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Lourenne Quotidien- National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:15 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Royal Ministry of Defense launches "Programe Titianaboa"

October 4647
Parmentier, Outannnais

2 Dimont Rafale-C fighter jets taking off at Outannais-North Airbase
Parmentier, Outannais:Parmentier, Outannais:This afternoon the Ministry of Defense officially launched Programe Titianaboa
which according to the Ministry of Defense is a an effort to renew NORDIC's renewed mandate of security
and defense within the Nothern Hemisphere. Months ago, General Kristoffer Hellerud (Royal Kazulian
Air-Force), Commander of the Northern Defence Integrated Command (NORDIC) revealed that Lourenne
and Kazulia would renew the mandate of defense and security that has been abandoned since the days
of the collapsed Northern Council. New Deputy Commander of NORDIC, Lieutenant-General Jean-Pierre
Sabatier of the Lourennais Royal Air-Force worked along with the Ministry of Defense and the Royal
Assembly to create a new program to ensure NORDIC's new mandate between Lorenne and Kazulia is
achieved and successful. Programe Titanaboa calls for increased aerial patrols in the northern hemisphere
by the 3rd Fighter Wing (3e Escadre de Chasse) which includes 20 Dimont Rafale fighter Jets and several
surveillance planes to ensure that safety in the northern hemisphere is kept in a time where war and
tension rocks the world. The Program also calls for the creation of 125 Dimont Rafale C fighter jets, which
were built specifically for speed and stealth operations. A new fighter wing will be created with the new
jets which, will be provided by Systemes Aeronol and partly by Lourennais Defense Group a subsidiary of
Artanian Defense Group. Manon-Maison Communications, Systemes Aeronol, and Lourennais Defense Group
will be joining their efforts to create a new missile radar system for use in Lourenne and its foreign bases.
The new system named, Systeme Artois, will use high efficiency radars set in in remote locations to locate
potential enemy aircraft and missiles. After they are located, Systeme Artois will connect to nearby missile
stations/vehicles and launch projectiles to maintain aerial security. Systeme Artois will mainly serve as a
high-efficiency radar for use in NORDIC. Software for the new system will be created by Manon-Maison and
will be refined by programs used by Systemes Aeronol. It's missile options will be created by Lourennais
Defense Group, who also develops Lourenne's Dimont Rafale fighter. As a final addition to Programe
Titianaboa, new radars and location devices will be added to many of the Royal Navy's ships to aid the Royal
Air Force's reconnaissance and surveillance missions. The new radar technology being created by many of
Lourenne's largest companies will be shared with Kazulia to ensure both nations have access to the latest
technology that will help ensure the safety and security of the northern hemisphere.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Last edited by Luis1p on Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Lourenne Quotidien- Eroncourt Press

Postby Luis1p » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:12 am

Kalistani Delegation arrives in Eroncourt for Official State Visit
October, 4635
Eroncourt, Joviant

Kalistan Flag (bottom left, Lourenne Flag, bottom right)
Eroncourt Skyline from Mont de Verne top

Eroncourt, Joviant: Two months ago, the Lourennais Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted the Kalistani Foreign
Affairs office to plan an official state visit to Lourenne. Royal Minister Antoine Sante of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
personally invited a delegation of 7 from Kalistan to join Prime Minister Francine Delafour, The Royal Cabinet members,
and Her Majesty, Catherine II. According to members of the Kalistani government, Kalistan sent a list of 7 members to
the Lourennais government to know who to expect. This morning, at Eroncourt-LaVerne International Airport (ELV)
Premier Alexander Peer-Ananto, Minister of Science and Technology Leonidas Bennots, Minister of Trade and Industry
Danilo Siddall, Ambassador to Lourenne Pierre Fontaine, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense Elton Bristow,
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance Lola Jefferey, and Representative of the Opposition Casimir Ilbert arrived
and were greeted by the Royal Cabinet and were taken on a city wide tour of Eroncourt. The delegation of seven
passed by the Place de Dessaigne and by Place de la Concorde in the downtown area. The delegation then arrived
at the Royal Government Complex in the old town district where they spoke with the Royal Cabinet on financial and
investment issues. The Lourennais Royal Ministry of Finance and Trade agreed to create a new free trade treaty
between the two nations. A special meeting was held with the Royal Ministry of Defense to craft a new military treaty
to focus on cooperation in terms of both nations' militaries. Being so close to each other, the Ministry of Defense
concluded that both nations should closely cooperate to ensure the protection of trade and the continuation of peace
in the Anantonese.

