
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:47 pm

The Green Wave
The Green Wave is the ecological newspaper of Indrala, printed on evironmental friendly paper The Green Wave delivers the important news to the people of Indrala
August 7th, 4664
Councelor-in-chief Peng Song has announced a Indralan intervention inside Dalibor following the "lack of response from members of the World Congress and international community as a whole"

Tai'nan: The Councelor announced the intervention months after Indrala had called for a international response to the growing crisis in the form of a WC peace keeping mission. No one properly responded to the Indralan calls however and no action was undertaken. Meanwhile in Dalibor the situation has gotten out of hand and has devolved into a full on civil war. With airports closed, internet shut down and basic services not operational Dalibor is in a bad position. There are several sides to the conflict and without a international response reports of acts of brutality against the civilian population have already surfaced.

Peng Song, Councelor-in-chief of Indrala stated that "it is the duty of Indrala to care for the many innocent people on the island of Dalibor. The nation is our closest neighbour and having the people within it being slaughtered is unnaceptable. Indrala will dispatch a military force to Dalibor to restore order and attempt to bring back stability and peace to the island. We will try to work with both local partners and international ones to achieve this but will no longer wait till thousands more die." the Councelor also criticizes the World Congress for its inaction by saying "the World Congress was created to deal with these situations and make sure that we live in a world of peace, striking down situations that may threaten this peace. The WC didnt act in this case and we are dissapointed. This is a severe breach of trust"

The Councelor speculated on how the military force would be composed with him not "striking down the option" of using the newly modernized Indralan carrier fleet to land a force on the island of Dalibor. If Indrala is to indeed intervene however it could cause a escalation of the conflict as Indrala is likely to take on the military of Dalibor directly, possibly worsening the conflict at least for some time.
Peng Song also once again stated that Indralan authorities are "hard at work" to stop Aldegarian military equipment from reaching Dalibor and is working with several organizations and countries to make the future military operations "run as smoothly as possible"

Soldiers of the Imperial Army marching during a army event earlier this month
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:11 pm

The Green Wave
The Green Wave is the ecological newspaper of Indrala, printed on evironmental friendly paper The Green Wave delivers the important news to the people of Indrala
August 11th, 4665
The 1st Indralan Carrier Fleet with the INS Tianxing at its helm has launched air and missile raids on key targets within Dalibor before dropping troops in what is called "Operation Guardian Sun"

Tai'nan: The newly modernized INS Tianxing supercarrier and its support fleet have launched "Operation Guardian Sun" earlier this week to "stabilize Dalibor and protect its civilian population". Jets of the Imperial Airforce departed from the Indralan carrier to carry out bombing missions deep inside the mainland. Reports suggest that Indralan bombs hit weapon depots, entrenched positions and logistical lines of the Dalibor People's Armed Forces severely limiting their already minor capabilities of mounting both defensive and offensive operations. Bombings continued throughout the week as it widened to not only the Dalibor military but also known locations of the several criminal organizations on the island. 2 days into the bombing operation the Imperial Navy and airforce prepared to transport over 20.000 soldiers of the Imperial Army onto the Dalibor mainland to establish a foothold on the island nation.

The troops were dropped by sea onto the shores of northern Dalibor while units of the 31st Airborne division were paradropped in key locations surrounding the major cities in the north including the former independent city state of Dalibor City. Indralan troops quickly established zones of control, waiting for additional supplies and armoured support while the Indralan Imperial Airforce kept enemy troops pinned down. After 12 hours indralan troops started moving, being ordered to take the capital of Dalibor city and establish a zone of control in the north safe for Daliboran citizens. The Indralan military linked up with partisans of the FDPA and started to fight within Dalibor city. The DPAF launched a last ditch effort to stop Indralan and FDPA forces, resulting in extremely brutal street by street combat with armoured vehicles being used as emplacements, being dug under ground or hidden in burnign ruins and soldiers sometimes fighting hand to hand, this mostly occured between FDPA and DPAF forces as Indralan troops mainly used focussed attacks to drive out the dalibor military. After 5 days of heavy fighting Dalibor City was liberated and the FDPA, supported by Indrala, set up a formal government named the "Federal Republic of Dalibor".

