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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:44 am

Michele I hospitalized for a heart attack: intense popular reaction in support of the beloved Emperor
Concerns and apprehension throughout all the night and day while the Palace kept the confidentiality about His Majesty's condition indicating it initially as a "health issue"
Crowd gathered in the night in front of Deodato II Polyclinic

12 September 4586

ROMULA - 74-year-old Emperor Michele was hospitalized on Sunday night due to a "health issue", as a spokesperson by the Imperial Palace said, maintaining the confidentiality during all the night and the day before to release in the evening more details. However, the grave words by the spokesperson revealed the seriousness of the event.

Despite the great concerns and the popular apprehension which lasted for hours, an official press announcement explaining in detail what happened was released by the Palace only in the Monday evening: His Majesty suffered a severe myocardial infarction around 11.45 pm while he was about to retire in his chambers and only the rapid intervention of the doctor of the Palace it made it possible to promptly identify the chest pain of cardiac origin and to urgently transport the Emperor to the Deodato II Polyclinic where it was possible to administer the very first care in record time.

A spontaneus popular reaction brough hudrends of citizens to the Polyclinic who crowded the parking and the closer streets, holding candles, little torches or just the lights of phones, driven by the desires to express their closeness to the Emperor and that several times were greeted from the windows of the Polyclining by the Crown Prince Alessandro, the Empress Margherita and the daughters of the Emperor who wanted to thank the crowd.

The Imperial Family greets the crowd

Actually, it is the emperor's second time in a hospital this year, although the first time he was hospitalized just for a medical treatment for extensive tests of his coronary arteries and which it was however announced with large advance.

The sudden emergency, beyond the apprehension by part of the population, it has also generated concern at the institutional level, given that the Cabinet, which gather in emergency meeting, found itself in difficulty, given that no prediction of an unexpected impediment by the Emperor was ever predisposed.
The Constitution, in fact, deals extensively with the themes of succession, about the minority age of the sovereign, about what to do in the absence of an heir and therefore regarding the rules concerning the establishment of a Regency, but nothing is written in case of temporary or permanent impediment of the emperor in charge.

A parliamentary debate it is expected to be held in the next days to deal with the situation and the National Alliance already declared to be ready to cooperate and assist the majority to find the better solution to face such a legal and constitutional vacuum and thus find a solution to assure a permanet continuity for the Imperial Dignity and the Imperial Institutional Role.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:43 am

Aisha Mercuri new Secretary of the National Alliance
Valenti's pupil elected with 62% of the votes: "We are on the verge of a socialist nightmare! Enough taxes, enough nationalizations, enough bureaucracy and useless regulations, enough sterile welfarism!"
Faten Al Marzouqi announces the election of Aisha Mercuri as new Leader of the ANI

4 December 4586

ROMULA - Finally, the General Congress of the National Alliance for the Empire was concluded and it saw over 4700 delegates from all over Istalia come together to elect the successor of Damiano Valenti to lead the Party.

With 62% of the votes it was Aisha Mercuri, twice Minister of Environment, to triumph over the other candidates, becoming the favorite pupil of Valenti in recent years.
Supporter of extreme liberal policies, Aisha Mercuri also won thanks to the government activity by the Socialists, who in less than two years have wiped out almost twenty years of reforms. The Party will therefore assume extremely liberal connotations if not in support of the minimum state.

Mercuri has focused its own speech on the reforms of Socialists & Democrats, criticizing the increase in sales taxes of almost 30%, the increase in corporate tax by 30%, the nationalization of the energy sector, the counter health reform and consequent death of the private medical and insurance sector, the introduction of a gargantuan state-bureaucratic apparatus of services that have led to a reckless increase in public spending, leading to work in deficit now; finally the inconsiderate cuts to the Defense and the related reforms to the detriment of the National Security.

Aisha Mercuri, as soon as she was elected, wasted no time and declared that the party is immediately on a warpath to counter the reckless statist policies by the Socialists:


The Istalians will punish them, the Istalians will soundly flunked the Socialists in the next elections because at the end of this term the whole country will already be experiencing the damage of these policies. These are not investments, no jobs are being created, sterile welfarism is being introduced as an end in itself, business is being punished and driven out in favor of enormous state apparatuses that will soon become prey to political interests of any kind to the detriment of quality and services, investment and entrepreneurial initiatives are being discouraged. Our citizens will realize by the end of this term how much they will be poorer!
The Alliance will not spare the voice against all this socialist nonsense! The Alliance will not remain impassive in the face of this economic mess!
The country will react and as said in 3 years the Socialists will be punished at the polls! This will be the last government of Paolo Tarso, I am sure!
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby GeorgeWKush » Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:58 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:19 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:26 pm

