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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:44 am

Vanuku Strengthens Its Security Operations Overseas
More Land and Naval Forces Deployed As Part Of Wider Defence, Training and Peacekeeping Programme

Vanukean Rapid Response Troops, Which Are Ready To Embark For Keymon.

December 4525 - Vanuku's military presence has been beefed up in two key theatres around Terra as part of peacekeeping and security operations.

The MoD confirmed that a full division of troops was to be stationed in Keymon as part of ongoing military exercises and link-ups between the two nations. In addition, two airforce fighter squadrons are to be relocated to airfields on the island nation.

It is believed the troop formation will consist of two Rapid Response Brigades - Vanuku's latest versatile and multi-faceted military units which allows effective combined arms deployment at short notice and under quasi-independent command.

In addition, Vanuku has announced that it will be sending the Third nuclear Carrier Fleet to take up position in the eastern Anantonese Ocean and its marginal seas - but technically will be touring a stretch of international waters between Dankuk in the north of Dovani to Lourenne in the south.

The MoD confirmed that the Third Fleet would be spearheading MOOTW (Military Operations Other Than War) and would focus on deterring conflict and building relations with Dovani nations and assisting with development and security programmes in the third world. Vanuku's presence will be a direct mirroring of Kazulia's position in the Majatran Sea. The Kazulian first fleet remains in that theatre on similar MOOTW duties.

Meanwhile, Vanuku's Fourth Fleet remains in position near to entrance of the Ananto Straits from where it will continue to monitor the Kalistani Civil War and deter aggression and piracy in the hotly-disputed body of water.

Work On Space Station Module Commences

In other news, the Vanukean national space agency, Wrnukék Baotaghe Klarz (WBK) has started work on its section of a new $200 billion international space station. The module will form part of the Hermes Space Station - which is being jointly developed by Vanuku, Kazulia, Hutori, Dorvik and Lourenne through the Arcadia Programme.

The programme is seen as a way of strengthening relations between the nations and could eventually lead to a manned mission to the moon involving the five nations.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:38 pm

Jelbania Warned To Step Back From Controversial Border Defence Plans
Foreign Minister Also Accuses National Unity Government Of Using Xenophobia To Incite Violence

The border between Vanuku and Jelbania is becoming increasingly more fortified.

July 4526 - The Vanukean Foreign Minister has sent a strongly-worded warning to the National Unity Government in Jelbania over its plans to heavily militarise the frontier between the two countries.

The anti-foreign coalition in Jelbania has ordered the construction of watch towers, dragons teeth fortifications and the laying down of land mines in a two-kilometre corridor along the border.

In addition, the local population had been armed with guns, explosives and hand grenades and given military training in a bid to ward off " foreign aggressions".

Vanukean Foreign Minister Baroness Jezklune Anzlék said the move was extremely reckless and had completely cut off the Kingdom from its legitimate economic interests in the north of Jelbania.

These include a significant number of uranium ore mines and processing plants, many of which were seized by the National Unity government when it rose to power on a ticket of sealing the country to outsiders. The Foreign Minister also said that arming the civilian populace and encouraging them to adopt the xenophobic doctrine of the current government had incited unwarranted acts of violence and "raiding parties" attempting to cross into Vanuku to wreak havoc.

She also claimed that arming the different groups within Jelbania was creating a potentially powder keg situation that could lead to civil unrest and petty inter-faction conflicts, which could destabilise the state further.

Baroness Anzlék said: "We insist that the Jelbanian government stop their plans immediately. The militarising of our border is something we cannot and will not tolerate.

"Our view is that the Jelbanian government illegally seized valuable economic assets belonging to Vanuku when it came to power and has not compensated our nation for this or allowed access to these facilities. The sealing of the border in this way is a further demonstration that the Jelbanian government has no intention of resolving this matter.

"Furthermore, under the policy of xenophobia espoused by the Jelbanian government, certain elements of society in that country are being increasingly radicalised and become more volatile. The decision to arm and train these people in combat techniques is creating an intolerable situation on our border and leading to raids across the frontier putting civilians in Vanuku at risk.

"We are fast coming to the conclusion if the Jelbanian government does not step back from these incendiary actions that we cannot stand by and do nothing."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:45 pm

Security Forces Return to Jelbania To Stabilise the Nation
Move Necessary To Prevent Economic Ruin and Alleviate Multiple Security Risks, Says Government

Vanukean Troops in northern Jelbania start to deliver aid to remote communities.

