
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Reddy » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:18 pm

They Will Eat Your Children!
Amidst Anti-Commie Hysteria, KW's Finest Re-organise
August 4455

Kalopia's great landowners (freeholders) and other well to do folk have reorganised the Great Freeholder League to "defend against mad Metzism" The League which ruled Kalopia-Wantuni in the late 40th century ran an oligarchic limited democracy where only property owners could vote. This time around, the mass hysteria over the rise of communism in Deltaria and southern Jelbania has gripped the wealthier classes in the central Majatran kingdom. Several unaccounted for donations have swiftly found their way into supporting a massive media campaign in favour of the new political organisation with a strong emphasis on anti-communism.


The most popular campaign poster is one with an apparent communist eating a child. A Deltarian woman, Aga Topolanek appeared on KTV3 confirming that the poster depicted what happened to her son during a raid by the communist regime. A number of similar stories have flooded the Kalopian media ranging from the grotesque to the hilarious. It remains to be seen how effective this campaign will prove and if the League can win a majority in the Ecclesia in next year's July elections.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Reddy » Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:25 pm

Freeholders Win
Fascist Regime Blocking Appointments?
July 4456

The freeholders have won a stunning victory in the legislative elections garnering 64 of the 75 seats in the Ecclesia. The victory, according to the League's leading spokesman Nikos Gounaris, was due to fatigue at the fascists' incompetence and ignorance. The freeholders succeeded despite a late campaign scandals which alleged that they had accepted funding from extreme anti-communist Deltarian exiles. Their campaign was largely based on anti-communism and many candidates vowed to stir up confrontation with communist Deltaria once in office.

The newly elected Ecclesia

The fascist regime however shows little inclination to accept the victory and it has been rumoured that Archon for Life Irenaeus Artemis has refused to meet leaders of the League and may be intent on leaving her current Ministers in place. The League has gone into confrontation mode already, defunding a number of Ministries and rushing through several constitutional amendments aimed at seizing power from the Archon and possibly, even removing her from office.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Reddy » Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:36 am

Provoking the Bear
Kalopia Pursues Hardline Stance On Powerful Neighbour
July 4457

Kalopia has expelled a number of Deltarian diplomats accusing them of being "communist spies." The expulsion follows the leak of a secret Ecclesia vote which saw legislators approving the creation of a secret fund to support anti-communist actions in Deltaria. Foreign Minister Baron Stjepan z Praha, a Deltarian exile himself, called the leak "fake news" and condemned his homeland for "agitation" Baron Praha has been accused of being the "puppeteer of the freeholder regime" and is thought to be driven by the exclusive intention of regaining the wealth he lost in the Deltarian communist revolution, all of which he has dismissed as nonsense.

Protests Over Reduced Voting Rights

There have been a number of violent protests in the western parts of the country following the passage of the Freeholder Privileges Act. The Act restricted suffrage in national and regional elections to freeholders (property owners) A number of poor Siphinians have protested what they view to be discrimination as the poor western province is the one most heavily affected while the wealthy northern coast and Wantuni will retain the most voters.

The Government has vowed to send the newly privatised army "Stabilisation Force" (a militia under the control of the Great Freeholder League and not the government) to restore order there. It has also blamed the protest on "foreign interference, particularly communist" Some have questioned the Government's claim that tens of thousands of protesters are active in Shifine with some wondering if it has other reasons for moving its army so close to the border of an enemy nation.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby KalopiaForKalopians » Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:50 pm

Voting Rights Protests Spread
Freeholders offer trinkets to placate disenfranchized
August 4460


Voting rights protests have reignited following the arrest of a prominent ethnic Majatran landowner. Sheikh Ahmed Sanusi was arrested recently on charges of sedition against the Freeholder establishment. Sanusi is a prominent voice in the politics of Shifinë, the poor western province. His prominence is largely due to the large land holdings he inherited from his late father. His inheritance entitled him to Freeholder status and the right to vote and petition, a status which few ethnic Majatrans enjoy. However, it was summarily stripped away from Sanusi upon his arrest, as anyone with a criminal record is barred from being a Freeholder. Critics have accused the Freeholder government of orchestrating Sanusi's sedition charge as a way to maintain dominance by ethnic Kalopians within the Freeholder class.