The delegation, after spending most of the day with the Royal Cabinet, were directed to their overnight stay at the Royal
Estate in the Royal District town of Lac des Lumieres in the outskirts of Eroncourt. The delegation stayed at the Estates
National Hotel and Conference Center which is Lac des Lumieres' third 5-star hotel. The next day, to finalize their state
visit, the Kalistani delegation were taken to the Palace of Lights to meet with the Monarch of Lourenne and the recognized
monarch of the Canrillaise nations, Catherine II. The Kalistani delegation, led by their Prime Minister held talks with the
Queen as a sign of friendship and cooperation. The Queen held a large state dinner for the Kalistanis which was partly
televised on national television. The heir to the Lourennais throne Louis IV also met with the delegation and held talks
with some of the members. At the end of the day, the Kalistani delegation stayed at the Estates National Hotel before
departing to Kaliburg from Eroncourt-LaVerne International Airport (ELV). Political Analysts have concluded that the
Royal Assembly is set to create to new treaties to renew economic and military relations for the next decades to come.
The Eroncourt Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news [/quote]
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Lourenne Quotidien- National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:50 am

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Royal Navy 3rd Response Fleet hold exercise with Rildanorien Navy
November, 4635
Parmentier, Outannnais

Secondary unit of the 3rd Response Fleet off the coast of Meroix
Parmentier, Outannais:Last month, the Lourennais Royal Navy's Third Response fleet located on the
Island of Meroix in Rildanor, joined the National Canrillaise Navy in the southern Anantonese Ocean
in a large naval exercise that was aimed to foster Lourenne and Rildanor's relationship as Canrillaise
allies. The exercise which involved over 28 ships, focused on three things, according to the Lourennais
Royal Ministry of Defense which were: focusing on defensive maneuvers and unit formations, long range
and short ranhe target practice, and mechanical capability inspections. The Canrillaise National Navy
from Rildanor provided several old patrol ships and cruisers for the long range target practice between
both navies. Lourennais officers on board the ships of the 3rd Response Fleets had small learning sessions
with officers and weapons command of the Rildanorien Navy to teach the Rildanorians how to successfully
track and maneuver ships to facilitate the formation of ships and to take advantage of the new weapons
systems provided by Lourenne. Mechanics who came from Orleans Base in Parmentier, did inspections
on many of Rildanor's ships, as well as few Lourennais ships and concluded that most Rildanorien ships
needed major engine and weapons repairs. Entreprise des Defenseures and Industries Capet-Fouquet
have already begun to funnel resources to Rildanor to begin working with Rildanorian companies to
upgrade their navy. At the end of the exercises, Lourenne was able to fix minor issues in its ships and
Rildanor is set to receive aid from Lourenne's defense corporations to begin upgrading its navy.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- The Economic Times

Postby Luis1p » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:01 pm

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Association Franc looks to open new bank branches internationally
Thiers, Louives
January 4636

Association's Southern Branch in Eroncourt (above)
Thiers, Louives: Association Franc, Lourenne's largest bank, released an online graphic of its 4635 company statistics
Monday morning to show its customers and members of the Lourennais banking sector its financial progress as Lourenne's
largest bank. According to the comapny's info, Association Franc hired 700 new employees over the year, raising their
number of total employees to 202, 624. Its revenue in 4635 totaled to over 47.987 Billion LFR. the company's net income
was estimated at a total of ( billion LFR and the overall assets of the banks skyrocketed to a total of 2.095 Trillion LFR.
The bank has over 47 million customers in Lourenne alone and more internationally using its Platine Credit Card
and over 5 million customers with company loans. Although not strong, the company has a firm foothold on Lourennais
real estate however its focus is aligned with private investments and corporate banking. Among its highest profitability
areas, Association Franc has a higher usage concentration in Valois' Downtown Area. The City of Valois quickly becoming
a technological and financial hub in the east, has most of Association Franc's main office spaces and bank branches. The
bank stated earlier this week that the company has increased positively for the past five years and is looking to open new
branches of the bank in other parts of the world. Association Franc is considering expanding its services to nearby nations
such as Kazulia and Kalistan in the first stage of its expansion plan. After an expansion to those nations is successful, the
company is looking to expand further to nations like Rildanor, Mordusia, Dorvik, Vanuku, and Trigunia to establish a firm
presence on every continent. The bank will further announce extra info and dates on their awaited expansion.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Lourenne Quotidien- The Economic Times

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:11 am

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Carolleux Corporation Taxes lowered to promote investments in Valois
Valois, Carolleux
October 4638