January 4527 - Vanukean forces have started to re-enter northern Jelbania , the government has confirmed, citing the need to alleviate multiple heightened security risks emanating from its southern neighbour - including a policy of 'enslaving' foreigners.

The Foreign Office revealed it was working with local tribal chiefs and long-standing allies of the Kingdom in the northern Khaganate area to establish a "properly functioning" democratic government. It said the Vanukean government no longer recognised the Jelbanian National Unity government as the legitimate authority in the country - labelling it a peddler of anti-foreign terrorism, economic ruin and dangerous regional instability.

It also branded the latest Jelbic government policy to treat Vanukeans as "sub-human scum" and the introduction of the slave trade as going "far too far for anyone on Terra to tolerate."

A spokesman said the north of Jelbania would be operated as a semi-autonomous protectorate of Vanuku in line with the articles of the Treaty of Čachtice until a time when the country could be reunited.

The move to put troops on the ground also follows Deltaria's decision to move an additional 20,000 soldiers into its already established Southern Protectorate, which covers the lower half of Jelbania.

The government said troops would be withdrawn once stability was restored and said that economic, social and civil infrastructure restoration projects that have put on ice for several year following the takeover by the xenophobic regime would be re-instated.

In terms of the military operation, a vanguard of mechanised divisions and auxiliary land forces were preceded by trailblazer bombing runs, which were carried out to remove up to 2 kilometres depth of land mines laid by Jelbanian forces along the frontier. Key north-south routes were opened first so that aid could quickly reach impoverished settlements. Resistance from troops loyal to the Unity government who had set up a series of fortifications was being slowly ground down - although there had been intense firefights in certain areas.

Prefect Herlkai Vrhelmszo said the decision to re-enter Jelbania was not taken lightly. He added: "Given the anarchic situation developing in the country, the attacks across the border, the general declining social situation for many people living there and the fact our allies within the country have called on us to act, we had little choice.

"Our initial aims are to restore some semblance of order, end the violence and open up channels so we can get aid and economic succour into Jelbania. We also want to work closely with the people of northern Jelbania to ensure a stable political system is in place that allows growth in all areas and eventually we can move towards a situation of independence and reunification with the south."

Third and Fourth Fleets Carry Out Anantonese Ocean Patrols

Meanwhile, the Defence Ministry has announced that the Fourth fleet, which had been patrolling in the vicinity of the Ananto Straits has completed its mission following the restoration of stability in Kalistan. For the time being it will take over the MOOTW duties of the Third Fleet in the northern and central Anantonese Ocean. This will allow for the Third Fleet to redeploy to the Odufurt Sea vicinity, where it will carry out observational operations.

The MoD said particular focus was being placed on the ongoing situation in Temania where a civil war ceasefire had been violated, leading to intervention from Lourenne and Kazulia... and sparking Deltaria to send a carrier strike group to the theatre. So far close to 100,000 lives have been claimed.

OOC: RP to establish protectorates in Jelbania carried out with consent of existing players in Jelbania.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:48 am

King's Great-Grandson To Marry Descendant of Dankuk Empress
Romance Blossomed between Prince Dytrik and Princess Kim Hye-Ja As Pair Studied Together in Vanukean Capital

Prince Dytrik, pictured in naval uniform is due to marry his college sweetheart Princess Kim Hye-Ja.

June 4527 - One of the great-grandsons of the King of Vanuku is to marry a Dranian royal princess, it was announced today.

Prince Dytrik Kspar, second son of Duke Jebr Zhtál and Princess Agzé Banmek-Snazted, is now betrothed to Kim Hye-Ja, the great-granddaughter of Dankuk's Grand Empress Taeyang Katsura.

Dytrik, who is 19, and Kim Hye-Ja, 20, met while both studying at the Royal College and Academy in Wiel, before Dytrik left to enlist in the Kingdom Navy as a junior officer. They are due to marry in the summer of next year.

Kim Hye-Ja has lived all her life in Vanuku along with her sister Mi-Ja and her mother Yeonwoo. Their family first came to the Kingdom in the middle of the 45th century when the current Empress - then Princess Katsura Eun-kyung - arrived in the country as a cultural ambassador for Dankuk. She went on to forge a pop career and even appeared on stage alongside Vanuku's premier recording artist of the time, FatMan Vrkzel, before returning to her homeland when duty called.

