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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:23 pm


Cahtice: Deltarian President Vanek has, in his weekly press meeting, expressed his desire to create a regional economic organization in Majatra that would "strengthen majatran economies by binding them together and serve as a safeguard to prevent future conflict within the continent". According to the president his government has already reached out to several majatran governments to hold discussions on the creation of such a organization, which should look similar to organizations like the former MUN created by Cildania but with, at least for now, less bureacratic measures in place.

The organization, which would be named the "Majatran Economic Association" according to documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would create a free trade zone for all nations involved into the organization. It would eliminate tarrifs, create a fund that invests in mainly big infrastructural and financial projects of member states and all member states will send their Minister of Finance to a joint yearly meeting where they can discuss economic and monetary policy to "tune it" so that all majatran economies benefit from eachother.

President Vanek made it clear that the real details of the proposed organization need to be further discussed with other Majatran nations. He did express his desire to further expand the intergration of this "union of economies". This seems to suggest that eventually, the president wants to create a organization similar to the former MUN, for now however he seems to deny these rumours.

If Vanek manages to get this done before the end of his term it will be the last major accomplishment of his presidency.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:23 pm


Cahtice: The Deltarian government has pledged 50 million LOD and several pieces of mine-clearing vehicles and equipment to the Jelbanian central government to aid them in clearing the former Deltarian occupied section of the country of mines. According to Deltarian president Vanek it is Deltaria its "responsibility" to help Jelbania in removing mines originally planted by former Deltarian regimes.

Our nation has as its foremost goal to reastablish long lost friendly relations with many nations we once considered enemies. Therefor, as Deltaria has done so much damage to Jelbania in the past, it is essential to help the new government of this nation to move past the horrors of the past and it is our responsibility to help them in fixing the things our former regimes destroyed. By freeing up this material and financial aid the Deltarian government hopes to make the first gesture towards a more peacefull and cooperative future between itself and its neighbours

According to many this speech is significant, as it is the first time that the national government of Deltaria acknowledges its wrongdoings in the region officially. This also undermines 40 years of Deltarian foreign policy, which was mainly focussed at shifting blame. Now that Deltaria has officially acknowledged its mistakes and is ready to act on fixing them many seem to be optimistic about future relations within Majatra both economically and diplomatically.

President Vanek is also interested to meet with the Jelbanian leader Obme. Currently such a meeting seems at least a few months away as Jelbanian authorities are understandably hesitant.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:21 pm


Cahtice: The official name of the sole nuclear powered super carrier (Nemec class carrier) of the Deltarian navy will be the DNS Mrázek, named after the first true democratic leader of Deltaria during the times of the Grand Republic. Mrázek led the Grand Republic of Deltaria as Grand Governor some 250 years ago. The Grand Republic was formed after socialist elements won a large amount of seats in the parliament, breaking the traditional power of the Thaller family over the country. This forced the Thallers to work with socialists under leadership of Mrázek and draft a new democratic constitution.

The Grand Republic was shortlived however. As just a few years after its formation a military coup caused it to be disbanded and a communist regime to be installed. What followed was what many called a unfair trial which sentenced Mrázek to 40 years in prison accusing him of treason. He would die just 4 years later due to a heartattack. Now Mrázek is being recognized by the new democratic Federation of Deltaria. By acknowledging one of Deltaria's "first modern democratic leaders" the government hopes to send a clear sign to the world that Deltaria is a changed state capable of describing and recognizing its own mistakes. The DNS Mrázek is currently under construction in the nations largest shipyard located in Stefanisti. The hull of the carrier is almost constructed but this doesnt mean that the ship is nearing completion. Construction companies including the Ushalande Engineering Group had chosen to first construct the outer hull of the ship, in comparison Nemec class carriers in the past where constructed piece by piece with every piece of hull already getting its equipment installed. Now the hull is first being constructed after which the systems, weapons and equipment will be installed on the ship. The new Nemec carrier also has some improvements compared to the old versions as the new ship has a upgraded weapon system, a new radar system and new software to be installed on all carrier systems. Besides this the carrier will still be nuclear powered and will, just like its older versions, be one of the largest carriers on Terra.