View off Valois's Financial District along Dessaigne River
Valois, Carolleux: This morning, the Royal Assembly and the Valois city Council agreed to lower the corporation taxes
set in the province of Carolleux to promote investments in the Valois metropolitan area. The corporate taxes in the
city have remained constant through the past 6 years, however, after the signing of the Eroncourt Convention, the
National Royalist Party saw the importance to lower taxes to ensure that companies from Kazulia and Hulstria can
successfully set a firm presence in Lourenne's largest city and trading area. Valois, which is by far Lourenne's most
technologically advanced city and home to many of Lourenne's largest banks, will be seeing more business offices
and internationally renown banks open in the city's financial district. Moreau et Vandam, one of Lourenne's top
banks has already moved its corporate offices to a different building within the Valois financial district to allow
other companies to enjoy some of Valois's newer skyscraper offices. Technologie Asteria and Mobile Aurore had
established themselves in the downtown area months ago bringing in new online connections between several of
the city's skyscrapers and companies in the area. For companies and banks locating to Valois, Technologie Asteria
has already announced that they will be looking to upgrade the secure communication and internet connections in
the downtown area to ensure that corporations have a smooth transition to the city. According to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, many nations have already contacted Lourenne to begin negotiations on re-establishing economic
relations which will include integrating corporations in the Valois Metropolitan Area.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Lourenne Quotidien- The Economic Times

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:33 am

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Mobile Aurore, R-Tech cooperate to help re-develop Rildanorien Tech Sector
Valois, Carolleux
November 4638

Mobile Aurore's logo (left), Alias Generation Phone Model 1 (right)
Valois, Carolleux: Moblie Aurore and Rildanor-Tech from Rildanor have announced that they will be cooperating for the
next 7 years to re-develop Rildanor's technology sector and to release a new generation of mobile phones for both Aurore
and R-Tech. The deal comes after Rildanor-Tech opened a new division of the company which plans to cooperate with
foreign companies and entities to develop and transform tech. The Foreign Cooperation Division is part of R-Tech’s
Technological Exchange Program, which has the main goal of technological cooperation between different nations and
companies. Together, Mobile Aurore and R-Tech will work to further develop Rildanor'soverall technology and to further
enhance Lourenne's already great technological capabilities. The main goal of the project is to enhance the technology
of both nations, however, the most important part of the project is to develop and release Aurore's new line of mobile
phones dubbed the Alias Generation Project. The project will be led by Mobile Aurore and R-Tech will be helping with
the creation of the phone's main systems and internal devices. The mobile phone will be released in both Rildanor and
Lourenne once it is complete in the next 6 months. Workers from R-Tech will travel to the city of Valois, Lourenne's
technology sector region,to work with Lourennais computer and technological scientists to begin developing the new
phones and crafting new ideas to kick start Rildanor's tech sector.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations[/quote]
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- Eroncourt Press

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:56 am

High Chancellor Francine Delafour signs Eroncourt Convention Treaty
December, 4638
Eroncourt, Joviant

High Chancellor Francine Delafour signing the Eroncourt Convention Treaty at the Royal Assembly Building
Eroncourt, Joviant: This morning, High chancellor Francine Delafour left her residency in Lac des Lumieres and headed
to the Royal Assembly to officially sign into law the Eroncourt Convention Treaty which was easily passed by the members
of the NRP in the Assembly. At approximately 11:00 A.M., Chancellor Delafour signed the Treaty and the Agreement went
into effect. The treaty, signed by Kazulia and Hulstria is a regional effort to promote job creation, investments, and free
trade among the three north Dovani nations. Lourennais corporations and banks have been waiting for the passage of the
treaty to begin opening locations and branches of their company's in the other signatory nations. Although many of Lourenne's
corporations already have a presence in Kazulian markets, the treaty opens up more possibilities for corporations looking
to further expand into Kazulia and Hulstria which has recently restored its relations with Lourenne. Not only does the treaty
give Lourennais companies a chance to expand, but it gives foreign corporations a chance to move to Lourenne. Many cities
within the United Kingdom such as Parmentier, Valois, Eroncourt, Meridia, and Thiers are hotspots for international trade
because of their geographical location but as well as the resources provided and created in the cities. The Eroncourt
convention "will only open up successful trading and corporation opportunities within the signatory nations" according to
the Ministry of Trade and Finances. According to the Kazulia Nyheter's latest news release about the Eroncourt

"By forming a free trade area, there will be virtually no tariffs imposed on goods and services moving between the
member states. Whilst the free trade area would allow for a cancelling of tariffs between member states, it could not
dictate the ability of a member state to impose tariffs on the goods of a nation outside of the free trade area. Free
Trade areas offer opportunity for nations to negotiate trade agreements with each other on a much more finer and less
regulatory basis. Some nations see it as more beneficial to carefully select their trading partners and protect their local
industry more carefully rather than handing over control. While a free trade area may champion openness, it could also
superimpose protectionism as some products could be exempt from the free trade area. For example, Kazulian manufac-
tured products or Lourennais wine could be exempt from the free trade area and hence tariffs on wine and manufactured
products coming from any nation could still have tariffs waved onto them. However, there are considerable strategies to
be discussed by the Prime Minister as a means of countering/combating these loopholes in the proposed free trade area.
With there being no effort to achieve political integration although Kazulia has been a considerable proponent to the sen-
timent, the government as of recent has come to terms with the idea that political integration can be championed when
the current geopolitical climate has settled and returned to relative normalcy."