Yeonwoo was once directly in line to ascend to the imperial throne in Dankuk until she ceded her claim to her younger sister Kyuri, who is now Crown Princess.

Dytrik is set to inherit his father's title as Duke of Vrkzel and will become the first member of a new cadet branch - Banmek-Snazted-Zhtál - when he does so; while his older brother Prince Temrkai Sigzma is in line to inherit the throne of Vanuku one day.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:47 pm

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:33 pm

Navy Prepares To Move Into New Kalistani Base
Bozo River Facility Will Provide Forward Operational Facility in Anantonese Ocean.

A Vanukean Wiel-Class destroyer docks at Bozo River - the first time in a century Kingdom naval craft have been based there.

August 4527 - The first elements of the Vanukean Fourth Carrier Fleet have arrived at its new forward operational base in Kalistan's Bozo River military facility.

The fleet which has been in the Anatonese Ocean as part of a programme of MOOTW (Military Operations Other Than War) will use the naval complex for refuelling, refitting and, in general, as a safe harbour far from home shores.

The Vanukean and Kalistani governments have signed a Status of Forces Agreement allowing the fleet to operate from Bozo River on the northern coast of Ananto in exchange for the Kingdom pledging to adhere to certain legal and diplomatic stipulations.

A detachment of Marine Corps and Naval Engineers, along with a destroyer and several lighter patrol ships, have entered the dock, where any necessary remedial work will be carried out, in conjunction with the Kalistani Ministry of Defence. This will ensure the entire fleet - including the carrier HVMS Kesprka - can be berthed there.

The Vanukean Ministry of Defence also announced that the Third Carrier Fleet would remain in the Odufurt Sea theatre for the time-being in an observational role relating to the Temania conflict. It also confirmed that a detachment of the Fifth fleet has moved to Keymon to link up with two brigades of rapid response troops and two airforce fighter squadrons, which are conducting ongoing exercises with Keymonite counterparts.

Progress in Jelbania - Former Government Loyalists Converging on Old Capital

Defence Minister Karatak Merlékam confirmed that military forces in northern Jelbania had achieved their primary operational objectives and were currently helping civilian authorities to prepare for new elections and make use of much-needed aid and support being shipped into the country. A provisional capital for the Northern Protectorate has been established at Rklemjistad while elements still loyal to the National Unity government are believed to be concentrating in the western tribal areas of the country around their capital Vrnésrtràp, which is close to the demarcation line with Deltarian-held territory.

Many roads, bridges and tunnels have been blown during the withdrawal as part of a pre-planned strategy, slowing the Vanukean advance deeper into the country. But the MoD revealed that fast-moving troop spearheads had reached the border with Deltaria's Southern Protectorate but no altercations between the two rival powers had been reported.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:23 pm

Vanuku and Deltaria Coordinate Assault On Jelbanian Unity Government Capital
Land, Aerial and Special Forces Combine To Devastate Enemy In Last-Remaining Stronghold

Vanukean land forces begin their primary assault on defences around Vrnésrtràp following a series of air strikes.

January 4528 - Reports have emerged of a massive assault on the last major stronghold of Jelbanian Unity Government loyalists - which has involved a joint operation between Vanukean and Deltarian armed forces.

It is understood that Kingdom land forces in collaboration with Deltarian aerial units and special forces troops have entered Vrnésrtràp, capital of the former Jelbanian regime in the Western Tribal Areas and accepted the surrender of the remaining defenders.

While insurgent pockets still exist across both the Vanukean-controlled Northern Protectorate and Deltaria's Southern Protectorate, this is seen as the last major bastion of resistance.

It appears a joined-up, pre-planned offensive was agreed between Vanuku and Deltaria, the first time the two countries have been involved in a major co-ordinated military strategy for many generations.

The offensive took place two days ago and involved up to 50 Deltarian specials ops troops from the Oddělení Zahraniční Obrany (OZO) - who were carrying out their first combat mission - infiltrating the city during the night. They moved quickly to cut communications lines as well as to relay co-ordinates for potential airstrike locations back to high command.

By dawn, Deltarian tactical bombers were using OZO intelligence to carry out pinpoint operations against military installations and fortifications as well as wider interdiction attacks to prevent reinforcements arriving in the area and to isolate the primary battlefield.