The Ministry in its monthly report also again underlined the fact that this will be the only carrier in the Deltarian Navy for the foreseeable future as this carrier will mainly be focussed on anti piracy and global peacekeeping operations and there is no "urgent need" for additional carriers in the fleet. Additional smaller surface vessels are however planned and being constructed with the submarine fleet possibly also getting funds to modernize and construct additional attack submarines.

The construction of the DNS Mrázek is expected to last till the end of 4703.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:47 am


Cahtice: The Special Naval Intervention Group (Deltarian: Zvláštní Námořní Zásahová Skupina) or ZNZS recently held a much anticipated training exercise at both the Deltarian coast and in the mountain ranges of Doron Akigo. The ZNZS was formed during the Czarist era of Deltaria. It originated from the Foreign Defense Division (the OZO). The then Czar disbanded the OZO and formed the ZNZS as the "dedicated special forces division of the Deltarian armed forces". For decades after the fall of the Empire this special forces unit got next to no funding from the government or Defense ministry, resulting in a lack of members, equipment and other needed resources.

But after the formation of the new Federation the Special Forces of the military got some much needed attention. Immediately after the Federation's formation the military pumped new funding into the ZNZS, gaining new members and starting intensive training once more. New equipment was developed and old equipment modernized. Now, 10 years after the new efforts launched, the ZNZS has held its first major training exercise. This exercise, codenamed "Resurgent Eagle", was focussed at training ZNZS forces under intense time pressure in harsh conditions, mostly situated in the mountains of Doron Akigo where the ZNZS units had to dismantle several bombs and neutralize military installations in the area.

In addition to this initial exercise another part of it was training in amphibious assaults. Air units of the Deltarian Airforce provided fictional air support to ZNZS units near the Deltarian coast. These units where then tasked with assaulting several strategic beachheads without suffering to many casualties. They did this by using small vessels capable of quick maneauvering actions and by using speed and suprise to their advantage. The exercise was, according to senior ZNZS officials, a major success.

The units of our special forces have shown excellent skill during these week long exercises, they have come far since the retraining and recruitment program of a decade ago launched. All objectives where taken or destroyed and only two ZNZS members where fictionally killed during the entire week. Ofcourse in these kind of exercises there is always room for learning and improvement. We will therefor closely examine the things that did go wrong and devise new strategy's and training methods to prevent these in the future

Deltaria has made it clear in the past that in terms of ground warfare it will heavily focus on its special forces in the future, as its military will for a large part involve itself in peacekeeping and anti piracy/terror operations. A new funding plan has already been announced in which the Ministry of Defense plans to develop a new range of special vehicles and pieces of equipment for the ZNZS to better prepare them for a bigger role in the armed forces. While official numbers are not made public it is estimated that there are a current 4.000 men and women serving as active agents/soldiers within the ZNZS.

The regular army will also see some changes in the coming years. With a proposed FSD plan likely to solidify the current number of soldiers to 400.000 and focus more on armored and specialized brigades within the army.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:05 pm


Cahtice: The FSD candidate for president Ivona Brezinova has been elected president of the Federation with overwhelming margins. With a 77% turnout she won 99% of the vote, gaining over 55 million votes and being elected president as a result. Many consider this to be the largest electoral win for a Deltarian leader in history as a record number of people voted for the new president, giving her a major mandate to govern for the next 5 years.
While at first some suggested electoral fraud to be the reason for her big win this was quickly dismissed as both World Congress officials and the Deltarian Electoral commission stated that the election went "Fairly without ant interfference".