The operations has, until now, driven out forces of the DPAF from the north of the country with control being handed over to local FRD authorities. While Indrala intends on keeping active fighting to a minimum the Dalibor People's Armed Forces have yet to be defeated and their Provisional Administration still holds control over much of the island. It is estimated that the DPAF only has around 9.000 active soldiers left, but these could still pose a threat to Indralan forces in Dalibor and the fight is still far from over. Criminal Organizations on the island have also expressed their intention of supporting the military government, further underlining fears of the conflict escalating to bigger proportions.

Councelor-in-chief Song has stated that "Indrala will help local FRD authorities in setting up their new government and training their forces to adequatly combat the unlawfull forces of the former Dalibor military. Indrala hereby recognizes the FRD as the legitimate government of Dalibor and calls upon all nations in Terra to do the same". Indralan forces have proceeded to set up several military bases in the north and are in the process of repairing the Dalibor City harbour to ensure that medical and food/water aid can arrive in the nation as quickly as possible. While Operation Guardian Sun is far from over the capture of the north does give both FRD and Indralan military forces a good bases to further combat hostile forces on the island.

Total Casualties since the start of the war

Indrala: 852

Dalibor People's Armed Forces: 3.941

Federal Republic of Dalibor: 5.228

Civilians: 2.463

Parts of Dalibor City just after the days long "Battle of Dalibor City"

A Indralan airstrike hitting a military installation at a coastal city in the north of Dalibor
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:58 pm

The Green Wave
The Green Wave is the ecological newspaper of Indrala, printed on evironmental friendly paper The Green Wave delivers the important news to the people of Indrala
January 14th, 4666 (postdated)
The second phase of operation Guardian Sun has just commenced with the Indralan Imperial Army moving into the south of Dalibor

Dalibor City: The Imperial Army with support from naval missile strikes and the Imperial Airforce have started to move into the south of Dalibor to "restore order" to the entire island. After several months of preparations and the DPAF disintergrating and fighting itself the Imperial High Command was confident enough that a descisive push into the south spearheaded by elite Indralan units and FRD militia infantry would break any remaining military opposition to the new Federal government of Dalibor.

Targeted airstrikes hit over 200 targets all accross the south while Indralan units launched focussed attacks against key remaining strategic positions of the Provisional military government. FRD militia units launched several large scale offensives on the different factions in the south, taking them out one by one while suffering significant casualties of their own. After just 2 weeks of fighting most DPAF units had either surrendered or been destroyed and Imperial army units changed their stance from large scale offensive actions to counter insurgency tactics. Setting up several FOB's and military bases/checkpoints accross the south just as they had done in the north. Only several pockets of military ressistance remain mostly in the rural parts of the country. The criminal organizations that had sided with the DPAF and its newly emerged factions have mostly fled underground with units of the Imperial Office of Intelligence conducting several raids to try and do as much damage as possible, resulting in the arrest of over 123 criminals and the death of 57.

While the fight is not yet over major combat operations have ceased and most of the island is now in the hands of the new Federal Government which has proceeded to adopt a new constitution and call the first elections in over a decade of fighting. The new constitution does put all of Dalibor under a single administration but grants the several "States" within the island significant self rule under a federal system. The newly formed position of President will be directly elected by popular vote every 5 years with a 3 term limit put in place to prevent overreach. The constitution also abolishes the right for Dalibor to have a military, making the country reliant on its newly created "Dalibor Federal Police" force. Which is not allowed to possess tanks, jets, naval vessels intended to be used for war or any other heavy equipment. The FRD government already stated that it will disband its militias once the new constitution takes effect. The Indralan government under Peng Song has pledged that Indrala will remain its military presence in Dalibor until the Dalibor government has the ability to maintain order and peace themselves or when the FRD requests the Imperial Army to leave.

While counter insurgency continues in Dalibor and former military units continue to harass Indralan and FRD units most of the fighting seems to have ceased as major combat operations have done so as well. The devastating conflict has destroyed much of the Island and killed many of its people. It will likely take years before the island is both stable and recovering.

