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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:42 pm

Yingdala Treaty Will Bring Inestimable Benefits, Says Foreign Minister
Baroness Anzlék Flying Home After Successful Negotiations and Policy Discussions In The East

Baroness Anzlék discusses the signing of the treaty during her successful visit to Yingdala.

July 4548 - Foreign Minster Baroness Jezklune Anzlék has rounded off her extended trip to Dovani after agreeing a hugely significant deal with the state of Yingdala.

A new treaty is being ratified which will see the removal of tariffs on all consumer goods flowing between the two countries, a move which could be worth at least tens of millions of VAN a year for companies buying and selling in those markets. Other initiatives aimed at closer economic co-operation and boosting the financial services sector have also been agreed upon.

In addition, the nations have reinforced their pledge to honour each other's sovereignty and to not take or support hostile action against one another. This is seen as geopolitically significant given the current polarising of many nations behind the C.A,R.S.S. and TSC military alliances and associated factions.

During her first visit to Yingdala, the Baroness met with senior representatives of the Taiyuan Party-led government including Chief Minster Sha Mei Xiu. Later she presented a special gift to members of the Regency Council - called the Khopesh of Mkldrekrnék. The sickle-style sword is one of two ancient weapons excavated on an archaeological dig near to the city of Hizdrkrtak, which predate the reign of Merlkai Khan (Merulf the Conqueror) in the early 800s CE.

The Regency Council is currently looking to appoint a new candidate to the Imperial throne and the valuable warrior's blade is intended as a coronation present for the next Son of Heaven.

Before leaving Yingdala to return to Majatra, Baroness Anzlék said: "The reinforcing of relations between Vanuku and Yingdala is a landmark moment - the value of the treaty we have signed in terms of trade, security and co-operation is, indeed, inestimable. It is a great day for our economies and a great day for Terran security and prosperity."

Earlier in her trip, the Foreign Minister visited Dankuk to reaffirm long-standing relations and sign an accord of amiability. Later she jetted into Lourenne to discuss joined up foreign policy and strategy with Vanuku's Terran Sovereignty Coalition ally.

The Baroness is known to back a less aggressive approach to the current situation with the Deltarian-led C.A.R.S.S. alliance. Rather than attempt to bind other nations into a military pact, she has pushed for pledges of non-alignment or benevolent neutrality, complemented by economic deals which help to stabilise or assist receptive governments. The view is not entirely shared by the Vanukean Prefect, Prince Dytrik Zhtál, who has taken a more confrontational stance and employed rhetoric aimed at vilifying C.A.R.S.S. and pushing nations towards the TSC.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:39 pm

Letter Highlights Concerns Over Kazulian Foreign Policy
Deltarian Military Base In Dankuk Is Potential Flashpoint For General Hostilities, According To Armed Forces Chief

Grand Admiral Grzkai Obbéz Says Approach From Skalm Could Be "Fraught With Danger". 

July 4549 - A leaked letter sent to the Ministry of Defence reveals that top brass military figures in Vanuku are extremely concerned with Kazulia's new stance on foreign policy.

In particular, the Armed Forces High Command in Wiel believes the newly-formed Kazulian government's focus on Deltaria's military base in neighbouring Dankuk could evolve from diplomatic confrontation to desperate conflict.

The high-level memo from Chief of Staff Grand Admiral Grzkai Obbéz to Defence Minister Karatak Merlékam also outlines that any hostilities could lead to a general war dragging in other members of the Deltarian-led C.A.R.R.S. alliance, possibly Lourenne through its respective security treaty with Kazulia, and then, potentially, the rest of the TSC faction. The message was sent after Kazulia started to take action to rip up the treaty of Mutual Peace Between Dankuk and Kazulia.

The Grand Admiral described the new approach from Skalm as not unpredictable given the threat on their border but fraught with danger. He concluded.the action will put Dankuk, Deltaria and other CARSS members on high alert. if this action does lead Kazulia into conflict its best hope would be a swift offensive to overwhelm Dankuk and then force terms aggressively; however, if Deltarian troops got boots on the ground, Kazulia would need significant assistance to stop any advance.

