
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Lourenne Quotidien-The Eroncourt Press

Postby Luis1p » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:59 pm

Health Lourenne | Santé Lourenne (SL) sees decrease in Mortian Virus Cases

Lourenne leading the fight against the Mortian Virus

August 4726
Eroncourt, Joviant

Image of Eroncourt residents waiting outside of pharmacies
Eroncourt, Joviant: Since its announcement weeks ago, Lourennnais officials from the Ministry of Health and Human
Services held a press conference to inform the public of the status of the Mortian Virus in the country. The ministry's
first announcement claimed that over 10 people in the entire country were infected. Since then, over 68 people have
contracted the disease, however, the rate of those who have contracted the disease has decreased by 45 percent since
the latest person was confirmed. Of the 68 people who have the disease, 29 have recovered, 36 are still in hospitals,
and only 2 people have died. Those who have symptoms of the disease have reported to many of Lourenne's hospitals
and those who are unsure are under self-quarantine recommend by Santé Lourenne.

This quick reduction in those who had disease was facilitated by the advanced health sector in Lourenne situated in the
country's largest metro areas. Assurance Couronne, Vide, and Elysia Insurance, Lourenne's largest insurance corporations,
have all pledged millions of dollars in an effort to quickly find a cure to the virus. Doctors, nurses, and researchers at the
University of Delaune's Medical Center and at the Royal Kings Academy in Eronocourt have become the main centers for
the creation of the cure vaccine. The Royal Assembly has also voted to provide over 250 Billions Lourennais Francs to help
fight disease in the nation's cities. According to the Royal Assembly, the nation is continuing to trade with its closest trade
partners such as Kazulia, Dorvik, Huroti and Canrille*. However, it has placed both travel and trade restrictions to nations
overwhelmed with the virus including neighboring Sekowo and Statrica. High Chancellor Xochitl Valferra spoke with the
nation's allies last night to re-assure that Lourenne will be taking any necessary steps to halt the spread of the disease and
to quickly create a vaccine to ensure that no more lives are lost. Valferra reassured that the nation's well developed and
advanced health sector has contributed and will continue to contribute resources until the virus is diminished. More updates
from the government complex will be announced on a daily basis at noon.

The Eroncourt Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Lourenne Quotidien- Inside the Monarchy

Postby Luis1p » Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:18 am

Inside the Monarchy is an independent newspaper that focuses on the inside life of the Lourennais Royal Family
Isabelle III ascends the Lourennais Throne, to set agenda for
the nation

February 4736
Image of Queen Isabelle III (left) and the Official Royal Assembly Monarch Proclamation (right)
Lac des Lumieres, Joviant:This morning Isabelle III (27), the first born of the late Louis V, ascended
the Lourennais throne after the death of her father just two days ago. Louis V, after being confirmed
by the Royal Family's medical consultant, died from heart disease on Sunday late in the evening.
His death sent shock waves around the country after being the monarch that brought the nation
out of an economic stagnation period. Now, just days after his death, the stock markets have gone
down and the economy is heading for another stagnating period. Yet, investors and economists
are awaiting for the new Queen's proposals to begin seeing gains in trade once more. Queen
Isabelle, during her coronation address, stated that she will be visiting the members of the Royal
Family's sister branches in an attempt to bring together the entire family. The House of
Orléans-DeChambeau-Rongstad and the House of Orléans-Vasser-Deux-Rivières are the houses
related to the Lourennais Royal Family. Queen Isabelle is expecting to visit and host both families
at the Palace of Lights later this year. While the Queen begins to draft her policies, the Royal
Assembly is passing legislation to allow the economy to begin to flourish once more. Private
companies situated on the nation's coasts have been urging the redevelopment of the nation's
ports, which is said to happen following the release of the Queen's proposals. The Royal Assembly
will also address all the unfinished infrastructure redevelopment zones as well as the expansion
of the nation's renewable energy areas. These areas would be improved and redeveloped upon
the passage of legislation along with the Queen's proposals. Queen Isabelle is expected to
address the Royal Assembly in the coming days and solidify her power as new monarch and
representative of the Canrillaise realms.