Total Casualties since the start of the war

Indrala: 1.195

Dalibor People's Armed Forces: 6.976

Federal Republic of Dalibor: 10.581

Civilians: 7.398

Imperial Army Armoured formations advancing over the plains of southern dalibor covered by air units of the Imperial Airforce
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:14 pm

The Green Wave
The Green Wave is the ecological newspaper of Indrala, printed on evironmental friendly paper The Green Wave delivers the important news to the people of Indrala
July 6th, 4673
Former Three Term Councelor-in-Chief Peng Song has resigned as leader of the Democratic Party, citing his intention of letting "new progressive blood" flow through the party

The new Democratic Party leader Teng Zheng (36) walking out of his home after the results of the leadership election were revealed, many of his supporters waited for him outside

Tai'nan: Former three term Councelor-in-Chief Peng Song has resigned the party leadership of the Democratic Party. The recent major loss of over 63% for the democrats and the "lengthy political carreer as Indrala's leader" were two of the large contributors to Song his decision. Song, who started as a outcast fighting against the political elite consisting of the constitutionalists would go on to become one of the most influential figures in recent Indrala history. After winning over 85% of the vote in the first official election his then Citizen's Alliance participated in he went on to create a cabinet with him at its head and pass one progressive reform after another, undoing many of the repressive policies of his predecessors and stimulating the economy causing new economic growth to skyrocket the economy.

With his first term a major success Song went on to lead his party in its second election. Here the CA won over 74% of the vote, 11% less then before but still a massive majority. This second term would see the change of name for his party to the Democratic Party but would also, according to analysts, see the start of a series of cracks in Song his image has a effective leader. First the constitutionalists managed to pass a series of bills after Song failed to get his party on board to vote against. The second major event of this term was the unrest in Dalibor, forcing Song to accelerate the already passed military upgrades and expansions and forcing him to prepare for a possible intervention into the nation. It also saw him fail to get the World Congress on board for a intervention into the nation of Dalibor.

The third election, despite the cracks during his second term, saw Song and the democrats win over 80% of the vote. Again giving his party a massive majority likely caused by the people's need for a strong leader in the upcoming dalibor conflict. Song managed to intervene in the country and at least somewhat stabilize the situation at the cost of considerable casualties. Song would be the first Indrala leader to authorize military action in a foreign nation in decades. The creation of the centrist Citizen's Party is seen by analysts as the end of the reign of Song. After he failed to pass progressive legislation during the war and he broke his pledge to remove Indrala troops from Dalibor after major combat had ended his party lost massively, losing over 61% of their voter base and winning only 17% of the vote, gaining only one seat more then the constitutionalists.

Now Song, seeing the major loss of his party and being party leader for over 20 years, decided to pass the torch to what he calls "the next generation". He sees his 15 years as leader of the nation as successful but thinks that in the next election, a new face must lead the party.
Internal party elections were immediately held through a online voting system, the first time voting was done in a online fashion by any party in Indrala.
In this election, progressive and member of the Grand Assembly Teng Zheng was elected party leader winning the vote with 55% of the vote. Many thought former Minister of Foreign Affairs Pan Xun would win the party leadership. But he lost in favor of Teng Zheng, political commentators state that Pan Xun his more centrist policies had him to closely aligned with the constitutionalists, making Teng Zheng, a young progressive within the party, a more attractive choice for party members.

Now, with a new leader and likely new political course, the Democratic Party is ready to once again try and win over the confidence of the Indrala people, closing an era many name the "Song" era of the Democratic Party.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Auditorii » Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:06 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin
The Nationalist Bulletin is a right-wing, nationalist, pro-monarchy newspaper.
February 4681
Jienist National Party forms, prepares for the "Rise of the Dragon"

Tian'an, Han - The Nationalist Revival Committee, now known as the Jienist Nationalist Party has reformed underneath the leadership of former businessman and industrial leader Wei Zhi. The Jienist Nationalist Party have announced their intention to allow for the "Rise of the Dragon" and seek to partner with "...like-minded countries against harmful, regional influences." Chairman Wei was joined by close friend and a member of the Yingdalan Institute of Foreign Affairs, Kang Bo as the Vice Chairman of the newly renovated the Jienist Nationalist Party. Vice Chairman Bo is considered to be a leading influence of the new foreign policy that is driving the JNP, the new policy called the "Tower and Road Initiative" seeks to invest in countries, notably in Dovani, that are seeking economic development and have open markets for the Indralan economy to enter into. The "Tower and Road Initiative" seeks to develop foreign economies through mutual economic cooperation primarily with Yingdalan investment, notably in infrastructure and the development of manufacturing. The Tower and Road Initiative will start at home with the rebuilding of several dozen internal infrastructure projects that were started underneath the leadership of the Democratic Party. The first of the projects of the Tower and Road Initiative will focus on the rebuilding of Dalibor, invaded nearly 20 years ago by Indrala and largely left to itself following the collapse of the Democratic Party which prompted the invasion.