The letter recommended that both the Vanukean Fourth and Fifth Carriers Fleets, which are based in the Anantonese Ocean, should be placed on alert in case they were needed to respond and that TSC allies should be consulted over a joint approach to the potential outbreak of hostilities.

However, the memo falls short of specifically recommending formal military collaboration with Kazulia at this stage to offset the threat of attack.  

The leaked revelations within the memo are not only a security embarrassment for the Vanukean government but could damage the de-facto good relations that have existed between Kazulia and Vanuku for several decades, since the fall of the Northern Council and Kazulia's adoption of the Manifest of Tranquility.

So far the government has refused to comment specifically on the leak but stated that a myriad of recommendations are made every day by people of all levels of expertise, but they should not necessarily be confused with definitive foreign policy.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:31 pm

Coronation of Queen Agzé I Set For Late Summer
Crown Princess Will Succeed Her Father Who Passed Away After a 20 Years Reign

Princess Agzé, whose coronation as Queen of Vanuku, will take place later this summer.

June 4550 - Crown Princess Agzé, The Archduchess of Banstill, is set to be crowned Queen of Vanuku in August after her father King Juhn XI passed away in his sleep last night aged 91.

She will become the second female monarch in Vanuku's history and continues the dynastic reign of the Banmek-Snazted family.

The Princess is married to the current Duke of Vrkzel, Lord Jebr Zhtál, and their first son Prince Temrkai-Sigzma will be named her heir and bestowed with the title Archduke of Banstill. In addition, their second son Prince Dytrik is the current Prefect (head of government), which further galvanises the family's powerful position.

Princess Agze will replace her father King Juhn XI who ruled for 20 years.

Diplomatic and Trade Delegation Heads for Kalopia

July 4550 - With the rise of a new government in Kalopia and the country's rejection of the C.A.R.S.S. alliance, there has been much clamour to strengthen relations with the southern Majatran nation.

Now, emulating a visit from Kazulia, a delegation from Vanuku is hot-footing it to the country with the aim of sealing a diplomatic co-operation and free trade agreement.

Vanuku has been investing heavily in a number of Majatran nations recently, through its multi-billion VAN continental development fund - with countries such as Barmenistan, Kafuristan, Beiteynu and Al-Badara benefitting over the last few years.

The aim is to build relations with a series of aligned or benevolent non-aligned nations around the continent, in what many political observers see as the creation of a cordon sanitaire around the perimiter of the Deltarian-led C.A.R.R.S socialist republics on the continent.

Heading the delegation to Kalopia will be Foreign Minister Baroness Jezklune Anzlék whose recent mission to the orient reaped trade and diplomatic rewards with Yingdala and Dankuk.

New Defensive Missile Silos And Land Defences To Be Installed In Southern Vanuku

July 4550 - As global tensions continue to escalate centred on the T.S.C and Deltarian-led alliances, Vanuku has announced new defence systems are to be installed in the country.

A series of new or upgraded anti-missile launch facilities, which form part of the multi-billion Project Van-Guard, are to be built around the kingdom as Deltaria's huge armament programme continues to increase at a near exponential rate. There is particular focus on eliminating non-conventional air-based offensives from Deltaria given the expansion of its nuclear ballistic missile programme. The land-based defence system incorporates the technology developed for the tried and trusted naval-based AEGIS system, which is used to intercept short to intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

In addition, more modernised land fortifications are to be built along the southern border of the country with Jelbania. The three extensive lines of border defensive fortifications are based on the "Triarii Theory", which uses the chequerboard style formations of the ancient Selucian legions as its inspiration for modern static defence, supported by mobile "auxiliary" forces that can move to reinforce against a concentrated enemy offensive.