Inside the Monarchy is an independent newspaper that focuses on the inside life of the Lourennais Royal Family
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Lourenne Quotidien- Les Temps Economiques

Postby Luis1p » Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:13 pm

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Lourennais Technological giants hold large exhibition, conference in Thiers
Thiers, Louives
August 4736

Image of the ExTec main exhibition area in Stade du Renait indoor complex
Thiers Louives:Millions of people today filled the city of Thiers as the doors of the annual ExTec Exhibition opened.
Millions of investors, company representatives, and regular residents filled the indoor complex of Stade du Renait by
9 a.m. Hundreds of smaller Lourennais companies including the nations tech giants showed hundreds of their products
at the event and unveiled several new products. Yet, the presentation center, which sits over 5,000 people, was the
main areas where the Lourennais tech giants released their long waited products. Manon-Maison Communications,
Technologie Asteria, Cielsoft, Futur Enterprises, Mobile Aurore, Mobile Kronenland, and Volairis were all present at
the exhibition and displayed their products. Not only did they release new items for their stores and stocks, but they
also stated that they would soon be re-investing in many communities throughout he country to promote the smaller
companies at the exhibition and those that weren't. The tech giants of Lourenne also promised to reinvest in nations
where Lourennais tech is present including Hulstria, Alduria, Kanjor, Rildanor, Vorona, Hutori, Dorvik, Kazulia, and
Istalia. The tech giants at the exhibition released several new smartphones, high definition television sets, new high
speed computers and appliances, and the latest technology on the highly expanding 5G networks. 5G expansion
throughout the nation is the focus of the tech giants while also refocusing in smaller companies, and in company
locations abroad. The tech giants will be seeking economic and, most importantly, technological advancement in the
nation as the Lourennais government gets closer to releasing well needed economic reforms.

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- Les Temps Economiques

Postby Luis1p » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:04 pm

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Royal Airways expands fleet,employees. Expands service to more nations
Valois, Carolleux
August 4736

Image of Royal Airways's hub at Port de L'Orient Airport in Valois
Thiers Louives:Royal Airways, Lourenne's largest line company, announced yesterday that the company will be expanding
its fleets to cover more countries and cities that are not in its main flight coverage. This according to the company
representatives will lead to thousands of job openings both for the airliner's hospitality and service section as well
as its manufacturing section. Royal Airways plans to partner with Systemes Aeronol to begin the construction of
new airliners and new hubs in the nation's busiest airports (excluding Valois' newly renovated airport). According
to Royal Airways' website, the company will be covering nations like Egelion, Kalistan, Trigunia, Luthori, and Istalia.
These nations were not part of the company's original destinations since these nations did not have hubs for the
company. However, through the use of Canrille Air Lines' hubs, Royal Airways will be operational in the aforementioned
nations until hubs can be built to accommodate these changes. Royal Airways is currently in the process of employing
cabin crew and passenger crews for the new flights that will be available next summer. According to estimates
the project is currently costing Royal Airways approximately 500 million Lourennais Francs to complete this expansion.
Further funding is expected through the 2.3% increase in ticket sales and few baggage fees. Airports in Thiers,
Meridia, Eroncourt, Parmentier, and Iztapalata are preparing for this expansion by hiring more workers and re-
configuring traffic plans and routes in each airport.

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- The Green Journal

Postby Luis1p » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:55 pm

The Green Journal is an independent newspaper based in Valois that focuses on the Lourennais Green Sector
High Chancellor Valferra calls for more Renewable Energy production, Vertonel
leads sustainability efforts in Classrooms, Job Production