While the JNP have a peaceful face, many have commented on the appointment of Liu Jie as the party's go-to man for defense. Liu Jie has a history within the same institute as citing the Yingdalan government as "...idle and a "paper dragon." in regards to the armed forces. It is likely that the potential Defense Minister will have the chance at changing the "Paper Dragon" if the JNP sweeps elections in the Grand Assembly, as it is expected to according to the Nationalist Bulletin. In a press conference related to the armed forces the potential Defense Minister noted that the Imperial Armed Forces, as they are collectively known, will have a tough test ahead of them and they will have to build a "...dedicated, ideologically reliable force." According to Liu, the Imperial Military Commission will conduct a comprehensive review of the Imperial Armed Forces and will begin immediate military exercises focused on the projection capabilities of the Imperial Army Navy (IAN) in a humanitarian mission to Dalibor, the site of the first Tower and Road Initiative.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Auditorii » Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:42 am

The Nationalist Bulletin
The Nationalist Bulletin is a right-wing, nationalist, pro-monarchy newspaper.
March, 4681
Chief Minister reviews East Sea Fleet

Chief Minister Wei Zhi reviews vessels from the East Sea Fleet

Mudanwan, Min Provice - Chief Minister Wei Zhi was joined by a number of Imperial Army Navy officials, including the Vice Chairman of the Imperial Military Commission and Commander of the Imperial Army Navy Admiral Zhou Bai, to review the East Sea Fleet and its flagship, the sole Yingdalan aircraft carrier, the Tianxing. The East Sea Fleet, according to numerous reports and sources from Gath Defense Collective, is the primary projection fleet of the IAN. Commanding officer of the East Sea Fleet, Admiral Lu Long joined the Chief Minister and the IAN Commander for a briefing aboard the bridge of the vessel. Minister of Defense Liu Jie later joined the group on the bridge of the vessel. In accordance with the General Office of the Chief Minister, the discussion was focused on the multi-lateral role of the Imperial Army Navy within the coming years and the importance of being a multi-role force. For instance, Chief Minister Wei stated that the IAN would become a force for "...global peacekeeping operations, humanitarian operations as well as an effective deterrent and fighting force." This is focused on the multitude of initiatives that have been started as a part of a joint civil-military strategy known as the "Tower and Road Initiative" all apart of the "Jade Route" which marks the overall strategy of the new Ministry of Foreign Affairs and incoming Foreign Affairs Minister Kang Bo. The first mission of the East Sea Fleet will be delivering supplies and material of all sorts to Dalibor following a disastrous conflict which occurred nearly 20 years ago and Yingdala has failed to effectively "...clean up the mess..." according to Chief Minister Wei.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense noted that each of the three fleets of the IAN will be conducting training exercises in small "...task force size..." formations, this will be done to test the capabilities of the Logistical Support Department of the Imperial Military Commission. The Director of the Logistical Support Department, Director Major General Zhao Ju, noted that he was confident that the department would be able to met the wide range of needs of multiple operations. The Logistical Support Department transcends all branches of the service and is responsible for the entirety of logistics and supply of the entire Imperial Armed Forces. While certain branches possess the necessary material to transport the materials, equipment, vessels, aircraft, they ultimately fall underneath the supervision and oversight of the Logistical Support Department and its leader, Director Major General Zhao Ju. The Logistical Support Department began a period of updating and overhauling stockpiles in coastal cities and ports where military craft call home. The largest of the naval bases, located at Mudanwan and the home of the East Sea Fleet, has been upgraded to handle all logistical matters while expansion are underway for ports located at Hazhou in Shu and Kaizhou in Jiaozhi. Commander of the IAN, Admiral Zhou Bai cited several new, smaller naval bases and ports as a "...plan for the future..." and that the Logistical Support Department would be instrumental in preparing the new bases and ports for logistical operations and support of different formations of the IAN.

