and "a threat to law and order." He also called Andrew Macalester, the leader of the movement a "left-coast ginger liberal who don't know nothing."

Richard Sloane is known for his over-the-top rhetorical style.

The comments were recorded at a private fundraiser for the first-term Independent MP and former Roccato MLA known for his bombastic comments. Students in the SNP immediately took to the streets to protest Sloane. Political strategists consider Sloane one of the most vulnerable MPs for the next election. "He only won because the New Liberals folded as a party," said Williams University professor Mike Davidson. "Sutton East was a reliable New Liberal stronghold. When the party decided to cease operations, their candidates didn't have the funding to campaign. When faced with the choice of an Ultrackian candidate, a Royalist candidate, and Sloane, people went with what they knew."

For his part, Macalester seemed unbothered. "Comments like these don't bother me," said the Bishop University Economics PhD Student, "You have to take them [the comments] in stride. Besides, they only confirm what we all already know - Sloane doesn't look out for the people he claims to represent. He looks out for only himself. Hopefully somebody worth voting for will run against him next time. Until then, we'll be on his office doorstep every single day to talk about the issues facing Suttonites."

Mr. Sloane could not be reached for comment.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Maxington » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:38 am

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:11 pm


Provincial News

Premier Banfield Considers Making Increased Fees from Commonwealth Bridge Permanent

Royalist Premier Richard Banfield at Sutton House in Kincardine

Roccato and Isle of Sutton Premier Richard Banfield, has introduced an extremely controversial Bill into the Legislature making the increased fees to cross over the Commonwealth Bridge permanent in light of the massive costs in maintenance from Snow Storm Joseph later year.

Snowstorm Joseph was significantly worse then even the most cynical calculations has assumed, dumping six meters of snow over the Isle and the northern Roccato over a three week period. This was combined with extreme almost hurricane force winds and bitingly cold temperatures that frozen the bridge and caused extreme damage. Under Provincial law the Commonwealth Bridge Authority, the Provincial owned Crown Corporation that owns and maintains the Commonwealth Bridge, increases fees during the winter months and is required to close the bridge to all traffic during snowstorms and blizzards, closing the only land connection between the mainland and the Isle. While planes can theoretically still land, only military aircraft are authorized to travel. Snowstorm Joseph was bad enough that the Commonwealth Bridge was closed for three months, and the damages exceeding two hundred million HLR, more then the fees brought in, which has been a norm as winters have become more brutal during the time century cycle of Global Cooling that affects the north.

Kincardine during Snowstorm Joseph, Kincardine saw 3 meter of snow, only half of what was buried over the Isle of Sutton

Premier Banfield stated that the increased fees would be immediately invested into the creation of a new Department, the Emergency Preparation Agency, that would be under both the Provincial Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of the Environment to help prepare the Province for further damages in coming years, and ensuring that the type of crisis that struck the Isle of Sutton would be prepared for.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:09 pm



Foreign Minister Visits Wiel

Minister of Foreign Affairs Derek Carter

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Foreign Minister Derek Carter will be making an Official Visit to Vanuku, in a renewed focus by Bekenial to bury the hatchet with Wiel and bring the two nations, whose Monarchs are distant cousins and close friends, back together after years of thawed, if not cool, relations, following years of mutual distrust for the Northern Council's intervention in the Jelbanian conflict.

A spokesperson for the Minister noted.

To ignore the most powerful nation in the Southern Hemisphere would be foolish, especially as Hutori and Vanuku share so much history now, with how close the Royal Families, of each nation are. His Imperial Majesty feels it's time to right the ship, and bring us back on a common path, and Minister Carter is visiting Wiel to lay that groundwork. If all things go according to plan, there is hope that His Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty will perform an Official State Visit at a later time.

Carter's visit, scheduled for early December, are said to touch on a number of topics, including renewing economics ties, burying what lingering resentment may exist between Wiel and Bekenial, and establishing a permanent dialogue between the northern and southern monarchies.
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