Edition: August 4736
Delaune, Carolleux

University of Delaune's College of Environmental Sustainability (above)
Delaune, Carolleux: As the Royal Assembly prepares to relase its new economic reforms following the ascension of Isabelle III
to the Lourennais throne, the nation's High Chancellor Xochitl Valferra has already called for the expansion of the nation's
already superior renewable energy power grid. The High Chancellor has called the nation's top green energy companies to
the Government Complex for talks in ways the companies could expand. Chancellor Valferra has supposedly championed
the cause for an increase in the spending for the Ministry of Energy and Sustainability. The increase in spending would focus
on bringing green energy to the most impoverished areas in Lourenne and transform communities more modern and more
"clean". Lourenne's green energy has in the past expanded its services into rural areas however, upon the meeting with
the High Chancellor the companies realized that more effort must be put into these smaller communities. Part of the spending
would also be going into expanding environmental/sustainability classes and courses offered at colleges and universities.
Years ago, the University of Delaune partnered with Vertonel (Lourennais green energy company) and the University of
Flindar in Kazulia in order to provide students with new in-person,online, and hands-on sustainability courses. Vertonel's
public affairs representative Lucas Didier claimed that "The courses we offered and the specialists that we sent to the
schools perfectly blended in with both schools' cultures and teaching methods. We believe that expanding these programs
to the rest of the country will be beneficial to the country, our schools, and most importantly, our environment".
, of all the Lourennais green energy corporations, has preformed better in regards to the jobs it has created in the green
energy sector. Many of the students involved in Vertonel's college courses when directly into the company through internships
and part-time jobs. The company has successfully integrated its college partnerships to the company and it has boosted
jobs in area where the company is needed, like small rural areas. Vertonel expects to expand its job production and its
college courses to other nationwide colleges once Valferra and the Royal Assembly pass economic reforms next month.

The Green Journal is an independent newspaper based in Valois that focuses on the Lourennais Green Sector
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Lourenne Quotidien- Les Temps Economiques

Postby Luis1p » Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:05 pm

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
BleuBayou reorganizes company, to begin reintroducing worldwide cruises
Meridia, Outannais
August 4737

The LNS Roi du Mer cruiseship arriving at the Port of the East in Meridia, Outannais
Meridia, Outannais:This morning, BleuBayou's fleet of over 14 cruise ships docked in the nation's top 3 harbors as the
company announced new changes and improvements in their services and their image. BleuBayou released their new
logo which could be found on their newly revamped website. They also announced that they have acquired investments
to modernize their fleet of cruise ships which have not seen a major renovation since 4720. All fourteen ships will
undergo renovations to completely modernize the ships' interiors and rooms to the highest quality available in Lourenne.
Companies like The Royal Estates Hotels and D'Argent have already pledged several amounts of funds to help with this
renovation. In return, those who have signed up to any of BleuBayou's six cruises will have access to services provided
by The Royal Estates Hotels and D'Argent Hotels. BleuBayou has stated that two of their cruise ships will be solely
"luxury-line" ships which will only have luxury suites available provided by the Royal Estates Hotels. The company is
expected to complete renovations by May of 4739 to begin cruises once again. BleuBayou plans to have two new cruise
routes go south towards Istalia and one towards Noumonde. Noriega, a Lourennais port building company, has already
allocated spaces in all three ports to accommodate the cruise ships entering renovations.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- Les Temps Economiques

Postby Luis1p » Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:19 am

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Groupe Larosière buys La Voix de Valois news provider, begins its new
expansion in engineering and heavy industry

Valois, Carolleux
April 4738

Groupe Larosière's Board of Directors(left and right) with the CEO of La Voix de Valois (Center)
Valois,Carolleux:This morning Groupe Larosière, one of Lourenne's and Dovani's largest companies, announced that they
bought LA Voix de Valois, one of Lourenne's top news providers, for a large sum of over 900 million LFR. LA Voix de Valois
was the largest news provider in the city of Valois, which is Lourenne's largest city. The newspaper company cited that
they "found an opportunity become a part of Groupe Larosière as their company has been on a massive rise for years"
. The owners of La Voix de Valois are correct. For the past 5 years, Groupe Larosière has become one of Lourenne's
and Dovani's top companies. Groupe Larosière owns and provides many services to residents in Lourenne and is continuing
to grow. At the announcement of the purchase of LVV, Larosière also announced that two new subsidiaries were created:
Industries Larosière and E-Larosière. Industries Larosière already the second largest industrial company in Lourenne
focuses on shipbuilding, port-building, heavy industries within the nation and nations under its service. E-Larosière
emphasizes engineering, construction, and machinery which has made it Lourenne's third largest engineering company.
These subsidiaries both based in Valois will begin to hire thousands of employees across the nation and the company
looks for new locations to expand and provide services. Industries Larosière will begin to set up manufacturing centers
in Lourenne's top ports to begin making new vessels for its company and other Lourennais trade. Groupe Larosière
expects to fully integrate these new subsidiaries into the company by next fall and looks to immediately expand to
other nations to amplify its earnings and services.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Lourenne Quotidien- Les Temps Economiques