This massive mandate gives Brezinova a big chance to push her progressive agenda and clearly shows that the Deltarian people where satisfied with 15 years of FSD rule under President Vanek. Former president Vanek had campaigned for Brezinova during this election, despite being a centrist leader and her being a progressive, he congratulated her after her major victory. In addition to Brezinova winning the presidency the FSD as a party won both the Federal Assembly (with 88% of the vote, winning over 474 seats) and the Federal Council, gaining all 5 seats by winning in all regions. This is one of the largest mandates the FSD has even been given, which is largely a result of both a fragmented opposition and a strong 15 year long rule. With these massive majorities and once again the presidency the FSD is totally free in proposing and passing the electoral promises made by Brezinova.

Brezinova has already announced her plan to, in the first year of her presidency, pass several progressive reforms. These reforms would be Federal laws instead of handing matters to the Republican governments. By doing this, she would ensure that these laws will be enforced accross the entire Federation, something progressive supporters are excited about but something regionalists are concerned about.
To ensure that Republican governments and regionalist supporters do not feel abandoned she has pledged not to take away any current authority from the regional governments. She is however not planning to expand regional power, something her predecessor did on several occasions.
She also pledged to continue the plan to create a regional economic organization for all of Majatra, something president Vanek was already in the process of doing but didnt have time to complete.

The progressive agenda of Brezinova is set to be proposed in the coming weeks and will pass without major difficulty.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:52 pm


Cahtice: The sole supercarrier of the Deltarian navy, the DNS Mrazek, has finished construction and is ready to enter its sea trials. The ship is currently undergoing inspection and preparing for the aircraft to be boarded. For the sea trials older aircraft will be used as the navy is expecting a order of new aircraft to arrive next year. This order of new aircraft will include the R-37 stealth fighter but will also include several superiority and multirole fighters to be put on the ship. All in all the standard amount of aircraft on the carrier has been determined to be 75. With 90 aircraft capable of being on the ship when absolutely needed.
It is expected that the DNS Mrazek will be on sea trials for a full year, travelling through several terran seas before returning back to Ushalande to gain its new batch of aircraft.

The Ministry of Defense announced that the navy will receive their own new batch of aircraft seperately from a new modernization plan for the airforce. In anticipation of this the government has voted in favour of creating a air branch within the deltarian navy called the "Deltarian Naval Air Division" or DNAD. This air division will be directly controlled by deltarian naval command to ensure the carrier and its aircraft can adequatly act when needed.

In other news the state owned Darali Defense Systems has announced the development of a new personel carrier named the "Kazulov-L1". This vehicle as been developed exclusively for the Deltarian special forces, the ZNZS, and is based of earlier Trigunian designs. This MRAP as its called is capable of adequatly protecting and transporting special forces over both easy and difficult terrain. It is mine ressistant and ambush protected and includes strong armour plating and bulletproof glass. Optionally, users (in this case the ZNZS) can choose to mount a machine gun turret on the vehicle to add firepower to it as well as other turret options. The Kazulov-L1 has been in development for 4 years since the Ministry of Defense declared their intention of a bigger focus on special forces. According to a leaked photo of the vehicle and reports from within the DDS company the vehicle is in its testing phase and will, if testing proves a success, be produced fully for the ZNZS by the end of this year with the first models likely to enter in ZNZS service in the middle of next year.

The leaked photo of the Kazulov-L1 during a test drive, without the turret option mounted on it
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:21 am


Cahtice: Darali Defense Systems has launched a joint project with several private deltarian companies to modernize both the Su-30 and R-37 jets. The Su-30 is a multirole fighter capable of fullfilling several important tasks. It is used as both a air superiority fighter and as a bomber by the Deltarian Airforce as its capable of carrying a variety of weapons at a time. The Su-30 hadnt received a modernization in over a 100 years and is, for aviation standard, rather outdated. The DDS therefor decided to work on a new modernized variant, the Su-30A. The 30A will have similar traits and qualities as the SU-30 but with modernized equipment and improved weaponry. The hydraulics on the aircraft will be improved together with the air to air radar systems, ground strike capabilities in the form of specialized strike systems and its carry capacity will be increased to ensure it can carry more weapons and ammunition. In addition to this other standard electronics in the jet will also be modernized up to modern standards. The DDS will develop this new variant together with private companies like Akigan Electric who will provide high quality electronics and the private Oron Tech Industries will, just like with the Nemec carrier, provide up to date software systems.