As one of the Majatran minority's Freeholders, Sanusi's arrest has served as a rallying point for disenfranchised protestors. The increasing size and agitation of protests has led the Freeholder League to respond violently. The Stabilization Force militia has cracked down on protesters, killing scores of them. Archon Gounaris's government is widely viewed to be supporting Stabilization Force tactics, as large numbers of protestors are now languishing behind bars while no Stabilization Force militiamen have been arrested.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby ReformedEndralon » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:06 pm

Please see below for a few snippets from Kalopia...

Social Nationalists Come to Power

December 4463

The Social Nationalists have won a landslide victory in legislative elections, winning all 75 seats in the Ecclesia. Foreign observers have alleged several abuses, including incidents of stuffed ballot boxes and members of the various semi-private security forces and party paramilitary groups preventing Freeholders from voting in both rural and urban districts. The Social Nationalists are committed to expanding the franchise to include non-landowners and are fully committed to secularism having proposed legislation in the Ecclesia to reinforce separation of faith and state.

Franchise to be Expanded

February 4464

The new government has initiated legislation to expand the franchise and overturn the Freeholders Privileges Act that restricted the franchise to landholders.

Kalopia to regain its Armed Forces

February 4464

The Kalopian government has initiated a series of military reforms designed to rebuild the Kalopian Armed Forces into a professional body. The Defence Minister Diellar Xhaxhka detailed that the various private military organisations that currently provide Kalopia's defence capability will be brought together and that government spending on defence would be increasing in the near future to fund these new developments.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:22 pm

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Uhtred » Sun Mar 24, 2019 6:57 pm

15th January 4550

Liberalising Reforms Pay Economic Dividends

What is being termed the 'Kalopian Miracle' was in full evidence as Kalopia's central bank presented its latest macro economic data and growth forecasts. The figures saw GDP rise from 3.4 trillion WAN to 3.8 trillion WAN, driven largely by increased investment and consumption. Alexis Pedratis of FSU Capital said the figures, 'reflected an increasing confidence among investors and consumers', adding that high taxes and restrictive industrial practices had depressed Kalopia's economy for many years.


Tax reforms which slashed rates for lower and middle income earners have been a boon to the high street and industry alike, helping to create an economic feel-good factor responsible for the 13% rise. Legislation to abolish sales taxes on food and essential goods, as well as lower corporation tax, resulted in healthy forecasts for the short and medium term.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance said

After years of socialist authoritarian rule we can finally put social market principles back at the heart of Kalopia's economy, creating the conditions where well-regulated private enterprise can reward aspiration and drive economic progress.

Inoméni Kalópia's liberalising reforms have not been universally popular however, with demonstrations against plans to curb trade union power planned for next weekend. Critics to the government's left have suggested that plans to remove salary caps and make trade union membership voluntary are a gift to wealthy elites and exploitative bosses.

Kalopia Makes Play For Business

Minister for Trade and Industry Aleka Alani has made an appeal to businesses in the region to consider investing in Kalopia. Announcing a new industry ad campaign bearing the nation's new motto 'Ever to Excel', the Minister said she believed Kalopia offered an attractive alternative to authoritarian regimes and struggling economies in the region.
Last edited by Uhtred on Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Uhtred » Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:30 pm

4th February 4550

Comedian in Hot Water Over Solentia Act

A comedian who performs under the stage persona General Xoxo von Chocolatemooser is under fire after offending Solentian expatriates living in Kalopia. The comedian, real name Alexi Vasfakis, performed an unflattering parody of a Solentian general and senior politician on Kalopia's state broadcaster on Thursday night. While the act initially went unnoticed, the Kalopia-Solentia Expatriate Association later lodged a formal complaint with the television regulator.