Postby Luis1p » Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:35 pm

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations.
Groupe Larosièreand Industries Capet-Fouquet Expand to Kalistan
Valois, Carolleux
August 4738

Groupe Larosière's port, manufacturing centers, and factories in Porte Orleans, Louives.
Valois, Carolleux:After talks between the government of Kalistan and the board of directors of Industrie Capet-Fouquet
and Groupe Larosière, all three parties have agreed on a massive deal to bring Lourennais industry and shipbuilding
services to Kalistan. Groupe Larosière's newest subsidiary: Industries Larosière, will be the main part of the deal.
Industries Larosière, along with the expertise of Capet-Fouquet, will build two new ports and shipbuilding areas in
Kalsitan and will renovate other smaller, already existing ports. According to Industries Larosière, the company
will focus on expanding to the ports of Port Swedes in Neveras and Port Devon in Kaliburg on the island of Ananto.
The company has stated that over 5 manufacturing centers will be built (3 in Kaliburg and 3 in Port swedes).
Industries Capet-Fouquet will focus on the shipbuilding leaving most of the port building to Industries Larosière.
Kalistan, on their part,will allow Lourennais Airliners such as Aerosière and Royal Airways to use Kalistan's top 2
airports as hubs connecting Lourenne to wider locations such as Artania and Majatra. Aerosière, part of Groupe
Larosière, has pledged funds for the expansion of Kalistan's airports if necessary with the help of Groupe Larosière's
financial services. The Kalistani government and private sector are yet to announce extra details on this deal, yet
the deal will surely expand Lourennais influence in international markets, expand the capabilities of Kalistani
travel and industry, and widen the economic possibilities for both Kalistan and Lourenne as a way point for Dovani
and Seleya.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on Lourennais tech, companies, and renown corporations
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:22 pm

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Lourenne Quotidien-The Eroncourt Press

Postby Luis1p » Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:03 pm

Lourennais Royal Assembly passes Queen's Economic Reforms, Military and
Infrastructure see future Expansions

July 4740
Eroncourt, Joviant

Image of deputies in the Royal Assembly voting for the Queen's proposals
Eroncourt, Joviant: With a majority of 407 votes, this afternoon, the Royal Assembly successfully passed Queen Isabelle's
economic reforms which she shared with members of the National Royalist Party's leadership days before the bill was
drafted. The bill included funding to expand research and development into the nation's green energy sector which
accounts for over 79% of Lourenne's energy. It also provided extra funding to expand sustainability efforts in Lourenne's
high schools and universities. Yet, out of all its proposals, the Queen's proposal focused on re-integrating modern
technology into the nation's infrastructure, transportation systems, and the Royal Armed Forces. The proposal seeks
to use funds from the ministerial departments to modernize the nation's military and provide investments for smaller
companies to begin introducing new technology. The Royal Assembly has held talks with Lourennais banks to ensure
investments are easily available for small companies and even Lourenne's biggest companies. The tech sector in
Lourenne, being the nation's second largest sector, is taking this opportunity to provide services and materials to
companies in aging communities within the nation's largest metro areas and the outer suburbs. The tech sector will
also be providing materials for the expansion and modernization of the nation's armed forces. This effort by the tech
sector is reportedly going to amount for millions of dollars as it is expected to be completed within the next five
years. The Ministry of Defense is preparing to expand the numbers of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Response Fleets in the
Royal Navy. Dealune and Maubagne class frigates will be constructed for all three fleets as well as new Dimont Fighters
for the three aircraft carriers within those fleets provided by Dimont systems and Systemes Aeronol. With the
expansion of the Royal Navy's fleets and aerial groups, the Royal Ministry of Defense is looking to use Jakanian energy
sources such as oil to ensure that the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force have necessary fuel to continue Lourennais
operations throughout the Anantonese Ocean from Kanjor to Kazulia. Experts are giving this expansion in the Royal
Armed Forces as well as the integration f technology within the nation's cities a 5- 10 year timespan.
The Eroncourt Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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