It is generally accepted that if a Deltarian conventional offensive does occur against Vanuku it will be an attempt to steamroll through neutral Jelbania and force an invasion that way. Much of Vanuku's current military doctrine is believed to be based on blunting this initial frontal attack, while waiting for Terran allies to arrive to turn the tide; therefore an integrated network of defensive fortifications is an absolute imperative.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:49 am

Potential Nuclear Threat From Deltaria Must Be Kept In Check, Says Government
But Latest Security Services Intelligence Report Reveals That The Socialist Republic Has Not Yet Completed Its WMD Programme

The intelligence report, released to the world's media, confirms Deltaria has not yet built nuclear missiles - but its programme is in full development.

December 4551 - The Vanukean government has encouraged the democratic world to work as one to deter Deltaria from becoming nuclear-weapon-capable, following the latest revelations about its WMD programme.

The Deltarian MoD carried out a controversial nuclear test in the Majatran Sea several years ago and has been busy constructing nuclear silos around the country.

However, according to the latest definitive report supplied to the Vanukean High Command by its joint intelligence agencies, rumours that Deltaria had already built an arsenal of nuclear warheads which are capable of being fired at targets around Majatra - or further afield on ICBMs - are false and based on "scaremongering" and propaganda released through the media.

Wiel said the news, whilst welcome, should not allow the international community to rest on its laurels. It said that Deltaria still posed a huge conventional military threat on the continent, something the MoD is preparing for with a new series of defensive fortifications in southern Vanuku based on the High Command's "Three-Tier Total Defence" doctrine.

And, it also made it clear that the Socialist Republic would be determined to push on with its nuclear weapons programme so it could obtain parity with Vanuku and other Terran nuclear powers in that regard.

The government suggested it had released the nuclear programme intelligence report to the press to show that there was still time to prevent Deltaria from achieving its goal.

But the Prefect, Prince Dytrik Zhtál, said it required a concerted effort from the international community to dissuade Deltaria from pushing on with the programme and it would most likely require a united front of economic sanctions too.

He said: "The idea that Deltaria and C.A.R.S.S could acquire or build nuclear weaponry is potentially catastrophic. Terra has time to act - but not much, so we must take action now... together. Diplomatic persuasion, concerted political pressure and economic sanctions are all things we would consider in concert with other countries or through a World Congress resolution. There are also other options on the table to prevent this programme reaching maturity."

The publishing of the report and the aggressive stance taken by the Vanukean government over this will take many members of the international community by surprise - but it demonstrates how pressure is being cranked up between the two great powers.

But there is also the historical context to consider. Tensions over nuclear conflict are deep-seated between the two nations. Despite nearly a century and a half having passed, the tactical nuclear missile attack by Vanuku on Deltarian troops in Jelbania in an attempt to end a protracted war between the two nations, will never be forgotten in Čachtice.

That infamous attack, which claimed 50,000 soldiers' lives was met with global outrage and almost led to an invasion of Vanuku by the then Northern Council nations to prevent further attacks. it also sparked the high profile trial and life imprisonment of some of the most senior members of the Vanukean government and Armed Forces High Command.

Many decades on, a new world order has been established with Vanuku now allies - or on good terms - with the former Northern Council members and a proponent of multilateral nuclear disarmament. But many in the Kingdom are fearful that the Deltarians may look to wreak bitter revenge if hostilities did break out.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:11 pm

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:31 pm

Proposed Tax Rise To Increase Defence Budget
Finance Minister Mulls Over Ways To Add 40 Billion Van Without Stripping Other Departments of Much-needed Cash

The Finance Minister Believes the Increase is Necessary to Ensure Vanuku Maintains Parity With Other Big-Spending Terran Powers.

January 4554 -The government is considering increasing income tax to help pay for a rise in the defence budget.

Finance Minister Btházr Dnmaisrmko Kez'i said the plan was to add a further 40 billion VAN per year to the MoD's spending capability in light of increased tensions around Terra.

The extra money would primarily be used as part of a research and development fund which is allocated to partly-subsidised defence companies such as Vanutech, Royal Krmj and Air Tanhri. Other monies would be used to help cover the Kingdom's commitment to organisations such as the Terran Sovereignty Coalition.