National Alliance in shock: what future?
The 4590 elections fully confirmed the Socialists & Democrats government and the ANI's leadership breaks apart challenged by the National-monarchical wing

2 July 4590

ROMULA - Only 5 seats: this "the increase" which the National Alliance for the Empire experienced at the last elections which saw a full reconfirmation of the social-democratic majority and therefore of the government led by Paolo Tarso. The S&D party in the aftermath of the elections issued a statement full of satisfaction anticipating the imminent formation of the fourth government led by Tarsus:

Despite the criticism from the opposition the Socialists & Democrats won once again a landslide election. This is the proof of the goodness of our reforms and of our government. We worked for the people and the people welcomed warmly our work. Istalia demanded social justice, more fairness, public services, less inequality and this government gave us all this. The PIL is growing and people is experiencing a new wealth for Istalia. Paolo Tarso is ready to going to the Imperial Palace to swear once again in the hand of the Emperor to lead a new government of the people and for the people and to continue to realize the fair society our citizens deserve.

Thank you

In truth, the turnout at the polls was definitely lower than expected, judged as "depressing", and according to many this should make us reflect on the current political situation: the social democratic policies adopted by Tarso generally satisfied the Istalians who however did not have recognized no real alternative. Aisha Mercuri's hyper-liberal policies have not been judged at all as a serious and desirable alternative.

The ANI leadership was overwhelmed by the shock and for weeks no statement was issued by the national secretariat. However, the difficulties and the manifest opposition by the Alliance's parliamentary group in confirming Mercuri as the group leader showed that Valenti's heir is losing control of the party.
In recent weeks, then, statements by various parliamentarians and local representatives of the Alliance, who have said they are highly critical of the leader, are fully demonstrating how strong is the intolerance for Mercuri that has even led to the exit of many disappointed from the party.

This has given way to the hawks of the national-monarchic wing, coming from the old rows of Guard of Democracy, whose emerging leader is Gianni Almirante who did not spare the voice in criticizing Mercuri by meeting journalists:

What happened? Simple: we told the People that there is no State or authority to appeal to, that they are totally alone and that they cannot rely on their homeland! But I'm not talking about a state that suppresses the individual, as the socialists do, but a state that demonstrates to the people to protect the nation, its culture, its traditions and its excellence. The socialists want to replace in all the single, we want to exalt him as fierce patriot and member of the greatest nation in the world!
But above all, what the Istalians have seen is that the Alliance, like the Socialists, no longer has any interest in protecting and extolling the values ​​of our homeland and we have flattened ourselves to policies that are too conciliatory with foreigners and immigrants, too conciliatory with the totally unregulated trade that makes close our companies.
We must change: we must not make the state disappear but we must make it the right protector of our citizens' hopes.
Finally, the Empire must be even more able to protect itself from threats and values ​​foreign to us and to do so we should grant more powers to the sole, stable and immutable principle and value of the Empire, namely to the Emperor, for a society stronger and safer!
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:46 pm

Mercuri leaves: extraordinary Congress designates Almirante new ANI's Secretary
Defense of Identity and Istalian Interests while the business has been reassured

21 May 4591

ROMULA - After months of internal riots, finally on April 18 the news that by now all the national press had predicted for some time arrived: Aisha Mercuri officially resigned as Secretary of the National Alliance.

From the leadership to the base, the intolerance for Mercuri, obviously fed by the electoral defeat, had grown month after month while most of the parliamentarians were progressively lining up with the one who emerged as the greatest internal opponent of Mercuri, Gianni Almirante (63).

Precisely the support of most Alliance's parliamentarians was decisive for the election of Almirante as new national Secretary by the extraordinary Congress of the party held at the beginning of May. But the national-monarchical wing, actually, had to come to terms with the liberal wing, still strong between the base and in the local sections, which expressed itself on behalf of the business world that with the fall of Mercuri had raised its concerns about the party that had protected and promoted the business' biggest interests for years.
Almirante said that in the economic field the Alliance will continue to believe in the strength of entrepreneurship to make grow the economy and create jobs, but has well underlined that it will still be adequately regulated for the greater good of the nation and the people.
We therefore expect decidedly more moderate proposals than those by Mercuri, including the maintenance of some socialist reforms.

In other areas, however, Almirante has been able to fully implement his nationalist ideas, especially in the cultural sphere and in matters of immigration and foreign trade.
Almirante has already presented with a peremptory tone a first law proposal on immigration, citizenship and national identity.
Almirante guarantees that the work in parliament for the new Alliance is just beginning.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:00 pm

Almirante plauds the Rildanorian developments
ANI's Secretary says: "Democratic Monarchy are spreading as a clear sign about the goodness of a democratic political system under a stable and long lasting benevolent authority protecting the rights and liberties of the People"

4 December 4591

ROMULA - Gianni Almirante, Leader of the National Alliance, in these hours is plauding and is warmly welcoming the news about the incoming monarchical restoration in Rildanor.