While the Su-30A will likely make up most of the Deltarian airforce there is another capable aircraft that has in the past seen extensive service and shown strong air to air qualities. The R-37 stealth superiority fighter. This aircraft is currently not in service within the Deltarian airforce as its use was forbidden by the Treaty of Romula. But now as relations between Deltaria and the coalition have warmed up the country believes its necessary to bring back this "tiger of the skies". The R-37 has extensive stealth capabilities and was created for air to air combat. The jet is designed to take out other jets from long to extremely long distances using advanced radar and weapon systems and its stealth capabilities to remain undetected. Its vunlerable in close range dogfights but was, according to the MOD, designed never to fight a dogfight and instead take down the enemy targets "before the R-37 itself was detected from longe range".
The design for the jet is however old and several of its systems have been deemed outdated by modern standards. The MOD, having the wish the produce the R-37 again, has therefor asked the DDS to work with the same private partners as with the Su-30A to modernize and produce the R-37. The modernized version will include a upgraded and more advanced radar system (more advanced then the Su-30A), a advanced targetting system, a update to its stealth capabilities and a reconfiguring of most of its flight and hydraulics systems. The R-37, unlike the Su-30A, does not have ground strike capabilities and is solemnly focussed air to air combat.

The Su-30A has already been ordered by both the Airforce and Naval Air Division. With 52 of them being ordered by the NAD and around 130 for the Airforce.
The 210 Su-30's currently in service within the Deltarian Airforce will be modernized into the 30A over the course of 7 years. According to the DDS the first batch of 30A's for both the navy and airforce will be delivered within 5 years. The R-37 has as of now only been ordered by the Airforce with 48 of them initially ordered as of now. These will take longer to properly enter service and the first batch of 20 will be delivered within 5 to 7 years. The Navy is expected to order several R-37's at a later stage.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:40 pm


Cahtice: Deltarian Federal President Ivona Brezinova has officially launched the Majatran Economic Association and has, according to a public statement, invited several majatran nations to join the organization. The MEA would in theory ensure a more intergrated Majatran economic system where tarrifs between majatran nations are eliminated, increased inner majatran trade encouraged, vital infrastructure improved and standard economic rights for majatran citizens ensured. The treaty would for example ensure that foreign investors from Majatra are allowed to invest in eachother's countries, individual nations are still allowed to tweak these policies by for example requiring government permission for investments but they are not allowed to ban foreign investment in general. The treaty also protects the rights of workers as foreign national would, under the treaty, be allowed to work in other majatran nations freely or with minimal restrictions put in place by individual nations.
The treaty would also create a fund that can invest in vital projects within member states and a Council consisting of all the finance ministers of member states who can, in a yearly summit, discuss economics and determine new projects to invest in.

In addition to the MEA being debates in the Federal Assembly the president has also proposed a new taxcode as promised in her election campaign. The new taxcode taxes higher incomes to lower the income gap between rich and poor and also lowers taxes on the middle class to "encourage entrepeneurship and aid the struggling middle class to get back on its feet". Taxes for lower incomes remain largely the same in this new taxcode as the President believes that she can use other measures to further aid the poor within the nation. The taxcode has been praised by liberals and progressives for further taxing the rich but critics have suggested that it could potentially lead to a exodus of richer Deltarians leaving for more financially beneficial locations on the globe, potentially harming local communities which would be left with only low income residents further driving up crime and mortality rates.