Vanuku already has one of the largest armed forces' spends on Terra - with around 6 per cent of GDP allocated to the defence budget. However, the need to maintain a large standing army and six carrier fleets around the world, as well as maintain a strategic nuclear programme, means the figure has to remain high.

The thought of new taxes will not be welcomed by many Vanukeans who already contribute through their wages as well as through taxes on luxury and essential goods; however, the government has said a tax rise has not been levied for many decades and was only being considered to ensure the defence of the realm.

In addition, the Finance Minister confirmed that the current administration was not prepared to strip the budgets of other essential departments such as Health and Social Services and Infrastructure and Transport to pay for the hike in defence spending. It is believed the proposal is a compromise following a split in the Prefect's cabinet over the best way to lever in more cash for defence during peacetime.

Mr Kez'i said: "The people will simply not accept it if hospitals close and trains do not run on time - but neither will they forsake their patriotic duty. So I am sure they will consider the possible need to raise taxes to increase the defence budget as a necessity to safeguard their future.

"We live in uncertain times. Nations close to us are building huge arsenals and we must be ready, stand strong and take necessary action to combat the threats. That said we are at peace and the lifeblood of our economy is the ability for consumers to buy and sell products. So, it is a fine balance."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:21 pm

Prince Wrnhelm Seizes Control
Last Remaining Royal Overthrows Communists in Vicious Coup

His Royal Highness Prince Wrnhelm

Like many other times throughout it's history, the state of Vanuku has reacted, in this case violently, to the short lived Communist Socialist regime that seized control in Wiel, having put the majority of the Royal Family to death in an effort to eradicate royalism from Terra's often said, mostly venomously monarchist nation. Despite the success of the communists at purging the royals, as is usually the case in amateur efforts, one was missed, in this case entirely because of his position within the Vankuean state. Prince Wrnhelm Banmek-Steuart-Vrnhmel, the grandson of Hutorian Princess Duchess Adrianna, the Grand Duchess of Roccato, had been working within the Vanukean State Security Agency under an alias, ironically to avoid attention being brought to him. His Royal Highness has been serving as a Brigadier General of Intelligence in the Army Reserve and as Deputy Director of Political Operations within the SSA.

Three years after their seizure of the state Prince Wrnhelm, who has been quietly gaining the loyalty of the SSA, the military, and various Jelbic clans, struck, all at once, seizing military infrastructure, government offices and communications hubs, military bases and the like, and assassinating many of the communist leadership in a single fell swoop, taking control of the nation.

Prince Wrnhelm has already announced that he will be leading a transitional government, which will include restoration of the Monarchy, banning of Opposition political parties for the indefinite future, and purging the state of the communist taint through "any and all means at our disposal."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Aug 04, 2019 12:32 am

Prince Wrnhelm Consolidates Power as Crackdown Continues
SSA and Armed Forces Empowered as Opposition is Crushed

Prince Wrnhelm speaking with SSA Director General Jeztri Baokndz

It's been just under a year since Prince Wrnhelm's coup against the former communist regime and by all appearances the Prince is still consolidating power and purging communists, socialists and republicans from the nation. It a series of raids and mass arrests the dreaded State Security Agency and it's Political Operations Division, swept throughout most of Vanuku's cities, forcibly shutting down opposition to the Prince, destroying remaining communists cells, and making mass arrests of republican elements.

The Prince's sweep of the nation has also been extended to the military as the new Regent Decree III has brought the military directly under his leadership and control, and empowered the Military to serve as the National Police Force in tandem with the Armed Forces. In Vanuku's steppe south the tribes loyal to Wiel and the Banmek's were given official military status by the central government, both as a thank you for aiding the Prince bringing down the Communists, but also so they can widely police themselves and defend Vanuku's long southern border.

A budget and renewed tax program from newly appointed Minister of Finance Lazr Obme, is expected soon, with massive increases to the Defence and Internal Affairs budget, while slashing corporate taxes, with an economic package privatizing huge swathes of Vanuku's economy to jump start it, and bring Vanuku back to the forefront of the Majatran economic engine.
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