The ANI's Secretary expressed to the press his though about the Rildanorian developments:

We are seeing something really rare but I want to believe that it was partly influenced by the Istalian example: a strongly democratic party, in the Rildonarian case even a socialist one, is re-installing a monarchy in the country!
The spreading of the Democratic Monarchy as successfull form of government is a sign of the goodness of such political system which absolutely grants the respecting of the democratic principles put under the benevolent and bountiful guardianship of a stable superpartes authority free and independent from the changing moods of politics and the masses, which can counter the rise of individuals interested only in power as well as political movements ready to bend and thus destroy the democratic freedoms of the state and citizens.
An authority which can bright as a symbol of the nations, to which the people can always look and turn, around which to hold tight when in need of hope, of certainties, of stability.
Even the socialists, at least the ones respecting first of all the democracy, undeestood how great reforms for the people can be fully undertaken also under a monarch, and currently Istalia is an example: despite me and my party don't agrees with these reforms, in fact, a socialist government is turning Istalia in a highly socialized nation but... the tide changes, as right in a democracy, but most important me, my party, all the people know very well that our beloved Emperor under the rule of our Law will always oversee and vigil for the protection of our rights and liberties, always, indipendently from who is leading the national politics.
We feel ourself freer and safer thanks to the Guardianship of the Emperor, as a matter of fact!
Furthermore, we are sure the Crown will be able to roll out the red carpet for the establishment of the most cordial relations between Rildanor and Istalia as never seen for centuries, furthermore favured, we think, by the ideology of the parties which today are leading our two nations.

Long live Queen of Rildanor! Long live Emperor of the Istalians!
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:35 pm

Michele I creates the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Eagles
The Palace is also about to propose to the National Assembly a review of all the Istalian Orders and Decorations

12 May 4592

ROMULA - While the Crown Prince Alessandro has been taking on the most demanding duties of the monarch for several years now, Michele I is devoting himself to lighter and more mundane affairs. Indeed, today, His Majesty's Office announced that the Emperor officially created the first Dynastic Knightly Order of Istalia: the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Eagles (Istalian: Nobilissimo Ordine della Corona delle Aquile).
The new order will include four grades, namely that of Knight, Knight Commander, Knight Grand Cross and Knight Grand Cross with Collar and it will be awarded as personal recognition and gift by the Emperor to a person who has rendered special service to the Imperial House of Istalia.
The highest rank of the order will be automatically recognized to all adult members of the Imperial Family and may also be granted as a courtesy decoration for foreign heads of state and government.

The Imperial Palace also announced that a complete review of all Istalia's orders and honors will soon be presented to the National Assembly and that they will be re-organized as below:

- Most Noble Order of the Crown of Eagles
- Order of the Istalian Star (Highest order of merit awarded in recognition of eminent services in high military positions, to those who have distinguished themselves in senior positions in the civil service and to those who, as private citizens, have brought distinction upon Istalia as exemplary benefactors of the nation or of mankind).
- Order of the Istalian Solidarity (Awarded in recognition of merits of a very exceptional nature for society achieved in the field of voluntary and welfare activities, philanthropic activities, scientific and technological research, commercial enterprises, charitable actions and job offers to Istalians).
- Order of the Martial Cross of Istalia (Awarded for distinguished wartime conduct of individual personnel or units of the armed forces that have proven expertise, sense of responsibility and valour. The lowest of its five degrees may also be awarded for peacetime actions).
- Order of the Fatherland and of Freedom (Awarded to nationals or foreigners who have distinguished themselves for their love of freedom and their devotion to the cause of human rights and social justice, particularly in the defense of democratic ideals).
- Order of Alsemet the Great (Awarded in recognition of significant contributions to science, literature, the arts, industry, trade, scholarship and research, the liberal arts, the professions, public service and other worthy fields of endeavour, which bring honour and greatness to Istalia and benefits to humanity).
- Order of the She-Wolf of Istalia (Awarded to expatriates and foregners who have distingueshed themself for the preservation and promotion of national prestige abroad, promoting friendly relations and co-operation with other countries and ties with Istalia).
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:48 am

The Father of the Nation is dead! Long live the new Emperor Alessandro!
The 81-years old Michele I is passed away after 22 years of reign, the istalians are crying their first Emperor while messages of condolence are coming from all over the world
Last official portrait of His Majesty

13 April 4593

ROMULA - Crying, mourning, emotion and dismay, in this way the whole nation welcomed the heavy news released this morning by Quattroregni Palace:

It is with the greatest sadness that the Imperial Family has asked for the announcement to be made immediatly:

His Most Excellent Imperial Majesty, Michele I, by the Will of the Nation and Unanimous Acclamation of the People, Costitutional Emperor of the Istalians, Perpetual Defender of Istalia, Protector and Guarantor of the Constitution and the Democratic Values, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces of Istalia, Pater Patriae, passed away this morning at 10.54.
Despite the concerted efforts of medical treatment, finally today, became increasingly frail since his heart attack of few years ago, His Majesty was overcome by the bad cough and chest infection that had been afflicting him for about three weeks.