The new taxcode and MEA are expected to pass both the Assembly and Council. With the MEA also currently under debate in Beiteynu and the president sending invitations to Vanuku, Jakania, Kalopia and Istalia to also join.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:08 am


Cahtice: The Deltarian supercarrier DNS Mrazek has officialy entered service into the Deltarian Navy. The DNS Mrazek had been on sea trials for around a year and recently returned after the trials proved to be a success. While there are several problems in the systems that need to be adressed naval command stated that officially the carrier is now in service with the encountered problems being fixed in the coming month. The Nemec Class carrier is one of the largest carriers on terra and will serve as the flagship of the Deltarian navy for decades to come. In addition to the Mrazek there have also been 5 Gorshkov class frigates completed in Dissuwa shipyards which will enter service in their respective fleets fairly soon. Only 2 of the planned 5 destroyers have however entered service and the remaining 3 have encountered severe delays in construction. It is expected that these 3 remaining destroyers, which are planned to join the DNS Mrazek its strike group, will be finished in the coming year.

The DNS Mrazek entering service couldnt come at a more pivotal moment as tensions in the Ananto Strait have reached a boiling point. Deltarian calls for a summit in Cahtice to prevent hostile conflict have basically been ignored and Kalistan stands right in front of Lourenne with both navies facing off. The Deltarian Federation has now issued a official diplomatic protest to both the Lourennaise and Kalistani governments demanding a de-escalation of the situation and a total withdrawal of military naval assets in the area.

The course both nations are embarking upon is extremely dangerous for global peace and trade and could severely disrupt the economic system in the region and possibly the world, threatening WC personell is even more outrageous. Therefor Deltaria calls upon both sides to take action and de-escalate. We do not rule out additional options to enforce de-escalation

Said president Brezinova. These "additional options" possibly include the DNS Mrazek, which military officials say will likely be send to the region accompanied by a strike group to "keep both sides away from eachother"
The situation remains tense.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:58 am


Cahtice: The Stefanisti Port located in the Republic of Ushalande was already the largest port in Deltaria but today the Ushalande Port Authority and Deltarian Trade Corporation, which control the Stefanisti port, announced a large expansion plan for the Stefanisti port aimed at making it the largest port in Southern Majatra. The expansion plan has already been approved by the Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry and both the port authority and trade corporation are in the final stages of the planning phase.

The expansion of the port includes additional docks and loading terminals for ships to drop off or load on new cargo, several new warehouses to store and distribute goods and a new coordination center operated by the port authority to better streamline the cargo process. Sergio Dimitrov, chairman of the Port Authority, stated that the expansion "would increase the output of goods from Deltaria to terra but also ensure that more imported goods can arrive into the country and the process can be streamlined".

Per request of both the Trade Corporation and the Ministry of Trade and Industry the expansion plan also includes the construction of a oil terminal in the expanded part of the Stefanisti Port. This terminal would be a major asset to Deltaria which could store, distribute and export both refined and crude oil in both Deltaria itself and the rest of Majatra. By creating such a oil terminal the Stefanisti Port would be one of the only ports in southern majatra that possesses such a asset and with Deltaria's central and lucrative position in the Majatran sea and Majatra as a whole this terminal could prove to be the center point of Majatran oil trade.

The expansion of this port and the subsequent creation of a oil terminal would further the goal of the current administration to make Deltaria a centerpiece in Majatran trade and ensure that both private companies and possibly government's can adequatly trade through Deltaria as well as store and export their oil through our port. The expansion would thus not only make the Stefanisti Port one of the largest in Southern Majatra but would also bring in billions in extra trade revenue for the Deltarian economy

Said Trade and Industry minister Robert Richter.

The Federal government has pledged 400 million to the expansion with the Port Authority, Trade Corporation and local Republican government pledging another 500 million to the project. Construction is expected to start in one month and will last a estimated 5 years. The current port will remain open for the entire duration of construction.
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