The review at Mudanwan concluded with an exercise conducted by the IAN Marine Corps of a small amphibious landing on the beaches of the northern Min Province. Chief Minister Wei called the deployment of the IAN Marine Corps as a "...proud sight for the people of Yingdala and a sight to behold the Son of Heaven himself. The Emperor would be pleased with this display of the Yingdalan Dragon. We can now promise to our citizens, at home and abroad, that we are prepared to handle threats across the globe. We have significant work to do but this is the first step in the many steps to get ourselves back on track."
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Auditorii » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:21 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin
The Nationalist Bulletin is a right-wing, nationalist, pro-monarchy newspaper.
May, 4681
Chief Minister announces new aircraft carrier

Tian'an, Han Province - Chief Minister Wei Zhi, Minister of Defense Liu Jie and Imperial Army Navy Commander (Commanding officer) Admiral Zhou Bai announced the start of the Type 001A aircraft carrier, a modified and updated version of the Type 001 aircraft carrier that was originally purchased through a license agreement with Trigunia. The Type 001A includes several modifications, notably an improved ability to carry 44 aircraft, an improvement of 8 over the Type 001 aircraft carrier known as the Tianxing. The increased fuel storage, lengthening of decks and other modernized, state of the art equipment is all in preparation for a rumored Type 002 aircraft carrier that is currently being research and developed by the Imperial Armed Forces. The Type 001A project is expected to take up to five years, placing the completion and entrance into service of the Type 001A at roughly 4866. The Tianxing which will be assigned to the East Sea Fleet will continue to serve as the flagship for the IAN but will likely be refitted and upgraded to a Type 001A when the new, unnamed ship is completed. The overhaul of the Tianxing is expected to take 2 to 3 years to upgrade and modify the ship to be a Type 001A aircraft carrier.

The IAN also announced a multibillion shapir deal to build several new Type 055 Destroyers. These would replace older Type 052C Destroyers, which are already being scrapped and replaced by Type 052D Destroyers the first serious multiple guided missile destroyer of the IAN. This deal would also increase the overall number of submarines of the IAN Submarine Force. The information is scarce and wss only light glanced over, however Gath Defense Collective stated that the deal will seek to increase its expeditionary capabilities. The IAN will seek to expand its ability to deploy its IAN Marine Corps on a multitude of different landing areas, something that Indrala has largely lacked. This is being done with the expansion of the Imperial Army Air Force's Airborne Corps, the airborne wing of the IAF. The Imperial Army Ground Forces (IAGF) will also seek to enable some of its units to be air assault and air mobile, looking to emulate other countries such as Trigunia who have attempted to make their forces much more QRF-style.

While the military have been at the forefront of Yingdalan resurgence, the economics of the country have not been forgotten. Yingdala State Telecommunications Corporation has expanded its operations across the country, focusing on providing accessible internet and mobile telephone service to the countries over 200 million residents. The YSTC has also been in direct competition with other corporations such as TQ, a massive conglomerate that has deep ties to the IT field. Despite the domestic competition, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has focused heavily on the Jade Route, an economic initiative that seeks to expand Yingdalan business across the world. One notable place is the presence of Yingdalan interests in Dalibor, a traditionally close ally of Yingdala that was invaded nearly 20 years underneath the Democratic Party government and left worse for the war. Minister of Trade and Industry Liang Heng was in Dalibor City, one of the worlds financial capitals to discuss the overhaul of the countries economy following the wake of the Yingdalan invasion. The focus on Dalibor City will also include the implementation of a new government focused on Dalibor City, the country's sole economic provider. As a part of the Tower and Road Initiative the MOFTI will provide Dalibor with the necessary resources to construct several hundred new buildings that were destroyed by the invasion, a new communications and network infrastructure that will be handled by the State Telecommunications Corporation which will further sub-contract out the work to corporations such as TQ and others. The restoration of the financial services industry will be token to its success of the Daliborian economy within the coming years. Chief Minister Wei Zhi called the reconstruction of Dalibor the most "...important payment of our time."