Alexi Vasfakis as General Xoxo von Chocolatemooser

Janet Schear of the Kalopia-Solentia Expatriote Association said
I was disgusted at this utterly offensive portrayal of my home country. I have lived here for 25 years and never have I seen such a thing. Solentia is a proud and strong nation and to humiliate us like this is just disgusting. Offensive and disgusting.

The group have demanded action be taken against the comedian and against the broadcaster.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Uhtred » Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:52 pm

23rd September 4550

Government To Boost Defence Spending To Over And Above 4% Target

Increased military spending set to improve cyber capabilities and missile defence

Kalopian soldiers on a training exercise in April

Defence Minister Giannis Limnios has announced plans to further expand defence and military projects, over and above the 4% GDP target pledged during the election campaign. In a speech at Selene House, Helios, the Minister outlined the expected threats, manpower needs, and principles for using force for the next decade.
There has been significant changes in the security situation which have altered our situational assessment. The potential for conflict with authoritarian regimes across the continent cannot be underestimated. We must ensure that we have a military capable of meeting the challenges of modern and advanced defence needs.

A key beneficiary of the extra funds will be EKOA (Ethnikó Kyvernitikó Organismó Asfáleias), Kalopia's national cyber security agency. EKOA has reported an increase in cyber attacks on banks and public institutions in the past year, with state-sponsored agents believed to be responsible in some cases. Missile defence systems have also been highlighted as a priority.

The move comes after the visit of Kazulian Prime Minister Anni Skovgaard to Kalopia which saw the two nations re-enter into a mutual defence and security assistance agreement, a longstanding relationship which had been severed during communist rule. The exact nature of the financial and military aid the government will receive has not been disclosed however it completes a season of talks regarding military renewal and expansion, and advanced defence strategies. The government has moved quickly to shore up its new democratic regime against threats from former communist allies and the military regime in Solentia.

Annonymous sources close to the Ministry of Defence said they understood a LOR (letter of request on price and availability) has been sent by the Kalopian government to Skalam for single-engine multi-role fighter jets, however the Ministry has made no comment.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Uhtred » Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:30 pm

25th January 4553

And They're Off! Prime Minister Launches Election Campaign in Ammopoli

Inoméni Kalópia to focus campaign on economic issues
Pledge to raise tax threshold from 15,000 WAN to 35,000 WAN

Prime Minister Kostas Karnezis at a rally in Ammopoli

Prime Minister Kostas Karnezis launched Inoméni Kalópia's election campaign in Ammopoli by pledging to lower taxes for low income workers on the back on strong economic forecasts. Under the campaign slogan 'For Progress and Prosperity', Karnezis spoke of the need to share the proceeds of economic prosperity following the rapid expansion of the economy since the fall of authoritarian socialism.

In recognition of the hard work and sacrifice many have felt during the transition from authoritarian socialism, we are pleased to announce the largest tax cut in a generation for the benefit of all hardworking families. We pledge to raise the income tax threshold from 15,000 WAN to 35,000 WAN. This represents a tax cut for all in Kalopia, benefiting low income workers most of all. Under a Inoméni Kalópia government our nation has seen unparalleled growth of over 13%, the proceeds of which are being shared by all of society.

When we came to power 4 years ago, the government was taxing workers who earned as little as 10,000 WAN 18% of their income. This is a government which supports hardworking families, this is a government for hard working families.

Seen by many as a move to the left by a party which has spent much of the past four years liberalising economic markets, the governing party is facing challenges from both sides of the political divide. To the left, the Communist Party, Kommounistiko Komma, have a strong support base among the trade union movement and those nostalgic for a more authoritarian style of governance. To the right, the newly formed Dimokratiki Symmaxia coalition seeks to attract a strong conservative and nationalist support.

Inoméni Kalópia's slogan for the campaign
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