Lourenne is set to enter an economic boom with the ratification of the Eroncourt Convention. The Kingdom's top trading
nation Kazulia, and Hulstria are set to prosper as well from the historic agreement.
The Eroncourt Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Maxington » Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:30 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:36 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Royal Ministry of Defense continues "Programe Titianaboa"
January, 4646
Parmentier, Outannnais

New T-167 base in northern Louives
Parmentier, Outannais:The Ministry of Defense this morning gave confirmation for the creation of two new
radar stations in the mountains in Outannais as a part of the Ministry's new Programe Titianaboa which strengthens
Lourennais airspace combat and surveillance as a means to expand the capabilities of NORDIC with ally Kazulia.
Prior to the new radar stations set to be build, the Ministry of Defense had allocated funds to create six radar
stations throughout Lourenne in areas that are discreet, but provide the best results for the Royal Air Force.
The new radar built by Systemes Aeronol and partly by Manon-Maison Communications replaces the old V-157
radars that were in place since the days of the Northern Council. The new radars dubbed "T-167" has new range
capabilities that were not seen on the old V-157 radar. The radar has been modeled after the Global Aerospace
Monitoring System (GAMS) by Kazulia and Hutori which enables two nations to monitor the movements of
commercial and combatant aircraft throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The T-167, although still being spread
throughout Lourenne, will have the ability to connect to the new 'Systeme Molineaux' a new anti-ballistic missile
system that is engineered to send an early warning to Lourenne on incoming missiles. The T-167s will have access
to Systeme Molineux once it is approved by the Ministry of Defense. A new tracking system and aerospace missile
defense will be implemented to Systeme Molineux after it is primarily integrated in all 8 T-167 radars. The new
systems, once completed and set up, will be shared with Lourenne's closest ally Kazulia to promote cooperation
between both nations, but also increase and improve the capabilities and mandate of NORDIC.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Lourenne Quotidien- Eroncourt Press

Postby Luis1p » Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:32 am

Francine Delafour re-elected as Lourennais High Chancellor in Close Race
November, 4646
Eroncourt, Joviant

Francine Delafour with husband Lorenzo Delafour (left) and Speaker Jerome (right)
Eroncourt, Joviant: This morning, High Chancellor Francine Delafour celebrated alongside her husband and the speaker of
the Royal Assembly after the closest election ever in Lourennais history. The National Royalist Party, Lourenne's only party
had begun to break into separate factions in the past 6 months due to the inactivity of the party as a whole. the party was
split between the 'Centristes' (Centrists) and the 'Restaurateurs' (Restorers). The centrist faction of the National Royalist
Party ran a campaign of status quo. the centrists looked to keep major legislation pieces and foreign policy in place. The
Centrists believed that a fair tax system should be implemented after 4545's tax system was crafted and passed by the
Restorers. The Restorers ran a campaign of restoring Lourenne to its state during the days of the Northern Council with
increased military intervention internationally and the creation of military bases in central and eastern Dovani. Paulette
Rivera ran as the candidate for the Restorers, a mainly conservative faction, and Francine Delafour represented the
Centrists who have approached a Classical Liberalism stance for the past 10 years. On November 24th, elections took place
throughput the nation a total of around 75 million people turned out to vote. Elections, usually called at around 10 p.m,
were delayed until this morning because of the tight results coming in. At 8 in the morning, the Lourennais Election council
in all 675 districts confirmed that Francine Delafour had been re-elected after a close result of 50% to 49%. High Chancellor
Francine Delafour celebrated with members and voters of the Centrist Faction at the Cielsoft Corporation Tourette Auditorium
in Downtown Valois. Delafour has pledged to keep foreign, environmental, and technological policies the same. She stated
that she aims to tackle on more pressing issues including public transportation, defense, and trade. Delafour is set to
meet with the Queen this afternoon for formal cabinet procedures and connect with various international heads of
government to re-establish Lourenne's cooperation with her closest allies.
Electoral Map of Lourenne, 4646
The Eroncourt Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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