Chief Minister Wei was questioned about the recent spat of tensions between the Dorvish Republic and Kalistan. The Chief Minister criticized Dorvik for what he calls "...brash, reckless but typical Dorvish behavior." but also stated that "International law must be respected and international law allows for certain movements and freedom of navigation through what is considered to be open sea."
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Auditorii » Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:41 am

The Nationalist Bulletin
The Nationalist Bulletin is a right-wing, nationalist, pro-monarchy newspaper.
April 4682
High levels talks in Trigunia

Yingdalan and Trigunian officials meet to discuss a wide array of topics.

Rodshyadam, Trigunia - Yingdalan Foreign Affairs Minister Kang Bo was joined by several prominent Yingdalan officials, notable among them were Admiral Xun Zemin, Director of the Imperial Military Commission's Office of Strategic Planning and a member of the IMC itself; Shao Wuying, the Director of Office of Strategic and International Planning from the Chief Minister's Office and a Deputy Chief Minister. The high-level talks in Rodshyadam will cover a wide array of topics and comes albeit suddenly as nationalist movements in both Trigunia and Yingdala have risen over the past several months. FM Kang will meet with Chairman of the Council of Ministers Alexei Chernov, the new leader of the Trigunian state. Rumors have swirled as the Chief Minister has met with the Trigunian Ambassador several dozen times since the rise of the Trigunian Democratic Party and the rising stardom of Prime Minister Chernov. One topic of conversation that will be covered is continuing the supply of Trigunian oil and natural gas to Yingdala, who has for the past several years flirted with the establishment of its own large scale natural gas and oil exploration and production. Yingdalan companies have begun exploration and limited drilling in the middle of Anatonese Ocean much to chagrin of other countries, including Kalistan. Economic cooperation outside of natural resources has also increased as Trigunia and Yingdala both desperately look to rebuild faltering economies, it is likely that Trigunia and Yingdala will agree to increase trade and award each other favored trade partner status, allowing them to reduce overall tariffs and ensure that free trade is fair and favorable to both countries.

The presence of Admiral Xun surely complicates the meeting for countries such as Kazulia, Hutori, Lourenne and Dorvik as deeper military cooperation between Trigunia and Yingdala could spell doom for the dominance of the tetrarchy that has dominated international politics for the past several years. Sources within the Imperial Armed Forces of Yingdala have stated that North Sea Fleet is preparing to undertake exercises near Keris or Makon within the next several months with Trigunian fleets and naval assets. Other cooperation is rumored in the fields of military science and technology, granting both countries access to the unique technological and scientific masteries of both countries. The high level talks are expected to last for several days and than the FM and the cadre of Yingdalan officials will return home. Trigunia is expected to conduct a state visit to Yingdala in Tian'an within the next several months to continue discussions.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby lihokan2 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:19 am

The Gongming Ribao International Version is a long-established newspaper for republicans in Indrala.

Student Activists Occupy Tian'an Center

Tents on the main thoroughfare of Tian'an

Following the election of a new republican Student Union at the Tian'an National University (TNU), TNUSU chairperson Li Guodong has announced a civil disobedience campaign against the current political hegemony of conservatism, calling for radical social change and further political change, including the abolishment of the monarchy. After the publication 'Indrala Without Chains' by students of the university, TNU has been embroiled in chaos as the nation focuses on the controversial publication and subsequent 'New Thoughts Movement'. In response to the recent events, Tian'an mayor Chen Jienshan has called the police to put an end to the 'violence and chaos', arresting over 4000 protestors in the name of rioting, as well as firing tear gas canisters and beating down students. However, the protestors have continued to occupy the city center, even building a village of tents with mobile libraries and spaces for deliberations. A village is forming right before our eyes in the very heart of our nation.

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby lihokan2 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:36 am

The Gongming Ribao International Version is a long-established newspaper for republicans in Indrala.

Renewal Begins Political Revolution

Li Guodong announcing the formation of Renewal

After the successful student movement forcing the government and Indralan political elites to give up power, TNU student union president Li Guodong has announced the formation of a new movement, 'Renewal', to build a republican Indrala, and as the political vacuum continues, they are poised to take all seats in the parliament, and start the new process of a 'Great Debate' to build consensus for a new national agenda based on Republicanism and Social Democracy.

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