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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:47 pm

July 4540

Naan puri stand-off puts Terra on tenterhooks

The United Malivia

Naan puri being prepared in the decks below

The satyagrahis who created a diplomatic storm with their audacious trip to a Marestellan beach in Selucia are attempting a repeat of their previous tactic. This time they are on board a bigger vessel, the United Malivia, and are heading towards the Selucian coast with the stated objective of distributing gifts of naan puri bread to Selucian coastal communities. They say they are on a "peaceful goodwill mission" and that "our intention is to share our love of Rajutti cuisine with the Malivy Islanders, show our goodwill and reduce social and political tensions".

According to reports, the Selucian coastguard became aware of the situation a few hours ago after receiving a report from Selucian fishermen, who noticed the United Malivia approaching Selucia's territorial waters. The satyagrahis are reported to have been warned to turn back and not to enter Selucian waters. Amrit Bhattacharya, the captain of the United Malivia, has just telephoned the press to say his ship will ignore the Selucian warning and is continuing to "peacefully head towards Selucia at a slow speed". He also claimed he offered naan puri to the coastguard crew, but the offer was declined. However, he says he is "very pleased to be able to tell you" that the crew of several nearby Selucian fishing ships have "accepted our offering with goodwill - fishermen are good people, you know".

The situation is further complicated because there is a Deltarian military presence nearby. Amrit Bhattacharya forcefully denies there is any particular co-ordination going on between his group and either the Malivian or Deltarian governments, although some sceptics are questioning this.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:55 am

Satyagrahis accuse Selucians of brutality



Following the capture of the United Malivia ship and the deportation of its occupants, the satyagrahis have submitted testimony alleging they were "disrespected, mistreated, manhandled and abused" by the Selucian authorities. Amongst other allegations, there are claims of bruising and other injuries being sustained, and claims they were detained in police cells for over 5 hours without access to food, water or toilet facilities.

Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has slammed the Selucians for what he calls their "disgraceful, thuggish and cowardly behaviour towards peaceful people" and said "more and more, we are beginning to see that the only way this situation can be solved is through the complete dismantlement of the illegal Selucian statelet in the Malivy Islands and the reunification of our country".
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:15 am

April 4541

Pesky Malivian Parrots besiege Selucian opium crop

The Malivian Parrot is Malivia's national animal and is revered by Gerajans, many of whom regard it as a sacred animal, jealously protected by the parrot god Paradevi, who bestows blessings on those who are kind to parrots but curses and punishes those who harm them.

Paradevi, an important Gerajan parrot god

Gerajan holy man communing with the parrot gods

Around this time of year (April) the Malivan Parrots normally emigrate to Selucia's Cor Patriae and Marestella provinces, then fly back to Malivia in December. This year, however, it seems things are not going quite right.

Several Selucian farmers have turned their fields over to growing opium, for the legitimate purpose of providing much-needed morphine for the health care system.

Opium, of course, can be highly addictive...and it seems this is not just the case for humans, but for parrots as well.

According to reports, Malivian Parrots have become addicted to the opium and are now descending upon the opium fields in large swarms, decimating the opium crop and wreaking havoc with the livelihood of the farmers. The farmers have tried using firecrackers, gas cannons and other methods to try to scare away the parrots with loud noises, but these have so far been unsuccessful.

Some of the parrots have been observed acting in a disoriented way due to the impact of the opioids. There have been reports of them flying into windows, buildings, cars and people, and bird experts are concerned they may get lost when they embark on their migration back to Malivia.

A number of farmers are asking the Selucian government for permission to begin shooting and/or poisoning the birds, pleading that unless strong action is taken they will face financial ruin.

The prospect of this has provoked a storm of condemnation from Malivian Gerajans, who are blaming the Selucian farms for "poisoning our sacred parrots". Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar last night issued a statement warning Selucia that "the Malivian people and the Malivian government take the welfare of these parrots very, very seriously" and that "there will be consequences if these issues are not addressed in a satisfactory way".
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:57 pm

August 4541

Padagavakar offers to talk to Selucia "without any pre-conditions"

Responding to international calls for dialogue between Malivia and Selucia, Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has offered to host an "All Malivia Conference on the Future of Malivia", to which representatives of the Selucian government would be invited, along with "political representatives from mainland Malivia, the Malivy Islands, the Council for Ex-Selucians, religious leaders, representatives from the international community and non-governmental organisations". He says he is "willing to talk to the administrators of the Occupied Territories at any times and without any pre-conditions".

Suspicious-looking "floating parrot islands" established across the South Sea

In another sign of the increasing closeness between Deltaria and Malivia, the two nations have agreed to take part in joint naval exercises in the South Ocean, in a move which is likely to alarm Selucia.

However, the Malivian Admiralty has stated "we will not be holding any major naval exercises during the month of November, because we do not want to disturb or confuse the Malivian Parrots migrating back from Selucia".