The aerial bombardment was followed by a major attack by Vanukean land forces backed by close air support fighters, which quickly overcame devastated and disorganised enemy units, who were corralled towards the central parts of the city. It is not known at this stage if Head of State (Isràkai) Azi Knzmazrk or Head of Government (Wrntusrljikai) Jlekai Salyzr have been captured or if they made good their escape before or during the assault.

Defence Minister Karatak Merlékam said: "I can confirm that Vanukean armed forces have carried out a successful operation to liberate the city of Vrnésrtràp in conjunction with the new Deltarian special forces troops and aerial units.

"The mission has been successful in all areas and casualties have been kept to a minimum. This is partly due to the skilful execution of their mission by the Deltarian OZO. This was then followed up by Vanukuean forces carrying out a textbook land assault supported by aerial missions.

"We can now look forward to working with the people of northern Jelbania to push forward with the political, social and economic improvements and stability so badly needed."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:26 pm

King Wrntukai VI Is Dead
Prince Juhn To Be Crowned New Monarch - His Daughter Princess Agzé Will Be Heir To The Throne and Archduchess of Banstill

His Majesty Wrntukai VI, who has sadly passed away.

February 4530 - His Gracious Majesty Wrntukai VI, the King of Vanuku, has died peacefully in his sleep, aged 96, the Royal Palace has confirmed. He reigned for 43 years having succeeded his mother "Good" Queen Mrjmai in 4487.

By order of absolute primogeniture King Wrntukai will be succeeded by his 71-year-old son, Crown Prince Juhn, who will be crowned King Juhn XI later this year. In turn, Juhn's daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Agzé, 43, will become the new heir apparent and will inherit the title Archduchess of Banstill.

It is the first time that the new absolute primogeniture law has been used to decide royal succession since the Constitutional Monarchy and Royal Succession Act was passed in Vanuku in 4523. Before this law was passed the Monarch named a successor from amongst his family members.

King Wrntukai is best known in modern times for his rift with the government over plans to appoint Duke Jebr Zhtál (who is married to Princess Agzé) as his Chief Advisor - a role that would have become hereditary. The King used his Royal Veto to prevent the legislation passing leading to the constitutional amendment, which ultimately stripped the monarchy of its power of veto.

It also put great strain on the relationship between the royal house of Banmek-Sntazed and the noble house of Zhtál-Merlkai who have vied for greater control of the country for many decades. However, Prince Juhn's relationship with the Zhtál clan is thought to be better after they publicly backed him to be the next king despite calls from within his own family to abdicate in favour of his cousin.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:12 am

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:16 pm

Jelbania's First Northern Protectorate Government Harks Back to Khagan Era
New Administration Will Oversee Domestic Policy While Vanuku Takes Lead on Foreign and Defence Matters

Shmil Knzsrlji, the new Wrntusrljikai, who is descended from the rulers of the Northern Khaganate.

January 4531 - The inaugural government of the Northern Protectorate of Jelbania has been elected and it harks back to the days of the Great Jelbek Steppe.

The new administration will be headed up by Wrntusrljikai (Forward-souled Person) Shmil Knzsrlji the great-great-grandson of Khagan Manil II, former ruler of the Northern Khaganate during the mid-45th century.

Shmil is descended from the Khagan's second daughter, Princess Yhnra, and heads up a pro-monarchy government that ultimately wishes to restore the monarchy to power pan-Jelbania.

Vanuku will continue to oversee the protectorate's foreign and defence affairs while Knzsrlji's government, based in the east-coast city of Rklemjistad, will have autonomy over all other domestic matters.

Vanukean affairs in the Protectorate will be directly overseen by High Commissioner, Lépplt Kezkai, who served 12 years as the Kingdom's ambassador to Barmenistan prior to taking up this integral role.

Under the agreement forged through the Treaty of Čachtice by the great powers, Vanuku administers the northern half of Jelbania while Deltaria the south. Vanukean troops will remain in the territory it is responsible for for the time being, the government has confirmed, while insurgents loyal to the former anti-foreign unity government continue to plague the region.

In the south, Deltaria has just completed Operation Citizen Shield aimed at quelling former government loyalists and is looking at a new strategy to deal with any future guerilla hostilities.
Last edited by Sisyphus on Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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