His last perceived word was: "Istalia".

The solemn state funeral will be held on April 23rd while since 19th the Emperor's body will lie in state for public viewing in the Hall of Marshals of Quattroregni Palace where Istalians who felt the desire to extend a final farewell to His Majesty will be able to pay their respects.

The day of the funeral will be a public holiday with banks, stock exchanges and offices across the country closed for business.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The ArchChancellor of the Empire announces immediatly His Imperial Highness the Grand Prince of the Crown as new Emperor of the Istalians.

A meeting of the Imperial High Council will be held in the evening to officialy proclaim the accession of Grand Prince Alessandro as the new Sovereign. The Act of Accession to the Throne will be transmitted to the National Assembly to be transcribed on its records and deposited in its archives.

His coronation will be held late in the year after a suitable mourning period.

Long live the new Emperor! Long live Emperor Alessandro the First!

All the nation's flags has been lowered at half-mast, all television programs were interrupted by the news while on state television a portrait of the passed Emperor was displayed and the national anthem played before the official announcement.
Whole Istalia seems to have stopped for tears.

The Corriere d'Istalia joins the country in mourning to express all its sorrow for the loss the entire nation has suffered.
Last edited by XanderOne on Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:56 am

The country pays the last tribute to its first Emperor with emotion and large partecipation
Million of people reached Romula to salute the founder of the Istalian Empire and its Militant Democracy while Heads of State and Government and Crowned Heads from all over the world attended the State Funeral

23 April 4593

ROMULA - Whole Romula has stopped for one day while all over Istalia at 12.00 o'clock the time has stopped for a minute's silence in memory of Michele I, first Emperor of the Istalians as the Solemn State Funeral was holding in the Church of All Angels, the traditional church where the official ceremonies of the Istalian State are held.

Welcomed by a cerimony to mark the coffin's arrival, the Emperor's body lay in state in the Hall of Marshals of Quattroregni Palace which for for four days remained open to the public for 12 hours per day allowing the people, came from all over Istalia, to pay tribute to the Monarch and who waited also five hours in line neatly in long rows. More than 600,000 people paid their respects as the Emperor lay in state.

Throughout this period, there was a massive outpouring of public grief. It was not just sombre dress and a minute of silence at sports games but it was a veritable punch to the gut of the national psyche. In tens of thousands turned out to lay flowers outside Quattroregni Palace and by some estimates as many as 1 million bouquets were left while a memorial appeal raised alsmost 20 million and people queued for 10 hours or more to sign memorial books.

Image Image
People leaving flowers in front of Quattroregni Palace filling almost the square

There were scenes of unbelievable grief, it was as though all the people of Istalia had lost someone incredibly dear to them and their emotion was genuine. Hysteria mounted for days on the streets of Istalia with people walking into the road blinded by tears and who appeared to be losing their grip on reality.

The Imperial Family following the coffin in procession: the Empress Dowager in total black alongside the new Emperor, her nephew Alessandro

Sunday morning the coffin left Quattroregni Palace followed by the Imperial Family which crossed the city until the Church of All Angels honored and greeted for the last time by over two million people who lined the route of the funeral procession to the Church, with between 50 and 70 million Istalians tuning in to watch it while worldwide there were as many as 1 billion viewers.

Imperial Guards carrying a funeral wreath

When the hearse arrived in the square outside the Church of All Angels a prolonged applause accompanied the Emperor and the Imperial Family up inside, carried by a squad of the Imperial Guard. The ceremony saw the Family gather around the Highest Institutions of the Empire, representations of the political, economic, cultural and social world and it was attended by dozens of Heads of State and Heads of Governments from all over the world, first of all obviously the ones from Solentia, Selucia and Lodamun and many also the Crowned Heads present: in front line the Hulstrian Imperial Family, both the former and the current couples, among the closest to the Istalian Imperial House, then the Royals from Vanuku, Lourenne, Rildanor, Sekowo, Keymon, Hutori, Indrala, Kanjor and so on.

View of the procession after the state funeral

The body of the Emperor was buried in the Monumental Cemetery of Romula, within the Appiano family vault, however a petition has been already presented to build a mausoleum for the first Emperor of the Istalians.
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