It is now being reported that the Malivian Parrots have thoroughly gorged themselves on Selucia's opium crop, and many of them are thought to be too befuddled and too fat to make the journey across the South Sea. The navy is therefore erecting a series of "floating parrot islands" across the sea, "in order to give the parrots somewhere to rest, and also to act as geographical markers to try to prevent the parrots from getting lost along the way". Concerns are being raised that these floating parrot islands may be being used for military or espionage purposes, although the Malivian government denies this.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:35 pm

February 4542

High level talks underway between RNP and HNP

Reliable sources have confirmed that "serious negotiations" are taking place between officials from the Rajutti National Party and the Hosian National Party, with a view towards possible political co-operation during and after the next election. For a long time now, significant factions in both parties have been pressing for a rapprochement, both in order to tackle long-running tensions between Hosians and Gerajans, and also to unite the country around pressing Malivia's claim to sovereignty over Selucia.

Furthermore, in a conciliatory gesture towards the Hosian community, Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has promised there will be no attempt to build a Gerajan temple on the site of the demolished Matthias the Baptist Church in Serediki. He has also announced that a small Hosian chapel will be permitted to be constructed nearby, although not on the actual contested site.

Top Gerajan leader sacked over Malivy Islands book


Swami Daya Dongerkerry

Swami Daya Dongerkerry has been sacked from his position as a member of Geraja's elite Swami Council for his role in writing a foreword for a book called Critical Perspectives on the Malivy Islands Controversy, a collection of essays expressing a range of different views about the Malivy Islands, not all of which adhere to the currently popular view that the Malivy Islands (aka Selucia) rightly belong to Malivia.

In his foreword, Swami Dongerkerry laments the "stifling politicisation going on in Geraja today", a thinly-veiled criticism of Gerajans associated with the Rajutti National Party, and describes "the political agenda to stir up trouble with Selucia" as "aggressive, dangerous and profoundly un-Gerajan". He adds that "in my personal analysis, as a scholar of the Gerajan scriptures" the Malivy Islands described in the Gerajan religious texts "are almost certainly set in what is now Selucia" but that "this is a genre of literature which is more about story-telling with a spiritual purpose rather than about strict historicity".

Some of the essays in the book are even more inflammatory to Gerajan nationalists. Dasra Nan claims the Malivy Islands are submerged under the ocean off the coast of eastern Vascania. Priyanshi Banahatti argues the Malivy Islands are the Darnussian islands of Narikaton, Nihaton and Clenon. Prem Vaknis writes that the Malivy Islands used to be just off the coast of eastern Malivia, but that they attained such a state of advanced spiritual consciousness that they transcended the physical plane in which the rest of Terra is set and have transported themselves to another dimension, but will re-materialise in their former location twenty years before the universe approaches the end of its current karmic cycle in approximately two and a half million years time. Anushree Haldar thinks the Malivy Islands consist of Keymon and several other islands which used to surround Keymon but have now sunken into the sea. Vinod Deshmukh believes the Malivy Islands "are entirely fictional and have never existed in the real world". Shalini Thakre says the Malivy Islands "are a place on another planet which we go to if we do good deeds in our lives here in Terra".

Swami Periplectomenus Livigenus

Swami Dongerkerry has been replaced on the Swami Council by Swami Periplectomenus Livigenus, a Selucian immigrant and follower of Selucian paganism who has come to believe that Selucian paganism is really a branch of Geraja. The Gerajan establishment has been making vigorous efforts to appeal to Selucian pagans for some time, trying to persuade them that they are in fact both Gerajans and Malivians.

Yogi Viswamitra Nandi flees Hulstria

Yogi Viswamitra Nandi

Malivia's renowned Yogi Viswamitra Nandi, notorious for claiming homosexuality can be cured through a mixture of intense yoga exercises and drinking one's own urine, has announced he is closing down his ashram in Umi-Basi, Hulstria, and is returning to Malivia. In a statement, he said he "loves Hulstria" and has "met some lovely, lovely people here" but that "the social, political and legal environment engendered by the Homosexual Supremacist government is becoming increasingly hostile and is making it impossible for us to continue to operate". Later on, he told journalists that he will continue to "heal" homosexual clients in Hulstria from Malivia through long-distance meditation sessions and online yoga classes.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:45 pm

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:47 pm

July 4542

Hijras protest outside Hulstrian Embassy





Hijras are a minority group within Malivia's Rajutti community who recognise themselves as belonging to a third gender. Yesterday, up to 300 of them gathered outside the Hulstrian Embassy in Hitam in order to protest against Hulstria's male homosexual supremacist ideology which is seeing third gender people persecuted, and women - and especially lesbians - treated as an inferior class of citizen.

Aaina Harish, the President of the Malivian Hijra Association, described Hulstria's "Homosexual Supremacist" regime as "ignorant, prejudiced, anti-women, anti-lesbian and fascist", expressing her "complete solidarity with the people in Hulstria who are suffering because of this stupid, insufferable ideology". She also called on the Malivian government and the international community generally to put pressure on Hulstria to changes its policies, and to provide assistance to Hulstrian refugees.

Foreign Minister Karam Kamal has conveyed that the government is "concerned about the situation in Hulstria" and will "raise our concerns through the appropriate channels". However, so far no signs have emerged that sanctions are being considered, and the Foreign Office is also being reticient about clarifying how it will be decided whether or not asylum seekers from Hulstria will be accepted into Malivia. "We can't just have a blanket policy of saying we will accept anyone who heterosexual, anyone who is a woman, anyone who is a lesbian or anyone who is third gender," he said, "they will have to prove they are in significant danger, or are being significantly persecuted, before we can grant asylum applications".
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